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planning Equus

Buck Testa

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In a world where the Tree Of Harmony was never created, and other, Darker means were used to drive the Windegos away, the notion of Harmony never rooted itself in the lands you know as Equestria. Equus is a far different, yet somehow similar place.

Three nations have risen up in Equus since the ponies migrated there. Tensions between these realms have never died down, and now War looms around the corner. 

The Republic of Everfree: the Wild and Subterranean Nation of Everfree are a coalition of Earth Ponies, Zebra, and Rain Deer, along with any who seek refuge from other Nations. There's is a Representative Republic, rejecting any and all who claim autocratic rule. Their military is formidable: The Quarry Mares, stone conditioned Earth Ponies and Zebra whom live off rocks and train their bodies in the Quarries they got their name from, are frightfully strong special forces whom pack the strength of any mech into their bodies. They have harnessed the power of steam, water, rocks, and plants to create a druidic army of steam powered mechs. Their nation is hidden, but their special forces and strike teams are known and rightly feared.

Hurricane Legion: A union of Pegasi and Griffons whom have made their nation on an artificially sustained hurricane on the coasts of Equus. In the eye of the massive perpetual storm, the nation capital resides. While under equipped and stuck in older models of combat, the Hurricane legion should not be trifled with. When they go to battle, their entire flying country goes to battle, bringing the Wrath of an unending Hurricane with them. They do not need mechs and weapons of war. They rain tornadoes from the sky, send lightning as intensely as any gunfire, and their flying legions of warriors are a force to be reckoned with. 

Empire of Midnight: Truly the Super power of Equus, whom the other two dare not strike. The Empire or Midnight, once Unicornia, is an industrial empire of Magitek, and home to an alliance of Unicorns, Dragons, and Changelings. Once ruled by two Alicorn sisters with limited vision, whom squabbled about the sun and moon, they had been usurped and stripped of their magic by the sovereign and brilliant machinations of our Hallowed Empress, Midnight Sparkle. Behind her is the backing of mighty rulers whom once had machinations towards conquering Equus, but now swear fealty to The Empress. Their technological advancements are unparalleled, and it is said that it is only a matter of time before the Empress brings the other two nations to heel.

However, unbeknownst to all three kingdoms, a map will soon appear with a group of friends from a very different world. 

I'd like for this to be an RP with people playing as the Canon mane six and a few other characters like Starlight and Spike. I'm looking for people who can really capture their characters and play how they would behave in such situations. 

Canon preferred for the main group. You CAN be oc's from this setting, however they need to fit into the world. The Mane sixes group is the fish out of water in this scenario.


Character sheet: 



Race: (Pony, dragon, changeling, ect)

National Affiliation: (Empire of Midnight, Republic of Everfree, Hurricane Legion, ect)

Personality: (who are they as a person)

Flaws and quirks: (what are strange and interesting things about the character you normally wouldn't expect out of them? An odd hobby, a fanatical love of flannel, anything that will set them apart. What are their short comings?)

Specialties/talents: ( what are they especially good at? What are they known for?) 

Bio: (where did they come from? Who are they? Also add in where they got their flaws quirks and specialties from.)

Physical description/image

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From the way you described the Republic of Everfree, Kronos (my OC shown in my profile picture) fits in well. He’s a strong, able-bodied stallion with the smarts to build and repair robotics and, to a certain extent, mechs. Hell, just LOOK at Kronos and tell me he doesnt look like he’ll fit right in. Perhaps you’d be interested in drafting Ragnarok’s premire Techno Tyrant, as he’s aptly named in his home kingdom for his aptitude in military technology?


Edited by Kronos the Revenant
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now THIS looks like a great story!  I just need to figure out where I can fit in.  never was much for playing cannon characters...but if needed I think I can give it a try.  Might be able to pull off Starlight or maybe Fluttershy......

And if there is any way that Ennex can be a servant/adviser/etc for Midnight Sparkle, please please please!  lol   I know he's technically an Earth pony, but perhaps his intellect and evil nature somehow won him a place in her court?  





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@Lektra Bolt @nx9100 @Kronos the Revenant @Drago Ryder

I'll keep the Mane six thread on the back burner if there wont be takers for that. That or run them myself. 

I'll be making character sheets for you all to fill out. I know you probably have ones already on the forums, but I want these more specifically geared for this AU.

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@Buck Testa 

I'd be up for running Starlight. And I have a few characters who could work for this universe. 

Question though: which tribe would bat ponies belong to, and where would the denizens of the Storm Kingdom and the Crystal empire be folded into? 

@Lektra Bolt

Hey, you know who would be perfect for this universe? 


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2 minutes ago, Lektra Bolt said:

I do! It's too obvious! Which side though, or both?

Well since the Imperium Of Man Midnight Empire is being positioned as the techno superpower, she'd probably go with that. I don't see prime universe Luster really being "cannon". 

Character sheets for:



Character sheet: 

Name: Luster

Gender: n/a

Race: Equinoid

National Affiliation: Empire of Midnight

Personality: Competitive. Confident. Protective. Devoted. Snarky. Sarcastic. Abrasive. Obnoxious. Arrogant. Stubborn. Eccentric. Foalish. Hyper.

Flaws and quirks: stubborn, short tempered, tunnel vision, impulsive, narcissistic, will loose sight of the bigger picture to focus on one goal. Would rather fight and die than make a tactical retreat. More interested in being right, rather than correct. Incapable of casting spells. 

Hates books and libraries. Pyromaniac. Like's to adorn and decorate her chassis, swapping them out frequently like outfits. Enjoys sculpting and pottery. Takes souvenirs from battle. Enjoys industrial music.


Specialties/talents: Cunning strategist and tactician. Master melee fighter. Demolitions. Logistics. Mathematics. Hacking. 

Bio: The first ever magitech AI, created by Lektra and M. Sparkle, compiling thousands of brain scans compiled into DNA sequential computers to replicate the thoughts and emotions of a living pony. Created as the first Equinoid pony robot, a manufactured army for the empires disposal, the cost of replicating equinoids as complex as Luster was too expensive Instead she was developed as a sapient weapon, rapidly learning and compiling every known recorded battle and every form of combat and strategy. The perfect war machine. 

If it wasn't for the personality quirks that followed from those scans, making her cocky, short tempered, short sighted, stubborn and over zealous. A credit to the forces of the empire, being good at her job of waging wars. Perhaps too good, getting way too much enjoyment from fighting and destruction, almost like it was all a game to her.  Luster believes in the empire. Her vision of the empire. And if everpony does exactly as she says, everything will work out.

Or be destroyed, rebuilt and improved upon in the process. 

Physical description/image: 

Jet black alicorn equinoid in the form of the past rulers, with gold highlights, a golden mane and tail with bronze and copper streaks and glowing amber LED eyes. 




Character sheet: 

Name: Angelscape


Race: Pony

National Affiliation:  Republic of Everfree

Personality: Nurturing, motherly, studious, nerdy, romantic, intellectual, 

Flaws and quirks: Nerdy jock. Works out and exorcises while researching and studying. Likes vampires. Fond of Neighlic myths and culture. Stocks freezer with the most diverse collection of ice cream flavors in the land. Part time bartender. Tends to binge drink. Likes mexicolt food. Polyamorist. Likes vampires and other gothic stuff. 

Doesn't handle isolation and quiet very well. Adverse to killing. Doesn't think too highly of herself. Has bouts of depression.                         

Specialties/talents: Academic and scientific jack of all trades. Medical specialist. Chemist, physicist and mathematician. Champion wrestler and boxer. Equipped with stolen magitech armor prototype which extends and retracts over her body, as well as forming extendable blades and shields. 

Bio: Hails from Manehatten by way of the Neiglic isles near Trottingham. She attended university and enlisted in the service against her families wishes to maintain a conservative life in agriculture, straining their relationship. Pursues the scientific advancement of the republic, looking to find ways of victory or even peace outside of direct warfare. Wants to have a family, but shudders at the thought of them growing up in a war torn world.

Angel enjoys learning for the sake of learning, work outs for their physical benefits, and being among her friends and lovers. Oh and making/ consuming exotic adult beverages. 

Physical description/image: angelscapenewjpg_by_crystalsonatica-d9tg8wb.thumb.jpg.391b7608e775532ed173a46713fabc43.jpg


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9 minutes ago, Lektra Bolt said:

I do though. We were doing just fine with non 'destroy all humans' Luster in Power Rangers. She's independent and rebellious, but we just leave the genocidal tendencies out. Your call though

I'll get my sheets up in a bit and Buck can decide if I should do all, two, or none and he'll do Lektra as an NPC

Aren't the mane 6-8 the only ones from the prime timeline? 

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1 hour ago, Denim&Venom said:

@Buck Testa 

I'd be up for running Starlight. And I have a few characters who could work for this universe. 

Question though: which tribe would bat ponies belong to, and where would the denizens of the Storm Kingdom and the Crystal empire be folded into?

Bat ponies were loyal to Luna/Nightmare Moon. After her overthrowing I could easily see them being scattered among the nations. Some would view Midnight as NMM's rightful successor, some would seek the militaristic ways of the Hurricane Legion, and still others would seek refuge in the Republic of Everfree. 

I will also say that Equus is set up much differently than Equestria. Remember, Equestria and its cities were made under a unified banner with harmony guiding them. Places like Manehattan or Ponyville dont exist. 

Geography is similar, but the locations and history are different. I'll break it down more in a bit. 

Just now, Lektra Bolt said:

Buck made an alternate world. There are two of everyone, and it's just a decision of 'did creature X hitch a ride with the Cast' :mlp_toldya:

I'll get more into that also.

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20 hours ago, Buck Testa said:

Places like Manehattan or Ponyville dont exist

Personally, I would have it as Ponyville being an abandoned, ruined town.  That way, when the Mane Team from Prime Universe show up, they have somewhere to start out at that is drastically different.

Manehattan should exist, but a more run-down and crime ridden, like Gotham City.  I would have it as a city that, while under Unicorn Empire control, is populated with a mix of species, perhaps the only place where they live together, though still separated by class.  The Unicorns live in the towers in spender, the Earth ponies in the slums and working the labor, while the few pegasus ponies are somewhere in the middle.  Being on the coast on the Empire's edge is what gives it this mixup.  Would also allow a point where characters from both sides could potentially encounter each other.  If you don't want Manehatten like this, let me know so I can update my OC's bio.




Character sheet: 

Name: Ennex

Gender: stallion

Race: Earth Pony

National Affiliation: Republic of Everfree (kinda)

Personality: Intelligent.  Cunning.  Mischievous. Arrogant.  Smooth.  Cultured.                 Evil.

Flaws and quirks: Likes to be in control of everypony around him. Enjoys plotting schemes and wants you to know it was him who outsmarted you.  Doesn't like to get his own hooves dirty, but will when necessary.  He usually acts all kind and friendly in public, to maintain appearances.  Enjoys both classical music, as well as more, modern flavors from a certain DJ....

Biggest flaw is his own ego and arrogance.  Believes his intelligence is unmatched, and that he has planned for everything.

Biggest weakness, and only truly good part of him, is his love for his brother, the only pony he will never harm.  Goes out of his way to take care of his brother and keep him safe.  (this could be exploited)

Specialties/talents: His biggest strength is his intelligence.  Is skilled at manipulation and controlling others.  Always has plans within plans within plans......

Wears magic glasses that allows him to 'see' the darkness in a pony, made from illegally-obtained Magitek.

Bio: Ennex was born in the Republic of Everfree to a poor family.  His father was an earth pony that worked in a steam plant, while his mother was a unicorn that fled from the Empire.  Through some twist of his mother's magic, he and his brother ended up as two sides of a split personality: his brother the kind and lovable side, he the more twisted and darker side.  After loosing his parents to an accident, he struck off on his own, not satisfied with a simple life underground.  He became a smuggler between the Republic and the Empire, and eventually formed a large criminal organization, specializing in black market goods and stolen Magitek and zebra artifacts.  Rumor has it he even has plans for Equus itself....

Physical description/image: 



Ennex small.png

Edited by nx9100





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The reason why places like Manehattan and Ponyville wouldn't exist is because the divergence happened at the very founding of Equestria, with how they drove away the Windegoes. When Starlight went back in time and changed the past regarding the Mane six, that only changed a couple decades worth of history (give or take), and you saw how radically different those timelines became. 

This is a divergence of well over 1000 years, where the ponies never unified under one banner. The two sisters in fact were barely rulers at all, instead bickering rivals whom squabbled in their nightmarish forms while the ponies scattered and isolated into their own nations. That is a change so radical that it would be unthinkable that places like Manehattan or Ponyville would exist.


We also have 3 very different governing systems. The Republic Of Everfree is a Representative Republic that is both underground and populating the everfree forest, rejecting any and all claims to royalty, especially from wretched alicorns whom had abused the sun and moon with their bickering for so long. It has capitals, cities, commerce and the like that is all underground and hidden. Earth ponies are not farming out in the open, they are doing it with entirely different means devised to prohibit theft from other nations. Ponyville would never have been founded because it was founded by Earth Ponies like Granny Smith. 

The Hurricane Legion is an isolationist militaristic nation that sustains itself through hunting and gathering. Its largely backward technologically speaking, with a harsh cultish view of their own superiority thanks to their command over the weather. A place like Cloudsdale would have never formed. 

Then there's the Empire of Midnight, which is the largest and most formidable of the three Nations. It's an alliance of Unicorns, Changelings and Dragons. It is the most technologically developed, with the strongest and most diverse military, and a Ruler that is actively apart of research and development. Midnight maneuvered herself into this position, securing the allegiances of some of Equestrias most feared enemies and had built her burgeoning empire frightfully fast off the back of the failed rule of the Sisters. 

Another huge difference was the sisters themselves. Without the elements and the guidance of harmony, they eventually both became Nightmares in their squabbling over the sun and moon. It's part of the reason why the nations split up the way they had, and why they had to hide and isolate. The unicorns were doing the same thing, being hold up in their own fortified nation to hide from the "rule" of the two sisters whom bickered over the placement of the sun and moon. It was Midnight, once a unicorn Sorceress of their nation, whom took it upon herself to journey forth and seek out allies in the darkest of places, until she had the might to bring down the two sisters and claim their magic for her own. Now, decades later, the Empire of Midnight is the essence of Lawful Evil. Gone were the chaos of the two sisters, and here was the age of industry and Magitek. 

So like I said, Equus would only be recognizable as Equestria in geography. The rest is vastly different.




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@Buck Testa, ok, that makes more sense.  I re-read your original post, and guess I didn't take the entire length of time into account.  If you're ok with the rest of my OC's bio, then I'll just change his home-city.  btw, what IS the capital of the Empire?  Would it be Canterlot(name?) or a different city?





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Black market imports?


@Buck Testa @Lektra Bolt, Wait!  I have a much better idea!!!!!  One that fits my oc's original intent, yet also changes him to fit this new world!  Give me a few to update my character sheet above then let me know what you think....

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21 minutes ago, Lektra Bolt said:

Sorry, going to have to disallow this also. The specific way to make Bolt version of Magitek has to be a state secret unless you're a member of the court. Knock offs wouldn't be allowed.

Black market imports?

Hey now. Who's disallowing what? Last I checked I'm the GM. I can take your objection into consideration however its ultimately my call. 

@nx9100 let me look at it and I'll give my thoughts 

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2 hours ago, nx9100 said:

Personally, I would have it as Ponyville being an abandoned, ruined town.  That way, when the Mane Team from Prime Universe show up, they have somewhere to start out at that is drastically different.

Manehattan should exist, but a more run-down and crime ridden, like Gotham City.  I would have it as a city that, while under Unicorn Empire control, is populated with a mix of species, perhaps the only place where they live together, though still separated by class.  The Unicorns live in the towers in spender, the Earth ponies in the slums and working the labor, while the few pegasus ponies are somewhere in the middle.  Being on the coast on the Empire's edge is what gives it this mixup.  Would also allow a point where characters from both sides could potentially encounter each other.  If you don't want Manehatten like this, let me know so I can update my OC's bio.


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Character sheet: 

Name: Ennex

Gender: stallion

Race: Earth Pony

National Affiliation: Empire of Midnight

Personality: Intelligent.  Cunning.  Mischievous. Arrogant.  Smooth.  Cultured.                 Evil.

Flaws and quirks: Likes to be in control of everypony around him. Enjoys plotting schemes and wants you to know it was him who outsmarted you.  Doesn't like to get his own hooves dirty, but will when necessary.  He usually acts all kind and friendly in public, to maintain appearances.  Enjoys both classical music, as well as more, modern flavors from a certain DJ....

Biggest flaw is his own ego and arrogance.  Believes his intelligence is unmatched, and that he has planned for everything.

Biggest weakness, and only truly good part of him, is his love for his brother, the only pony he will never harm.  Goes out of his way to take care of his brother and keep him safe.  (this could be exploited)

Specialties/talents: His biggest strength is his intelligence.  Is skilled at manipulation and controlling others.  Always has plans within plans within plans......

Wears magic glasses that allows him to 'see' the darkness in a pony, made from illegally-obtained Magitek.

Bio: Ennex was born in the Republic of Everfree to a poor family.  His father was an earth pony that worked in a steam plant, while his mother was a unicorn that fled from the Empire.  Through some twist of his mother's magic, he and his brother ended up as two sides of a split personality: his brother the kind and lovable side, he the more twisted and darker side.  After loosing his parents to an accident, he struck off on his own, not satisfied with a simple life underground.  He became a smuggler between the Republic and the Empire, and eventually formed a large criminal organization, specializing in black market goods and stolen Magitek and zebra artifacts.  Rumor has it he even has plans for Equus itself....

Physical description/image: 



Ennex small.png

A few thoughts. 

Overall I really like the concept, a black market guy that's underground trading between Everfree and Midnight. I would like to add some thoughts to it. 

Pregiduce: Being a citizen of Midnight, he would be living among predominantly Unicorns. He would be severely looked down upon and harrassed, constantly looked upon as some Everfree spy who is up to no good. The fact that he could get into such a vicarious position as a black market hustler would be a feat in intelligence indeed. Unicorns would mostly think Earth ponies are dumb and inferior, so your character could use to his advantage. So the pregiduce he would get would both be a big disadvantage as well as part of how he operates.


I would even change it so that he grew up in Midnights Empire, which is why hes down to funnel black market goods to Everfree, cause f:mellow:ck those racist unicorns!

Earth Pony enginuity: Earth ponies in the show proper as well as in this verse are adept at creating tech in their own right, I could see a blending of the Druidic Steampunk tech of Everfree and the Magitek of Midnight being an underground venture. 

The Eye of Midnight is watching: while your character might THINK hes getting away with what hes doing, in truth he'd probably be monitored on to see if there was anything useful to be gained. And if hes euntrapenuerial enough and enough of a turncoat, he could even use that to his advantage. 

Questions: given how pregiduce and second class he would be under the Empire (assuming you go that route) HOW would he get in a position that he could funnel magitek?

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Character sheet: 

Name: Kronos Kristiallton (Yes, that’s his actual last name)

Gender: Male/Stallion

Race: Earth Pony

National Affiliation: Republic of Everfree

Personality: Headstrong, valiant, courageous, chivalrous 

Flaws and quirks: One thing about Kronos that isnt immediately apparent to orhers until he’s set off is that he has a case of dissociative identity disorder and switches between personailites randomly from time to time. He’s had this problem at a young age since he replaced a section of his brain with machinery. He has gotten batter at controlling it, but problems flare up every now and then. The list of his personalities from docile to dangerous are as follows: Gabriel the Archangel of Justice, Alejandro the Guardian of the Meek, Kronos the Revenant, Kaiser the Dominion of War, and Krux the Beast

Specialties/talents: Kronos is a very skilled mechhanical craftspony, wielding proof of his skill on his body (ie his computerized head segment, his limbs). He’s also a very skilled fighter in close quaters combat and long range combat. With his enhaced scanning technology and sharply heightened neural processing power, he can reverse engineer any form of technology of any level in a matter of minutes and improve upon it; however, his attpemts at imporving dont always go as planned, as mentioned before while his body is proof of his mastery of technology, it’s also proof of some mistakes with technology he’s made in the past, in other words, he hasnt exatcly had a perfect track record with technology, but he’s still one of the best at it.

Bio: Kronos comes from a kingdom far from Equestria’s borders which was once its ally. It was a military empire known as Ragnarok (think of it as Ragnarok is to Equestria the same as Sparta is to Greece). He is of the Kristiallton family, which is the highest standing family in his nation. While outsiders would consider him royalty, Ragnarok technically doesnt have a monarchy, but rather a stratocracy (i literally had to look this up :D) in which the most powerful soldiers are in power. In this case, Kronos’ family, the Kristialltons, are one of the most powerful families and are the head of Ragnarok’s most powerful clan, the Reavers, which is a clan of many families of Ragnarok that are distinguished by their outstanding service of the military and their significant contributions to many key battles in Ragnarok’s history. In the case of Kronos’s family, his great great great grandmother, Jezebel Krause, was one if the greatest Valkyries of Ragnarok’s history, being involved in over 3,500 battles and skirmishes as a powerful inspirational leader and battlefield medic. Her outstanding service to Ragnarok granted her a place in the Reaver clan and she eventually became the Grand Matriarch of the Reaver house. The current leader of the Reaver house is Kronos’s father, Grand Patriarch Ulysses. Kronos intends to live up to his father’s mantle as a great military leader and intends to be the one who reforges his country’s relationship with Equestria.

Physical description/image: 


Edited by Kronos the Revenant
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8 minutes ago, Kronos the Revenant said:

Character sheet: 

Name: Kronos Kristiallton (Yes, that’s his actual last name)

Gender: Male/Stallion

Race: Earth Pony

National Affiliation: Republic of Everfree

Personality: Headstrong, valiant, courageous, chivalrous 

Flaws and quirks: One thing about Kronos that isnt immediately apparent to orhers until he’s set off is that he has a case of dissociative identity disorder and switches between personailites randomly from time to time. He’s had this problem at a young age since he replaced a section of his brain with machinery. He has gotten batter at controlling it, but problems flare up every now and then. The list of his personalities from docile to dangerous are as follows: Gabriel the Archangel of Justice, Alejandro the Guardian of the Meek, Kronos the Revenant, Kaiser the Dominion of War, and Krux the Beast

Specialties/talents: Kronos is a very skilled mechhanical craftspony, wielding proof of his skill on his body (ie his computerized head segment, his limbs). He’s also a very skilled fighter in close quaters combat and long range combat. With his enhaced scanning technology and sharply heightened neural processing power, he can reverse engineer any form of technology of any level in a matter of minutes and improve upon it; however, his attpemts at imporving dont always go as planned, as mentioned before while his body is proof of his mastery of technology, it’s also proof of some mistakes with technology he’s made in the past, in other words, he hasnt exatcly had a perfect track record with technology, but he’s still one of the best at it.

Bio: Kronos comes from a kingdom far from Equestria’s borders which was once its ally. It was a military empire known as Ragnarok (think of it as Ragnarok is to Equestria the same as Sparta is to Greece). He is of the Kristiallton family, which is the highest standing family in his nation. While outsiders would consider him royalty, Ragnarok technically doesnt have a monarchy, but rather a stratocracy (i literally had to look this up :D) in which the most powerful soldiers are in power. In this case, Kronos’ family, the Kristialltons, are one of the most powerful families and are the head of Ragnarok’s most powerful clan, the Reavers, which is a clan of many families of Ragnarok that are distinguished by their outstanding service of the military and their significant contributions to many key battles in Ragnarok’s history. In the case of Kronos’s family, his great great great grandmother, Jezebel Krause, was one if the greatest Valkyries of Ragnarok’s history, being involved in over 3,500 battles and skirmishes as a powerful inspirational leader and battlefield medic. Her outstanding service to Ragnarok granted her a place in the Reaver clan and she eventually became the Grand Matriarch of the Reaver house. The current leader of the Reaver house is Kronos’s father, Grand Patriarch Ulysses. Kronos intends to live up to his father’s mantle as a great military leader and intends to be the one who reforges his country’s relationship with Equestria.

Physical description/image: 


I'll toss some ideas your way after work.

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@Buck Testa, actually, when I updated his bio, forgot to change his affiliation to Everfree, lol.  Take the following part from his bio: "After loosing his parents to an accident, he struck off on his own, not satisfied with a simple life underground.  He became a smuggler between the Republic and the Empire".  Was going to mention in the rp at some point that he has an accomplice in the Empire, my other OC Sakuya.  but figured i'd get to that later.  

Heck, let me just re-post the updated bio here....

Edited by nx9100





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Character sheet: 

Name: Ennex

Gender: stallion

Race: Earth Pony

National Affiliation: Republic of Everfree (kinda)

Personality: Intelligent.  Cunning.  Mischievous. Arrogant.  Smooth.  Cultured.                 Evil.

Flaws and quirks: Likes to be in control of everypony around him. Enjoys plotting schemes and wants you to know it was him who outsmarted you.  Doesn't like to get his own hooves dirty, but will when necessary.  He usually acts all kind and friendly in public, to maintain appearances.  Enjoys both classical music, as well as more, modern flavors from a certain DJ....

Biggest flaw is his own ego and arrogance.  Believes his intelligence is unmatched, and that he has planned for everything.

Biggest weakness, and only truly good part of him, is his love for his brother, the only pony he will never harm.  Goes out of his way to take care of his brother and keep him safe.  (this could be exploited)

Specialties/talents: His biggest strength is his intelligence.  Is skilled at manipulation and controlling others.  Always has plans within plans within plans......

Wears magic glasses that allows him to 'see' the darkness in a pony, made from illegally-obtained Magitek.

Bio: Ennex was born in the Republic of Everfree to a poor family.  His father was an earth pony that worked in a steam plant, while his mother was a unicorn that fled from the Empire.  Through some twist of his mother's magic, he and his brother ended up as two sides of a split personality: his brother the kind and lovable side, he the more twisted and darker side.  After loosing his parents to an accident, he struck off on his own, not satisfied with a simple life underground and desiring more power for himself.  After wandering the borders between the nations, he encountered a unicorn that abandoned the Empire due to her broken horn.  The two became smugglers between the Republic and the Empire, and eventually formed a large criminal organization, specializing in black market goods and stolen Magitek and zebra artifacts.  Rumor has it he even has plans for Equus itself....

Physical description/image: 

Ennex small.png





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@Buck Testa

So far from the sounds of things, each faction kinda operates like the following:

  • Hurricane legion: Representative democratic rule like the Spartans. Capitalist society thanks to the griffons. But all rights must be earned via military service to the state. The right to earn a certain pay, own certain types of property like a home or business, vote in elections or even have freedom of speech must be earned. Wealth and freedom are things to be earned and fought for. Entire adult populace is up for conscription. So right wing, capitalist meritocracy lead by a military junta. 
  •  Everfree Republic: Direct social democracy, where populace votes on all matters, but those matters are decided via a council of workers. All profits  and resources go to the state which distributes them among the populace. the state takes care of it's citizens, which helps them focus on work and individual pursuits No ruling class. So Marxist communism mixed with social democracy. 
  • Midnight Empire: Technocracy, where positions of power are filled by specialists. Scientists, engineers, economists, design the country from the ground up to be the most efficient and productive. Whole regions are designed to focus on special tasks, the entire country operating as one system. Ponies are assigned roles that best match their skills, interests and intellect to ensure the best productivity. If they fail, they are reassigned to a proper place. All in service of the state and it's qualified leaders. So technocratic fascism? 
Also I don't think the dragons should be in the empire. Changelings I get. A ruling queen and subservient drones with specific purposes would compliment the ideas of the unicorns. But Dragons? The value power, wealth and pride. Which makes me think they'd be better in the Legion. Competitive like pegasai, but greedy like the griffons. 
Also, I don't think Twi should be out and out evil either. Evil people typically don't craft stable societies. There should be rationale to her actions. Some reason she see's herself as the good mare in all this. 
Yup. I sure did. :proud:


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