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private Silent Crime

Pencil J. Doodle

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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/18610-silent-crime/

Equestria has always turned a blind eye to crime; it is why it appears to be the utopia everone mistakes it to be. Murderers get off free, thief's keep their catches, and terrorist's avoid prosecution. Going after these ponies is arrestable under the 'vigilante offence', and is punishable by execution.


Recently, a ruthless serial killer has popped up; murdering with no apparent reason or motivation. Since many ponies just turn a blind eye to people like this, it is up to me to stop him.

However, this case is too big, even for somepony like me... i'll need help...


It's a late night in Ponyville; the sky is black, the streets are dark, and everypony seems to be asleep. Well, there still seems to be the odd night-shift worker roaming around, but nopony too important.

There is this one pony who seems to be a mailmare... Strange, somepony delivering mail at this time of night? That's never been heard of before. But the stranger thing is that the mysterious pony seems to be only delivering to certain homes; some of them not even technically houses.

The pony just runs up to a door, knocks it, then runs away again, almost like some kind of pathetic prank. But not before dropping a letter...



I know what you know.

And what you know is that there has been a chain of disappearing ponies recently; 5 known disappearances so far. Of course, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that these are actually murders that have been covered up by the Equestrian government.

Naturally, you are discussed and want to stop this killer. But you lack the resources and knowledge to do it on your own… that’s where I come in.

You are one of several ponies I have chosen to assemble a group of ‘detectives’ to figure out these crimes and bring the ones responsible to justice.

If you’re not interested, disregard this letter as junk mail. But if you are interested; meet me in the alley behind Quills and Sofas… Come alone…

Singed P.D.


Edited by Pencil J. Doodle
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Starbolt jumps at the knock on the door.

She heads to the door to see who could it be and thinks to herself."Odd who could be up at this time of night"

Opening the door she sees no pony, she shouts "Hello? Anypony here?" Then notices the letter on the floor.

Picking it up with her magic she walks inside and closes the door.

Reading the letter she is intrigued. "Should i go it sounds dangerous. But maybe i might learn a new spell or two"

Packing her things she sets of the Quills and Sofas.

While walking she thinks "Murder? Well if anypony comes after me a simple teleportation spell should do the trick, but really who could be after me. If they do try to go after me im not going down with out a fight."

*horn glows* *Starbolt chuckles* "Still its best to be careful about how i go about this"

She continues wearily to the Quill and Sofas.

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)
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Splinter had been alerted by the knocking. ''WHAT THE?'' Said Splinter as opening his door. No one was there... But there was a letter. ''Stupid.. Mail...Colts.'' Said Splinter as picking up the letter and opening it. His eyes quickly widened. ''I think I HAVE to go.'' Said Splinter as packing 500 bits, a Baseball Cap, and a Jacket. Then his face shrunk. ''Wait... The letter said.. MURDER?!'' Said Splinter as he began to panic.


''Okay... Time to go to Quills and Sofas.'' Said Splinter as opening his front door and taking a long walk to Quills and Sofas.

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Rook was sleeping when the he heard the door knock.


"Not now... Later..." He said


He then heard the mail slot swing and hoofsteps running away. "That's strange, what mailmare delivers at this hour?". Rook read the letter. Quills and Sofas, huh? That wasn't too far from where he lived. He could be there and back in his bead in no time.


Rook opened his door, but then he heard his mind over thinking it.


"It could be a trap"

"Maybe it's the murderer!"

"maybe it's a stupid salespony"


Rook ignored it. He hasn't been given a good chance to flex his mind muscles in a long time. This is something he can't pass up.


Rook left his home in the dark of night for Quills and Sofas. Going alone was easy for him...

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Arriving at the ally Starbolt looks around for the pony who sent the letter.

"It sure is dark but some magic will solve that." *Casts an illumination spell.*

"Hello anypony here?" "Ughh is this some kind of practical joke? Might as well wait for somepony to show up they might be late."

Starbolt sits down on a nearby bench and waits for somepony to arrive.

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)
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Rook quickly reached the alleyway. When he looked around, he saw a light blue Unicorn sitting on the bench. Was she the one who sent the letters? He would have gone and asked her, but she was quite pretty and Rook had trouble talking to pretty mares. He would just have to wait and see.

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Splinter was behind Rock. ''Is the one who sent the letters here yet?'' Said Splinter as shivering. ''No body told me about murder...'' Said Splinter as frowning and sitting next to Starbolt.

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Noticing Splinter approaching and talk to Rook. "Oh my it looks i have company weather they are hostile or not i dont know best be safe." *Casts a shield around her but its almost clear and the only thing that will give it away is the slight shimmering*

"And you two are? And which one of you sent the letter?"

See Splinter sitting next to her she quickly stands up to avoid giving away her shield.

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''That's what I don't know... Whoever sent the letter isn't here yet, I know it.'' Said Splinter as frowning. ''No body here looks like secret Government Agents...'' Said Splinter as shrugging. ''Names Splinter C. Hood... Famous Comedian and Retired Mercenary.'' Said Splinter as smiling.

Edited by Calirolls
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Suddenly, there was a faint cough in the background, followed by the sound of approaching hoof-steps. It was extremely creepy, but reassuring since they must be the hoof-steps of the pony who sent the letter.

Around one of the dark corners appeared a brown unicorn with a maroon mane that had a bright red highlight going through it. His eyes were a striking blood-like colour, almost as if his iris's had been bleeding. He also had a silver pentagram around his neck, not one of satanism, but of a late form of paganism.


After scratching his the back of his neck with his hoof, he began to talk:

"Greetings, my name is Pencil Joe Doodle, but at this point you'd know me as P.D., the sender of those letters"

Pencil trotted over to a seat, and sat down in an odd position

"Please, introduce yourselves and return your letters"

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"How do you know none of us sent the letter?" "Should i trust him he hasent given me a reason not to but still how does he know that none of us sent the letter."

Stepping back she looks at Rook.

"What about you who are you and did you send these letters?"


"Okay...." *Brings out the letter with her magic.*

"I am Starbolt" "Gosh that pony is creepy i just play along but im not letting my guard down."

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)
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"Uhhh..." Rook hated it when ponies were looking at him as he handed in the letter, "I'm Rook. It's not short for anything, just Rook."

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"So Splinter you didnt answer my question. How did you know that neither of us *points at Rook* sent the letter."

"And can any other pony provide the light here its kind of tiring to keep this spell up."

"Well Rook i am Starbolt nice to meet you." "He seems a bit nervous but i feel he is the most trustworthy pony here."

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''I have small mutation... I can read minds rarely.'' Said Splinter. ''And neither of you sent the letter.'' Said Splinter as his rubbed his head. ''Whenever I do it I get a really bad headache.'' Said Splinter as frowning.

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"Uhh... hi" Rook said as he and Starbolt shook hoofs, "Nice to meet you..."


Rook looked up at the sky, "It looks like rain is coming. Should we go inside somewhere?"

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Pencil walked up to a little lever and pulled it. A bunch of gears started to churn, and suddenly, and giant metal roof flipped out from above them, stopping any rain from getting through

"I expected more ponies to show up, i'll just wait for them..."


"Now, you're probably wondering why i invited you all here... you're all aware of all the ponies going missing recently, right?"

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"Well thanks for the roof and lights." "I guess i could trust them."

*Turns off the illumination spell and shield. The shield flashes brightly before disappearing.*

"Ok then i guess you ponies can be trusted." *Whispers to Rook when no pony else can hear.* "I still dont fully trust Doodle. But i guess i can trust you."

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"Good job Watson... you'll hear me say that a lot..."

Pencil say's with a stereotypical British accent


"Well, yes, they are WAY more than mere disappearances... they are in fact, murders"

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"Firstly; You've never seen Sherlock Holmes... have you?"


"Secondly..." Pencil say's as he pulls out a bunch of files from nowhere

"I know this because i like to research. In my hand right now is evidence of what i'm claiming, but i warn you, the second you see the content of these accounts, you'll be enforcing the Vigilante Offence; A crime that i'm sure you all know is punishable by death"


Pencil slams the files onto a nearby table, but still not showing them the content

"Are you willing to perform dangerous risks for a better Equestria? If not, then leave..."

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