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gaming Has anyone heard of the Shin Megami Tensei Series?


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Basically, I'm currently playing the first Shin Megami Tensei game released on the Super Nintendo (SNES) or Super Famicom on an English Translation by Aeon Genesis since the game wasn't released outside of Japan. There was an iPhone version, but I'm not sure if that's available currently. So far, I'm finding the game fun with the whole Law vs Neutral vs Chaos dynamic going throughout the game.

Anyway, The Shin Megami Tensei series is kindoff an important RPG just as much Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. This game along with The Persona series are interrelated though they don't necessarily share the same in-game universe. The game mechanics revolve around summoning Demons (AKA Jinns) to do your bidding, and fusing them to make even stronger demons some of whom are worshiped as dieties in Pagan Religions. Apparently Angels are considered Demons (Jinns) in this game universe LOL since you can summon them to do your bidding. Then I guess Humans should be too since its fair game. YOU ARE A DEMON. HE IS A DEMON. SHE IS A DEMON. ALL GODS IN ALL RELIGIONS ARE DEMONS.

I must stress that I do find the interpretation and perspective of Real-Life Religions being incorporated into the Shin Megami Universe as a means to make the whole story of a post-apocalyptic Japan going through Judgement Day phases where Humans and Demonkind (AKA Jinn Kind) are either cooperating or battling each other as EPIC and EDGY kinda silly/nonsensical/bullshit/superfluous. Why would YHVH (AKA YHWH or The God of Abraham) in this game universe be portrayed as a Genocidal Heartless God that is in good relationships with Satan? Why are Satan and Lucifer (AKA Iblis) being portrayed as different entities when they are the same entity? Guess the game designers have a hate boner for the Abrahamic Religions. I'm sure it's just an edgy phase. They'll grow out of it eventually. That or be even more apathetic. Occultism is the rule of thumb within the Shin Megami Tensei Universe, but I find their interpretation of the Abrahamic Religions disturbing, misguided, and incorporating a sense of polytheism. Therefore, I ain't looking forward fighting YHVH in the second entry of the series no matter what path you choose (I should be ceased to exist the moment I dare to fight Him through His Will and All-Might). Who knows maybe they did this just to invite the fantasy of WHAT IF YHVH was an Evil Genocidal Tyrant God that pretty much wishes to damn Humanity to extinction and not be given any more respite given their cooperation with the Demon Kind (Jinn Kind) to unleash unspeakable Chaos across the World. Most of the Human Race not only disbelieve in YHVH, they blatantly or subtly mock Him in every single solitary way so is it really that much of a stretch that He gave them respite in hopes of wanting what was best for them by worshiping Him, yet they remain defiant and blind to the bitter end. Sounds more like Human Beings and the Demon-kind (Jinn Kind) are one and the same in this game universe with similar goals. If He was and if the creators of this franchise were to take into consideration of the interpretation that The God of Abraham is All-Powerful, the Shin Megami Tensei Universe would simply cease to exist. However, the game would be over the moment we started LOL. All other gods within the pagan religions are portrayed as demons (jinns) that Humans worship them as deities anyway, so they have their limits. But, YHVH? He's not just a god nor is he a demon (jinn). He is The God.

As for other Real-Life Religions, it seems Buddhism is favored more since the Neutral Path wishes a more Balanced perspective between the extremes of both Law and Chaos, but you still kill them all (including YHVH and Satan) anyway for preserving the Life of Humanity and be self-enlightened.

Even though the world, along with the characters we play as in the Shin Megami Universe should cease to exist when fighting YHVH, but hey its a video game. Suspension of Disbelief FTW or in this case Continuation of Disbelief FTW cuz it's EDGY and RADICAL MAAAN.

Yay? Basically, I'm a bit pissed that going Law isn't satisfying, while going Chaos and Neutral are there for shock value and edginess. I smell bias. That or bullshit.

  • Brohoof 1
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Definitely not that guy who has a Jack Frost avatar. :maud:

This series has always interested me and I'm loving Nocturne, the game I'm almost finished with now. I've also read Devil Survivor, the manga adaptation of the story of the first DS game, and it's super cool. Back to Nocturne, I love the difficulty (discounting some cheap, luck-based crud), how crucial it is to diversify your team and form multiple strategies, and how well intertwined the religious symbolism is with both the story and gameplay. My friends all like Persona 5, but this is the game that got me to love Atlus. :Tempest:

  • Brohoof 1


Comet's still best boi. <3

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Mainly familiar with the Persona games, but I have dipped my toes into some of the main games and other side series. I really liked SMTIV and Devil Summoner

  • Brohoof 1
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Have I heard of Shin Megami Tensei? I'm playing through SMT: Digital Devil Saga 2 right now after finishing the first one, so does that answer your question?

  • Brohoof 1

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Ok apparently after further research, turns out I was a bit off with how I described the interpretations of Abrahamic Religions being incorporated in the Shin Megami Tensei Universe as Judaism was primarily more the main focus with the portrayal of The God of Abraham YHVH going all Old Testament on the World while Christian and Islamic references are there just for symbolism and not the main focus. If I came across a bit disrespectful, it's not my fault that the games like to conjoin Pagan Religious themes with Abrahamic Ones e.g. Norse God Thor being a follower of The God of Abraham in SMT1 LOL which is why I find the polytheism notion nonsensical.

As with the whole Satan and Lucifer (AKA Iblis) being considered separate entities, if you prescribe yourself to believe on that interpretation then my statement is as follows,


I Refuse to Believe in that since they are the same entity though I do understand the metaphorical explanation behind the matter of Satan as a term. If Islamic interpretation were to take into consideration, Angels are NOT Demons, Demons are considered their own supernatural class of beings (AKA Jinns in Islam) instead of a title rank for "Fallen Creature". Furthermore, Lucifer (Iblis) was the Jinn that rebelled against God to prove himself that he's better than Man. Hence why Lucifer (Iblis) asked God to give him the longest (almost eternal) respite to see if he and his followers can misguide ALL of Humanity away from worshiping Him. Hence why he and his followers are known forth from that day as Satan. From a theological perspective at face value, it's not wonder under Judeo-Christian perspective why Islam's interpretation is considered a black sheep.

Seems like Lucifer and his followers (consisting of Jinns, Humans, and other creatures) are doing a decent job misguiding Humanity, but most Human Beings don't care anyway. Some just don't even care about the concept of The Hereafter and wish to simply live their lives to their fullest at peace in this World only.

Death for a Worldly Man is simple: I live, I die, I'm bones & dust, Death in this world is Eternal, and I don't care if I exist hereafter Death.

Death for The Abrahamic Man: I live to please God, I die to please God, I'm bones & dust, Death in this World is Temporary, and I shall exist hereafter Death.


All in all, 10/10 RPG series. Would edge again. Within the Shin Megami Tensei Universe Law Path is corrupt thanks to Judaism going back at its Henotheistic roots at its early days and supporting that through Christianity and Islam on Modern Humanity  while Chaos Path is going all Darwinian Satanism. Stick to Neutral Path. Even though you kill everybody on Neutral Path like Shadow the Hedgehog cuz OW THE EDGE LOL. At least you become Buddha's contact and become Enlightened endgame to preserve Humanity (By Killing Most of Everyone? LOL) given that the main character in SMT1 is canonically named Futsuo (AKA Contact of Buddha).

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