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Isn't smarty pants still a potentially incredibly dangerous weapon?


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When twilight wanted the CMC to fight over her smartypants doll, she enchanted the doll so that anyone who looks at it would be overcome with a severe need for the doll.


Celestia fixed this. By blasting everypony in ponyville to snap them out of the curse. The doll was not blasted.


So if this doll ever fell into the wrong hands, and was exposed to an audience that had not yet been immunized to the curse, wouldn't it be the same situation all over again?

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Big Mac currently owns Smarty Pants. You'd have to be extremely overpowered to near god status to get it away from him, and if you were a god, then you would dominate the world using your conventional power anyways, rather than using a roundabout doll (which you yourself may not be immune to). Case in point, Discord.

  • Brohoof 5

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It wasn't blasted? Seemed so to me. It stopped radiating hearts. I got the impression that Big Mac just genuinely loved it, and that it was the joke of him actually genuinely loving it and running off with it, that was the point.

  • Brohoof 3


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I think the doll was cured in the blast, but the doll could not be blasted solely, as the spell was already in effect on the others.

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I'll just sign in to the theory of the enchantment being only temporary. Just makes ideas a lot easier to digest that way.

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Once a doll is enchanted, it stays enchanted forEVER!!!!!

I'm just no good at writing signatures. Coming up with words is like... really hard.

However, you should read The Espelancer Chronicles: a blog detailing my preparations leading up to and my experiences studying at The Yamasa Institute in Okazaki, Japan (in the Aichi prefecture outside of Nagoya) for a 1-month SILAC course from July 16 - August 16, 2012.

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I always thought the doll got blasted as well, and Big Mac just took it because he creepily likes Twilight like that.


I think I need to re-watch that episode now...

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