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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Sherem

Illiad Easle

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It was still dark outside when Midnight came to Sherem's room to get him. He would knock politely at the door first, then if Sherem didn't wake up or didn't answer he would enter the room to wake him up more directly, he had a bit of an excited air to him, "Come on, we've got to get a move on. If we're lucky there'll still be food there when we arrive."

Once he was sure Sherem was awake he would step out of the room, "Make yourself presentable, they'll appreciate it."


Sherem would find Midnight waiting in the hall for him, once he was in the hall Midnight would start off towards the front gate at a trot, the excitement only building on his face.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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he still yawned, he was hoping he would get some more rest, but he didn't complain about anything and said "my lord, can I know about what is going on? You said you had something to show me, but the "presentable" part what about that? are we meeting representatives of archback? and if so, isn't still a bit early for other ponies" he was having a hard time to process all of the info and the event, but he would not protest.

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Midnight only responded with a coy smile, "I'm not going to spoil the surprise, but not, it's not Archback representatives, you've met plenty of those already."

Midnight would lead the way out the front of the castle, a thin layer of snow covered just about everything, only faint lights shown from the houses on the side of the mountain, but bright lights were visible out in the forest.

Midnight took a deep breath once he was outside, "There's something magical about the first snowfall isn't there?"

He wouldn't wait for a response before he continued his trot down the mountain, headed down the path that would lead towards Mohotma City, and further on to the gathering of lights in the Shimmerwood Forest. There were a few other early risers out on the road, and they would wave as the two of them passed, and Midnight would return the waves in kind not losing a beat.

He would slow his pace if Sherem asked him to, otherwise he wouldn't slow down until they had crossed all the way through the thatch and adobo buildings of Mohotma City and the wheat fields on the far side, until they reached the edge of the forest where they were met by a pair of thestral guards.

Midnight nodded to the guards and they returned the nod, "I hope we're not too late?"

One of the guards shook his head, "The party goes on till the last bat drops, there's still a good few hours till they all tire themselves out. Stick to the paths and have a safe journey."

The guards would part so they could continue.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem bowed a bit to the guard as a gesture of greeting and thanks for the information, he though about what the guard said "until the last bat drops...that means we are meeting the batponies of  archback in some kind of celebration" he deduced, he was sure of his answer but he would welcome to be wrong "this is why you asked me to come with you at..." he looked at the moon and made some calculations and said "2 am in the morning?"

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Midnight nodded, "Astute, though it's closer to 4 am, and while the Fastar Clan is friendly to Archback they are wholly independent, one of the last thestral clans to remain that way. They're mostly nocturnal so the best time to see them is in the very early morning or late in the evening. Were it not for the fact that today is the celebration of their founder's passing I'd take you to see them in the evening. Nonetheless, now is a most opportune time to see them at their best."

It wouldn't be long before they could hear the music, jovial for what was supposed to be the anniversary of a funeral, the instruments were mostly woodwinds, which made sense given their surroundings.

Soon enough they entered a clearing, surrounded on all sides by towering trees with platforms and houses embedded in the sides similar to Archback and the mountain. All around there were thestrals of all shapes sizes and colors, not one of them lacked a pure blooded trait.

They were soon set upon by a bunch of younger thestrals, "It's the lunar lover!" Midnight faintly blushed under his black coat at the name, but was quick to engage the young ponies by posing for them and allowing them to stand on his back. Many of them were looking closely at the many scars that crossed his barrel and flanks. There were a few who's attentions were diverted to Sherem with varying degrees of curiosity, "Are you his brother?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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he was about to fall for such a commentary, he then regained composure, and said "no no no, I'm not the brother of my lord I'm just a visitor that his grace has allowed to come with him" he also could not help but to crack a giggle for that nickname knowing the story of Midnight and Luna, moon lover sounded like something out of a novel. But he tried to keep his composure the best he could to not appear disrespectful to anypony "I'm here to learn...and maybe if our lord will allow it to have a good time perhaps?" 

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The young thestrals seemed impressed nonetheless, and would give him the same close scrutiny that they were giving Midnight. If they found any scars on him they would ask about them.

23 hours ago, Sherem said:

"I'm here to learn...and maybe if our lord will allow it to have a good time perhaps?"

Midnight looked a bit incredulous, "You think I'd bring you to one of the biggest celebrations this side of the continent and not intend for you to have a good time?" he laughed, "Enjoy yourself, you deserve that much."

Midnight was led away by the thestrals who took him over to a sort of amphitheater, he would entertain the gathered foals with stories of his younger days. Sherem would be able to listen in if he went over.

On the other side of the clearing there were more adult thestrals and the smell of food and stronger drink as well as a shimmering white marble shrine of some sort that some of them seemed to be paying homage to.

If Sherem inspected the shrine he'd find it depicted a twisted wooden staff with a large gemstone at the top. The podium was engraved: 'Upon this foundation, many great things shall be accomplished. ~Fastar

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 9/16/2020 at 10:46 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Midnight looked a bit incredulous, "You think I'd bring you to one of the biggest celebrations this side of the continent and not intend for you to have a good time?" he laughed, "Enjoy yourself, you deserve that much."

Did he deserve that much? he thought to himself, he didn't do, or at least he didn't feel, like he did anything worth honoring or did much at all to allow himself to enjoy life. The hard setting of the things that Sheoreth did still hung up on his mind and that he had to atone for all of that one way or another before allowing himself to enjoy life or at least to deserve anything. Nonetheless he kept all of these thoughts to himself and walked around the party

On 9/16/2020 at 10:46 PM, Illiad Easle said:

If Sherem inspected the shrine he'd find it depicted a twisted wooden staff with a large gemstone at the top. The podium was engraved: 'Upon this foundation, many great things shall be accomplished. ~Fastar

He watched over this staff a bit hypnotized by it but keeping a respectful distance from it, he decied not to be a burden to this party or his lord so to sorta blend in he saw if he could get any drinks to himself and watched over a higher point to all the festivites around. It seemed that this celebration was not just for the joy and the giggles, there surely had to be a bigger reason for this event as he tried to figure out of what was the reason out of what he learned in his studies, yet he could not recall anything. he then found a little hill that was in the area of the party and sit there watching over all of it.

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The drinks were plentiful both in quantity and variety, so it wouldn't be difficult to get some. They seemed to be mostly spiced beers, though there were a few harder liquors mixed among them. The food selection on the other hoof was a bit less standard, most of the items looked to incorporate meat in some way or another, usually it was some sort of fish, but there was the occasional rabbit or bird meat mixed among them. There was a seperate, smaller area that had more standard Equestrian fare, but it was largely ignored by those in attendance.

Sherem wouldn't be sitting on the hill long before a thestral mare took a seat beside him at a respectable distance. She had a small plate of some of the fish based items, "You certainly stand out, what brings you to our festival?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem smiled as he closed his eyes, thinking about it and then pointed with his hoof at Midnight "the very answer is my lord" he chuckled and took a drink and he also had a lot of food from the ignored equestrian food there, he was hungry after all but he wanted to show respect to those that made that food even if it meant being the only one that would eat it at the party. He then looked at the the threstal mare and said "I just hope I'm not much of a nusianse in this party after all" he said as he again ate what he got form the equestrian table.

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The mare chuckled softly, "Not at all. It's nice to see more guests who don't live here coming to be a part of the festivities. Midnight of course comes every year since he became aware of us. I've only been part of this clan for a few years myself. I'm from the Eclipse clan, but I married into the Fastar Clan about..." she looked over at the group of thestral foals listening to Midnight, seeming to be watching one in particular, "I guess it would be ten years ago now."

She turned her attention back to Sherem, "So, Midnight brought you here, did he tell you what the celebration is about?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"not much, only that it was important for him and for all the guests here. As he is my lord I would aim to please him and I also came here to learn more about Kingdom and the ones that love it and from part of it" he said as he looked back and then drinked some more then said "although I was always bad at social gatherings" he said a bit disappointed at himself in his voice. 

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The thestral mare looked sympathetic as she had another of her snacks, "Don't be too hard on yourself, us wall flowers contribute an important function to any social gathering." she motioned out to the rest of the party, "Someone's gotta keep an eye on everyone else."

She chuckled at her own joke before she pointed to the monument, "Anyway, you should know why this party's happening. I'll tell you what I remember. That monument there is a depiction of the staff the original Fastar used to wield, they say it had some intense magics inside it, but that's beside the point. He saved the last surviving White Tail from some timberwolves, and they went on to unite a number of other struggling thestrals who had lost their clans. Under Fastar's guidance they became strong again, they were more united than ever before. Ever since he died they've honored him in celebration of their progress. This festival is a testament of how far we've come, and as such each year strives to be better than the previous."

She shrugged, "Seems as good a way as any to honor the dead, rather than with sadness for their passing, joy for them having been."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem had a small smile on him and said "while it is true that there is a moment when you have to stop feeling sorry for yourself, either as a hole race or civilization or as yourself, that journey is never easy, some of us never manage to complete it at all" he took another sip "I thank you for the lesson, it has gave me a whole new perspective of the celebration here and I'm always happy no know more about others" he looked at the stars "us ponies of the crystal empire enjoy these kind of things, but we can due to the fact that we are mostly working to restore what once was our empire" he then ate some more and finished his plate and thought of going for the what was left of the equestrian lonely table

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The thestral mare took new interest when Sherem mentioned the empire. "The Crystal Empire? Forgive me, but you don't look much like a crystal pony, but then again I haven't seen a crystal pony before. My clan, the Eclipse clan, is based near where the empire is, or thereabouts. Perhaps you've heard of them? They... they weren't doing too well when I left. But maybe with the Empire nearby they'll be able to get more trade and resources."

As he stood to get more of the food, "I heard that alicorns were omnivores like thestrals, is that true?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"Sadly no, we mostly kept our relations with Canterlot at that time...tough I heard that during the time of stasis that clan settled there so I cannot say I knew about your clan Lady" he apologized "as for me not looking like a crystal pony, well it only shows when we are in the empire and in the presence of the crystal heart that our true nature is shown, as well as our destinies"

"kinda, we favor more things like corn and stuff that is not with meat...but we can eat both as long as there is a good reason  in doing so" he smiled at her.

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The mare thought for a moment, "Hmm, I suppose it wasn't called the Eclipse clan until after Nightmare Moon, but they were in that area before the Empire disappeared if I remember the history correctly. At the very least the clan was one of the first clans after the Thestral divide. History is foggy about the dates so long ago." She sighed, "That's one of the things that the Fastar Clan has done so well, they are quite proud of their history and record keeping, the first Fastar personally wrote down all of the Whitetail Clan's oral history that Starlight had received, as well as participating in the preservation of the oral histories of every clan that joined them. We may have the most accurate history of any nation on Equuis."

At being called Lady the mare chuckled, "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, nor did I ask you your name I don't think. I'm Indigo Eclipse Fastar, it's a pleasure to meet you."

2 hours ago, Sherem said:

in the presence of the crystal heart that our true nature is shown, as well as our destinies"

Indigo seemed impressed by this, "Truly? The heart shows your destiny? Does it work for any creatures? Or only for Crystal ponies?" She shook her head, "No! don't tell me. I think I would prefer not knowing, I'm content to let my destiny come, whatever it may be. Fastar taught that destiny was never set in stone, that fixation on destiny only led to ruination." She looked out at the thestral foals playing with Midnight, "My life may not be perfect, but I'm happy with it."

2 hours ago, Sherem said:

but we can eat both as long as there is a good reason  in doing so"

She snorted at that, "Flavor not a good enough reason for you?" She laughed, "I'm teasing of course, you weren't always an alicorn, so I can imagine it would be strange to change diet after being accustomed to a certain style. That's why we have that table of food, many of the thestrals who joined us from more Equestrian clans were used to more Equestrian diets, it wouldn't be fair to force them to change something so trivial to be part of our group. We've got to have some differences after all."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 10/7/2020 at 11:07 PM, Illiad Easle said:

At being called Lady the mare chuckled, "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, nor did I ask you your name I don't think. I'm Indigo Eclipse Fastar, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Sherem nodded "Sherem, Vice captian in the solar guard of Celestia and newly apointed knight of Archback by decree of our grace Sir and my lord Midnight" he presented himself he knew he would have to add both of these tittles in his presentations, bit long but he had heard longer form other ponies that he met in his time.

On 10/7/2020 at 11:07 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"My life may not be perfect, but I'm happy with it."

"many of us feel that way Lady Eclipse, but I think most times that is not the pursuit of your destiny that makes it play out, is it because it will always find you one way or the other. I believe that our future is predestined, the heart show me mine a millennium ago, I cannot help to feel that we only play out the part fate has written for us we are compelled ineluctably down pre-ordained paths. Free will is an illusion" he shook his head "my apologies for my fatalistic words, it is hard to change some thoughts after all this time" he bowed to her


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Indigo looked at Sherem with a sad expression, and would place a hoof on his if he allowed her to, "That... is a rather sad way to think about it. It sort of diminishes the greatness of others achievements you know? If they were destined to do it, is there really anything special about it?" She shook her head, "No. I can't believe such things are set in stone. No pony or any creature is destined to do evil, nor good. They choose such by themselves. Perhaps... perhaps the universe knows us well enough that it can predict our actions, know what choices we will make before we make them. Does that really diminish our choice? I think not."

She stood up, but turned to Sherem with motherly concern, "I don't know what you saw for yourself, nor will I ask you to share it, just know that you matter. Your choices matter. If not to yourself, then to those around you."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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He chuckled "My apologies again my lady, like I said I'm coming to terms with it still, even after what our Majesty and My lord did for me, it is...hard to adapt...I have faith that one day I might see things differently. However that is a long and arduous road. Even Princess Celestia tried to show me that my fatalistic view of life is wrong. But in reality, so far my life has proven me deeper into that destiny. I do not criticize any pony or any creature that might think different than me, if there is one thing that might show we have freewill, is because we can think differently." he finished all the food that was mostly ignored by the other guests leaving the plates empty "I would like to thank the ones that did this food, it reminded me of good times back in the empire" he said as he looked at the stars "I think I might go for stronger drinks now maybe it will lighten my head for tonight to not be a bump or a bother in this party that means so much for your kind and it would be rude, even more so criminal that I sour it" he got up and left all the plates that he eaten to the table empty and went to look for a place that served the strongest drinks.

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43 minutes ago, Sherem said:

Even Princess Celestia tried to show me that my fatalistic view of life is wrong.

Indigo smiled, "The Black Knight and the Solar Diarch rarely agree, so when they do it is most assuredly correct. I hope you enjoy the festival! May the stars guide you."

45 minutes ago, Sherem said:

went to look for a place that served the strongest drinks.

There was an area set apart that was serving the alcoholic drinks, it was fenced off in a way that both kept the younger ponies away from the drinking, and kept the drunk adults away from the rest of the party. It was surprisingly a sparsely populated area in the party, and populated seemingly only by those who were not enjoying themselves as the others were. The attitude in the room was a bit more morose than the rest of the festival. The barkeep was notably not quite a full blooded thestral by way of them having more Equestrian eyes. They smiled when Sherem entered, revealing that they also lacked thestral fangs. "Take a seat my friend, what can I get you?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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21 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Take a seat my friend, what can I get you?"

"Strongest selection you might have" he said "I'm here to learn more of the drinks of this kingdom" he smiled and then looked at the bar and kept his eyes there thinking and letting his thoughts wander about with no real objective or meaning. This is something he rarely did for he was mostly about thinking plans and that kind of stuff...he just sit there waiting for the barkeep to surprise him and with something that would allow him to find new comfort. 

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The bartender laughed as he shook his head, "Sorry mate, the traditional drinks are all out there, and do not contain alcohol. Fastar opposed most anything that could be considered 'mind altering' or otherwise counterproductive to good decision making. So most of the clan don't drink, and they keep the drinks out of the limelight during festivals." He motioned to the kegs behind him, "These are all imported, like myself, from Archback. We got two kinds, Sunset Sarsaparilla like they serve in the bars up on the mountain, and some diamond dog Diamond Brew, it's a much more earthy taste than I like, but the thestrals here enjoy it."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I try different stuff, send me what you have around...but" he motioned him to come near as he let out several gold bits and said "if you would not mind checking the back, it would be much appreciated" he said. If he accepted to do a little smuggling he would return to look on his stool and looked at the bar table and around to the other creatures in this isolated area but hi didn't talk with no one.

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The barkeep wasn't very amused with what Sherem was implying, and didn't touch the bits Sherem had set down. "First off, the drinks are free for the festival, the elders already paid for everything I've got here and my time. Second," he snorted as he gestured to the back, "We're in a tent in the middle of the woods. There's no 'back' for me to check. These two kegs you see behind me are what I have." He grabbed a mug and filled it with a clear liquid from one of the kegs, "Here, try the diamond brew. You look like you could use a solid drink."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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