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private The Mental Rehabilitation Center


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Nurse Flo drew back the blinds in the main room. The patients would be allowed out of their rooms soon. "Breakfast is ready Flo." Nusre Flo nodded her head, the patients would need to be let out of their rooms soon. First they'd eat breakfast and take their medication, which made them clam and not act aggressively (paranoid personality disorder thought it did more though). Nurse Flo had been head nurse for over ten years, the schedule was in her blood. After medication, the patients had time to socialize. They could watch TV, play ping pong, play cards. After that there was supervised showers. The sexes would be split up, half would go outside for half an hour, the other would go for their showers (then vice versa). Finally was group therapy, Nurse Flo always dreaded that. Nurse Flo also had to talk each patient at least once a week, randomly throughout the day.

"Time to get the patients!"

Nurse Flo nodded and walked to the male side of the ward.

She unlocked room one, where Charles and Sylvester were.

Next was room two; Misha and Aaron were already awake before she got there.

Room three; John and Xavier.

Finally room four; Samuel and Zachary.


The boys sleepily staggered to the cafeteria.

Nurse Flo turned and walked to the female side of the ward. Although this was a co-ed ward, the men and women were separated for sleeping and bathing time.

Room five; Andrea and Emma.

Room six; Katie and Skylar.

Nurse Flo held her breath as she approached room 7. She put her key up to the door knob when she heard violent banging and watched the knob wiggle frantically. Nurse Flo grabbed the door knob still and opened the door. Michelle pushed her out of the way. "You're late." Nurse Flo stayed silent as she watched Michelle walked down the hall. The only patient without a roommate and for a good reason. Michelle had a habit of driving her roommates to suicide.

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Charles heard a wiggling of the door knob as he woke. As the door opened, the room flooded with light, making Charles flinch. In the doorway he saw Nurse Flo, a familiar sight every morning. As she walked away, Charles got up and stumbled through, rubbing his eyes all the bit.

He looked around the hallway and made his way to the cafeteria, which he memorized. He walked through the large double-doors, into an even larger room along with other patients he recognized.

It was the same routine every day, and even got a little depressing at times, but you'd get used to it; you get yourself some food and you sit at a table.

Because his room was always the first to be opened, nobody else had sat down yet. He chose a table against the wall, sat there, and got ready to eat.

Edited by Pilot (Croaks)
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Misha's pace increased as he walked towards the cafeteria. He didn't want to be surrounded by the people that he lived with, those inferior people. They disgusted him.

As he entered the room that was designated as the place where the patients ate, he saw Charles sitting alone by himself. He laughed at him as he walked by, wanting to show him his superiority.

After getting his food, he sat down at a table furthest from the door, in isolation.


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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Skyler pulled her blanket over her head- she didn't want to get up.

She'd been awake all night again. She could never sleep.

Sighing, she got out of bed, put on a bra, and walked slowly to the cafeteria.

Breakfast was something she could live without, but it was something she had to do here at the center.

Standing back and waiting for people to get their food first, she scanned the room. She hoped no one was looking at her. She was so disgusting, she hated being out anywhere.


Andrea was standing near the door when the nurse opened it.

"Thank God! I'm starving. Do you ever think of anyone besides yourself, Flo?" She snarled, pushing past her and getting in line at the cafeteria.

"Ugh, this food is so gross. Can't you guys make real food? I mean, I have to look nice, and this food- not so nice."

The cafeteria workers were used to this, so they didn't answer.

She shrugged and walked along to the center table.

She wanted to be center of attention. She examined herself in the window's reflection and smiled.

God, she was beautiful.


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Michelle walked to the cafeteria. She smiled and laughed cutely, "morning guys!" Michelle smiled smiled as she walked by Charles and got in line to get her food and medication. "Scrambled eggs, so delicious. Looks like brains. Yum yum." The nurses frowned, there was something so twistedly sweet about the way Michelle spoke of brains. Michelle popped her pill and sat next to Misha and waved for Andrea to come sit her. "Looking hot as always Andrea. Try not to drive the boys too crazy." Andrea smiled and sat next to Michelle. "Well now all the food is going to be gone." Michelle commented loud enough for Skylar to hear as she walked by. Michelle smiled deviously as she put a mouthful of egg against her lips.


Aaron carefully crept out of him room, as he watched Misha run down the hall. Why is he in such a rush? Is there something dangerous in the room? Maybe he planted a bomb or some sort of poisonous gas?! Maybe there's something special at the cafeteria that nobody told me about!? They're always trying to cheat me out of all the good food! Aaron bolted down the hallway and into the cafeteria, he got his food and medication and sat down; glaring at Misha.




"There are two new patients waiting for you Nurse Flo." "Right, right." Nurse Flo took her clipboard and walked to the waiting room. April Spinnet and John Tyler were sitting quietly next to eachother. "Good morning. I'm Nurse Flo. I'm the Head Nurse at the establishment." Nurse Flo checked her clipborad. April had obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and John had paranoid personality disorder with signs of schizophrenia. Nurse Flo sighed heavily and smiled. "Welcome!" Come with me, we'll get you a room. I see Nurse Jackie already took your personal belongings for approval?" Nurse Flo guided the two patients towards the cafeteria. "This is the cafeteria, where you will be served three meals a day. You will receive started medication for today, until we can find something better for your own personal self." Nurse Flo addressed the sitting patients, "we have two new patients joining us. Until we can find them a proper roommate, two rooms will be taking on a third roommate. Any volunteers?"

Michelle raised her hand, "there's room in my room Nurse Flo." Michelle batted her eyelashes cutely. Nurse Flo ignored Michelle and asked again, "any volunteers for April and John?"

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Skyler bit her lip, trying not to cry at Michelle's comment.

She decided that she wasn't going to eat today.

Sitting down at a back table, she watched as Nurse Flo asked for volunteers. She certainly wasn't raising her hand.


Andrea smiled at Michelle's comment- both to her and Skyler.

"Ahaa. That fat pig will eat everything, but maybe then they'll get us better food." She sighed.

"Ah, I'll drive them just crazy enough. Maybe they'll get put in the soft room!" She giggled.

The nurse asked for volunteers, and she raised her hand.

"I'll volunteer, Nurse Flo!" She called.

She wouldn't mind having another roommate to tell her how gorgeous she was.


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Samuel had a routine. He always woke up promptly at 6:30 AM, even though the door to his shared room opened at 7:10 AM. It gave him time to make his bed and strengthen himself for the day. After fixing everything to his liking, he did exactly thirty-five push-ups and fifty crunches in two intervals of seventy seconds. Exercise is crucial to a healthy lifestyle, he always thought. After his slight work-out, he would sit at the end of his bed and wait. He was quite patient, and did not mind waiting for the door to unlock. At 7:10 on the dot. Ante Meridiem.


Samuel spent his time thinking. He thought about a lot of things. Things involving himself, things not involving himself, and things involving- *click*. The sound of a key being pushed into a lock rang outside his door. A nice lady referred to as Nurse Flo was kind enough to let himself and others leave their rooms to experience new things. Often times, they were things involving himself, things not involving himself, and things involving- *clack*. Samuel looked down. He was standing at the door and had turned the handle. He hadn't even realized he'd stood up. Hmm.


Samuel opened the door and left the room. He entered the cafeteria punctually at 7:15 AM. A few of the patients were already seated and eating their food. Samuel made his way to the line -- he disliked this part of the day. The uncertainty and rash behavior of the other patients made the line an unpredictable factor in his daily routine. He hopped about, nervously fidgeting as he selected his food from the buffet-style offerings. Hospital food wasn't bad, it was bland. As he left the register, he headed for his usual seat. Today, however, a strange female had chosen his spot by the distorted window. His grip on the food tray tightened as he continued toward his usual seat. His. Usual. Seat.


He stood over the girl. Michelle. She had a history of making people... shift their natural selves.

"Yes?" Michelle asked sarcastically.

"My seat, miss." Samuel replied.

She turned and began to laugh loudly, the entire room turned to look at them.

"You're a joke." she turned and went back to eating.


Samuel's hand moved instinctively to his knife as she changed her position. A nurse, noticing the unusual conversing between the two patients, moved in.


"Samuel, I'll have to ask that you leave Michelle alone -- she was here first. Maybe you can find a different spot today." the nurse said. Samuel gripped his knife and held the edge straight up. He began to gracefully flick the knife about, in a fashion similar to various pen-spinning tricks. He then stopped and held the knife in place. He solidified his facial expression and looked at the nurse; then, he set gaze firmly on Michelle's left eye. He slowly moved to the next table, all the while focusing on Michelle's left pupil. I'll have my seat, he thought to himself.


He turned his head and pulled out a chair with his foot. He'd been at the hospital for approximately one year. He recognized most of the faces, but couldn't remember each one's name. Most of the inhabitants refused to converse with other people, so it was a relatively peaceful table. Samuel put his knife back on the tray and stared at his food. 7:21 AM. He was late for grub. Samuel hated being off-schedule. He ate with discontent and a bitter expression, occasionally glancing around the table.

Don't get used to this, He thought. I'll have my seat...

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Misha grew bored of eating. No one was giving him the proper detention he deserved.

Who do they think they are? Do they think they're... BETTER than me?! I'll show them.

Desiring to mess with his roommates head, as he so often did, he approached Aaron where he sat. He formulated a plan in his head, one that would cause Aaron to be even more paranoid of the other patients.

"You know, Aaron, they were talking about you today." Misha told Aaron as he sat in the seat across from him.


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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john was scared, the authorities dropped him off here, but where was here? a nurse entered the room and took him and the other patient to another room, this room was worse,it was filled with people, he took a step back, then he heard the word medication "no..." he muttered to himself they are going to poison me! this must be some kind of death camp! he thought to him self,he took another step back

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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John sat by himself in the lunch room, today was... quiet, nobody decided to 'come out' and say hi. But that didn't stop them from talking with him. <Eat your breakfast dear, you need to be strong and healthy> said the voice of his mother in his head. He sighed and shoveled some of the eggs in his mouth, they weren't the best, but at least mom would quiet down. <Hey sport> went the voice of his father, <today's the big game between the 49ers and the Steelers, and I dont plan on missin that, ok buddy?>. John merely shrugged, "Sure dad" he muttered. It wasn't like he could say no, they usually just came out whenever there was something of their interest. He sat quietly, and soon Nicks voice could be heard, <morning John. I hope you slept well> John nodded <that's good. Have a nice breakfast. Remember, let no one push you around, or I'll have to deal with them>.


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"Thank you Andrea." Nurse Flo smiled at Andrea and turned to April, "your room is number five. Your roommates are Andrea and Emma. Normally we only have two to a room, but we have a policy where patients need to be at least two to a room. And well there is an odd number of male and females. You'll be moved to a proper two person room when we get another patient." Nurse Flo turned to Samuel, who was interacting with Michelle. "Samuel! Thanks so much for volunteering! John you will be rooming with Samuel and Zachary in room four of the men's ward."

"Skylar. You need to take your medication with food. Please take your place in line and eat like everyone else." Nurse Flo said in a stern yet tender voice.




Aaron looked up at Misha with fear in his eyes, "wah-what!?" Aaron jumped out his seat, "who was talking about me?! What did they say!?" Aaron grabbed Misha's shoulder and started shaking him violently, numerous thoughts running through his head.


Michelle disregarded Samuel, he was one of those OCPDs. How boring, I don't even know why they consider being a freak a disorder? It was so laughable, I could crush him easily if I wanted to. Spill his blood on the floor, no one would care if he died anyway. In fact, they'd probably thank me for it. Cleanse the earth of the worthless. Michelle silently ate her food. Misha got up and walked over to Aaron, the nervous wreck. Michelle rose her eyebrow in interest.

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Andrea beamed.

I'm amazing, yes, I know.



Skyler jumped at her name being said.

She looked down at her stomach, and then went up to Nurse Flo.

"C-Could I just take my medication and not eat, please?I'm not very hungry."

The truth was, she was starving.

But she didn't want to eat.


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the very thought of sharing a room with other people was getting to him this must be a phyco ward! they are going to lock me up with two phycos! "no..." he said a little louder "you...you cant lock me up with them!" he was starting to panic "they'll eat me!"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Nurse Flo shook her head, "your medication needs to be taken with food, Skylar." Nurse Flo guided Skylar to the cafeteria line-up and got her a plate of scrambled eggs. "Eat up now." Nurse Flo towered over Skylar, waiting for her to eat. Suddenly, the new patient began to freak out. Nurse Flo sighed and gave an approving nod to one of the larger male nurses. The male nurse grabbed John and stuck a needle into his neck, injecting him with a sedative. The sedative would instantly clam John and put him in a drowsy state. "Make sure to double the dosage of that one." Nurse Flo stated before turning her attention back to Skylar.


Michelle laughed to herself as she watched John fall to the floor in the male nurses' arms. I love new patients.

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Skyler glared up at the nurse.

"I don't want to eat. You can't make me!"

She pushed her eggs to the side of the table and crossed her arms.

"I don't want to eat ever again.."


Andrea laughed loudly at the sight of the new patient getting sedated.

New patients were so fun.


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John looked at the... other John. He seemed to be near a mental breakdown, immediately John went into a trance like state, his eyes wide. Soon he went back to normal, but he wasn't quite himself, instead it was the personality of his older brother Ron. Immediately Ron smirked at the other John, "Eat you? You hardly look appetizing bro" he snickered. Ron was a bit of a bully, not to mention cocky, and he wasn't afraid to show it. He kicked up his legs onto the table and shoveled more eggs into his mouth, "These eggs taste like shit!" he exclaimed, flipping the plate off the table. One of the nurses hurried over to him, "John! Quit acting like this!"


Ron snorted, "I'm not that shrimp! I'm Ron! Or did you forget that already?" he said as he looked the nurse up and down. She pulled out the pills for John and Ron stood back "I'm not takin that shit!! Fuck off!!" he yelled as he backed away. More nurses came to surround him, one of them saying "Get nurse Flo". Nurse Flo was the only one able to calm John, and bring him back into control if one of his personalities became reckless.


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As Charlie ate his food, Misha, known for being cocky, walked by and seemed to chuckle. Charles raised an eyebrow at this, and was soon filled with boiling anger, but soon turned into pity. I actually feel sorry for that kid, he thought, Must not know what it's like to have friends.


Finally, Charles finished his food. He realized that he hadn't taken his medication yet, so he popped the pills in, and drank the rest of his water down with it. He sat at his table, waiting patiently.

Charles considered himself normal, compared to the other patients. He just thought the reason he couldn't make lots of friends is because they didn't talk much, but really, he just didn't trust them. If he did, he'd risk trusting them too much.

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Nurse Flo shook her head at Skylar. "You know the rules Skylar. You can eat your eggs quietly like everyone else. Or you can be tied down and force fed as you spend a week in solitary!" Suddenly a nurse ran over, "nurse Flo! Nurse Flo! John is having an episode." Nurse Flo nodded and turned to Skylar, "nurse Jackie is going to watch you eat." Nurse Flo walked over to John, who was claiming he was Ron. "Good morning Ron." Nurse Flo looked over at the eggs on the floor, "well I wouldn't want to eat eggs on the floor too. Gross. I mean who knows how often they actually clean this place? I've got some french toast in my office if you want. Why don't you ask John to join us?" Flo smiled sweetly when she spoke.

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(Late post is late)


Katie woke up from her deep sleep when the door had opened and Skyler went out for lunch. I promised myself I'd stay awake! She mentally kicked herself for falling asleep. Before leaving to go eat, she searched her room for anything of danger. No bombs. No guns. Not anything. She forced herself out of the room, but she knew she had missed something. She might as well leave before a bomb exploded.


She managed to get to the cafeteria without getting shot in the back of the head, which she was happy for. She got in line, and soon got her food and pills. She found a table in the corner of the room, where nobody was sitting. For such a big place, they're horrible at hiding their poison! Katie thought, glaring at the medication. She pushed the food around to make it seem like she was eating. She then buried her medication in the middle of the food. Katie then pushed the plate away from her. She was not going to eat today.

  • Brohoof 1

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Emma is seen walking to an empty table with her breakfast, she sat down and glanced at her food, "Scrambled eggs, mmm... I seem to be getting used to this..food," She thought, as she ate, she saw two new people enter the cafeteria,"Hmm? New people? Oh...I hope the new girl doesn't sleep in my room....I-I'm scared of Andy already," Referring to her roommate Andrea Larue, who constantly uses her for her own troubles. Emma still doesn't know the fact that the new girl is going to be staying with her and Andrea. "And there's a new guy, great, more boys to avoid,"

Edited by Narutardedscum!!


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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As Nurse Flo was walking with John she noticed Katie pushing away her breakfast. "I'll meet you there Ron, you remember the way?" John shook his head and continued walking. Nurse Flo turned to face the patients. "Enough is enough!" Her voice boomed. "This is a hospital, not a home for spoiled brats! You will eat your breakfast and you will take your medication. Then you will go to the infirmary and be tested for taking your medication. Anyone who tests negative, or refuses to eat will be punished! Not only will you have to take your medication through needles every morning, but you will also be denied of bathing time and outside time! I expect everyone to have taken their medication and eat their breakfast by the time I get back. The nurses are watching you!" and with that Nurse Flo turned and left.


Michelle started laughing again. "what's so funny?!" A patient snorted, "stop laughing!"

Michelle turned and smiled, "it's funny. How you think you guys are in control here? How you think you have rights, freedoms and choices. We're nothing but lab rats. We eat when told, we sleep when told, and we dance for their amusement. What's the point in fighting it? Unless you wanna end up like Albert."

Albert was a violent patient, he bit the ear off one of the nurses (they say anyway). After that incident he was taken to the infirmary. A few weeks later he returned, brain-dead. He didn't speak, he didn't smile. All he did was stare out at the window and did as he was told.

"They stole his soul."

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"Does this girl ever keep quiet?" Sylvester thought as he entered the cafeteria in a haste. He was caught in between yawning quietly, figuring out his plan for today, and wiping the drool that had caught on to his beard. He made his way towards the food, and being the last of the bunch to grab breakfast, wound up with a cold plate of eggs. He didn't mind - food was essential, the condition its in rarely matters - and took his tray towards the farthest end of one of the tables, away from the crowd.


Sylvester took out his Death Beanie, one of his more treasured articles of clothing, and hastily put it on as he slowly dug into his food. He cringed at the plate of eggs before shrugging it off and continuing eating, keeping an eye on some of the patients in the room. Michelle, in particular, had caught his interest, with her raunchy attitude. He snorted at the idea that this girl had actually been relevant to his interests.


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Skyler jumped when Nurse Flo yelled at everyone.

She quickly took her medication with a glass of water- but didn't eat her eggs.

The nurse who was supposed to be watching her had looked away, and she put some of the eggs on the floor.

Smiling, she stood up.


Andrea saw Emma come out and get her food.

She glared.

That girl had no idea of Andrea's beauty. She, in fact, never said a word to Andrea.


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Katie sighed and dug the pill back out. She knew they'd murder her if she didn't eat it. She shoved it down her throat quickly. Now what would she do with the food? The nurses were watching her. She turned towards the wall, and dumped the food down her shirt. Hopefully those nurses didn't see her. She then smeared some of the eggs on her face to make it look like she had been eating messily. She put the empty plate down on the table. And continued to sit there.

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Charles, who's shifty emotions had changed to anger, turned around in his seat, facing Michelle's table. "This isn't some kind of test, don't try to scare the patients for your own entertainment; this is a place to help us!"

Charlie was yelling now, making sure to be heard. He kept a stern look on his face.

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