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open Ambition for Ascension

Loud Opinion

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@Loud Opinion

It seemed that Octavia was finally in agreement with Starlight. She had come to realize, like many others, that a Cutie Markless world was the only perfect world. Octavia had considered the ideology to be brave, which was not entirely wrong. To accept and live with the truth was one of the bravest things a pony could do. However, this bravery was merely another step towards the equalization process, not a special achievement.

“It makes me so happy that you are finally understanding what I am trying to teach. I do agree that it is brave to accept the truth about friendship, but of course, this bravery does not mean your character is greater because of it. Everypony will accept the truth in time, which will make all of us possess the same amount of courage,” she spoke passionately, her eyes lighting up excitedly.

She glanced down at Octavia’s Cutie Mark, a pink treble. Starlight didn’t know much about musical talent, but she assumed it must come with a lot of pressure to perform well. She shuddered at the thought of ponies judging Octavia if she were to miss a couple of notes. Ponies could be cruel even to those who are better than them because they are envious of them. In Starlight’s village, Octavia would never have to worry about criticism or envy.

“Forgive my assumption, but I take it you have been criticized for your talent before? I know that sometimes ponies criticize those they believe are better than them in order to feel better themselves. What we all must learn is that creating a ‘social ladder’ is not only unnecessary, it is harmful. We are all ponies, therefore we are all naturally equals,” she continued. Starlight knew she was getting closer and closer to reforming Octavia. If she was convinced enough, she might fully accept her philosophy before they leave.

As they entered the temple, Starlight couldn’t help but revel internally over the pews. She could imagine herself preaching to a crowd of Cutie Marked ponies and watching them beam as they realized there was a way to live in complete happiness. She closed her eyes and pictured herself levitating a book over the crowd, their smiles expanding more each second. She spread the wings she was destined to earn proudly, proving that even a princess could be happy without a Cutie Mark. The crowd cheered and shouted and some shed a few tears as their burdens were finally lifted. Starlight bowed gracefully and thanked the audience for listening.

Edited by ExplosionMare
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Octavia was not very well versed in ideology or philosophy. She never bothered with the political games as it seemed too similar to the aristocratic pleasantries she was already familiar with to bother studying.

However, she did have her own experience. An experience that directly contradicted Starlight's message. She painted disparity as a curse, but Octavia only ever knew it to be a blessing. She's always been gifted for her age, but that didn't mean she hadn't made great strides in her craft. Going from ceremonial side-show to orchestra lead to main-event soloist was the most rewarding life she could have wanted.

However, putting that feeling into words would have been challenging for Octavia. Besides, she was certain that the rabbit hole of Starlight's ideals extended much further. She knew very well how out of her element she would be to challenge Starlight directly. It ultimately felt easier to agree and not risk burning the bridge.

Octavia continued her canter to the note and read it aloud, oblivious to Starlight's episode of indulgence. "Please be patient. Our hosts are not very nimble. They will be with you when they descend the tower stairs". Only now, the sound of hooves hitting hard stone from above and beyond the tower door. The sound only got more pronounced as their source approached. A pony or two? The steps had no rhythm, making it difficult to tell.


Meanwhile, outside the temple, a thrashing beast the size of a bear was prowling the forest, scratching at trees to vent an unknowable feeling. Or was there any feeling at all? Magnolia certainly couldn't tell when it crossed her path.

It had no face to gauge and no posture to measure. Only a torso and several clawed limbs, all covered in a wolfish layer of fur. The limb's total was difficult to count as they kept overlapping each other as the beast perpetually stumbled over itself. There had to be ten at least; More than enough to shred a pony to ribbons if the deep cuts in the trees were any indication. It cut through bark like it was paper and grass like it was nothing. It stopped and turned. It would be facing Magnolia if there was any difference between the beast's back and its front. What was clear was that the perplexing ball of hurt was headed straight for her.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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The beast never, never raising its pace, unceremoniously lumbered onto the crystal blade in its path. The magic didn't cut, but it didn't drain either. It burned. Smoke rose from the yellow and black as it continued to thrash into the blade. Instead of continuing its advance, it flailed violently in place until the magic was exhausted.

Such a fundamental disregard for what was possible had never been seen by Equestrians since Discord's rule. And the resilience! Magnolia's spell was the definition of perfection, yet the thing was still at full height. If the beast were allowed to continue its rampage, Magnolia wouldn't be unreasonable to expect the forest to transform into a graveyard within the month.

It was not untouched, though. Its fur had changed to dark gray on bright yellow as if the concept of pale injected itself into the thing. Its wicked dance seemed a touch slower but no less threatening. Magnolia could tell: this beast was, perhaps, a smidge closer to the grave.

Worse still, the shadows felt unsafe. Magnolia knew that something was waiting for her in the flat world. Like a crocodile waiting to snap at its prey. A lesser mage would have blindly teleported into certain doom. No living mage had ever seen a beast that could follow them through the opaque path, but it has been written. The thing that stalked the already engaged Magnolia was known as a Hint. Perhaps Magnolia would know more, but the text describing them was written in a dead language. All she knows is that the older books on dark magic mention them. "Beware the Hint when going flat! It is their world that we intrude. Not the other way around."

Edited by Loud Opinion
  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Loud Opinion

Starlight half-listened to what Octavia read aloud on the note, still enthralled by her own speeches. All she could recall is that others would be joining them in the temple soon. It turns out she was right before in assuming others would be joining them here. A huge, ornate building like this wouldn’t just be abandoned. Starlight sighed happily, daydreaming once again about all the new friends she take back home with her.

Wait, could these ‘hosts’ be the ponies that have the power to give me wings? I certainly can’t remove their Cutie Marks until I have the power of an Alicorn Starlight reasoned with herself.

Well, it was not like she couldn’t share her message with them later. Once they see how she will sacrifice power and status for a humble friendship, the hosts will see how much more freeing it is to live in simplicity and give up their powers. They will be recognized for their contribution to her, of course, but only in the most basic sense. Starlight is the leader of her village, but she has no more power than the rest of her villagers. As soon as they arrive, Starlight will teach the hosts everything they need to know about equality, acceptance, and friendship.

Edited by ExplosionMare
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As the protrusions converged on the beat, it proved to be fruitless. Like an octopus, the beast disguised its center of mass. The spikes were easily dodged as it moved all of its limbs at once. Like an octopus, it griped them to rise in tandem.

The beat flailed at the dark mist enveloping him. With Magnolia in her divided state, the burning of the magic maintaining her spell permeated throughout the caster. It was as though Magnolia drunk a gallon of oil and charged into an open flame. If she had spent half a second longer getting past the beast, she would not have had the strength to go on. Getting into a fight at this point would be the last mistake she'd ever make.

Thankfully, the best had not given chase. The forest showed mercy and allowed Magnolia to reach the temple unchallenged. A small stone fence indicated the end of the forest and the beginning of the clear hillside. It was more like a perimeter than a barrier and offered no resistance; Bearly a foot-note on Magnolia's path. Beyond that, the door to the temple proper was closed. Even so, the long, stained-glass windows shined with a warm glow, betraying the inhabitants. A shadow could be seen in the front-most window, closest to the door.

  • Brohoof 2

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Despite how loud Starlight’s thoughts were, she was somehow able to hear the loud knocking against the temple door. Before she answered it, she did her best to compose herself in order not to intimidate the newcomer. She took a deep breath, fluffed her mane a bit, and put on a small but friendly smile. If a new friend was behind that door, that friend deserved a proper welcome. It was Starlight’s obligation to show kindness and support, especially if this friend was unfamiliar with the area.

What if this new friend is here for the same purpose I am? she pondered for a moment. That would make sense given that this is no ordinary temple, but that may pose a little problem. Silver is still struggling to forget her old ways. This new  friend could remind Silver of how painful her old life was

Starlight was worried for her friend, but she also knew that she could teach the friend behind the door all about friendship as well. As long as she remained true to what she knew was right, she knew she could handle any challenge that came her way. After all, she was already doing well conforming two friends, so she could definitely handle three.

She finally made her way towards the door and opened it with her hoof, refraining from magic as to not be rude. When she opened it enough, Starlight saw  a unicorn with a stone faced expression. She had a white, almost grey coat and a violet mane and odd, piercing magenta eyes. From Starlight’s perspective, it seemed that this pony has experienced the most pain out of all of her friends so far. Starlight wanted to fix all of her problems right away, but for now, a greeting was a good place to start.

“Welcome! My name is Starlight Glimmer. I come from a village where the only unique thing about us is that we are all the same. Someday, I hope you can join me and see just how wonderful it is to live there. What is your name, friend?” she greeted.

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@Califorum @ExplosionMare

Octavia had let Starlight get the door. If it was another of those things then she certainly wouldn't be the first mare to meet it. She swallowed hard when the mare entered with an expression that reminded Octavia of her foal-hood instructor. The creeping miasma that followed the mare only further put the mare on edge. 'Oh no, this has to be some monster in disguise. I'm going to die here aren't I?' Octavia thought in resignation.

After the mare spoke, Octavia could only look on, mouth agape. The presence and unabashed cruelty. Everything she knew about polite society told her to fear the grim mare.

All that came to mind, though, was a relief. Someone to stand up to Starlight. How could she not feel relieved? If she played her cards right, she might even get to speak her mind. Octavia might have even smiled if the newcomer hadn't reminded her of her instructor so vividly. The way she spoke to Starlight was enough to spark a profound sympathy.

She let a hoof rest on Starlight's shoulder, perhaps against her better judgment, and offered her a concerned look. A faint, supernatural reassurance flowed out of Octavia and into Starlight. Starlight could feel her heart beating stronger as if Octavia, whether she realized it or not, had awakened an unknown vigor deep within her.

Just then, the tower door creaked open. Swiftly, a candle on a metal dish floated in with yellow magic encircling it. The levitation made the handle redundant. Instead of a unicorn following after, a lanky mare slowly staggered out with her eyes closed. The warm candlelight revealed a snow-white coat and two horns jutting straight out from below her ears before curving down and in on themselves. Each horn extended a little over half a foot out from the sides of her head. Beyond that, her grayish mane was unkempt and her cutie mark was a slightly cracked egg, both told an uneasy story.

She gave a week wave to the room before continuing in. Behind her was the unicorn holding the candle. His gray mane and the bags under his eyes betrayed his age despite him being shorter than average. His coat was light green and his darker green hooves stepped a little heavier than his companion. He wore a disarming smile but his eyes were unceasingly focused with fully constricted green irises below his relaxed eyelids. It was Octavia's nightmare. This stallion had haunted her dreams for weeks. She didn't know which was worse, the memories flooding back to her all at once, or the pain in each individual dream. Octavia held her tongue though. The last thing she wanted was to sound like a mad-mare.

“Please,” The green stallion started in a low voice, both in pitch and volume. Thankfully, the echo of the room carried his voice a lot further, “forgive us for the delay. We are not so sprightly and our work is taxing.”

  • Brohoof 2

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Starlight stood in shock for a moment. To have somepony be utterly rude to her was something she had not experienced in a long time. The unicorn completely brushed Starlight off and had told her that friendship was useless, useless of all things! She had to keep her composure, however, because she knew challenging anything the unicorn said would only make the situation worse.

Starlight would have to keep a very close eye on the unicorn. If she was not watched over carefully, she could become dangerous. Starlight had noticed swirls of dark shadows surrounding her hooves while she was yelling. The unicorn was in possession of dark magic, which could be the reason she had acted so hostile. Starlight was tempted to snatch her black and purple star Cutie Mark right then and there, but she held herself back. She couldn’t take any pony’s Cutie Marks until the timing was right. As much as she wanted to remove the dark magic from the unicorn, she had to be patient if she wanted to conform her correctly.

@Loud Opinion

Octavia had trotted over to console her. Starlight smiled, appreciative of the gesture. She was becoming so much more friendly already. The joy she felt was strong, almost overwhelmingly so. All of a sudden, her heart began to beat powerfully, its rhythm increasing each second. Though she didn’t understand why, Starlight could tell there was an unfamiliar power emerging from within her.

This must be a sign! she thought. My friendships are more powerful than I realized! This must mean that I will become the true Alicorn! It must be true, my heart has never beaten like this before

Before she could think on this matter any further, a floating candle emerged from the shadows. The candle confused Starlight until she saw that a unicorn’s magic was attached to it. Here stood two more ponies, one with two long horns and one with a smile not too distant from the ones worn in Starlight’s village. Admittedly, the pair was quite odd, but to judge them or anypony else would be rude and cruel. Like she did with the others, Starlight offered them both a warm greeting.

“Hello, my name is Starlight Glimmer! I have come here to spread my message of true friendship to ponies across all of Equestria. I believe you two can assist me with that, correct? By helping me, I can help you erase the pain of your past lives and show you the wonderful future you deserve!” she introduced. As she spoke, she took a quick glance at one of the ponies’ Cutie Marks, which was a cracked egg. Starlight is certain that was an unpleasant Cutie Mark and that the pony bearing it would be more than glad to have it removed.

Edited by ExplosionMare
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Starlight stood her ground as the unicorn challenged her. She wanted to expose Starlight, but for what she was unsure. There was nothing to expose because her village was built on a solid foundation of trust, community, and togetherness. Starlight would not allow the unicorn to believe anything other than that, for that was the truth. Perhaps, however, maybe Starlight had been unclear about her purpose. She supposed she owed it to the unicorn to elaborate.

“Forgive me if I was unclear before. You see, my village supports living in complete equality. We do that by giving up our Cutie Marks so that nopony feels better or worse than the other. You may not understand right now, but your Cutie Mark has caused you more pain than you realize,” she said, pointing at the unicorn’s purple and black star on her flank. “This is, of course, not to embarrass or to expose, but I did notice strange shadows surrounding you when we first met. It seems you have been overtaken by dark magic, so I want to help you take that away. Please, allow me to show you the light and a better future filled with lots of friendship,”

Starlight was growing anxious, her horn buzzing with excitement. She was even more tempted than ever now to take the unicorn’s Cutie Mark away. She felt like she had to before the unicorn decided to use some strange magic on her. However, she was held back once again by another strange feeling in her heart. This time, it pulsed slower rather than quicker. Sighing, Starlight shook off the buzz she felt and accepted that she would still have to wait before she could take any further steps. Composing herself, she instead decided to ask the unicorn a simple question.

“I don’t recall you sharing your name. What is your name?”

Edited by ExplosionMare
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Starlight met Magnolia with an even harder gaze. She wasn’t going to let this mare win, no matter what she said. She was too blinded by the cruelty of the world to realize she could live a better life. Starlight knew these types of ponies, the ponies who actually believed they needed to trample over anypony in their way. She had a friend like that once.

“Equality is more real than anything you may ever experience!” Starlight cried “Special talents are what drive us apart! Giving them up will benefit everypony and teach them there is a much more simple way to live. You can see now that your own talent is filling you with hatred. If you learn to let go of everything you are holding on to, you will feel at peace,”

She had to take a deep breath in order to prevent herself from starting a shouting match. She had to approach Magnolia as calmly as possible to prove to her that hostility gets a pony nowhere in life. She was about to say that aloud, but she was stopped when Magnolia took notice of her Cutie Mark. Starlight was puzzled when she said her Cutie Mark had not been given up. Her Cutie Mark was an equal sign, just like the villagers’. Now that she realized it, her lack of a Cutie Mark still looked like a Cutie Mark to an outsider. Patiently, she explained herself.

“I did give up my Cutie Mark. The equal symbol on my flank replaced the mark I used to have. Everypony in my village has the same marking. The equal sign prevents ponies from performing their special talents or anything that would make other ponies jealous. I will show you now,” she explained. When she finished, she backed up and lit up her horn in preparation for a spell.

As convincingly as she could, she began a teleportation spell then pretended to fail at it. She tried a lifting spell on herself, then pretended to fail at that too. She tried out a couple more spells until she felt she got her point across.

“Any spell I could perform with my old Cutie Mark is now lost. All I have left is basic levitation, but that is expected out of any unicorn. It is similar to how my pegasus villagers can hover, but they cannot fly very fast,” she elucidated.

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@ExplosionMare @Califorum @ReverieRiver

Through the heated discussion, the horned mare was whispering into the stallion's ear. The stallion would nod, shake, or quietly mutter reassurance to the mare, like a farmer comforting his chattel. Then the conversation seemed to reach an impasse. Both ideologies were in full display and irreconcilably opposed. Yet, they still did not intervene.

It was only when the horned mare saw a pony lying unconscious did she spring into action. Well, she didn't spring, so much as she gently cantered to the mare with concern on her face. She went right between Magnolia and Starlight, which got the stallion's attention and whipped the smile off his face.

Octavia flinched from the mare and took several steps back, still on edge.

The stallion, much quicker than the mare, got between the argument and spoke, "We have much to discuss. Please, have a seat. I promise you'll get an answer that'll satisfy you all."

He then looked to the mare, about ready to scold her, when he saw her pressing her head against  Silver Tongue's unconscious form. He looked at her, expecting an answer. All she said was "Grail" the way a nurse might mention a horrible condition.

The stallion closed the distance with a sterner expression. "Well, don't say it like that! She can still hear us you know!"

The stallion then spoke to Silver Tongue directly, "Listen, 'Grail' isn't the condition; it's the treatment. You just got hit by a nasty ward. Luckily, you have Grail. So, we'll use your Grail to fix you. You'll understand after the meeting."

As the stallion was speaking, the mare's horns glowed like molten iron. A warm cloud enveloped Silver Tongue, lifting her off the ground, and the stallion changed his candle into a chalice filled with a red substance. The substance was thick, but it tasted and flowed like honey as Silver Tongue was fed. It warmed her from the inside out and inspired something within Silver Tongue. She returned to the world as if she had just come home from vacation. Coxed back to life by its pleasures.

Edited by Loud Opinion
Good reason

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Califorum @Loud Opinion

“What you are missing is friendship. Friendship where there is complete common ground,” Starlight offered.

She knew Magnolia was very stuck in her ways and she knew exactly what she was trying to do. This isn’t the first time somepony had tried to undermine her before. However, she knew that the more she convinced Magnolia, the more likely she would become persuaded. She just had to get to her level of thinking like she attempted with Silver.

Starlight’s head turned to the mare as she decidedly walked over towards Silver. Starlight’s curiosity towards the situation momentarily distracted her from her little quarrel. Or, as she would call it, a misinformed discussion. The mare bent down to the unconscious unicorn, creating what looked to be a magical elixir.

It seemed that she, and possibly the stallion as well, had quite a bit of power as well, but that was expected. Still, now that Starlight was surrounded by so many powerful ponies, she would have to be extra delicate with each reformation. Words alone could not save ponies so consumed by worldly magical desires. That is why she needed to become an Alicorn. She needed to show these ponies where real power came from and how it should be used.

It seemed she would be able to prove herself sooner rather than later. The stallion and Magnolia had made their way over to a table in preparation for a meeting. Calmly, she strutted over towards the table and took a seat next to Magnolia. She wanted to face the stallion since he was and charge and be able to watch her defensive friend at the same time. Patiently, she waited for the meeting to begin, sitting upright with an interested expression on her face.



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“I am not a cult leader, I am a village leader,” Starlight stated, speaking as if that were the most obvious thing in the world.

She looked into Magnolia’s piercing gaze with pity. This delusional mare believed that differences were what brought friendships together. Differences only led to fighting, which may be what these two mares are doing now. With a heavy sigh, Starlight explained this conclusion to Magnolia.

“You may not understand now, but our own differences are causing us to fight with one another. We have to be the same to agree, it is the only way!” she explained.

Starlight was about to go on, but she was completely caught off guard by what Magnolia was doing. She appeared to be playing with shadows and surrounding herself with them. Starlight was horrified by the sight upon seeing that Magnolia’s hooves and legs were completely gone. What was more horrifying is her sudden lack of a Cutie Mark. Fear began to envelope Starlight as she continued to watch the shadows. If she didn’t do something soon, her friend could get completely consumed! Loudly, she pleaded,

“M-Magnolia, you have to get away from the shadows! Don’t you see what they are doing to you? You’re being consumed by the darkness and you don’t even realize it! Please, let me help you, I can show you the light! Just take my hoof...if you can,”



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Starlight began to shake but was holding a hoof to her side to prevent Magnolia from seeing it. Magnolia’s pony form had dissipated, leaving nothing but a shadowy form with menacing eyes. Now she had revealed her true self, and this was what Starlight was afraid of. By revealing a pony’s true self, that pony subjected everyone around them to their darkest selves. It was for this reason that self identity had to be taken away.

“Differences are frightening!” Starlight exclaimed. “Even the smallest difference between friends can ruin everything! Magnolia, by encasing yourself in your hatred and dark magic, you are pushing everypony away. I ask of you again to please consider what I am saying. I only want to help you,”

At this point, Starlight began to feel pity—genuine pity—for Magnolia. She so desperately wanted to help her break her habits, but she knew her efforts would be futile if she continued with the same methods. What Magnolia said next gave her some pointers.

“I do not enslave my villagers. We work together willingly and promote harmony to everypony. If anypony had wanted to leave, they would have done so a long time ago,” she began. She had to approach what she was going to say next with a great level of care. Starlight sat up in her seat, focused her eyes intently on Magnolia, and breathed out softly. Staring at Magnolia like a mother towards her disobedient child, she laid out her little compromise.

“I understand that you want to hear my side of the story, but before I do that, I must hear your side first. You must tell me why you allow so much hatred into your heart,” she demanded.



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@Loud Opinion

It had all happened so quickly, in her perspective. Silver had been standing outside the temple with the others, and then... something... happened. Something that had stolen the breath from her, and she had faded from consciousness before she'd even had the time to truly question what was happening. She had simply flickered out, like a candle in too strong a breeze.

And she drifted in nothingness for a while. The only thing that reached her from the outside world was voices. The voices of those she had met earlier, and new ones. Vaguely, she wondered if the apparent newcomers had also come here to...

To what?

In this oblivious state, she could barely remember. But she could hear. The talk about a "Grail" made little sense to her. She listened anyway. It felt important to remember at least this.

And then something warm and pleasant filled her senses. Sweet and wonderful and pleasant...

She woke as if waking from a nice dream, ruby eyes opening slowly as she returned to the conscious world. The mare blinked a few times to clear the heavy feeling still clinging to her eyelids, and looked around. Oh. She was definitely not outside anymore. And there were ponies she had not seen before, though something told her she already knew this. Memories of her unconsciousness were vague, though the world "Grail" stuck with her for some reason.

Her tail twitched in unease as she became more aware. "What... What happened?" she asked softly. "Are we inside the temple now?"

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When Miss. Silver's vision cleared, she was greeted by the gentle smile of a pure white pony. The candlelight didn't do her coat justice and masked its radiance, allowing the eye to wander around the rest of her features. Her ragged, gray mane would make any stylist's worst nightmare. Her protruding horns were the most striking feature. The mare could have been a lamb in a previous life, or, perhaps, a more grim explanation would hold the truth. Back to the face, her eye held large pupils, as if sedated. It would be unsettling if they weren't lidded, lazy, and coupled with such an innocent smile. Her eye color was difficult to tell with her pupils taking up so much space, but a bright-teal shade could still be seen.

"Welcome back," she whispered, clearly not used to talking to anyone further than a few inches away, "Yes, you're where you want to be. You gave us quite a scare, but you brought yourself back. Just take a seat in one of the pews, and Silver Tongue will explain everything". She used your name but spoke like she was talking about someone else. Before Miss Silver could question her, the mare closed her eyes and trotted over to the stallion at the podium, as if possessed.

@ExplosionMare @Califorum

Meanwhile, Mr. Tongue was looking on at the two squabbling ponies with patience before making himself known. "Attention," began with authority, "You are not here to squabble or flounder, you are here for Limbo Dreams' good news.”

The stallion then pointed to the podium as the horned mare, apparently Limbo Dreams, pushed aside a segment of the circular podium and stepped in before replacing it. Not once did she open her eyes throughout the process.

When everyone's attention was drawn to her, Limbo Dreams finally opened her eyes. Said eyes were devoid of irises this time and her pupils were abnormally large and vacant. Even more so, Silver noticed, than before.

“Hello everypony,” Miss Dreams began in a gentle --yet purposeful-- tone that allowed the echo to emphasize for her, “We are all here because of the inspiration that our newest princess has given us. Through determination and her own actions, she ascended to a height we could only dream of." Miss Dreams, in a rare display of playful mischief, paused for dramatic effect, "Well, that is how we are now at least."

"I am here to tell you that her path is inclusive. Make no mistake, Princess Sparkle's path is just that: a path. It is not a ladder, where vice will drag you down and only one person can stay at the top, nor is it a pit that is only visible to those already next to it. It is a winding, diverging, intersecting path through a maze of conflicting opportunities.”

She was so meek before, but now, she leads like it was something she was born to do.

“Let's take a look at some of her early written work to prove that each and every one of us here is close to the path she once walked.”

Miss Dreams cleared her throat briefly. The green stallion, who had been walking up to the podium the whole time, looked at an open scroll he was holding in his magic and spoke clearly, “It is true that I am ahead of my studies in magic and Celestia says that I am making good progress, but sometimes I am underwhelmed by what magic can do. Levitation is useful if a little limited, and a mustache spell can have some practical application for somepony, but raising the sun, sprouting wings, levitating yourself, barriers. It all takes way too much magic to be even remotely practical. Sometimes I wish I could take a break by napping on a cloud, or have earth-pony fortitude so I don't have to worry about falling down the stairs or stubbing my hoof.”

With a nod from Miss Dreams, the stallion stopped and closed his scroll. “Now, I am aware that some of you have had more success with your magic, but I guarantee, that one of what Princess Twilight desires is what you share. You see,” Miss Dreams began again, “it was not one limitation in particular that set her on her path. It was limitation itself. Her ambition sparked her journey to something beyond what her unicorn horn could give her. The same ambition each and every one of you poses. Those who have not felt it or still have doubts, I invite you to form a line, one by one, step up to the podium and put your for-hoves upon my horns. I will ignite the spark within you.”

Miss Dreams ends her speech by beckoning with both her hooves and closing her eyes again. Inviting the crowd like a mother inviting her young.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Califorum @Loud Opinion

Starlight decided to drop the conversation as the mare from earlier beckoned everypony forward. However, that didn’t mean she wouldn’t get back to it later. Now that Magnolia was beginning to form common ground with Starlight, she was one step closer to completing the equalization process. The next step would be to convince Magnolia to stop hiding her Cutie Mark. It was understandable to be ashamed of it, but it couldn’t be properly removed if it wasn’t visible. At least, not that Starlight knew of. She would have to research that at another time.

As everypony gathered around the bi-horned mare, Starlight felt more determined than she had ever felt before. She already had plenty of motivation from her goals and her friends, but the energy the mare emitted had managed to strengthen her will even more. Resting her hoof on one of the mare’s horns, she let the energy channel through her. She could almost feel wings sprouting from her back, even though she had not received them yet. 

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@Califorum @ExplosionMare

With the two's hooves on Limbo's horns, they felt a pressure lifting. It was like the skull was opening to give the brain some more room, or a door opening to a guest.

When Magnolia and Starlight blinked, the world around them was replaced by a forest. Had the temple disappeared? No, the sun devouring canopy was absent, letting the moon bleed through the gnarled mess of dead branches, like fingers of light across a black canvas. Despite the absence of leaves, this forest was even thicker than the Everfree.  If the breeze wasn't so cold and dry, it could easily be called a jungle. Roots jutted out so drastically and were so common that the ground was more tree than dirt. Some roots would surface completely while some branches would hang low enough to leap over, making an all-natural obstacle coarse. However, getting anywhere here would be a very frustrating chore as the trees were too cluttered to keep any sense of direction. One could be born here and spend their whole life looking for an exit, only to grow old and pass away on the harsh terrain. Despite the breeze, this husk of a biome proved to be as still and quiet as a forgotten secret. The only fauna around were blue moths and apathetic spiders.

"Welcome to the wood," Limbo whispered. "Please follow me. We can talk on the way," Here, her pupils were a healthy size. A subtle sign that this was her element.

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Loud Opinion @Califorum

Starlight blinked as her eyes adjusted to the new darkness around her. When she was finally able to see, she noticed a vast array of roots encompassing the ground. She was certain somepony would trip on them and get hurt. She was tempted to use her magic to light the way, but stopped herself in fear of displaying her magic in front of her friends. Although a light spell could be performed by most unicorns, it was rude to use one now and appear smarter.

As she made her way to where Limbo Dreams was guiding her, Magnolia gave her a cold, unfriendly stare. Starlight responded with a pleasant smile, choosing to be the bigger pony. Nothing Magnolia did would cause her to falter. Her beliefs told her to act friendly to everypony, no matter how friendly or unfriendly they acted in return. In time, other ponies would see her strong display of friendship and want to emulate it. Once Starlight’s mission was fulfilled, her friends here would have no choice but to see how beautiful her lifestyle is. Everypony’s doubts would subside once they realized that even a princess can sacrifice her talents and powers for her friends.

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@Califorum @ExplosionMare

"Not big on conversation?" Limbo began, hoping to break the ice but never going louder than a whisper, "I understand. Mr. Tongue gets short with me when I mumble, so I don't feel like talking at all around him sometimes."

She spoke as she wandered and climbed through the forest. There were paths, but she never took them. It was probably for the best. Some of them seemed to lead in the opposite direction, and those were the sensible ones. Some ended in an inward spiral while others lead up the trees to who-knows-where. The wood seemed so petty. So willing to do everything in its power to spite anyone who enters. Limbo seemed so innocent by contrast. She made conversation and shared grievances like all she wanted was to make new friends. Then she spoke again.

"You know, you shouldn't be so hard on Miss-" She then stopped herself, as if to avoid embarrassing herself, "ahem, I never caught her name. Regardless, she may not have gone through as many things as you have, but her dreams-" Limbo stopped again, "She's a very troubled pony. You can understand that, can't you?"

Limbo spoke as if she already knew the two. Maybe Magnolia and the other unicorn had amassed some fame before their arrival, or Limbo was a forgotten acquaintance. Innocent explanations for an innocent-looking mare. Well, their name was already on the invitation, so maybe it wasn't such a surprise.

When Starlight catches up, Limbo looks as though she remembered something important "Oh, no! Mr. Tongue doesn't like it when I run off without him. I promised I'd stop. Oh, that must have been so rude. Sorry about that, Star. Well, it's still a ways away, so we can still talk at least."

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Loud Opinion @Califorum

Starlight was very pleased to find out just how friendly Limbo Dreams was. She spoke to her and Magnolia as if they were long time friends. Converting her to her ways might be a lot easier than she previously assumed. Starlight conversed with Limbo and listened to her thoughtfully. She was quite a pleasant pony to talk to. The only thing that worried her was the amount of whispering she did.

I hate to come to these types of conclusions, but I believe that Limbo and Magnolia are whispering about me! Starlight thought. I can’t let such a friendly mare like Limbo Dreams lose her way like this. I have to intervene.

Although she hated to interrupt conversations, she felt it was necessary to end Limbo’s before anything got out of hoof. She strode up closer to Limbo in order to divert her attention. With a concerned smile, she took her chance to intervene.

“Forgive me for interrupting, but I feel that now is the best time to discuss an important matter with you. You see, I came here to obtain the power to spread equality and friendship across all of Equestria. The only way to be truly happy is to sacrifice the traits which make us different. Differences create disharmony amongst ponies that can ruin friendships forever. From my understanding, you desire friendship with us. I consider you my friend and I want what is best for you. I know that, deep down, there are some differences of yours that make you unhappy. I want to lift that burden from you and offer the purest friendship there is,” she preached.

She waited patiently for Limbo’s response. For now, she understood that the mare’s main focus would be on getting through the woods safely. The forest was decorated with many intertwining roots and branches that were impossible not to step on. Where branches were sparse, there were trees and other forms of dead ends to replace them. Starlight was thankful that Limbo knew where she was going. If she had wondered out here alone, even with her basic travel skills, she would easily find herself in the middle of nowhere.

Edited by ExplosionMare
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@Califorum @ExplosionMare

Limbo wanted to respond to Magnolia. She made a point that touched on a subject that Limbo was very conflicted about, but when Starlight showed up, she reflexively shut up. It was rude to talk about ponies behind their back, and Limbo didn't want to embarrass herself. Instead, she opted to let Starlight speak. Then, Starlight brought it back to that very same subject Magnolia brought up. Limbo sighed. Now was not the time for Limbo to air her grievances. There's a bigger issue at hoof.

Thankfully, they had reached their destination. A rock sat at the top of a hill. The trees kept their distance as if the ground had been salted. Even the branches did not dare shade the hill, let alone the stone monument. Symbols were carved into the side, then painted over by equally esoteric glyphs. Most of the monument's surface was dedicated to carvings of giant, closed eyes, overrun by hardened mineral deposits.

"You both assume things will stay the same if you don't do anything about it. You are mistaken. There are forces in this very wood that will undo whatever you have worked to build. I dreamed of moths swarming ponies and leaving nothing but bone behind; ponies attacking each other for looking at them wrong; entire countries, frozen in time; lions the size of cities; the sun split in two. Both of you are here because terrible things are coming. They go beyond our differences. Starlight, you can bring ponies together and fight what can't be conquered. Magnolia, you are the key to extinguishing those too cruel to reason. Celestia and her sister ascended when they raised the sun and moon. Twilight ascended when she mastered the elements of harmony. Follow me, save Equestria, and we will all live to see wings sprout from your backs."

Limbo then breathed deeply, bringing herself down from the most passionate she had been in years before finishing. "If you don't believe me, even in this improbable place, then step through this way, and you will see for yourself," Limbo whispered as she began to knock the mineral deposits from the eye carving.

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Califorum @Loud Opinion

Starlight frowned sympathetically at Limbo’s sigh. It seemed that even the most cheerful of ponies were weighed down by the pain the world brought them. Reassuringly, she told the mare,

“I promise to give you all that equality can offer as soon as I obtain my wings. I can see that even the most positive of us are faced with adversities from the world. That is precisely why I am here. I am going to take everypony’s pain away so that they can experience true friendship with one another,”

As the mares continued their journey, Starlight couldn’t help but feel put off by the strangely marked stones. She suddenly felt as if she were being watched. It didn’t make anything better when Limbo said that this place had the power to undo all of a pony’s hard work. Starlight felt uneasy and was urged to turn around, but she did not let this show. Instead, she carried on despite her worries. She knew that even if this part of the forest was ominous, there was still the promise of Alicornhood waiting for her.

While Limbo was speaking, Starlight kept a close watch over Magnolia. She could sense how defensive she had become. She continued to hide everything from everypony which was only causing her harm. If this attitude did not get rectified soon, Magnolia could cause harm to other ponies. Her grin suggested that the idea was not too far from the truth. Starlight would have to be tactful in her observations to prevent any sort of harm from occurring.

Starlight remained quiet and pretended not to notice the unicorn’s toxic behavior. She decided that the best approach was to let Magnolia have time to feel at ease for a while. Once she was in a more calm state, Starlight would intervene.

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@Califorum @ExplosionMare

Limbo felt heartened. Magnolia's smile was enough for Limbo to conclude that she was on board. That alone made her day, especially after last year's attempt. Not a single pony responded to the hundreds of letters Mr. Tongue sent out last year. Not only had four ponies shown up this year, but two were willing to hear her out. She was so glad that even Magnolia questioning her didn't bring her down. A lesser prophet would have felt undermined by Magnolia, but Limbo was more than happy to explain the topic.

"Ascension is not as simple as a state of mind. That is only half of what is needed. Ambition fuels you, but the path must be walked. Effort must be used. Sacrifices must be made. Barriers must be removed." 

Limbo then gave a moment's thought before deciding to get more personal, "I envy the both of you," She admitted with the same gentle smile she held throughout the exposition, "For every three steps you take, I must take five. If one of you fails, the other can succeed, but if either of you fails, so will I. Even though I have the best understanding of Ascension, I will be the last, and least likely to do so."

"Now," Limbo grunts as she continues to hammer fruitlessly at the mineral deposits with her hooves, "Can I get some help with this carving? The hour of The Moth is almost upon us."

  • Brohoof 2

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Califorum @Loud Opinion

Starlight mentally gasped when Limbo used the word “envy”. That right there must be where her personal pain comes from. By believing that other ponies are superior to her, she downplayed her own worth. Thankfully, Starlight was here to remind her that envy was a dangerous emotion.

“You should not envy other ponies, Limbo. They have just as much value as you and you have just as much value as them. Allowing yourself to feel that cruel emotion will only cause darkness to live in your heart. Even though Magnolia and I came here, that does not make us better than you or anypony else. We all stand on equal ground,” she thoughtfully reminded Limbo.

As the mares traversed farther into the woods, they came upon a series of mineral deposits that were blocking their path. The only way past it was to break it apart. Limbo had asked for help and Magnolia had, to Starlight’s surprise, offered to assist first. She stood in shock for a moment before she realized she would need to help out as well.

Taking the chance to use her magic without criticism, Starlight blasted a few rocks away while the mares weren’t looking. When she was more likely to get caught, she swapped to her hooves and began to dig around. She alternated methods for a while until a big part of the mineral deposit was cleared. She stood up a moment and pretended to be fatigued in order not to appear stronger than the others.

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