HeavenSunset 1,867 August 18, 2019 Share August 18, 2019 So most of these are who do you think is most atractive but I haven't found a who is your favorite character so here you go 1 All hail the former king of General Discussion Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dawn-Sunlight 1,228 August 23, 2019 Share August 23, 2019 My favorite character is Sunset Shimmer and get ready for a wall of text. All her solo songs are perfect. I have absolutely no idea why Hasbro decided to have the song "What More is Out There" be a solo Sci-Twi song instead of having it be a duet between Sunset and Sci-Twi. FUN FACT! Sunset and Twilight have different voice actors, but Twilight's singing voice is Rebecca Shoichet(I think that's how you spell her name), who also is Sunset's voice and singing actor. So, in conclusion for the FUN FACT, Sunset and Twilight have the same person for their singing voice actor! Sunset Shimmer is best character ever! She always gets the best stories, songs, you name it. The best MLP movies are Rainbow Rocks, where she gets so much character growth, and Forgotten Friendship, which is her first solo movie(finally! ). But I feel like she doesn't get as much love for her villain time as she should. Have you seen the faces Sunset makes?! She is good at everything she does, and she so deserves at this point to be an alicorn princess. Why Hasbro decided to make Sunset start sharing the spotlight with SCITWI, of all characters, I have no idea. The fact that she is confined to EQG is kind of annoying, too. I think that it's understandable to like Twilight Sparkle a little more than Sunset, but I will have a hard time understanding the ponies who think that Sunset Shimmer is a horrible character, or that SciTwi is a better character. Sunset Shimmer is cute, awesome, underrated(mostly villain form for this one, but a little of regular Sunset Shimmer too.) If you actually take the time to look at what Sunset was doing, you realize her plans were BRILLIANT. And it was all without using any violence(excluding the scene at the end with Twilight's crown, and that was only because the rest of the main 5 were going on and on about how great the person who she was trying to beat and who was also a princess, the thing Sunset wanted to be from the start, was and all her other plans had failed, so she was frustrated and kind of desperate )! For instance, she took the time to break up the human 5's friendship because Rarity ran against her for the Princess of the Spring Fling, and she wanted to reassert her dominance, so she tortured Rarity both with her knowing it and not knowing it. This was all in preparation for when the contest actually mattered; she was trying to get rid of any opposition before the fact. And I'm not even going to get into how awesome she is as a reformed villain! Then came her redemption. Sunset suffered consequences(rebuilding the front of the school, which she had destroyed), and also didn't immediately get forgiven by everyone and their grandma. She literally got the best EQG movie yet for her redemption arc. Another thing about Sunset: in Forgotten Friendship(second-best EQG movie), Sunset leaps in front of the memory stone's magic beam to save her friends from losing their memories. This is the character who deserves to be the Princess of Friendship's prodigy, and frankly, even an alicorn herself. She can harness the elements of magic herself and fight a raging she-demon to save everyone else. She can sing a very inspirational song about how your past mistakes do not define you, it's what you do to fix those mistakes and earn forgiveness that counts, and grow phoenix wings from just singing the song with none of her friends even around! All and all, SUNSET SHIMMER IS BEST CHARACTER! Whoever decided the color scheme for her was a GENIUS. Unlike a lot of ponies, her name is actually reflective of her whole appearance, not just her cutie mark, which is a trait I like my made-up ponies to have. Sunset was so smart that she was the only person in Canterlot High EVER to make it to the last round of the Academic De-catalog, was Princess Celestia's student, and figured out many of the solutions to the problems happening in the human world(how to defeat the Sirens, why the main 6 were starting to pony up in random places, the source of the magic the main 7 were getting, and how to defeat Midnight Sparkle). The scene where Sunset jumps in front of the memory stone’s beam was my favorite scene in Forgotten Friendship and the thing that pushed my decision to have her be my all time favorite character, and personally, I think this is the best thing she's ever done. This was hands down the bravest thing I have ever seen a character on MLP or EQG do, and one of the traits I admire the most in any character is bravery. Oh, who else noticed that Sunset is EXTREMELY good at getting exactly what she wants? I noticed in Sunset's Backstage Pass that the movie explained indirectly how she was sooooo good of a villain that she had the school in the palm of her hand. She acts all innocent and finds out what your greatest personal weakness is. It's AWESOME. Sunset was an awesome villain, and I don't know why ponies think she isn't. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HeavenSunset 1,867 August 23, 2019 Author Share August 23, 2019 @Dawn-Sunlight........same 1 All hail the former king of General Discussion Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Light Blade 8,673 September 16, 2019 Share September 16, 2019 I also gonna say Sunset Shimmer. Why? Um...don't you think that everypony already answered that one? I'll make it simple: Part of the reason is that I have a thing for baddies who choose to become goodies and stay that way. I just really love seeing villains (preferably after long time of villainous behavior) siding with heroes and start doing good things. It just warms my heart when you get this realization that this character makes a great friend when they are not evil. LOVE IT! X3 While design-wise she was pretty cool, as a villain Sunset wasn't that much. She was just another baddie that I knew is gonna get defeated by goodies. But then I saw her working hard to become a better, friendlier and nicer pony girl, and let me tell you: it felt like the worst surgeon ever poorly and bluntly surgically implanted me with love for her...and I loved every second of it. And of course, I loved her in everything that followed RR. And that's how abruptly ends my tale of How Sunset went from one nasty piece of work Spoiler to "Oh c'mere, Sunny-buns, you pwetty pony girl <3" Spoiler 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sparklefan1234 172,970 September 18, 2019 Share September 18, 2019 My favorite Equestria Girls character is "Sci-Twi" aka human world Twilight Sparkle. I like Sci-Twi because she's smart, adorkable & awesome! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pentium100 2,186 September 18, 2019 Share September 18, 2019 I'd say my favorite character is human Twilight Sparkle, since is quite similar to the pony Twilight. Sunset Shimmer is pretty cool too though, all of them are. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cash In 22,524 September 18, 2019 Share September 18, 2019 Sunset definitely. She didn't leave the greatest first impression on me, because she was kind of a garbage villain, but redeemed Sunset is such a good character. She was one of the main reasons I really liked Rainbow Rocks and it only got better from there. 2 At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SpittyPie2005 3,952 December 15, 2019 Share December 15, 2019 Sunset because she's relatable and has the best one-liners, and Spike....because he's a cute talking doggo. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shigaraki 292 January 1, 2020 Share January 1, 2020 (edited) I will just edit this old post and keep other 1 up to date Edited October 14, 2020 by Osoka_Topez replied to this thread just recently and not realizing l already did before. xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SpittyPie2005 3,952 January 19, 2020 Share January 19, 2020 Imma have to go with my girl Sunset and my boi Spike. Sunset because she's got more character development (not including Sci-Twi) than any other EG character, and she's got the best quotes ("IT'S NOT ABOUT THE PARAKEET!", "You're about to see how mean I can get!", "Am I the only one who thinks this is overkill?!") And Spike is the cutest talking doggo ever. Usually dogs are my favourite characters on shows/movies with humans anyways XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vampireponyprince 184 March 25, 2020 Share March 25, 2020 my favorite is probably sunset shimmer, I love misunderstood characters that start as villains and even in the current films and shorts her character development has been pretty cool 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
O-78 28,607 March 26, 2020 Share March 26, 2020 My favorite EQG-exclusive character is Sugarcoat. Her glasses and twintails make her look extremely beautiful, and I find her straight-talking attitude hilarious and irresistible. She's just a joy to watch and look at. 2 Signature by @Mellow Mane Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shigaraki 292 October 14, 2020 Share October 14, 2020 (edited) Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, and one of the shadowbolt high students. I don't remember her name. Oh dang l realized l replied to this thread before..oh well who cares it's the same answer as last time only this time l mentioned Rarity. Edited October 14, 2020 by Osoka_Topez Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
elementsofharmony110 0 November 24, 2021 Share November 24, 2021 I like sunset shimmer because she used to be bad and she made a big change and empathy Ti a good Element Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
elementsofharmony110 0 November 24, 2021 Share November 24, 2021 And she pretty too! She and had a interesting personality! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rosy Moonlight 369 May 26, 2022 Share May 26, 2022 (edited) I love Sunset Shimmer as she shows a realistic bully redemption arc. Also, she is so beautiful with a great voice, and a lovely foil to Twilight as the former pupil of Princess Celestia. Edited May 26, 2022 by Rosy Moonlight Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mlpfan23 6 September 28, 2023 Share September 28, 2023 In case of to whome I am more attracted Then my answer would be pinkie pie or maybe fluttershy. But as we are talking about who is my favorite character, I will say Rainbow Dash because she is just so cool. But Sunset Shimmer is also a great character. So these two would be my favorite characters as they both are just so cool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XxR3ckl3ss 19 March 6, 2024 Share March 6, 2024 I love Sunset Shimmer, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are both tied for second fav. Scootaloo is third, cause I really like her design (all the Cutie Mark Crusaders are really good design-wise) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crash_xox 346 September 5, 2024 Share September 5, 2024 i love her! she reminds me of lightning dust. i wish she had more screen time tbh cause she wasn't even included in the dance magic :c Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SunsetShimmerRocks95 8 October 11, 2024 Share October 11, 2024 My favorite character is Sunset Shimmer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snoopy Fan 1,643 November 26, 2024 Share November 26, 2024 My favorite Equestria Girls character is a tie between Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy. Sunset is my favorite for the same reason as everyone else and Fluttershy is also my favorite because she’s so kind and sweet. They both also have the best singing voices. I really wish that we got a special that focused on Fluttershy or both Sunset and Fluttershy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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