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open Ambition for Ascension

Loud Opinion

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@Loud Opinion @Starforce

Starlight suddenly squinted from an unknown light source. She rubbed her eyes since they now felt very uncomfortable. She blinked a couple of times to reorient herself but that did not make her completely okay. The next issue that arose was even worse. Her heart began to feel very slow and weak, almost as if she was on her last breath. Starlight wasn’t sure if she was really dying or if something in the atmosphere was making her very fatigued. Whatever it was, it needed to be addressed soon in case it was something harmful.

“Normally, I would find such conversations to be fruitless, but since I am in an unusual state, I may as well reveal what I am experiencing,” Starlight responded to Moonlight who suggested she share every detail of her powers, or whatever this was. “You say you have an…unusual bit of knowledge? I believe that is worthy of sharing as well. I have possessed greater knowledge long before I came here but this is the first time it was manifested into something physical. I…feel strangely weak. My heart is beating…so slow.”

It was hard to keep the worry out of her voice. Starlight didn’t truly know what she was feeling or why. She could only hope that this was just one of many traits of her power. Her heart had beaten erratically before and it had turned out just fine.

Starlight turned slowly to Lyra who appeared to be very frustrated and confused. In as sweet of a voice as she could currently muster, she replied,

“We will figure this out soon, friend. While I do not know the cause of Bon Bon losing her mouth, I know that we can relocate it if we work together harmoniously.” 

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@Starforce @ExplosionMare

After a moment of uneasy beats, Starlight's heart redoubled in defiance. With this new internal vigor, the crowd showed equal enthusiasm.

The crowd around them grew restless.

When Starlight finished talking one, particularly bold pony chimed in, "Ya! Get off her back!"

Another said, "She would never do something like that."

The crowd was now glaring at Moonlight. BonBon was all but forgotten in their frustration toward Moonlight.

Lyra's distraught scowl grew shifty as fear crept in. At first, she looked for validation. Now she searches for an escape.

"What's going on," Lyra muttered under her breath in an effort to understand the upset.

Moonlight could hear the heartbeats around her. Like a marching army, the ground itself trembled with the strength of their unity. Some even looked ready to start throwing stones.

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Fuchsia sees, not for the first time, a hidden depth to Limbo Dreams, which she cannot read. Limbo's words betray deception, however, leaving Fuchsia only a moment to wonder as to what the red eyes of Limbo hide.

Fuchsia instinctively felt sick at the unnatural, to her, idea of Limbo not knowing her mother. As a mare with a happy family life, Fuchsia was deeply troubled by the thought of another pony whose family was a source of pain.

Fuchsia's next thought was more practical. If Limbo Pass was as dangerous as described then Phantom, who she does care for, was clearly in greater danger than she thought. Even a powerful stallion like him would be threatened by such a beast. Fuchsia's next feeling, deep in her loins, was of unbridled fear - she does not want to die - she wants to see her family again and feel the sun on her back as she trots across the plains of Equestria. 

"I... see." Fuchsia says gravely. She longs all the more to not be here on this 'adventure' and she growls internally at her manticore which drove her to the latest insanity and she imagine it looking back at her sheepishly :P "I'll head round the servant's entrance and see if anypony is there." Fuchsia does not say 'if anypony is alive' although she is thinking it.

 "What will you do if your mother attacks you?" Fuchsia is not merely asking out of curiosity, she also wants reassurance that even if Limbo Dreams falls, Fuchsia will be able to save herself and hopefully Phantom too. 


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"You worry too much, Fuchsia," Limbo Dreams says with a smile.

The ranch swelled into vision as the train ground its rails to halt. The silent train had met its destination. Part of her drifted to her past. Miss Dreams couldn't help but feel a little happy about what was up and coming. Limbo Pass. For the first time, she would see her face to face. It made her wonder about other ponies she would like to see with her own eyes.

"It is not my right to say what my life will amount to," She continues, "If I were to fight. If I were to defy my creator. To what end? If your mother wanted your house, would you deny her? What right do you have to claim a life you had no part in making?"

Limbo sighed in resignment. She knew her message had little chance of resonating. "I waste my breath. I will live to see tomorrow and our cause will go on. Destiny has plans for us, and she does not like to be cheated."

Edited by Loud Opinion
  • Brohoof 2

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Loud Opinion @Starforce

Starlight’s heart was no longer weak, instead it beat twice-fold. She suddenly felt a strong sense of power and duty. The ponies around her cheered her on and defended her against Moonlight. If she wasn’t concerned with evening herself out with the crowd, she would allow pride to swell up in her heart.

“Friends! Now that you see the true power of Equality, I encourage you to gather around and listen to the truth that the world has denied you for so long,” She gestured towards herself to encourage the ponies to step forward. “For years, you all having been living in a world that tells you Cutie Marks are special. That world tells you to celebrate what makes you different and live out whatever destiny is chosen for you. This will only lead to destruction, my friends! Difference leads to disharmony and mistrust. Friendships can be split apart and ponies can become miserable all because of a Cutie Mark.

I encourage you to listen to the truth. The truth will set you free and relieve you of your pain. Your Cutie Marks have been holding you back. They force you to live a certain way or do a certain job. This either results in making other ponies envious or misery due to failure to live up to your mark. Without them, everypony would live much more freely and have many, many friends.”

She smiled peacefully at the crowd. She sincerely hoped that at least some of them would take an interest in joining. Instead of looking interested, however, they looked strangely aggressive. They looked as if they were about to throw stones. Starlight stepped back, anticipating a series of flying rocks. However, she soon realized they were not aimed at her—they were aimed at Moonlight!

“Friends, do not place hate onto Moonlight! She may be misguided, but that does not give you the right to act aggressively towards her. Please, put down your rocks and approach her with kindness and friendship.” she hastily announced, looking over her shoulder to see if Moonlight was alright.

Edited by ExplosionMare
Edited for the stone part that I forgot
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@ExplosionMare @Starforce

Starlight's heart beated faster but fell out of sync with the crowd.

In an instant, the spell was broken. The crowd's aggression dissipated, but so did their enthusiasm. Most looked ready to accept Starlight as a guide, but now that their passion was denied, so to will they deny her.

Many lost interest in the affair altogether. The ones that were ready to throw their stones lazily tossed them at Starlight out of spite.

Some of the more distant onlookers still gave their attention but had no intention of approaching.

"What was that?!" Lyra finally snapped, "Someone's gotta give me some answers! That was crazy!"

"Where's everypony going?" asked a very iconic voice, "Am I late for my own party?"

Twilight Sparkle looked around the square in confusion before returning her attention to the shouting Lyra.

"Oh, my stars! What is wrong with her?!" Applejack blurted out in shock.

"Trixie's back in town!" Pinky Pie shrilled out before jumping into a nearby barrel, "Everypony for themselves!"

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@ExplosionMare @Starforce

Everyone granted Moonlight the attention she demanded.

Then, as she described her ability to see the truth, Twilight and her friends started to back away slowly. They were looking for any excuse to get away from the crazy pony.

Rainbow visibly tuned out as she moved in to inspect BonBon's missing facial features as if a closer look would be more effective than a conversation.

However, a burning sensation quickly grabbed their attention. Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash all began to blink rapidly as their eyes watered. It was not enough as the building tears evaporated. The burning sensation came to a head when their eyes shined from the inside. A flood of Light escaped their pupils. Even when they closed their eyes, the Light still shined through.

They looked around for the source of the burning and focused on Moonlight as the most likely source. Twilight was alight with counterspells that all proved fruitless. Fluttershy looked to her friends with confusion and worry.

Panic set in for the group as nothing worked. Twilight, in desperation, teleported herself and her friends away from Moonlight's speech. Well, all except one.

Pinkie Pie sprang her head out of the barrel, "What'd I miss?"

Edited by Loud Opinion
  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Loud Opinion @Starforce

Starlight flinched slightly at the stones that were thrown at her. She wore a puzzled expression, unsure as to why the ponies who were so willing to follow her were suddenly disinterested. She then felt her heartbeat and realized it had shifted once again. That makes sense, she thought. Still, wouldn’t some ponies be willing to learn about the truth even without the heartbeat? Surely they were. Perhaps some ponies were just hiding their feelings.

She listened for a moment as Moonlight carried on with her monologue. She was tempted to disagree but a part of her couldn’t help but feel the care and kindness that was radiating from the mare. It was strange, considering how cold and standoffish she had been to most ponies prior.

Either this festival has really changed her, or she really dislikes me that much. Starlight reasoned. Well, I’m sure if she…no, I…I don’t understand. Why am I feeling conflicted about this?

She took a moment to think to herself. After knowing Moonlight for quite a while, it was becoming more clear as to what her thought processes were. She was forceful on first impression but once she got to know a pony or saw something in them she liked, she became more helpful and leader-like instead of menacing. She was changing and Starlight liked that. She just didn’t understand how yet. Did the philosophy change her? Were Starlight’s words convincing enough? Was it something else entirely? Starlight wasn’t completely sure anymore.

She looked up and blinked in surprise. Standing just a few paces away we’re Twilight Sparkle and her friends. She trotted up to them but slowed down as she got closer in order to avoid getting too close to Moonlight. Putting on a friendly smile, she gave out a warm welcome.

“Good day, Twilight Sparkle and the others. I am Starlight Glimmer. I am so happy to meet you.”

She suddenly stepped back once she realized the Mane 6 were not behaving normally. Their eyes took on a blinding glow and no matter how hard any of them tried to blink it away, nothing changed.

She tried to investigate but the group had teleported away before she could ask them anything. She hoped they were alright and not in any harm. She also wondered if there was some sort of strange magic involved or if what they were experiencing was more of a phenomenon.

Edited by ExplosionMare
Added one more part
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@Starforce @Loud Opinion

Starlight frowned in concern as Moonlight’s demeanor shifted. She suddenly became very nervous and…guilty? That was something Starlight hardly saw in that mare. Whatever the cause of Moonlight’s distress was must be serious, that much Starlight knew. She stood patiently, waiting and watching as Moonlight spoke. When she turned to Starlight, Starlight responded,

“I have to agree with you on this matter. I could feel the ponies change around me when my heart rate went up and down. I believe similar changes happen when your power is expressed as well. I do not want to innocent ponies at any cost. If we need to stay away from them, then perhaps leaving as soon as possible would be best.”

Starlight was beside herself for a moment. Was she agreeing with Moonlight? Usually, Starlight was the one in charge. She was the one who knew what was best. In this circumstance, however, Starlight knew it was best to keep the civilians out of danger, even if that meant going against her own path. She would never hurt anypony and would do anything to ensure that never happened.

“You know Pinkie Pie?” Starlight asked. “How long have you two known each other?”

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@Starforce @ExplosionMare

"Oh, that?" Pinkie Pie said as she hopped out of her barrel, unaffected by Moonlight's implications, "Ya, I've scared them off sometimes. Don't worry. I'm sure that, in the next twenty-two minutes, everything will be back to normal."

As Pinkey Pie spoke, she slid over to Moonlight to put a hoof over her shoulder. "This happens all the time around here. Keep your chin up, and it'll all work out in the end. You'll see!"

Pinkie then hopped away, only to miss a beat when she saw the mouthless BonBon. "Well, maybe I should speed it up a little. I'll go get Twilight."

A Pinkey-Pie-shaped cloud was the only evidence that the party pony was ever there. Perhaps she was just a figment of your imagination.

Lyra seemed torn. Should she wait for Twilight or follow the ponies that were probably responsible. Twilight saved the day many times and this could be a simple fix for all she knew. If it wasn't so easy, then going with Moonlight and Starlight could help fix it faster.

Finally, a decision was made. "Come on BonBon. These Ponies are going to help us fix this."

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Starforce @Loud Opinion

Starlight wondered what her and Moonlight’s powers meant and how that connected to their ascension. From what she could tell, the powers only posed a danger. They gave them strength, yes, but at the cost of innocent ponies’ livelihoods. Starlight wanted to improve the lives of other ponies, not hinder them.

Perhaps everything would be cleared up once the time for ascension came. That, or they may run into Silver and Limbo again for further clarification. If Starlight and Moonlight were planning on heading back, there is a possibility they would run into those two again. Starlight hoped they would have some answers or at the very least, her and Moonlight could find their own answers.

“The books did have important information, so it would be wise to read through those again,” Starlight replied. She made the idea sound like her own so she wouldn’t have to admit to herself that she was agreeing with Moonlight again. “We can take the texts and compare them to one another. We must find everything we can that can help us understand our unusual powers. The more we know about them, the less likely we can hurt other ponies with them.”

Moonlight offered her hoof. Being the polite mare that she usually was, Starlight shook it. She tried to ignore how weird it felt to shake the hoof of somepony she couldn’t stop arguing with just a few days ago.

She turned her attention to Pinkie Pie. She was going to speak to her but before she could utter a word, the pink mare disappeared in a blur. Starlight frowned, wondering if Pinkie would ever come back. Well, at least for now, Lyra and Bon Bon were still here.

Lyra was waiting on the two mares for their assistance. Starlight did not hesitate to offer her help. She still had no idea how to fix Bon Bon’s mouth yet, especially without exposing her real magic, but she was willing at least try for the sake of her new friends.

“I would be glad to assist you. I am sure Moonlight and I will be able to find a remedy for your missing mouth soon. You deserve to smile just like everypony else.” she said warmly.

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"You worry too much, Fuchsia," Limbo Dreams says with a smile.

The ranch swelled into vision as the train ground its rails to halt. The silent train had met its destination. Part of her drifted to her past. Miss Dreams couldn't help but feel a little happy about what was up and coming. Limbo Pass. For the first time, she would see her face to face. It made her wonder about other ponies she would like to see with her own eyes.

"It is not my right to say what my life will amount to," She continues, "If I were to fight. If I were to defy my creator. To what end? If your mother wanted your house, would you deny her? What right do you have to claim a life you had no part in making?"

Limbo sighed in resignment. She knew her message had little chance of resonating. "I waste my breath. I will live to see tomorrow and our cause will go on. Destiny has plans for us, and she does not like to be cheated."

Fuchsia is less than encouraged by Limbo's (what she decides to view as) attempt to cheer her on. At least Limbo said that they had a destiny together and wouldn't die? This mare's tales were as tall and convoluted as her giraffe-like legs. (Yes, Fuchsia had seen a giraffe, if only at a school-trip to a zoo, when she was on an exchange to Manehatten.)

In response to Limbo's sighed aphorism, Fuchsia offers: "Destiny can sit with her tail up on a cactus. I don't trust her for a second."  Fuchsia giggles at her own 'wittiness' and steps out of the carriage. 

She strides forth onto the familiar platform of the Talomeno station. Dust, whipped up by the desert winds, stings her fur, but she doesn't blink like the other departees and her companion, rather, she smiles and sets her snout against it. She was once more in her element, as nice as the pony heartlands had been, she was an explorer at heart, and the rawness of the desert called to her.

If Limbo struggles at all in the harsh conditions, Fuchsia will help her.

The two ponies trot away from the isolated desert train station and towards the largest building in the frontier town: the Phantom residence.




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Fuchsia's less than refined response bore with it a spirit that Limbo could not deny her appreciation of.

The baron bounds of lifeless land may have disturbed most, and Limbo's demeanor up to this point did not inspire confidence. Oh, but when her hooves touched the soil, her stride spoke of stamina.

What would be unimpeded wind was silent and absent in her path. Did the very environment itself treat her with care, or did it not care to threaten? And to what end? Pity or reverence?

As the two strode away from the station and onto a sparser path, Limbo would trot with authority through the waists.

Then they were there. The silent estate did not beckon nor forebode. In the face of such apathy, Limbo had to repeat what the two already understood, "Looks like this is where we depart. I look forward to you introducing me to this Phantom fellow."

Edited by Loud Opinion
  • Brohoof 3

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Starforce @Loud Opinion

A spark shone in Starlight’s eyes as she looked back at Moonlight’s genuine smile. She still couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She wanted to just stand here and be happy about it but she knew she had an important mission to fulfill. Well, she always had a mission wherever she went, but this one was more important and urgent at the moment.

“The books are a good start. They can point us to non-literary resources if that becomes necessary. We must find out everything we can so we can cause as little harm as possible.” Starlight agreed. “While you are trying to recall what you have learned, I have some knowledge from my own text. From the story ‘The Apollo and the Marsyas’, the pony in it used skin in a variety of strange ways. Based on what I can interpret, this has something to do with resources dying out, or being used incorrectly.”

Starlight listened carefully to the story Moonlight recited. The elements did not seem to correlate well but Moonlight was probably right, there had to be a metaphorical purpose for them. Moonlight seemed very interested in the concept. Starlight didn’t understand it fully but the simplicity of the white clothes was fascinating. Simplicity was something she had grown quite used to over the years, so it was comforting to her.

“There is not much I remember about my ancestry, although the last name cannot be a coincidence,” Starlight commented. To be honest, she had let herself forget a lot about her family ever since she moved from her hometown. It wasn’t that she didn’t love them, it was just that in order to pursue her purpose, she had to let go of those who didn’t understand her. Perhaps in the future, they would come to her and learn all that she has. “We should look into that as well, as that would help further our research.”

Starlight’s ears perked at the mention of a “Watchman”. She believed she might of heard Moonlight mention that before. What did it mean and why was it connected to Moonlight? This made Starlight very curious and intrigued. She began to wonder how her own power was being called forth.

My power must have come from something, right? Just like Moonlight’s, it embedded itself inside me to lead me towards my ascension she wondered.

“There is not much I remember, unfortunately. Perhaps I can recall memories as we discover more information,” Starlight replied dejectedly.

She nodded at what Moonlight had to say about the world. Given Starlight’s experience so far, it was an accurate perspective. 

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@Starforce @ExplosionMare

Each door had a note attached by a silver-wax seal.

One was addressed to Magnolia, but only for a moment. When the pony in question saw the name, it morphed to Moonlight.

'Moonlight and Starlight,

'We are pleased to invite you to tonight's banquet. It begins at sundown at the temple. There will be several other guests in attendance, so be sure to find matching attire in your wardrobe. The earlier you arrive, the more time you will have to mingle with our guests, though that is your discretion.

'If you have any questions, you can find me at the Golden Oaks Library.

'I'll see you tonight,
'Silver Tongue.'


Within Starlight's room was the same visage of glory that she left.

The spined books awaited further inspection. The Apollo and Marsyas: the flaying of Marsyas was no easier to stomach. Neither was the application of the aftermath. Indeed, ingesting the skin was claimed to restore youth, though the book glossed over that fact. Apollo seemed far more interested in what instruments you could make from what was left of Marsyas. From accordions to harps, any instrument of string or percussion seemed to produce an irresistible tune that the body demanded to move through.

One page was dedicated to music sheets. That page got Lyra's attention. She scowled as she read them, "These songs don't sound very good. You'd have to be downing wine all night to think of dancing to this."

The Victory of Crowns described an Alicorn hunt. Aura or her ghostwriter wasn't particularly talented. The text is a very direct journal of Aura's day-to-day life on her hunt. Many days are dedicated to maintaining her equipment, ranting about the alicorn target's political career, and a few tactics she planned to employ when she got close enough. Some seemed obvious, like using the opposite element against your target. Others seemed insightful: If an alicorn losses a limb or too many healthy feathers, that can drain its power like a leak in a water balloon. It's all about the element of surprise and a decisive first strike. If you can hurt it bad enough and get away, it would only be a matter of time before it is weak enough to finish off.

On The White is a simple story of an artist that suffered in spite of his art. Though the masterpieces were said to be profound beyond imagining, he never shared them with anyone. Despite his profession, the book is mostly composed of existential dread and the futility of his life. I would advise against reading it.

The Skeleton Songs is too steeped in its own symbolism to be understood on a technical level. When reading a poem, not a single word can be remembered. No matter how much focus or how slowly it is tackled, the knowledge of the book never leaves the physical text. All that the book conveyed was a need. Each poem gives a different craving. Some make one hungry, others thirsty, while others still convey an itching sensation.

The Apollo and Marsyas seemed most pertinent.

  • Brohoof 3

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Loud Opinion @Starforce

Starlight let out a sad sigh. Unfortunately, she could not give Moonlight a satisfactory answer. The book was just as gruesome as imagined.

“Forgive me for disappointing you, but the book does involve using real skin. I, of course, would never do what the book describes as I would be holding a lot of guilt and disgust in my heart for the rest of my life.” she responded.

Her stomach threatened to lurch, so she stopped thinking about the subject and listened to what Moonlight had to say. She suggested visiting Ponyville to investigate Starlight’s ancestry. The idea sounded promising, and perhaps they could find out about Moonlight’s ancestry as well. With this information, perhaps they can gain insight into their unusual powers. If not, they could at least learn about the magic they have already possessed for years.

“A trip to Ponyville would be fascinating,” Starlight commented. She forced back the urge to talk about equality conversion, as that was still a habit of hers. “That is definitely a good place to start. I believe we can only expand our knowledge after that because we can travel anywhere. We can even go to…my village…”

Starlight bit her lip. What would she do when she returned? She learned so much on this ascension journey of hers and there was no way she could revert back to the Starlight she used to be. Her villagers would be quite confused, disappointed even. There would be a lot to deal with upon her return. However, now was not the time to dwell on that. She shook her head and focused on current matters.

“I am curious about your ancestry, as a matter of fact,” she commented as Moonlight decided to play a little guessing game with her. “Your name, it resembles one I have heard before. Let me think…Moonlight, Moon-Light, Light…Twilight?” she guessed. Now that she thought about it, Moonlight did have a resemblance to a certain purple Alicorn. Her indigo mane and her magenta, almost purple eyes were the most obvious and striking features.

Now was not the time to examine that too closely, however. Now was the time to examine the texts. Upon further research, perhaps Starlight and Moonlight could finally understand the true nature of their powers. Starlight hoped it would be something positive or at the very least, manageable. Carefully, following Moonlight, she made her towards the doors with the silver-wax seals.

Starlight trotted towards her respective door and glanced at the note attached to it. It was an invitation to a banquet held by Silver Tongue and Limbo Dreams. The event sounded exciting, but a gut feeling in Starlight told her to hold off. She needed to know what the books said above anything right now. Carefully, she pushed the door open and went inside.

The room was the same as she had left it, which brought her at least a little comfort. The books were in their respective spots so she could find them easily. She began with the ones she had studied earlier; The Apollo and Marsyas. The book was just as stomach-churning as the first time she read it. Apollo was fascinated by the use of pony skin simply to make instruments. It was like there was no other way to craft instruments in his eyes. This made Starlight glad that her eyes were opened by Moonlight, otherwise she may end up like Apollo someday.

The next text, The Victory of Crowns, was rather sad and upsetting. It was all about the poaching of Alicorns and how excited the Alicorn hunter was about her political mission. Starlight had to wonder: Would her and Moonlight suffer the same fate if they were to reach ascension. Starlight sincerely hoped Alicorn hunting was a thing of the past. She was unable to read much further in this book either, so she set it down and continued to the next one.

On the White was not disturbing, thankfully, but it reminded Starlight of her current feelings. All of the potential she sought may be for nothing in the end. The more she had looked into it over the days, the less promising it seemed. Starlight was beginning to grow very, very doubtful.

The last text barely made any sense of her. The Skeleton Songs was incomprehensible in a literary sense. It only filled Starlight with desire and need but for what, she wasn’t entirely sure. She shut the book quickly, refusing to engage with it any further. She was done reading these texts. It was time to trust in her own values and stand up against everything she had just read. She had to do this, for The Apollo and the Marysas was continuing to fill her with dread and regret. The only way to purge it was to come clean.

“Moonlight?” she spoke softly, making her way towards the unicorn’s door. “Moonlight, I don’t like what I saw in those texts. I am beginning to think ascension is not what is best for us. It may lead to a terrible danger. I believe that we must escape while we can before our powers have the chance to become corrupt.”

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