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private The Æther Project

Illiad Easle

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@Blitz Boom @Illiad Easle @Props Valroa

-White Light-

A white pony stuck in the voids of Limbo. locked in a never ending cycle of battle with the darkness. Faithed to be erased and forgotten. 

Stuck with him was the Draconicous who was once his enemy, now a dear and loyal friend.

His faith was at its end as he bleeds and faint from time to time. The only reason for him to stand and fight was his Friend.

" ...how long have we been here..." He says as he drops to his knees weak and fading.

" Crap... It seems i can't keep my promise to you..."

" Damn it... It seems I'll never get to know your true name."

The pony's eyes began to dim.

" No... I wish i could've at least saved you..." 

The concept of time in limbo was different, to others it would've felt like it was just months... But to Light, it felt like it was centuries that passed. And yet it felt like seconds since they last met.

Edited by Kujamih
  • Brohoof 1
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@Illiad Easle @Kujamih @Props Valroa

The years had gone, for better or for worse, for many aboard The Æther. Some had moved on, some had changed drastically, and other still, were now burdened with responsibility, that they might never had imagined, just two decades past, that they would be bearing.

Still, when the call to adventure came, there were still those who would answer, in one way or another. One of those, would meet with Power, as he were walking away from the hangar.

"Oh, lookie who it is. It's Power."

Blitz Boom had been walking a round, as she tended to do after a jump the past ten years. With The Æther getting more and more worn, anyone who could do proper repairs in an emergency, could all of a sudden get in handy, and as such, she'd wander around with her usual toolbelt. One of her inventions, that filled only a little more than a regular belt, but folded and folded several times, to allow her to wander with several dozen micro-tools. Around 68, to be exact. The microtools might sound like they were worth nothing, but it were just tools better suited for her, and other unicorns, as they went away with all the wasteful parts like handles, and focused on reinforced parts of the important stuff. Allowed her to carry a lot of stuff, with a fraction of the weight and space needed. Though she did make several more sets, upgraded as she made new tools, and then made an adapter for non-unicorns.

She also carried with her some parts down in a couple of saddlebags, resting beneath her elegant, metallic wings. She sorted out how to make these proper around eight years ago, after seeing some of Silver's work on The Æther itself, and then spend another two years refining the look and making a basic program that would work with the host, to make them usable, with a discreet enough power module. Really helped her once they had figured out how to use moon energy, as well as sun energy. It was a great, collaborative effort that came from that, though it wasn't even one from the lab who she'd give a good deal of the credit. Not technically. Had been one of the pickups, that had helped with cleanup stuff, that turned out to have a knack for seeing through all the overcomplicated stuff that Blitz put down in the paperwork, and focus things. At least he did so for her, and her work had improved greatly in several ways, by him helping to cut Through the fluff.

Occam and her had hung out for years, and as she got older and slowed down, she didn't just go to him as a friend, or someone to talk work with. She started to see him in a different light, and things happened. They spend more and more time when she wasn't working together, with her being there as he faced grave news, and stood up for him, when others scoffed at his inclusion on her research papers, or just were after him in general,. as he didn't much stand up for himself at first. He then in turn, also helped to support her, mellowing her out, and were the first one she turned to, when she finally had a breakthrough with the therapist, and unlocked her memories about the horrible last day, of Center Zero. It had been a difficult time after that, but he had been there to help support her, from her breakdown over it, to informing the leadership, as Center Zero were a sore point for those in the know from Troy, and she knew a few things that might also help, from their early work that she had remembered, from her early years. There were more, but their story had been long and had just gotten them closer.

In fact, they got married a month after she turned thirty, and now? Heh, well, she wasn't pointing towards the lovely glowing form of Power for her sake.


Strapped to her front, were Blitz and Occam's daughter. Had her mother's flaming red mane and tail, and his snow-white cloak, and looked at Power with big, happy eyes. Wonder and joy shinning in those emerald-green eyes, as they landed on a pony embracing one of the two things, that made little Fizzy Boom happy: Shining things. The filly would turn a year in a week, but already from the get go, she had been obsessed with shining things, wanting to take them in and hug them closely. As well as put them in her mouth, but that was just how these little ones were, she were told. As this were her first foal, she had made sure to read up on, and hear advise from a fair bit of other mothers on board, even if they did not have little ones themselves anymore. Though this one were somewhat different, due to a family weakness, and Fizzy's second obsession: Dynamite. The little unicorn were so enticed by them, that the plush they had gotten made to her, that looked like one, were never out of her sight. And if it were, she began to cry, until they found it, though exploding things near her, made her happy enough to last for a bit, until it were located. Especially fireworks, with extra glitter. Made her the happiest little scamp imaginable.

Currently she had that dynamite stick halfway in her mouth, and wouldn't stop drooling over it, until she had seen Power. Having helped him get to be like this, Blitz had made an effort to try and check up on him, now and again, to see how he were doing, and she supported his want to go into politics. She considered it to be a great idea, as he seemed a good colt, and it would be a huge step forward, for augmented beings like himself. There weren't a gigantic amount yes, but they had the skills, and various degrees of augmentation of replacement, could be necessary, and it were good to have one representing that. Blitz herself in fact, had to replace her entire back right leg, after a lab accident. Silver had honestly seemed more distraught than Blitz had over it, but then, Blitz just saw it as a challenge, that required a need to make a proper replacement. Work didn't stop, just because she blew up a leg, right? That sorta stuff didn't happen much these days, as she were a littler more cautious than when she were younger, and especially with her daughter here, she'd be careful. However, she were also planning to continue family tradition, and give Fizzy her own toolbelt when she got old enough, and plenty of moral support, in case she felt like building stuff. They'd see where her path took her.

"It's good to see you here Power. Lemme guess, trying to gather some more votes? Heh, I seriously hope you get there. Occam and I for sure are gonna cast it on you, and I bet Fizzy here would too, if she were old enough. She's always happy to see you."

While this were going on, at the hangar itself, others would arrive there. That being a group of four, wearing peculiar garbs. Somewhat reminiscent of old Night Guard uniforms, but more streamlined and with a different crescent moon symbol, adorning their armor.

The one in front of them, would look over the currently gathered beings, with her icy-blue eyes, studying them closely, as they still did, so many years after the first time. Though they were not harsh, and full of suspicion.

It had not been easy, but Blitz and Spiral, each were a catalyst for Last Stand to change for the better. Spiral's acceptance of Last as her friend, and Blitz's relentless pursuit to be it too, had made her open up slightly more to others and begin to tell stories more around, and try to mingle. It had various results, with a fair bit of times, her getting as judged for her views and story, as she had expected. But she were encouraged to keep trying, and eventually, that would lead to her connecting with others. Not just that, but she even managed to find some likeminded souls, who were looking for purpose, and thought her ideals resonated with them. Most were not much in the way of fighters, but those who accepted her offer, she trained, and trained hard. Not everyone stuck the landing, and some of those left. But most who stayed, had become formidable fighters in their own way, and had taken in her views, while adding some perspective that helped to change them to less fanatical, and focused solely on making a singular being, somewhat of a deity, that they were all to follow. Changes and adapting them to being more towards a neutral order, with a firm belief system of doing what were right, however hard it might seem, began to connect them more, and shape them into something better.

They were still judged by some, as though it were less with the old beliefs of the Shrine Maidens, they did still believe in touchy things not all liked to even bring up, such as mercy kills, and the sacrifice of a few, for the betterment of the many, but they mostly ignored those, and kept on things, under the guidance of Last herself. Wasn't like they wanted to spill innocent blood, but if for instance there were one possessed by a thing, that would kill many more, they were committed to making the tough choice, of putting the affected out of their misery, before they managed to hurt someone else.

On The Æther, the New Moon Order, were firmly under the command of the current consul, and the general in charge. That were part of the agreement, though Last also made it clear that once they would eventually land, their order would leave them, to find somewhere that they were needed, and raise their blades for someone worthy. Though that might well be Troy, or the current Consul, depending on things on the surface. All they knew, where that this ship, were not their home. Their place, and unwavering loyalty, would be needed elsewhere.

This many years in, the order numbered only 20 members though. Not many, but when they'd eventually have a base of operations of their own, she were confident, that new recruits would join them, of any race they so wished. She did not care about petty differences like race. If they were willing to fight for a just cause, she would welcome anyone. Hence only 12 of her recruits, were actually ponies, with some mixed others beyond that. And even those who did not fight well, were still there. She demanded of those in the order, that they knew how to defend themselves, but they could help in other ways. One of their members for instance, was a great accountant. He also knew thirty-three different ways to slice a head off, which she at least considered impressive. Especially as he did not carry a weapon greater than a paper-knife most of the times. She had seen the results before though, when he were forced to fight. It were something to behold, even if he did not want to do it. Made him remember different times, when he had been aimless, and far less honorable.

The few with her now, were mostly just there because she needed to relay a few orders to them, before she would prepare to depart for the surface. Might be that she had passed her forties, and her mane were getting some streaks of silver in them, but she were still in great physical condition, and via various help from Blitz over the years, also considered herself a far better fighter, for taking in the help. The leg sleeve had gotten well improved for once, making it able to withstand hits greatly, taking away some of the recharge time, reduce the recoil, and made it blend so well in with her leg, that it were nearly invisible, unless you looked closely. It were also able to make for more concentrated blasts, in small *arrows* of sorts, to pierce things. A high powdered, concentrated blast of air delivered that way, functioned much the same as an arrow, being shot with notable force. Though she still also relied well on her sword, that even after all these years, were still sharp, and kept well polished. The last gift of Light, a pony that she had never forgotten, who she used ion her teachings, when it came to selfless actions, and acceptance of those who might annoy you, as they could well prove to be far more in the end, than you gave them credit for. His memory were close to her heart, and in the past twenty years, she had not missed a single memorial service to him, on the day of his death. She didn't care how few others might care, it were important to her.

"Bead, make sure that the papers are checked, and then rechecked after that. We only have a month left, and I want everything in order, for the second we hit the ground."

"Understood, captain."

The snow-white griffon, with the scars going across the back of his wings and pack, making a notable slash pattern going across when they were unfurled fully, would raise a clutched hand to his chest, and stand ready. He might have his orders, but they were not yet dismissed. Not until she were done.

"Tsunami, go back, then take Mistral and Hank to see if the maintenance crew need something. They'll need some strong legs, if something fell loose."

"Yes captain."

The late-thirties mare with the light-blue and white mane and tail, would raise a hoof to her chest too, waiting for them to be dismissed. A mare with Coastal Guard blood in her veins, who never had a chance to raise much above the rank of aspiring recruit down there, but had the conviction and desire to change, that made her fit well with Last. Not her second in command, but Tsunami were up there in their ranks, and lived more up to her name, than her nimble frame would suggest.

The final one, Last would turn to personally. A lime-green and white stallion in his early thirties, looking at her with a licorice stick, slowly chewing in the side of his muzzle. She'd reprimande him if they were on a job, but he knew better than to snack when they were doing that. She did not play favorites after all. Even those like him, had to still do their part, and land where it were best in the rankings.

"Sugar, make sure that the kids take part in the training routine, before they go and play."

"Of course, captain. Try and stay safe down there, okay?"


Last would nod, as he corrected his glasses.

Frankly, Sugar and her had not gotten off on the right hoof. He had been picked up about fifteen years ago, and she had thought little off him at first. Then the twerp turned 18, and suddenly, he began to start his own talks. The sort who reeked of cultism, and as he had approached her, and made some insinuations that she were essentially just doing a cult of her own, she had beaten him up. Had given her a bit of imprisonment, but she had a very bad day already then, and did not need some twerp getting all up in her grill.

Further altercations had caused her to cut his mane and tail a few times, to warn him to back off, thinking him an annoyance at best. Wasn't until she started to ask around, that she found out that he had been raised in a cult, and not knowing what to do with himself, had just begun talking the gospel he had grown up with. He were kept on, as he were a good cleaner, and performed his duties well, but not a lot actually wanted to talk that much wit her. She felt a bit of sympathy for him for that, though she still trounced him verbally and physically a few times. Least she had enough restraints to not stomp his head in, though her words on how she would do it, were graphic, and said right to his face.

Honestly, she still weren't sure how it had happened, but one time, they had started to get into a heated argument about ideology, someone had figured it a good idea to have them cool down, by joining a party, and while none of them usually drank, they were encouraged it, to try and mellow out... One thing lead to another, and she found out some months later, than she were pregnant with twins. She had never wanted to have foals this way, nor with someone like him, but she were old fashioned, in many beliefs, and refused to have the foals adopted away, or aborted. She had been tackling what to do, when Sugar - having heard of things, by some congratulating him, that did not know she didn't want him to be told yet - came to her, and for the first time, the two of them just sat and talked.

Like her, he had lost his parents at an early age, though it were the fault of the cult, and their methods of giving their life energy to something, that took them away at far too ripe an age. Hers were from battle, leaving her with just her sister left. His were still alive, and excelled on this ship, in the medical bay, but he understood the burden of being siblings unprepared for the world, now having to rely on one another, instead of having parents to help one transition into adulthood.

Both of them wanted to have the twins, and neither wished to leave them growing up, without both parents, and so, they began to put in effort. They went to couple's therapy once, before they both agreed they'd rather gag on motor oil, than try that again, and instead began to do things together, and have better talks, as the pregnancy went on. They still had verbal fights at times, especially as she would get to the last month before term, and he were adamant that she had to rest more, but that never really changed. Not even now, ten years later. The two saw more eye to eye, and she did genuinely love him, but they were both stubborn and flared up at times. Rarely enough for a real verbal fight, but several contests of wills as it were, with varying results, regarding who won those.

As for their kids? They were both proud of them, but Last were adamant, that they knew how to fight. She refused to let them be part of the order, as they were not old enough to make the choice, but she did want them to join in on training, and she made sure that they both knew their way around a fight. Been a proud moment, when she had seen them compete on who could get the most throwing knives stuck in the center of the board, and they ended up in a tie. She couldn't wish for better kids than them, and if she could, she'd bring them back something from the surface. She sometimes brought things back when she were out, as she still had her duties to perform. And these fancy wings that Blitz had designed, helped on that too, although it took her some time to get used to them. A battlefield advantage though, were a welcome one, and it were available, so why not? They were best for unicorns and pegasi, due to magic resonating better in one, and the other having the natural instinct to work it, but she could still use it to fly well. Just not as fast, and she couldn't use them to grab stuff, like pegasi could.

Anyway, the three with her, were dismissed, and would go take care of their things. Sugar and her would rub foreheads first for a moment, before he departed though. She did not kis in public much, and she had never become much of a hugger, but they had their own ways of showing affection.

She'd see Pom and Plein approaching, and would nod towards them. She hadn't expected them to volunteer... Well, Plein a little. She seemed the type to want to do something, that were beyond this ship. Last weren't sure if she knew how to defend herself though.

"Hey. You volunteering for the mission?"

"Aaah, to be young, adventurous, and free to embrace it. I remember those times fondly."

Briar would come from the other side, looking not a day older, in the years that had passed. He were taken well care of, so it were not much of a surprise, though he were not the sole giver of sacred essence anymore. With him, were one of the three other Evergrown, that had been rescued over the years. Minus the one who had tragically perished. The fifth, whom they had been allowed to send off, as close to their traditions as they could be, so far from the ground.

One of them were a female, looking sort of like a griffon, with snow-white petals in place of feathers, ice-colored eyes, neck fluff made of soft pine needles, and both her long hair and tail *feathers*, were long, and made of several, interwoven, thin strings of flower stems, ending in white flowers. Unlike him, she did not have the flower buds on the side of her back, as she were another variety of their kind. The first who had been rescued after him in fact, and a look for them to see what a proper, non-mutated Evergrown looked like, as she had eyes, were strictly vegetarian, and were molded by another climate, than the thick jungle he had come from. A northern variety, that lived near an area where griffons were prominent, resulting in the shift in appearance, that came from their kinds natural adaptability at hatching, of the areas they were in. It were also the reason for her clawed hands and feet, being made of wood, and her unique property, which were seasonal magic. A less physical, and more magical version of their kind, who could manipulate weather to an extend, in a limited area, and use her magic to empower growth without the need of essence, among other things. She could fly too, and shower water from her wings for instance, but her flight were slow. Much as her area had adapted, they were not real birds, and as such, were not as naturally inclined to this as they were. Technically, she couldn't even fly per se, as she couldn't go up via the wings alone, but relied on using her strong legs to jump high up, and then use them. It were more akin to a flying squirrel, though she could go up a little, once she were in the air. Depended on her momentum, and the wind currents.

She had a hard time at first, as she considered Briar to be an abomination, but he had helped her, regardless of the things she had said to his open face, and showed her patience and compassion. In time, it helped her to go and assist in the agricultural division too, allow some harvesting in limited amounts too, like he did, and socialize. Though she would likely be sad and prone to weeping more, if he had not helped her, by showing him the sign of their potential future: The seed that he still made sure were safe and sound, and ready for the day they would return to the surface. A glimmer of hope, that she had not before, as she had thought their trees all burned.

The latest of them to join, had all but confirmed that, as all he had heard about, had been burned, or made into parts. A deep forest version of their kind, that looked more like a pony, but were far more on the physical side. Thick bark and moss, hair and mane of gnarly, oaken branches, and hooves as strong as ironwood, he were a formidable figure, even before you saw the fact that he were double the size of the rest of them. He were a gentle soul though, able to fight, but not having the heart for it, and welcoming peaceful resolutions, and using his strength on the fields. He tended to go and whistle in fact, when he worked, and could donate a solid portion of essence often. Something that made up for the last of them, not present here, not often offering much. Though considering his circumstances, there were a good reason for that.

They did need to use a tough drill to get a sample from this one though, as his bark were truly tough. Natural armor as he called it, which were a trait that hopefully would be added to their sacred tree when it would grow. Same with much of Briar's kindness and wisdom, and White Lily's magical prowess. Though they would see in time.

"You here, eh? I thought your adventuring days were over, Briar. Or did she finally let you go off your leash?"

"The Prophet mustn't risk being lost. Too much relies on him, to be put at risk."

Her voice were light and elegant, but she were also insistent, and were the reason why he did not join things on ground. Beyond The Æther preferring that their kind stayed here, to provide essence, and not be risked lost. Something they would lose as they would eventually leave The Æther, but he had assured them, that when they had found a home, he would not have them hidden, as in ages past, and they would trade with things such as this essence, in exchange for goods they would need too. He wished for them to be unified, and working with the other races. Even opening their villages for outsiders to visit, and spoke in general well of his experienced, and the value in trust, and openness. One of the reasons why the other Evergrown, began referring to him as The Prophet, beyond him also holding the seed, though he did thing it a bit grandiose, for his taste. He did not have the heart to take it from them though.

"We have plenty to do up here. We just brought one along who did want to join in."

His voice were loud and booing, yet mellow and kind. Quite frankly, it were hard not to like Oakley, and he actually did well in convincing those who might be unnerved by Briar for instance, or Thorn Weaver, that the Evergrown were just as able to be good, kind beings at their core, as any of them.

As for the one they brought? They'd see her, when Oakly moved aside, and Brittle showed herself.

Even after all these years, she still presented herself with the same strange color pattern,, mane and tail, that she had, albeit in a different style, that made her look more elegant. The years had treated her well, and she did have a base form, after she eventually found out how to control her powers, but she felt wrong, not looking like this, as it were how she had always been. So she just kept a very basic transformation going at basically all times, to keep having these features of hers. She also thought it looked better than her other form, as that one involved a fair bit of pitch black eyes, and stomach colors. She had not been thrilled, to find that her egg had been stolen from Queen Harrow's hive. A hive based around fear, with a poor reputation, even among other changelings. But the colorations made it hard for those in the know, not to spot it right off the bat. Far as she knew, she were likely the last one from there, and good riddance for that. The more she had heard, the less she wanted to have been part of that hive, as they sounded like crazy, evil things.

Still, having found herself, she had been given a chance to better herself, and looking past that, she had begun well She hung out with more, even separately from Briar, albeit it took years for her to try that, with any confidence, and she began mingling with the on board hive. She did her chores, learned, and did regular drone stuff really, as she tried to learn how to be a proper changeling. She weren't perfect granted, as her power could still get a little erratic at times, if she were shocked, though it were not just transformation anymore. Sometimes when it happened, her horn would go aglow in darkness, and blow a blast of pure fear at others, making them caught in the grips of their nightmares, even if they weren't real. She did not like when it happened, nor understood why, but she had come to terms with her being broken, and accepted who she were, and she were at least able to stop the thing from happening, when she did cause it.

It had been around ten years now, since she were finally able to start to try and live a bit of a life, separate from Briar, though they were still close. In fact, after she had started to feel more confident, she had asked how he felt about it, that she thought of him as a father. Briar had embraced her tightly, and said that to him, she would always be his daughter, and that he would feel nothing but joy, if he were able to call her so. Which had been a little weird at first, but it made her feel better. She had long wondered why he called her his ward, and feared it was because he had not wanted her, but once he clarified that it were because he would not try and push this upon her, they were able to move past that.

"You are certain this is what you wish?"

"I've tried a lot of things, but I need to get used to the day when you won't be that close anymore, dad. This is a good way to test myself."

"Don't worry, I'll keep her safe."

Last wouldn't let harm come to Brittle. Briar were a friend of hers, and he wouldn't want to bring him grim news. Nor would she want to tell that to Aurum/Nexus. She had practically grown up, with Brittle around, and while she didn't know exactly how the two viewed one another these days, she did hardly think, that Brittle getting hurt, or worse, would sit well with the alicorn.

"I know you will, and why she needs to do this. Do your best to not stray, okay?"

"Don't worry about that. I'm not gonna go and rush into danger. I'm not stupid."

"Of course you are not. But let your old father worry for you still, yes?"

Brittle were not the coward she once were, and kept her head held high now, but she were still not the sort who liked conflict, or to jump into dangerous situations. Her survival gene were stronger than that. At least she hoped so, as her path would eventually take her off this ship, and into the world. The hive on the ship were nice enough, but it were not where she belonged, and she felt it keenly. Somewhere else, perhaps in the famed Blackwater Quarry, she might find a home, but they would have to see the world they would return to first. How bad it looked, would determine a lot of things.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Props Valroa

On 2023-05-18 at 4:29 PM, Spiral Spell said:

Perhaps it had come with the years of change and how she didn't realize what had exactly changed until it was too late to look back. Spiral had tried her best to completely transform into a different mare than the mare she once was.

(Consul is a two year position, let's say that this is the second year of her first term and that most of her changes over the years were from her going up the levels of hierarchy, culminating in being elected Consul just over a year ago. We can even say that she was Vice-Consul at one point and has headed several comities on the Project.)

On 2023-05-18 at 4:29 PM, Spiral Spell said:

"I hope I've made you both proud..." she sighed as she leaned back in the chair as she shed a single tear that contained long dead memories. 

The Project stabilized after the cycle, her respite would quickly come to an end as her assistant entered the office with the Navigation report, "Consul Spell, Navigation reports a successful transfer, no major damage to report, and Engineering is already moving to repair the minor damage sustained. That being said, we're down to our last shard. The next cycle will be the last one, which, while we're all excited for this... trip... to be over, means we have to stay here until the time is up, or we risk returning too early. Operations reports that they've already got volunteers to go down, but Agriculture indicates that a restock at this point is not required. Whether we send anyone down is up to you."

(It's also your world, so you'll need to describe their surroundings for any away team.)


On 2023-05-18 at 4:29 PM, Spiral Spell said:

When approaching the area where many volunteers were gathering, the others around would recognize her. She was easily recognizable with that steely walk - and the look in her eyes to match. Words did not need to be spoken. They could tell what she wanted to do, anyway.  Maud preferred silence to that of speaking whenever it was possible. It was more rock-like, after all.

Those that knew her knew to give her space, and those who didn't know her were dissuaded from approaching by her cold demeanor, so she was left alone in the hanger as everyone waited for what orders would come down.


On 2023-05-18 at 4:29 PM, Spiral Spell said:

Over the years, it was most likely that Merlot and others she worked with became closer with them over time. Merlot had largely moved on from the pain in her past - instead choosing to embrace her successful life and hoping it all worked out for her.

Merlot had eventually risen to the point where she was part of the rotation of pilots that flew the entire project. This cycle had actually been her turn to fly under the direction of Navigation. Flying blind, following the verbal commands of the Doe navigators, was a difficult experience, but one she had spent countless hours training for, and thanks to her efforts the Project had arrived without any major damage, a difficult feat considering the age of the craft. The Navigation crew all congratulated her and her co-pilots as they helped them out of the complicated harnesses that allowed them to fly the Project as though it were an extension of themselves. Guiding Star, the successor to Dousing Rod as head navigator, came up to congratulate her personally, "That was some impressive flying there, you and your team should be proud. As you know, the final cycle will soon be here, if your team is up to it, I think you would be the best choice to bring us back home."



On 2023-05-19 at 3:55 AM, Kujamih said:

Stuck with him was the Draconicous who was once his enemy, now a dear and loyal friend.

White was, to put it simply, completely delusional.

Avarice had not once spoken to the meddling pony once it had become apparent that they were trapped here together in the void. Electing to turn herself solid rather than wait out what might be eternity listening to this pony's ramblings. Appearing to the only one who could see her to be nothing more than an opulent statue.

As White sat floating in the void, at first it was silent and empty save for the two of them. But as the lack of time passed, he would see large structures enter and leave the void. At first their presence was for no more than a moment, but each consecutive passage took longer, until it was a long enough moment for him to recognize that it was the Project, passing through the void as it cycled. It wasn't always the same Project however, some looked vastly different than he remembered, some newer, some older. One shattered when it entered the void, a few pieces remaining in the absence.

As White finally started to fade, the last of his exceptional power draining away, he didn't notice when a Project appeared behind him, drew just close enough to him, then left, taking him with it.


Suddenly, White was surrounded by light, air, substance, and it was all moving past him as gravity started to take effect again, pulling him to the ground.

The trees in this place were prodigiously tall, which would allow White to slow his fall enough to not be seriously injured if he couldn't fly. (But I'm sure he has some other way to survive. I don't intend for him to be injured too badly in his escape from the void.)


@Blitz Boom


Power had been about to teleport away, as he much preferred teleportation to simply floating along pretending to walk, but when he had been called out to he floated over. "Hello Blitz, taking the little one for a walk I see?"

Power kept his magical form out of Fizzy's reach, not that he didn't want to be embraced by the foal, but because, due to his nature, he wasn't the most pleasant thing to hold. His physique was composed entirely of planes and angles after all, so to hug him would be like hugging a sheet metal statue that was also lightly electrified. Sure, he hadn't actually cut anyone on his angles or vertices... yet... but he wasn't about to scare the foal. Still, he would smile at her and tousle her mane with his magic before turning his attention back to Blitz's follow up.

"I appreciate your support, as I do all the children of the Æther's, but it's not so much the number of votes as it is the support of prominent members. Most of the Trojans and Equestrians won't hardly pay me any mind because of my age, among other things, so getting the vocal support of prominent, respected members like Plein, no offence of course, is paramount to success. She may want to ignore it, but her father was one of the most influential Consuls, and what she says has weight." He sighed, or rather emulated sighing as he didn't have a breath to hold, "Still though, I appreciate your family's support."



In response to Last's question as to whether she was volunteering, Plein would nod and Pom would shake her head emphatically. Plein smiled at that put still stood tall, "Figured I'm running out of chances to get out there before I'll have to do it the old fashioned way. Besides, my cartography skills are much better on the ground than from a plane."

If Last turned to Pom she would simply say, "I'm just here to keep Plein company for a bit, as much as I'm sure Bisquik Jr. would love to get out there, he's got more important things to do up here, and I'm no fighter anyway."



Plein and Pom were both surprised to hear that Brittle wanted to volunteer to go, as they had both known her as, well, shy. Even as they had seen her improve, eventually joining them in class rather than being privately taught, they hadn't expected this change. Still, they were happy to see it, and would beckon for her to join them as they waited. Plein would ask, "Why the change of heart? I thought you liked working up here on the Project?"


(Aurum is on the ship, somewhere, you'll have to find her though to know how she's doing. I don't want to do her introduction until one of you is in place to interact with her.)

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

The trees in this place were prodigiously tall, which would allow White to slow his fall enough to not be seriously injured if he couldn't fly.

@Illiad Easle

The pony free falls as his mind is still a blank.

Then a branch would hit his head leaving him shocked and awake. A second branch would hit and pain would register. A third would hit him and confusion would rise. The fourth branch would hit and reality and fear would come back. as he sees the ground and hit it, frustration and anger would sprout.

" Back to reality and the first one to greet me is paiihhhhn" he exhaled painfully.

He picks himself up and dust off.

"Uuuuhhhhhg where am i?" He weezed.

He looks around to assess the situation.

Edited by Kujamih
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@Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom @Kujamih

All of those on the project would possibly notice that they feel ever so slightly lighter. It's a small thing, barely on the edge of perception for those more observant. It was due to the world they ended up in - having ever so slightly lower gravity.


(Consul is a two year position, let's say that this is the second year of her first term and that most of her changes over the years were from her going up the levels of hierarchy, culminating in being elected Consul just over a year ago. We can even say that she was Vice-Consul at one point and has headed several comities on the Project.)

(Yes, that is what I have had in mind.)


The Project stabilized after the cycle, her respite would quickly come to an end as her assistant entered the office with the Navigation report, "Consul Spell, Navigation reports a successful transfer, no major damage to report, and Engineering is already moving to repair the minor damage sustained. That being said, we're down to our last shard. The next cycle will be the last one, which, while we're all excited for this... trip... to be over, means we have to stay here until the time is up, or we risk returning too early. Operations reports that they've already got volunteers to go down, but Agriculture indicates that a restock at this point is not required. Whether we send anyone down is up to you."

(It's also your world, so you'll need to describe their surroundings for any away team.)

Spiral would lean on her desk as she would look to her respite with calm eyes. "Excellent. Prepare the away teams." Spiral would state, looking out the window. While the sky above had been largely normal - a slight green tinge was visible in the air. As of yet the cause was unknown. "We know not what is of this world, I would urge that volunteers proceed with proper precautions." she spoke as she took a seat in her desk, drumming her hooves slightly across the desk. "Take note of that sky. It's a bit green, wouldn't you say?" she would ask, pointing out the window from her chair. 


Those that knew her knew to give her space, and those who didn't know her were dissuaded from approaching by her cold demeanor, so she was left alone in the hanger as everyone waited for what orders would come down.

Maud would seemingly stand there in a slighty relaxed state. This was a totally different world - as everyone in the hanger can see that the outside sky is a green tinge instead of blue. That already spoke volumes alone. For all the different worlds and timelines they have traveled, not once have they seen a green sky. Until now. This made Maud feel a bit more on edge, as they awaited orders. 


Merlot had eventually risen to the point where she was part of the rotation of pilots that flew the entire project. This cycle had actually been her turn to fly under the direction of Navigation. Flying blind, following the verbal commands of the Doe navigators, was a difficult experience, but one she had spent countless hours training for, and thanks to her efforts the Project had arrived without any major damage, a difficult feat considering the age of the craft. The Navigation crew all congratulated her and her co-pilots as they helped them out of the complicated harnesses that allowed them to fly the Project as though it were an extension of themselves. Guiding Star, the successor to Dousing Rod as head navigator, came up to congratulate her personally, "That was some impressive flying there, you and your team should be proud. As you know, the final cycle will soon be here, if your team is up to it, I think you would be the best choice to bring us back home."

While Merlot had initially been somewhat nervous about this, she assured herself mentally that the countless of training that she had been put through had paid off. Upon the cycle being complete, she would thank the Navigation crew for helping her out of the harnesses. Merlot would nod in a respectful fashion to Guiding Star. "Thank you very much. I have no doubt in my heart we'll be able to succeed in the final mission." she said, with a calm smile across her face. 


The pony free falls as his mind is still a blank.

Then a branch would hit his head leaving him shocked and awake. A second branch would hit and pain would register. A third would hit him and confusion would rise. The fourth branch would hit and reality and fear would come back. as he sees the ground and hit it, frustration and anger would sprout.

" Back to reality and the first one to greet me is paiihhhhn" he exhaled painfully.

He picks himself up and dust off.

"Uuuuhhhhhg where am i?" He weezed.

He looks around to assess the situation.

Light finds himself in a very unfamiliar location. He wakes up at the base of a black tree. As he looks around more, he can tell that the trees are all black. Their leaves starting very high up above him, and these trees look way taller than they should be. He also feels a little lighter, for some reason. He is at the edge of a strange forest, where large fungal growths are seen. In the other direction, he can see a large valley with mountains in the distance. Perhaps he'd like to go out of the forest and take a look at the sky? The sky had a green tinge to it, after all. 


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@Props Valroa @Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom

"....well this place is disgusting..." Light would tip toe and try to aboid touching the fungi as much as possible.

Looking at the sky, it seems the air might as well be full of spores since its green... Whatever makes it green its too late and he already inhaled it.

" Ughh disgusting.... Better than getting stuck on the void am i righ...." He turns around and see that his companion is not with him.

" Ohhh... Crap."

The white pony would try to feel himself and check his body. He tried using his powers, checking if this place affected him.

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@Kujamih @Illiad Easle @Props Valroa


Fizzy giggled as she had her mane ruffled. Hardly something that would change the look really. She might have the same color of hair as her mother - a family gene that seemed rather strong - but it were more wild than hers ever were. No matter how many combs she sacrificed, it would always be wild and seemingly go into tips in random places. Had she known it would be like this, she would have suggested Wildfire as her daughters name. Though it likely wouldn't have changed much. She didn't pick the first name anyway. She heard a few options he came with, and they settled on one they liked. Her only demand, had been that her last name be attached. That were a family name to be proud of, and she wouldn't be the one to break that tradition. Occam had been pretty fair about that. Wasn't too many that had a family name like this, and he liked this one, so there didn't really seem to be a good reason for saying no, and get into an argument over something like that.

"Can't be Occam carrying her around all day, and it's good for her to get some air. So I brought her out to see mommy work. She especially loves it when there's electricity, don't you? Yes you."

Blitz bend her neck to nuzzle her foal. She already knew before Fizzy were born, that she wanted a big family, like she remembered it, and the times she had spend with Fizzy so far, just made it clearer to her. That look of joy and wonder in her eyes, when she saw an electrostatic field, implode around a negative H cube? How could a mother's heart not swell with pride.

Occam was worried though, especially since he knew how reckless Blitz had been, but they were talking about ways to safely introduce Fizzy to science, if she ended up going that way. Who knew though? She liked dynamite and glittering things. She might end up being a jewel thief instead. Just like her great great-uncle Sparkle Boom. Even after she had been born, long after his death, they still sometimes found a compartment with something from one of his heists. He had been pretty good at hiding those things apparently.

They'd try to encourage Fizzy to do something more constructive, if that turned out to be her thing though. Maybe work in a mine as an explosives expert or something? There were plenty of time for them to find out, as she grew up, but so far, the only thing they felt relatively sure of, were that if they stayed anywhere near the area that Power were in, after they landed, Fizzy would eventually be able to walk, and when she did, she would begin to chase Power. He were made completely out of shiny, and would have a tinge of electricity if touched. How could she not want to? Heck, Blitz were no stranger to sneaking in a poke sometimes over the years, for the fun of it.

"And I get it. Plein's vote would mean a lot. More than Occam's and I, I get it. Occam's a nobody to most, and my family is either great geniuses, or unholy monsters. Depends on who you ask, and that sort muddles the water.

Just hang in there though, okay? Plein will probably come around eventually. I'm just guessing that she wants you to earn her support, rather than just give it to you. What she wants to see though? I haven't got the faintest idea. She's a fun one to try and predict sometimes."

Blitz would go into her backpack, and pull out an apple slice. It were about the time for Fizzy to have a little something to eat, and she liked to nom on these. She made sure to keep a close eye though, just in case she tried to put the whole thing into her mouth, but so far, she were surprisingly doing nothing of the sort. At least not with apples. She seemed contend to simply use it more or less like a pacifier. Might come from the first few times, Blitz having put slices like this, on pacifiers, to make sure it could not get too far in actually. Hard to say for sure though. She were still learning as she went along, and for her family, regular tips about foals, did not always apply.

"How are you doing otherwise? Getting excited to land soon?"



(Last and Briar)

"Good. We don't know what's waiting down there, so a small group is better. Makes it easier to keep track of everyone.

Don't worry though. We'll make sure that Plein gets back up. Long as you make sure to stay with the group, okay? I get being exited, but your mother would eject me into the sun, if I didn't get back with you."

Last were not joking, in her mind at least. Silver were not physically all that impressive, but she were part of what kept this ship going. In case she wanted to, Last felt fairly sure that she could do something, that would cause her to be launched straight into the sun. It'd bring her closer to the heavens, where her ancestors flew among the stars yes, but it were not her time to go. Sides, this kid was a good one. She deserved a chance to see the world they'd left behind, and be part of the effort to make it better.

She had a few questions in mind, about how capable Plein were, in case something went wrong, but it seemed the kids were gonna talk now. best to let them at it, and she'd wait for afterwards. Might be they were not literal kids, but she had seen them as that, when she first got here. It were hard not to still think of them as the same little troublemakers, that she had seen the first time, so many years ago.

"Me? I uhm... Well, I do like working up here, yes, but I have to practice. After we land in Equestria, I think I have to go, and this is a good try at seeing how I'd do. Trying to be other places here on The Æther for a few days, have been nice enough practice, but I need the real thing. Somewhere outside my comfort zone."

"She is doing very well in that regard, and I am proud of her improvements. Though it is as she says. Would you like to tell them why that is, Brittle?"

"I guess. It's just... I feel ready for a hive now, but the one here on the ship, it doesn't feel like it's the right one. So I want to go out in the world when we go down, and try to see what other queens are alive, and what their hives are like. It's scary, but I can't keep pushing it off forever.

I've been training though. I'm not good at physical combat, but my magic's better. Not as many odd things happening, as it once did."

She were feeling a bit nervous again now, talking about this honestly. Might be that she now felt confident enough, to not stand in Briar's shadow, but she were still shy and not exactly a brave soldier, like Last were. Honestly felt like Last were one of those, who could still make her shiver and surrender, just from a well placed scowl.

"I in the meantime, will be looking for Aurum. I want to see how she is doing."

"I will join. Work isn't until later, and I like Aurum. She's a fun pony.

"Ah, her, yes... I will go and make sure that Thorn Weaver haven't been doing something unseemly again then. After we have seen Brittle off, of course."

"What do you hope to find down there, little friends?"

Oakley passed over Lily's comment, because frankly, it did not need to be addressed. He and Briar, knew how she felt about Aurum, but deigned it something that were not worth bringing up, lest there were a confrontation of sorts. And Oakly for one, did not much care for that. He liked it much more, when they all got along. One of the reasons why he were looking forward to the new generation of Evergrown, that Briar said, would live with the other races again, instead of apart from them. Just like in the old days. But hopefully with a better outcome.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Props Valroa

On 2023-05-23 at 5:39 PM, Spiral Spell said:

Spiral would lean on her desk as she would look to her respite with calm eyes. "Excellent. Prepare the away teams." Spiral would state, looking out the window. While the sky above had been largely normal - a slight green tinge was visible in the air. As of yet the cause was unknown. "We know not what is of this world, I would urge that volunteers proceed with proper precautions." she spoke as she took a seat in her desk, drumming her hooves slightly across the desk. "Take note of that sky. It's a bit green, wouldn't you say?" she would ask, pointing out the window from her chair. 

The assistant raised an eyebrow, considering sending out teams to be an unnecessary risk, but it wasn't her place to question the Consul. "As you say." In regards to the sky color the assistant shrugged, "Not the strangest thing we've seen yet, but at least green is a somewhat natural color, unlike hot pink or a checkerboard. That typically indicates a strong chaotic proximity anyway, which we try to avoid."

That being said, the assistant would leave the office to pass along the announcement for exploratory teams. While they had found very few survivors these past dozen years, and the majority of those they had found were loyalists, there wasn't much hope that they'd find anyone to bring aboard this time either.


On 2023-05-23 at 5:39 PM, Spiral Spell said:

For all the different worlds and timelines they have traveled, not once have they seen a green sky.

(As far as you know. There were five years prior to when this group got on where things were especially weird, before Discord got bored of it.)


@Props Valroa @Blitz Boom

(The hanger)

Given the number of volunteers already waiting at the hanger, and the smaller need given there was not a restock planned, they did not make an announcement for volunteers over the intercom, instead having one of those in charge simply announce to those gathered: "Alright everyone, thank you for being so eager to volunteer. According to our preliminary scans... we don't know where in the world we are. As such all away teams will need to exercise extreme caution, stay in your groups, and stay close to your craft. Until we can confirm a safe spot in the air the Project will keep moving, so try and work quickly, we don't want to leave anyone behind."

They flipped the page, "That being said, I'd like everyone to group up. Those who have gone on away missions before head over to the armory for equipment. Everyone else wait here and we'll give you assignments as we need them."

Plein looked a little annoyed that she'd have to wait to join the away team, hoping that there would be a spot available for her one all the veterans got through. Pom though seemed relieved as she remained to keep Plein company.


@Props Valroa

As Maud had been down several times before, she'd be in the veteran group. The quartermaster would give her whatever extra equipment she asked for, plus some hazardous environment gear just in case, and she would be assigned to one of the crafts that were being prepared to head down.

@Blitz Boom

As Brittle was new to this, she'd have to wait with Plein for the opportunity to go down.

Last would be headed over to the armory though, and would receive the same set of hazardous environment gear as Maud, plus any extra equipment she requested. Given the small number of craft assigned to go out, it wasn't that much of a surprise that they got assigned to the same one.


@Props Valroa

On 2023-05-23 at 5:39 PM, Spiral Spell said:

While Merlot had initially been somewhat nervous about this, she assured herself mentally that the countless of training that she had been put through had paid off. Upon the cycle being complete, she would thank the Navigation crew for helping her out of the harnesses. Merlot would nod in a respectful fashion to Guiding Star. "Thank you very much. I have no doubt in my heart we'll be able to succeed in the final mission." she said, with a calm smile across her face. 

Guiding nodded, "That's why I picked you. Go on and get some rest, relax a bit, we can take it from here and we'll call you when it's time to go."



Light would find himself feeling weaker, unable to use his more extraordinary powers, but whether that was due to his time in the void or where he was now was still to be determined. Maybe he was just tired from the void?


@Blitz Boom

On 2023-05-24 at 4:19 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Just hang in there though, okay? Plein will probably come around eventually. I'm just guessing that she wants you to earn her support, rather than just give it to you. What she wants to see though? I haven't got the faintest idea. She's a fun one to try and predict sometimes."

Power sighed, "I worry that she's more concerned with distancing herself from her father's shadow, in trying to be her own pony she's throwing away a powerful influence that she could put to good use. But that's her decision to make I suppose."

On 2023-05-24 at 4:19 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"How are you doing otherwise? Getting excited to land soon?"

Power rolled his eyes, "I was born here on the Project, with a dad not from here and a mom who never really felt at home in Troy or Equestria. Even if those places still stood, I don't have anything waiting for me there. Besides, why bother rebuilding when we have everything we need right here? I don't know about you, but I am not build for manual labor. Best if I stay where I'm safe and comfortable."


On 2023-05-24 at 4:19 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I guess. It's just... I feel ready for a hive now, but the one here on the ship, it doesn't feel like it's the right one. So I want to go out in the world when we go down, and try to see what other queens are alive, and what their hives are like. It's scary, but I can't keep pushing it off forever.

I've been training though. I'm not good at physical combat, but my magic's better. Not as many odd things happening, as it once did."

Plein and Pom listened to Brittle's desires, Plein nodding in agreement while Pom looked a little embarrassed that she herself wasn't willing to take that large a step out of her own comfort to join them. Plein responded, "I think that's a good idea, though I wish there were a step in between to better adjust. I mean, moving around the Project is one thing, but out there is a whole other world."


On 2023-05-24 at 4:19 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I in the meantime, will be looking for Aurum. I want to see how she is doing."

"I will join. Work isn't until later, and I like Aurum. She's a fun pony.

"Ah, her, yes... I will go and make sure that Thorn Weaver haven't been doing something unseemly again then. After we have seen Brittle off, of course."

"What do you hope to find down there, little friends?"

Oakley passed over Lily's comment, because frankly, it did not need to be addressed. He and Briar, knew how she felt about Aurum, but deigned it something that were not worth bringing up, lest there were a confrontation of sorts. And Oakly for one, did not much care for that. He liked it much more, when they all got along. One of the reasons why he were looking forward to the new generation of Evergrown, that Briar said, would live with the other races again, instead of apart from them. Just like in the old days. But hopefully with a better outcome.

Aurum Nexus, as she preferred to be called ever since the two personalities within her had started to meld together, had adapted well to life on the Project. Growing up her wings had been hidden by an enchanted necklace, which had worked with only a few minor accidents with thankfully few learning of the truth, and when she came of age she had the enchantment magically tattooed on her so as to prevent it from accidentally failing again, at the cost of making it rather difficult to disable. After learning more about alicorns, combined with her traumas regarding leadership, she expressed no desire to be one.

That being said, there was little she could to with respect to her physique. While she ended up taller than other ponies her age, her slender figure made her look more like Fluer de Lis than Celestia. Tall by unicorn standards, but short by alicorn standards. Her magic had come a long way towards healing her eyesight, but the centuries of damage were far from fully repaired, so she still used her magic to see, her irises glowing with her magic, rather than her entire eyes as before. Nowadays she worked as a magic instructor for the younger ponies on the ship.

She was preparing a lesson for the next day when her visitors arrived, as she decided not to have class during the cycle, so she wasn't busy with students. She looked over at them as they entered the empty classroom, "Oh! Hello Briar, Oakley. How can I help you?" She spoke in the same soft, caring, tone that she used with her students. "I see Brittle isn't with you, is everything alright?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle @Props Valroa @Blitz Boom

As Light tried to concentrate, his bowel movements started to rumble.

" Oh crap oww owww! Horse dung AWWW!!!..." It seems now that his inards is starting to react now from the sudden change of pressure and shift of atmosphere.

" Uuuggghhhh foood...." He wheezed as he crawled at the ground trying to search something to eat. 

he saw one fine leaf and gobbled it up, not even checking if its poisonous.

he paused for a bit, noticing something on what he ate.

" ..... Its actually quite tasty."

he had his fill and continue to wonder off not knowing if that was his last meal or where he is.

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@Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom @Kujamih


The assistant raised an eyebrow, considering sending out teams to be an unnecessary risk, but it wasn't her place to question the Consul. "As you say." In regards to the sky color the assistant shrugged, "Not the strangest thing we've seen yet, but at least green is a somewhat natural color, unlike hot pink or a checkerboard. That typically indicates a strong chaotic proximity anyway, which we try to avoid."

That being said, the assistant would leave the office to pass along the announcement for exploratory teams. While they had found very few survivors these past dozen years, and the majority of those they had found were loyalists, there wasn't much hope that they'd find anyone to bring aboard this time either.

Spiral would nod as she agreed with the assistant. "Yes. We don't want anything to do with chaos energy or it's adverse affects. Keep me updated on the situation." she would say and sit back in her chair to review various paperwork she had to look over. She'd be in the office for anyone else who needed to meet with her. While she reviewed the paperwork she thought through how it may be to visit the surface of this world. Spiral looked forward to reading the reports of the Away Teams once all was said and done. 


(As far as you know. There were five years prior to when this group got on where things were especially weird, before Discord got bored of it.)



Given the number of volunteers already waiting at the hanger, and the smaller need given there was not a restock planned, they did not make an announcement for volunteers over the intercom, instead having one of those in charge simply announce to those gathered: "Alright everyone, thank you for being so eager to volunteer. According to our preliminary scans... we don't know where in the world we are. As such all away teams will need to exercise extreme caution, stay in your groups, and stay close to your craft. Until we can confirm a safe spot in the air the Project will keep moving, so try and work quickly, we don't want to leave anyone behind."

They flipped the page, "That being said, I'd like everyone to group up. Those who have gone on away missions before head over to the armory for equipment. Everyone else wait here and we'll give you assignments as we need them."

Plein looked a little annoyed that she'd have to wait to join the away team, hoping that there would be a spot available for her one all the veterans got through. Pom though seemed relieved as she remained to keep Plein company.

Maud would pay close attention to the announcements about this place. She could tell that something was off about where they were. Maybe it was just the lighter feeling in her body? Whatever it was, it was unusual. Sure they've been in and had strange situations before but she would stay wary of the situation. Maud would walk over to the armory and obtain the equipment that she thought was needed. Maud preferred to be highly armed in situations like this - but not to the point where it would slow her down.

After obtaining the equipment she would board one of the craft. Maud would take note of @Blitz Boom Last and give her a respectful nod in acknowledgement of her presence. Maud would have geared up with some armor, and the hilt of a blade visible in the scabbard that she had. It was also obvious that she had a shovel and a pickaxe as well. 


Guiding nodded, "That's why I picked you. Go on and get some rest, relax a bit, we can take it from here and we'll call you when it's time to go."

Merlot would nod. "Thank you." she would say, and then proceed to head towards her quarters and get cleaned up - and lay down for a bit. If anyone needed her at the moment, she were in her quarters.



"....well this place is disgusting..." Light would tip toe and try to aboid touching the fungi as much as possible.

Looking at the sky, it seems the air might as well be full of spores since its green... Whatever makes it green its too late and he already inhaled it.

" Ughh disgusting.... Better than getting stuck on the void am i righ...." He turns around and see that his companion is not with him.

" Ohhh... Crap."

The white pony would try to feel himself and check his body. He tried using his powers, checking if this place affected him.

Light's magic was not affected by this place. It seemed as if this place was highly unusually biologically - but as he was here for a little while, he would notice the air had a noticeable smell of chlorine. Thankfully whatever Light consumed, did not seem to be dangerous to him. 

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@Kujamih @Illiad Easle @Props Valroa


On 2023-05-25 at 8:28 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Power sighed, "I worry that she's more concerned with distancing herself from her father's shadow, in trying to be her own pony she's throwing away a powerful influence that she could put to good use. But that's her decision to make I suppose."

"You need to see it from her side too. She's constantly being compared to her parents, and more or less been seen on as their daughters, more than who she actually is. If she just coasts on their name, that will just keep happening. She needs to spread her wings, and show herself a little. Who knows? Maybe the trip to the surface would do her some good. I heard someone in the passing say that she were headed in that direction.

But it's important to understand what it's like, to live with the expectations of others. A There's expected a lot from her, because of her parents. Been the same with me in some circles, with everything from me being expected to either revolutionize the mechanics field, or gas the entire Æther, killing everyone. You'd be surprised how many I heard over the years, muttering that it'd be safer to leave me on the surface, rather than take the chance.

That's a low expectation I can work again, while feeling the awaiting glare for those expecting much higher. Plein only have high expectations to her, and a lot too, seeing how important both her parents are. The influence you want her to use, is as much a curse to her, as it's a boon to you.

So be patient with her, Power. And be careful not to be too pushy. You wouldn't want her to get resentful towards you in this. For what it's worth, I can try and talk with her later. See how she is doing, and maybe gleam some thoughts."

She got the point Power were trying to make, but he only looked at this from a very narrow perspective, and not on how it were for Plein. Sure she could flaunt that influence she had, but that would just be coasting on their name, and surely she'd rather have something to show for herself. And who knew? Maybe that trip to the surface would help. Give her some air, and a chance to show that she could stand on her own four hooves. A small gesture, depending on what happened down there, but it were something at least, yeah?

On 2023-05-25 at 8:28 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Power rolled his eyes, "I was born here on the Project, with a dad not from here and a mom who never really felt at home in Troy or Equestria. Even if those places still stood, I don't have anything waiting for me there. Besides, why bother rebuilding when we have everything we need right here? I don't know about you, but I am not build for manual labor. Best if I stay where I'm safe and comfortable."

"Heh, there you go again, looking at it narrowly. You're looking at it from your own perspective, but if you want to go into politics, you need to see things from a lot of others perspectives too. A lot here on the Æther, have ties to the old countries, or are children born here, that have been told stories of them. There's gonna be a want to go home, and rebuild, or see what came before them. Equestria, Troy, Caneighda, some dinky outland border town in a desert- There's a whole world out there, that's been waiting for us to return. And that's a sentiment, that's not silent on The Æther.

I'm not saying you should try and adopt the ideal, that we hit the surface, and immediately, we should just go back, and return to the old ways. It's a new world, and we should build it differently. But you can't expect everyone to just stay here on The Æther. Not that there's much of a choice honestly. It have lasted for a while, but it's falling apart, and you know it as well as I do. In a month, we'll land, and have to make a new home on the surface. And if you want some voter confidence, you need to remember that it's not wise to just say that we're better off living in the shut down hull of this ship, or just pretend we never left. We'll need to adapt, even if it isn't comfortable.

Quite frankly, if it's safe, you'll see a fair bit leave. Maybe not at first, but over time. Heck, I'd be part of that if things were different. I miss my home, and my brother, but I have obligations to Silver, and my family here, so it's just not as simple."

Granted, she had build some drones that she could send out, to try and find her brother, but that were a minor detail. Barely worth mentioning really. Main thing were still that she thought that Power had some fine enough ideas, but he did limit his perspective here, and thought of it rather silly. The Æther had been their home, but it wouldn't be for much longer. They'd land, and then they'd deal with the hull in the most appropriate way. Truth be told, she were not even sure if it lasted the entire month. They did their best to patch it up, but it were limping on its last leg.

Fizzy would put the dynamite plushie out of her mouth by then, and start to let out increasingly loud sounds, so Blitz knew what that meant. Time to float out the bottle from her bag, and give it to her. Which Fizzy took without hesitation. She'd need some fruit a bit after that, but Blitz were ready. Be it a loose vent, a plate peeling off the wall, or Fizzy's needs, she were hopefully ready for it all. Sometimes she still got surprised by new things though. The joy of new motherhood, yeah?

"There you go Fizzy.

And don't be worried about the great unknown, Power. The surface ain't so bad. Wide open skies, and no cycles to keep you on your hooves. Probably scorpions too, but at least you don't have to worry about that."

She'd giggle at that. Poor scorpions would be pretty confused, poking at Power.




Last would just silently go and get some gear, as were standard for this sort of mission. She might have her own armor and weapons, but hazmat stuff were equally important. She couldn't fight if she couldn't breathe for instance. 

Only other thing she took then, beyond that gear, were a first aid kit. She'd been encouraged to learn some better field aid skills over the years, than her old patching up skills, which had frankly not been great. And she had to admit, that it did tend to work out well, to have the option of properly treating someone in an emergency. Including herself. Saved her a leg once, so that was a good indicator.

On 2023-05-25 at 8:28 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Plein and Pom listened to Brittle's desires, Plein nodding in agreement while Pom looked a little embarrassed that she herself wasn't willing to take that large a step out of her own comfort to join them. Plein responded, "I think that's a good idea, though I wish there were a step in between to better adjust. I mean, moving around the Project is one thing, but out there is a whole other world."

"I've tried doing some things to prepare, like camping away from where I'm used to be for a few days, but... I kinda think this might be the closest thing to a middle point? I mean, there's guards there, when we go down now. It's safer. Out on the actual surface, that we left behind? That's the scary part, cause there's no one else there, but yourself, and whomever you might travel with. I'm really nervous about it, but I'm trying to prepare as best as I can.

Have you thought about going out and see things too? It sounds like you kinda want to see something else than just The Æther too. S-Sorry if I'm wrong about that though."

She could feel something from Pom too, as things went along. She were relatively sure it were slight embarrassment, maybe? She were still trying to adjust to these things. Turned out once the hive here on The Æther had spent enough time to somewhat normalise her, she had shown to have been the sort of drone that attuned well to feeling emotions of others. She'd been told, that if things had gone differently, she would probably either have been tending to vats, or she would have been part of a group of drones, who ensured that there would be the right emotions to harvest, in plentiful amounts. Considering she had also been told her former hive, were one that focused on fear, that had not been comforting to hear. But perhaps it could still be used, when she found a hive out there, that were more in tune with her. Tending to emotion gathering vats sounded like a nice enough occupation.

16 hours ago, Spiral Spell said:

Maud would pay close attention to the announcements about this place. She could tell that something was off about where they were. Maybe it was just the lighter feeling in her body? Whatever it was, it was unusual. Sure they've been in and had strange situations before but she would stay wary of the situation. Maud would walk over to the armory and obtain the equipment that she thought was needed. Maud preferred to be highly armed in situations like this - but not to the point where it would slow her down.

After obtaining the equipment she would board one of the craft. Maud would take note of Last and give her a respectful nod in acknowledgement of her presence. Maud would have geared up with some armor, and the hilt of a blade visible in the scabbard that she had. It was also obvious that she had a shovel and a pickaxe as well. 

Last had let them be, and just watched as Briar and the other Evergrown had wandered off. Oakley and him to one thing, and Lily elsewhere, to go see to the fourth of their kind. Probably a good idea. That one were... Well, she'd be nice and think *peculiar* in this situation.

With them going, and the young ones talking, it seemed best she just waited and saw what would happen. And then she saw one she had not expected would join them: Maud Pie. Someone more in her own age range, and one who could definitely throw a kick better than you'd think, if you saw her the first time. She had some power behind those kicks, that she had openly said she were impressed by.

Seemed like Maud saw her too, and nodded in her direction, so Last would do the respectful thing, and return the gesture.

"So you're coming too? Can't say I expected it, but it's welcome. Are you ready in case of trouble?"

It wasn't that Last expected them to get trouble down there per se, but it were always good to prepare for it. A far better outcome, than suddenly getting attacked when you felt relaxed, and unprepared. Tended to cause others to get killed, and she didn't want to risk that. Not if it could be helped at least.




On 2023-05-25 at 8:28 PM, Illiad Easle said:

She was preparing a lesson for the next day when her visitors arrived, as she decided not to have class during the cycle, so she wasn't busy with students. She looked over at them as they entered the empty classroom, "Oh! Hello Briar, Oakley. How can I help you?" She spoke in the same soft, caring, tone that she used with her students. "I see Brittle isn't with you, is everything alright?"

Oakley gave her a big grin, though he might have some trouble with the door, depending on its size. He had an issue with size and some doors, where he had to either find other paths, or squeeze himself. Sometimes bow down a bit low too, due to his size. Double the size of a regular Evergrown, he were taller than even the alicorns, but he did not have their slender build to boot. He were build more like well, an oak tree. Thick bark, considerable bulk- He were like a larger version of Big Mac, which were a reference he didn't get, as he had never been near Ponyville, but he were told it were a compliment. He were also told that it weren't unusual to be able to hear him, before you saw him, due to his heavy steps, but well, he weren't stealthy, and he knew it. Depending on the surface, it'd be notable if he were getting towards you.

Briar had honestly been sad, that he had not a chance to visit that village, where Oakly and his brethren had been. A place filled with large, strong Evergrown, sounded fascinating. Why according to Oakley, while he was a barkwarden, his grandmother had been a leafsinger. Their variation of a unicorn, more or less, as they had more magical power, and less physical. And she would apparently in her twilight years, still have been able to use Briar as a minor weight for her morning routine. It sounded fascinating, but sadly, Oakley were likely the last one left. Sturdy as they were, their village had been attacked by complete surprise, and most of their guards been decimated in one fell swoop. The chaos made it hard for them to fight back proper. And especially against an unnatural army, like the one that had besieged them. The few ones who remained, had been scattered all over the place, with Oakley being alone for years, before he were picked up.

They'd found him by accident. He had been hiding as a tree figurine - a surprisingly effective disguise at times - and they had attempted to harvest him along with some other things, during one of the dropdowns. Imagine their surprise, when the blade hit him, and he started to groan in pain. A peculiar first impression, but he had been happy for it still. Left him an option for safety, and for The Æther to get a lot more essence, as Oakley had plenty. It were safe to extract three times as much from him, as it were Briar, or Lily, on the same schedule.

"Hello Aurum. Brittle volunteered to go with the away team this time. She's really improving."

"Quite so yes, but they have several guards there, including Last. I'm sure that she will be safe, and it will be good for her, to stand on her own hooves like this. She needs to prepare for the times ahead.

*sigh* But I worry. Understandably so, I would say, albeit I have been told I can get somewhat overprotective, when it comes to those I have been part in raising. You would know that from your early years too, Aurum, even though you needed it far less than Brittle perhaps."

He sometimes had acted a little... Overzealous perhaps, and put himself in the way of others, who might try something towards her. Things she could likely handle herself at times, or which did not bother her, but it had him, and he had taken part in helping her grow up, into the fine young mare that she were today. So he had done a few things that were admittedly dumb. No outright assault, but he did make some threats, where he would later calm down, and go apologize for his rash actions. Sometimes. Other times, the ones he had threated, or send a vine towards (feigned attacks not hitting them, or used to restrict a hoof for instance) deserved it, and he did not apologize. He would often still feel bad for his rash actions though.

"But she needs space to spread her wings, and you know that Snow Lily will not let me leave The Æther, until we set hooves on the dirt of our home again. So rather than worry, I thought that perhaps, I could go and see how you were doing, and if you were beginning to set your mind on what to do, when it is that we land? There is not long still, and there is a fair bit of others who seem to swing between their wants, and their worries, for what happens when we do land. I wondered if perhaps you were beset by the same uncertainty, considering it is even more alien to you there, than for most others your age."

He did not count her in the nexus as actual age. That were stasis, not true aging.

"I came along because I think you're nice, and I wondered if the kids were here."

Oakley were rather simple like this, and grinned widely. He did also take part in some training classes for some of the younger ones, who wanted to learn how to fight. Not doing damage himself, but taking hits, as unarmed combatants, wouldn't have much luck getting through him, but he liked the young ones especially. Something about seeing the curiosity and enthusiasm of youth, brightened his day substantially.

In this class? Well, kids would be kids, so sometimes they'd be curious too. He had a fair few younger pegasi use him as a perch some other times. His record so far, were five at once, before their parents, teachers, or someone else, said it were about time for them to come down again. Though one time, a teacher did join in, and defended herself afterwards, saying that it were surprisingly comforting. Made him laugh so hard, that it could be heard a goo distance away.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Props Valroa @Blitz Boom


On 2023-05-27 at 3:32 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Have you thought about going out and see things too? It sounds like you kinda want to see something else than just The Æther too. S-Sorry if I'm wrong about that though."

Plein shrugged, "I mean, I've gone out in some of the smaller craft before, you know, the ones that do the aerial recon to get a preliminary map of the area before they send the ground crews? So I've gotten to see places from above, but this will be my first time on the ground."

They wouldn't have to wait much longer before the call for new volunteers went out, and Plein and Brittle were able to get their gear for the surface. They were issued armor that would fit them, plus the same hazardous equipment that Last and Maud had been given.

When it came to weapons, Plein elected to take a long range rifle and a knife. Brittle would be allowed to select what she was comfortable with, and as such would be reminded that she was expected to be able to defend herself down there.

Once they were suited up they would both be assigned to the same craft as Last and Maud, which would be prepping to take off just as soon as the smaller crafts got back with a preliminary map of the area, indicating where the ground teams could be inserted. (So Props will need to describe the landing area, some sort of clearing that the craft can set down in)

In addition to the four of them, there was a reindeer/thestral hybrid, an earth pony, and a griffon in their group.


@Blitz Boom


On 2023-05-27 at 3:32 AM, Blitz Boom said:

So be patient with her, Power. And be careful not to be too pushy. You wouldn't want her to get resentful towards you in this. For what it's worth, I can try and talk with her later. See how she is doing, and maybe gleam some thoughts."

Power was disappointed in the response, but shrugged, "I guess you're right. I'll leave her alone about it for now."

On 2023-05-27 at 3:32 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Quite frankly, if it's safe, you'll see a fair bit leave. Maybe not at first, but over time. Heck, I'd be part of that if things were different. I miss my home, and my brother, but I have obligations to Silver, and my family here, so it's just not as simple."

He raised a hoof defensively, "Apologies, I don't think I was clear. I'm not saying that everyone should stay here. Even though things have been fairly peaceful between the Trojans and Equestrians for the past twenty years, I don't think that will last forever. Those two groups need their space. I'm saying that not everyone needs to leave either. There's no reason why a group can't stay here when the others leave, and given I'm not very useful in any sort of labor capacity, I'd be part of the group that would be more fulfilled staying here than leaving."

On 2023-05-27 at 3:32 AM, Blitz Boom said:

And don't be worried about the great unknown, Power. The surface ain't so bad. Wide open skies, and no cycles to keep you on your hooves. Probably scorpions too, but at least you don't have to worry about that."

He did smile at that, "Unless they hit my core directly, I should be fine. That much is true. I do need to get going now, they have me on Coms for this away mission, so I need to be there before they can leave."

He'd let Blitz say any farewells she wanted to before teleporting away.



On 2023-05-27 at 3:32 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Hello Aurum. Brittle volunteered to go with the away team this time. She's really improving."

"Quite so yes, but they have several guards there, including Last. I'm sure that she will be safe, and it will be good for her, to stand on her own hooves like this. She needs to prepare for the times ahead.

*sigh* But I worry. Understandably so, I would say, albeit I have been told I can get somewhat overprotective, when it comes to those I have been part in raising. You would know that from your early years too, Aurum, even though you needed it far less than Brittle perhaps."

Aurum looked deeply concerned at that, "Oh... that seems rather extreme though, I mean, not everyone comes back from away missions. Especially with all the loyalists they've found lately." She shook her head, "But that's her decision to make. I'm sure she'll be fine, she has a strength hidden inside her, maybe this will help it come out?"

On 2023-05-27 at 3:32 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"But she needs space to spread her wings, and you know that Snow Lily will not let me leave The Æther, until we set hooves on the dirt of our home again. So rather than worry, I thought that perhaps, I could go and see how you were doing, and if you were beginning to set your mind on what to do, when it is that we land? There is not long still, and there is a fair bit of others who seem to swing between their wants, and their worries, for what happens when we do land. I wondered if perhaps you were beset by the same uncertainty, considering it is even more alien to you there, than for most others your age."

She sighed, "Beyond continuing to teach the young ones? I can't say I have. Even when we land they'll need someone to teach them. If anything, keeping track of the children will be even more important as the adults all work to rebuild."

On 2023-05-27 at 3:32 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I came along because I think you're nice, and I wondered if the kids were here."

She smiled at that, "Aw, thank you! I think you're nice too. If you come back tomorrow there will be plenty of children here, though they'll all be unicorns as I teach magic after all."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom @Kujamih


Plein shrugged, "I mean, I've gone out in some of the smaller craft before, you know, the ones that do the aerial recon to get a preliminary map of the area before they send the ground crews? So I've gotten to see places from above, but this will be my first time on the ground."

They wouldn't have to wait much longer before the call for new volunteers went out, and Plein and Brittle were able to get their gear for the surface. They were issued armor that would fit them, plus the same hazardous equipment that Last and Maud had been given.

When it came to weapons, Plein elected to take a long range rifle and a knife. Brittle would be allowed to select what she was comfortable with, and as such would be reminded that she was expected to be able to defend herself down there.

Once they were suited up they would both be assigned to the same craft as Last and Maud, which would be prepping to take off just as soon as the smaller crafts got back with a preliminary map of the area, indicating where the ground teams could be inserted. (So Props will need to describe the landing area, some sort of clearing that the craft can set down in)

In addition to the four of them, there was a reindeer/thestral hybrid, an earth pony, and a griffon in their group.

The pilots of the smaller craft could see the area below. To the west there was a large forest of strange looking trees with black leaves. They seemed to be rather tall for what trees would normally be. Off to the east was a large valley with distant mountains in the distance. There was however, something of interest from above. @Kujamih hadn't seen it from his position, but the ruins of a town were in the distance. The town itself, seemingly sustained heavy damage and hadn't been quite occupied in some time. There was a cratered landscape around the town - indicating bombardment from above with high yield weaponry. The mountains in the distance also seemed to be somewhat scarred as well, though the forest was untouched.

The green air would seemingly change shade to a darker hue if the smaller craft decided to go closer to the surface. Indicating that the green sky was not caused by something magical, but of something atmospheric. If any of them, for whatever reason opened up their windows - they would smell a faint trace of chlorine in the air. Not strong enough to be dangerous, mind you.



With them going, and the young ones talking, it seemed best she just waited and saw what would happen. And then she saw one she had not expected would join them: Maud Pie. Someone more in her own age range, and one who could definitely throw a kick better than you'd think, if you saw her the first time. She had some power behind those kicks, that she had openly said she were impressed by.

Seemed like Maud saw her too, and nodded in her direction, so Last would do the respectful thing, and return the gesture.

"So you're coming too? Can't say I expected it, but it's welcome. Are you ready in case of trouble?"

It wasn't that Last expected them to get trouble down there per se, but it were always good to prepare for it. A far better outcome, than suddenly getting attacked when you felt relaxed, and unprepared. Tended to cause others to get killed, and she didn't want to risk that. Not if it could be helped at least.

Maud would look to Last and turn towards her. Her eyes softened slightly. "Yes. As always. It is best to be prepared incase anything goes awry." she stated to Last in a casual tone. "I feel better with my hooves on actual ground rather than the air. It's why I choose these missions." Maud would add. She were an Earth pony after all who were confident in her ability to defend herself if needbe. 

  • Brohoof 1

Maud Pie signature

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@Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom @Props Valroa

- the lost flicker-

As his stomach calmed down, he would try to use his magic once more. It seems he was greatly weakened. But ye was able to manage to control his lightness.

" Well at least that works, now to find some water source... Hopefully a drinkable one...."

He'd then try to climb at one of the tallest tree like structure he could find and scout the area for anything really.

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@Kujamih @Illiad Easle @Props Valroa


"Sounds like you got a good idea about things after all then. But seriously, if you're aiming to stay in the hull, look out a lot. There's whole sections that I wouldn't personally expect to last the next year. Make sure that Silver gives you a proper map of what parts to avoid, if it comes to that, okay? I don't want to see anyone hurt."

It wouldn't last forever she'd say, but she supposed, powered down a lot, no more cycles, proper maintenance, they could probably have sections last a solid 5-10 years, without major replacements. Fully running though? Bad idea. At least without major reworks to the thing. That was just her opinion on it though, judging from what she had seen. Silver knew the proper details, better than anyone else.

As for Power, it seemed like he had to go. A shame, but he had work to do. She could probably find something else to do too, though..: She were close to the hangar. Seemed a shame to not pass around and say hi.

"Okay. See you later Power. Say goodbye sweetheart."

The bottle was removed from her daughter. She seemed done eating for now too, and soon as it would be gone, she'd stretch her hooves out towards Power again, and let out a burp, before giggling.


"That was very nice sweetie."

She'd lean down and snuggle her daughter on her head. Such a clever little filly she had. She really hoped that her brother were still alive out there, so that she could show him his niece properly. She bet that he'd utterly adore her.

After Power had left, she would be on her way, to go to the hangar. Maybe she'd meet Plein there. That'd be nice.




On 2023-05-29 at 7:00 AM, Maud Pie said:

Maud would look to Last and turn towards her. Her eyes softened slightly. "Yes. As always. It is best to be prepared incase anything goes awry." she stated to Last in a casual tone. "I feel better with my hooves on actual ground rather than the air. It's why I choose these missions." Maud would add. She were an Earth pony after all who were confident in her ability to defend herself if needbe. 

"Always admired that about you, Maud. You're a straight talker, who knows to be ready for things. Been a while since we've teamed up on one though. Should be interesting to see how it goes."

Maud would've done well, with the Shrine Maidens of old honestly. She didn't always say a lot, and she hit like a brick wall collapsing on you. A bit more formal training, and she would've made a fine soldier. Truth be told, Last had considered trying to recruit her for her new group, but decided against it. Maud had her own paths to go, that much she were sure of, so she wouldn't pester her with something like that. Though she felt fairly sure that if she did so it, she'd get a short no, and that'd be it. No hard feelings, no animosity.

Meanwhile, Brittle went into the armory to get her things too, which would be rather simple. She'd go with a staff, ideally of metal, or other such a sturdy design. If they had the sort who could extend from a small thing into a staff, via a button or pull, she'd go for that, to save space.

Briar had done his best, but in the end, he had to ask Last for help to train her, and Last had been merciless. Making Brittle take every weapon she could get hold of that they had, and try to attack her with it. All attacks were swatted aide like they were nothing, with Last having to constantly tell Briar to shut up, as he were trying to tell her to be less harsh, i saying things like *Not good enough* and *You don't have what it takes to swing that*. After a dozen or so attempts, her tone would change though, when Brittle had taken a practice staff, and jabbed at her a few times. The attack would again be swatted aside, but Last had seen a glimmer of potential there, and had thus trained her accordingly with that.

She had trained Brittle alongside her kids a fair few times too, and well... They trounced her more often than not, but she learned enough for Last to judge that she'd be able to at least defend herself well enough, but should remember to use magic. Briar also managed to help her figure out how to make some traps, which is one of two reasons that she had a spool of sturdy wire with her. The other one being that Thorn Weaver, had taught her a few ways one could make use of wire to cause some damage. Brittle had no intention of strangling anyone with it, but she did learn how to string it proper to a staff, and then use that to cause some trouble, as well as make a makeshift thin, yet sturdy lasso. Mostly, she'd just defend herself with the staff though, and knock things away with her magic. That was the ideal idea at least, and hopefully she were ready enough at this point.

On 2023-05-29 at 6:36 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Plein shrugged, "I mean, I've gone out in some of the smaller craft before, you know, the ones that do the aerial recon to get a preliminary map of the area before they send the ground crews? So I've gotten to see places from above, but this will be my first time on the ground."

"It's probably different to actually go down there. I've just read things, been told a few others, and then dad have been teaching me how to identify plants that are good and bad. The best he can at least.

I'm mostly just worried that we'll run into a g-giant monster. I would probably just run off then. Or uhm... Well, I could try and f-fear it, but I've never tried against something really big before. I think Oakley's the largest, and he seemed more confused than anything."

In fairness, Oakley also knew what were coming, and she had not had her heart in trying to actually make him afraid, so it hampered things. But like, a proper, Ursa Major or above? She had no idea if anything would work there, or even if it would help. Might just make the thing go into a frenzy out of panic. That'd probably be bad.

"Oooh, I Did catch you in time!"

Blitz would get there just about that time, and after having her diaper changed and disposed of quickly, Fizzy would now be nomming on an apple slice. She didn't really chew it down, but she liked the taste of the apple juices, so she had this until she got bored with it, and then Blitz would have it thrown away. She did see a few small bites taken now and again though, so that were good, but there were still a fair bit of way to go still.

"O-Oh, hi Blitz. You're uh... You're not joining, right? I mean, you have your daughter and everything."

"Oh, of course not silly. I'm just having a walk to see if the shift caused something to break down, and figured it'd be nice for Fizzy to come and see mommy work. Also Occam needed a nap."

Brittle were happy that Blitz wouldn't do something that careless, though the fixated look from the filly, did make her pause a little. She had been told it were because of the light reflecting off of her carapace, but still, she wasn't sure what to make of it. She wasn't really that used to being around infants.

"So, you're all three aiming for a trip down below, huh? That must be exciting. Remember to stick together, okay? I'd be sad if you didn't come back, and so would Fizzy. Isn't that right?"

"Bwug! Aundi!"

Heh. She still couldn't say Auntie properly, which were a reference to Plein, but she were trying, and that were important. Meant she got more training in speaking, and would eventually be able to say it nice and clearly. And without saying each word somewhat loudly, but she'd been told that the volume button on foals this age, were broken, and only had very quiet, or really loud. SO far, that had shown to be more or less accurate.




On 2023-05-29 at 6:36 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Aurum looked deeply concerned at that, "Oh... that seems rather extreme though, I mean, not everyone comes back from away missions. Especially with all the loyalists they've found lately." She shook her head, "But that's her decision to make. I'm sure she'll be fine, she has a strength hidden inside her, maybe this will help it come out?"

"I do worry about that too. As her father, I always worried when the day would come, when she would wander out on her own, and I would not be there to protect her anymore. Even now, after preparing with her for years, I still feel uneasy, and worry for her safety.

But this is her wish. She wants to show that she have improved, and that she can make it on her own. With the team now, there are others, so that helps, and I have helped her learn how to defend herself, as best I am able. As have others, such as Last. I worry she is not ready, but I am proud of how far she have come, and no matter how nervous I feel about how it might go, I support her independence. All I can do now, and pray that it will go well."

He didn't want to show this to Brittle, as he knew she were nervous already, and needed him to have faith in her, and show a calm face. But in truth, he were probably as nervous as she were, about this. Though he did have faith in her, and believed that she could make it through this, his paternal instincts still had a hard time not filling him with worry too.

"Last is also there, and if ever there were a mare I'd trust to watch over Brittle, it would be her. She will not let hidden loyalists threaten their lives."

On 2023-05-29 at 6:36 AM, Illiad Easle said:

She sighed, "Beyond continuing to teach the young ones? I can't say I have. Even when we land they'll need someone to teach them. If anything, keeping track of the children will be even more important as the adults all work to rebuild."

"It's a noble pursuit, Aurum. A chance for you to continue to help prepare an impressionable generation, for what is to come. Perhaps you have few other plans for now, but if this is your starting thoughts, then I would say that you have a good point to start from.

I know I have said it often, but I am proud of you. You did not have a simple introduction to The Æther, and yet here you stand, a mare whom many look up to, continuing to think of others first. It is encouraging, and gives me hope for the next generation."

He liked to think that Brittle, himself, Last, and Spiral, all had part in being good influences on Aurum, and helped her some, to getting to where she were. Of course, it were her own drive that did most of the work, and the help from the therapists with Nexus should certainly not be discounted. But still, he liked to think they had still done their part, and enjoyed to hear where she were in life now. It reminded him of how the times had passed for them throughout the years, and what they had all done, either together, or in minor groups, handling various things.

He did still think it were a nervous time, when Last had offered to teach Aurum to fight physically, in case it were needed, as she got older. Last were a mare of strong convictions, and he could not help but respect her, but she did know a few too many ways to break a neck, for him to not worry what things she taught others back then. He trusted her more these days though, as he had seen that she also made sure to teach values, and when to use your skills.

If Aurum had accepted that, were another thing entirely of course.

On 2023-05-29 at 6:36 AM, Illiad Easle said:

She smiled at that, "Aw, thank you! I think you're nice too. If you come back tomorrow there will be plenty of children here, though they'll all be unicorns as I teach magic after all."

"I'll find some time to come around. It'll be fun to see the little ones go at it. You unicorns can do so many funny things with your magic."

Oakley grinned. He too had some magic, as all Evergrown did, but like with Briar, it were weaker than general unicorn magic. It were still magic though, so perhaps he could help in some way? Worst case, he'd be hit with a stray spell. That could hurt from strong ones, but foals? It tended to tickle him, so he'd probably be fine. if not, Aurum were right there, so he were sure that everything would be fine. Even if he were accidentally set on fire, it would take some time to get to his core for instance, as he were well protected, from natures side.

"I am sure your foals will cast some funny spells too, when you someday have some."

Oakley did not know about what Aurum were. None of the other Evergrown did, as Briar would not go against her trust like that, so he just saw her as a tall unicorn, who seemed talented with a fair bit of different magic. Lily had no idea either, but she did feel like something were off about Aurum, compared to other unicorns.

Though that wasn't why she didn't want to be around Aurum. It were more because she didn't want to make a fool of herself again, as she had a few times acted like she were worried that Aurum would take Briar from her, and she were a little possessive, one might say. Briar and her were not a couple, but she wanted it to be so, and tended to get jealous of the females that he talked a lot with. Except for Brittle. Brittle had always been simply Briar's adopted daughter. So at least around her, she didn't ended up adding dumb.

She did not like that she were like that, which were why she tended to just go elsewhere, when for instance, he went to talk to Aurum. it did nag at her still though, what might happen when she wasn't there. It were a problem that she continued trying to deal with, with some, albeit minor improvement.

Thorn Weaver also had a good eye for Briar, but that were still mostly a blooming fascination. The peculiar Evergrown were mostly thinking that they both had some interesting genes, and that mixing them would make for some fascinating sprouts, once they had a town, and could begin to think of the next generation. Romantic feelings hadn't much crossed her mind. Nor majorly at least. She kept her fascination to herself though, as she didn't want Lily to get all up in a tip over it.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


On 2023-05-30 at 3:39 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Sounds like you got a good idea about things after all then. But seriously, if you're aiming to stay in the hull, look out a lot. There's whole sections that I wouldn't personally expect to last the next year. Make sure that Silver gives you a proper map of what parts to avoid, if it comes to that, okay? I don't want to see anyone hurt."

Power looked the slightest bit smug, that look he always got when he discovered that he knew about something that someone else didn't. "Oh, I thought you knew? The Project was once a cloud city, the Æther. I've heard that the plan is, once we land, they'll separate the could sections off to reform the city, and leave the heavy machinery on the ground. It'll be more useful there anyway." He shrugged, "I guess that's not your department, but once the cloud city is restored the upkeep will be way down, for both sides. Cloud is much easy to repair and designed for travel, and all the machinery won't be shaken near as much."


(Hanger, before Plein and Brittle go over to join Last and Maud)

On 2023-05-30 at 3:39 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"So, you're all three aiming for a trip down below, huh? That must be exciting. Remember to stick together, okay? I'd be sad if you didn't come back, and so would Fizzy. Isn't that right?"

Pom was quick to shake her head, "No no... I'm not going down, I'm just here as moral support for Plein. That being said, I do need to get going." Bisquik Jr. came over to sniff at Fizzy curiously, or perhaps attracted by the apple slice she had, while Pom hugged Plein goodbye and waved to Brittle, "Be safe you two... I don't think I can handle losing anyone else."

Plein nodded, "Of course. We won't keep you waiting."

Pom would then leave, calling Bisquik back to her before he could try to steal Fizzy's apple, unless the foal had given it up already, and leave the hanger heading in the direction of the livestock area.

Plein would then look towards Blitz, "You won't have to worry too much, I'm sure we'll be fine. That being said, it looks like it's our turn. We'll reach out to you when we get back, alright?"


@Props Valroa @Blitz Boom


Plein and Brittle, now properly suited up with their equipment, would come over to the craft they had been assigned to to join Maud and Last as final preparations were made.

Plein at least was understandably nervous about this, now that she had the armor on it felt all the more real. So she wouldn't talk unless spoken to.

After a short time to chat their pilots would come over, "Alright, intel shows some abandoned ruins nearby, we'll be scouting those out first looking for any salvageable supplies or survivors. We'll decide on official scouting parties when we land, but in case we crash pair up and stay together. Further, leave your masks on. We're detecting an abnormal composition in the air here, we don't want to risk the surface being worse than the upper air. Plus, the masks have built in radios, so we won't be able to hear you if you take them off."


That being said, it was time for everyone to strap in, and prepare for takeoff.

@Props Valroa (They'll head towards the ruins, looking for a clear space at least 100 square meters (10x10) to fit the landing craft and set up a defensive parimeter)


@Blitz Boom


On 2023-05-30 at 3:39 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Last is also there, and if ever there were a mare I'd trust to watch over Brittle, it would be her. She will not let hidden loyalists threaten their lives."

Aurum nodded at that, "I remember how Last kept me safe growing up, I'm sure she'll be just as capable keeping Brittle safe down there."

On 2023-05-30 at 3:39 PM, Blitz Boom said:

I know I have said it often, but I am proud of you. You did not have a simple introduction to The Æther, and yet here you stand, a mare whom many look up to, continuing to think of others first. It is encouraging, and gives me hope for the next generation."

She smiled at that.

On 2023-05-30 at 3:39 PM, Blitz Boom said:

If Aurum had accepted that, were another thing entirely of course.

As Aurum was an alicorn, she also processed the formidable physical strength of one, meaning that she didn't need training in order to protect herself, as much as she needed it to be sure that she wouldn't accidentally hurt others. So instead of being trained on how to break a bone, she was trained on how to not break them in everyday encounters. How to hug without crushing.

This did mean that she could be overpowered by a skilled opponent, but Aurum didn't like feeling strong. She didn't want to feel more powerful than those around her any more than she had to. Above all else she didn't want anyone to fear her, or to respect her for anything that she had not herself earned. She didn't consider her becoming an alicorn 'earned' given how many had died to bring it about.


On 2023-05-30 at 3:39 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"I'll find some time to come around. It'll be fun to see the little ones go at it. You unicorns can do so many funny things with your magic."

She chuckled at that, "I'm glad you think so. I'm sure the students will appreciate having someone to watch who appreciates their attempts."


On 2023-05-30 at 3:39 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"I am sure your foals will cast some funny spells too, when you someday have some."

She lost much of her enthusiasm there, "Oh, I hope not." She sighed, "You know what it's like, to be so strong that you always have to be careful? To always worry that you might hurt someone by accident? I hope for their sakes that any children I have are normal. I'm already doing my best to not get close with any unicorns, could you imagine if I had a child and they were even stronger than me?" She shuddered. "Mixed breeds only for me, have to dilute this power somehow..."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Blitz Boom @Illiad Easle


"Always admired that about you, Maud. You're a straight talker, who knows to be ready for things. Been a while since we've teamed up on one though. Should be interesting to see how it goes."

Maud would look to Last and her somewhat weary eyes would seem to look off to the side slightly. "No matter how much time goes on - nothing ever changes." Maud would lean back in her seat, silently lamenting upon the pain of her past. Her eyes looked off in silent wonder but she quickly chased it away. Maud was fortunate to have lived as she has, but she felt as if things could still somehow be better. Even if they already were - part of her was blind to it. Maud seemed to have mellowed out in some aspects, and conversely became more isolated as well. It was strange, really. Maud was an enigma wrapped underneath that harsh exterior. 



Plein and Brittle, now properly suited up with their equipment, would come over to the craft they had been assigned to to join Maud and Last as final preparations were made.

Plein at least was understandably nervous about this, now that she had the armor on it felt all the more real. So she wouldn't talk unless spoken to.

After a short time to chat their pilots would come over, "Alright, intel shows some abandoned ruins nearby, we'll be scouting those out first looking for any salvageable supplies or survivors. We'll decide on official scouting parties when we land, but in case we crash pair up and stay together. Further, leave your masks on. We're detecting an abnormal composition in the air here, we don't want to risk the surface being worse than the upper air. Plus, the masks have built in radios, so we won't be able to hear you if you take them off."

Maud would strap up and prepare for takeoff. She was ready now. Maud would look to the pilots with silent acknowledgement. Maud would put on her mask. It was interesting to wear such a device that obscured her mouth. Only her eyes visible. Maud's mouth rarely show anything but a neutral - as if melancholy expression. The surface and it's all it's mysteries await them below...


In the distance, White Light can see the battered ruins in the distance. The same location where the craft from the project were going to touch town, though White Light didn't know that. The ruined town looked somehow...alien? Maybe it was just the vibe it gave off, or the thicker green haze around it - it was...off.

Maud Pie signature

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"hmmmm..... Well beats nothing i guess. To the ruins!" He proclaimed to no one.

" Crap i should stop talking to myself...."

" Crap! ... Now I won't..... Uuuuu..."

White Light would start leaping through tree ish top to tree ish top until he could reach his destination or unless fate has other plans for him. He would use his abilities to lighten himself so he could leap through a great amount of distance. He didn't over do it, and leaped far as he would end up becoming a projectile and become a danger to himself and around his landing.

  • Brohoof 1
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@Kujamih @Illiad Easle @Props Valroa


"Wait, that's real? I thought the other scientists were gaslighting me again. Like when they said the box of radiant shimmer, were just hard candy. My head flashed red for two weeks after that.

That would certainly help the integrity of things then. Nevermind my worries at the regular issues then. You're gonna need to established a weather defense system quickly though. Lemme know if you need a hoof with that, alright? It sounds like it could be a fun project."

Well she'd be damned. Blitz had honestly figured that it were just the others trying to mess with her again, when they said that part about this place and a cloud city. Guess they were legit after all. Who would've thought it? Oh well, good news, so didn't matter, yeah?




On 2023-06-02 at 9:04 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Pom was quick to shake her head, "No no... I'm not going down, I'm just here as moral support for Plein. That being said, I do need to get going." Bisquik Jr. came over to sniff at Fizzy curiously, or perhaps attracted by the apple slice she had, while Pom hugged Plein goodbye and waved to Brittle, "Be safe you two... I don't think I can handle losing anyone else."

Plein nodded, "Of course. We won't keep you waiting."

Pom would then leave, calling Bisquik back to her before he could try to steal Fizzy's apple, unless the foal had given it up already, and leave the hanger heading in the direction of the livestock area.

Plein would then look towards Blitz, "You won't have to worry too much, I'm sure we'll be fine. That being said, it looks like it's our turn. We'll reach out to you when we get back, alright?"

Fizzy would get all excited as the doggy came over, waving her little hooves forth, trying to get a hold of him. And when he did get there, she'd drop the apple slice from her muzzle, in pure excitement, and try to hug his face. Brought a smile to Blitz face really. Reminded her so much of herself, when she were a small one. And a fair bit into her teens too. Hugging faces were fun, okay? And if Bisquik Jr. hadn't gone close enough, Blitz would bring her daughter that little it closer. The apple thief could at the very least be nice, and let the little one give him a hug.

She doubted this dog were any danger. Hadn't been in all the time she knew him anyway.

Blitz would wave at Pom as she wandered away, though with her magic, she'd be getting another apple slice out for Fizzy. She could feel that while her daughter were happy about the doggo, after that distraction were done, she missed her apple. After a dozen or so crying sessions from being too slow to react to some of her more subtle hints - such as the absolute silence, and slowing movement happening now - she had learned a few things, the hard way. And since she'd like to be able to sleep today, she'd act fast, which thankfully, Fizzy seemed receptive too, and gladly started to suck on the new slice.

As Plein said it were time for them to go off, Brittle would take a step forth, and with a shaky, slow hoof, reach other to pat the foal. She were still worried she might accidentally hurt this tiny bundle, as they were so small and fragile at this age, so she moved very carefully, and tried not to put too much pressure on. Her ruffling of the mane, seemed to fall into good earth, as Fizzy giggled, and mumbled something, though the apple were too far into her mouth for her to speak anything resembling even semi-cohesion.

"We won't disturb you anymore then. You just take care down there, and I'll see you later. I'm gonna be wanting stories about your recon mission after all."

Blitz would wave them off, and prepare to go off herself. There might be something to repair. And if not, she'd just wander around for a half hour. let Occam get a bit of a proper nap at least.

15 hours ago, Maud Pie said:

Maud would look to Last and her somewhat weary eyes would seem to look off to the side slightly. "No matter how much time goes on - nothing ever changes." Maud would lean back in her seat, silently lamenting upon the pain of her past. Her eyes looked off in silent wonder but she quickly chased it away. Maud was fortunate to have lived as she has, but she felt as if things could still somehow be better. Even if they already were - part of her was blind to it. Maud seemed to have mellowed out in some aspects, and conversely became more isolated as well. It was strange, really. Maud was an enigma wrapped underneath that harsh exterior. 

"Some things probably doesn't feel like they change, but life doesn't work that way. Everything changes with times. It's us, that can be too stubborn to change with it."

Last knew that things were not always ideal. She were an unmarried mother of two, with a mindset that many probably didn't think were fitting for a mother, along with several other things, that had been obstacles in her life. But she had done her best to try and change with things, and while it wasn't easy, nor always done well, she could at least say that she tried, and that for better or worse, this were life as it were now, and that were something that she'd take, and try to improve on. She'd been hurt by staying in the past, and that look on Maud's face, told her that while she had tried hard to let go of it, and move forward, it wasn't as easy for everyone. She'd pity Maud, but it wasn't the way she wanted to do things. She'd rather give her some solidarity, and a hoof reaching out in friendship. Perhaps from one with a broken past tot he other, she'd be relatable enough to talk with her proper, in some fashion.

Though Maud were very hard to read. Best poker face she'd ever encountered frankly. So it wouldn't be easy, nor ever had been, the other times she encountered the Pie mare. But then, what worth doing, were ever easy?

On 2023-06-02 at 9:04 PM, Illiad Easle said:

After a short time to chat their pilots would come over, "Alright, intel shows some abandoned ruins nearby, we'll be scouting those out first looking for any salvageable supplies or survivors. We'll decide on official scouting parties when we land, but in case we crash pair up and stay together. Further, leave your masks on. We're detecting an abnormal composition in the air here, we don't want to risk the surface being worse than the upper air. Plus, the masks have built in radios, so we won't be able to hear you if you take them off."

Brittle had suited up, saddled up, and took some deep gulps. She were actually doing this now. No Briar, no Æther, just herself, and all the others, down on this strange surface, in who knew where? It were... Terrifying honestly, but at the same time, she did feel somewhat excited too. This were the first time she'd have even seen the surface of anywhere outside of The Æther, in about twenty years. She didn't know what to expect from this at all.

The briefing were short, and to the point, so getting strapped in eventually, wasn't gonna take long. She'd go over what were said in her head several times more though, just to make sure she did not forget anything. This were not the sort of thing, where you'd want to misremember the security briefing. It could well be dangerous.




On 2023-06-02 at 9:04 PM, Illiad Easle said:

As Aurum was an alicorn, she also processed the formidable physical strength of one, meaning that she didn't need training in order to protect herself, as much as she needed it to be sure that she wouldn't accidentally hurt others. So instead of being trained on how to break a bone, she was trained on how to not break them in everyday encounters. How to hug without crushing.

This did mean that she could be overpowered by a skilled opponent, but Aurum didn't like feeling strong. She didn't want to feel more powerful than those around her any more than she had to. Above all else she didn't want anyone to fear her, or to respect her for anything that she had not herself earned. She didn't consider her becoming an alicorn 'earned' given how many had died to bring it about.

Teaching restraint, were as valuable, and integral in combat training, as it were to overpower others. Last would've been more than happy to help in teaching such things too, and going over it with Aurum time and time again, as she'd grow older, and stronger. Sure she'd get some bruises and a bent rib or something here and there, but she hadn't died from it, and there were results showing, so she had been fine. Couldn't get far in cases like this, without taking a beating or two every now and again, yeah? Just how it were.

Last could probably still in a purely physical fight, beat the tar out of Aurum, as she might not be as physically gifted by species as Aurum, but were a well trained fighter, that knew what she were doing. But she would not want a reason for doing something like that, and unless there had been literally no other choice, at any point in the past twenty years, she would've never done so either. Also Aurum would probably not fight purely physically, but Last did have a anti-magic sword. She could cheat too.

On 2023-06-02 at 9:04 PM, Illiad Easle said:

She chuckled at that, "I'm glad you think so. I'm sure the students will appreciate having someone to watch who appreciates their attempts."

"Always, You ponies are such fun little things. I'm happy that we're not gonna live isolated from your sort again."

Oakley had been on board with plans, soon as he heard that they'd go into a more open, new age for their kind. One with cooperation, and trying to work despite the bad beginnings they once had, with the older races. Briar had been honest with them, and told them off their origins, as he had learned it. A mystical seer, directing a draconequus to make a seed with layers of chaos and nature, from which the first evergrown sprung. Created to give praise to the Earth Mother, that she would not get resentful at the lack of followers, and wake from her peaceful slumber.

A fantastical tale maybe, but he had met the draconequus once, who had been directed in these efforts. She seemed... Well meaning, but he still told his kind, that they should not share the origins, of what they were, if at all possible. Not until draconequui were a race whom others would find tolerable again, rather than judge harshly, because of the actions of Discord. Oakly and the others understood, and frankly, the big guiy appreciated the honesty.

He liked Briar. He was a solid guy, with a weight on his shoulders that he took seriously, and with a rational outlook. He'd make for a fine Elder Seedseer someday.

On 2023-06-02 at 9:04 PM, Illiad Easle said:

She lost much of her enthusiasm there, "Oh, I hope not." She sighed, "You know what it's like, to be so strong that you always have to be careful? To always worry that you might hurt someone by accident? I hope for their sakes that any children I have are normal. I'm already doing my best to not get close with any unicorns, could you imagine if I had a child and they were even stronger than me?" She shuddered. "Mixed breeds only for me, have to dilute this power somehow..."

"Do I know what it is like?"

Oakley would let out a deep, booming laughter.

"I know what it is like, to feel like you are surrounded by twigs. A wrong step, and I could accidentally crush a spine, or break something the rest of you think is sturdy. But that just means I have to be vigilant, in being careful. I hope my strength will pass on, to many in the next generations, and I look forward to teaching them restraint, and how to use their strength.

But your choice is yours to make, yeah? And honestly, I always figured you'd end up with a nice pegasus someday. Not sure why, but I've sometimes pictured a tiny version of you with wings, and it seems right. Sides, you need someone that can reach up high enough to kiss you."

He'd let out a laugh again. A jolly spirit this one, surrounded by usually smaller beings, that were truly like twigs to him. Yet he were not one to actually hurt others, because he were cautious, and especially when around young ones. He wasn't gonna have it on his consciousness, that a small one would end up with a broken limb, because he had accidentally made a sudden movement around them. Aurum were close to him in height, and a bit more robust than most, and thus, he liked being around her. That she were a teacher, also told him all that he needed to about her. A good soul that one, for thinking of the next generations. Definitely someone he'd be happy to call a friend.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Kujamih @Illiad Easle

The exploratory crafts would land in a large open field outside of the ruined town. It had obviously not been used in some time. The smog would thicken slightly - though it was not that much thicker. There was obviously some sort of conflict here at some point in the past, though whoever or whatever was had been long gone from the looks of it. The field would present a clear entry into the ruined town. This place looked very alien in character. 

  • Brohoof 1



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Blitz Boom @Props Valroa

(Away Team)

Once the craft landed, a bit softer than usual due to the reduced gravity, the leader was the first one to stand up. She was a diamond dog, her fur was a deep shade of chestnut brown, with a lustrous sheen that catches the light. Along her back and tail, there are hints of lighter brown and reddish undertones. Standing upright she wasn't much taller than any of the ponies present, but she looked strong enough to hold her own in a fight, in no small part due to the number of knives she had strapped to her in various places. While Amber Shepherd hadn't been on too many away missions before, she had been trained by some of the best the Project had to offer. Still, her inexperience could lead some of the more experienced members, like Last and Maud, to discount her.

She moved quickly to the back of the craft, where the door outside was, as everyone got ready to get off, "Alright everyone, masks on, and stay alert. First objective is to establish a perimeter, make sure this landing zone is safe, then we'll make assignments for exploration and guard rotations."

She pulled her own mask over her muzzle, and waited for everyone else to have their masks on before pressing the button to open the door, giving everyone inside their first look at the new place.

As everyone disembarked, the more experienced members knew to carry with them the large crates that included the supplies for the camp and other defenses.

Amber came over to Plein and Brittle before they could get too distracted by the strange scenery, "You two, with me. We're going to get camp set up." She moved over towards Last and Maud, "You two, start setting up the perimeter."

After getting confirmation from them, she'd return to Plein and Brittle to help set up tents in the middle of the available space. "So, first time on the surface?"


For Maud and Last, setting up the perimeter involved standing up special poles at regular intervals and running cables between them. The poles emitted a frequency designed to drive off the spawn and other small creatures, as well as detecting when anything approached from the outside, sending an alert to everyone in case there was danger. It wasn't as secure as a real fence, but it was meant to be quick to set up and take down, in case they needed to leave quickly.


@Blitz Boom


On 2023-06-03 at 3:28 PM, Blitz Boom said:

But your choice is yours to make, yeah? And honestly, I always figured you'd end up with a nice pegasus someday. Not sure why, but I've sometimes pictured a tiny version of you with wings, and it seems right. Sides, you need someone that can reach up high enough to kiss you."

Her smile was faint at that, but it was becoming more and more clear that this was not a topic that Aurum enjoyed discussing. She turned her gaze back to her papers, "Well, I should get back to preparing... is there anything else I can help you all with?"


@Props Valroa


From the midst of items on her desk, a flawless gemstone started to buzz, a sign that someone wanted to get in contact with her.

Despite the efforts of Consuls before her, and Apollo before Play Write, the Project was simply too large to wholly eliminate secret societies and organizations. After twenty five years though, it seemed that only one was left, a group that called itself The O5 Council. No Consul before her had managed to catch even one member claiming to belong to the council, despite many high ranking members of the Project reporting having been contacted by them. Another reason why no Consul had managed to stop them was that they had never moved against the better interests of the Project.

The gem buzzing meant that a member of the O5 was reaching out to her. She had never seen the gem on her desk before, nor heard of it, she somehow knew that that's what it meant. Had someone told her about it before? Who would she have even talked to about this sort of thing? The previous Consul?

The more time Spiral thought about it, the stranger the situation would seem.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Blitz Boom @Illiad Easle @Kujamih

(Away Team)


"Some things probably doesn't feel like they change, but life doesn't work that way. Everything changes with times. It's us, that can be too stubborn to change with it."

Last knew that things were not always ideal. She were an unmarried mother of two, with a mindset that many probably didn't think were fitting for a mother, along with several other things, that had been obstacles in her life. But she had done her best to try and change with things, and while it wasn't easy, nor always done well, she could at least say that she tried, and that for better or worse, this were life as it were now, and that were something that she'd take, and try to improve on. She'd been hurt by staying in the past, and that look on Maud's face, told her that while she had tried hard to let go of it, and move forward, it wasn't as easy for everyone. She'd pity Maud, but it wasn't the way she wanted to do things. She'd rather give her some solidarity, and a hoof reaching out in friendship. Perhaps from one with a broken past tot he other, she'd be relatable enough to talk with her proper, in some fashion.

Though Maud were very hard to read. Best poker face she'd ever encountered frankly. So it wouldn't be easy, nor ever had been, the other times she encountered the Pie mare. But then, what worth doing, were ever easy?

"I was a simple geologist. I was convinced that is all I'd ever be," Maud spoke, her eyes narrowing slightly as she looked into Last's eyes. "Then I had leadership over others, for a time - but that did not satisfy me. Power is only but a means to an end. Everything around me has taught me that those who seek power should never be near it. All it leads to is the destruction. of yourself and others. So I chose to do what I wanted, and abandon it." Maud spoke in an earnest manner, that while otherwise her manner of speaking had maintained a firm amount of grit to it. It was a telltale sign of someone who was dedicated to what they were doing, and weren't going to budge. 

Maud would lean closer to Last, as if whispering, "...Remember Red? I worked with her until she revealed her true colors. I have never told anyone this, so keep it to yourself." Maud spoke in a foreboding tone, one that betrayed her harsh exterior. "If Apollo had never threatened me with execution, I would have remained loyal to him until the very end..." Maud whispered, her words trailing off as she would pull back suddenly. It was a gesture of...trust? Possibly so. 


Once the craft landed, a bit softer than usual due to the reduced gravity, the leader was the first one to stand up. She was a diamond dog, her fur was a deep shade of chestnut brown, with a lustrous sheen that catches the light. Along her back and tail, there are hints of lighter brown and reddish undertones. Standing upright she wasn't much taller than any of the ponies present, but she looked strong enough to hold her own in a fight, in no small part due to the number of knives she had strapped to her in various places. While Amber Shepherd hadn't been on too many away missions before, she had been trained by some of the best the Project had to offer. Still, her inexperience could lead some of the more experienced members, like Last and Maud, to discount her.

She moved quickly to the back of the craft, where the door outside was, as everyone got ready to get off, "Alright everyone, masks on, and stay alert. First objective is to establish a perimeter, make sure this landing zone is safe, then we'll make assignments for exploration and guard rotations."

She pulled her own mask over her muzzle, and waited for everyone else to have their masks on before pressing the button to open the door, giving everyone inside their first look at the new place.

As everyone disembarked, the more experienced members knew to carry with them the large crates that included the supplies for the camp and other defenses.

Amber came over to Plein and Brittle before they could get too distracted by the strange scenery, "You two, with me. We're going to get camp set up." She moved over towards Last and Maud, "You two, start setting up the perimeter."

After getting confirmation from them, she'd return to Plein and Brittle to help set up tents in the middle of the available space. "So, first time on the surface?"

For Maud and Last, setting up the perimeter involved standing up special poles at regular intervals and running cables between them. The poles emitted a frequency designed to drive off the spawn and other small creatures, as well as detecting when anything approached from the outside, sending an alert to everyone in case there was danger. It wasn't as secure as a real fence, but it was meant to be quick to set up and take down, in case they needed to leave quickly.

Maud would take her attention away from last at the moment and listen up. The leader of the away team was a younger inexperienced one, Maud knew that all great ones had to start somewhere. Though this did not mean that Maud trusted her ability to lead - though she would of course never say that to anyone. It wasn't her place to say anything about anyone else. Maud was focused on her own self. As they all disembarked, Maud would equip her mask.

Looking to Last, she would nod, and begin carrying the equipment for setting up the perimeter. Then she noticed something, after they were about to begin. Some of the others who were nearby may have heard Maud speak before they would proceed to set up camp.

"We aren't in Equestria. Nor a place Ponykind has ever been." she spoke ominously, setting down her equipment. She would point up at the sun - which was seemingly dimmer, redder, but it was also much larger in the sky. Then, she would resume getting the equipment for the perimeter set up. Last had a chance to continue conversing with her if she wanted, while everyone else was focused on their tasks. They were soon to be alone, after all. 




From the midst of items on her desk, a flawless gemstone started to buzz, a sign that someone wanted to get in contact with her.

Despite the efforts of Consuls before her, and Apollo before Play Write, the Project was simply too large to wholly eliminate secret societies and organizations. After twenty five years though, it seemed that only one was left, a group that called itself The O5 Council. No Consul before her had managed to catch even one member claiming to belong to the council, despite many high ranking members of the Project reporting having been contacted by them. Another reason why no Consul had managed to stop them was that they had never moved against the better interests of the Project.

The gem buzzing meant that a member of the O5 was reaching out to her. She had never seen the gem on her desk before, nor heard of it, she somehow knew that that's what it meant. Had someone told her about it before? Who would she have even talked to about this sort of thing? The previous Consul?

The more time Spiral thought about it, the stranger the situation would seem.

Spiral was busy attending to other duties at the moment - but the moment she noticed the gemstone buzzing on her desk. Instantly her previous work was forgotten as she focused on the gemstone that was buzzing before her. It was something that had fascinated her. Who were the O5 Council and what did they want? Spiral knew little about them to go off of. Though, she knew that they had ample time in the past 25 years to be a threat and yet they did not. It was most curious. Though Spiral knew that the O5 would not likely be hostile, she still was sure to be weary.

Spiral would reach down to the gemstone and hold it in her hooves as it buzzed. She had time to think about this - but how did this gem get here? Spiral were in this office a lot of time, and she would have noticed someone leaving an item on her desk. As she thought about it more, she realized that from her previous conversations with others, including the previous Consul - this had never been mentioned to her. Perhaps the gem somehow...gave Spiral some sort of memory or recollection she didn't have previously.

Without more delay, she would speak into the gemstone, "This is Spiral Spell. To whom am I speaking to?" she asked in a professional tone. 

  • Brohoof 1


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@Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom @Props Valroa

As light approached his destination, it would be cut short by an aircraft of some sort.

" Oh crap..." He quickly climbed down and hid.

He now tries to approach cautiously and silently. He does not know if these creatures are hostile or not. If worst comes to worse he'd act like a pony and gallop along.

As he got near enough to have a full view, he'd see how advanced the machinery of the craft.

" Hmmm shouldn't mess with them.."

And as the hatchet open he sees a fully geared creatures. 

"Ohhh sophisticated creatures... They definitely have food... But is it edible for me?....hmmm...." He ponders as he observed the suited up creatures. 

It seems that the body proportions of the suited creatures differ.

Mixed race? Some are bi pedal and some stand on four?...

" I need to sneak in."

He then tried some of his magic. He sees that the sun on this planet is quite weak, thus he cannot absorb or gain much assistance or power from this light source. But he's approach is for stealth and he just needs the light not to bounce on him. This helps him in a way to hide himself a bit. Although he needs to be in dark places.

He also noticed that they placed a pole of some sort and is producing some kind of energy around it. Is it magic based or light based? He hopes so cuz he could then manipulate it through his ability or the use of the changeling shards in his body.

Although if it did cause an alarm hed quickly hide on some crates or what not and hoped that the guards would consider it a falls alarm. If not hed spy some more and check on who these pilots are and their purpose... Are they friend or foe?

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@Kujamih @Illiad Easle @Props Valroa

(Away Team)

On 2023-06-07 at 12:32 AM, Spiral Spell said:

"I was a simple geologist. I was convinced that is all I'd ever be," Maud spoke, her eyes narrowing slightly as she looked into Last's eyes. "Then I had leadership over others, for a time - but that did not satisfy me. Power is only but a means to an end. Everything around me has taught me that those who seek power should never be near it. All it leads to is the destruction. of yourself and others. So I chose to do what I wanted, and abandon it." Maud spoke in an earnest manner, that while otherwise her manner of speaking had maintained a firm amount of grit to it. It was a telltale sign of someone who was dedicated to what they were doing, and weren't going to budge. 

Maud would lean closer to Last, as if whispering, "...Remember Red? I worked with her until she revealed her true colors. I have never told anyone this, so keep it to yourself." Maud spoke in a foreboding tone, one that betrayed her harsh exterior. "If Apollo had never threatened me with execution, I would have remained loyal to him until the very end..." Maud whispered, her words trailing off as she would pull back suddenly. It was a gesture of...trust? Possibly so. 

Last looked at Maud, but her mind went elsewhere for a bit. What Maud said... It rung a few bells, of both the time when things had truly turned around on the ship, and some things even further back than that. From before she had arrived here. And so, she had a reply, though her words would trail off at times, as old, regrettable memories would surface at times, as she leaned in to say her own piece.

"...You have my word, that I won't tell a soul."

Her ice-blue gaze looked directly into Maud's eyes as she said this back, in a lower tone to match, to ensure their talk were between one another. Maud were a good mare, whom she had talked to more than a few times before, and shared the occasional mission with. She should know that if Last gave her word, she would keep it. This one would be something that she'd take to the grave.

"And know that I don't judge you, Maud. We've all been deceived at times, thinking we did the right thing. Followed the right creatures... I'm no better than you on this. I've been led to trust someone, who ended up causing a lot of those that I knew, getting hurt. Some of them even died, because I hesitated, and I've had to ask myself a lot over the years, if things could've been different, if I hadn't been so blind. Maybe my dad would...

*sigh* But regret goes nowhere, and actions speak louder than words. You saw who they really were, and you turned on them. Weren't all who had that sort of conviction.

And for what it's worth, I think you lead well. Even when I disagreed with your ideas, I'd still respect you. Not everyone I could've said the same thing about."

She lean back after that, and start thinking a bit, about things once more. Some... Unpleasant memories had to be digested once again.

As for Maud, she were right on several things really. Including the main point, that power were something that should never go to those, who actually wanted it. It were a corrupting force, and trying to hang on to it, never led somewhere good. That were something both her and Sugar had to make each other face too, when they began digging deeper into their ideals and convictions. Those they had trusted, the ways that had hurt those around them... It wasn't easy, seeing how those with power, had been seen as near infallible by them both, yet it were a sobering reality that had to be faced, and learned from.

It'd have an influence when her group had to find a flag to fight under, someday too. They would need to be loyal, but not blind, and willing to turn on the throne that guided them, if the rot started to show.

On 2023-06-06 at 11:07 PM, Illiad Easle said:

She moved quickly to the back of the craft, where the door outside was, as everyone got ready to get off, "Alright everyone, masks on, and stay alert. First objective is to establish a perimeter, make sure this landing zone is safe, then we'll make assignments for exploration and guard rotations."

Last had taken to landing as per usual, without incident. She had gotten too used to this over the years, to have issues with this anymore, and were automatically going forward, carrying stuff for the perimeter, even before any sort of order had been given. Mask on and standing still after setting hoof proper on the surface, looking over the area in front of them, and trying to discern if there were any sort of obvious threat, and where it's be wisest to set things.

Sure she hadn't been given an order to do so at first, but some things were self explanatory, and could be done while she waited for one. This were a fresh blood in command, so it remained to be seen how Amber would handle that sort of pressure, but as this wasn't her first time on a mission, she had probably run into Last before. If not, then this would be a learning experience. If she had though, Amber should know that Last - while willing to take orders - would disobey, in case the order were seen by her, as foolish, and detrimental for the team. She'd also be observing Amber closely, to see if she did make the right choices, on this mission. Last didn't just respect anyone. It had to be earned, and this were Amber's chance to see if she had what it took, or if she were still far too fresh, and just prepped up on the words of others, and written tests.

Last did not put much faith in the exams, and if Amber had never set hoof on the surface before, she wouldn't have thought the diamond dog able to run a flea market, much less an away team. But she had either seen or heard that this one had been out before, so maybe she'd have some proper experience, to back things up. They'd see. Couldn't be worse than one of the last ones that had a head bigger than the skills to carry it out. She more or less had to side-track the idiot after a few hours, and take over things, to not cause the whole thing to end up in chaos. He had not been thrilled, and she had not cared one single bit.

On 2023-06-06 at 11:07 PM, Illiad Easle said:

She moved over towards Last and Maud, "You two, start setting up the perimeter."

For Maud and Last, setting up the perimeter involved standing up special poles at regular intervals and running cables between them. The poles emitted a frequency designed to drive off the spawn and other small creatures, as well as detecting when anything approached from the outside, sending an alert to everyone in case there was danger. It wasn't as secure as a real fence, but it was meant to be quick to set up and take down, in case they needed to leave quickly.

"We're on it."

Least this one knew to prioritize, and keep it short and precise. That was a good start. The fool she had thought off before, had wanted to start by doing a head count, and carry the supplies out to just stand in the open, without a perimeter, or guards on the ready. Pff, amateur. Least this one had the priorities straight.

On 2023-06-07 at 12:32 AM, Spiral Spell said:

"We aren't in Equestria. Nor a place Ponykind has ever been." she spoke ominously, setting down her equipment. She would point up at the sun - which was seemingly dimmer, redder, but it was also much larger in the sky. Then, she would resume getting the equipment for the perimeter set up. Last had a chance to continue conversing with her if she wanted, while everyone else was focused on their tasks. They were soon to be alone, after all. 

"A change of scenery, eh? Not bad. Hoping this doesn't mean that they'll confiscate everything we'd try to bring back though. Strange new world, there outta be something I can bring back to the kids. They tend to love the little souvenirs I can sometimes pick up. I think it's cause it keeps them fantasizing about how it's gonna be, once we return home to our own surface.

You thought of where your path leads down there yet? Going back to being a geologist? Outta be a use for every sort of profession, yeah?"

She'd talk while she set the equipment, and put it in place. Maud and her were veterans here. Setting this up shouldn't take long, though they had to stay alert. Never knew what might skulk around this here alien forest.

On 2023-06-06 at 11:07 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Amber came over to Plein and Brittle before they could get too distracted by the strange scenery, "You two, with me. We're going to get camp set up."

After getting confirmation from them, she'd return to Plein and Brittle to help set up tents in the middle of the available space. "So, first time on the surface?"

Brittle had been more hesitant, checking her mask three times, before exiting the ship in the first place, and trying to carry just... Something with her, that others of her group seemed to. She assumed she were supposed to at least, so she had some things here. If it weren't for what she would be told to do, she could probably just pout it down there somewhere. She just wanted to be helpful here after all. It helped calm her down a little, to have that sort of structure to things. Plus Briar were a good influence, teaching her that helping others were a valiant, good thing to do, and that it were not polite to just watch others work, if you had the option to help, lest you were told not to.

She were jolted out of just looking around, somewhat nervous, when Amber came over and told her to follow.

"Y-Yes, of course."

She'd scurry along, carrying what she hoped were something for camp making. If not, she'd rush back and change that, using magic to carry in both cases. Her magical aura had a peculiar shiny onyx outline, making it seem as if some sort of shadow were encroaching on it, but otherwise there were nothing noteworthy about it.

When she were addressed after Amber had gone to get Last and Maud to work, she'd be at work with tents, along with Plein. Least tents were something she were good at, as she had practiced preparing for a surface run, by camping various places in The Æther, over the years. Might not be the same tents, but the basics usually were the same.

"It's uh, t-that obvious huh? I haven't touched ground in nearly twenty years, since my dad and I got rescued. But I promise I won't cause trouble ma'am. I'll stay with the group, and do as I'm told."

Some had never even seen real ground, as they were born on The Æther. She had, but this were not home, and frankly, what she did remember of home, were mostly horrifying and scary. Hopefully things would have changed for the better, after all these years, but she did admit to having some doubts about that.




Oakley were confused at the reaction, to what he had said. Did she not like pegasi? Were she maybe infertile? It seemed like he had touched on something, but he wasn't sure what, nor if he should even ask. Briar made the call before he thought much more of it though.

"I'm sure there is a need for us elsewhere. If not, Thorn Weaver did mention brewing something, that could be useful for others. It would be interesting to see what that might be.

Oakley, would you be so kind as to return to the agricultural division for now, and see if they need some help? In case something have been tumbled around again, they could use your strength. I will be along later."

"Of course. Have fun you two."

He'd raise a meaty hoof, and wave at them, before being on his way, towards their usual workplace. Briar would stay for a bit though, and take a few steps closer to Aurum.

"Try not to let his words burden you, Aurum. He means well, but he doesn't know. I have told no one, like I promised you all those years ago.

Ease your mind, and focus on the children. I will return some other time, to hear how you are doing, okay?"

If she'd allow it, he'd place a hoof on her shoulder, and smile comfortingly towards her, but would accept it if she didn't, and then simple smile. In either case, he'd eventually do a bow, and then begin to be on his way. There were still much to do, on this day. And he wanted to find something to do too. It would help him not get too focused on worrying about Brittle.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Props Valroa @Blitz Boom @Kujamih

(Last, Maud, and White)

The perimeter posts were designed to overlap with redundancy in regards to their ability to detect potential threats, and the suite of detection options anticipated creatures attempting to be invisible.

Those assigned to guard duty, including Last and Maud, would get an alert in their radios when Light approached. "Motion trigger, post #5, post #6. No visual trigger. Warning, possible invisible or camouflaged entity."

Other guards would move towards the indicated posts, including a griffon whose eyesight would help them detect any flaws in a disguise, and another diamond dog who would try to find him by scent.

If Light approached any other posts they would also flag the guards in their radios, allowing them to detect which way he was going as they tried to track him. However, since the alarm was just in the radios, Light would not have any indication other than the guard movements that he had been detected.

If he passed too many posts, the system would get better at detecting him.


@Blitz Boom

(Plein and Brittle)

On 2023-06-10 at 2:33 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"It's uh, t-that obvious huh? I haven't touched ground in nearly twenty years, since my dad and I got rescued. But I promise I won't cause trouble ma'am. I'll stay with the group, and do as I'm told."

Amber Shepherd looked a little disappointed, "Ah, I had hoped I was wrong, but I guess everyone has to start somewhere, right? Don't spread it around, but this is my first time in charge, and I just want everything to go well."

Plein also responded to Amber's question, "This is my first time down here too, but I've been in some of the smaller craft as a cartographer before, so I have some experience outside the Project."

Amber nodded at that, "Given all the trees they weren't able to get good maps from above, so you'll be pretty useful as we try and map the area from the ground."

Amber's head suddenly turned towards the perimeter where some of the other guards were moving, "That's not good... but it's good that we got the perimeter up first." She turned to the other two, "I'll go help check it out. If they're invisible I should be able to help sniff them out. You two keep working, you're doing great."

Before Amber left they had set up a few of the larger tents, where most of the supplies would be stored for the trip, so all that remained was to set up the sleeping tents around the larger ones.


@Props Valroa


On 2023-06-06 at 4:32 PM, Spiral Spell said:

Without more delay, she would speak into the gemstone, "This is Spiral Spell. To whom am I speaking to?" she asked in a professional tone.

When addressed, the gem stopped buzzing, replaced by a projection of a creature in silhouette. The head seemed to be that of an earth pony. "Come now Consul Spell, you worked hard for the title, use it." The tone became more serious, "Our informants indicate that we seem to have... slipped... from our normal course. The Project was never meant to leave Equis, or rather, it was never meant to arrive somewhere that was not Equis. If we're not careful, we won't be able to get back on track. The away teams should not take anything back with them to reduce any risk of contamination. Further, it is time to prepare for our return to our Equis. Many will want to return to their homes, and that is fine, but the O5 built this Project, and the O5 will retain control of it when this is over. Several secrets were included in order to make this Project a success, secrets that must not be allowed to leave the O5's control. We are counting on you to ensure that our... separation... is as seamless as possible." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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