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private The Mental Rehabilitation Center


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Now Emma is in front of the door to the infirmary, she thought "Oh this will be fun, to make the psycho get a taste of her own fucking medicine, this is the perfect time to get back at her, fucking bitch," she slowly opened the door and saw a nurse sitting at at her desk, "Yes, may I help you?" she asked, Emma answered "Oh, I'd like to give something to Michelle Lablanche, can you direct me to her please?" "Oh sure, just go that way and you'll find her," She pointed the way "Okay, thank you," Emma said in a polite manner. She walked to her bed, and then she saw her sleeping, now Emma thought, "Should I really do this? I actually don't to want do it on a wounded person, I never knew her injuries were this bad," She just stood there, thinking whether to leave or bother her and risk getting in trouble.

Edited by Narutardedscum!!


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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A large man about 6'10 stepped inside the room. Samuel swapped to a defensive position.

"Jeez, where were people like you when everyone was after me?" Samuel said, almost heartily.

"You're not going to pull anything funny with me, understand?" the man revealed a small syringe in his left hand.

A leftie, eh? Samuel contemplated his current situation.This is really fucking nuts. Samuel shook his head and sighed. He was not going to win, that much was obvious; however, Samuel was unable to let his plan disintegrate into thin air simply because he wouldn't try.

"Sir, let me see the first floor's office administrator. I'd like to speak to the owner of this unsafe facility." Samuel said, bolting his hind leg into the floor in anticipation.

"Now, kid, you know I can't do that," the man sighed. "I was shocked to hear you made it to the first floor so easily -- usually we have more security around the psyche ward."

"Is that so?" Samuel said. The man slowly inched toward him, amplifying the tension in the room. "Where was all the personnel when I started, then?"


The man shrugged.

"Are you going to come quietly or do I have to use this thing, kid?" the man asked, sounding irritated. Well, he's obviously not very impressed by me. Holmes, what do you think?

There was no answer.

"Trust your instincts," I take it? Alright... But I fucking hate improvising.


Samuel dropped his guard, barely able to stand still with all the adrenaline running through him. He let out a deep breath.

"Alright, sir. Just... do whatever." Samuel said. "I didn't account for any threats so early..." He trailed off. The man slipped a cable-tie around Samuel's wrists. Samuel looked up at the man. "Are you being serious right now?"

The man chuckled. "Just have one of the nurses snip em' off when you get to the ward." He said, pushing Samuel forward. "I might send some more men to the place as... countermeasures. Rest assured, Samuel, you didn't fail entirely."


Samuel stopped and blinked. How did he know my-

"Is something the matter, 003?" one of the security personnel behind him said. Samuel turned around -- the large man was gone. Holmes, did you mess with my head?

<Was that God?> Holmes chuckled, avoiding the question.

"Sir, was there a huge guy who was with us just now?" Samuel asked.

The man stared questioningly at Samuel. "No, kid. Have you had your medication for today?"

Samuel shook his head. "I'm not one of those patients. I just have an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder," he sighed.

At least, that's all I've been diagnosed with.


Fuck you.

"Whatever, 003. Here -- we're almost to your ward," the man said. "Thanks to you and a few other incidents, we've had to implement a stricter staff. I hear they're working on a punishment worse than solitary confinement for violators," the man grinned.


They reached the elevator.

"What kind of punishment?" Samuel questioned.

"Dunno," the man replied, "but they're almost finished constructing it, I hear."

Samuel flinched. "Sounds gruesome," he replied.

"Maybe it is -- I wouldn't know." the man said. "Whatever it is, I wouldn't want to go through it!"


The elevator doors opened and they stepped inside. This center has an odd was of operating things. Then again, he'd known that from Day One when Michelle had made a boy named Wilson commit suicide. Samuel began to think about what he might have missed in his day's absence.

"We also had to increase security and bring in some new staff around your perimeter, so don't get any ideas like the one before," the man said, cutting into Samuel's thoughts.

"It worked," Samuel muttered under his breath.


The elevator stopped at the third floor and the security guard nudged Samuel into the hall. The man brought Samuel to a windowed room.

"You're gonna wait for Nurse Flo in this office, okay? I'll be standing guard outside, so again, don't get any ideas like the one before 003," said the man.

"One thing, sir. My name is Samuel -- I'm not a number," Samuel said before entering the room.

Samuel walked into the room and chose a soft chair to sit in. Nurse Flo soon entered and gave him a lecture about leaving. Samuel nodded every now and then, not paying any particular attention. She soon stood.

"Understand?" she said. Samuel nodded slowly. "Good. Now let's head to breakfast!" she said, energetically.

<Gonna eat some jimmies, Sammy?>

Fuck you.


They silently trudged to the cafeteria. Nurse Flo removed his cable-ties and let Samuel into the room. Samuel noticed a few people were missing. He took his meal and sat by the distorted window, noticing the odd atmosphere around the room. Something had happened while he was away.

<Eat up, dickbit! We can find out more later -- it's chow time!> Holmes chimed, mockingly.

Hey Holmes? Samuel thought.

<Yes, Sammy?> Holmes replied with forced eagerness.

Fuck you.

Edited by Guest
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Randal walked into the cafeteria, the shock of what happened the prior day still fresh in his mind. He had deep rings under his eyelids, and he grabbed his breakfast slowly. He once again went to the window and laid there, enjoying the comfort it gave him.


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Charles decided he'd talk to Nurse Flo. He didn't know where she currently was, but he guessed that she'd be in her office.

He put his tray up and walked down the halls, looking for Flo's office when he took another turn, and ran into a murse. "Excuse me," he said as the murse waved it off and continued walking.

Charlie eventually walked up to a door that read, "HEAD NURSE'S OFFICE," and he assumed that was Flo's. He knocked on the door, waiting patiently.

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Nurse Flo opened the door, "good morning Charles. Is something the matter. If you're still shaken up by yesterdays events, I can give you extra medication." Charles noticed a young woman sitting in Flo's office. The young lady had long pink curled hair and was dressed in victorian fashion. "It's alright Flo. He can go in, I need to go visit her anyway." Nurse Flo nodded and let Charles into her office. As the pink haired lady passed Charles she smiled at him, the colour of her eyes were red.

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Randy sat down on his bed. He refused to leave his room. He was already hated by the other patients. "Male giant squid is three meters longer than the average female," he spouted the useless fact. His "memory castle" was full of useless facts. He would never need to know the size of giant squids. The only thing he needed to know was one of the only things he didn't...


How do I fix my mind?


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Michelle opened her eyes just as Emma was about to turn away, "the fuck do you want?" Emma turned back around, Michelle was smiling. "Did you really miss me that much?" Emma was starting to get angry but before she had a chance to respond, Michelle's pupils dilated and her heart rate increased drastically. 'Run' she mouther to Emma, but it was too late. Emma felt a warm touch on her shoulder. "Good morning girls." Michelle growled.

"Good to set you recovering so quickly Michelle. And that number you did on that much larger boy. And you Emma. Very impressive redecorating." "Does she know?" "No." "Any other patients displaying anything?" "Misha." "Healing only though." "No one is as phenomenal as you Michelle." Emma was confused, "Oh how rude of myself. I am Miss Rose."


Nurse Flo nodded and allowed Charles to take a seat, "spill what's on your mind Charlie."

  • Brohoof 1

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"Thank you," Charles said as he took a seat, "I'd like to talk about John. I want to prove him innocent. I mean, he and Skyler were alone in there, and I don't think they just invited Michelle to come along."

Charles leaned back in the chair and thought a bit, "I mean, Michelle cut an entire slit in Skyler's mouth! I can tell, Skyler and John have something between them. I guess John was being protective in self defense when he started beating Michelle as soon as we walked in there."

Charles then remembered Nurse Jackie and said, "I bet if you question Nurse Jackie further, she'll tell you Michelle stabbed herself or something, maybe give more information. I'm assuming that the reason she nodded when Michelle said John stabbed her is because Nurse Jackie was scared, or Michelle threatened her, or something along those lines."

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Nurse Flo leaned forwards and sighed heavily. "I've spoken to Nurse Jackie, she stands by her story. She said John and Skyler were conversing when Michelle arrived and started bullying Skyler. John tried to protect Skyler, but Michelle pushed him too far and he snapped. Creating a weapon and attacking Michelle. Michelle is a trained fighter and was able to get the weapon away from him and slash Skyler. However Skyler held Michelle down and John got the weapon back. Michelle kicked Skyler away and picked up a canvas. John stabbed Michelle, and before Michelle collapsed she smashed John over the head. John was provoked true, but he still acted violently." Nurse Flo leaned back in her chair.


"Now would you excuse us Emma? Run along and don't forget to take your pills." Miss Rose smiled and gently forced Emma out of the door. Emma heard the door lock and the muffles of Michelle screaming behind her.

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"I just can't believe that," Charlie said, "I'd think Michelle would be the one who created the weapon. Seeing the recent outbursts from Nick, he doesn't really think. He just charges. I'm pretty sure Nick wouldn't think enough to create a weapon, but most likely just charge at her instead."

Charles stopped and then continued, "I don't mean to sound foul, but I think Nurse Jackie might be lying."

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Skyler woke up in a hospital bed, her head was pounding and her face was on fire.

Tears welled up in her eyes, she couldn't stand being here, she wanted to get out, and go home.

She hated that center, and now, any beauty that she may have once had was gone..

Skyler let out a scream, and pushed over the table next to her bed.

She grabbed anything in sight and threw it across the room, screaming and crying.

Fuck this. Fuck life! She was done. Her face was ruined, she was a disgusting pig, and no one wanted her.

Quickly searching, she found a broken shard of vase, and pulled it along her wrists.

Blood oozed out, and she started laughing.


Andrea hadn't visited Michelle yet. She'd heard what happened.

Even though she hated Skyler, it still was horrifying.

Instead, Andrea stayed in her room, unless she was ordered out, and kept to herself for once.

She didn't really have any feelings at the moment.

  • Brohoof 1


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"Nurse Flo!!! Let me out!!! I need to talk to you!!!" shouted John as he beat on the door. Soon one of the male nurses flung the door open yelling at him to pipe down, "Dammit I want to talk to nurse Flo!!" yelled back John. The nurse laughed and shook his head, closing the door, but John put his foot in the doorway. "Either you take me to see her or you have to break my foot to close this damn door!"


The male nurse hesitated, then obliged grudgingly. He took John to her office, where he saw Charles speaking with her already.


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Nurse Flo sighed again. "As I stated before, John has an additional personality. It could have been capable of that, we don't know a lot about him." Nurse Flo paused and ran her fingers through her hair, "well Charles. I'm not in a good position. I have your opinion, a paranoid. And the Nurse Jackie's professional and sane opinion, who is also a witness." Nurse Flo was about to continue when John slammed open her door, ordering an audience. "Please sit down?" Nurse Flo was startled.


Some nurses watching over Skyler grabbed her and badged up her cuts, then then strapped her to her bed so she couldn't move and cause anymore damage.

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Skyler thrashed against her straps, desperate to be let out.

"Let me go! Let me die already!" She screamed.

But no matter- no one came for her.

She struggled until she fell asleep from pure exhaustion.


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((What did I do?))


Nurse Flo secretly paged for security and sat to allow John and Charles to speak to her. "John, you may speak. And you as well Charles." Nurse Flo listened patiently.

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Nurse Flo nodded her head, "thank you for your time Charles." As Charles left the room he saw Miss Rose outside, it was as if she was waiting for him. "Good morning Charles." Charles nodded politely, Miss Rose looked into his eyes. Her red eyes piercing his soul, her very essence made his skin crawl.

As Charles went back to the rec room Aaron beamed, "you're back! Is John okay? What's going on?!"

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As Miss Rose looked into Charlie's eyes, it almost creeped him out.

Still confused, Charles walked to the Rec Room. Aaron got excited all of a sudden and asked him what's going on and if John is okay. "I just went to talk to Nurse Flo to try and prove John's innocence," Charles said, "And yeah, as far as I can tell, John is okay."

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Katie woke up, and went to get some breakfast. Their was fear on her face. She sat down in the corner to eat, but soon found herself cowering under the table. She remembered the screams from last night, and Michelle bleeding everywhere. Had John done that to her?


John. Katie imagined John. His handsome face, his charming eyes, his sexy body... he was perfect. Katie never liked to admit it, but she fantasized about John in her dreams. If John had given up on that stupid Skylar girl, and Katie got her hands on him, Katie would be the happiest girl in the world. She imagined the cartoons, bouncing around and singing. She would be that happy.


(Katie needs to have some John)

  • Brohoof 3

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Randy skipped his breakfast. He didn't need to eat. Everyone was scarred, and for good reason. "Can't live like this! Can't let this go on. Problems made to be fixed. "Michelle, John, all problems. Have to fix them. Make things safe." He held his head. "No, no, NO! Not again. Killing never works. Never makes me safe. But they can't be here. Not where I sleep. Will find a way to fix the problem. Can't let this go on."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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