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private Infiltrator. 1x1 with Unicorncob

Catpone Cerberus

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"I mean, there wasn't breaks technically, in non-physical training I had certain things I had to learn for certain deadline, and if I was too fast, or in other word, I had too much free time, they increased the amount, in physical training the training lasted until I was too tired to continue, and I had free time until the next training, which usually started next morning, and of course if I was doing too well, they made it harder, though in physical training's case, that actually increased my free time, since I got tired faster." Jenna explained, she was surprisingly nonchalant about it "The special training was even worse." she shrugged "But hey, without it I wouldn't have survived this long, it sucked a lot but that training is the only reason I can fight back." 

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Oliver frowned as he listened to Jenna explain her training. He thought she didn't deserve such brutal punishment.

"Well at least it's over now," he said, "and you can take breaks whenever you want. It's not like I'm gonna force you to do anything."

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"If only." Jenna said "The truth is, the training stuck, even if everyone else gives me a break, I won't." "That's why I find it so hard to relax, I can't stop the thought that all my energy needs to go to something productive." "Though I'd argue it's not necessarily a bad thing in our situation." 

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"Well overworking and exhausting yourself won't help either," Oliver pointed out. "You should take some time to unwind and relax your mind and body as well. Recharge your batteries and all that, y'know?"

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"Wish it was that easy, truly, I envy those who can just...turn off when they want to." Jenna said with a sigh "It doesn't help that we are more vigilant by nature too, our natural state is to live alone, thus we are wired in a way that we can stay aware of our surroundings even in sleep."

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"Well you're not alone now," Oliver pointed out, smiling at her. "I dunno how much good I'll be, but I can look out for you now. You can learn to switch off and let loose whenever you want to, so you don't overwork yourself."

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"Like I said, it's natural thing, one doesn't simply turn that off." "It's similar to human stress, your reaction to a big pile of papers that are late is the same as seeing a predator hunt you down, it feels different, but the biological process is the same." "Think for example a house cat, they may during their life never see a mouse, or go outside in that matter, yet they still hunt, we call it playing, but in reality they are just following their instinct to hunt small animals." "Sure, if things suddenly got better and I didn't need to worry about anything, I could in few years learn to not look at every passing person as potential threat, but I would still even after centuries wake up ready to fight if I hear an unusual sound or smell a new smell." and truly, without that natural vigilance the situation back at Oliver's house would have ended quite differently, and their story together would have been quite short. 

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"Sure, you have instincts that keep you alert, but if you don't relax every once and a while you'll have a breakdown," Oliver pointed out. "Everyone gets tired, not just in the body but in their brain as well."

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"I already had my breakdown back when you got shot." Jenna said half-humorously, it was true, but not unlike humans, humor was a way for her to deal with things "I wonder if Talon took over that apartment, I left quite a mess." 

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"If they did, I dunno if we left anything they can track us with," Oliver said, shrugging. "Even then, we have new stuff so I guess they can do whatever they like as long as it means they can't find us."

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"We don't have anything to leave that could be used to track where we are, only where we have been before whatever place we accidentally leave something in." Jenna pointed out "My wonder wasn't even really a question, since of course they have, either they or the Order, which would also be of interest for the other, whoever found it in that shape certainly contacted someone about it, and from that it has most likely reached someone working for Talon, and possibly someone from the Order." 

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"Well there's bound to be just as many who would help us as there are trying to find us," Oliver pointed out. "Not everyone is with them like you said, so if we can find them out we'll have some allies on our side."

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"There's a difference between wanting to help and being able to help." Jenna pointed out "And anyone who'd be actually useful would probably have so many eyes on them that they wouldn't be able to stay unnoticed for long." "The one we have is a rarity." she looked around for the arcade as she talked. 

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"It could also be someone they wouldn't suspect," Oliver pointed out. "Like a mole on the inside maybe? With Talon and the Order as big as they are, there's gotta be moles."

The arcade was nearby and they went in to look at the different cabinets.

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"Moles are what I alluded to with the latter." Jenna pointed out "Not only is getting a connection to one impossible until they contact us, everyone is being watched closely, only way for someone to be able to work against Talon from inside would be if they are working directly to one of the Elders and either have their trust, or the Elder themselves are in on it, which would be quite interesting indeed." "For the Order I can't say, I don't have much inside information from there, though if there's moles, they would most likely be working for Talon." 

  • Brohoof 1


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"You'd think there'd be at least one who was working against both of them," Oliver said. "Surely there must be someone else out there who wants to try and stop them from hurting people, or dragons for that matter."

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"Rogues." Jenna simply said "It's a three way war, Talon, Order and Rogues like me, the only problem is that the two first ones have lot of resources and the last is just individuals here and there." "Not that having a mole would be much of help for us, we already have access to lot of information, but the only real use of it for us is to know if we have been found." "All dragons are born in Talon and humans wouldn't care enough to stop something like the order, after all, humans are the ones who started the whole thing." "Only ones besides those like us who could wish harm to both would be disgruntled Elder, which isn't as impossible as it may sound, there's four left in total, though most don't know anyone but the Elder Wyrm, but we aren't exactly known for sharing and teamwork, so I'm sure the others are enthusiastically waiting for the day that the Elder Wyrm finally dies of old age, where ever they may be." 

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"Do you think this Elder would be willing to help?" Oliver suggested, looking at Jenna curiously. "If we knew how to get to him, we could try and convince him to help gather support and fight back, right?"

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"Depends who it is, if there's one, our goals don't necessarily match. they could want to make Talon even worse instead of getting rid of it." Jenna said with a shrug "But what I do know is that we can't do much about it, if they want to get in contact with us, they will contact us, and convincing them to do anything they aren't already planning to? Unlikely, we are talking about someone over thousand years old here, possibly several, you know how stubborn I can be, think how stubborn someone at least 50 time my age is, they have seen and heard everything you could come up with." 

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"I guess so," Oliver said, shrugging. "I just like to believe there's at least one out there who'd agree with us and want to be rid of them. They could just need some help doing it, with how dangerous Talon is."

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"I don't believe there's anyone inside that wants to get rid of the whole thing, we do like power, it's more likely that someone would want to change it, maybe somebody seeks to bring it back to what it was allegedly created for." "Which wouldn't be a bad option either, because how I see it, some kind of cooperation is needed for our survival."  

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"A change would be good too," Oliver agreed. "As long as it stops people and dragons being in danger. No one deserves to be treated badly, if the way you looked when we first met is any evidence to go by."

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"There will always be danger, that's just how life is, but it would be nice if there wasn't someone constantly hunting me down because of what I am. " she looked around at the different machines in the arcade, while she preferred something like a movie or a book over a video game when it came to stories, she appreciated the fact that most games didn't have dragons everywhere, it didn't always feel nice to see yourself as the villain in everything, though that too was probably a planned move from Talon, a good way to feed the hate towards humans if all the young dragons see in human media was anti-dragon sentiment, fictional or not, it was effective. 

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Oliver looked around at the arcade, also appreciating the lack of anti-dragon propaganda. He felt the last thing Jenna wanted to see was games with dragons as the enemies.

"Yeah, you deserve to unwind. You need it in fact."

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"Too bad either of us can't do miracles, though what we can do is try to forget it for a moment." Jenna stated "So, lead the way, this place is more your area of expertise, I don't know enough to give my opinion on any of these." 

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