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private The Æther Project

Illiad Easle

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On 2021-12-31 at 10:30 AM, Kujamih said:

" someone to lead this project?.... I can only think of her majesty, queen Permu knowing her she would reject this offer, and only take it in desperate times....very desperate times..." Light wondered.

The pony at the desk shook his head, "While she has done a stellar job at keeping the disparate changelings united and working together, she had her hooves full with that. Besides, there are too many Equestrians on this project with less than positive past encounters with changelings. They wouldn't likely take too well to a changeling queen being put in charge."

On 2021-12-31 at 10:30 AM, Kujamih said:

" not even a draconicous is safe when this thing's active."

anything magic related would warp around Light as the Chrysalis Thrown is Active.

The pony raised an eyebrow at the claim, simply setting a bar of Minostralium between the two of them, which appeared to have the effect of shielding him from the magic draining effect of the throne. "I for one feel quite safe, despite your claims. It's clear you don't have much experience with the magical properties of Minostralium? Here, let me diagram this."

One of the pony's hooves became a talon, which he used to snap, a whiteboard appearing behind him. "Magic, like gravity, exists partially as a field that surrounds and binds us. In order to cast magic one must pull on this field. I said partially as a field as the other part of magic acts more as a fluid atop the field. This fluid is produced by the leylines and distributed throughout the world, which is why you'll find that the further you are from a ley line the weaker your magic gets. When a spellcaster pulls on the field it causes the fluid magic to accumulate in their area, which they can then use to cast magic."

He pointed to the throne, "Thestralium, like that artifact of yours, has the opposite effect, pushing the field away with such force that no one in the area can draw magic inward as well as absorbing the liquid magic already in the area. Minostralium, on the other hoof, pulls the field down around it, as well as producing more of the fluid magic, meaning anyone in the vicinity of Minostralium will find it easier to cast spells, and find themselves able to cast more powerful spells than they could before."

Given Apollo has Minostralium in his posession, the best you could hope to do is to neutralize the effect, leveling the playing field a bit, but you'd still do well to remember that he is a very strong gryphon, even without the Minostralium, which is why it was paramount that he not acquire any more of it.

On 2021-12-31 at 10:30 AM, Kujamih said:

"but the thing is... so what if I weaken him? that won't erase the sins he caused from the creatures he wronged. he'd be a sitting duck for his enemies. which was a good call from me, stepping down a fight with Apollo. I'm sure you'd be mad at me if that was the course the plot has taken."Light looked at Fury.

He shook his head, "What his enemies pull down on him is no concern of mine, provided it does not put the project itself at risk. Had you been sucessful in defeating Apollo earlier, the only issue would have been the power vacuum. That's why we need to find a good creature to be ready to take his place when he is deposed. Getting in league with his enemies may well serve to help you bring him down when the time comes."

The plan then, at least so far as you're concerned, is to find someone you think can help you bring Apollo down, and gather as many allies as you can find, without drawing so much attention that Apollo takes notice.

(Given the other two are already on the next day, I'll be moving on, you can give some closing remarks, but best if you got to the next day asap.)



@Blitz Boom

(Given Windy has been AFK longer than I have, I find it unlikely that they'll be returning. So We're skipping the story thread that relied on them. Feel free to summarize your evening activities, then set yourself up for the next morning)

Fairly early the next morning Silver would come knocking on Blitz's door, "Blitz? You awake? It's time."

The lights were dim in the hallways, as they were when it was the sleep period of the project, it would serve to mask their travels a bit more than if they moved during the active period.



Not long before the active period would begin, Maud would be woken up by none other than Red, standing above her with a knife held in her blood red aura, she looked disappointed, "I thought I could trust you. You'd think a relative of one of the elements of harmony might know something about loyalty or honesty." She sneered at that, "You thought I wasn't following you in the pipeworks? That I wasn't listening? You plan to betray me don't you? Just like all the others."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Trixie was in a deep sleep so unfortunately she wasn't able to help Maud currently. Maud looks into Red's eyes emotionlessly at the situation. If this was how it would end - so be it. She's gone this far not really having much of a clue of who to trust besides her own instinct. Perhaps death is more welcoming than one would think, but still within her she knew that wasn't true. For a few moments there was silence from Maud.

"It's funny you should ask that when you are the one holding the knife. Food for thought." Maud began, "Then again, how am I to be sure if you are even the real Red or not? How am I to be sure that Red even exists and this all isn't some fantasy spurred on by someone who is capable of performing such illusions? Can't blame me for not trusting you fully. Everyone's out for something. I'd wager that you are no different." she spoke calmly without any visible reaction across her face. 

"I don't know who's side I should and shouldn't be on to be quite frank with you. Then again, you are the one coming in here holding a knife to me. Does that really make you look any better? Maybe you are the one who is planning to betray me. Imagine the fame you could get by slaying the relative of one of the elements." she smirked darkly. Her grin goes wider, and wider to form an almost wicked grin across her face as if she was the one who actually had the upper hand. It was almost...horrifying to see such a grin across Maud's face from one who seldomly shoes such emotion.

"This isn't on me. This is on you. To end my life here right now and have that to your name for all eternity or do you wish to actually find a way to overthrow Apollo alongside me, then go from there? All up to you...but so are the consequences of your decisions." Maud shrugged. "Can't say I really care either way, but I prefer to still believe that there's something still worth fighting for. This world may be a pile of dust but look yourself in the mirror and ask - What do I really stand for? That'd be my last words to you, if you do decide to kill me - Keep that in mind. We don't have all day here so make it quick if you wish to." Maud added with indifference. It was up to Red now.

  • Brohoof 1

Maud Pie signature

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@Illiad Easle 

Light was intrigued at  fury's explanation of the minostralium.

"I see. so that's how it works in this dimension....  too bad that thing isn't cannon. it would've been useful if it was applicable to other dimensions.... good to know though." 

" now that that's settled.... mind giving me a hoof or a claw? teleport me to the destination you want me in so I could help out ASAP."

(you can teleport him the next day and beside anyone you want, so the story could progress faster.)




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@Illiad Easle 

Briar and Brittle would have wandered around the orchard a bit, and enjoy the silence. Unable to resist, Briar would do a bit of cleanup, while he were there, and found some things, but eventually they'd leave. brittle would want some peace and quiet after this day, so he'd escort her back to their room, and then leave her be in her bed, whilst he set a pillow down on the ground outside her door. It made her feel safer, when she knew he were there, at the only entrance, so he at times did this.

Nothing would happen for the rest of the evening, and they'd be able to rest soundly, until about the time that the sun would normally rise. Didn't mean the light always did, but Briar were used to waking up at a specific time of day, all the time. At the regular sun rise. Hence, he'd do so, light or no light. Didn't mean he'd wake up Brittle, but it gave him time to stretch out. Might be he didn't have muscles per se, but his roots could do with a stretch too. Wasn't just fleshy ones who needed that.

On 2022-01-23 at 2:42 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Fairly early the next morning Silver would come knocking on Blitz's door, "Blitz? You awake? It's time."

The lights were dim in the hallways, as they were when it was the sleep period of the project, it would serve to mask their travels a bit more than if they moved during the active period.

Blitz would open her doors, screwdriver in her muzzle, and looking up at Silver with a fresh slate of energy. She'd also have a few soot marks she'd levitate a cloth over to clean off. Might be she had gotten some sleep, but she were still highly energetic, so she'd been up hours ago, and been tinkering on a little side project. A secret, but she'd unveil it eventually. Hehe, it'd surely make them all surprised when they saw it at least.

"Oh hey Silver. Yeah, I'm fine and dandy. Just a teensie little bit."

She'd levitate the screwdriver out of her muzzle, and back somewhere in there, away from prying eyes. Probably wasn't normal to have a workbench in your room, but if they'd tried stopping her, they'd clearly failed at it. Either she kept sneaking tools out of the main room, she made some herself, or she just had a set she normally didn't show off. Limited amount, to avoid stuff, which might also mean they just let her have this. But regardless, she were a tinkerer by heart. They would have to keep her in a 24/7 observation room, and fit her horn with an anti-magic ring, to keep her from doing something. Maybe tie her down too, actually. She'd been known to make all kinds of odd things. from seemingly harmless things, found in trash cans. Including explosives.

"Okei-dokie. Let's go!"

She'd bounce along, happy as could be, that she had the chance to go and do something real important again. Sure she did that a lot normally too, but this were not like, making things to harm others, or machines to make this place do good. It were saving a poor little foal's life. Small scale important for some, but really important, super special stuff in her mind. Poor little foalsie, would be getting all of her attention, until he was fine.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@ArbiterofFates (You change your name so often)

Red was a lot of things in regards to Maud's speech. A small part of her was confused, but for the most part she was angry. "You don't think I'm REAL?" She held out one of her own forelimbs and stabbed it with the knife, the sharp blade stabbing through the chitin without mush resistance. The blood that seeped out as she withdrew the blade burst into blood red flames as it was exposed to the air, the stab wound smoldering. Red seemed to enjoy the feeling, "How's that for real? No, as much as Permu would like to believe, the last of hive Gelatine is no illusion. I will have my revenge. I don't need you or anyone. I don't need fame or power."

She stabbed the blade through the pillow, right next to Maud's head, nicking her ear in the process. "Just... stay out of my way."

She transformed while standing above Maud, the red flames making the area rather warm, before she teleported away, leaving the knife behind and the blankets slightly charred.



Fury rolled his eyes, "Are you really so lazy to invoke-"

Light would regret asking to be moved so soon after making yet another reference to the Author, as he found himself starting to move without being in control. His body moved by an unseen force and thoughts being forced into his head, thoughts like how he had a lot to think about given all he had seen and that he should get some rest, maybe eat something, before committing to a path that would forever change the course of the project, he had to find someone capable of leading the project, which meant he had to get to know the major and minor factions aboard, see what they wanted and needed, and who they might accept as a leader.

He was moved this way until he arrived at his room, lungs burning from the forced exertion, and a post-it stuck to his door: "You have legs, I'll use them for you if you won't."

It seemed like he had attracted the attention of a higher power, the one that Fury had warned against doing. Whether this was a good thing or not remained to be seen.


@Blitz Boom

(It's been a bit since this was brought up, but I figured now would be a good time to bring this up again.)

Soon after Briar woke up, there was a light tapping on their door, opening it would reveal Brittle's tutor, carrying a new cloak for the young one, "I hope I didn't come by too early, I just wanted to bring this by as soon as I could. I forget if you wanted me to fix up her old one too, I brought some supplies if you did. In any case, how is she doing? Do you think she'd be open to trying something a little different? A group of the other young ones are going to see one of the shows today, I thought you and her might like to join in?"


There was a bit of a serious aura around Silver as she led the way down the back hallways to the hospital, entering through a back entrance straight to the intensive care unit. There was a small commotion in one of the rooms, which is where Silver was leading Blitz to.

She held the door open for Blitz to enter first, following after and closing the door behind them. Inside the same creatures from the previous night stood in a loose circle around a small enchanted glass box, just big enough to hold the small green foal within. His horn was abnormally large, and glowing intensely despite the foal apparently being asleep. Dinky and Euclid were in a tight, comforting embrace as they simply watched the foal, their foal. Euclid rubbed the back of his wife's neck gently, "Soon, just a few more minutes now, and he'll be okay. He won't suffer any more."

Dr. Conegher, the deer, turned to Silver and Blitz, bringing the heavily engraved gemstone about the same size as the foal's barrel over on a rolling cart to sit next to the case, nodding. "Everything is ready, it is time."

Silver and Euclid performed a spell, revealing that a ring of Minostralium coated runes had been engraved into the floor of this hospital room, centered around the foal and the gem with circles for each of them to stand in. Blitz was guided to a spot between Dr. Conegher and Silver with Euclid and Dinky on the opposite side. Silver gave Dinky some instruction. "Dr. Conegher is going to start the procedure, activating the runes, when your circle lights up, grab it with your magic and pour everything you can into it. The rest of us will be doing the same. Once we begin, you can't leave the circle for any reason, do you understand?"

She would wait for Blitz's confirmation before nodding to the deer, who would begin.

The runes lit up in order, starting with him then proceeding around the circle counter clockwise such that Blitz's circle would be the last one illuminated. She'd find the circle in the ground easy to grasp with her magic, it pulled on her reserves like nothing ever had before. If she could bear to keep her eyes open she would see the foal being lifted, no, something being lifted out of the foal, and carefully placed in the center of the gem, causing it to glow brighter than any star, maybe even than the full moon.

Then, suddenly the pull on her magic stopped, everyone breathing a sigh of relief except for Euclid and Dinky, who rushed over to the gem and the foal respectively. Euclid held the gen in his magic while Dinky cradled the now lifeless body of the foal. There were a few silent moments, the worry growing on Euclid's face until, with a quiet snap, the form of the foal appeared around the gem. It was angular, like an abstract sculpture of a pony, but it was a pony in the same position the foal had been in. Another moment, then the form twitched, shifted a bit, the legs extending in a stretch and the mouth opening in a yawn before the eyes opened. They shone with an inner light similar to how the gem had glowed. They could see it look around at each of them, the innocent eyes of a foal having been granted a new life. Euclid held it tight, and it nuzzled him. He passed it to Dinky, who gently sent the foal's previous body down in the case and held her foal in his new body until he drifted back to sleep. The form remaining stable.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

as Light reached his room he would only stare at the sticky note and ponder.

" hmmmm....somethings not right here..." he would peel of the sticky note and place it back properly again.

" there!"  the note being slightly tilted was really bothering him.

then he uncontrollably vomited.

" blaurgh!!!..... ugh .... I thought I already got used to being controlled... I WAS EXPECTING YOU TO TELEPORT ME SOMEWHERE IMPORTANT!"

Light would then wobble to his bed and sleep.

" wake me up when something interesting happens.... but let me rest for 3hrs or something before you make me move..." 

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@Illiad Easle

(Yes. It mainly is to reflect my mood on things. Maybe I'll go back, maybe I won't. Who knows - I am horrifically indecisive.)

Maud would watch as Red spoke and performed her actions. Quite frankly, she was quite confused as to why Red had just revealed her plan before her. It seemed like Red had been angered to the point to where she was revealing her intentions so openly. Not that Maud really cared - that was Red's loss. Before Maud could speak to Red she had vanished before she could make any meaningful reaction. Feeling the slight nick on her ear she realized that Red's intentions didn't include killing her...for now.

For a while, Maud just sat there quietly and pondered what had just unfolded. Before long, she would wake up both Trixie and Spiral. The two were confused as to what had happened but Maud had informed them of the situation. Both of them looked to the bedsheets that Maud was laying under and could see the charred marks on the bed. This meant that Maud wasn't lying. Not that they thought she were, but they knew they had to tell Tower Shield about this situation. Fury was proven right after all. Because Fury was proven right, this meant that Maud could trust her more.

Whatever plans Maud had with Red were now over. When the time came, they would proceed to where Trixie and Spiral went yesterday to work. 


  • Brohoof 1

Maud Pie signature

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@Illiad Easle

On 2022-02-02 at 6:51 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Soon after Briar woke up, there was a light tapping on their door, opening it would reveal Brittle's tutor, carrying a new cloak for the young one, "I hope I didn't come by too early, I just wanted to bring this by as soon as I could. I forget if you wanted me to fix up her old one too, I brought some supplies if you did. In any case, how is she doing? Do you think she'd be open to trying something a little different? A group of the other young ones are going to see one of the shows today, I thought you and her might like to join in?"

"She yet rests, but I don't mind the company. It is so rare this time of the morning, I find. As for your gift, it is greatly appreciated, and I shall ask her when she awakens, how she may feel about it. Yet the cape she wears now, are a sentimental one for her, so I find it unlikely that she would be willing to part with it, despite the lovely gesture. I may have forgotten to say so before, but it were the self same that I wore, ever since I were banished from the jungle, in which I were grown. The pony who helped me, gifted it to me, to cover my flowers. As he put it *Ponies fear what they do not understand.* So he wished for me to have a way, to if not conceal fully whom I were, make it less in their faces, that they may learn who I were as a being first, rather than simply judge me on what I am alone.

Arriving here, I found acceptance for what I were, and little fear, nor suspicions. Some of course, yet scarcely what I had before. The crisis have made us all easier see past the barrier of race, and prejudice. If there is a small sliver of good to be found in the mountains of darkness, this would be it.

At any rate, I gifted the cloak to Brittle, praying that it might bring her the same comfort, that it once did me. It also helps her feel my presence ever nearer, even when I am not at her side. I find it soothes her greatly.

Ah, but I talk on and on. Perhaps it is time, to move to the next inquiry you made. That of fixing her current cloak. I would greatly appreciate it, yet I ask you to give me but a moment when we are done then, to wake her. She sleeps not without it, and while I have done much over the years, I am not a seamstress. I lack the proficiency to mend it properly, so this is truly a welcome gesture. I hope one day, I can repay you for this kindness.

And speaking of kindness, you mention a show, with other younglings? An intriguing prospect. I think it prudent to ask her, but it may well do her good. Wandering among adults are trying for her, but the younger, may do better in her presence. Lest they attempt to bully her. You have my word that I shall not bring harm upon any in your care, but I will keep them apart, if others attempt something. She have scarcely peeked out of her shell by now. I dread what might happen, where she dunked upon by a mass. It may well set her back months.

Have you other questions, or shall I awaken her with haste?"

On 2022-02-02 at 6:51 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Then, suddenly the pull on her magic stopped, everyone breathing a sigh of relief except for Euclid and Dinky, who rushed over to the gem and the foal respectively. Euclid held the gen in his magic while Dinky cradled the now lifeless body of the foal. There were a few silent moments, the worry growing on Euclid's face until, with a quiet snap, the form of the foal appeared around the gem. It was angular, like an abstract sculpture of a pony, but it was a pony in the same position the foal had been in. Another moment, then the form twitched, shifted a bit, the legs extending in a stretch and the mouth opening in a yawn before the eyes opened. They shone with an inner light similar to how the gem had glowed. They could see it look around at each of them, the innocent eyes of a foal having been granted a new life. Euclid held it tight, and it nuzzled him. He passed it to Dinky, who gently sent the foal's previous body down in the case and held her foal in his new body until he drifted back to sleep. The form remaining stable.

Blitz had felt her heart sink, when she had seen the little bundle of a foal, and the poor parents that looked oh so sad, over the horrible thing that had befallen him. It were a devastating thing, and even her usual attitude of random cheerfulness, and a want to try and go to cheer others up, when they frowned, did not manifest now. She couldn't get herself to do so, when it were something this serious.

Yet she could do something. It were why she were here in the first place. They required her to keep a level head, as well as provide her expertise, and a steady hoof. If she did that, and didn't mess up here, she could help turn the frowns upside down. As well as give the poor little foal a chance to enjoy life, in all its splendor.

There were many who'd say there were little to be joyful of these days, but to Blitz, that wasn't true. Even in the darkest hours, there would be something good in this world, and she would always rather focus on the possibilities of a bright tomorrow, than the gloominess of a miserable today.

When she had been given her instructions, she would do as asked, and stand firmly on her spot. This seemed a matter of effort and timing, so she would be completely, and utterly fixated on this. Someone could've screamed at her right now, and she would barely notice it, unless it were from the ones she were doing this deed with.

Honestly a bit of a draining experience, but who cared? Bit of fatigue, she'd have a sleepy day. When it saved life, small banalities like that, didn't matter one bit.

She managed to keep her eyes open for a little bit, and watched the foal getting pulled up into the air, but she felt this really, really going at her magic like a vacuum cleaner. Took too much effort to keep her eyes ope- Heh, nah. She were used to keeping her eyes open, and would see the whole thing, even if this were pretty draining. Same when she tested her explosives, and she made sure to keep her eyes open, so she could learn more. Though in this case, she'd be kind of squinted. For about ten seconds, and then she had to admit defeat, and close her eyes, so that she could pour all she had to give, into the process. Just enough time to see something lift out of the foal, but not enough to know what else were happening.

Her legs would pretty much start wobbling like jelly, once the pull were done. Pretty draining stuff indeed. Would probably keep her pretty in check for today, but that wasn't her focus. The process she witnessed with the foal taking form were.

Her sight had first landed on the lifeless body, as her eyes had opened, and a sting of fear had entered her chest. A worry, that they had failed. But then, the gem started to react. Glowing, taking form- It were a fascinating, magical moment to witness, as the foal grew within his new shell. Not one of flesh and blood perhaps, and there'd likely be some side effects to this, yet he lived. Were that not the most important part?

She wouldn't blink, as the foal gazed on them, and would hardly breathe, before it seemed he had fallen into slumber. Stable, seemingly healthy, and alive. They had succeeded! She felt like dancing, but as she tried to jump up in joy, she'd find her legs would wobble a bit extra, and she'd slump down on her belly instead. Not a big celebration expression, but she'd get there eventually. With sparkles, and extra fireworks. Had to celebrate this properly at some point. 

"Did it work? Is everything okay?"

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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There wouldn't be any sort of wake-up call for Light the next morning, allowing him to sleep in as long as he wanted, as well as giving him the liberty to decide how he proceeded from this point. He had an objective, with rather vague parameters. What remained to be seen was how he intended to leverage his newfound freedom.

So long as her didn't try to go anywhere restricted like the armory, the secure science wings, or the secure archives, most of the creatures aboard the project wouldn't pay him much mind or give him much trouble unless he spoke up and asked for it.



Arriving at the testing area where Trixie and Spiral had met Dr. Conegher the previous day, they would find it empty save for a note signed by the Dr. indicating that there was an urgent matter he had to attend to that morning, but that he would be back to continue their investigation just after lunch, so they were free to spend the morning as they pleased. He recommended they visit one of the overlooks. In fact, he mentioned a specific one at a specific time a few hours from then.

(So they're free to do what they like for a bit before going to the destination.)

At the appointed time Dr. Conegher would arrive at the overlook, looking rather tired despite the time. Assuming Maud was still with them he would look surprised to see her. Maud Pie I presume? What brings you here?


@Blitz Boom

On 2022-02-07 at 10:32 AM, Blitz Boom said:

I hope one day, I can repay you for this kindness.

The tutor blushed a bit and shook her head, "There's no need, it's the least I can do for her."

She nodded at Briars conditions for attending the show, "Of course, I've found the young ones to be remarkably well behaved, and a number of them have experienced similar, or rather similarly scarring, traumas before getting here. Perhaps they could find common ground and heal together? A hope."

She was hesitant to ask Briar to wake Brittle, "Well, I could come back later if that would be more convenient. I should get myself some breakfast anyway. Maybe I could bring some back for the two of you? Save you the trip?"


Euclid nodded, wiping a tear from his eye as he moved to embrace his wife as she held their sleeping foal. "Yes, better than we could have hoped it would appear."

"He's warm, I feel pulses, like a heartbeat."

"That was intentional, it helps burn off the excess magical energy, and make him feel more natural." Euclid motioned for Blitz and the others if they were interested to approach. "Don't worry, you can't get him sick any more." He seemed very happy about that.

Once Blitz was close enough Euclid would point out and explain how all the runes they had carved the day before worked together to create the facsimile of a body for the soul housed within. There was a bit of pride as he described the heart shaped rune in the very middle that also formed the center of his own mark. "That's one of the first compound runes I made. The center square there is the storage, holding the magical energy until it is needed elsewhere. The loop on the left side is the intake, a rune that gathers energy from the environment. Very plentiful in area where a lot of magic is used. Then the loop on the right side regulates the stored energy, releasing it whenever it gets close to too full, which is what causes the heartbeat. Why don't you feel?"

She'd be allowed to gently touch the foal. He was somewhat firm to the touch, like pressing against a sheet of plastic. The surface had a bit of give, but not as much as an organic pony. Plus his whole body was very angular, like a rough cut of a sculpture before the details were carved in. Still though, he was pleasantly warm, and there was a distinct feeling like a slow heartbeat, giving him a distinctly 'alive' feeling.

Dinky spoke up as Blitz felt him, "His name is Power User, which fits him better now than it did before."

With that all said and done, Dr. Conegher and Silver stood to leave, citing other commitments, Silver asked before she left, "Blitz, you want to stay here? You want to come with me? Or do you want to go back to your room?" 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

The three of them would head to the outlook that was designated for them. Spiral and Trixie would converse over a varying degree of topics ranging from events in their previous lives to possible ideas of proceeding forward, all throughout in doing so Maud would remain remarkably stoic. Maud found herself so far removed from anything, really. Her mind was consumed by the gravity of her past, present - and future.

Spiral however found herself to be rather comfortable in the situation. She had already been living a second life so she had not much to lose and all the more to gain. Trixie? Trixie wasn't sure how she felt about everything still. Trixie never had a good relationship with her family far before this so she didn't lose anything too close to her. All three ponies were damaged in differing ways, but Maud was definitely the most damaged above all else. She caried the most internal turmoil, despite her otherwise expressionless face.

Upon his questioning, Maud would speak first. "I've come to work with you, alongside my two companions here. I know them more than I know myself so rest assured, I trust them. But with you - I would like to test you with a gesture of trust. Take us to Totem Shield, we have much to discuss involving the continued safety of those aboard this vessel." she spoke in a manner that was straight to the point.

Spiral almost looked nervous. "Well, more so her than we. But, we need to come to a solid basis of understanding on what we are about to discuss. I'd much rather we do this in a closed environment." she added, with there being no objection from Trixie or Maud.

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@Illiad Easle

Light would wake up, with a fresh start. he looks to his clock to see that it was a new day.

" hmm.... I woke up on my own....wait a minute." he checks his surroundings and sees that he is still in his room.

" okay I guess nothing happened." he would get off his bed and fix himself up and do some trivial stuff before he left his room.

the door shuts at his back and now he is at the empty hallways.

"... okay..." he looks left and right to see what he'd do next.

".... a horse shit..." Light was stumped. 

but then...

he's stomach starts to grumble, begging for food.

" oh yeah... my stomach is literally at zero..."

Light has a new destination, the cafeteria.

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@Illiad Easle

On 2022-02-13 at 7:38 AM, Illiad Easle said:

The tutor blushed a bit and shook her head, "There's no need, it's the least I can do for her."

She nodded at Briars conditions for attending the show, "Of course, I've found the young ones to be remarkably well behaved, and a number of them have experienced similar, or rather similarly scarring, traumas before getting here. Perhaps they could find common ground and heal together? A hope."

She was hesitant to ask Briar to wake Brittle, "Well, I could come back later if that would be more convenient. I should get myself some breakfast anyway. Maybe I could bring some back for the two of you? Save you the trip?"

Briar honestly liked it when ponies and such blushed up. That sensation of blood pooling in their cheeks were something he could sense, as one of the few facial expressions he could reliably *read* on another, and expressed a positive emotion. It helped him to understand what mood they were in a little better, which could be hard with some. He swore, the worst beings he ever met, were the monotonous voiced ones, that always stayed cool. He could hardly ever tell what their moods were, and it made for some awkward situations.

"I have scarcely communicated with the youths upon The Aether, but I do not blame Brittle for being nervous of meeting others her age, or younger. She told me once that she tried to connect to others, but it were at the height, at the time when Equestria cared little about changelings, and she knows not how to disguise herself. Truth be told, I am not even certain if she can, though I keep telling her that she will someday. I have not the heart to take hope from her, nor the cruelty to believe there is no hope either.

One goal at a time though, yes? Let us try this, and then see what can come from it."

Briar would stretch his vines, the three meters to each side that they could, along with his back and legs. He couldn't give off snapping sounds, like those with bones, but there were a notable creaking. Like an old oak, moving slightly in a storm.

"Go and feast my friend, and we shall meet you there. I find it ideal to have Brittle join in the cafeteria, lest she is having a less than pleasant day. it helps with socializing her, and making her more familiar with others. I am certain we shall have a positive experience today, and it all begins now."

If there were nothing else, he would go, and see to waking Brittle up. Id everything went well, they would be there about 15-20 minutes later.



On 2022-02-13 at 7:38 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Euclid nodded, wiping a tear from his eye as he moved to embrace his wife as she held their sleeping foal. "Yes, better than we could have hoped it would appear."

"He's warm, I feel pulses, like a heartbeat."

"That was intentional, it helps burn off the excess magical energy, and make him feel more natural." Euclid motioned for Blitz and the others if they were interested to approach. "Don't worry, you can't get him sick any more." He seemed very happy about that.

Blitz wobbled a bit on her legs at first, but she'd stubbornly make her way over there, to gaze down upon the little life. Sleeping and shiny, laying in his parents embrace, she'd gaze with big wondrous eyes upon him. Awestruck in a way.

"*gasp* He's so tiny."

Blitz were not normally around infants. Even being around others her age, or a little younger, were not really something everyone were all too thrilled about, and those who knew of her, she sometimes got the feeling weren't too thrilled having the young explosion mare, around their newborns. Well, sometimes. Other times, she were busy, and didn't stay to look for all that long, or Grump were after her again, to drag her back to the lab for something important, yet boring. It were something special to be up close to one. And especially one so shiny.

For a brief moment, she felt like something were stirring deep, deep back, somewhere in the corner of her mind. An itching in her brain, from seeing this tiny, sleeping little thing. yet it vanished as quickly as she felt it, so she figured her scalp had just been itchy, or it was a minor side effect, of the magic drainage process. Whatever the deal, it was probably not important.

On 2022-02-13 at 7:38 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"That's one of the first compound runes I made. The center square there is the storage, holding the magical energy until it is needed elsewhere. The loop on the left side is the intake, a rune that gathers energy from the environment. Very plentiful in area where a lot of magic is used. Then the loop on the right side regulates the stored energy, releasing it whenever it gets close to too full, which is what causes the heartbeat. Why don't you feel?"

Veeeeery slowly, Blitz would take her hoof up, and move over to where she were told it were safe to touch. Then gently, as if she were using nitroglycerine - or that weird compound she had made out of some stuff she found way back in the food cabinet, which turned out to be extremely volatile, and had to be relocated to a less populated area, before it could be made inert - she would touch the foal, with the tip of her hoof, and just feel the strange little heartbeat. A low *eeeeeee* sound escaped her, as she were nearly choking on the excitement, desperately trying to not let it all out, and wake up the poor foal.

Honestly, she hadn't looked happier than this in months. But this were special too. It was a life that she could see, up close she had helped saving. A tiny little foal even, and not just stories of what weapons and such she helped making, were doing. This here were tangible, and it was beautiful.

On 2022-02-13 at 7:38 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Dinky spoke up as Blitz felt him, "His name is Power User, which fits him better now than it did before."

"Power User... So cool."

She were definitely going to try and stay in contact over the years to come. With a name like that, he sure should be dealing with power, and if that was the case, she'd sure show him power. The power of explosions! And some other tinkering stuff too, but mainly, Explosions!

She'd very carefully lift her hoof off of the foal again, though her amazed, wonder-filled gaze, stayed upon his form. To think they had managed to do this... How amazing was that?

"Sleep good, little Power. Dream of all the fun that starts, when you wake up again."

She did not specify if she were part of that, or she just meant like, in general, since he were no longer bedridden. But since she were already imagining what kinds of fireworks to make, to celebrate this, Power were going to end up eventually getting to meet up with Blitz, and her current fixation on him. Maybe if he were lucky, it'd wane over time.

On 2022-02-13 at 7:38 AM, Illiad Easle said:

With that all said and done, Dr. Conegher and Silver stood to leave, citing other commitments, Silver asked before she left, "Blitz, you want to stay here? You want to come with me? Or do you want to go back to your room?" 

"Mmmmmm... Foal, sleep, work... Nnnnnngh... No, noes. Power needs rest, I bet. And his parents. Best to give them space, yes? And too early for sleep. I'm fiiiiine."

She dragged her word a bit there, as her focus seemed to vanish for a moment, but she were fine. Okay? Totally fine! She just needed to walk it off a bit, that was all. Get some blood back in the system, and get the blood rolling.

"I'll go with you, Silver."

She turned around before wandering out, and gave a wave towards the two, now happier parents. Maybe this whole thing were not ideal, since there were probably some side effects, to being made out of crystal, but it were okay. Least he were alive now, and they'd weather the storm for him. She felt 110% sure of that.

A big smile later, she'd turn, and skip to Silver, ready to leave. Bet there were many other important things to do too, just waiting to happen! Maybe she'd find some time later though, to make something fun? *gasp* A rattle that made explosion sounds when you shook it?! Wait, was Power too old for that? Hmm... Maybe best to not risk it. New idea then: A fluffy thing, that made explosion sounds when you hugged it. Perfect! Now to think of where to harvest something hairlike... Hmm, maybe she needed to sneak off, and find if there were a barber or something around, she could nick some hair from? Or was that gross? Peh, she'd think over it.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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While there were a large number of popular and public overlooks, most of them over the sides of the project or towards the front, the one they had been told to go to was rather secluded, a bit of a pain to get to, and did not offer a good view except of the back of the project. Needless to say, it was unoccupied when they got there, and they couldn't see any other creatures from it.

Dr. Conegher's expression hardened a bit at Maud's request, "That is not something I can arrange. No one sees Tower unless he approves," he shook his head, "As you can't find him unless he wants to be found. Still, even if I could bring you to him, why should he trust you? Sure, you've an impressive history behind you, but better ponies have had worse intentions before. You can tell me whatever you want to tell Tower, and I'll make sure he gets the message, then if he's interested, he'll contact you."

He turned his attention to Spiral, "That's why I picked this overlook, I closed off the hallway on my way here, so no one can get to us here without us knowing well in advance, and the noise of the engine will keep anyone from overhearing us. So, here's about as secure as it gets on this Project. Let's get down to business then. The short of it is that Apollo must be replaced before he can destroy the Project. So we need to find a suitable replacement for him, as well as figure out a way to remove him that will minimize the potential damage."


@Kujamih @Blitz Boom

Light would have no trouble reaching the cafeteria, and would reach it about the same time that Briar, Brittle, and Brittle's tutor would. Though if they chose to interact would be up to them. The attitude in the cafeteria was subdued, tired, as it typically was as the end of a cycle approached. Still, they had the standard selection of foods, and there was plenty of conversation to be had among those present.

Those present in the cafeteria seemed to self-segregate by role, though if they looked closer there also seemed to be division even within the role groups, though what would be the dividing factor was impossible to tell visually.

Brittle's tutor would procure a table for Briar and Brittle, having arrived a few minutes before them, and even already had a small selection of food ready for them.


@Blitz Boom

Silver would lead the way to the cafeteria, where the others were gathering, though not in any obvious hurry, "Thank you again for your help Blitz. I'm glad you were able to be a part of that. Hopefully we'll have other important things for you to help with in the future. Would you like that?"

They'd arrive at the cafeteria about half an hour after the others did.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 2 weeks later...

@Illiad Easle @Kujamih

Going to the cafeteria, the first order of business, were ordering some food. Briar ordered himself a salad and some fish, whilst Brittle would go for what she knew. That being whatever emotional jelly were on offer. If they had honey though, she'd cautiously ask for a little of that too. She had tried a honey cookie some years past, and had found it to be one of the substances she could apparently keep down. Yet it had been a while, since last she had a chance to try it.

Brittle would once again, hold the spot best suited for keeping distance between herself, and others. Be it between Briar and the tutor, or optimally, with her being in a corner position, and Briar next to her. She may have opened up some, but there were a fair distance from that, and to trusting others fully. She'd need far more time for that, but at least she were somewhat comfortable around a few, beyond Briar. That were progress, if nothing else.

They barely had the time to find their seat however, before  a familiar presence made himself known. One which made Brittle snuggle in closer to Briar, and look fearful towards the approaching pony. Briar on the other hoof, would instead offer a friendly smile. He had yet to find reason to consider this one an enemy, so why act as if he were, lest he did something to change his mind on this matter?

"Light, yes? Do feel free to join us, though I ask it to please be a position not adjacent to Brittle. She requires some time to warm up to new faces. I hope you can understand.

As for our day, it have been fine. Work is later, so currently, it is but time to eat, and prepare for the days duties, as they come. There is still a few days til my next harvesting too, so today should proceed rather calmly, I'd assume, barring issues with certain arrangements. How might your time have been, since last?"



@Illiad Easle

"Uhuh. It's so nice to work on something where you can like, See that it helps someone, and not just be told by the military ones. Hehe, gonna need to prepare some fun fireworks, to celebrate the good job. Don't tell Grump, but I have a some fun things hidden around, that she haven't found. I'm pretty sure non of them are gonna melt things.

It'll be fun someday, when we get home again. Then I can make lots of things that's not all hush hush, and can go everywhere. Big bro kept saying that was the important part when you were a tinker. Stuff had to help lots and lots of beings, or it'd be meaningless."

Odds were that her plans wouldn't go as expected though. There were still a long time til they returned, but when they did, Blitz were the sort of mind already, that'd only improve, as she got older, and her impulse control got better, and her potential more explored. It were in The Æther's best interest, if they could convince her to remain as part of their team, once they returned from this travel, and established whatever science facility they'd move on to. Or would merge into, that were already there, when they got back to the planet.

Forcing her wouldn't do well, as she would not do things for them, and would spend all her efforts, sabotaging things to get out. And she were a resourceful lot. She were also rather gullible though, so it were all a matter of spinning it right, and make sure she understood the good she could do, if she remained in service, rather than go freelancer. Play the cards right, and they could have a long term asset. One that might cross generationally, as the Boom family line, had a high proportion of efficient tinkerers, in their family line. It were only a few that didn't have the spark, as one might say. Find her a nice colt/eventually a stallion, that'd be connected to the team, and they should be able to get a deal, somewhat as it had been with Center Zero, where the family line had been employed for generations before the crisis. Though with hopefully less twisted science into bioweapons, and murder robots. Less of that would be good.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom 

"Thanks and noted. Give space to Brittle." 

As they've taken their order and sat at their table, small talk would continue.

" Hello and good morning Brittle." Light wave casually to her.

" And to you as well. I'm Light by the way," he introduced himself to the tutor.

He'd continue to also talk about his day.

" Have you ever have that day, where you've done so many, and yet done nothing at all? Well that was kinda my day." He grinned while playing with his food.

Then he noticed a familiar pony entering the cafeteria.

"... Blitz? Blitz Boom?"

Light was a bit shocked to not notice this pony. Was in this dimension.

" Huh... I guess today is getting quite interesting." 

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@Illiad Easle

Maud's expression was unwavering as she continued to look into the stallion's eyes with that same gaze that she always had, while Spiral and Trixie were more visibly interested in what he had to say but despite their reactions, Maud would speak first. 

"There is a Changeling by the name of Red that I had the unfortunate encounter with. She is a direct threat to this project and the plan to replace Apollo. If this plan is to work - one needs to consider other wildcards and variables that stand in the way to that. If Tower, and we wish to save the future of this project we must stop Red from getting in the way of that and exacting her revenge further. Surely he, as well as you - can understand why that is important." she spoke calmly, then further going into explicit detail about her interactions with Red. Maud would also inform him of anything else she had known or seen from Red, revealing her entire interactions with him as well as speaking about Fury.

"That's all fine and dandy, but what will we do about Apollo? If you ask me, the best we can do is a large scale coup. Sure, there are bound to be causalities, which is why it is best that we mitigate any damage by planning ahead of time. Get certain key factors in play, all that." Spiral suggested.

Trixie looked to Spiral and then back to the doctor. "Trixie thinks that Apollo needs to be replaced. But Trixie also wonders who would be suited to replace him. I would vote for Maud. She has always had Spiral's back, thick and thin, and she is the last living relative of you know who." she spoke, thinking out loud. 

Maud slowly rose an eyebrow at that, but didn't otherwise comment. She did however, show the doctor the card Apollo gave her. 

  • Brohoof 1

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@Blitz Boom

The one serving the gel was a changeling with amber coloration, who would watch Brittle curiously as she approached. Brittle could choose between Joy and Satisfaction today, and would be given a small amount of honey along with some bread when she asked for it.

Brittle's tutor was happy to take up the opposite side of Brittle from Briar, keeping her safe on that side.

@Blitz Boom @Kujamih

The tutor gave Light an odd look, "It's a bit early to have done much today, at least for me, I'm not much of a morning person." she shrugged.

When Light mentioned Blitz though, she stiffened a bit, turning hurriedly to see, relaxing a bit when she saw that Blitz was accompanied by Silver. She turned back to her table, a bit stiffer than before. "You know Blitz? That's... nice. It wasn't because she broke something of yours was it?"

@Blitz Boom

Silver looked thoughtful as she nodded, "You know, that's true. Building this whole project was a work like that, trying to help as many as possible. You know... how'd you like to be my apprentice? Like, in an official capacity? The work may not be as fun as what you've been doing, but I can guarantee that it will help lots of creatures."



Dr. Conegher was surprised by the intel that Maud had for him about Red. "That is indeed troubling. I can't say I have much experience with changelings however, we may need to find an expert to best decide how to deal with her. Changelings as bad actors have been a concern on this project before, which has caused some social tension already. If Red were to try something, it may further weaken the social unity."

Dr. Conegher didn't seem too excited about the idea of a large coup. "If we were to pull something like that off successfully, we'd need a representative portion of all the factions on our side. If just one or two were supporting us, the others might see it as a hostile takeover and fight back, or undermine our efforts going forward. If we managed to eliminate Apollo, then we'd simply need to boost a new candidate that could unite the project."

He shrugged at Trixie's suggestion of Maud as the replacement, "I'm sure she'd be popular with the Equestrians at least, but that same fame could work against her with the Trojans and others. Not saying it's a bad idea, just that there'd be some legwork necessary to convince the rest, especially considering how long you've been here, or rather, how long you haven't been here. It might be better if we looked for someone with a longstanding reputation on the project. And of course," He turned to Maud, "You'd have to be fully willing to take that power on."

He was surprised to see the card she'd gotten, "How- How'd you convince Apollo to give you this? I helped build this Project and even I don't have that level of clearance. That will certainly come in handy going forward."

"Now, we best not stay in one place too long, others might get suspicious. Might be best if, for now, you all went and mingled with the creatures on the project, see if you can't get a feel of how the different areas are feeling. Some factions may be more agreeable to a coup than I might guess."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

The doctor could have sworn that Maud smirked briefly as he mentioned the card. "It was Red's idea. There was a theft of Minostraulium from one of the areas I was assigned by Apollo to guard. I was ordered by him to look for it but he told me that I would be killed if I used this card for purposes he didn't approve of or if I lost it - I walked out on him, displeased with the idea. Red then convinced me that it was a better idea to grovel before him and admit I was 'wrong' to get the card back, allowing me to get anywhere on this vessel without issue, in a practical sense." she commented in a logical manner, her gaze looking into his eyes.

"If it means that this project has a manner of succeeding then I would like to lead, yes. I would not lead for myself but for the safety of those aboard and the survival of this project. Believe me, I would not want to be a leader for any other reason than that. But if so few have that reason - then I will." Maud spoke honestly. If anyone could be able to detect lies, she was telling the truth. Selfless, for the sake of those aboard the ship and not just seeking leadership to just be a leader for the sake of it. 

Spiral and Trixie otherwise agreed with what was stated and the three of them would leave the area unless the Doctor had anything to say about it. They'd casually go to another area, while Maud was making it looking like she was searching about as Apollo wanted her to do, if anyone was watching her. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Illiad Easle @Kujamih

On 2022-03-06 at 4:00 AM, Illiad Easle said:

The one serving the gel was a changeling with amber coloration, who would watch Brittle curiously as she approached. Brittle could choose between Joy and Satisfaction today, and would be given a small amount of honey along with some bread when she asked for it.

Brittle's tutor was happy to take up the opposite side of Brittle from Briar, keeping her safe on that side.

Brittle would cover slightly more behind Briar, as she got near the changeling. She had still not been properly exposed to good ones, and seen them mostly at a distance, whilst her close up experienced remained rather poorly. Still, she wasn't running off, so it could well be worse. She just wouldn't say anything, and just point with a somewhat shaky hoof, towards the Satisfaction. Briar would lead her words beyond that, to eventually get her a modest, yet hopefully good meal. She hadn't tried honey in concentrated form before - having only tried it in a cookie, that one time in Ponyville - and bread were... Varied, in whatever or not she could keep it down. But she'd try.

On 2022-03-06 at 4:00 AM, Illiad Easle said:

The tutor gave Light an odd look, "It's a bit early to have done much today, at least for me, I'm not much of a morning person." she shrugged.


On 2022-03-01 at 10:03 PM, Kujamih said:

"Thanks and noted. Give space to Brittle." 

As they've taken their order and sat at their table, small talk would continue.

" Hello and good morning Brittle." Light wave casually to her.

" And to you as well. I'm Light by the way," he introduced himself to the tutor.

He'd continue to also talk about his day.

" Have you ever have that day, where you've done so many, and yet done nothing at all? Well that was kinda my day." He grinned while playing with his food.

Brittle would silently, and gnaw slowly through her meal, not making much eye contact. She wasn't used to this much attention, and were trying to steady her nerves to approach. In words, mind you. She wouldn't raise a hoof to touch any of them. Not even the tutor, though she were tentatively starting to trust her some, as days had gone by, without her seeming to want to harm her, or give off negative emotions.

"Early or late, every day is a new opportunity, to be productive. Ours may have just started, and yours gone on through the night, Light, yet there is plenty of time for us all to do our part. Quite honestly, I do so enjoy the amount of work there always is to do in this facility. Nothing quite like feeling useful, for me. Were it not for it being so far removed from the surface, I could wish for little more.

What work have you, that brings you to putting so much effort into the hours, before the sun is meant to rise? I find myself curious, Light. If you would indulge some details, it would be greatly appreciated."

On 2022-03-01 at 10:03 PM, Kujamih said:

"... Blitz? Blitz Boom?"

Light was a bit shocked to not notice this pony. Was in this dimension.

" Huh... I guess today is getting quite interesting." 


On 2022-03-06 at 4:00 AM, Illiad Easle said:

When Light mentioned Blitz though, she stiffened a bit, turning hurriedly to see, relaxing a bit when she saw that Blitz was accompanied by Silver. She turned back to her table, a bit stiffer than before. "You know Blitz? That's... nice. It wasn't because she broke something of yours was it?"

"Broke? Why, perish the thought. I knew of her from Ponyville. Mostly by word, as by the time I had arrived, they said she had left with her brother. I consider it is good fortune to hear, that she is doing well. Though it appears as if not all reactions to her presence are as pleased. Are she mayhap clumsy? It sounds as if she may have caused some harm, to something of yours at least?"

He'd *look* towards the tutor as he asked this, and then would turn his head towards Light. He had no need to face others, but it were the polite thing to do, whilst talking with another. It also helped them tell whom he were talking to sometimes, as he could not exactly look at them, so facing them were the best he were able to offer. Not the most direct, but name dropping, or grabbing others, were not always the way.

"And pray tell, how do you know her? Have you passed through Ponyville too, by chance, in the years before the dreadful happenings?"

On 2022-03-06 at 4:00 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Silver looked thoughtful as she nodded, "You know, that's true. Building this whole project was a work like that, trying to help as many as possible. You know... how'd you like to be my apprentice? Like, in an official capacity? The work may not be as fun as what you've been doing, but I can guarantee that it will help lots of creatures."

Blitz got a grin so big on her face as she heard this, that she almost looked like she were gonna split her head in two. Followed by a rigorous nodding session. She were tempted to tacklehug Silver for this comment, but she had toned that down quite a lot in the last year or so, as she had gotten more mass, and it could end up cause actual harm. Which she could before too, technically, but at least then, some had thought her just enthusiastic, and/or adorable. So she had a bit of leeway. She still hugged others though. A lot. Just without velocity.

In fact, she'd go and grab Silver into one right now, after she nodded. Just give the mare a good ol' friend hug, and say her response in her ear. As if it weren't obvious already.

"I'm in! I wanna keep helping lots and lots of creatures, and I bet I can still sneak time for fun side projects. Not like you've... Nevermind. I'm game for this."

Blitz had been about to mention a few side projects, that they hadn't stopped her in, at least yet. Some due to her hiding them. Question remained if she hid it well enough, or it were being monitored, just in case, but either way, she stopped herself, before going on too much about them. Wasn't about those things either. They were talking about the big league here. This were gonna be awesome!

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Kujamih @Blitz Boom

On 2022-03-05 at 9:33 PM, Kujamih said:

" Hey, is there any chance her brother is around?" Light curiously asked the tutor.

The tutor shook her head sadly, "No. From what I heard he refused to come aboard, said he wanted to keep doing good on the ground. I mean, the two of them survived this long, he may still be out there, but there's no way to tell."

11 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

It sounds as if she may have caused some harm, to something of yours at least?

She shook her head again, "No no, it's just... she doesn't play well with the other foals her age. She's very smart, but also very skilled at explosives. And explosives don't mix well with younger ponies who don't know how to stay safe. Which is why she isn't kept with the others, despite technically being an orphan."



Dr. Conegher thought on that for a moment before nodding, "That could work then, you've already managed to do something that the rest of us thought impossible, maybe you can do another impossible task in getting the majority of the Project to support you." He turned to leave, "I'll pass on your message to Fury, if he has any ideas, he'll pass them along to you. In the mean time, go ahead and get started on gauging the Project's receptiveness to having you as a leader. But be discrete about it. If Apollo catches on, or even suspects that you might be out to replace him, we may never see you again."

As the three of them were wandering about, Spiral's eye would be caught by a sheet of paper taped to a wall, it visually matched the notes that she had received earlier. Most likely it was from Fury.

On the sheet was a list of names, it was titled: "Potential leaders of the Æther by faction." Listing out a few names and each of the major factions present on the Project. Getting the support of these leaders among the factions might be a good place to start in Maud getting made the leader after Apollo.


@Blitz Boom

Silver smiled at Bling's enthusiasm, and gently returned the hug, "Alright, I'll let you know as soon as I've got something lined up for you, I get the feeling that we'll need a lot of your inventiveness in the coming weeks."


@Kujamih @Blitz Boom @Starforce

At about that moment an announcement came over the PA system: "Attention, the Æther Project will be cycling in one hour. Please secure all loose objects and get comfy, predictors say this one may be a bit longer than others."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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12 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

The tutor shook her head sadly, "No. From what I heard he refused to come aboard, said he wanted to keep doing good on the ground. I mean, the two of them survived this long, he may still be out there, but there's no way to tell."

" ....hmmmm he would've been a great leader...a bit horny but great none the less... I guess that's out of the question for now...."

13 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

She shook her head again, "No no, it's just... she doesn't play well with the other foals her age. She's very smart, but also very skilled at explosives. And explosives don't mix well with younger ponies who don't know how to stay safe. Which is why she isn't kept with the others, despite technically being an orphan."

" Hehehe explosives don't mix well with foals? Then what do you call her then?" He questions and gave a sly smile towards the tutor.

15 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

At about that moment an announcement came over the PA system: "Attention, the Æther Project will be cycling in one hour. Please secure all loose objects and get comfy, predictors say this one may be a bit longer than others."

" Oh.... Here we go again... You need any help securing anything loose by any chance?":toldya::mlp_smug: He asked the tutor.

@Blitz Boom

11 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

And pray tell, how do you know her? Have you passed through Ponyville too, by chance, in the years before the dreadful happenings?"

".... Ahmmm...UUHHH yes.":yeahno:


  • Brohoof 2
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@Illiad Easle

The three of them had headed to another area of the vessel. It didn't particularly matter where they had went in mind, ending up at one of the areas where there was a large amount of congregation. Spiral and Trixie took note of the posters and pointed them out to Maud. While they were looking around as if determining who to really talk to, they would hear the PA come over the PA system.

They looked to each other suspiciously. "Something's going on. I can almost feel it. Reckon we should find out what it is?" Spiral asked.

"Not yet, let's continue just, asking around." Trixie replied. Maud was silent on this matter and the three of them would casually walk about, asking around at the various posters. They took the Doctor's words to heart though, and only would mention things that would not raise any suspicions. The way they had went about this was remarkably planned and coordinated, thankfully. Spiral showed to be the main force behind planning this, with Maud and Trixie simply following her word. It was best for her, to have Maud be the one to seek leadership instead of her. Spiral's reputation wasn't the best, and she knew that Maud would likely secure positions for her and Trixie in leadership. Spiral was satisfied with not being the leader in the end - a place at the table would satisfy her all the same.

  • Brohoof 1

Maud Pie signature

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@Illiad Easle @Kujamih

On 2022-03-16 at 4:58 AM, Illiad Easle said:

She shook her head again, "No no, it's just... she doesn't play well with the other foals her age. She's very smart, but also very skilled at explosives. And explosives don't mix well with younger ponies who don't know how to stay safe. Which is why she isn't kept with the others, despite technically being an orphan."

"Reminds me of what they said, when we visited Ponyville. A gifted, friendly filly, yet terribly dangerous, due to her proficiency. I admit, as a rather flammable being, I felt somewhat relieved, to not meet her more personally, back in the day, due to those rumors. A dreadful thing to say, I know, but what you say now, resonates with what they said then, when she had lived by herself, within the forest. A few tidbits of her having caused trouble in school and at an orphanage came up as well, though at least none with serious injury attached. I can only guess that is why they did not have her forcibly enter some kind of protected area, but allowed her some autonomy, yet warned their foals to remain at distance.

...I can imagine it mustn't be easy for her either. Alone as she is, cut off from others her age, because what she loves the most, are not seen as fit for them... Least it sounds as if she is still able to hold a smile, upon her lips."

Blitz did actually go well with younger foals on one angle, and that were fireworks. Who didn't like looking at that, right? But in these halls, finding a safe spot for it, weren't always exactly easy, and yeah, she had taken some real explosives around others before, so she were understandably judged by that too. At least the adults seemed to enjoy her company. Well, some of them at least. One stood with her, that much he could tell, and it seemed as if they were friendly.

On 2022-03-16 at 5:21 AM, Kujamih said:

" Hehehe explosives don't mix well with foals? Then what do you call her then?" He questions and gave a sly smile towards the tutor.

This one, made Brittle's lips curl up a little, for a few seconds, and Briar's more noticeably so. It seemed they enjoyed this kind of humor.

"He does make for a fair point. Yet I believe she may have meant more generally. Which I can agree with too, as I do not think, that foals should handle such volatile things."

On 2022-03-16 at 5:21 AM, Kujamih said:

".... Ahmmm...UUHHH yes.":yeahno:

"Oh? Is there more to that story, or would you prefer to not speak of it? I would not judge you, if it were in a less than stellar manner you were there, if it helps. It's a new world, and I believe that us who are alive, should yet try and give one another a chance, to show they can emerge from the ashes, a better being."

On 2022-03-16 at 4:58 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Silver smiled at Bling's enthusiasm, and gently returned the hug, "Alright, I'll let you know as soon as I've got something lined up for you, I get the feeling that we'll need a lot of your inventiveness in the coming weeks."

"Cool! I look forward to doing all sorts of stuff. I bet big bro's gonna be proud of me when we get home someday."

They could tell her odds day after day, but they'd never make Blitz believe that her brother might be dead. Not that many likely tried. In these times, anyone should keep what little hope they had left, and not have it dashed by the likeliness of a cruel reality.

On 2022-03-16 at 4:58 AM, Illiad Easle said:

At about that moment an announcement came over the PA system: "Attention, the Æther Project will be cycling in one hour. Please secure all loose objects and get comfy, predictors say this one may be a bit longer than others."

"Oooh, it's time to get strapped in fo- Hey! It's those ones from yesterday! Hello!"

Blitz finally bit notice in Briar and the others, and raised a hoof to give them a solid wave. One which Briar would return - which spared him from focusing on certain, potentially crude comments - and Brittle... Well, she'd look towards Blitz. She could practically taste her enthusiasm and joy from all the way over here. It was a little uhm... W-Well, it reminded her of Pinkie Pie, but less scary.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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