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private The Æther Project

Illiad Easle

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@Kujamih @Illiad Easle @Props Valroa

(Last, Maud, White)

2 hours ago, Maud Pie said:

Maud would be seemingly focused on setting up the equipment though Last could tell that she was listening to what she was spoken to. Maud were a good listener. She'd never interrupt someone when she is being spoken to. "Perhaps we may find something of interest. This place however, is heavily Chlorinated. I can not tell if that is due to magical cause or natural atmospheric conditions." Maud spoke, and then glanced into Last's eyes. "Perhaps I will." she spoke. An idea crossed her mind. In Maud's later years - perhaps she can plan to be a professor of Geology? Teach the newer generations about Geology, so that she can keep her interest alive?

"I dunno what that means, but you're a better thinker than I am. I'm more of a fighter. That's been my life, and even when I get too old to swing a blade, I can still make sure to learn others how to do it instead. Same with your and all that knowledge you got in your head. Doesn't seem right to just let all that go to waste, when knowledge is gonna be crucial for us to have a chance at rebuilding, and evolving."

There were plenty of brainy types on the project. Including some of the newer generations, that might like this sorta thing. Heck, one of her foals might even end up having a vested interest. She were a very smart cookie, and Last wasn't gonna force her foals to pick the same path she did. She did make them train still though, cause no foal of hers were going to be an easy victim, which also resulted in some getting confused, when they had the absolute tar beaten out of them by a young teen.

They each went at it their own way, of course. one used their mind more, and the other brawn. Didn't matter though, as she weren't playing favorites. They were each their own, special young pony, and she were proud of them all the same. Didn't matter if it were them acing an exam in school, or cracking a stack of rocks in half. Though she did wish that they were a bit more careful about their friends every now and again. Their aunt were getting awfully close with her daughter, teaching her some more shady tactics... Last were not against rogue'ish things, but some of those concoctions that Belladonna could make, were extremely lethal, and though nothing had happened yet, she did worry sometimes, that she'd get careless around her foals, and end up infecting them with something by accident.

*sigh* But since she herself, were the sort who'd want to teach others, she could hardly go and say that Belladonna shouldn't have anyone to offer her expertise to. Especially since her own offspring, had zero interest in toxins. He were a nice stallion though. His interests were just elsewhere, and Belladonna accepted that.

Besides, Belladonna weren't such a bad influence. It were more that her daughter were hanging out with both her, and Blitz a fair amount, that tended to cause her concern...

On 2023-06-12 at 8:55 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Those assigned to guard duty, including Last and Maud, would get an alert in their radios when Light approached. "Motion trigger, post #5, post #6. No visual trigger. Warning, possible invisible or camouflaged entity."

2 hours ago, Maud Pie said:

Maud would look to Last, seemingly cutting off the previous conversation. She gave Last a serious look. "We do not know what kind of entities live here. Be on your guard." Maud would speak over the radio while looking to Last. 

"I'm coming. If the camouflage is magical in nature, I can handle it.

You coming too, Maud? Or will you keep guard, in case it slips by?"

Last wouldn't yet draw her blade, but she were ready to, at a moment's notice. She had still fought mostly with mouth movements for a long time, but Sugar had eventually convinced her, that there were wisdom in learning how to hold it otherwise. Such as now, when her mouth were blocked from the ability to chow down on something like a sword handle. So she'd hold it with her hoof, if things started. Had taken time to train in proper, but she had to admit, that it did give her access to some other ways of fighting at times, and it were never bad to have options for that. Meant there were far less times, when she'd be dead weight. Which after the ice castle situation, she had wanted to avoid. She didn't like feeling useless.

She had given her message over the radio too, and waited to hear Maud's response, before starting to move to the designated area, keeping her senses high, and ready to swing if needed. If she even fought that she noticed a small thing, she'd withdraw her blade, and start to slowly move that around, trying to gage if there were something there. Including if it moved away from the sharp blade. Its anti-magic enchantment, were good at handling these sorts of costumes. Which were also how she had managed to accidentally find a kitsune pair on board their ship once... Scared little thing, had been so sure that she'd rat him and his sister out. Last hadn't the heart to do it though, and just pretended she hadn't seen a thing.

Of course, they had gotten discovered later, but they had been more well known by then, and had managed to handle things fairly well. Didn't hurt they were pretty good healers. Always a need for that, when dealing with cases were doctors couldn't do enough, or needed the backup. They were good beings frankly. Nowhere near as powerful as that one they had seen in the ice castle though, but apparently, they claimed that nine tailed ones, were kinda like what alicorns were to ponies. Hard to say what were true though. Even they admitted they only went by the stories they had known from they were kits. They were mighty curious about where that ice castle were though.

Sometimes she wondered if perhaps this were the sort that the nine tailed one were waiting for, but something told her that it were futile, to try and figure out what that large fluff-ball were thinking.

Anyway, to return to the situation at hoof, she would get to the mentioned post, and partake in the hunt, going around, with her glowing sword held sideways, so that she didn't potentially cut something, if discovered. No point in that, without an act of aggression from that thing first.

As for what they'd find? She assumed some sort of lizard, or semi-intelligent local species. Probably something surprising, but really, how crazy could it get? She'd seen plenty of wacky things at this point in her life.



(Plein and Brittle)

On 2023-06-12 at 8:55 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Amber Shepherd looked a little disappointed, "Ah, I had hoped I was wrong, but I guess everyone has to start somewhere, right? Don't spread it around, but this is my first time in charge, and I just want everything to go well."

"I'm sure you'll do fine, ma'am. You got some experienced ones with you, that can help if you uh, have a few issues. Long as we don't panic, and start scattering, we should be fine, right?"

She'd smile a little at Amber, trying to be encouraging. Truth be told, this were making her a bit more nervous, even though she knew, that they all had to start somewhere. At least that somewhere, were on a calm, simple tour, right? Nothing seemed to be going wrong yet, and she had directed them well so far. Granted she hadn't done a lot there, as they just landed, but Brittle were trying to be positive about this. It helped to counteract some of the nervousness.

She did feel something else too. A small, sting of jealousness, over Plein being singled out as having a useful skill they could have use for here. Brittle felt bad over that feeling, and it wasn't there for long, but she understood why it had come up. Plein had a lot of skills, that were helpful around situations. And then there were herself, who really didn't have a lot, beyond some changeling fundamentals to work with, and an ability to inflict fear on others. Sometimes unintentionally. That were not really that useful, though she supposed, she could like, make a rampaging bear take off or something. In theory at least.

*sigh* Maybe it were best she just kept focus on raising the tents, and moving supplies. Least she could do some menial work like that.

On 2023-06-12 at 8:55 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Amber's head suddenly turned towards the perimeter where some of the other guards were moving, "That's not good... but it's good that we got the perimeter up first." She turned to the other two, "I'll go help check it out. If they're invisible I should be able to help sniff them out. You two keep working, you're doing great."

Before Amber left they had set up a few of the larger tents, where most of the supplies would be stored for the trip, so all that remained was to set up the sleeping tents around the larger ones.

"Y-You can count on us. Please stay safe."

And now her nervousness got a small uptick. She'd try and rationalize it though, with herself. After all, it were just her, checking in on the guards. That didn't mean that something bad were going on, right? There were no widespread panic. No blood and gore tossed about. No giant, rampaging monster... And even if there were something out there, they had some strong fighters. They'd be fine back here. Everything were fine. They just had to keep on working, right?

After Amber had left, Brittle would be in the process of using her magic to faster assemble one of the sleeping tents, when she'd start to talk to Plein.

"You don't think there's something bad about to happen... D-Do you? I hope not at least. That wouldn't be a good first experience on solid ground."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

 @Illiad Easle

@Props Valroa

(Last and White Light)

Light with his experience, noticed movement and un easyness.

" Crap.... You gotta be kidding me.... I've been spotted?!" He said in a whispered panicked tone.

He would quickly try to avoid incoming hostiles or scouts. It seems his abilities were in no effect so he'd became more careful when using his magic. He'd prefer to be more stealthy i  skills rather than magic now.

As he tries to evade the ones who is after him, he would notice a certain energy. One that he is familiar with... It practically felt like another him...

" Could it be?!"

He was nervous.

" I'm, being hunted by my own self!? But i havent broken any contract from the order.... Have i gone missing that long!?..."

His easy going mood shifted to serious mode.

" If thats how it is, i have to move first."

He could sense where this other self of him is and would try to go

Sneak up on it.

Last would also sense that something was up with the sword. Depending on how close and used she is to the sword it would tell her the location and warn her. It would protect its master.

As Light approaches he would eventually meat up with Last. Although he would not know who it is as the friend he once knew is covered in a suit and age and time would make Light's memory a blur on who Last was.

White would continue to try and avoid as much confrontation and learn about his new potential enemies.

Are they part of the Order that he fearfully suspects?


  • Brohoof 1
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@Kujamih@Props Valroa@Illiad Easle

40 minutes ago, Kujamih said:

Last would also sense that something was up with the sword. Depending on how close and used she is to the sword it would tell her the location and warn her. It would protect its master.

As Light approaches he would eventually meat up with Last. Although he would not know who it is as the friend he once knew is covered in a suit and age and time would make Light's memory a blur on who Last was.

White would continue to try and avoid as much confrontation and learn about his new potential enemies.

Are they part of the Order that he fearfully suspects?

This were alarming. It wasn't often that the sword tended to warn her like this. It tended to mostly happen, when it came to something that were an actual threat. Not that it were something massive. A tingling of the brain, in a certain direction. Had taken her some hard hits, before she got the message, and started to try and work with it.

Of course, it wasn't something foolproof, or something that would always happen. But she did notice a certain uptick in difficulty, if that went on. Fairly weird stuff, but it were Light's gift to her, and she wouldn't question it, just use it to stay alive, and vanquish threats. It were what he had wanted. She were certain of that, and now it seemed, she'd be faced with yet another troublemaker. One that would get closer and closer, to where they had untrained personel. Beings she had sworn she would defend.

She wouldn't fail them.

In a fluid motion, she'd suddenly take a step back in the direction she were warned, and swung out with the blade, using her hoof, and the flat side. She were still not aiming to cut just yet. Soon though... At least if this were a properly dangerous creature.

(next part happens only, if Light is not revealed)

If she did not connect, she'd turn in the direction, and look around. Familiar, ice-blue eyes would scan the area, looking for whom she had been trying to hit. Even if covered up to some extend, her eyes would be free after all, and Light might recognize those eyes, and the scar running over her left eye, even if it were now opened. Of course, the sword could also be a big clue, considering he had made it himself.

"Where did you go, little shadow?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Props Valroa


The silhouette nodded, "You are far more... agreeable... than your predecessor. I'd look forward to many years working with you if we weren't going our separate ways in a month. So long as there is no danger, the teams don't have to be pulled back early. There may perhaps be important discoveries to be made about this new world after all. We just ask that nothing new be brought back with them. Fare well Consul Spiral."

The image disappeared, as did the gem. In fact there was no evidence that the gem had ever been there in the first place. Was she sure that she had spoken through a gem even? Far more likely someone had come in person to talk with her. She couldn't remember who it had been exactly, but it looked like she had taken a note, indicating that the away teams shouldn't bring anything back with them. It probably had something to do with the potentially hazardous air, it made sense that they wouldn't want to risk contamination so close to the end. She was unsure if she had come up with the idea herself, or if it had been suggested by whoever she spoke to.


@Blitz Boom

(Plein and Brittle)

23 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"I'm sure you'll do fine, ma'am. You got some experienced ones with you, that can help if you uh, have a few issues. Long as we don't panic, and start scattering, we should be fine, right?"

Amber nodded, "We brought the experienced volunteers for a reason, but I'm sure the two of you won't cause any issues so long as you're smart."


23 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"You don't think there's something bad about to happen... D-Do you? I hope not at least. That wouldn't be a good first experience on solid ground."

Plein didn't look too sure, "Well, we ought to be prepared just in case. I don't think next month will be any easier or safer. So better to get used to it now than later."

She'd keep moving on setting up the tents, though she'd move a bit slower as she kept looking about just in case.


@Props Valroa @Blitz Boom @Kujamih

(Last, Maud, and Light)

Amber would approach Last as she moved to strike, "You see something?" She and the other diamond dog would start sniffing around, trying to find Light's scent.

5 hours ago, Kujamih said:

" Crap.... You gotta be kidding me.... I've been spotted?!" He said in a whispered panicked tone.

As the posts were already looking for him, they were able to pick up the sound he made, even if it was too quiet to ascertain the exact position and what words he said. "Sound trigger, post #8"

The guards were starting to close in on him, and they would find him soon unless he either revealed himself, ran away from the posts, or did something unexpected.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


Spiral would sit there for a bit in thought. She did not know what to make of this really. From what she knew about the O5, it was unlikely that it would be any hostile action taken against her and the project. Spiral hoped that she was making the right decision in being amicable in this situation. She sat there at her desk while looking down at the note that had been apparently left behind. With the note in mind, she'd proceed to inform the team in control of the Away Teams that they should not bring back anything due to risk of contamination, on her orders. No exceptions. After doing so, she'd sit back at her desk and tend to other duties she had been doing before she found the gem. If it was even a real gem in the first place.

@Blitz Boom @Kujamih

(Last, Maud, and Light)

Maud would quickly take pursuit of Last as they both headed towards the direction where Light currently was. Maud was unable to see anything currently. Maud had her weapons at the ready, just incase there was to be a conflict here. Maud remained silent and focused. She was constantly looking around for any hostile entities that presented themselves. Maud would step back, first allowing the other guards to close in first - she wanted to observe before making a move.

  • Brohoof 1


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@Kujamih@Props Valroa@Illiad Easle

(Plein and Brittle)

"You're right. It's best not to get careless, or think things will be smoother from here. Best if we just keep going, and then hope the guards can solve this issue themselves."

She might have been able to held find out who were nearing honestly. She were good at sensing emotions, and while they had smell, sound, and anti-magic covered, a sense of emotion could also do something. That said however, Brittle were not much of a combatant, and she had been given an order to stay and handle this. It were probably best not to cause concern, by having her hinder their search, in the way of being more of a nuisance and distraction, than an actual help.

Might help keep Plein and her safe though, if whatever it were, broke through them, and snuck nearer to them. If it felt something, she could probably sense it, and thus, it were a warning for them. She best keep her senses high for this, just in case.

While her magic shook the tent-poles she were connecting and setting up for a moment, Brittle would take some deep breaths, and then approach things with some calm again. She were still not perfect at keeping her fear and nervousness in check, but she had gotten much better over the years, and could function. Briar and a few others, had also shown her some techniques, and introduced her to several calming hobbies, that tended to help at times. Some songs to hum now and again, also did the trick sometimes.

Thorn Weaver had taught her a surprisingly good thing to keep herself in check, which were somewhat surprising, considering the peculiar evergrown, had been terrifying to her, the first time Brittle had seen her. It involved putting her hoof to the ground, or any surface, though dirt would be best, and then in fluid motions draw fluid patterns. They didn't need to mean anything, she were just meant to draw, focus on not lifting her hoof, and watch the lines turn to swirls and was, spreading calmly around or in front of her.

She had a suspicion that it were some kind of sub-conscious manipulation, and that the times when Thorn Weaver had showed her, she had done something externally, that made her sub-consciousness, connect this with calmness, but she didn't know for sure. Thorn Weaver did not show her hoof on things, unless she deemed it important, or necessary, and she were rather subtle, when she had an inkling to be so. Which were one of the nicer things, that others than her fellow evergrown, tended to say about her. There were reasons why she mostly kept to herself, and added benefits to the project away from general view.

Frankly, she sometimes worried that Belladonna were the only non-evergrown friend, that Thorn Weaver even had, though she were told by Briar that she didn't need to worry about that. He wouldn't say more, which made her think that he had promised to not divulge it, and he were one, who respected the privacy of others, if they asked it of him. Combined with him being a good listener, it resulted in a few confining in him now and again, and whatever they said to him, she didn't know. He respected their wish to keep it from others, as much as he did hers, and she could not fault him for that.

Thinking of Briar and the other evergrown, helped to calm her a bit more. A smile even crept on her face, when she remembered how even now, Oakley would sometimes pick her up, put her on his back, and take her on a little run. He knew she enjoyed that, as his presence felt very secure to her, and he personally enjoyed doing such things for a laugh. Simple pleasures, for a simple being, as some said. But then, what were wrong with that, right?



(Last, Maud, Light)

Last stood silent and still, sword still where it had been, when this creature had revealed itself, claiming surrender. Of all the things she had seen, she had not expected this to be it, so it took a couple of seconds, before she got her bearings again. It had been a while since some shapeshifter, or mind reading thing that made illusions, had dug in, and pulled out this particular memory of a pony. It had happened a couple of times before though. Some nasty things, but all of them crumbled, once they were close enough to the blade. Should have been as it were, but some were resistent enough, that it took nearly touching them. No big deal bridging that gap, and see what they were really dealing with.

She'd move the blade - still flat side, to avoid cutting - towards Light, and kept going. Went so far, as to the blade resting on the side of his face, and yet... Nothing. He did not change. She did not suddenly see a blob of mucus and teeth, or a deranged science experiment, or any other matter of the freaking things you sometimes saw, when dealing with one cloaking themselves. He didn't even vanish, which would indicate that he was an illusion.

This... Were impossible. He were dead. Removed from reality. It could... It wasn't possible.. Right? But this one didn't get affected by the anti-magic. He knew their language, which shouldn't happen, if this was really some world where ponies had never set hoof. And it couldn't be mind-reading and tricks, when there were no magic, right? But still, it shouldn't... Especially after all these years. Twenty years, while he barely looked a day older. That wasn't rational.

But then, his disappearance hadn't been either, right? He had just vanished, away with The Empress. What if he hadn't...

"...White Light? Is that you?"

He might recognize something too. If nothing else, then perhaps the blade poking him, and the energy on it, would be somewhat familiar to him. Unless he often went around enchanting blades for overly violent mares, which... Okay, were in character, but still, it couldn't be That many, right?

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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2 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

@Kujamih@Props Valroa@Illiad Easle

(Plein and Brittle)

"You're right. It's best not to get careless, or think things will be smoother from here. Best if we just keep going, and then hope the guards can solve this issue themselves."

She might have been able to held find out who were nearing honestly. She were good at sensing emotions, and while they had smell, sound, and anti-magic covered, a sense of emotion could also do something. That said however, Brittle were not much of a combatant, and she had been given an order to stay and handle this. It were probably best not to cause concern, by having her hinder their search, in the way of being more of a nuisance and distraction, than an actual help.

Might help keep Plein and her safe though, if whatever it were, broke through them, and snuck nearer to them. If it felt something, she could probably sense it, and thus, it were a warning for them. She best keep her senses high for this, just in case.

While her magic shook the tent-poles she were connecting and setting up for a moment, Brittle would take some deep breaths, and then approach things with some calm again. She were still not perfect at keeping her fear and nervousness in check, but she had gotten much better over the years, and could function. Briar and a few others, had also shown her some techniques, and introduced her to several calming hobbies, that tended to help at times. Some songs to hum now and again, also did the trick sometimes.

Thorn Weaver had taught her a surprisingly good thing to keep herself in check, which were somewhat surprising, considering the peculiar evergrown, had been terrifying to her, the first time Brittle had seen her. It involved putting her hoof to the ground, or any surface, though dirt would be best, and then in fluid motions draw fluid patterns. They didn't need to mean anything, she were just meant to draw, focus on not lifting her hoof, and watch the lines turn to swirls and was, spreading calmly around or in front of her.

She had a suspicion that it were some kind of sub-conscious manipulation, and that the times when Thorn Weaver had showed her, she had done something externally, that made her sub-consciousness, connect this with calmness, but she didn't know for sure. Thorn Weaver did not show her hoof on things, unless she deemed it important, or necessary, and she were rather subtle, when she had an inkling to be so. Which were one of the nicer things, that others than her fellow evergrown, tended to say about her. There were reasons why she mostly kept to herself, and added benefits to the project away from general view.

Frankly, she sometimes worried that Belladonna were the only non-evergrown friend, that Thorn Weaver even had, though she were told by Briar that she didn't need to worry about that. He wouldn't say more, which made her think that he had promised to not divulge it, and he were one, who respected the privacy of others, if they asked it of him. Combined with him being a good listener, it resulted in a few confining in him now and again, and whatever they said to him, she didn't know. He respected their wish to keep it from others, as much as he did hers, and she could not fault him for that.

Thinking of Briar and the other evergrown, helped to calm her a bit more. A smile even crept on her face, when she remembered how even now, Oakley would sometimes pick her up, put her on his back, and take her on a little run. He knew she enjoyed that, as his presence felt very secure to her, and he personally enjoyed doing such things for a laugh. Simple pleasures, for a simple being, as some said. But then, what were wrong with that, right?



(Last, Maud, Light)

Last stood silent and still, sword still where it had been, when this creature had revealed itself, claiming surrender. Of all the things she had seen, she had not expected this to be it, so it took a couple of seconds, before she got her bearings again. It had been a while since some shapeshifter, or mind reading thing that made illusions, had dug in, and pulled out this particular memory of a pony. It had happened a couple of times before though. Some nasty things, but all of them crumbled, once they were close enough to the blade. Should have been as it were, but some were resistent enough, that it took nearly touching them. No big deal bridging that gap, and see what they were really dealing with.

She'd move the blade - still flat side, to avoid cutting - towards Light, and kept going. Went so far, as to the blade resting on the side of his face, and yet... Nothing. He did not change. She did not suddenly see a blob of mucus and teeth, or a deranged science experiment, or any other matter of the freaking things you sometimes saw, when dealing with one cloaking themselves. He didn't even vanish, which would indicate that he was an illusion.

This... Were impossible. He were dead. Removed from reality. It could... It wasn't possible.. Right? But this one didn't get affected by the anti-magic. He knew their language, which shouldn't happen, if this was really some world where ponies had never set hoof. And it couldn't be mind-reading and tricks, when there were no magic, right? But still, it shouldn't... Especially after all these years. Twenty years, while he barely looked a day older. That wasn't rational.

But then, his disappearance hadn't been either, right? He had just vanished, away with The Empress. What if he hadn't...

"...White Light? Is that you?"

He might recognize something too. If nothing else, then perhaps the blade poking him, and the energy on it, would be somewhat familiar to him. Unless he often went around enchanting blades for overly violent mares, which... Okay, were in character, but still, it couldn't be That many, right?

 As the blade touches his face, he'd unconsciously tried to avoid it, but it would eventually touch him.

It seemed the mare infront of him is testing the blade on him, which means she knows how to use it.

Then the mare spoke.

It knows his name which shocked him. But still doesn't know if she is a friend or someone he owed.

"Uhhhh yeeesss?" He answered unsure.

But soon after his stomach would rumble and put him back at his knees.

" Ouuffff, i guess my stomach disagrees with the grass i just ate."


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@Props Valroa @Blitz Boom @Kujamih

(Maud, Last, and Light)

Once Light revealed himself he was quickly surrounded by the guards that had been pursuing him. They hesitated to get too close to what they assumed was a native, given they weren't dressed like any of them. Amber though got a little closer, coming over to Last's side, "Do you know this pony? Are they dangerous?"


(Plein and Brittle)

Plein relaxed a little bit when the trespasser revealed themselves, and was seemingly being subdued by Last. "Looks like Last caught them. I just hope this isn't some sort of distraction, and the real danger is behind us, right?"

She was curious though, as the trespasser seemed to be a pony, she hadn't expected that they'd run into a pony so quickly, especially one who had tried to sneak in. She didn't have high hopes that it wasn't another loyalist.

She wasn't too concerned about there being an ambush from behind though, in part because she and Brittle were in the middle of the camp, and the guards from the second craft were still on the opposite side from where Last had been caught, watching for that exact possibility. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

@Props Valroa @Blitz Boom @Kujamih

(Maud, Last, and Light)

Once Light revealed himself he was quickly surrounded by the guards that had been pursuing him. They hesitated to get too close to what they assumed was a native, given they weren't dressed like any of them. Amber though got a little closer, coming over to Last's side, "Do you know this pony? Are they dangerous?"


(Plein and Brittle)

Plein relaxed a little bit when the trespasser revealed themselves, and was seemingly being subdued by Last. "Looks like Last caught them. I just hope this isn't some sort of distraction, and the real danger is behind us, right?"

She was curious though, as the trespasser seemed to be a pony, she hadn't expected that they'd run into a pony so quickly, especially one who had tried to sneak in. She didn't have high hopes that it wasn't another loyalist.

She wasn't too concerned about there being an ambush from behind though, in part because she and Brittle were in the middle of the camp, and the guards from the second craft were still on the opposite side from where Last had been caught, watching for that exact possibility. 

" I can bite and kick..." He answered

" I'm also good at hearing." He pointed at his ears while still raising his arm hooves.

  • Brohoof 1
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@Kujamih@Props Valroa@Illiad Easle

(Last, Maud, Light)

On 2023-06-17 at 1:52 PM, Kujamih said:

"Uhhhh yeeesss?" He answered unsure.

But soon after his stomach would rumble and put him back at his knees.

" Ouuffff, i guess my stomach disagrees with the grass i just ate."

On 2023-06-19 at 8:57 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Once Light revealed himself he was quickly surrounded by the guards that had been pursuing him. They hesitated to get too close to what they assumed was a native, given they weren't dressed like any of them. Amber though got a little closer, coming over to Last's side, "Do you know this pony? Are they dangerous?"

"It's actually you..."

Last would go over, and use her hoof, sword still in hand, to actually poke at Last. Giving his nose a little boop in the process, as she were testing if she might just be seeing things, but nope. This really seemed to be him.

The next part she'd later recount as having been intensely undignified on her part, as she'd drop the sword, and actually go in to give this old blast from the past a hug. A tight, strong one at that, for about four seconds, before she'd realize what she were doing, and would let go, take a step back, and grabbed the sword again. She'd clear her throat before talking after that, embarrassed at what had just overtaken her.

"Sorry, that was... Unbecoming.

His name is White Light, and I know him alright. Twenty years past, he and I were part of a group, that went on a surface mission, to get The Æther out of some sort of trap it had gotten caught it. He was a nuisance and a pest, but when push came to shove, he saved our hides, by taking on, and defeating a powerful monster, but he vanished with it. We thought he'd sacrificed himself. Died along with that thing, cancelling it out somehow. Saved our lives, and helped in no small part to free the ship.

He's the one who enchanted my blade with anti-magic, so yes, he's got dangerous abilities. Though I don't know how... *sigh* How are you here, Light? Have you been stuck here, for all those years? Why haven't you aged then?"

A glimmer of realisation came to mind, and her eyes would narrow, a cold, icy glare, cast his way that might be familiar too, even if only her eyes would be shown (in case of full body suits. Clarification needed), though the manner of the look, were not meant for Light. It were more who else he had vanished alongside with.

"Is that thing here too?"

He'd need to be interrogated proper, but she were having little doubt anymore. Even his way of just apparently casually eating things he did not know were good or bad for him, and vomiting in front of them, were so... Him, that it were staggering to think it might not be.



(Plein and Brittle)

On 2023-06-19 at 8:57 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"Looks like Last caught them. I just hope this isn't some sort of distraction, and the real danger is behind us, right?"

"I don't feel anything, but... Is she hugging him? I don't think I've ever seen her hug anyone, except for her foals, and her husband, and I've known her for decades."

This was frankly a weird sight. She knew Last as someone who didn't like to show public affection like this. Some exceptions were made, when it came to her family now and again, but she were just not the sort to do something like this. Yet there she were, hugging - albeit briefly - this odd intruder. Something which made Brittle halt her actions, and look at him a bit more, tilting her head to the left, as she tried torummage through her memories.

"He kinda looks familiar... I can't place it in my head though. Maybe he's one of her disciples, that got lost on one of the other missions, and somehow ended up here? Pretty fortunate that we found him then.

We should probably just keep setting up the base though, and wait for them to tell us more... Right? They should have things covered over there."

Not much else to do, than keep on working, right? Hopefully they'd get to know more later, but at least for now, it seemed like at least it were a familiar face to at least some of them. That should mean it were okay.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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2 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Sorry, that was... Unbecoming.

This took him by surprise. Who knows how long it was since he felt a warm embrace of a mare.

" Uhhh... I mean... I dont mind the hug... If you want... I.. I don't, i dont mind..."


2 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

He's the one who enchanted my blade with anti-magic, so yes, he's got dangerous abilities. Though I don't know how... *sigh* How are you here, Light? Have you been stuck here, for all those years? Why haven't you aged then?"

"... Ooohhhh so thats what happened... Yeah i think I'm remembering it...i was stuck on limbo for centuries because of you guys, NOW i remember... How long was i really gone missing?" 


2 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Is that thing here too?"

"...... Thing?.... Oh the alicorn? Yeah she is, she is.... Not sure where she went though after i got thrown into this world.... But shes cool now since weve been stuck together and fighting void creatures, we've been close buds... I think..."

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@Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom @Kujamih

Maud's steely gaze would fall upon White Light. For a while nothing was spoken, until she would step forward. "The last time you have been seen by anyone was 20 years ago. You were killed in the conflict with the Empress, you gave your life so that Aurum could be retrieved safely." 


Maud Pie signature

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@Props Valroa @Blitz Boom @Kujamih

(Maud, Last, and Light)

Amber Shepherd stayed cautious as White Light was brought back up to speed, moving to separate White and Last when they went to hug, "Hold up now, what proof do we have that this even is who you say? And not some imposter drawing off of your memories? I think that that is more likely than just surviving in a void all this time, and just so happening to cross paths with us again unaged."

She motioned for some of the other guards to approach, "Lock him up for now, I'm going to see what command thinks. You two," she pointed to Last and Maud, "I want you to keep your distance for now, until we know for sure. Even if he is who you say he is, whatever happened between now and then might have made him dangerous. I don't need your history with him clouding your judgement. Doubly so if he is an imposter. He said himself that's he's friends with the monster you were fighting."

(To clarify the suits, the hazardous materials suits cover everything, with the face plate having visors that cover the eyes that adjust the tint automatically according to light levels, so in shade you'd be able to see eyes, but in sunlight it would be like wearing sunglasses. Those with armor are wearing the armor on the outside of the suits.)

If Last and Maud did not intervene, a pair of griffons would approach to apprehend Light and move him to a secure area in the camp. Amber would move back to the aircraft to communicate with the Project, reporting that a creature who had been potentially ID'd as White Light had been captured on the ground. Information on White Light was requested as well as a command decision on what to do with him.

@Props Valroa

Spiral would be notified of Amber's report with respect to White Light.


(Plein and Brittle)

Plein looked over at the commotion with the guards at White, "Yeah, that's weird. Aurum always described Last as very hooves-off when it came to other ponies. I hope it's not some sort of spell."

On 2023-06-21 at 2:52 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"He kinda looks familiar... I can't place it in my head though. Maybe he's one of her disciples, that got lost on one of the other missions, and somehow ended up here? Pretty fortunate that we found him then.

We should probably just keep setting up the base though, and wait for them to tell us more... Right? They should have things covered over there."

Plein didn't look too sure, "We only just got here, if they had been left behind, what, they traveled the globe looking for us and just so happened to be here when we showed up? I don't buy it."

She nodded though when Brittle said to finish up the camp, "We're just about done here anyway. You figure out which tent you want? Looks like we're putting four per tent, except for the griffons who are bigger, maybe we try and get a tent together?"

After Amber sent off her report and waited for orders regarding White she'd come back over to Plein and Brittle, "Good work you two, do either of you have cooking experience to help out the chefs? Otherwise, sit tight. Once we have orders for our 'guest' we'll figure out exploratory teams."


On 2023-06-21 at 5:35 AM, Kujamih said:

"...... Thing?.... Oh the alicorn? Yeah she is, she is.... Not sure where she went though after i got thrown into this world.... But shes cool now since weve been stuck together and fighting void creatures, we've been close buds... I think..."

(Very delusional. Avarice is a draconequis, not an alicorn, and never spoke to him, turned herself to stone. They did nothing in the void, there were no void creatures, and they were definitely never friends. But if you want White to be wholly deluded about this, I think that would be interesting when Avarice makes an appearance after they all return to Equestria.)

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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" only 20 years!?.... I was sure i wass tuck there for hundreds though.... Damn that sucks."

Light knows he is too weak and unknowledgeable of whats happening here. The smartest action he'd take is to play along.

" Hey, what you guys say MIGHT be true that i could be just some creature playing with your memory... BUT i can say the same thing about you all! How do i know you wont kill me? Or worse EAT ME ALIVE!?..." The pony tried to confuse the others.

" But! if you give me water and some food I'd happily be of service to you all."

The griffins would grab him and drag him off quite easily.

" Oh so is that a deal then?... You guys gonna bring me where the food and water is, right?.... Right?.... You aint gonna eat me right....." He clammers on as he gets dragged off.

( And yes light IS delusional... Actually i forgot a lot of things and forgetting key details and i has no time for back reading WHICH is a good thing for Light who has missing memories and probably delusional..... Yup .... Thats whats really up.)

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@Kujamih@Props Valroa@Illiad Easle

(Last, Maud, Light)

On 2023-06-22 at 9:06 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Amber Shepherd stayed cautious as White Light was brought back up to speed, moving to separate White and Last when they went to hug, "Hold up now, what proof do we have that this even is who you say? And not some imposter drawing off of your memories? I think that that is more likely than just surviving in a void all this time, and just so happening to cross paths with us again unaged."

She motioned for some of the other guards to approach, "Lock him up for now, I'm going to see what command thinks. You two," she pointed to Last and Maud, "I want you to keep your distance for now, until we know for sure. Even if he is who you say he is, whatever happened between now and then might have made him dangerous. I don't need your history with him clouding your judgement. Doubly so if he is an imposter. He said himself that's he's friends with the monster you were fighting."

They wouldn't have a chance to separate the two of them, before Last had done so herself. They'd also need to be a few more to try and claw something from her grasp. Potentially a sedative or three. Might be Last were getting up in age, but that didn't mean that she had gone soft. The training did its job, at keeping her at her peak. But no need to test that now. Her outburst had been unintentional, and frankly, she didn't want it to happen in the first place, so there would be no repeated clinging here. Bloody emotional reaction... You'd think she'd be above that sometimes.

As for the order given to her, Last would turn and look directly at Amber's face. Tinted glasses or not, her gaze were as steely as ever, and she looked at the one in charge with a harsh, cold stare. So pretty much the same as always, when she were serious.

"I have dealt with shapeshifters before. I know what to look for, and I know that anti-magic deals with any of them, that tries to read off of your mind, to change perception. This one is real.

But you're right. Lock him up, and run your tests to make sure, then interrogate him, to make certain. If you need details to compare with, just ask."

She'd give a small nod to Amber, and stand back. A sliver of approvement were in her eyes, but frankly, the fact she backed down rather than stand her ground, were proof to those who knew her, that she acknowledged Amber in the lead. Despite Last knowing that this were White Light, it were the account of her, and that of Maud it all relied on. And while they were reliable voices, she'd like to think, this were still from a twenty year old perspective. Amber couldn't know if something had been glorified in their memories, if this one were tricking them, or if it were Light, where his loyalties then were. She did the smart option in taking him away to verify all those things, before she potentially brought The Æther in danger, by returning with him, with any levels of uncertainty.

"Two things for now: One is that if he read my mind to fool us, he did a poor job of it.

Second off, steel yourself with patience. He tends to be annoying. Try not to let that distract you.."

She doubted that had changed at least. Didn't seem like it, judging by his outburst after that. Apparently she hadn't overthought how much he got on her nerves sometimes, though she had started to doubt her memory about that every now and again. Seems her mind hadn't played tricks on her, cause here he were, going at it again. Though frankly, they could offer some water at the least. She were sure Amber would handle that though. She seemed too young and wanting to prove herself, to be a sadistic torture investigator. Those usually took more time, and had a certain look to them. Except for Marble, of course. That geezer looked as innocent as could be, but were probably the most vile interrogator they had, when given free reigns. Nasty piece of work.

As for the current situation? She wouldn't do anything, as he would be dragged off, and unless told otherwise, would go back to her duty from before Light had snuck into the camp. Surprise visit or not, they still had work to do.

"Comply with her inquiry, Light. Your chances are better then."



(Plein and Brittle)

On 2023-06-22 at 9:06 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Plein looked over at the commotion with the guards at White, "Yeah, that's weird. Aurum always described Last as very hooves-off when it came to other ponies. I hope it's not some sort of spell."

"I don't think that would work. Her sword is anti-magical, so it shouldn't anyway, I think? I'm sure we'll be told what's going on later, when everything's settled down."

Least she hoped so. It would be rather confusing to see this otherwise, with no context, and having to stay confused at what were going on. That's how rumors started, and that probably wouldn't be beneficial for anyone.

On 2023-06-22 at 9:06 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Plein didn't look too sure, "We only just got here, if they had been left behind, what, they traveled the globe looking for us and just so happened to be here when we showed up? I don't buy it."

She nodded though when Brittle said to finish up the camp, "We're just about done here anyway. You figure out which tent you want? Looks like we're putting four per tent, except for the griffons who are bigger, maybe we try and get a tent together?"

"That would be nice yes. Unless Last is in the same tent, then I have to find another.

It's n-not that I don't like her, but like I said, her sword is anti-magical. One mishap, and it would kill me. I think it's best that I don't sleep around it, just to avoid risks."

She knew she wasn't the only changeling that avoided Last sometimes, due to that sword. Sure she could probably kill one of them regardless, using only her hooves, but that would be intent. The sword could do it by accident. One reason why she didn't go around with it, but instead another blade, and only had this one ready for missions, or if anything happened on the ship. She weren't sure where exactly Last kept it otherwise though. She kept that to herself. Probably paranoia about others trying to steal it. It were probably in her crew's training area, or in her room though.

On 2023-06-22 at 9:06 PM, Illiad Easle said:

After Amber sent off her report and waited for orders regarding White she'd come back over to Plein and Brittle, "Good work you two, do either of you have cooking experience to help out the chefs? Otherwise, sit tight. Once we have orders for our 'guest' we'll figure out exploratory teams."

Brittle would raise her hoof, as she were asked if any of them had cooking experience.

"I don't have gourmet experience, but I know how to prepare regular food, and meat. My dad insisted that I had to learn, to prepare for leaving when The Æther landed back home."

She did still need emotions mostly, and yes, she had somewhat of a sensitive stomach growing up, but it had gotten better over the years, and she could help with cooking. Long as it wasn't stressful, and a lot started to yell at her. Then accidents might happen. If there were other chefs, she'd probably do best doing stuff like peeling potatoes, or slow cooking stuff. Something that didn't have a lot of stress factor to it, though this were a small crew, and they weren't currently in a rush. So there'd hopefully not be yelling and stressing in the kitchen. So she could help with several things. Might be she wasn't the best, but there were real chefs. They could taste things with spices proper, and make sure that she were made to good use, doing things that they needed. Even if it was the dishes.

Like her dad kept saying: Never look down on the humble workers, for they are too needed, to keep the wheels turning.

No job were so small, that it didn't serve a function, and long as it did, there were a need for someone to do it. So why look down on anyone taking in that responsibility?

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Illiad Easle @Kujamih

Maud would look to Amber and nod, and step back. Her eyes looked on at Light with the cold harsh unfeeling nature they always had. Maud had been with light on quite a few times in the past, 20 years ago - but now she felt no such sort of camaraderie that she once did. While Maud did speak to Light, she was skeptical that it was actually him. It was more likely this was some sort of trick meant to deceive them. Who knows what is here and how things operate in this strange world that clearly isn't Equestria. 

"Lock him up and segregate him from the rest of the Away Team. Feel free to interrogate him." Maud spoke, and allowed them to take Light away to a more secure location. She looked to last, an eyebrow quirking, as if silently wondering what Last thought of the whole ordeal. Maud's eyes would narrow slightly at Light's apparent crazyness. Who knows what happened to him if that truly is him.


Spiral's blood would run cold at the mention of White Light. She would proceed to give Amber the various information that she requested, as well as saying that Spiral personally worked with him years ago. Spiral would strongly emphasize that Light was to be locked up and guarded until the Away Team returns. She also stated that once they return, they need to examine White Light to make sure it really was him under extremely secure conditions including Medical and Psychological evaluations. If it wasn't him, she would also strongly urge that he not be taken with them. Spiral would not tell anyone about the O5 interaction, her reasoning actually being that she wouldn't take anyone or anything with them that wasn't theirs. If this was truly White Light - then he'd be most certainly welcome aboard. 

  • Brohoof 1

Maud Pie signature

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@Props Valroa @Blitz Boom @Kujamih

(Maud, Last, and Light)

On 2023-06-24 at 1:51 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I have dealt with shapeshifters before. I know what to look for, and I know that anti-magic deals with any of them, that tries to read off of your mind, to change perception. This one is real.

But you're right. Lock him up, and run your tests to make sure, then interrogate him, to make certain. If you need details to compare with, just ask."

Amber didn't look too impressed at Last's confidence. "This whole place is different from what we're used to. Is it so hard to imagine that there could be a new kind of imposter here?"

On 2023-06-24 at 1:51 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Two things for now: One is that if he read my mind to fool us, he did a poor job of it.

Second off, steel yourself with patience. He tends to be annoying. Try not to let that distract you.."

Amber nodded, "All the more evidence that this could be an imposter."

On 2023-06-26 at 3:26 PM, Maud Pie said:

"Lock him up and segregate him from the rest of the Away Team. Feel free to interrogate him."

The guards were quick to move Light to the far end of the camp, opposite the aircraft, in case he tried to escape and damage things. They didn't have cages to hold him in, as they didn't usually take captives on away missions, but they did have cuffs with anti-magical properties that would hinder efforts to escape. With the cuffs he was tied to one of the posts, so all the guards would be notified if he left the post, but was otherwise not kept under strong guard, just two guards who were also watching the perimeter.


Amber wasn't in a hurry to interrogate the interloper, especially after what she had heard from command about him. He seemed like a liability in either case, and as such could wait until the camp was fully set up and everyone settled in before talking. Maybe if he was an imposter, he'd get bored and leave before she had to deal with him?


(Plein and Brittle)

On 2023-06-24 at 1:51 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I don't think that would work. Her sword is anti-magical, so it shouldn't anyway, I think? I'm sure we'll be told what's going on later, when everything's settled down."

Plein shrugged, "Maybe it's something unique to this place, that isn't magical? I hope that's not the case either, as that would mean that these suits aren't keeping us safe from everything."

On 2023-06-24 at 1:51 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"That would be nice yes. Unless Last is in the same tent, then I have to find another.

It's n-not that I don't like her, but like I said, her sword is anti-magical. One mishap, and it would kill me. I think it's best that I don't sleep around it, just to avoid risks."

Plein nodded, "That's fair, I'm sure they'll keep that in mind when they make assignments. And if not, I'm sure Amber would be willing to accommodate for your safety."


On 2023-06-24 at 1:51 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I don't have gourmet experience, but I know how to prepare regular food, and meat. My dad insisted that I had to learn, to prepare for leaving when The Æther landed back home."

Amber nodded, "Perfect, we don't need anything fancy, it's mostly all prepared anyway. All you'll have to do is put the last pieces together and portion it out to everyone, and make sure no one tries to take extra, we don't want to run out of supplies and have to return early."

Plein would stay behind as Amber led Brittle over to the cook tent, where there were already a pair of diamond dogs taller than Amber with aprons working on the food. They looked over at Amber and Brittle as they entered, "Jasper, Topaz, this is Brittle, she'll be helping out today while VeeGee is guarding the intruder."

The two dogs looked over Brittle and nodded, "Alright,"

"Topaz hopes she can keep up."

The one who spoke in third person motioned for Brittle to come closer, "We will take-care of the meat and the gems, you can take-care of the pony-food yes? Is sandwiches today, take-care when giving food, ponies don't-like when find meat in food, hit Topaz for mistake."

The other dog, Jasper, snorted at that, "They tapped you at best Pep, lucky they caught it before they ate it." She turned towards Brittle, "Don't mind him, I'm sure you'll do fine."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Kujamih@Props Valroa@Illiad Easle

(Last, Maud, Light)

14 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Amber didn't look too impressed at Last's confidence. "This whole place is different from what we're used to. Is it so hard to imagine that there could be a new kind of imposter here?"

Last looked back at Amber, her steely gaze as unchanged as ever.

"No, it's not, and I would say it, if I didn't agree with you being cautious."

It appeared that Amber mistook something here. Last were not saying *I am sure, therefore I am right*. She said that she were certain this were Light, based on her own experiences, but that she acknowledged that she could be wrong. As such, it were the best choice, to have him examined by more impartial sources, who had other experiences. If she turned out to be wrong? It were what it were. She were not infallible after all.

If she hadn't agreed on this being the right choice, she would have voiced it. She were brutally honest about those sorts of things.

15 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Amber nodded, "All the more evidence that this could be an imposter."

She didn't say anything about that. She had given her piece, as had Maud. This were no longer for her to decide on, and thus, she would get on with things. There were work to do.

Once they were off to secure the perimeter again, Last would speak with Maud however.

"Been thinking about him lately, as we're nearing the end of our journey. Seeing him like this, I had a lapse in judgement. It was foolish. Even if I feel certain it is him, I should've acted with restraint.

I barely knew him back then, despite how it looked before. I thought him little more than a distracting nuisance. But his sacrifice were a humbling lesson. Something I've carried with me, and honored. His story, is part of what I teach my guards, and my foals, to learn them the value of life, and the choices we make with it. Something to make them better than how I... We, were.

But it's no excuse. I acted rashly, and I was lucky that it didn't backfire."

She wasn't trying to make excuses here. She accepted that she had done something foolish, and if this had been some sort of attacker, it could have gotten her killed. It were foolish, and she would be mentally beratting herself over this for a while. Especially once she saw her foals again, and were reminded that she might have ended up not coming home again. Dead before they even grew up, just like had happened with  herself and her sister. They still had their father, but it weren't right. She shouldn't take such risks. Had sworn that she wouldn't, for their sake. She had failed that, and gotten lucky. If she tried again another time, who were to say that she'd be lucky again?

"You're probably the most rational creature I've ever known, Maud. What's your thought on what's happening?"



(Plein and Brittle)

On 2023-06-29 at 7:12 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Plein shrugged, "Maybe it's something unique to this place, that isn't magical? I hope that's not the case either, as that would mean that these suits aren't keeping us safe from everything."

"I'd prefer not to think about it like that. It's just going to cause me anxiety."

On 2023-06-29 at 7:12 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Plein nodded, "That's fair, I'm sure they'll keep that in mind when they make assignments. And if not, I'm sure Amber would be willing to accommodate for your safety."

"Amber seems nice enough. I'm sure there's not a problem either."

On 2023-06-29 at 7:12 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Amber nodded, "Perfect, we don't need anything fancy, it's mostly all prepared anyway. All you'll have to do is put the last pieces together and portion it out to everyone, and make sure no one tries to take extra, we don't want to run out of supplies and have to return early."

"Oh. I can do that then. Happy to help."

Rationing were another thing that she had been taught by her dad. Sure it wasn't needed as much on the ship, but as she wanted to learn about making her way in the world outside, he applied his own knowledge, from a life on the road. That included a healthy attitude towards rationing, as you never knew when you might get into a situation, where you wouldn't be able to get new supplies anytime soon, and had to make what you had last.

On 2023-06-29 at 7:12 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"Jasper, Topaz, this is Brittle, she'll be helping out today while VeeGee is guarding the intruder."

The two dogs looked over Brittle and nodded, "Alright,"

"Topaz hopes she can keep up."

The one who spoke in third person motioned for Brittle to come closer, "We will take-care of the meat and the gems, you can take-care of the pony-food yes? Is sandwiches today, take-care when giving food, ponies don't-like when find meat in food, hit Topaz for mistake."

The other dog, Jasper, snorted at that, "They tapped you at best Pep, lucky they caught it before they ate it." She turned towards Brittle, "Don't mind him, I'm sure you'll do fine."

"I'll d-do my best. Just uhm, l-let me know if I mistake the sizes."

The thought of being punched for accidentally having even a small slice of meat in the sandwiched were... Terrifying. Incentive for her to keep up, and not mess this up, that were for sure.

So she would scurry over to her station, wash her hooves if possible, and then get to work on making the sandwiches.

She were assuming a certain size, but if she were corrected on that, she would adjust accordingly, and make really sure to check what it were that she were putting in them. One slice of meat did almost get in there, as she floated it to the sandwich, but she'd see what it were, and floated it back. The thought on punches kept her mind focused on not doing this. As well as the fact that it could be really bad for any equine's health, and she didn't want that on her conscience.

Thankfully it were just putting together, so it should be somewhat simple enough to keep up, long as she used hooves and horn alike, to make sure that things were kept going along the food line, as it were.

There'd probably be some cleanup after they  were all done, that she could help with too. She'd go and try to keep her own station clean at least. She didn't know what this reality's version of ants were, but she weren't overly keen on finding out.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle @Props Valroa @Blitz Boom

- Light and the Guards.-

"the cuffs fit snuggly on his hooves and felt the elements on the magic.

He would try to analyze it if it affected him, is it a changeling shard?, If not would it be strong enough to nullify his magic since he himself can control changeling shards. If not then the changeling shards in him would leak out and potentially damage the cuffs or attack the source that absorbs magic since the shard would also try to absorb the magic. Since he does not know what is put on to him, he only hopes for the best that nothing bad happens to the reaction hed have on the cuffs.

If he could talk though he would.

" So.... About that food? The last one i ate didn't sit well."

" Anyway how is the the changeling queen? Is she alright? Did furry came out already, or you guys still don't know about him? If so, sorry Fury!"

As he talks he tries to decode and see if he can break the cuffs by either releasing some of his shards on his  hooves to stab the cuff, that is if he can use his shards. And use his brut earth pony strength to break it.

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@Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom @Kujamih



The guards were quick to move Light to the far end of the camp, opposite the aircraft, in case he tried to escape and damage things. They didn't have cages to hold him in, as they didn't usually take captives on away missions, but they did have cuffs with anti-magical properties that would hinder efforts to escape. With the cuffs he was tied to one of the posts, so all the guards would be notified if he left the post, but was otherwise not kept under strong guard, just two guards who were also watching the perimeter.

Amber wasn't in a hurry to interrogate the interloper, especially after what she had heard from command about him. He seemed like a liability in either case, and as such could wait until the camp was fully set up and everyone settled in before talking. Maybe if he was an imposter, he'd get bored and leave before she had to deal with him?

Maud would watch the guards take light away and was satisfied with this situation. Maud did not have much sympathy for his situation - there was no confirmation that it was actually him or not. Even if it was, it would not change the fact that she truly didn't feel much about this situation. At least not currently. Though she wouldn't lie, she were quite curious about it. It was not her business to decide what should happen with him, however. 


She didn't say anything about that. She had given her piece, as had Maud. This were no longer for her to decide on, and thus, she would get on with things. There were work to do.

Once they were off to secure the perimeter again, Last would speak with Maud however.

"Been thinking about him lately, as we're nearing the end of our journey. Seeing him like this, I had a lapse in judgement. It was foolish. Even if I feel certain it is him, I should've acted with restraint.

I barely knew him back then, despite how it looked before. I thought him little more than a distracting nuisance. But his sacrifice were a humbling lesson. Something I've carried with me, and honored. His story, is part of what I teach my guards, and my foals, to learn them the value of life, and the choices we make with it. Something to make them better than how I... We, were.

But it's no excuse. I acted rashly, and I was lucky that it didn't backfire."

She wasn't trying to make excuses here. She accepted that she had done something foolish, and if this had been some sort of attacker, it could have gotten her killed. It were foolish, and she would be mentally beratting herself over this for a while. Especially once she saw her foals again, and were reminded that she might have ended up not coming home again. Dead before they even grew up, just like had happened with  herself and her sister. They still had their father, but it weren't right. She shouldn't take such risks. Had sworn that she wouldn't, for their sake. She had failed that, and gotten lucky. If she tried again another time, who were to say that she'd be lucky again?

"You're probably the most rational creature I've ever known, Maud. What's your thought on what's happening?"

Maud would return to the perimeter to continue doing the task ahead. While they were conversing, Maud was setting up the various equipment they had yet to get to due to the disruption Light's supposed presence had caused. Maud was a hard worker who put her work before everything else. Though, she would converse a bit while she was doing so.

"If it is indeed him, we do not know what has happened to him. Inter-dimensional travel, like he seemingly had went through - has unknown affects on one's mind. It is very possible this is a highly dangerous situation we have not prepared for." she said, her eyes narrowing slightly. "If I had any thoughts on this - you saw it yourself. He died. The current Consul was also there with you, she saw him die as well. The question how anyone would pose as Light, or why anyone would, is something I don't have an answer to. This place is strange. We do not know what is here." she spoke, looking out into the distant green fog.

  • Brohoof 1

Maud Pie signature

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@Illiad Easle @Props Valroa @Kujamih

(Last and Maud)

A small smile crept on to Last's face. THis were one reason why she liked Maud. The mare were a straight shooter, and about as calm and calculated on things as someone could be. She didn't get clouded by frivolous memories as badly, as Last did. She had also not been there, when everything had happened, and thus didn't have the impact of things to influence her opinion. Though last doubt that would have changed anything if it had.

"We didn't see anything.

He were in the room with that thing that would've taken us all out, fending her off on his own, while we were making our way out. The door slammed behind us, before he could get out. Next thing I know, there were a bright light, shining through the cracks, blasting off the door, and then we were on the cusp of being picked up. I were going back to see if I could drag him out, but when I managed to get a look in there, there were nothing left. Not him, not the thing he were fighting- Nothing.

Best we could guess, were that he had died, cancelling the thing out. It seems the truth might've been more complicated than that.

You're right though. We need to get through several important questions here. Is it him, if it is, how have the time affected him, is he dangerous, potentially contagious- Amber's done the right thing in keeping him off to the side, and not letting us who knows him get near. Best to have an unbiased source get through these things, and then see what's the truth.

She ain't doing badly so far. Her posture needs some work though, and she still ain't been tested under pressure. Not a bad start though."

Last tended to look around while they worked too, staying on alert, in case someone - or something - would approach the camp. Who might be Light had come a fair bit in here. Who could tell if he'd end up being the only one who'd try? They'd see, but at least for now, things seemed calm. And if that were gonna change all of a sudden? Well then, it were good that Maud, herself, and several other trained fighters were ready to act swiftly, to prevent, or minimize the potential casualties.

Something told her that not more would come though, and they'd get to finish their work in peace. But she didn't outright trust that idea. Seemed far too easy.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Props Valroa @Blitz Boom @Kujamih


The cuffs appeared to be made out of a steel/anti-magic alloy, making them slightly weaker than normal steel cuffs would be, but as Trojan produced anti-magic was not based on changeling shards, Light would not be able to manipulate them that way. The cuffs seemed to project an aura such that the closer to the cuffs themselves he tried to use magic, the harder it got. Within a hoof's width of them only an alicorn could hope to overpower it. For Light, he'd be able, with effort, to use magic affecting the top of his head, maybe down to the base of his neck if he stretched away from the cuffs, but if he tried to cast any spell on the cuffs themselves it would simply fizzle out. The cuffs couldn't even be grasped with telekinesis.

When it came to his strength however, given the alloy was weaker than steel he could potentially break them with some effort and time, but not without attracting the notice of the guards.

Speaking of, the guards didn't react to Light's attempt at conversation.


Amber would come by after about fifteen minutes with a small stack of notes. "Alright, let's see about verifying who you claim to be. We'll start with recent events and move backward. On your last away mission, you entered an ancient unicorn structure with two others. Who were they?"



It looked like Brittle was just in charge of putting the food together in advance of the rest of the team coming, so she didn't have to worry about serving ponies live just yet. She actually made pretty good time at it, having all the sandwiches ready before Jasper and Topaz were done with their parts.

"This one is impressed, Topaz did not think you would be so quick. The ponies will be coming-soon for food, make sure each only takes one."

Jasper spoke up, "As it's the first day, you shouldn't have to worry. They only tend to get grabby towards the end when it looks like the food might run out. Also, it looks like there's only two other changelings on this trip, so I'll trust you to portion out the gel for the three of you. Remember that it needs to last the whole time we're here, and so far as I'm aware we don't have the material to make more, so once it's out it's out."


(Last and Maud)

They would see Amber heading over to where Light was being kept with some papers, she seemed to be asking some questions to Light.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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11 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Amber would come by after about fifteen minutes with a small stack of notes. "Alright, let's see about verifying who you claim to be. We'll start with recent events and move backward. On your last away mission, you entered an ancient unicorn structure with two others. Who were they?"

It seems the changeling shard and the anti magic material just neutralized each other out. If the material was weak then he can break free easily by just forcing the shards out of his hands.

But ye sees no need to be aggressive since these guards are quite chill and hasn't done anything bad to him.

A few minutes later he would be greeted by amber and questioned.

His memory was fuzzy and unclear.

He would think and ponder deeply.

"...... Ha! Thats a trick question! theres more then 2 creatures who joined me on that mission!...theres Last.... And..... And.... The robot chick.... And.......aaàaaaaand the meek one?... Im not good with names... And i think im missing someone hmmm?"


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@Illiad Easle @Props Valroa @Kujamih



It brought a smile to her face, when she were told that she had done well, and done that in good time too. She could still remember vividly how hard it were for her to take such positive comments to her. Mostly she had thought the one saying it were lying to her, or were trying to lure her into lowering her defenses, so they could begin hurting her.

Therapy and her dad's constant support and encouragement, made her eventually try and believe that others meant her well. Certainly her old fears were sometimes validated, as she found out the hard ways, but in the end, she had come to accept that those were the few, not the vast majority. Though if someone looked scary, she did still have some issues trusting them initially, to a certain point. She wouldn't just wander off into an alley with someone for instance, scary or not. She might not be terrified of everything anymore, but she were still somewhat timid, though she'd take that over being afraid that every rustling wind through leaves, were actually the sound of the circus, coming around to drag her back to the nightmare Briar had broken her away from. Though that were still a reoccurring night terror that she couldn't shake.

"T-Thank you for the compliment, and I'll make sure to ration the gel out proper. I think I've been taught enough to know what's needed to keep us functional.

Though uhm, do you know more or less how long we're supposed to be here? Just so I know how long I have to ration for."

She might have been told during the briefing, and forgotten due to sheer excitement. She couldn't rule it out at least, since while she had done her best to be attentive and listen in, this seemed like something they should have been told, and she were drawing a blank right now. So she had to assume it were possible, that she might have forgotten about this.

If they didn't have a time frame, they might at least be able tot ell her how long these generally lasted. Just to give her some idea of how long she should ration that for. Though she did have a bit more to add. Her dad had wanted her to be prepared for things, so he had made sure she had packed a bit of gel with her. Wouldn't last the entire trip of course, as it wasn't a lot, and it were meant only for her, but it would come in handy, if it dragged out some, so she could give them her share. It could probably replace a meal or two. He had also made sure that she had fed before leaving. Might be she were more comfortable with gel these days, than she once had been, but he still let her feed off of him, in cases when it were needed. This had been one of those times in his opinion, and he didn't mind. After having raised her for near twenty-three years, he had gotten more than used to the experience. Frankly hadn't been much of a hassle in the first place, as she were rarely gluttonous.

Her portion could handle perhaps two rations worth for herself, going by the general portion size. Three if she were okay with a growling tummy eventually, but they'd have to see how long they had to be here. Worst case, they'd be a bit hungry, but unless they were here for weeks, they shouldn't be ending up in a more... Desperate state. In parts due to the fact that they had a fair few beings here. If they got stuck, they could share some emotions, long as the three of them didn't try and empty them. But here were hoping that this sort of thing wouldn't have to become a consideration.


  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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