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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Sherem

Illiad Easle

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"oh nothing special for alicorns we ate the same as other ponies, but in respect of the kitchen and the skills of a cook. I would like you to...hmm experiment on my plate. More than "surprise me" I would be more of a I want to see how creative and efficient you can get with your food" he said with a smile, never showing disrespect or disdain for the little pony. "I will wait as long as needed" he bowed and looked at her.

After they went to sit Sherem asked Midnight "Well that went better of what Expected although I have the feeling Councilor Blitzen may still have doubts or antagonism against me" he said a bit worried as he looked at the window

-back in canterlot-

Celestia, started to write a letter to the address of that Sherem used for the Cultural Exchange and it read as this

To Lord Midnight

I Write this with the upmost importance of the situation, I have known that you maintained a private correspondence with the vice-captain of my guard Sherem, If he is in the kingdom of archback, I would ask you be careful with him around. He carries a dark entity inside him that poses a great danger to all creatures of Equestria indifferent of the race, or story they may be or carry.

I ask your permission to go to your kingdom to retrieve him on a safe manner and making amends any damages he could have caused to the Kingdom of Archback.


Princess of the sun


Then she sent the letter hoping for a good reply or at least some good news

"oh nothing special for alicorns we ate the same as other ponies, but in respect of the kitchen and the skills of a cook. I would like you to...hmm experiment on my plate. More than "surprise me" I would be more of a I want to see how creative and efficient you can get with your food" he said with a smile, never showing disrespect or disdain for the little pony. "I will wait as long as needed" he bowed and looked at her.

After they went to sit Sherem asked Midnight "Well that went better of what Expected although I have the feeling Councilor Blitzen may still have doubts or antagonism against me" he said a bit worried as he looked at the window

-back in canterlot-

Celestia, started to write a letter to the address of that Sherem used for the Cultural Exchange and it read as this

To Lord Midnight

I Write this with the upmost importance of the situation, I have known that you maintained a private correspondence with the vice-captain of my guard Sherem, If he is in the kingdom of archback, I would ask you be careful with him around. He carries a dark entity inside him that poses a great danger to all creatures of Equestria indifferent of the race, or story they may be or carry.

I ask your permission to go to your kingdom to retrieve him on a safe manner and making amends any damages he could have caused to the Kingdom of Archback.


Princess of the sun


Then she sent the letter hoping for a good reply or at least some good news

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5 hours ago, Sherem said:

"I will wait as long as needed" h

Cookie thought for a moment, then smiled, "Well, since I'm already making a sandwich for Midnight, I'll make another one for you! I promise you it's something special!"

She immediately set to work in the kitchen, resuming her previous projects as well.

5 hours ago, Sherem said:

"Well that went better of what Expected although I have the feeling Councilor Blitzen may still have doubts or antagonism against me

Midnight chuckled, "True, Blitzen is not a big fan of anyone to be honest, a trait most of the Cervidian royalty share. If you're aware of the story of the founding of Equestria, they claim that their home is the old lands, when others fled the cold they adapted and overcame, and as such they think themselves superior to the other races. They also hate specters, and only barely tolerate Sir because of his position."

It wasn't long before Cookie returned with a pair of sandwiches, the bread was a toasted sourdough which smelled lightly of garlic butter, on top was a layer of avocado slices, lettuce, cucumber, onion, pepper jack cheese, hay bacon, and a creamy sauce that was both smokey and spicy. The sandwich was pinned with a toothpick whose end was covering in a large sugar crystal. "Here you go! I hope you like it!"

A ding from the kitchen sent her running back to take something out of the oven, it looked like a tray of cookies, which she set about setting gemstones into the middles of.

Midnight was about to begin when a unicorn entered the room, who looked pleased when they saw Midnight, but wary when they saw Sherem, shuddering as they walked purposefully around him to get to Midnight. The unicorn was a deep purple in color with hair and tail the color of red autumn leaves, his mark was a musical note.

Midnight smiled as he entered, "I'm glad to see you've recovered Nightshade, has Gari put you back in charge of my mail?" he asked as he motioned towards the letter in Nightshade's grasp.

Nightshade nodded with a slight smile, "That's why I'm here actually. You got something I don't think should wait."

When he passed the letter over Midnight was surprised by the solar seal on the letter. He opened it to read quickly, brow furrowing as he did so. "It seems she does care about you." he said sidelong to Sherem, passing the letter over for him to read as well before standing up, "I should write back..."

Nightshade motioned for Midnight to sit back down, procuring a set of paper and ink for him. "I thought as much, no need to go all the way to your office. You can write back here and I'll get it sent back asap."

Midnight smiled as he took the materials offered, "Well done 'shae, I won't keep you long." He set about writing a reply immediately, ignoring his sandwich for the time being. Nightshade wandered over to the window to talk to Cookie as she continued baking, occasionally sparing a cautious glance back at Sherem.

Once he was done with the letter he closed it and waved for Nightshade to come collect it, who promptly took it back the way he had come it. It was only then that Midnight was able to take a proper first bite of his sandwich. He sighed, "I waited too long and now it's cold. But still, that's why I get this one, because it's still great when it gets cold."



Celestia would receive back the following letter, sealed with Archback's seal:

Princess Celestia,

Your Guard Vice-Captain is safe, to be upfront. The dark entity he carries being the very reason he is here at this moment. I won't insult you by claiming you're unaware of the events that transpired last week in Canterlot, and I'm sure you can understand why such an incident warranted the council's interest in the containment of this entity. As such he was asked to come, and did so of his own free will, in order to form a satisfactory containment. This entity cursed one of our own, and as such was required to answer before our law. Sir, as I'm sure you're aware, is rather familiar with this type of entity, and was therefore able to create a form of containment within Sherem. Again we emphasize this was done with Sherem's express consent and permission.

As I have no illusion that you may not take my words at face value, I admit that you may only accept it as you see it yourself. I grant you permission to arrive at your earliest convenience, at which point we can discuss reparations.

~Midnight Star

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem chucked first and said "well it is impossible to like everypony and everybody in the world I guess" he ate his sandwich and he was delighted by the flavor and the texture and said "this is delicious!" he said with a smile and kept eating and then When the letter arrived he read it his smile faded and said "well it was a matter of time before this happened" soon he looked at the window "I guess my stay will be a short one in the end here" he said a bit disappointed. But he knew if Celestia ordered it he had to obey, he was in debt to Midnight and Sir, but he was also in debt to celestia in the same way.

-In canterlot-

Celstia made preparations to depart to Archback, she knew there she would not be too well recived, but she was too confused and curious about what Midnight´s letter said about sheoreth being already contained. She needed the details, and perhaps a glimmer of hope for Sherem truly. But she also knew that process was very complicated and she couldn't achieve it. But if Sir had, this is something she needed to know

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42 minutes ago, Sherem said:

"well it is impossible to like everypony and everybody in the world I guess"

Midnight smiled and nodded, "Don't I know it, it's a miracle I was able to get as many nations as I have to even meet in the same country, not to mention the same room. I don't know if you could tell, but Cervidas and West Cervidas are at rather extreme odds right now, which is why they sit at opposite ends of the council table."

44 minutes ago, Sherem said:

"this is delicious!"

Cookie cheered from the kitchen, calling out: "I knew you'd like it!" while still working on her myriad of other culinary projects.

45 minutes ago, Sherem said:

"well it was a matter of time before this happened" soon he looked at the window "I guess my stay will be a short one in the end here"

Midnight looked a bit curious, "It seems you respect Celestia rather highly, which I can understand to be sure, but it leaves me with the worry that you've utterly neglected yourself in the process of trying to repay a debt you've decided is unpayable." He sighed, "Sir commented to me that you couldn't answer his question of what you would do now that you've been almost completely freed of the burden of Sheoreth. You really need to look at what YOU want to do with yourself. You've defined your life as being a living prison cell, always fearing the next time that Sheoreth would escape. Now you don't need to worry, who are you going to be now?"

He smirked, "I wouldn't be too sure that your stay will be shortened. I think Celestia will understand."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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26 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

Cookie cheered from the kitchen, calling out: "I knew you'd like it!" while still working on her myriad of other culinary projects.

he waved back at her with a smile and a polite wink and kept eating thinking of what he was going to say to Midnight


27 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

Midnight looked a bit curious, "It seems you respect Celestia rather highly, which I can understand to be sure, but it leaves me with the worry that you've utterly neglected yourself in the process of trying to repay a debt you've decided is unpayable." He sighed, "Sir commented to me that you couldn't answer his question of what you would do now that you've been almost completely freed of the burden of Sheoreth. You really need to look at what YOU want to do with yourself. You've defined your life as being a living prison cell, always fearing the next time that Sheoreth would escape. Now you don't need to worry, who are you going to be now?"

He smirked, "I wouldn't be too sure that your stay will be shortened. I think Celestia will understand."

"Well, after...what happened with Sombra and Radiant Hope I realized that as a Solider a guard,  no matter what rank I achieved, I realized that my self value is not that much. What celestia did was giving me a chance. But then again, even before Sheoreth and well...my mother...I always assumed that I was not the one to chose what I was going to be, but the rest of those who trusted me, I just don't know what else to do. Perhaps is because I have no self-steem or perhaps is because I don't have enough of it to do something about it. as I Knight in Equestria and here in Archback my blood, my life are for others to decide and I resigned to that from the first day I took up a sword" 

then he tilted his head about his last statement and said "how....are you sure?"

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4 hours ago, Sherem said:

my life are for others to decide and I resigned to that from the first day I took up a sword

Midnight's face became one of genuine concern, "That's not a soldier. That's a slave. A slave follows blindly, out of obligation or debt. A Soldier, a true soldier, follows because they believe that their leaders have their best interests, and the best interests of their nation, at the forefront of their plans. A Soldier follows out of trust, and does so from the heart. A Soldier sacrifices from within, not because they are worthless, but because they value their cause so much more. A Slave sacrifices from without, because it is required of them."

If Sherem didn't seem receptive to the physical interaction Midnight would put his hoof down, "Archback has no need of slaves. If you desire to be a knight of Archback you'll have to do it from within, because you chose it. That requires that you remember your worth, that you matter." Midnight sighed, "While Celestia and I have not seen eye to eye on things... well, pretty much ever, I don't think she wants a slave either. Even back then she never had any slaves of her own."

Midnight smiled a bit, "That's how I know. Her letter wasn't written out of concern for her ponies, or for the ponies here. She wrote out of concern for you, and as such she won't make you leave if you don't want to." Midnight looked like an idea struck him, "You, do want to continue your stay here, right?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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10 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"That's not a soldier. That's a slave. A slave follows blindly, out of obligation or debt. A Soldier, a true soldier, follows because they believe that their leaders have their best interests, and the best interests of their nation, at the forefront of their plans. A Soldier follows out of trust, and does so from the heart. A Soldier sacrifices from within, not because they are worthless, but because they value their cause so much more. A Slave sacrifices from without, because it is required of them."

"is more than that, at least for me. I have other views of a soldier, but never mind me my lord i might find another kind of future I may not, but right now I don't see it possible but that will be my choice, I choose to give my allegiance to Sir and this kingdom out of my will indeed, but don't ask me what I want itself for it will take time to find that out my lord is just that now is not the time, and I feel I have to earn more things to finally earn the right to think of what I want after all this time" he looked at the window and then took another bite.

10 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"That's how I know. Her letter wasn't written out of concern for her ponies, or for the ponies here. She wrote out of concern for you, and as such she won't make you leave if you don't want to." Midnight looked like an idea struck him, "You, do want to continue your stay here, right?"

"I do my lord, perhaps my learning here may help with my shattered mind, but I will Answer to Celestia as well as Sir, even if it splits me in two" he kept eating

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3 hours ago, Sherem said:

and I feel I have to earn more things to finally earn the right to think of what I want after all this time

Midnight maintained his concerned expression, but didn't push the matter further, "I hope you find it sooner rather than later, but I suppose you have plenty of time to proceed."

3 hours ago, Sherem said:

"I do my lord, perhaps my learning here may help with my shattered mind, but I will Answer to Celestia as well as Sir, even if it splits me in two"

Midnight nodded, "I'll ensure that Sir never requires that you choose between the two, save if she ever required that you not return to renew your containment. Given her letter I believe she would not oppose such action without great reason."

Midnight finished his sandwich and moved to return his plate to the window, where Cookie collected it and moved it to the wash sink. Midnight would return with a bit more positive expression, "So, while we wait to see if,and when, Celestia arrives, what would you like to see or do?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

"So, while we wait to see if,and when, Celestia arrives, what would you like to see or do?"

"I think that seeing the towns and how everypony lives around here would be great, then I will have to hit any kind of study about the history and current situation of the kingdom to understand it better, I might not be able to make more friends around. But with you and His grace Sir I think I have what I need to start" he said as he also finished his sandwich and bowed to Cookie in an act of Thanks for her hard work and skill in the kitchen

"and well, I trust that you know how to talk with the princess with this matter, after all I'm still on a forced vacation form my duties of the royal guard" he said with a more calmed smile


Celestia did all the arrangements and wrote another letter at Midnight saying she would come to Archback to at least See Sherem and discuss what they had done to contain the crazy umbrum that was in his head.

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Midnight smiled and nodded, "Well, since we're here in the castle we might as well start with teaching you about the history and current situation, and then we can go about the towns. Let's go to the castle archive then."

Midnight waved goodbye to Cookie as they left, and she returned the wave, then he led the way down the hall to a stairwell leading upward. One level up he exited the stairwell to a large library, a large central circle stood clear of obstructions, showing a large map of the world with all of the current political boundaries. There would be more than a few nations that Sherem would never have heard of before, most notably a number of differently colored circles within some of the other nations including Equestria. One, a cyan color, seemed to overlap where Manehatten would be and was labeled Sleipnir.

Surrounding the map were tall bookcases filled with literature of all forms seemingly arranged by nation chronologically. 

Midnight gave a sweeping gesture to the room as they entered, "Welcome to the Archback Archives, the most diverse store of historical records in the world! Third largest after the Canterlot Archives and the Trojan Repository." He started leading the way to the bookcase labeled Archback, which was somewhat small compared to some of the other nations, but still respectfully sized and filled with scrolls and tomes. One scroll in particular was spread open on the end of the case, an enchanted quill writing on it as they watched. "That is the Archback raw genealogical data scroll. Whenever a creature is made a citizen of Archback their information is recorded by the quill. This includes citizenship by naturalization, through marriage, and by birth. Given the first two are less common it serves mostly as a birth record."

He turned back to Sherem, "You're free to come and go as you please, but when it comes to Archback I'm the resident expert, having been here for almost all of it's existence. As to the other nations, this archive can teach you of their history, and I can arrange for you to meet with some of the delegates for a more current telling of events."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem nodded and bowed to Midnight and said "thank you for this accommodations your grace. Now I must work on earning the respect and the confidence of the citizens of Archback, I have a title that Sir trusted in me. But that is just one step and I do not intend to let him or you down as a knight. As for now I shall start to study, but now I will also ask for your help should you have the time to do so my lord" he said respectfully.

-In canterlot-

Celestia did all the necessary arrangements for the trip and tomorrow she would depart for Archback but she would return as soon as possible, with news, with knowledge or with Sherem himself. Even when he was a freak she was to protect him as she would with all other ponies of Equestria, no exceptions

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Midnight nodded, "Earning the confidence of the citizenry may take time. I'm unsure how aware you are of what Sheoreth did while he was in control, but in case you didn't know he sent a curse which was triggered by Nightshade, whose job it is to ensure that such traps don't reach me. It hurt him deeply, left him bedridden for days while he dealt with the nightmares it gave him." There was a look in his eye, "That's part of why I even went to Canterlot, part of why you were brought here. The Lunar Order is very highly respected among Archback and the Council, if anything happens to any of them, word gets around quickly."

Midnight sighed, his expression softened, "Hopefully news of his containment will spread as quickly, but the doubt will remain for some time."

1 hour ago, Sherem said:

ask for your help should you have the time to do so my lord"

Midnight smiled, "of course! I'd be happy to help your studies however I can. Just give me a moment to collect some paperwork from my office. I doubt you'll need my help the whole time, so I may as well get some of it done between whatever questions you may have." He motioned for the bookcases, "Why don't you take a look around, see what interests you and get started, I'll be back shortly."

(If you need pointers on what he could look into, ask in the OOC, otherwise go ahead and pick.)

Midnight would head back out the way he came, presumably to his office. He would return about half an hour later, and if Sherem was still there he'd come to sit at the same table, or nearby. If Sherem was already reading he'd enter silently, otherwise he'd greet him: "So, did you find something?"

 The library was arranged into a five point star of large bookcases branching out from the central map, with a number of smaller sets interspersed among the main branches. If one stood on the center of the map they'd be able to look down any of the rows. The five main cases were labeled: Equestria, Griffonia, Cervidas, Troy, and Archback. Interspersed there were such labels as Zebrica, Camelu, Himallama, Minostralia, Changelings, Buffalo, Draconia, Glascow, Diamond Dogs, and even the Crystal Empire. Each set was divided into History, Culture, Interactions, and Current. Some shelves were fuller than others. When it came to categories named for races, like Changelings or Dragonia, there were subdivisions per the subcultures present.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 4/14/2020 at 12:49 AM, Illiad Easle said:

(If you need pointers on what he could look into, ask in the OOC, otherwise go ahead and pick.)

(please do so I can know what book to start with first)

On 4/14/2020 at 12:49 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Earning the confidence of the citizenry may take time. I'm unsure how aware you are of what Sheoreth did while he was in control, but in case you didn't know he sent a curse which was triggered by Nightshade, whose job it is to ensure that such traps don't reach me. It hurt him deeply, left him bedridden for days while he dealt with the nightmares it gave him." There was a look in his eye, "That's part of why I even went to Canterlot, part of why you were brought here. The Lunar Order is very highly respected among Archback and the Council, if anything happens to any of them, word gets around quickly."

"I see my lord, Damn Sheoreth and all his antics for this. I really only made it harder, but I won't give up on my new duty of gaining the trust of Archback, no matter how much time it may take" he sounded determined in his mission and now his new duty as a knight. He even seem unstoppable on this, finally Midnight could see at least some optimism in Sherem after all that had happened

On 4/14/2020 at 12:49 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"of course! I'd be happy to help your studies however I can. Just give me a moment to collect some paperwork from my office. I doubt you'll need my help the whole time, so I may as well get some of it done between whatever questions you may have."

"thank you my lord, I greatly appreciate all the help you can offer. And by all means take your time with it as well, I cannot in good conscience take too much of your time with my learning. After all it is I who has to work hard, none other about this matter of learning the kingdom I must serve" he got to the books shelve of Archback thematic and waited for the guide of Midnight to tell him what book he should start, form there once he got it he would use the references in it to work his way through other texts and scrolls

-In canterlot-

All was ready for Celestia to depart, leaving the rest on the capable hooves of her subjects and her beloved sister Luna to take care of the kingdom. She would not depart until tomorrow so she would still work on her daily routine for today and she would worry of the travel tomorrow and once she got there she would be extremely careful

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Midnight returned to find Sherem perusing the Archback section, he smiled as he set his paperwork on a nearby desk. "A good place to start. The history is a compelling read, and I'm not just saying that because I helped write it. If you're looking for a more general knowledge I'd recommend the Interactions section, that's where the general records are for how Archback has interacted with the other nations, for the most part that is just me." He didn't point out any specific book, but the history section was organized by year and the interactions section had only one or two books per other nation, a number of the nations having been combined into larger books, indicating that while Archback had interacted with a wide variety of nations, it didn't have very extensive interactions with most of them. He sat at the desk and started on his paperwork, "Oh, Celestia wrote back, she says she'll be coming tomorrow. Which further confirms to me that she's not likely to take you away, were she so worried she'd be here by now."

Below are the contents of the books he could read into, feel free to have Sherem ask Midnight questions about them:

Abridged History of Archback:


Beginnings, by Gari.

While the freed zebra forming Mohotma village were the first to dwell in the area a few years prior, we were the first to live on the mountain itself. Our mother Luna and our father Midnight brought us here after taking us from the various orphanages we had been in. We are ever grateful for their love, and will ever be their children even if they can't be here with us. 

We did not become the Lunar Order until we, the original twelve, had paired off and had foals of our own. By that point a number of other ponies, rehabilitated slave owners, and other creatures who had left Equestria seeking a better life but not fitting in with the zebra, had joined us on the mountain, we started building our homes inside the mountain, taking advantage of the natural caves within to connect them. They needed some order to govern them and, as he was not always present to govern directly, Midnight bestowed the responsibility of government upon us, to work as a team like the elders of Mohotma, jointly to guide them forward, resolve disputes, and maintain the peace and tranquility. This entry dated 20 years after the banishment of our mother. We are, ordered by couple, Candlelight & Spirit, Nightshade & Magpie, Wind Whisper & Night Light, Tingle & Myself(Gari), Trotamundo & Springsign, and Fly-By-Night & Moondancer. 

Growth, by Wind Whisper, sixth of his name, 500 years after our mother's banishment.

In the beginning, Archback's growth was mostly immigration as Midnight and the descendants of Mohotma continued their efforts in freeing slaves. The practice of keeping slaves has greatly lost popularity over these years, which has brought immense pleasure to our father. At this point nearly five thousand ponies and other creatures live on Archback. The council has divided itself so that each of us directly manages a section of the mountain and we meet together to make decisions for the whole of the community. We've started trading with the neighboring nations of Gildedale and Glascow. Midnight has announced plans to explore the world.

The Equis Global Council, by Magpie, ninth of her name. 850 years after our mother's banishment.

This is an historic moment. The first Equis Global Council has met to begin continuing talks to ensure ongoing peace and cooperation among the nations of Equis. All creatures and nations, large and small, are welcomed in to speak their piece. The first meeting had s bit of a rough start, but with our father, Midnight Star, presiding it was quickly reined back in. The first meeting included such nations as the Trojan Empire, Zebrica, Cervidas, a few delegates from the larger Griffon Kingdoms, as well as members from Glascow and Gildedale. In the end good relations were established, cooperation ruled, and a number of new treaties and deals were made, a great boon to the smaller nations at the table as larger nations were able to better take notice of what they had to offer. Midnight says that this council is the start of something even bigger, that we could eventually see a delegate from every grouping of creatures on Equis. It is a glorious thing to imagine. Over three hundred thousand now reside on and within our mountain.

The Great Returning, by Nightshade, eleventh of his name. The year after our mother's return.

One year ago our mother was finally released from her banishment as the zebra shaman spoke, we anxiously await her return to us, now standing over one and a half million strong children of the moon. The Equis Global council has grown in size and scope as well, the delegates now numbering in the dozens. With all the differing cultures and customs it's a wonder how Midnight keeps them all at peace. Furthermore, this year sir was released from his imprisonment and returned to us. Midnight stepped down as head of the global council, appointing Sir in his place. This action was not fully supported by the delegates, but their opposition was quelled by Midnight's assurance that Sir had his full faith and confidence, and that he himself would resume the position if they found Sir unsatisfactory to the task. Since then Midnight has been able to return to assisting us in maintaining the order in the mountain, having grown to so many the order is each over a council which is each over a section of the mountain, ensuring that all the residents have their fair representation. While we've previously only been building into the east side of the mountian, we've begun expansion to the far sides of the mountain, new tunnels connecting one side to the other. Further, trade has extended to Troy and Equestria.

Brief Accounts of Interactions between Archback and the nations of the world:


Reading through, most of the interactions boiled down to: Midnight encountered them in his travels, they eventually sent a delegate to join the global council, they had trade.

The more notable ones include:

The Fastar Clan:

Archback first became aware of this thestral clan when they began the construction of a city near the edge of the Shimmerwood forest. Their workers were first encountered by farmers from Mohotma, and were amicable in their initial discussion. As they expanded their city they brought extensive trade to both Mohotma and Archback, and by extension the rest of the world. Thanks to the trade deals between the two, Shimmerwood is now traded as a valued commodity throughout the known world.

(I'd write out more but it's late. Tell me which nation you want to know their interactions with in the OOC or have Sherem ask and I'll flesh it out in greater detail.)


  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem worked his flank, reading and writing down important information, he kept his focus on the lecture mostly. But although he kept working hard, memories of his colthood rushed to his mind. When he did this kind of work and he was friends with Sombra and Radiant Hope, how the three of them worked with no rest. How they played around after studies, some of this triggered some sadness inside him. Now free of Sheoreth he could allow himself to show some emotion and some tears fell down his face.

-In canterlot-

It was getting late, and as agreed she let Luna take over the night as she went to sleep, for tomorrow she would go to archback to see this matter of Sherem. She could only hope that the sealing that midnight spoke of was truly. For she knew what dark burden smashed the sanity of Sherem. She felt compassion and pity for him, no one should be forced to what Sherem was forced, but she was also wary that in archback she would not be exactly welcomed due to the past and the slaver systems. Laying to sleep she rest as much as she could.

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Sherem's tears didn't go unnoticed by Midnight, who had a fatherly smile as he looked on from his mostly completed paperwork. "You know, I think you'd get along well with Moondancer. She's the resident historian of the Order right now, and frankly a bigger expert on more nations than I am. If you like I could arrange for her to help your studies tomorrow morning. That depending of course on when Celestia arrives. Speaking of which," Midnight stood and stretched from his sitting position at the desk, "Ought to get some rest if you're going to look your best for her tomorrow. The books will still be here tomorrow."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"wait, Isn't she one of the children of the moon? meaning...you know" he asked a bit nervous, if his memory served him well Moondancer was one of the couples, meaning it was one of the adopted children by Princess Luna and Midnight. "would you be comfortable leaving her with me, of course it would be better if yourself are in the group" then he thought about the situation with Celestia "And well yes, as long as thing go smoothly with Princess Celestia I might as well like that. I can beat myself all I want with Learning the story of Archback but I Know I cannot do it alone"

-In canterlot-

Luna head off to sleep and some dreams came to her, about the crystal empire and the umbrum underneath it and soon saw all the umbrums putting all of equestria under darkness.

(I think that was the relation and the status of Moondancer, sorry If got something wrong)

Edited by Sherem
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Midnight smiled, "She is a member of the Lunar Order, a direct descendant of the original Children of the Moon. Every generation has their own iteration, when the old order dies out a new one is born to take their place, which had lead me to believe there was some special significance to them, until Nightshade was cursed. If I understood the curse correctly he was supposed to experience his worst memories? Only he didn't experience his own memories, he had some of the first Nightshade's memories. So if anything Sheoreth managed to confirm one of my longest standing hypotheses. Regardless, she is no foal, I'm sure she can handle herself around you, but if it would make you more comfortable I can arrange to be present as well."

(No worries, that's exactly the sort of misunderstanding Sherem would have.)

(What's this about the umbrums, a foreshadowing? or her looking into Sherem's mind?)

Midnight led the way out of the archives, "I'm sure you can find your way back to your room? Because mine's right over here." He gestured to a side hallway. "One of the castle staff will come by when the kitchens open for breakfast, or when Celestia arrives. But if you need anything between now and then, there's staff patrolling at all hours, so you won't have to wait long in your doorway for one to come by to ask."

Midnight turned to head down the hallway to his room, "Unless you need something now, I'll see you in the morning."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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he shook his head and said "no my lord, I will study a bit more on my own before I turn back to sleep" he said "thank you again my lord...for everything you have done for me, I still have my doubts that I deserve such kindness in this life. But I am glad now that I can be free of that psychopath" he said with a soft smile and then returned to reading and writing on the desk. Being more into the books he got form the archback section, for he knew he had to learn a lot and gaining the trust of the citizens would be trying after what Sheoreth pulled off.

On 4/21/2020 at 2:28 AM, Illiad Easle said:

(What's this about the umbrums, a foreshadowing? or her looking into Sherem's mind?)

(a small forshadowing, after all their crystals are under the Crystal empire and following the comic they are also all around equestria buried deep underground)

-Back in canterlot-

Celestia had that dream before, but that was when the crystal empire returned and Twilight went to save it along with her friends, she knew that this was an ill omen but she decided to take it a bit more lightly this time. After all they were all sealed underneath the cyrstal empire for a long time. And there were no indications that the sealing had gotten broken or weaker after the incident of Sombra.

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(I haven't read the comics, but that sounds like a great plot point for later, good use of foreshadowing, if not a bit too on the nose.)

(If you want information on anything, you'll need to ask about it, or have Sherem ask about it so he can find the answers.)

I wouldn't be long after Midnight left that others entered to use the archives, a pair of thestrals to be specific, like the ones that predominantly served n the Lunar guard. If Sherem knew of Thestrals as they related to Bat Ponies, he'd be able to tell, to a reasonable degree, that they were pure bred. One gave Sherem a wide berth as they made their way to the section devoted to Thestrals, while the other seemed to be looking more at Sherem than the book they had brought in with them.

If Sherem didn't react or didn't leave within about an hour of the curious thestral's arrival, they would approach. "Excuse me," the young thestral mare would ask, "Are you, um, a Real alicorn?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sherem smiled and stopped there and said "Yes, I am an alicorn. In regards of your question of "real" well let me ask you, I don't look like a ghost do I?" he smiled and even chuckled after that question. He didn't mind that anypony is around, least of all guards that fulfill their duty. He smiled as he put his feather on the ink and took a breather as he looked at the young Thestral mare and his smile was even warm. Even though a while ago he cried out of nostalgia. Also the question of the young mare amused him that he could almost laugh, but he decided to kept things formal so there wouldn't be any problems, he needed the trust of everypony in this kingdom, an he wanted to prove that Midnight and Sir had done a good deed by freeing him of Sheoreth.

(if you get the time you should, and see the background, although not that canonical of Sombra, why Sherem was so enamored with Radiant Hope but was just an unrequited love and how that played against him when Sheoreth possessed him)

(other books or material he should look on?)

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(I suppose reading the comics would spoil it for Midnight, what I don't know can't be leaked, and the comics are definitely in the realm beyond what Archback would be aware of, so I think my responses can be more realistic if I don't know before hand. But I will likely look into them once this is over.)

1 hour ago, Sherem said:

I don't look like a ghost do I?

The curious thestral snorted and rolled her eyes, "That's not what I meant, even if you were a ghost you'd still be real in that regard. What I meant was if you're a Real alicorn like I'm a Real thestral, do you have all of what it takes to be an alicorn? Or do you just bear a passing resemblance like a bat pony?"

Despite the annoyance in her voice she seemed to be pleased at his receptiveness and willingness to speak to her.

1 hour ago, Sherem said:

(other books or material he should look on?)

(Wholly depends on what he wants to study. If he's exclusively interested in Archback he could read up on the Lunar Order, on Archback customs and culture, on their relations with Mohotma City, the customs and culture of Mohotma. He could read up on Midnight and Sir and their history, on Luna's relation to the mountain.)

(Pick any of those or format your own query in the form of: Sherem went to see if he could find anything on X, and I'll give you whatever information the archives would have.)

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 4/24/2020 at 1:30 AM, Illiad Easle said:

The curious thestral snorted and rolled her eyes, "That's not what I meant, even if you were a ghost you'd still be real in that regard. What I meant was if you're a Real alicorn like I'm a Real thestral, do you have all of what it takes to be an alicorn? Or do you just bear a passing resemblance like a bat pony?"

Sherem looked at her and said "well" he opened up his wings and said "wings" pointed at his horn "horn" and then said "and being kicking around for 1000 years so, yes i am, I was elevated" he smiled "and now, let me present myself. I am Sherem vice-captain in the Equestrian Solar guard. who do I have the pleasure to speak with?" he asked as he turned  around to face her fully, still keeping his courteous smile.


On 4/24/2020 at 1:30 AM, Illiad Easle said:

(Wholly depends on what he wants to study. If he's exclusively interested in Archback he could read up on the Lunar Order, on Archback customs and culture, on their relations with Mohotma City, the customs and culture of Mohotma. He could read up on Midnight and Sir and their history, on Luna's relation to the mountain.)

(sure, he should start to study about the Lunar Order, and let's also focus in this interaction between this mare and Sherem for now)

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The mare giggled at Sherem's antics, "I could see those, I may look like a bat but I can see much better than one. Just having wings and a horn doesn't make you a Real alicorn, you could have been a pegacorn for instance, lacking the earth pony constitution, or they could have been just for show, lacking the inner magic to back them up. But if you've really been around for so long then you're either like Lord Star, or a Real alicorn."

12 hours ago, Sherem said:

I am Sherem vice-captain in the Equestrian Solar guard. who do I have the pleasure to speak with?

The mare was surprised by his introduction, and took a step back to bow quickly before returning to her previous position close to him, "I'm Picotee Fastar, from the Fastar clan of thestrals across the valley. My partner and I," she motioned towards the other thestral who was still perusing the thestral section, "are here on a school assignment to learn about the history of our race after the banishment of Princess Luna."

(To get it written out now, here's the history of the Lunar Order, Sherem can read it later:)


An overview of the Lunar Order:

The term Lunar Order was first used to refer to the second iteration of the original Children of the Moon as recognized by their father Midnight Star, and has since been used to refer to each iteration of the original children including the first iteration, while the term Children of the Moon is generally recognized to include all those who can trace their ancestry by birth or marriage to the original twelve.

When they were first recognized the Lunar Order had a limited scope of power, and were seen as more of an oddity than a sign. They enjoyed special privileges, such as being the only ones of the children to live in Archback Castle full time, but only ruled the council as an advisory position. By the time the third and fourth iterations appeared their importance became more pronounced, the council ceding the executive power to the Order, the council becoming an extension of the council's decisions.

By the time of the fifth iteration of the council the population of Archback had grown to the point that a single ruling body could not effectively manage unilaterally, this is when the council began again to retain power from the Order, the Order becoming the overseeing council, and sub councils being elected and managed by individual members of the Order to manage individual sections of Archback. This system has been expanded upon over the subsequent iterations of the Order, every thousand citizens having a representative in a council of twelve, each council overseen by a representative from a higher council of twelve, all the way up to the Order.

A Description of the Lunar Order:

Each member of the Lunar Order bears a flawless resemblance to one of the original twelve Children of the Moon, and upon discovery and certification by Midnight Star they are given the name of the one they resemble, plus the number of their iteration. To date no identical members have emerged, a new iteration typically emerging between weeks and months, but no longer than two years (Except in the case of Candlelight, 8th of his name, whose predecessor was fatally wounded in a mining accident, who emerged two weeks after Candlelight the seventh would likely have died, had they not died prematurely.)

The similarities of the iterations of the Lunar order are more than skin deep as they typically display a number of similar character and personality traits. However, while the original Children paired off with each other due to lack of others available, each iteration does not follow this same pattern, while some couples have paired off again, it is often more likely that a new iteration will pair with a different member of the Order, or another resident wholly apart from the Order. To date there  are no cases of any of these 'outside pairings' appearing again in the population after their own deaths, indicating that whatever keeps the Order coming back is not hereditary or contagious.

Furthermore, while each member maintains the same traits across iterations, it is extremely common for them to change responsibilities in different iterations, with the exception of Gari, who has always been chosen as the leader of the Order since the first iteration. A more thorough description of each member of the Order, including a list of their differing responsibilities, is available in their individual biographies.

Speculation on the Lunar Order:

The peculiarity of this situation begs the question: Why does the Order keep coming back? There have been a number of theories on the matter over the years, but only one has been accepted by Midnight himself as plausible. That theory proposes that the Lunar Order are bound by a certain old magic, similar in nature to the Elements of Harmony or the Tenants of Balance, they themselves being a sort of artifact prepared for some future event, or guarding against said event which would occur should they ever be removed. As such, the theory proposes, they could share a deeper connection to magic, and by extension their past iterations, when united. Studies have been conducted, but to date no conclusive results have been reached. Gari, twelfth of her name, has stated that when they meditate all together she finds he magic much easier to control, and finds learning spells her previous iterations learned significantly easier, remarking that it was like she already knew it when she reads it. Further she's been able to perform complicated spells on the first attempt when a number of previous iterations have managed to successfully cast it after extensive training.


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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I am glad to see young ones take their studies seriously" he smiled "while that is true, like I said to someone I met here recently, The alicorn elevations is more than just the wings and the horn at the same time. Is work is determination to make it happen." he got up his chair and cleaned the desk for them and said still with a warm smile "have this place is pretty comfortable to study since I have in at it for hours now"

if the thestrals didn't had any other questions or needed anything he would turn in for the night to the room that Archback gently lend him, to face what tomorrow was brining, and although he was worried, he had a good feeling about Celestia and Midnight. though he knew he would have to be careful with how things developed in the end there.


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