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open Renewal of an Age


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Blue Thorn was absolutely enraptured by the back and forth between this Strong Copper and Survivor Hoof. Assumptions were being broken, standards were being set, and principles were on the verge of unveiling themselves. All this right before Thorn's eyes. Something about this situation resonated deeply with him and fascinated him to no end. Yet, something was telling him to step in.

He noticed Strong Copper's wince of pain and was all too familiar with it. Strong was trying to ignore the pain in his wound. Something Thorn could relate to as his own tail caressed the snake bite on his back right leg. Perhaps it was the wince of pain he noticed from Strong Copper that told him the stallion was letting the pain into his words, maybe something more fundamental to his nature spoke to him, or maybe he just wanted to be a part of this fascinating interaction. Regardless, Thorn saw the skeleton for common ground had been constructed and he felt a need to fill in the rest.

"Wait, Survivor, didn't you say the exact same thing in your book," Thorn interrupted, "maybe you two have more in common than you thought."

Blue Thorn hadn't actually read his book, it was just his mentor that read it, but hopefully, Strong Copper's advice was general enough to be mistaken as a paraphrase. It was a gamble, but it could prove fruitful.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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“Heheh I guess your right Blue Thorn but I don’t if I put anything about rabies in my book...” Survivor shrugged,he didn’t want this to turn into a argument. He wondered what Celestia would say about this to ponies. These them like the ponies she talked about inviting. These ponies are much more suited for the Gala then him, maybe he could make a few friends while he was here.Never really got the chance before,It was always him versus the wild. Trying to push the limits of pony endurance, just stoping by town for a snack or to help with  a animal problem or plant based sickness. “ I got my chance now” he thought.

”Ya know what, you ponies gave me a better conversation then I’ve ever had with any small town bartender on shop clerk” he raised up his glass with his mouth and mumbled through his teeth” to new friends”

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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Away from the bar, toward the center of the banquet hall, noise erupted rather suddenly. Two Solar Guards and a Lunar Guard were arguing with a pony. It was the same pony that Strong Copper had seen before. His coat and mane were gray and off-white, respectively. His back was turned to the group, making it impossible to see his eyes. He was easily distinguished as an Earth pony, with a lack of wings and horn, though his wings may have simply been folded under his black coat. The hall fell silent rather suddenly as the ponies and music stopped to listen to the argument. Few, if any, made an attempt to seem like they weren't paying attention. 

"I have done absolutely nothing wrong tonight." The pony said, his voice flat and unemotional.

"That is not true, sir. Several Guards and staff have caught you stealing from various ponies tonight." A Solar Guard replied.

The pony tried to look indignant, though his facial expression failed to change. "I assure you, I have done no such thing!'

The Lunar Guard, who had circled to his side, reached out and knocked a hoof against his side. Jingling could be heard throughout the hall as several metallic objects banged together lightly. They sounded as though they were muffled, though. The Guard looked unamused and spoke in a feminine tone. "Take off your cloak, sir."

The pony did so with an unnoticeable grin flashing across his muzzle for a split second. "Very well."

With the cloak off and drifting to the floor, more than a dozen pouches were revealed tied to the stallion's body. Quickly, the Unicorn Guard levitated all of the pouches away, emptying them. Watches, monocles, brooches, earrings, and other jewelry fell from them, each one made of silver, gold, or platinum. Several voices of outrage rang out in the room, clearly ponies who had been robbed without ever noticing. The first Solar Guard spoke. "I'm afraid we'll have to take you into custody, sir. You clearly came here to fill up your coffers."

The pony shrugged. "Perhaps you're right, perhaps you aren't."

Incredibly quickly, the pony bucked, striking the Thestral mare behind him solidly in the jaw. A loud crack rang out through the room. Before she hit the floor, his hoof was already swinging, denting the helmet of the Solar Guard in front of him. He, too, hit the ground. The Unicorn reacted in time to magically catch a hoof swinging toward him, quickly yanking it to the side sparking another snap as the leg bent backwards. The pony, though, didn't react and merely winked. 

The Unicorn believed the pony to be winking at him and cast a powerful sleep spell, putting the pony out. With a quick flash of magic, the group of four were gone. Behind where the Unicorn stood, and where the pony had winked to, the Minotaur smiled briefly and sidled out of a side door toward the gardens, all the while in full view of bar due to their position. 

The bartender, Fire Brand, looked surprised as he said aloud. "Woah! Did you see what that stallion did! He took out two Guards and didn't even flinch when his foreleg broke."

Then he added in a softer voice. "Can't believe he came here tonight just to steal."

"There's been a development. Blank has been apprehended; he was discovered to be stealing from guests all throughout the night. Two Guards are injured and Blank suffers from a snapped foreleg."

"Bull and Tail?"

"Tail shows no sign of recognition or reaction. Bull left through a side door. I watched two Lunar Guards follow him."

"Good work. Keep me updated."

  • Brohoof 1
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Feeling the effects of his second hard cider Winter Bolt finished his drink and decided to give the letter to a Lunar Guard before enjoying the party. He figured if he was going to try to make friends he might as well start now. So with the warmth of the cider building up his courage he folded the letter and started to look for the right pony to hand it to. As a commotion broke out he saw jewelry spill across the floor. A cold feeling spread through him as he wondered if he too had been a victim. He felt for his sapphire necklace and let out a sigh of relief when it was still in place. Once more comfortable with the party he looked for the familiar sight of the Lunar guard and realized that there would be somepony with Princess Luna at the entrance guarding her as she performed her royal duties. Trotting past a few Gala attendees he reached the entrance and spotted a guard that looked friendly enough considering their important task. 

" Excuse me, sir, I have a letter for the Princess but as she is busy with her royal duties I was wondering if you might give it to her at a more opportune time? I do not want to disturb her but it involves a job offer she extended my way and I did not want to make her wait more than necessary for my decision. "


Winter Bolt spoke softly and stood out of the line of guests. He wanted to disturb things as little as possible and ensure he did not bungle a situation with a clumsy move or word as was often his luck. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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The Thestral nodded and took the letter before placing it within a pouch in his armor. "I will be sure to give the letter to her Majesty once she's no longer involved in royal duties. I can ensure she will see it before the end of the night, though I know not if she'll respond before then. Her business is her own."

The stallion nods respectfully to Winter and adds. "Have a nice night, Mr. Bolt."

With Princess Luna

She watched from the corner of her eye as Winter Bolt gave her Lieutenant a small letter. She smiled inwardly as she knew he had decided his answer. The Lunar Diarch was quite eager to see what his answer was; she hoped that he accepted her personal project. Somepony with his talents would likely further progress along.

"Welcome to the Gala." She greeted to the Earth pony in front of her with a nod. He smiled back and replied.

"Thank you, your Majesty." Then he moved on, heading deeper into the palace.

Yes, it would be quite interesting to see what kind of changes Winter would bring. 

Spirit of Life indeed. She thought to herself.


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Winter nodded and thanked the Thestral with a smile. Knowing that his letter was safely in the proper hooves he made a serious mental effort to enjoy this night as he should. He had lost much in his life and never once had he had it easy despite coming from wealthy parents. But he was sure that things were looking up and that he had best embrace the changes. To him life was sort of like flying winds shift and you must adapt to them. Or you crash. Every young Pegasus learned that lesson eventually be it by listening to their elders or the sky teaching them the hard way. Thankfully for Winter Bolt he listened to his instructors in school.

He spotted a pink earth pony with three balloons on her flank. His heart started to beat rapidly. He would know that cutie mark anywhere That was Pinkie Pie one of the ponies to wield the elements of harmony and save Equestria. She was also reputed to be one of if not THE best party pony around. Her ability to make friends with anypony was something that seemed almost mythical to a pony like Winterbolt. He drew closer and was suddenly unsure of himself once more. I mean he was nopony and she a bonified hero. But how could he improve his lot if he never took risks? He took a deep breath and cleared his throat gently as he got closer. He hoped the noise would get Pinkie Pies attention without interrupting her if she was in a conversation. 

  • Brohoof 1

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Survivor put down his cup as he watched the brawl go down, his muzzle twitched when he heard and saw the breaking of bone...He always hated that noise..in the wilderness that noise is a one way ticket to death. He frowned as he saw the pony wink after he’s foreleg been fractured. Once the group had left in a flash of magical light Survivor quickly got up and made his way towards the balcony.No pony can take a hit like that and keep going.Survivor curiosity was getting the best of him. He trotted over to a squirrel on the window still. “Hey buddy did ya see that fiasco over their.Well I need to know what happened can you tell me where they take prisoners in his place.” To the average pony Survivor is just making clicks and chirps with his voice but this is just the language of animals.

The squirrel chirped in reply and jumped down to a tree in the gardens and ran from tree to tree over to a small window with bars in a remote corner of the gardens 

“Jackpot” Survivor said out loud as he ran past the ponies he met at the bar “Saw something cool, Catch up with you guys later!” Survivor said while shoving his way through the banquet hall to the massive hallway that leads to the doorway to the gardens.


beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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Pinkie's head whipped to side in a way that looked painful, though she didn't flinch at all. Her smile was wide, almost to the point of looking demented. As it was, it conveyed nothing but happiness. She saw a light blue pegasus with a gray mane talking to her. Her eyes widened. "Oh! I don't know you! You're new here! Who are you? I'm Pinkie Pie! Do you like the Gala? The Princess let me make it better! I'm so happy!"

With Survivor Hoof

The stallion quickly made his way into the gardens having made his way past many ponies. Several sounds of dissent erupted behind him. The gardens were as normal, small groups of ponies here and there speaking to each other. A single Gryphon lied on a tree branch, speaking to a young Doe underneath. The pair laughed as the Gryphon came down from the tree, the two wandering away and leaving the path to the bars entirely void of movement.

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Winter Bolt stepped back a bit shocked by the energy of the greeting. I mean he had heard of Pinkie being excitable but this was beyond what he had imagined. However, the wild smile and bubbly nature of her voice were infectious. It was impossible not to laugh with her and feel at ease. No pony in years of travel had made him feel such an instant connection as if he had known her for years. Grinning he spoke up. 

. I tend to travel a lot so I dont often go to parties or even speak to many ponies outside of stopping to look for some side work to keep fed and have a place to stay. Princess Luna offered me a job and it might put me close to Ponyville. Since I dont have any friends and well I've heard Twilight learned a lot about friendship and that you are the friendliest pony in Equestria I thought I would say hi."

He said all of this rapidly not sure if it was Pinkies energy that was driving him forward or his own nerves at introducing himself. He had known that it would be hard to break out of his shell but he was never sure how hard it might be. He hoped that he was not coming off as odd or anything. But something deep within told him Pinkie was the type of pony that would accept you no matter what. He felt like she would always be kind even if he messed up. It was sort of like the feeling he had that he could tell Princess Luna anything. but at the same time, it was different. He could not put his hoof on how but he figured that answers would come in time. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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With Winter Bolt

Pinkie was ecstatic! First, she was told the Gala was being redesigned to be more party-friendly. Then she was told she would help plan the party. Then she was told that everypony was invited! "This is the biggest, most bestest party I've ever helped make! This is a great place to meet knew ponies! You still didn't tell me your name!"

Then she gasped loudly. "You know Twilight?! TWILIGHT!!!"

She yelled it out loud, clearly heard over everypony. The entire party paused for a moment, then realized who had yelled and simply went back to their business. A loud yelp sounded out during the silence before a purple pony made her way over. She was a Unicorn with a rather familiar mark on her flank. "Pinkie, did you have to yell so loud to give me a headache?"

"Sorry, Twilight." Pinkie says softly before returning to her normal manner. "But this pony-I don't know his name- said he knows you! Who is he? Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh?"

Twilight reached out a stuck a hoof in her mouth, silencing her immediately. The Unicorn pulled her leg back and wiped it on the floor, then turned to face Winter. "You know me? I don't recognize you, sir."

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Winter Bolt face hoofed for a moment before composing himself and trying not to laugh at the same time. The speed at which Pinkie lived must mean she misses these sorts of things rather often. He shook his head and extended a hoof. 

" I am Winter Bolt, I didn't say I knew you nor did I meant to imply it. I was telling Pinkie Pie that I had heard of you and your lessons on friendship. You see I was invited by Princess Luna. She also gave me a job offer. Or rather offers plural to be more accurate.

One offer would bring me very close to Ponyville. Which is probably one of only two towns in Equestria that I have not set hoof in. Anyhow since I have no friends and have never been any good at making them I thought that maybe Ponyville would be a good place to try to learn how. Combine that I have heard about your friendship lessons and Pinkie being the friendliest pony in Equestria and well I thought maybe I should give it a shot and introduce myself " 

Winter Bolt was admittedly a bit nervous at the misunderstanding. He wondered if he blundered again... if this would be a bad start with the most important ponies in Ponyvile. The slight fold to his ears showed the concern for a fleeting instant. But he forced himself to relax. He would not let a slip of conversation ruin things. A small mistake was something anypony could make and he had to let it go. If he kept being scared nothing would change. With an internal sigh he wished that it wasn't all so hard though. 


May the Friendship be with you. 


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"I would join the toast but I don't have a glass with me right..." Strong Copper started... before he was somewhat rudely interrupted by the a brawl that had started up between the earth pony he had seen earlier (whom had seemed to have been proven to be a pick pocket) and several of the guard. The whole process seemed... off somehow. Copper would have been the first to admit that he wasn't an expert on the thought processes of others, but as he watched the scene unfold he couldn't help but feel that there was a great deal of wrongness to what he was witnessing. For starters, the fact that a fight had happened at all; The few times he had seen a pick pocket get caught in the act (which was less then the number of hooves he owned), said pick pocket either ran if they could or surrendered peacefully if escape wasn't an option.

Steal a wallet and get caught, if you submit peacefully you might just get a fine and a slap on the hoof; Break a jaw and you were going to jail. The fact that the ponies assaulted were royal guards only added to the strangeness of the whole thing. It clearly hadn't been an action taken in a moment of panic either, since the earth pony had been quiet cool and calculated in both his strikes and intent. For Celestia's sake, one of his leg bones had been broken and he didn't even cry out in pain! 

That just... that wasn't something that living beings could do on their own without some kind of magic, serious pain killers or some kind of serious marital training to the extent that a broken bone doesn't even phase you. Which raised the question as to why some seemingly random earth pony pick pocket would have access to any of those three.

As Survivor excused himself to go hang out with his... squirrel friend, Copper turned to Blue as he politely said "I should get going. If nothing else, I have a princess I need to thank for inviting me and it would be rude if I put that off any longer. Enjoy your evening." With a respectful bow of his hand and placing his empty glass back on the bar, he turned to stroll off to look around and see if he could find the hostess that had mysteriously invited him to her party.

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"I'll drink to that," Blue Thorn was about to return the toast in kind with his glass of Minotaur brew when the brawl broke out. Survival Hoof said his goodbye and Strong Copper was about to leave, "No problem, man. Enjoy the Gala."

Blue Thorn then turned back to the bartender seeming a little spent. The heroes were on the case, and it was no place for common work hooves like himself. At least the tender looked good for conversation.

"Stealing's probably the only thing that pony has going for him," Thorn mused, "Sure he's strong and durable, two traits any mentor would be glad to see in a student, but he wouldn't have gone far in those fields without one. It may look like simple work for any well-built pony, but take it from me, those crafts are arts in their own right, and need just as much dedication. To him, this is just a big target for him. That's why I packed light," Blue Thorn said with a smile as he squeezed his saddlebags to emphasize their vacancy, with the only things being heard was a crinkle from his invitation and air rushing out.


Thorn then realized how pathetic he must have seemed to be alone at the bar while the best party of the year was going on around him and left to mingle with others. It was then that he remembered the Minotaur that noded at him earlier was leaving to the gardens. Maybe that guy knew how to enjoy himself at a party. With that conclusion, Thorn left to follow the Minotaur.


With that conclusion and glass in tail, Thorn left to follow the Minotaur.

Edited by Loud Opinion
  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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With Winter Bolt

Twilight flashed an understanding smile after rolling her eyes to Pinkie. She put her hoof out and spoke with a smile. "You already know who I am but I'll introduce myself anyway; it's polite. I'm Twilight Sparkle, librarian at Golden Oak Library in Ponyville. It's good that you want to meet new ponies, having friends offers a kind of happiness that can't be experienced alone. I know that I regret all my years stuck in the Canterlot Archives now."

"What kind of job are you taking near Ponyville?" Twilight asked curiously.

With Strong Copper

After some odd minutes of searching, Strong Copper saw a white Alicorn out of the corner of his eye. Princess Celestia was in an banquet hall two rooms over and seated at a table, alone. She had a small slice of cake as well as a glass of what Copper now knew was Royal Pink. She seemed to be resting, as well as relaxed, if the peaceful smile on her muzzle was any indication. The tables around her were empty, she likely chose that spot for the peace it would offer.

With Blue Thorn

Blue Thorn exited the same door into the gardens, quickly realising that there were several gardens throughout the castle. This garden was mostly empty, and wrapped around a small gazebo in the center. Only one small group was in the gardens, speaking softly. A flash of purple caught his attention. Moonlight had reflected off of a Lunar Guard's armor for just a small second. The Guard seemed to have gone around the gazebo.

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Survivor stoped and watched the pair leave his felid of vision and slowly crept into the bushes trying to remain as quiet as possible, stepping extremely light as to not leave any tracks, he lateness that skill on the Ice Farm he grew up on, they got their ice from frozen lakes so they they needed to make sure that they didn’t break the ice.

He looked up to make sure nopony was looking down on him from the balconies, thankfully no one was. He reacted the bared window , the squirrel wanted for him. Survivor rubbed its head “thanks little guy, can you watch my back for me?” The squirrel squeaked in reply and ran up the tree nearest to him and started to keep watch. Survivor turned his attention to the window, he exhaled and relaxed his shoulder. “Hopefully it won’t be to bad” Survivor though as he inches toward the window and looked inside.

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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As his minutes long search finally came to an end, Strong Copper slowed his hoot steps as he gazed upon one of the highest ranked and most important ponies in Equestrian history. Knock on wood, if the Princess of the Sun was to die in that very second the legacy of her rule that had lasted for more than a thousand years would endure... even if Equestria itself was to fall apart, her rule would turn from history into myth and legend, the three intermingling with each other so much that those who come after would have to spend decades and possibly lifetimes trying to unravel the mystery of which is fact or fiction.

And right now, Copper was going to walk up to her and interrupt a quiet moment she had to herself.

He knew how annoying that could be, but he also knew that he might not ever get the chance to catch her without the various crowd of suck ups, hangers on, toadies, spineless yes ponies, associates, guards or friends again. He had only wanted to find her in order to show his appreciation for the invitation anyway... Maybe if he just went up, said thank you and waited to see her response before politely excusing himself and letting her enjoy her cake? If she wanted him to stay and chat, she could always ask him to.

Taking a deep breath, he walked up to the table that his monarch was seated at before offering her a polite, if unpracticed bow. "I am sorry to interrupt this quiet moment Princess Celestia, but I wanted to take this chance to thank you for deeming me worthy of personally inviting me to this wonderful event."

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Winter Bolt scuffed his hoof on the floor. He had not been told not to mention it but he had not been told he could. Then there was the fact that Twilight Sparkle was the personal student of Princess Celestia herself. Should he tell her? Well, he did not want to lie that was for sure. So should he say that he is not sure or should he be open about what offers he was given? He figured that if it was super secret he would have been told not to mention it. So he decided to be vague but honest. 

" Well, I was offered work on a personal project for Princess Luna near the EverFree Forrest. I was also offered jobs as a scout and a couple of other things. But I chose to work close to Ponyville. I am hoping to learn about friendship and to not take to traveling again. Unless of course after my work is done I know where I want to settle. Other then finding my place, I am tired of traveling all over Equestria without anypony. " 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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With Survivor Hoof

Survivor looked through the bars into the cell, hoping not to see anything too bad. He expected to see the pony from before inside, maybe a cast around his broken leg. 

The moment he glanced through the bars, the metallic scent of blood hit his nostrils, though it was light. Steeling himself and looking through the bars, the cell was an utter wreck. The iron bars were broken, leaving jagged stumps left. The Unicorn Guard that had brought him down was unconscious, a small pool of blood around one of his hind legs. Another Royal Guard, a Pegasus, was slumped against the far wall, cracks in the stone bricks above her. She, too, was unconscious. The pony from before was nowhere in sight, likely having escaped. Small remnants of glowing blue runes sat against the wall, their purpose unknown.

The squirrel squeaked in alarm from above moments before hoofsteps crunching in the leaves could be heard coming closer.

With Strong Copper

Princess Celestia's magenta eyes opened when she was greeted, having fallen shut from relaxation. A tan pony was bowing in front of her, speaking in a polite voice. After a moment, she replied. "There's no need to bow, Mr. Copper. Tonight is a night of festivities, not politics and expectations. Treat me just as you would any other pony."

The Solar Diarch sat up straight in her seat, smiling warmly to him. "I'm glad you accepted the invite, I was hoping you would attend. I've been interested in meeting the pony who so valiantly risks himself to help my ponies." 

She waves her wing at a seat across the table. "Come, take a seat, if you please, and speak with me."

With Winter Bolt

"Personal project? What is it, if you don't mind me asking? I might be able to help." Twilight asked curiously. She was rather interested in whatever Princess Luna was doing in the Everfree. That was a dangerous forest, and ponies avoided it for good reason.

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Winter reflexively looked back at the door that he had come in from. Surely if the Princess meant it to be secret she would have told him right? I mean it's not like once he got working that it could be hidden. Changing the weather was not something that anypony could miss. Never mind fighting the weather in the Everfree forest. That was sure to be noticeable. So he decided that it was safe to tell some of the truth maybe just not all of it. 

" Well, Princess Luna wants to tame part of the Everfree forest. To do so she needs the weather changed. So I am going to be helping with that part of the task. Even if its risky I think its worth it. I will be able to stay near or maybe even in Ponyville and try to make friends. You know I have not even had a party since I got my cutie mark? I have either been in trouble with my parents or out on my own and had nopony to celebrate with."

He flinched at that last part. He knew the infamous party planner Pinke Pie might be in earshot. What might she think of such a lack of parties.... then he chuckled softly imagining some party emergency being declared or some such nonsense. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Survivors heart skipped a beat as he saw the horrible scene in the cell. What in Tartarus was this pony,He needed to get down their and investigate. He also saw the runes on the wall...he felt drawn to them, as if they were tugging on a price on his soul.Survivor turned and bucked at the bars, denting them.

Survivor dropped low to the ground once he heard the squirrel squeak, he crept back into the bushes and held his breath as the hoof steps stoped where he was just standing,he really didn’t want to end up in the same situation as the pony with the broken foreleg. 

He looked up at the squirrel, the squirrel started to squeal as loud as he could, disturbing a lot of the other small animal in the garden. Soon the garden became a sea of animal noises. Survivor used this to run full speed at the mysterious pony and tackle him.

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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Blue Thorn, seeing the flash, chose to investigate further. He chose not to reveal himself as the criminals around here have proven to be dreadfully adept, and a lone group of quiet ponies at a party like this was very suspicious. If this guard was in cahoots, he didn't want to be spotted by him either. So before advancing, he scanned the area for an angle to approach with which it would be hard for the small crowd or the nightguard to spot him.


The guard, no matter how well trained, would be easier to escape from than a crowd of experienced theaves, so he kept his ear held high and crept toward the gazebo. Hoping to hear whatever he might be saying before trying to see him. Thankfully, Thorn worked with unkempt grass all his life so keeping quiet in the freshly cut, and impressively maintained, garden was simple. Whatever noise he did make would easily be drowned out by the ambiance of a party in full swing, he hoped. It also didn't hurt that his dark blue coat made him easy to overlook in the night time setting. Though none of that did anything to ease his beating heart.

He mentally told himself he was getting in over his head, but he couldn't shake the sense of being watched or burning ears since he got here. It was time he either got a clue on all the secrecy or an opportunity to lay his suspicions to rest.

Edited by Loud Opinion

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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With Winter Bolt

"Princess Luna's trying to tame the Everfree? I wonder what for?" Twilight mused, mostly to herself. She shook her head lightly and smiled. "In any case, you'll be welcome in Ponyville and I'm sure you'll love it! Everypony is nice and friendly, and the town is rather quiet and peaceful. There's no nobles, either, unlike the Canterlot upper districts."

Then her smile turned sly. "Watch out, though. Pinkie will take literally any reason she can to throw you a party. Expect a couple in your first week there. Also, keep an eye out for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They are always trying crazy and borderline dangerous stuff. It doesn't help that the original three are always coming up with ideas, even though they have their cutie marks."

With Survivor Hoof

Survivor hit the pony with a loud, metallic thud and rebounded some distance away. Before he could recover and see who it was, he felt himself be tackled from several angles, dragging him to the ground. Hoof cuffs and chains were slapped on his legs, chaining his front legs together as well as his back legs. He vaguely heard a voice called out as he was being restrained, "Cease and desist in the name of the Guard!"

"Let me speak to him." A soft voice spoke. Survivor was hauled to his hooves and held at spear-point. His eyes met with a pair of teal orbs that shone powerfully in the moolight. With a start, the stallion realized he had talked the Lunar Diarch in front of a squad of armed, armored, and trained Lunar Guards.

"Care to explain yourself?" Princess Luna asked softly, though there was a hard edge to her voice.

With Blue Thorn

"Halt, in the name of the Lunar Guard!" A feminine voice called out.

"'Well 'ell, what 'ave ya stopped me for?" A gruff voice replied.

"You were hired to keep the pickpocket safe, weren't you?" A male voice asked.

"Nope. Ah wasn't 'ired by 'im. Ah came to this party under an invitation." The gruff voice said calmly.

"Let's the invite, then." The female suggested.

"Guards at the gate took it." He replied simply.

"No, they wouldn't have. I think you're lying." The female said suspiciously, a clop sounded out as she took a step forward.

Immediately, a loud and a thud was heard. The male voice yelled. "Midnight!"

Another meaty thud was heard, followed by a more solid one, before the gruff voice spoke again. "Well, 'at handles 'at. Ah better move it, 'fore a patrol shows up to find out what 'appened." 

Loud thuds, as well as slight metallic jingles were heard as the source of the voice walked away, soon fading from earshot.

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Winter Bolt laughs at the idea of more than one part in a couple of weeks. Then he realizes the warning is real and sort of scuffs his hoof at the ground. A party would be fun but would he upset Pinkie if he could not handle a few? Bah who cares the fact that some pony might care enough to be that nice made any of the rest worth dealing with as it came. He then thought of his new life and what he could look forward to. It was all surreal how fast his life might be improving. The best part was he could leave just as soon as he was told exactly what his task was and what to expect. All he owned was in the saddlebags in his room or on his back right now. It would be nothing to get moving just as soon as he knew what to do. 

" Twilight who are the cutie mark crusaders? Also do you have any suggestions for what to do with the rest of the Gala? I mean Ive never been much of a party pony and I really dont know anypony here. So I have sort of been wandering around and that seems counter to the point. How did you learn to get out there and meet ponies? " 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Fight, Flight, Freeze, Appease; The four natural reactions to a primal threat. Tonight, freeze won Thorn's soul, and he was made its slave for what appeared to be for all time. The flash of a waterfall surrounded by hedges reverberated through the icy confines of his mind; thawing it; loosening the memories around it.

Soon the idea of hissing and him running for his life joined that first image, and freeze passed the torch to flight, who claimed Thorn anew. And so his hooves carried him through the grass and to the closest opening, thankfully a doorway and not a window, like thunder through storm clouds.

The final memories to torment him were that of a pony running by his side throwing him on his back, carrying him to safety. in the memory, he shouted 'Gorgan, Gorgan!' Tonight he shouts "Murder, Murder," in that same hysterical panic that ruled him so many years ago.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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“Bucking great” Survivor thought as he flared his nostrils and looked up his captors, Lunar guards, “ That explains it” He thought again. Lunar guards were the pinnacle of stealth and detection in equestria, They knee what he was gonna do before he did.He thought he could out stealth them If given the right circumstances. Survivor sighed and addressed the princess “Evening princess, I was just wandering through the gardens when I heard hoofsteps and got frightened, you heard of that Pickpocket that took down thoes guards! I thought I was gonna get attacked”

While saying this Survivor was making tail signals to the squirrel in the tree for help, the squirrel squeaked and ran away. Hopefully the guards mistook the twitching of his tail for fear and didn’t kill taht squirrel.

their was a few things that squirrel could do, he could get a bigger animal to attack the guards....that would go well with the princess right here so he hoped that the squirrel got one of the ponies he had talked to later that night and bring them here.

He still felt the runes pulling at him, he hated it, he needed them , he could see the cell through the princesses legs...

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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