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searching Hailing Trekkies for a Star Wars/Star Trek crossover

Steel Accord

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So I've tried to  get this going on other RP sites. I'm really hoping my faith in the good old heard will be rewarded. :adorkable:

Who remembers this old debate? Death Star vs. the Enterprise? Kirk putting the moves on Leia? Could a lightsaber block a phaser? One thing I never got though was why no one ever dug into the real meat of that divide. There's deeper and more important ideas between the preeminent space operas than which players would win in a fight. So why not explore some of those? In order to do that though, I need a proper counterpart. Not only do I love Star Wars, I'd say I stand with it, the Jedi, and the Force ideologically if asked which of these two franchises I side with. So I'm looking for someone on the flip side of that coin. Someone who stands for Star Trek. Who sincerely believes in the principals purported by the show, creators, Star Fleet, and/or the Federation.

An AU for both franchises, where the Empire was crushed shortly after its rise by Star Fleet's intervention upon discovering the Galaxy. Where that fits on the Trek timeline(s), I'll leave to you. This leaves the Jedi still scattered to the wind and possibly just as afraid to make contact with each other as under the Empire. What with Star Fleet's ability to sway people to their ideological side and desire to uplift civilizations to their next phase by . . . abandoning certain practices. Hopefully you get where I'm going with this.

Alternatively: Could also wheel back the events a tad bit where the Republic is integrated into the Federation and the Jedi Order still stands but they don't integrate into the Federation. Instead they're now apart from a large percentage of the Republic.


I'd prefer us both to play original characters. Frees up the plot specifics and allows for a lot of unique interplay not hampered by canon personalities or place in the story. We'd also both be playing multiple characters with you playing the Star Fleet crew with maybe the Captain as the main character on your side. Where canons would show up is in the villains such as if Darth Vader is to make an appearance or maybe one of the Star Trek hostile factions or a particular character you like who isn't as much a personal nemesis to any of the canon crews. I'm trusting your side of the coin on that.


This relies on a bit of input from your end, as the idea I'm proposing is placing my character in a position to debate and defend the Jedi Order. How that comes about though would depend on both our character's circumstances clashing with one another. Maybe you're part of an away team that encounters me on a planet with some trouble going down and we both try to help in our own ways but end up butting heads. Maybe I'm being held prisoner and the scene is an interrogation. Or, if we're going with that other option of the Jedi Order still standing, the meeting is a formal diplomatic negotiation between the Jedi Order and Star Fleet. Or maybe we're both in alliance against a threat but we clash on our methods of how to combat it.

The plot can be whatever we decide it to be but the story is ultimately providing each side a stage to share our worldviews and ultimately reach a compromise.

Minor details:

-Thread based
-1st or 3rd person
-Don't stress word count. Especially since the heavy scenes are meant to be conversational. Do feel free to create your own scenes though with the crew talking to each other like on the show. Whatever word count serves the scene we're creating.
-Not meant to be an epic. More like a narrative thought experiment. (Short to medium length RP)

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@Steel Accord

I might be down for this. I come from a long line of Trekkies myself. 

Might I make a suggestion on the setting? Perhaps we set Star Trek right at the start of DS9 and the discovery of the wormhole.

But instead of leading to the gamma quadrant, it leads to the Star Wars galaxy and the federation encountering a parallel to the Dominion in the Old Republic just prior to the clone war. And the Federation first encounters not the republic, but the Confederation of Independent Systems, and it is from their viewpoint that Star Fleet gets it's opinion on the republic.

Likewise with a new trading partner and potential ally, the trade federation, and potentially count Dooku as well, abandon the aid of their sith lord, altering Palpatine's plans, but at the same time, giving him a new enemy to gather the republic and the Jedi against. 


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That's a LOT more involved than I initially planned. Not that it's a no necessarily, just that I have to kind of rethink where my guy would be. Let me first ask though, who's your character and what do they think of this situation?

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2 hours ago, Steel Accord said:


That's a LOT more involved than I initially planned. Not that it's a no necessarily, just that I have to kind of rethink where my guy would be. Let me first ask though, who's your character and what do they think of this situation?

Don't really have any Star Trek OCs. My ideas were either a Camaliamorph (shape shifting alien from the 6th movie) who was on the U.S.S. Boseman (star ship that was time displaced a century into the future basically from TOS to DS9). Or a super-human (think Wrath of Khan) from the 21st century, cryogenically frozen until recovered and reawakened by Star Fleet (premise of TNG Ep. The Neutral Zone). Characters who know either the old way of the federation or the federation is all they know in an unfamiliar universe. 

What do they think? It depends on how far along this is. If we're staring with first contact, they'll be trepidatious. Handle things with the republic like they would with the Romulans or Cardassians, with only second hand accounts to aid them.

If this is a few years after, then they may treat it like the Dominion cold war or a post-borg federation. Torn on the diplomacy that the federation was founded on, and the need to be prepared to kill for your own survival. Cause diplomacy worked so well at the battle of Wolf 359. 

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Well let me ask, wouldn't the Federation figure out pretty early on the Separatists were a bunch of murderous opportunists? Or for that matter, one false start of this premise I tried a bit ago had a stranded Star Fleet crew make contact with the Empire and since they're the established power in the Galaxy, they have no reason (at first) to doubt them about being rightfully in charge. To me, that would work a lot better since we're not working with three or four major factions, pretty much just the Federation the Empire and maybe the Rebel Alliance.

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4 minutes ago, Steel Accord said:


Well let me ask, wouldn't the Federation figure out pretty early on the Separatists were a bunch of murderous opportunists? Or for that matter, one false start of this premise I tried a bit ago had a stranded Star Fleet crew make contact with the Empire and since they're the established power in the Galaxy, they have no reason (at first) to doubt them about being rightfully in charge. To me, that would work a lot better since we're not working with three or four major factions, pretty much just the Federation the Empire and maybe the Rebel Alliance.

Separatists were only a bunch of murdering opportunists because of Palpatine and his influence. Originally the CIS were the ones being oppressed and under represented. They had a more civil government before Palpatine began playing both sides. All the war crimes and letting the techno union be in charge were his way of prolonging the war and rousing the galaxy to the republic's cause. 

With Federation contact, the CIS would be more akin to the Rebel Alliance in that they are an oppressed government seeking equality. Going this route would allow for the Jedi to be a bigger part of the story and how their beliefs in the Republic and absolutes regarding order may clash with the Federation's views on democracy. It'd still primarily be two factions with the Federation at potential odds against the Republic/ soon to be Empire. 

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You’re right. The fact that the Republic is on track to becoming the Empire makes the Jedi’s allegiance less of the point and more just ticking the clock until Palpatine makes his move. I can see where you’re coming from, especially if it could mean Star Fleet could assist in discovering the plot.

The setup you propose though sounds more like a Separatist redemption story rather than an ideological bout. May I ask if you had any particular sympathies to the CIS?

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17 minutes ago, Steel Accord said:


You’re right. The fact that the Republic is on track to becoming the Empire makes the Jedi’s allegiance less of the point and more just ticking the clock until Palpatine makes his move. I can see where you’re coming from, especially if it could mean Star Fleet could assist in discovering the plot.

The setup you propose though sounds more like a Separatist redemption story rather than an ideological bout. May I ask if you had any particular sympathies to the CIS?

I'd like to think of it more as alternate history. What could've been had the CIS not been lead to the dark side? They were the victims initially. So in a way, the Republic were always an evil empire. Watching the new trilogy made me question why the protagonists were bringing back the Republic, since their own corruption had yet again lead to the downfall of peace. First it was forcing the hand of the CIS, then it was inspiring a rebel movement and now it was allowing the first order to rise. What is there to really like? That and from the sound of things the CIS could've won the war without sith meddling, and everything would've turned out better for everyone. 

Though keeping the CIS around also means the Jedi don't have the excuse of betrayal when their fall from grace happens. Cause in a way, they're just as much a bad influence as the sith, being extremists in their own right. They aren't balancing the force. They're just the opposite end of the scale. What happens to them when they encounter Star Fleet, a group so similar, yet so different from them? 

Though it does make me wonder how the force will work in the Star Trek universe. The only races I can see using the force are the Betazoids with their empathic sense and the Ferrangi, with their immunity to it. Probably means they're immune to Jedi mind tricks too.  

That does give me an idea though. What if this encounter between universes isn't random, but was actually planned? This all could be orchestrated by the Q continuum, in what appears to be a clashing of universes for their own bemusement, but is really part of a plan to keep the emperor from delving any deeper into cosmic affairs. 

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1 hour ago, Denim&Venom said:

So in a way, the Republic were always an evil empire.


1 hour ago, Denim&Venom said:

Though keeping the CIS around also means the Jedi don't have the excuse of betrayal when their fall from grace happens. Cause in a way, they're just as much a bad influence as the sith, being extremists in their own right. They aren't balancing the force. They're just the opposite end of the scale.

Oh the countless hours I’ve spent defending the Jedi Order and the Republic by proxy. However since I’m trying to entreat you to an RP I will only go so far as to say I heavily, sharply, egregiously disagree with that assessment of both.

1 hour ago, Denim&Venom said:

That does give me an idea though. What if this encounter between universes isn't random, but was actually planned? This all could be orchestrated by the Q continuum, in what appears to be a clashing of universes for their own bemusement, but is really part of a plan to keep the emperor from delving any deeper into cosmic affairs. 

Okay that though I really like as a concept.

In turn I have a compromise. Why don’t we keep the galactic stage to the background and simply focus on my Jedi and his companions and your Captain and his crew? They both meet on a neutral planet, investigating the same thing and we go from there?

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1 minute ago, Steel Accord said:


Oh the countless hours I’ve spent defending the Jedi Order and the Republic by proxy. However since I’m trying to entreat you to an RP I will only go so far as to say I heavily, sharply, egregiously disagree with that assessment.

Okay that though I really like as a concept.

In turn I have a compromise. Why don’t we keep the galactic stage to the background and simply focus on my Jedi and his companions and your Captain and his crew? They both meet on a neutral planet, investigating the same thing and we go from there?

I suppose that would be the best way to start.

Is this the first contact or are the Federation and Republic wary of eachother and in the midst of a cold war so to speak? 

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I'm down with that. I imagine star fleet is getting a mixed read on the Jedi. Trade federation regale them with horror stories, while the CIS council are saying they're somewhere between generals and diplomats. 

Though a wild card that could be thrown in is Count Douku. He'd still be with the CIS, so his opinions will color matters, though I also imagine that it'll be unclear whether he's with Palpatine or in it for himself. 

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8 hours ago, Denim&Venom said:

Though a wild card that could be thrown in is Count Douku. He'd still be with the CIS, so his opinions will color matters, though I also imagine that it'll be unclear whether he's with Palpatine or in it for himself. 

Well he’d still be Sidious’ apprentice and his opinions on overthrowing the Jedi wouldn’t change.

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41 minutes ago, Steel Accord said:

Well he’d still be Sidious’ apprentice and his opinions on overthrowing the Jedi wouldn’t change.

I don't think he was an apprentice, as he technically wasn't a sith. I imagine he agrees with Palpatine's views and his ideas on how to overthrow the Jedi. But remember, he also tried to make a deal with Obi Wan to turn against the Sith. He's in this for his own agenda. Question is does he do it with or without Palpatine now that the CIS have a potential new ally in the Federation? 

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13 minutes ago, Denim&Venom said:

I don't think he was an apprentice, as he technically wasn't a sith. I imagine he agrees with Palpatine's views and his ideas on how to overthrow the Jedi. But remember, he also tried to make a deal with Obi Wan to turn against the Sith. He's in this for his own agenda. Question is does he do it with or without Palpatine now that the CIS have a potential new ally in the Federation? 

He actually is Sidious’ apprentice and he IS Sith. After he left the Jedi Order, Sidious came to him and turned him to the Dark Side, swearing him under the name Darth Tyrannus. He tries to turn Obi-wan in a bid to overthrow Sidious because that’s what Sith do.

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9 minutes ago, Steel Accord said:

He actually is Sidious’ apprentice and he IS Sith. After he left the Jedi Order, Sidious came to him and turned him to the Dark Side, swearing him under the name Darth Tyrannus. He tries to turn Obi-wan in a bid to overthrow Sidious because that’s what Sith do.

Well he could've fooled me. Doesn't look like a Sith, lacking the yellow eyes and facial disfigurement. But it's a moot point. The real question is does Douku work to use the Federation for his master, or against him? 

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9 minutes ago, Denim&Venom said:

Well he could've fooled me. Doesn't look like a Sith, lacking the yellow eyes and facial disfigurement.

The Grand Inquisitor DID have yellow eyes but he wasn’t Sith. The yellow eyes are just a sign of the Dark side, not a mark of the Sith.

9 minutes ago, Denim&Venom said:

The real question is does Douku work to use the Federation for his master, or against him? 

Oh most definitely use them. Any weapon against the Jedi they’ll take advantage of. The problem then would be though that now there’s another massive, democratic power that would stand as a threat against his empire.

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6 minutes ago, Steel Accord said:

The Grand Inquisitor DID have yellow eyes but he wasn’t Sith. The yellow eyes are just a sign of the Dark side, not a mark of the Sith.

Oh most definitely use them. Any weapon against the Jedi they’ll take advantage of. The problem then would be though that now there’s another massive, democratic power that would stand as a threat against his empire.

What I was asking is does Douku use the Federation as a pawn for his master to take down the Jedi and build the empire, or does Douku only care for ousting the Jedi and is willing to sacrifice his master and the republic to make that happen and rule a dominant CIS? 

And yes, the Federation would still be there post Empire. But is that really an issue? Sidious could use that to further justify his regime. A new enemy lies beyond the horizon, and they're coming to our galaxy. Sounds like it would lead to an even stronger empire. Plus the prospects of adding territory by taking the alpha quadrant would be very tempting. Heck, there's even a chance that instead of purging the Jedi, he could turn them to his aid in a sense. Fight to preserve the republic way of life against a truly alien enemy. They already changed from peace keepers to soldiers against the CIS. What would they become against the Feds? 


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19 minutes ago, Denim&Venom said:

What I was asking is does Douku use the Federation as a pawn for his master to take down the Jedi and build the empire, or does Douku only care for ousting the Jedi and is willing to sacrifice his master and the republic to make that happen and rule a dominant CIS? 

Oh he would certainly try. He’d fail, but he’d try. Dooku thought that he’d have a place in the New Order but Sidious planned to replace him all along. His mistake was believing that Sidious needed him for the long haul. Any attempt to go rogue on Dooku’s part would be punished by Sidious.

19 minutes ago, Denim&Venom said:

Heck, there's even a chance that instead of purging the Jedi, he could turn them to his aid in a sense. Fight to preserve the republic way of life against a truly alien enemy. They already changed from peace keepers to soldiers against the CIS. What would they become against the Feds? 

That wouldn’t really work after the table flipped and Palpatine showed his true colors. The Jedi swore to serve the Republic. Obi-wan says as much that they’re bound to a democracy and one of their concerns with Palpatine was that he overstayed his term limits. That’s all on top of, you know, Palpatine being the Dark Lord of the Sith.

He could manipulate the Jedi only with the facade that they were upholding their vows. The Jedi that he did turn to his cause became the Imperial Inquisitors, because they were no longer Jedi under the Empire and rule of the Sith.

I have an idea to square this. Why don’t we go with the idea that the Federation swooped in and salvaged the whole thing? No Republic, no CIS, just the Federation? That way we can skip over the whole re-interpretation of the Separatists and just get to the lone and scattered Jedi in vague ideological opposition to Star Fleet? We could even have Trek bad guys conspiring with the Sith to have a common enemy.

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13 minutes ago, Steel Accord said:

Oh he would certainly try. He’d fail, but he’d try. Dooku thought that he’d have a place in the New Order but Sidious planned to replace him all along. His mistake was believing that Sidious needed him for the long haul. Any attempt to go rogue on Dooku’s part would be punished by Sidious.

That wouldn’t really work after the table flipped and Palpatine showed his true colors. The Jedi swore to serve the Republic. Obi-wan says as much that they’re bound to a democracy and one of their concerns with Palpatine was that he overstayed his term limits. That’s all on top of, you know, Palpatine being the Dark Lord of the Sith.

He could manipulate the Jedi only with the facade that they were upholding their vows. The Jedi that he did turn to his cause became the Imperial Inquisitors, because they were no longer Jedi under the Empire and rule of the Sith.

I have an idea to square this. Why don’t we go with the idea that the Federation swooped in and salvaged the whole thing? No Republic, no CIS, just the Federation? That way we can skip over the whole re-interpretation of the Separatists and just get to the lone and scattered Jedi in vague ideological opposition to Star Fleet? We could even have Trek bad guys conspiring with the Sith to have a common enemy.

So what, the federation helped reveal/ oust the emperor and brokered peace between the republic and CIS? I mean that would simplify things. I can see more than a few alpha quadrant powers sharing sith philosophies. Can even advance the order of events in Star Treks Galaxy to be post- dominion war, and now the Jedi face a Star Fleet that eerily mirrors their tarnished republic: a democracy warped by brutal conflict. 

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16 minutes ago, Denim&Venom said:

So what, the federation helped reveal/ oust the emperor and brokered peace between the republic and CIS? I mean that would simplify things. I can see more than a few alpha quadrant powers sharing sith philosophies. Can even advance the order of events in Star Treks Galaxy to be post- dominion war, and now the Jedi face a Star Fleet that eerily mirrors their tarnished republic: a democracy warped by brutal conflict. 

Hmmm interesting. That would also lend to the conflict as both Star Fleet and the scattered Jedi would be hardened by their respective experiences. And it also would play into the crossover idea since I have no knowledge of those events, and neither would my character!

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6 minutes ago, Steel Accord said:

Hmmm interesting. That would also lend to the conflict as both Star Fleet and the scattered Jedi would be hardened by their respective experiences. And it also would play into the crossover idea since I have no knowledge of those events, and neither would my character!

Want to keep it that way or be given the cliff notes of what happened with Star Trek TNG/ DS9? 

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5 minutes ago, Denim&Venom said:

Want to keep it that way or be given the cliff notes of what happened with Star Trek TNG/ DS9? 

Oh I’d rather keep it that way. Also makes things fair if I pull out some deep lore Star Wars stuff. :orly:

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3 minutes ago, Steel Accord said:

Oh I’d rather keep it that way. Also makes things fair if I pull out some deep lore Star Wars stuff. :orly:

Fair enough. Looks like we have our premise then. Jedi and Star Fleet investigate a random planet and the chance encounter roles from there. 

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4 minutes ago, Denim&Venom said:

Fair enough. Looks like we have our premise then. Jedi and Star Fleet investigate a random planet and the chance encounter roles from there. 

Awesome! Before we begin. Are there any particular Trek villains you want in this?

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