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private Game of Trapped Love (RP with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora nodded as she'd bring the things to the check out "I was thinking that too, we can always go somewhere nice at Mt Aeris" she'd say to him, as the clerk would begin to scan the items they were buying. She'd bag the items and put them in the trolley. She'd pay for the items and take the trolley to the car and unloading them. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

Dynamo continued to follow the female griffon as they made their way towards the checkout line. “That’s true when you put it that way. Like I said, I’ve never been to Mt. Aeris before, but I can imagine the restaurants and locations there are wonderful.” He smiled, helping with bagging each item once scanned. After everything was paid for, Dynamo pushed the cart trolley towards the car. “Should we put everything in the trunk or should we place the bags in the back of the car?” He asks, not knowing what would be more efficient, so nothing would get crushed and/or ruined.

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@Dynamo Pad

As they made their way to the car, she'd open the trunk "We'll put it in the trunk hon, it'll be easier, seeing as our luggage is also in the trunk" she'd say, checking her bank account "and yeah, might just be easier to get dinner on the train, that and quicker" she'd say, loading the groceries into the trunk. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

Upon opening the trunk to her car, Dynamo nodded as he began taking the bags. "Okay and that sounds good. Hopefully, we'll have some room in the trunk for our luggage. I know that I usually place grocery bags in the back of the car. Makes it easier to grab them, but then I worry they'll fall to the floor." He chuckled, nodding at the change in plans. "That's true when you put it that way. Plus, we'll have some food to bring with us in case we aren't fully filled with diner on the train." He would say, helping with loading the rest of the bags.

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@Dynamo Pad

"We should have enough space" Sora would say to him, as they packed the shopping and luggage into the trunk "There we go, we best get going, the station is only a fifteen minute drive from here, and though the train is not due for at least half an hour, you never know when it might actually come early"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

Dynamo nods as he helped place the last of their bags in the trunk. Making sure that the bags and luggage were on separate sides, so nothing would get crushed or spilt. “Better to be late for being early.” He chuckled, before continuing. “That’s actually not bad on time, but you’re right. I remember getting to a train once and it was delayed out of nowhere. Thankfully I was there as my phone didn’t update me on my ticket.” He says, making his way to the passenger side of the vehicle once the trunk was closed.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

Sora smiles at him "Yeah, most of the time trains are delayed, giving extra time, but some times they are actually on time or even early" she'd say "Though, if they are early, they usually just wait until the usual time they leave" she says, buckling up and starting the engine "Alright hon, lets get going, it's a long way there, but I hope you're not too nervous about meeting my family" she'd say with a smile.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

"I've only ever seen a train appear on time or a bit late. I never expected a train to appear early. I'd hate to think I missed a train if it appeared early, though. Then, I'd think twice to rushing around to make sure I had everything, before heading to the station." He would say, chuckling with a grin. "That's a relief though. I guess it would be weird if the train didn't leave it's usual time. Unless, of course, the next stations were far away. Prompting to leave as soon as possible. I know how difficult it is when trying to find an available seat. All the while, trying to find a place to put your luggage." He says, buckling up his seat belt as Sora started the engine. "Okay! It may be a long journey there, but it'll be well worth the trip." At the mention of meeting her parents, he gave a shaky sigh, before nodding slightly. "I can't lie or hid anything from you, love. I know you mentioned about them before, but I guess I can't help in being nervous. I just hope they like me."

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora would nod and smile, nuzzling him before the light at the traffic light turned green and she begun to drive again "That is true, it is a real rarity for a train to actually be early, but either way we do want to be able to get a good seating" she'd say and then nod some time, turning into the parking lot for the train station, "I am sure my family and friends will like you hon, there's really nothing to worry about" she says, turning the ignition off and stepping out of the car, stretching.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Lazy Ferret

"You can say that again. It's better to get a good seating instead of not at all. Especially if you want to locate your luggage. I've heard it was a nightmare when taking a trip by a zeppelin." Dynamo chuckled, returning the nuzzle before the light turned green once more. "I trust your word, but I still hope they'll like me. I know your friends liked me when we were in the game. So, that's the exception, but still. Since we are at the station, then what do you suppose we'll do with the car? Will we have it delivered to Mt. Aeris at some point?" He wondered, stepping out of the car to stretch his arms and legs.

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@Dynamo Pad

She would nod and take out the groceries from the trunk "Zeppelins are even more dangerous than trains" she'd say "With zeppelins you have to worry about thunder storms and wild winds" she'd say "Too easy to crash, hence why I'm not too keen on that mode of transportation, especially for long distance" she'd say and then nod "Think you can get our luggage? Also, I've asked a friend to pick up our car and look after it until we can get it to Mt Aeris"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Lazy Ferret

"When you put it that way, then it kind of makes me worried to fly in a zeppelin." He would say, shivering slightly in fear. "I guess it's mostly why I'd rather take a train. It seems like the most frequent way to travel and it's mostly safe." He would say, nodding as he began to grab the luggage from out of the trunk. Levitating the luggage in his grasp as he picked up any groceries in his hands. "No problem, sweetheart. I'm glad that someone will be watching the car when we go to Mt. Aeris. Is it one of the friends that were with us in the game, or someone else?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora giggles a little "You're right, I'm a Gryffon and yet I'm still afraid of those things" she says, leading him to the train station and getting their tickets "And yeah, it's Amaya, the cat girl" she'd say "We talked a bit before I asked you to come visit me" she then was about to sit down just as the train pulled up to the station "Well seems the train was on time, and so were we" she says, looking at her ticket, "Oh, a private carriage"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

Dynamo's lips contorted into a crooked smile as he tried to hold back a laugh. "When you put it that way, then that's a bit of irony. Considering you're able to fly with your wings." He'd say, making sure to keep holding everything as she lead him to the station. "Oh, I think I remember her. I know we all were looking different in regards to our avatars, but still. I'll have to see everyone again in order to remember their faces. Especially if they have different color in their mane and such. Thankfully, they were able to visit and help with the car." He would say, taking note of the train that had pulled up to the station. "Now that's what I either call convenient or perfect timing. At least we'll have time to bring our luggage and such into the private carriage." He says, eyebrows raising in surprise at the ticket. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora would nod with a smile "Yeah, I'm actually kind of scared of heights" she'd say somewhat awkwardly and then smile, placing what they had on the seats that were free before going to the bed in the carriage "I guess mom and dad wanted us to have comfort on our trip" she'd say, resting her arms behind her head and closing her eyes.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret 

After placing their belongings on the seat, Dynamo nodded as he placed a hand upon her shoulder. All the while, giving her a look of understanding. "No need to explain and it's okay. I'm not the best when it comes to heights either. It kind of goes hand in hand with my fear of rollercoasters. I mean, they are fun and all, but I don't like it when they go through loop-the-loops. Even though I could always try and possibly teleport, I still worry I'll fall out of my seat during the ride." He would say, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand as he felt sheepish for mentioning his fear. "To be honest, I thought you had gotten the tickets a little while after we had gotten out of the game. I guess when you called your parents, they wanted to give you a surprise to give them a surprise visit. A whole bunch of surprises if you ask me." He chuckled, looking towards Sora, who went to the bed, rested her arms behind her head and closed her eyes. "Are you tired from the trips sweetheart?" He chuckled as he couldn't blame her.

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora would smile a little "Mm oh I know what you mean dear" she'd say "I love coasters, but some of those with the loop de loops and with the more movability in the seats scare me" she'd say "Especially when you hear so much about accidents on coasters, either due to the rider's fault or fault of the builders who had cut corners" she'd say, and smile some "Mm yeah, they did want me to visit and for me to bring you" she'd say, closing her eyes a little "And yeah, I just want to relax right now"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

"Oh, I don't like the seats that allow movability when it comes to coasters. Especially the ones that don't have a seat like the Supermare ride. Just like you're flying, but that's just terrifying, if you ask me. That, or the really fast coasters that have a huge drop like the Kingda Ka." He shudders as he remembered seeing some of those coasters at theme parks. "I've heard about accidents before online, or through the news. Sometimes I can't understand how things like that happen, but you're right. It's either the fault of the rider's who are goofing around, or just faulty equipment that haven't been tested or looked into." He responded, nodding with a smile at her remark on sleeping. "I guess we can knock out two birds with one stone on the whole visiting thing." He chuckled, before continuing. "Okay and rest and relaxation sounds good right about now. I think I might join you for some rest, if that's okay." He would say, going to the bed in the carriage as he lied down on his side.

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora smiled and nodded "I think we actually discussed the dynamics of coasters back when we were stuck in the game" she'd say, nodding and cuddling up to him as he lay next to her, resting her head on his chest, "Mm of course it is fine for you to rest here love" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Lazy Ferret

Dynamo looked up towards the ceiling as he tried to recall their conversation of the subject from within the games. Throwing a hand into the air, he nodded as he hand lazily slumped back towards his side. "I kind of remember that, but I think I tried to avoid the subject. Considering it wasn't easy to really talk about. Especially when it came to one of my biggest fears." He would say, hoping that it wouldn't be brought up. Just the thought of his fear caused him to shiver and shudder slightly. "It'll be a long train ride, so it'll be nice to get some rest." He smiled and sighed softly, while he felt Sora resting her head upon his chest.

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