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Sunlight Glisten

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Seems somepony does not read the guidelines.


Excluding bots and dupes, a ban is extremely rarely handed out based on a single offense. It's usually a sum of negative actions preceded with sufficient warnings. What Rechie wrote are indeed the most common causes of earning oneself a ban.

I'd also add underage accounts to the list, as basically MLPF is legally bound not to host people below age of 13 on the forums as PG-13 rated site. But underage accounts are not banished but instead suspended until the day the users behind them reach the appropriate age.


There's not really much more to it.



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1 hour ago, Sunlight Glisten said:

I see a lot of ponies have been banished, I'm wondering what are some banishable offences? Other than trying to overthrow celestia of course :orly:

The #1 reason people have been banned comes down to basically acting like an overt asshole. NSFW is not that common. Duplicate accounts are usually banned because they are just the banned user trying to circumvent the original ban which is commonly, as I said, acting like a dick CONSTANTLY


Other reasons are even more rare to the point that it becomes unneeded to mention them

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