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private New Girl in Town (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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Dynamo couldn't help in chuckling at Scarlet's response. "Okay. I guess that means you and Tabby can be the next Celestia and Luna. Meaning that the two of you can be princesses. However, you can be my girlfriend princess, while Tabby can be my little sister princess." He says with a smile. "Oh, I see. So, they have slides, rock and rope climbs and everything else. I wouldn't even be surprised if they had a room that was all trampolines. That actually sounds like a lot of fun. Is it only for kids, or is there a part of that same center for the older kids to go to?" Gentle asks, smiling as she looked down to see that Tabby was curled up and had fallen asleep. "I'm glad that she likes her new grandma. I guess I have that sort of calm, kind and caring aura that shows that I'm peaceful."

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet would smile "Well you know, some people say that children take after their parents whether they like it or not, and I would say that Dynamo's certainly taken after you quite a bit" she would say to Gentle "He's just like you when it comes to kind and caring and peaceful..Calm how-ever? You ought to have seen him when we watched the leak for the new Ponymon games" she'd giggle "He was bouncing around the room.


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"Ara Ara"

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"I can attest to that. Dynamo definitely takes after me. We sometimes have the same thought, the same reaction, or even share a similar trait. It does sometimes leads to arguments which is kind of the same." Gentle responded, Dynamo nodding with a frown. "I'm sorry about that mom. I know arguing is sometimes normal, but I feel bad when that happens." Dynamo says, Gentle shaking his head with a small smile. "Oh, I know, dear and there's no need to apologize. Families argue, but it's all about sticking together." Gentle chuckled as she heard the mention of Dynamo being excited over a video game. "I'm glad that hasn't changed a bit. He would always freak out whenever there was a trailer of a new game. I think that hyperactive nature is his own unique self. He did gain his father's sense of humor." Dynamo rolled his eyes with a smirk and chuckled. "You can say that again. Imagine if E3 was playing and there were so many new games to look forward to. I might fly through the roof of the house and go soaring to the moon." He chuckled once more as he saw the house was within their sights.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet would giggle "It is a rather unique trait of his, though Button did the same too, I bet" she would say, then looked to Dynamo and whispered to him "Did we ever tell your mom about what happened at that tournament? The one where you know..that colt tried to cheat?"


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"Ara Ara"

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"You can say that again. I think you saw how energetic and random Button was when you met him during that time. He freaked out when it was closing time for the day, before pulling us aside and discussing everything was to know about Ponymon. I remember he pestered us about which starter we were going to choose. That, and which version of the game we were going to get. Knowing us, we'll be getting one game, the other, or most likely both. Since we can play both games side by side and have fun playing co-op. The only problem is that I still don't know which starter to choose from. They all look cute, but I don't know which one to stick with as a team. Considering the fact that the creator's of the game haven't given out too much information for us to go with." Dynamo sighed and shook his head, while Gentle giggled and giving her son a caring smile. "It's okay, honey. At the very least, you, Scarlet and Tabby have a video game to look forward to. No matter who you choose, always remember that you can have fun and replay the games."

Dynamo blinked for a moment, before nodding with a smile. "Thanks mom and yeah, you're right. There's so many to choose from as they all look really cool, but I know that I'm going to enjoy the game, no matter what." As they pulled up near the house and parked the car in the driveway. Dynamo glanced over to the female wolf as he heard the question. "I actually didn't tell my mom. To be honest, I didn't think the whole bullying/cheating thing that colt did was too important to bring up." He whispered back, Gentle's ears perking as she thought she heard them talking. "Did you two dears say something? Is everything okay?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet would look over to Gentle and nod "Oh, I was just asking him if he had told you about what happened at the tournament in Canterlot" she would say "There was this wealthy colt, he had paid the arcade owner off to allow him to cheat, but I couldn't stand by and watch as Dynamo and his friends get cheated on by this colt, so I called the organizers of the event and had them disqualify the colt" she'd say "and then the players who get to that point by their skill alone, finally got to have a chance, and Dynamo had won"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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At the mention of a bully, who was being a cheater and being unfair. Gentle gasped softly as she looked between both Dynamo and Scarlet. "No. I actually didn't know anything about that. I hope everything was okay." She responded, Dynamo having a worried look in his eyes. "I'm really sorry mom. I just didn't want to make you feel worried. I know I've gone through a lot in the past, but I was trying to show that I'm doing okay. I'm just glad that Scarlet was able to help Chill and I out when the whole tournament got out of hand." He says, Gentle sighing with a slight nod. "I know, but I still worry about you honey. You're truly all I have left and I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. To be fair, Scarlet did mention Canterlot. I haven't been there personally, but I've heard that some ponies living there are absolute snobs. So, I can't really fault you for what had happened. It's just a shame that someone was able to manipulate the tournaments and would go that far." 

Dynamo turned in his seat, until he was looking at Gentle's gaze. "I understand and I'm really sorry mom. I can't really say that things like this won't ever happen again, but that's what happens when some gamer's don't want to play by the rules. I can only promise that I'll do my best and to be careful if there's ever any trouble." He says, giving his mom and apologetic look. "That's all I ever ask, dear. It makes me feel less worries that you have some good friends and a girlfriend that will be there with you. I love you honey." Dynamo smiled with a nod as he opened the front door to the car. "I know and I love you too mom." He says, getting out of the car, before going over to open the trunk. As Gentle made her exit out of the car, Dynamo had made sure to grab her suitcase, before shutting the trunk of the car. He walked over as he gave Gentle a hug, who had returned the embrace without a second though. Nothing needed to be said as both mother and son knew that everything was going to be okay.

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@Dynamo Pad

"I'm sorry for worrying you Gentle, but I felt you had the right to know, but rest assured, both Dynamo and Chill conducted themselves well during the whole thing" she would say, giving her a hug as well before Tabby decided to join in "They both acted with maturity and honesty" she would smile "I guess that is one of the things that helped me to like him more, his maturity and honesty, and he even won the tournament, with Chill coming in second" she would say, letting her in, and it would seem the party was beginning "We'll take your luggage up to teh spare room, I've converted it to my workshop, but we've made room for you"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Gentle was momentarily caught off guard as she was bombarded by hug after hug from Scarlet and Tabby. However, she chuckled as she returned the hugs, nonetheless. "It's okay and there's no need to apologize, Scarlet. I know that there will be those out there that want to be nefarious. Some want to be above the law, but they have to learn that you have to work hard to earn the respect of others." She says, giggling as she listened to the female wolf's thoughts and feelings. "It seems you fell in love with my son for many different reasons. I can guess that his silly nature won you more over than his maturity. Although, I'm happy to hear that you care for him for the right reasons." She says as the group started making their way towards the house. "I'm glad to hear that everything went well and that you all even made a new friend." Dynamo nods as he held the front door open for Scarlet, Tabby and Gentle to walk through. "You can say that again, mom. It would be cool if Chill would make it, but I remember hearing that he was probably going to be busy. I'm just glad that I was able to make a new friend. Along with Scar becoming my girlfriend at the end of it all."

As he closed the door behind him, the group stepped in to see that the party was just getting started. "Oh, you didn't have to do that, dears. I do appreciate the hospitality that you made into setting up the room though. I hope I don't cause you to be behind in your work, Scarlet." She says as Dynamo shook his head with a kind smile. "It's okay mom. You can even ask Scarlet. We made sure to work towards an agreement to where everyone would be happy. By the way, did you want me to take the luggage up to the room, Scar? I can imagine you want to check up with Rarity and the others to let them know that you're back."

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet smiles "Well yes, his silly sense of humor is a major part of why I fell for him" she'd say to Gentle, before turning to Dynamo "That'd be great Dynamo, I'll be mingling" she would say as she would then begin to mingle with everyone.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"It sounds to me like you have good taste, dear. That's exactly how I fell in love with my late husband. Believe it or not, he was very serious all of the time. However, he soon began to take it easy and gained a sense of humor." Gentle giggled with a smile. "Okay and I'll see you in a bit." Dynamo responded, giving Scarlet a kiss upon the cheek, giving Tabby and Gentle a hug, before taking the suitcase up the stairs to the room. After a few minutes of putting the suitcase in a safe spot, Dynamo made his way down the steps. He decided to sit on the railing and slide down, until he reached a certain step. He slowly slid to a stop as he tried to step down on the steps, but tripped as he was met face first with a wall. He was glad that the impact wasn't as bad as he thought, but he knew that could have been dangerous. "I'm okay! No worries!" He called out in case anyone had taken notice of the scene.

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@Dynamo Pad

Scarlet would look over and shake her head as Tabby would rush over to Dynamo to give him a 'feel better' hug. Meanwhile, Scarlet's mother, Charlene was chatting with a few of the other guests, including Gentle "so Gentle, I hear you teach dancing? I used to dance when I was younger" she would say with a bit of a blush "I did classical ballet"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Gentle held back a chuckle as she saw Dynamo almost face plant against the wall. "Just be careful, honey. We wouldn't want you to get hurt and then go to the emergency room, okay?" She asks, chuckling as she saw Dynamo giving her a thumbs up. The blue unicorn smiled as he saw Tabby rush over to give him a hug. One that he happily returned without a second thought. "Thanks for the concern, Tabby, but I'll be just fine. No need to worry." He placed a kiss on the top of her head, before picking her up and holding her in his arms. "So, what do you think? Let's get going and all of us can enjoy the party. There are some friends I know that I think you'd like to meet." He says, walking with Tabby as he went to greet the other guests. Gentle smiled as she looked to see that Dynamo and Scarlet had made the party run smoothly, before turning towards Charlene, Scarlet's mother.

"You're right about that, Char. I've been teaching dancing ever since I founded my very own dance studio." She would say, raising a curious eyebrow with a look of interest upon her expression. "You used to dance, as well? When did you start taking dance lessons?" She asks, taking notice of the slight blush Charlene was sporting. "Why are you blushing, Char? There's no need to be shy about that. I think that pretty awesome and ballet is a great place to start. I do teach ballet, but I mostly teach other forms of dance. Have you ever heard of the movie Step Up? It's basically a sort of romantic dancing film, but it's where I got my roots from. They have so many different dance styles incorporated into the movie. It's why I wanted to help show other ponies and creatures that there's a style out there for you. Along with being able to convey your feelings and emotions through dancing."

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@Dynamo Pad

Charlene giggles "Well, I did it in Primary school, then I moved up to break and street dancing when I went into high school" she would nod "and yes movies like Step Up were a big influence for me, mind you, all the balance techniques and moves I learned, actually really helped when I joined the cheer squad" she smiles.

"best damn Cheerleader leader in my opinion" Fenrir would say, hugging Charlene close to him "Though a tad distracting when ever I played" he'd say "I think most of my team mates also had a thing for you"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"You've watched the Step Up series too? I'm honestly quite surprised. I don't normally hear other ponies make any sort of mention about that movie. Usually, I consider it to be both a classic and underrated." Gentle responded, while Charlene began to list off all the dancing styles she had learned. "I will have to say that the cheer squad isn't a bad idea when taking up dancing. With all the posing, cheers and such. It's sort of like dancing in its own, unique way. With the way you gain balance, it helps when working on different dance moves into both the routine and choreography."

As Fenrir spoke up and hugged Charlene, Gentle couldn't help in giggling at the two. "What team did you try out for Fenrir? I want to say Football, but then again. There are more sports in school that have the cheer squad participating in supporting the teams. I'd feel bad if it was, indeed, football. I can imagine how getting distracted could lead you to getting tackled by the other teammates."

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@Dynamo Pad

Fenrir chuckles and rubs the back of his neck "Hehe yeah, it was football, Grid Iron actually, and well yeah, I got tackled quite often, simply because I was getting distracted by my lovely girlfriend" he'd say, still hugging Charlene close "Not that I am complaining though, I am now married to her, and we have two wonderful daughters" he'd smile wider.

Scarlet would go over to Dynamo "Hey honey, are you okay? I saw you faceplant into the wall" she'd say, kissing his forehead, before noticing that her sister was curled up in his arms, and gently kissing her forehead as well.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"I feel as if running laps or having to go through football drills would be more fitting, instead of getting tackled. I'd be worried if someone would get a concussion or get hurt from constant tackles." Gentle cringed slightly, before smiling at the couple. "Even so, I think that's really sweet that you gave each other support. You both raised two wonderful daughters. Two of which I can happily call granddaughters of my own. Granted, that's if the relationship between Dynamo and Scarlet continues to work out for them. I can't stop thinking of how cute the two of them make as a couple." She would say, looking over to mentioned couple.

Dynamo glanced over to Scarlet and smiled with a nod. "Eeyup and no worries. I was thinking of running down the steps and taking a giant leap. I opted out as I felt that I might have gotten hurt. I'd say sliding down the banister would have been the lesser of two evils." He chuckled, putting air quotes over the word, 'might.' He closed his eyes and smiled as he felt the female wolf kiss his forehead. "Thank you for the concern though, sweetheart. So, how's the party going? I can imagine everything has been coming along smoothly? Was everyone on the guest list able to make it?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Fenrir chuckles a little "Oh yes, we were greatly punished for getting distracted during practice" he would say, "going from running laps to well..scrubbing the locker room with a toothbrush" he'd laugh "Okay, that last one was a joke, I think that'd be more military than sport, but we did have to do things like running laps, push ups, sit ups, and a lot of the time in the rain and mud" he'd then nod "I sure do hope that those two stay together a long time, out of all the boyfriends Scarlet has had, Dynamo is by far the best" he says "And Tabby seems pretty attached to him as well"

Scarlet giggles and nods "Just be more careful okay dear, and I'm glad you are okay" she would say, nodding "The party is a success, Pinkie seems to have pulled out all the stops" she'd say, helping him up from the stairs.



Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Scrubbing the locker room with a toothbrush doesn't sound like too bad of a punishment. That is, unless you have to use that toothbrush to clean out the toilets. The one thing that's worse is if you have to use your own toothbrush." Gentle gagged as she felt sick from the thought, before giggling. "With what you had to go through, I can only imagine that they pushed you and everyone to either the point of exhauster, or to where you might be sick. I know that the school and coaches can't go to the extreme, but I based it on the lines of when you mentioned of being distracted." She raised an eyebrow on the subject of boyfriends. "Speaking of which, that reminded me. I remember Scarlet mentioning something along the lines of my son being a way better boyfriend than her ex. From what you've said, it sounds like some things had happened. Would it be too much to ask if I could be filled in on what had happened?" She asks, feeling concerned on the female wolf's well being.

"Will do and I'm sorry if I made you and Tabby worry." Dynamo chuckled with a nod as Scarlet helped him up from the stairs. "That's awesome! I'm glad Pinkie was able to make this party such a success, so far. I remember you meeting her the day after you got to town, but I knew the two of you would be good friends. Considering that Pinkie is basically friends with everyone in town. I sometimes feel envious at how she's able to remember so many names and important facts. Even I have trouble in remembering some things." He replied with a chuckle and shook his head. "Oh, by the way. Was everyone who was on the guest list able to make it? I hope nobody was stuck in traffic or had trouble in getting here. I know there's GPS and all, but there are some, who still say they have trouble locating the house."

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@Dynamo Pad

Fenrir looked to Charlene who nods "Please, lets go outside, this is something we do not wish Tabby to hear, or anyone else for that matter" she would say as they lead Gentle outside and then they both sat down, waiting for Gentle to sit down before Fenrir started "Scarlet's ex..he hurt her, in many ways" he would say "Emotional, physical, mental and yes, sexual abuse" he would say, as he would hug a shaking and near crying Charlene "It took all of my strength and mental will to not beat him to a bloody pulp. I did put him under citizens arrest and then he was taken away, and is in prison now"

Scarlet giggles and hugs him "It's okay dear, and everyone made it, including some special guests" she would say with a smile.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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At the mention of talking in private, Gentle nodded as she lead the adult couple to the backyard. As they exited the back door, they were presented with a wooded deck, which had a couch, a chair, some potted plants and a coffee table. The periwinkle mare lead the couple to the choices, while Gentle, herself, had take a seat in the chair. “I hope you don’t mind if we had a chat in the backyard. I can completely understand if we had a private chat, but it’s better to sit and chat. Rather than just stand around and possibly have others listen in on the conversation.” Gentle explained as she listened to what Fenrir has to say. She gasped, shaking her head in disbelief over what she had heard. She even felt sympathy for the family as she saw Charlene was breaking down into tears. 

I’m so, very sorry to hear that. I never knew that she had ever gone through something so severe. I honestly don’t blame you and I commend you to keeping your anger in check. It blesses my heart to know that he’s in jail and he'll be leaving us all alone.” She would say, a thought crossing her mind. “Now I can see why Scarlet had mentioned about my son being a better boyfriend than her ex. I’m just hope there wasn’t any other relationships that was just like that bad one.” 

Dynamo smiled as he returned the hug, before kissing the female wolf’s forehead. “Awesome! I’m glad to hear that everyone was able to make it safely. I know I’ll have to go around and meet everyone.” He chuckled, before raising a curious eyebrow. “Special guests? What do you mean, sweetheart? Was it someone that wasn’t on the list?” He wondered, going through the list of guests in his mind to think of who would be considered a special guest.

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@Dynamo Pad

Fenrir nodded "Scarlet has gone through a lot, she's had other bad relationships, but that was certainly the worst, and with her fragile emotions, I did not believe she could handle having her father in prison" he would say, shaking his head a little "She needed both Charlene and myself there to help support her and help her heal" he would say, as Charlene would nod.

Scarlet smiles "You'll see" she'd say as they then got up and started to mingle again, the first one he would see would be Chill, and as time went on, he'd come to see that Jasper Pie and his friends also came.



Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"I understand and I'm really sorry to hear all of that." Gentle would say, nodding as she felt the female wolf's pain. "My son has gone through a few similar situations, but not as badly as what you've described." She gasped slightly at what Fenrir had mentioned to her. "Prison? You didn't go to jail, did you? If not, then I'm going to assume that you meant 'prison' as a possibility from your earlier statement. I'm glad that you and Charlene were there to help support your daughters. In a way, I'm glad my son and Scarlet were able to find something special with one another. It's almost as if they were able to heal each other's broken heart." She says with a soft smile.

"Aw, that's no fun in keeping a secret, babe." Dynamo pouted, before smiling and taking her paw into his hand. "Oh, well. I guess a surprise is a surprise, after all. I can't wait to see who showed up." He would say, following his girlfriend as they mingled with the guest. He smiled as he talked to Chill, while being glad his friend was able to make it. As time went on, the blue unicorn was surprised to see Jasper Pie had also arrived with some of his friends. "Oh, Jasper and Finn! I didn't expect to see all of you guys to show up!" He exclaimed, Jasper nodding with a smile. "Are you kidding me? You introduced us to your friend, Scar-Scar and we just had to show up. Plus, I made some of the food as Pizza was here. So, I sorta, secretly, inconspicuously got a free pass to this shindig." He would say, Finn smiling as he wanted to give everyone a hug that was within sight. "I was tasked with giving everyone I know a big hug. So, I just couldn't say no to free hugs." He says, Dynamo smiling with a chuckle. "At any rate, I'm really glad that you all could make it. Please, make yourselves at home and enjoy the party!"

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@Dynamo Pad

Fenrir nodded and smiled a little "We are also glad they found something special in each other" he would say, looking to his daughter who was mingling with Dynamo, "Your son is a fine young man and I am sure he will treat Scarlet the way that she deserves to be treated."

Scarlet smiled as Finn hugs her, she hugs back "Heya Finn, glad you guys could make it." she'd say, then waved to Blissy "Hey Blissy" she'd say with a big smile, as the small skittlecorn would come over to her "How's my favorite Skittlecorn?" she'd ask.

Blissy smiles "Hey Scarlet" she'd hug her back then look to Dynamo "Hey Dynamo, how you enjoying the guitar you won at the auction?" She'd ask with a grin


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Thank you and Scarlet is a fine young woman, as well." Gentle nods, looking to the kids who were mingling with the other guests. "I know that she'll treat him with love and respect, while they treat each other the way they deserve to be treated." She says, looking back to Fenrir and Charlene. "Thank you again for telling me. I know it must have been difficult to talk about it, but it means a lot to me that you let me know."

As Finn pulled the female wolf into a hug, he smiled a wide grin. "Are you kidding me, Scarlet? I wouldn't miss this party for the world! Plus, who am I to deny free hugs? Do you, or anyone else need help with anything?" He asks, Dynamo smiling as he shook his head. "Thanks for the offer, but I think we're okay, Finn. If there's anything that we need help, then you'll be the first to know." Dynamo replied as Finn happily nodded. It was then he saw Blissy had made her appearance known. "Blissy!" Dynamo exclaimed with a smile as he pulled Blissy into a hug. "It's nice to see you again. I'm glad you liked the picture that was made for you and your husband." He says, chuckling at the mention of the guitar. "It hasn't been easy, but I've been practicing on learning how to play the guitar. Even so, the guitar looks amazing! Key did an excellent job on the design."

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