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Things I Want To See In Season 9


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1. Cozy Glow reforms

Cozy Glow is one of my favourite MLP characters, and I SO want her to reform in Season 9, and hopefully rekindle her friendship with the CMCs, cause their friendship was really cool. I'm kind of hoping that she will be part of the "legion of nefarious characters" who sets out to destroy Equestria in the premiere by begging them to let her join her because she can help them, and she wants to get out of Tartarus, but then she gets betrayed when she is no longer of any use to them, and switches sides and is reformed, hopefully by either Starlight Glimmer or the CMCS

2. Cheesepie confirmed

No words needed, this ship is adorable, and out of all the ships in the entire MLP fandom, Cheesepie is the one that should most definitely, definitely happen. I've been hoping and hoping for ages that Cheese Sandwich would return in Season 9, but my hopes weren't high. Then when I looked at the updated Wikipedia, and saw that "Weird Al" Yankovic would be voicing Cheese Sandwich in Season 9, it was like the greatest moment of my life. I SO hope they make the most of Cheese's return, and that he and Pinkie Pie will become a couple.

3. Cadance gets a solo song

Cadance just has the most gorgeous singing voice, definitely the best in the show, and I think she should have gotten more than one song and a part in another. I hope she gets a song in Season 9 where they really make the most of her voice, because she is an amazing singer.

4. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon return

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon became two of my favourite characters after Crusaders of the Lost Mark, and it seriously bummed me out that they just mysteriously vanished after that, because they used to appear about four episodes a season, and for some reason, never had any continued roles. I really want that to change, and for there to be some real friendship between them and the CMCs. Also, Diamond Tiara's singing voice is almost as amazing as Cadance's, so I hope that she gets another song, too.

5. Zephyr Breeze moves to Ponyville

I can tell there will be several fans hating me for this, as I know how infamous Zephyr Breeze is in the fandom, but I personally think he's terrific, and being Fluttershy's brother, he should have gotten more than one episode. I really want him to move to Ponyville and play a part in more episodes, and I REALLY want to see more chemistry between him and Rainbow Dash, seeing as Zephyrdash is my favourite Rainbow Dash ship. They don't need to become a couple or anything, but their interaction in Flutter Brutter was hilarious, and I really want to see more of that.

6. A Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy episode

Buckball Season was one of my favourite episodes, and I think Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are a fantastic twosome, so I really want to see another one of those. Perhaps even on a Map mission they go on together. I've wanted one of those for quite a while.

7. Queen Chrysalis returns, then gets banished to the moon

Queen Chrysalis is my second favourite villain after Cozy Glow, and I SO want her to come back and tie up some loose ends from To Where And Back Again and The Mean 6, because her revenge-swearing and evil plots were great, and I really want to see that culminate in something. I also never want her to reform, because she is awesome and amazing as a supervillain, and I hope she gets banished to the moon at the end.

8. An episode centred around Derpy

Derpy is just so precious, and it would be awesome to have an episode all about her, seeing she's only really played a major part in one episodes, so it would be so cool to see more of her. I was thinking it would be about her getting fired for mixing up too many mails, and then she would try and find a new job. Either way, I hope we see more of Derpy in Season 9.

9. Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust rekindle their friendship

Lightning Dust is another one of my favourite characters, and ever since Wonderbolts Academy, I've been wishing and wishing that she would come back and rekindle her friendship with Rainbow Dash, because rekindling broken friendships is what MLP is all about. All the broken friendships in the series have been resolved, except Lightning Dust's, which was why I was so annoyed that she didn't reform in The Washouts, even after she returned after all this time. I just hope we get to see her reform in Season 9.

10. Autumn Blaze returns with another song

I'm pretty sure the entire MLP fandom will agree with me here, seeing as Autumn Blaze was just one of the best characters of all time, especially her singing voice. A Kirin Tale was just amazing, so I really hope she comes back for another episode, maybe with an even better song!

11. Rarity and Pistachio go to Fashion Week

Pistachio was one of the most adorable characters I'd ever seen, especially how he looked up to Rarity and the scene near the end with the hat. And when Rarity said she would take him to Manehattan to be her guest for Fashion Week, I immediately sensed a Season 9 episode, and I really hope it does happen, because it would be so great to see Pistachio again, and maybe even Suri Polomare would reappear, seeing as she does Fashion Week too. Either way, I hope it happens!

12. Final showdown between Daring Do and Ahuizotl

Daring Do is an epic character, and I really want to see her and Ahuizotl settle their rivalry once and for all. I hope there's a really big plot with lots of action, and Daring Do and Rainbow Dash fight Ahuizotl til he is beaten. I'm also hoping for some more of Daring's one-liners, cause the one she pulled in Daring Don't was priceless.

13. The Tree of Harmony's roots further explored

As much as I hated Season 8, there were a few things I did like, and the Tree's roots were one of them. I thought they were an absolutely fantastic idea, and I really hope the show elaborates on that in Season 9, because it was just too exciting of an idea to not have any continuance.

14. Flim and Flam return and reform properly

If you've read several of my previous posts, you'll know that Flim and Flam are my second favourite characters. I was really mad how they were portrayed in Friendship University, because after they made friends with Applejack and Fluttershy in Viva Las Pegasus, they definitely need to be reformed, not open some dumb friendship school and act so incredibly out of character, so I really want them to return in Season 9 and reform properly.

15. A Starlight & Trixie episode where they don't constantly fight

Starlight and Trixie are both fantastic characters, and I loved their friendship in No Second Prances. But something that really bugged me, was that ever since All Bottled Up, every single one of their episodes has been about them constantly arguing and getting on each other's nerves and making each other furious, which I really didn't like. They're supposed to be BFFs, not strained friends with a love-hate relationship, so I want them to have another episode, free from any bickering or renounced friendships.

Do you agree with my list? Please leave comments!

  • Brohoof 1
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Nice list. Points 2, 3, 4, 10, 12, 13 and 15 need to happen. 

But why should Chrysalis be banned to the moon? I would trow her in Tartarus instead. It suits her more. :dash:

Also, I just hope Flim and Flam are gone. Their episodes are just not amusing to me.

  • Brohoof 1

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

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Just now, Hierok said:

Nice list. Points 2, 3, 4, 10, 12, 13 and 15 need to happen. 

But why should Chrysalis be banned to the moon? I would trow her in Tartarus instead. It suits her more. :dash:

Also, I just hope Flim and Flam are gone. Their episodes are just not amusing to me.

I agree, Tartarus would be just as good. I just read a great fanfiction where Chrysalis gets banished to the moon at the end, so that was my top choice. 

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Just now, PurpleWonderPower said:

I agree, Tartarus would be just as good. I just read a great fanfiction where Chrysalis gets banished to the moon at the end, so that was my top choice. 

Fair point, but the moon was a logical prison for Luna. Maybe even sent Chrysalis to limbo. It depends on her final action. :dash:

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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Just now, Hierok said:

Fair point, but the moon was a logical prison for Luna. Maybe even sent Chrysalis to limbo. It depends on her final action. :dash:

Limbo I'm not so enthusiastic about, because time stands still in there, so it wouldn't really be punishment, whethers being trapped in the moon or in Tartarus would really make her suffer for what she did.

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1 hour ago, PurpleWonderPower said:

Limbo I'm not so enthusiastic about, because time stands still in there, so it wouldn't really be punishment, whethers being trapped in the moon or in Tartarus would really make her suffer for what she did.

Yes, but Limbo is impossible to get out, where Tartarus is not. I still thing the moon is to much fanfiction material. Maybe something like the Umbrum had as prison. :mlp_grin:

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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I want a divorce episode centered around Diamond Tiara.  With her dad connonically a decent stallion and her mother a manipulative bitch, O feel like She is the hest canidate.  Plus, divorce is a tough subject for any kids show to tackle, but I think Mlp Fim can handle it.  Imagine Filthy talking to Diamon as she cries, thinking that she caused this, and her dad letting her know that it was not her fault, that sonetimes, ponies drift apart, but they will both always love Diamond.  Imagine Silver Spoon rekindling their friendship by telling Diamon about her own parent's divorce, supporting her friends.  Imagine the cmc helping her through it.  There's a lot that divorce k8ds go through and it would be a wonderful way to show Diamond Tiara's growth.

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17 hours ago, Janicethelight said:

I want a divorce episode centered around Diamond Tiara.  With her dad connonically a decent stallion and her mother a manipulative bitch, O feel like She is the hest canidate.  Plus, divorce is a tough subject for any kids show to tackle, but I think Mlp Fim can handle it.  Imagine Filthy talking to Diamon as she cries, thinking that she caused this, and her dad letting her know that it was not her fault, that sonetimes, ponies drift apart, but they will both always love Diamond.  Imagine Silver Spoon rekindling their friendship by telling Diamon about her own parent's divorce, supporting her friends.  Imagine the cmc helping her through it.  There's a lot that divorce k8ds go through and it would be a wonderful way to show Diamond Tiara's growth.

This late in the game? After "Crusaders of The Lost Mark", she essentially served her purpose. 

  • Brohoof 1



"Work Hard! In the end, passion and hard work beats out natural talent."
- Pete Docter 

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17 hours ago, Janicethelight said:

I want a divorce episode centered around Diamond Tiara.  With her dad connonically a decent stallion and her mother a manipulative bitch, O feel like She is the hest canidate.  Plus, divorce is a tough subject for any kids show to tackle, but I think Mlp Fim can handle it.  Imagine Filthy talking to Diamon as she cries, thinking that she caused this, and her dad letting her know that it was not her fault, that sonetimes, ponies drift apart, but they will both always love Diamond.  Imagine Silver Spoon rekindling their friendship by telling Diamon about her own parent's divorce, supporting her friends.  Imagine the cmc helping her through it.  There's a lot that divorce k8ds go through and it would be a wonderful way to show Diamond Tiara's growth.

I was actually hoping for something like that!

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21 hours ago, PurpleWonderPower said:

 5. Zephyr Breeze moves to Ponyville

I can tell there will be several fans hating me for this, as I know how infamous Zephyr Breeze is in the fandom, but I personally think he's terrific, and being Fluttershy's brother, he should have gotten more than one episode. I really want him to move to Ponyville and play a part in more episodes, and I REALLY want to see more chemistry between him and Rainbow Dash, seeing as Zephyrdash is my favourite Rainbow Dash ship. They don't need to become a couple or anything, but their interaction in Flutter Brutter was hilarious, and I really want to see more of that.

As much as I relate to Zephyr Breeze, I only wish for him and Rainbow to stay just friends. Since Rainbow obviously doesn't feel the same way about him no matter how much you want it. If Zephyr Breeze does return or at least get a mention, I hope he has gotten a job that allows him to work with manes like he trained himself for. If Babs Seed somehow ends up becoming his boss, the colt just might be able to keep Zephry's unlikeable qualities in check.


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


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Just now, Will Guide said:


As much as I relate to Zephyr Breeze, I only wish for him and Rainbow to stay just friends. Since Rainbow obviously doesn't feel the same way about him no matter how much you want it. If Zephyr Breeze does return or at least get a mention, I hope he has gotten a job that allows him to work with manes like he trained himself for. If Babs Seed somehow ends up becoming his boss, the colt just might be able to keep Zephry's unlikeable qualities in check.

I'm not saying they'd become a couple, it would just be great to see Zephyr Breeze flirt up Rainbow Dash some more in an episode, because his pickup lines are priceless.

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3 hours ago, TheAnimationFanatic said:

This late in the game? After "Crusaders of The Lost Mark", she essentially served her purpose. 

I disagree.  I feel like she is abheloved character that deserves screen time.

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Just now, Janicethelight said:

I disagree.  I feel like she is abheloved character that deserves screen time.

She was written to be a personal and mental obstacle for the Crusaders. One that they overcame with kindness. Afterward, she no longer had a reason to be in the show. The best time for a follow up would have been Season 6 or 7. Now, maybe they could still do a one-off in Season 9, but on the list of story arcs that need to be resolved, it's relatively low on the list.

  • Brohoof 1



"Work Hard! In the end, passion and hard work beats out natural talent."
- Pete Docter 

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6 hours ago, TheAnimationFanatic said:

She was written to be a personal and mental obstacle for the Crusaders. One that they overcame with kindness. Afterward, she no longer had a reason to be in the show. The best time for a follow up would have been Season 6 or 7. Now, maybe they could still do a one-off in Season 9, but on the list of story arcs that need to be resolved, it's relatively low on the list.

Originally, but they also created depth and more possible story ideas.  It's the same token as thinking that the crusaders were written as kids that were trying to find their place in the world.  Once they found it, they should not be on the show anymore...but that's just it.  They grew as characters.  Diamond Tiara is a supporting character true, but she has grown, as well as can grow more.


Plus, as a girl who went through a divorce, I really wish a show would give kids someone to go through that to reassure them that they are still loved when a divorce happens.  That messes a kid up.  You think: what did I do wrong?  How did I break my family?  Because, honestly, kids can't help but be self-centered.  None of the crusaders would work, however.  Appleblooms for obvious reasons.  Scoots because she has two moms that are never seen in the show.  Sweetie bell could be a possibility, except we don't know her family at all.  We saw them once in season 2 (I think), so it wouldn't have an impact.


With Diamond Tiara, we have seen her dad multiple times, and her mom was a memorable character in how she treated her child, and seen in at least one other episode afterword, if briefly.  She would be the best character to go through this since 1. she's a kid, 2. she has canonically had parents who did not marry for love, 3. a character that people have grown to like


Having her go through that hardship, and have other ponies help her through it would help children all over the world facing the same dilemma!

6 hours ago, PurpleWonderPower said:

I agree! Diamond Tiara is one of my favourite characters, and she SO needs more episodes!

Glad you like this idea

Edited by Janicethelight
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