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open Renewal of an Age


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"I'm not so sure that's smart, sir. This is a brew made by Alicorns, for Alicorns." He said honestly, then stopped as he paused to think. "Though, we were told that we were allowed to serve it."

The tender levitated a small shot glass out and poured it gently. Rather than falling quickly into the glass, it fell slowly as if time was slowed. Knowing the effect was likely noticed, the Unicorn simply smiled. "This brew has been imbued with magic from both Alicorns, which has had a rather strange effect on the drink. I've always noticed that this seems to affect magic-users harder than any other, so be careful if you decided you want to keep it."

Placing the shot glass of softly glowing pink liquid in front of Copper, the tender smiled and nodded. "Good luck. You might just need it, if the stories of this are as true as I think they are."

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The chose given was troubling to Thorn. On one hoof the Royal Pink would probably melt through any mortal brain foolish enough to drink scentless, sinister substance of synthetic roomer. With that being said, ponies that do decide to drink it probably weren't using their brain for much else. And the Minitour that he saw walk in look like a respectful enough. Maybe their brews were just as respectful.

On the other hoof, Blue Thorn, in his idle wonder, saw Princess Luna and that familiar pegasus. What caught his eye though was her offering a similar enough looking drink to that pegasus. Blue Thorn shifted his jaw a few times and turned back to the tender with an eyebrow skeptically raised. "Is that so?"

"Well," Thorn continued, "I think I'll take my chances. One glass please."

Thorn then turned to the hoodied pony and returned the greeting in kind with an extended hoof while stretching his tail out to the tender in preparation for the glass, "Name's Blue Thorn. I don't drink much myself, but my last commision's really kicking my tail right now."

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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The tender nodded, quickly pouring some into a tall glass before levitating it over to Thorn's tail, taking a moment to examine it, though no strange emotions showed on his face.

"Like I told the Unicorn, here," The tender started with a respectful nod. "Be careful. This stuff is incredibly strong; far stronger than anything else you have ever tried."

After Thorn spoke to Copper, the tender quickly spoke. "If you don't mind me asking, would you be willing to explain just how your tail came to be? It's really interesting; I've never seen a pony with anything like it."

As the Unicorn levitated the glass, he used his already-lit horn to cast a short-range telepathy spell. "Your Majesty, I'm conversing with Tail right now. As you believe, he doesn't seem out of place. More like a normal pony with a strange feature. I've asked him the origin of his tail, though I don't know if he'll answer."

"Good." Came Celestia's reply. "Be careful not to blow your cover but tell me what you discover. Good luck, Fire Brand."

"Thank you, your Highness."

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Strong Copper took a deep breath as he stared at the small shot glass of the pink, clearly magical liquid that was apparently created by the Alicorn sisters for the Alicorn sisters. To say that the beverage had a daunting origin and a possibly even more terrifying hangover would have been an understatement... but it was only a small amount right? It wasn't like he was going to jump into the deep end and swig the whole frigging bottle by himself (He kind of suspected that was a surprisingly high class method of suicide, but suicide none the less).

A nervous gulp escaped him as his magic took hold of the glass and lifting it up as he made a mock toast with the blue stallion that seemed to have joined him in this foolery. "May we not live to regret this decision, whatever form that may take." With his possibly final words uttered, he downed his glass and swallowed quickly. He didn't know what flavor this was going to be or how strong it was, but hopefully it would go down without a hitch.       

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Survivor laughed “practically? Your definitely worshiped! But you have to wonder, do you think anypony would do your job better then you?” Survivor cringed at the idea of some tyrant ruling equestria. 

“Princess would you like to go get a bite to eat while we continue this conversation.” Survivor said while eyeing the pony poorly eves dropping on their conversation while entering the Gala. “I wouldn’t want our conversation to show up in any of the local newspaper!” Solidarity should be something any pony has access to. He felt bad for the princess. Every pony hanging on every word she spoke. He couldn’t imagine his life if he was constantly surrounded by ponies. He would do anything to escape, Celestia had his respect.” I heard Canterlot has some pretty high class food” Survivor said while looking at the .... plus sized high society ponies around him. 

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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With Survivor Hoof

"Right this way, Mr. Hoof. There's several tables laid out in the banquet hall, even containing selections from a separate section of Equestria, not just Canterlot. Not any more."

She started walking, ignoring the reporter behind them. "After last year's Gala, my sister and I decided to change the entire reason behind the Gala. No longer is it for the rich and the 'noble.' Now, it's for everyone, not everypony."

"As for if I think anypony could do a better job for me?" She asked rhetorically, something she picked up from her sister. "Yes. Over the course of my rule, I have met numerous ponies that may have made a better Prince or Princess than I have. I don't dare make a republican system, like the Minotaurs, though. If I did, I fear who would come to power in between those very good ponies."

"To answer your question more simply, Mr. Hoof, yes, there are ponies who could do better than I. There is nopony who could do it for as long as I have, simply because they are not immortal." She simplified.

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"Please Princess just call me Survivor, and you really don't give your self enough credit princess. Many ponies could argue that what you have done for equestria has given us the best outcome possible." Survivor said as they walked though the corridors of the massive palace. "You making the Gala available to all creatures  in our land is solid proof to most ponies that we have a amazing leader." Survivor smirked "doesn't hurt that your beauty is something to be worshipped also" As they arrived in the banquet hall Survivor stared at the piles of food on tables. "Sorry to burden you princess but is their anywhere I could get a refreshment?"

They stood out in the banquet hall. a small earth pony next to the towering goddess of their land caught some eyes but Survivor tried to ignore them. He did notice a few dragons and yaks in the hall, dragons being a fairly new thing to him, he had only reason he had seen yaks before is because he grew up in Winneapolis which is fairly close to the border with Yakyakistan.

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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"Ha!" Blue Thorn let out jovially at the other ponies dramatics, "I wouldn't worry about that. These nobles wouldn't know a strong drink if it knocked them over the head. Uh," Thorn interrupted himself to reassure the tender, "No offense."

He then gingerly craned the drink in front of him and took a comically small sip. It was barely a drop, and would no doubt dissipate in his mouth before even reaching his digestion, but it still hit hard. Though the effects may not be instantaneous, truly, hubris was the shortest route to ruin.

"My tail," Blue Thorn turned again to answer the stallion while glancing at the other pony to assure him that the conversation is still open to him, "I don't mind at all. It comes up a lot, so it's not like you're crossing any lines, but it's not that good of a story. I dozed off on the job and my hair started falling off. I expected something no bigger than a pig's tail, but this showed up instead. It's pretty invaluable to my job so I don't question it much."

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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With Survivor Hoof

"If you wish to be called Survivor, then simply call me Celestia." She replied hopefully. It was very rare when she could convince a pony to drop her title; she hoped Survivor would do so. "Thank you for your kind words, Survivor. Very few ponies try to understand the burden that befalls my sister and I, and not just because of our immortality. Fewer still succeed in understanding us."

When Survivor complemented her, she giggled lightly. "So very rarely do I ever meet a pony willing to flirt with me. Perhaps you had an ulterior motive for coming here tonight?"

"In any case, there are several forms of refreshments here tonight. If you seek something alcoholic, I recommend heading to the bar." Celestia said, pointing her hoof toward a small stand with two ponies in front, one of which she recognized as 'Tail.'

"If you seek something not so strong, there are a variety of non-alcoholic beverages from all over Equestria. Soft cider can be found here, as well as punches and other special drinks."

With Blue Thorn

"So you honestly have no idea what caused it?" The tender asked curiously. "I guess it seems pretty useful, though. I'm sure it makes grabbing things easier, since you aren't a Unicorn." 

Edited by DarkArtificer
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Survivor gave a respectful nod "Thank you Celestia, hopefully I will see you again tonight" Survivor said before he trotted over to the bar. He noticed a blue earth pony with a very unique tail and a light brown unicorn. He decided to sit a seat away from them "hey bartender can you get me something sweet tasting? he said as he dropped 5 bits on the table.

He saw a bird on a open windowsill  not far of them, he gave a sharp whistle. The bird perked up and flew over and landed on Survivor hair and picked out a sunflower seed. He noticed some of the partygoers were staring " heheh sorry I got hungry on the carriage ride here, must have spilled a little" Survivor said while rubbing the back of his neck with his hoof. The bird landed on his hoof and started to chirp, hopefully the bartender didn't mind animals.

Edited by woodchunks66

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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For a moment, Strong Copper simply stood very still after swallowing down his shot glass of the pink liquid. His gaze grew somewhat unfocused as they started to light up with an unnatural glow, his mouth opening and closing for a moment as he muttered with a forlorn voice "There comes a time when you look into the mirror and what you see is all you will ever see. And you accept it, or your kill yourself. Or you stop looking in mirrors." before he suddenly jerked his head, shaking it side to side as the glow faded and he seemed to be perfectly normal again. 

"Buck me, that had a serious kick to it..." Turning to look between the tender and the blue stallion, he blinked in confusion as he asked "Sorry, I kind of faded out there for a moment. What did you say?" before he felt the urge to magic a slice of apple into his mouth. He didn't know why, but he felt strangely hungry... and sad about something he didn't quiet understand anymore and he really needed something to eat to try and fill the void.

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Winter Bolt took in the possibilities in front of him. He had never been afraid of risk. He had never worried about getting hurt. Generally, his skill or luck carried the day. He had already traveled over most of known Equestria, the exceptions being Ponyville and Cloudsdale. In all of that time, he had never once run into trouble that he could not handle. So being a scout or courier made sense. But a chance to try to handle the weather of the Everfree Forest.... could he pass that up? He had never seen Ponyville which would be a logical place to resupply during such an endeavor. Further, he could really test his nerves and skill with weather manipulation in the process. The risks where there but he always ran other risks before. So what would that matter now? With shrug, he looked up.

" Princess all of those jobs seem to fit. I am well versed in travel and used to long flights. So scouting and courier work would be natural. There are not many dangers in such work that I am likely to face that I have not faced and survived before. I have always dreamed of weather work and the risks might be there with your personal task but that does not bother me. I left home at the time I reached age of majority and have hardly been back since. Doing that with no money and just the travel gear gifted by my uncle was a risk. Yet I faced and overcame it without an issue. So I have to ask for your guidance here. All of these jobs could make me happy. All of them seem a dream compared to my current life. How can I decide?"

  • Brohoof 1

May the Friendship be with you. 


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With Bartender

The tender smiled and pushed the bits back. "Nothing here tonight has a cost, sir. Everything has been provided for by the Crown. He levitated a small bottle out and poured a glass of it.

"This is a sweet cider from Appleloosa. It's not very alcoholic, though it is. It's also very sweet, which should be plenty for you."

When the bird flew you, he chuckled. "You certainly have a way with animals. You kinda remind me of the Element of Kindness."

He turned to Strong Copper when he spoke. "I didn't say anything really important. The Royal Pink hit you harder than I thought, though. You said something a little strange after your eyes went a little dull."

Fire looked Copper over in concern. "You feeling okay, sir?"

With Winter Bolt

"Think on it for a time, Mr. Bolt" Princess Luna said softly. "This offer will remain open, even after tonight ends."

"Don't be afraid to take some time and think fully on what you want. There's no shame in taking time to decide what exactly you wish to do with your life."

Princess Luna stood up nodded to Winter. "Pardon me, Mr. Bolt. It's time for my sister and I to switch in greeting, though I think she already left. If we don't meet again tonight, have a good night. Mail me your response, if you haven't decided by the end of the night."

The Lunar Diarch walked away, heading toward the entrance of the palace, ready to greet ponies for several hours before her sister took her place.


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Survivor stuffed the coins back in his bag "heh told her that having gold had benefits" me mumbled before sipping the cider

He turned to the unicorn and the bartender "yeah buddy you don't look so good.." he said out loud, that's why Survivor kept his alcohol intake to a minimum, He hates not being able to think straight. 

He looked at the bartender" yeah most people make that connection" He didn't like being compared to her, mostly because he didn't like to admit that she is better with animals then him but he thinks he hands more extreme animals. 

he picked out another sunflower seed out of his saddle bag and fed it to the bird on his hoof, He let go of it and it flew out of the window

He eyed the glass of the pony who was looking kind of woozy. It had a sparkling pink substance on its bottom "hey buddy I might have something for uhh..whatever your feeling In my bag" he spent a few weeks with a tribe of zebra way out west, they taught him a few things.   

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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Thorn heard a bird chirping behind him and assumed he was getting similar symptoms as Strong Copper, that was enough to get him to tap out, "Still got some of that minotaur brew," Thorn asked the tender directly with a hoof hiding his mouth from the other pony as he placed the glass back onto the counter.

"Ah, just an old story about my tail. It wasn't that great. Well, not as great as the time I had to run from a Gorgan," Blue Thorn paused in thought almost about to describe a very embarrassing tale about him accidentally walking into a labyrinth shower in his youth, "No, wait, that's an angry one, not a great one. Now that I think about it, I don't really have a great story."

Thorn, not content letting the conversation miss a beat, pointed to the pony with the bird, 'that explains the chirping,' "you look like a pony with a story."

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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The tender nodded with a small smirk adorning his muzzle. "Of course I still have the Minotaur brew. You didn't see anypony come take it, did you?"

Fire quickly filled a mug of the Minotaur brew and levitated it onto the counter. "As with the Royal Pink, be careful. This stuff is strong and wasn't really meant to be drunk by ponies."

"I must admit," The tender started, "I'm rather surprised you met a Gorgon and lived. They tend to be rather hostile, from what I've heard. I'm not too sure if it's true or not."

"Tail's said that one day the hair just started to fall off. He said he expected something like a Pig's tail, only to be left with the rather strange appendage. I and the others will keep an eye out for an changes in his story; he'll be asked his tail's story several times throughout the night."

"Good work. Keep an eye on him. I'm not fully sure if he's involved with them or not, but it's better than taking a risk." Princess Celestia replied.

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Winter Bolt bowed and said his goodbyes. As the Princess left he felt the sudden urge to just head back to his room and try to figure out what he wanted to do. He had nothing connecting him here and a lot to think about. But Luna had seemed to want this night to make ponies happy. Would leaving be ignoring the point of the evening? Was he meant to mingle for a bit? His head spun with questions and no answers served as an anchor. More now than ever he missed his uncle. He always could ask him what to do. But now he regretted not making more friends along his travels. With a wry chuckle, he thought maybe Ponyville could be a good stop after all. He knew that the famed Twilight Sparkle lived there along with Pinkie Pie who was said to be the friendliest pony around. Maybe they could teach him how to make friends?

With a long sip on his cider, he reached into the pockets of his vest. Pulling out a parchment and quill. He was not sure how to start so he sat there sipping at his drink and losing himself deeper and deeper in thought. As per a colthood habit, he started to unconsciously flap his wings while he was trying to write. Soon as often happened when he was too focused on a task only his head and forehooves were level with the table. The rest of him seems like it was trying to escape towards the ceiling. His mother had often found him reading a book almost vertical if he was left with his thoughts too long. It was one of the small habits that Honey Leaf had found endearing and never tried to correct. Slowly the words came to him and he wrote.


Dear Princess Luna, 

I have put a lot of thought into your offer. Despite the short amount of time that has passed, I am now sure what I should do. I have never really had any friends and from the rumors that have reached me even at the farthest corners of Equestria, Ponyville has some ponies well versed on the subject. So I think that trying to tame the weather of EverFree Forest gives me the best chance of meeting them and learning from them. As such, I feel its in my best interest to take that job and try to find somepony to connect with. 

Warm regards and deepest respect 

Winter Bolt 


Now he was just floating there staring at the letter. In these few words he might change his life.... should he send it now? Wait till morning. The pegasus was lost deep in thought almost oblivious to the Gala around him. 

Edited by Jedishy

May the Friendship be with you. 


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“Heheh I only have a story of you have time to listen!” He loved it when people asked him to tell a story! “Ya know your talking to the author of the book The Everfree Expedition, I’ve been all over Equestrias wildernesses. I’ve seen Animal and monsters all over the place!” Survivor put on a adventureous smile, most of his stories were amazing! The best ones can be found in his books of course but he still had plenty to offer this stallion with...

Survivors thought began to trail off as he got a closer look a that blue ponys tail... it’s was like really long, long enough to grab something. Survivor look at the blue stallion and said “names Survivor Hoof but you can call me Survivor, what do you wanna know about me?” The stallion look nice enough to talk to. He took another swing of his Apple cider and commented to the bartender “this is really good stuff, where’s it from?”

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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"Wow! You wrote The Everfree Expedition?" Blue Thorn asked rhetorically, now enraptured with Survivor, "Master Orchid used to always talk about your works. You've made a big impact on the landscaping community." Meeting this pony really took him back to the good old days of his apprenticeship under Master Orchid.

An excentric stallion who was not content with the simple landscaping lifestyle, Master Orchid was always looking for ways of pushing the boundaries, "Man, if it wasn't for you, we probably would have never got that Minotaur commision," Thorn paused and rubbed his chin with his tail, "I probably wouldn't have been chased by a Gorgan either, but still, you made my apprenticeship so much more enjoyable." Blue Thorn then extended his tail as if to shake but then blushed and retracted it in favor of a classic hoof bump, "Sorry, my names Blue Thorn. You're kind of my childhood hero."

Edited by Loud Opinion
  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Survivor looked at Blue Thorns tail “umm Thanks, it’s always nice to meet a fan..also I’m sorry about that Gorgon, heard that they were pretty nasty, Im guessing you worked on a orcahred that creates Minotaur cider right?” When Blue Thorn offered his tail Survivor gave a hearty laugh “trust me I would shake your tail but..ya know ..I have a hoof” Survivor said as he hoof bumped Blue Thorn. Survivor can’t believe he met two ponies that read his books...two! Survivor was feel pretty happy. “Well I’m glad my books helped you out! May I ask what did you do in your apprenticeship?” 

Survivor took a another sip of the cider and smiled “ ya can’t get access to this in the Applelossa desert. “Hey I’m no hero, I’m just a pony like you...well not exactly” he said with a light chuckle. This was definitely a unique pony

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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"My shoes are to tight. But that doesn't matter, for I have forgotten how to dance..." Strong Copper trailed off again, his gaze unfocused once more as he spoke with a... strange melancholy and mournful tone to his voice that would have seemed more at home to a pony much, much older then him. The moment passed through, his head shaking again as he refocused on the here and now with... a great deal of confusion in his eyes that echoed through his body; As if he had just been introduced to an idea that he didn't understand or have the context for. 

Waving off the bartender with a small smile at his concern, he turned his attention towards the pony with the surprisingly strange tail that he was kicking himself for not noticing sooner and the new brown pony that had arrived to join them. As he listened to their conversation, he suddenly perked up as he joined the conversation at last. "The Everfree Expedition? I remember reading that in an attempt to get some new insight on some of the creatures that lived in the Everfree Forest and seeing how they differed from their counterparts from elsewhere. While I've never had the benefit of being on such friendly terms with animals, you clearly know your stuff well enough that I was able to gleam a few useful tidbits here and there."

Offering the stallion a hoof to be bumped, he smiled as he introduced himself as "Strong Copper. Nice to meet you." 

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Survivor smiled and hoofed bumped the unicorn “Survivor Hoof, at your service, but most ponies just call me Survivor. Glad my book help you out! The Everfree has swallowed up more then a few ponies.” 

Survivor Hoof finished his cider and simled “hopefully whatever you drank wore off...you look like you were out of this world” Survivor said while chuckling “As for being on good terms with animals....well imagine you were a a Changling in the middle of Canterlot, no pony would want you their right? Well same applies to the wilderness, it is owned by animals and beasts, you have to be on good terms with them!Now I’m not as good as the Elements of Kindness but I know a good amount of animal calls and the certain funa and flora I can use to...convince them to help me.” 

Survivor dug in his bag and pulled out a couple of leaves and offered them to the two ponies next to him “ don’t worry, they’re just mints!” 

Edited by woodchunks66

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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"The bartender did warn me that it had weird effects on magic users. All in all, could have been a lot worse." Strong Copper answered back with a small shrug. The mint leaf was politely accepted and floated onto his plate of goodies, resting on some of the cream in order to give it just a little bit more flavor to enjoy. As he continued to listen to Survivor explain himself, Copper continued to listen intently, but it was somewhat clear from the way that he held himself that his interest appeared to be professional rather then that of a fan boy. 

"See, you and I work in a similar field. However, my field expertise comes more in handy in situations were the wild and more urban meet and mingle..." As he continued, Copper rose his front right hoof off the floor to make a somewhat offering gesture "For example, if a group of ponies set up a settlement within the territory of a creature or if a creature moves into an area where it can pose a threat to the local inhabitants. Understanding what you're dealing with, what its motivations for doing the things it's doing are and its capabilities can prove invulnerable in a potentially dangerous situation.

As his hoof returned to the floor, the smile on Copper's face faded from his expression into a somewhat more... neutral look. His tone lacked joy as well, but instead had been replaced with a steely determination of a task that wasn't enjoyable, but sometimes had to be done none the less "And if the situation calls for it, the knowledge of how to harm it, drive it away or kill it can save a lot of lives."  

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Survivor nodded and pursed his lips “You see Strong Copper, your job is protecting ponies from...arguably hostile creatures, my job making sure ponies like you know everything their is to know about every potential dangours creature and hopefully not get caught off guard. Admittedly your job is a little more valorous then mine” Survivor whislsted sharply again and 3 birds landed between the two ponies as if to make a point “My job is give ponies a understand of nature so that the situation where your sevicies are employed never happen but due to the rising population I doubt ponies will take the time to do the research before they built said settlement, which is were I come in.” 

Survivor unpursed his lips and raised one of his eyesbrows “ don’t mistake me for some pacifist that spend hos time in a botanical gardens playing with butterflies, most places in equestria don’t joke around, but I’m guessing you have your fair share of experience also. 

Edited by woodchunks66

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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When Survivor mentioned the idea that what he did was valorous, Strong Copper couldn't help but chuckle as if he had been told an amusing joke. "Oh, it isn't as glim and glamorous as some ponies believe. It's actually incredibly rare that a creature proves hostile enough to warrant such... 'glorious' measures." The word glorious was spat with some degree of disgust. He had seen death, pain and suffering before but he had never once laid his eyes on glory or felt the thrill that big game hunters boasted about. "The few times the situation got to that point, the creature involved either had already gained a taste for the blood and flesh of the local inhabitants of the settlement and was thus too dangerous to try and relocate somewhere else out of concerns that it would actively hunt for a new town or busy road for food, or has been driven completely rabid by illness and is generally so far gone by that point that putting it down is a mercy."    

Was it instinct or a phantom pain that caused Strong Copper to reach up and gently rub his side with a small wince on his face? Truthfully he wasn't sure. "I'm sure you would have already figured this out on your own, but I feel like I should mention it anyway. Pay attention to signs of contagious plagues in the area when dealing with animals. I rather recently got called out to a town because there was a rabies outbreak and several pets who were suspected to have had the illness had disappeared, assumed to have run off into the wilderness nearby and some ponies wanted their pets recaptured before it was to late to try and treat them, or at the very least put down as quickly and painlessly as possible if not. As I later found out shortly after arriving, at least one of them ran afoul of a manticore that had been living out in the wilds that the ponies knew about and wisely stayed away from."

Strong Copper shuddered, bad memories flashing anew in his mind as he got lost in his story, telling it without really paying attention to those nearby to see just how many were listening in. "I'm not sure how much you know about rabies, but it is a nasty thing. By its nature to makes those infected with it super aggressive, but it also drives them insane with fear, pain and rage while having the side effect of numbing the victims body. It effectively turns an animal that just wants to survive comfortably into a rabid machine of death and destruction that will lash out at everything that crosses its path until it dies. It's bad enough when an animal like a dog gets infected but I honestly hope that I will never bare witness to an infected manticore ever again... or that anyone else has to face that either."  

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