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private Rebuilding Equestria (1x1 between C. Thunder Dash and ExplosionMare)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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Equestria...a now wasteland-like world. Buildings are destroyed. Crops are no more. Everypony...gone...all but one. There is a certain energy that roams the place. It could be felt. The spirits...of the fallen ponies...they're still here, thanks to Celestia's last effort to save Equestria. What will happen now? Is there any mortal pony left? Alas! There is one...Global. Nopony knows how this one survived...but all that is known...Equestria must be rebuilt.

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Global Gleam stared dolefully at the ground. Everypony she ever knew had succumbed to the destruction around her. She could no longer teacher her students, nor could she teach anypony else’s. Her friends were long gone as well, despite how many of them there were. Not only were there no more ponies to be with, but the world itself was practically nothing as well. There were spirits, yes, but they could not live life the way she did. Her days spent traveling were dead and gone.

Amidst the rubble, she could barely make out scraps of rubble and metal—the remains on her motorcycle. It was the last ride with her prized possession she ever had before everything she knew became ruins. She sat by the desecrated vehicle longingly, wishing that she could fix it up and ride away from this wasteland. Sadly, there was no place for her to go, no matter how far she travelled.

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As Global was sitting by her motorcycle, a warth sort of engulfed her. This felt like a large spirit and it could be one of the princesses, even Celestia. "Global..." A warm and motherly voice said softly. This definately seemed like a Princess...Celestia. 

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@C. Thunder Dash


A strange warmth surrounded the reddish earth pony. The warmth had a form, a form similar to that of Princess Celestia. As it came closer into view, Global was correct in her assumption, for the form was Princess Celestia. Global’s heart began to race and her dominant hoof began to tremble. Was the spirit-like being a good or a bad thing?

“Princess C-Celestia? Is that you? I didn’t happen to die from some toxic chemicals in the air or something, did I?” she asked the Princess.

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"Yes, do not fear Global...it is I...Celestia..." Celestia said softly. She sounded rather frail, but her spirit still provided the warmth. Her spirit couldn't be seen but it sure was felt. "Right when the cataclysm happened, I captured everyone's spirits. The spirits of every living creature are still roaming around. But you must be careful, some spirits are extremely fragile. One wrong word and they could go insane and worse...torment and possess you. That is why I need you to find my ashes, which are located in the Canterlot Castle...or...what was...Canterlot Castle..." Celestia said sadly with a choked up sigh as if she could start sobbing at any moment. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

A tight knot formed inside Global’s throat. The fact that there so many tortured souls faced with the threat of agony was torturous to her. She thought of her many friends and her parents, which only made the feeling worse. The weight of the world pushed heavily on her shoulders, but with Celestia still here, the burden wasn’t quite as heavy.

When Celestia mentioned retrieving her ashes, Global sat with her mouth agape. Not because finding her ashes sounded strange, but because she was surprised that Celestia had any ashes at all. Global thought about this for a moment, then realized she didn’t have anything better to do. With an exasperated sigh, she said,

“Sure, I could go to the castle. It’s not like I have anything else planned,”

Standing up slowly and leaving her motorcycle behind, she began to head to the castle. Although the world was lacking in landmarks, Global’s inner compass still worked just fine. After all, she was a geography teacher, so she knew where every location in Equestria was. 

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Current Location: Just outside of Ponyville. 

As Global headed towards the castle, the spirit of Celestia followed. What sounded like sobbing could be heard, but it didn't seem like an adult sob, more like a foal...a small spirit seemed to have wrapped itself around global like a tight hug. "Please...help me..." It said sobbing. This spirit could be a Cutie Mark Crusader...maybe...Sweetie Belle? "I sense a small spirit has wrapped itself around you tightly. Let's find it's ashes first, and then we could go for mine." Celestia stated. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

As Global trotted through the outskirts of Ponyville, she stumbled upon a soul that appeared to belong to a foal. The foal was sobbing and was clutching Global’s leg. Her teacher instincts kicked in, causing her to kneel down and comfort the soul. Upon closer inspection, she appeared to be a fully. She faintly resembled once of the infamous CMC members, Sweetie Belle. She was about to ask it what was wrong, but Celestia seemed to already know.

She has ashes, too? Did everypony get cremated? Well, at least I won’t have to look for a bunch of actual bodies, she thought to herself.

“Don’t worry, filly, I’ll find your ashes for you. I’ll make you yourself again,” she said sweetly to the young soul.

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"My friends..." The little spirit said sadly. This was definitely Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle's two best friends should be close by, which means they were most likely together just as the cataclysm happened. "I suggest you stick around here global. This is Sweetie Belle. She usually is with two others named Applebloom and Scootaloo." Celestia stated. Sweetie's spirit whimpered. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

“Don’t worry, Your Highness, I’ll watch over her,” Global said. She nuzzled Sweetie, but she wasn’t sure if she made contact or not. She couldn’t feel anything.

“Okay, so your friends are around here somewhere, right? Do remember exactly where they are?” she asked Sweetie Belle.

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"Close to what was...our...*sniffle* clubhouse..." Sweetie started to sob again, her spirit hugging global tighter around her back. Another sob could be heard. This one was a little more raspier. It could be Scootaloo, and if that was the case, Applebloom should be close by too. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Global didn’t say a word, instead she let the sobbing filly embrace her. Sweetie Belle not only lost her best friends, she lost them in a place where so many happy memories were made. Now, it was just another burial site. With a heavy sigh, Global approached the clubhouse where Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were to retrieve the ashes.

“Celestia?” Global asked Celestia’s spirit. She wasn’t sure if she could hear her, but she knew she was with her. “Do you know where their ashes are, or should I just start looking?”

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Sweetie's spirit stirred as she sensed her ashes close by. She zipped towards them. The ashes rose into the air and reformed into Sweetie Belle, who had a very sad look on her face, as if she was about to start sobbing. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Almost instantly, Sweetie Belle located her own ashes and merged with them. Her true body had returned, but her expression was still sorrowful. Global knew that the only way to alleviate the filly’s sadness, even if it was only part-way, was to look for her friends’ ashes. Digging around the remains of the clubhouse, she began searching for them.

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A pile of ashes could be seen, and it felt as if a spirit zoomed towards them. The ashes soon reformed into an orange little filly, Scootaloo. Scootaloo looked around and saw Sweetie Belle. The two fillies ran towards each other and hugged each other tightly, crying. "A nice reunion indeed but we must move on..." Celestia's spirit said. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

“Wait, before we move on, Your Highness—“ Global interjected. “What about Apple Bloom? I don’t think she got her ashes yet,”

She looked over towards the two fillies who she knew did have their ashes and smiled as they happily reunited. It gave her a little bit of hope to see living ponies besides just her. A small part of her wanted to take the fillies with her as her students, but that would most likely go against Celestia’s wishes. She didn’t want to upset the only pony who could help her.

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"Applebloom should be close by." Celestia said. Suddenly, another sob was heard. This one sounded like it had a country accent to it. It could be Applebloom." "I...I hear her...Applebloom..." Scootaloo said sniffling. A little spirit hugged Global tightly around her back. "Please....help..." Applebloom's spirit said. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Global bent down to look at a filly with a country accent and a big bow in her mane. She was begging for help just like the others had. Determinedly, she searched the area for Apple Bloom’s ashes. She knew they couldn’t be far since the filly had been here with her friends.

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Where Applebloom's pink was, that's where her ashes could be. "Pink bow..." Applebloom's spirit said with a sniffle. Celestia's spirit hovered over Global, keeping her and the others warm. "Perhaps we could find Applejack close by..." She stated. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

“That makes sense,” Global agreed, nodding. “Where would AppleJack even be, though? She couldn’t be near the clubhouse, unless she was visiting it recently,”

She turned to the sniveling filly, hoping maybe she would have a clue. She cleared her throat so that her voice would come out softer. She knew that Apple Bloom was very sensitive right now, so she wanted to ensure that she didn’t upset the filly right away.

“Do you remember where your sister AppleJack is?” Global whispered.

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"Sweet Apple Acres...it's not too far from the clubhouse..." Applebloom's spirit said with a sniffle as she saw her pink bow. Her ashes were right there and she whizzed to them. She reformed into Applebloom, looking at the other two crusaders. They all hugged each other with gentle sobs. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

“Sweet Apple Acres, got it,” Global noted.

She looked behind and saw that, at last, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were finally reunited. A warmth began to spread in Global’s heart that she didn’t think she could ever feel again. She held a hoof to her chest, wanting to possess the warmth for as long as she could. Once it had dissipated into a regular temperature, Global focused her attention on heading towards Sweet Apple Acres.

“This would be a lot easier if the barn was still present,” she said with a lopsided grin.

Global knew the relative location of Sweet Apple Acres, of course, but she wasn’t sure exactly where AppleJack’s ashes would be. Would they be where the barn used to stand or somewhere out in the vast fields? The only way to know was to keep trotting, so forward she went on the barn’s path.

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The barn was almost nowhere to be found, only a few planks of wood stood where the barn used to be. If Global listened closely, she could hear an adult sobbing. This sob had a thick country accent, which meant it could be Applejack. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Only a few wooden planks remained of the barn. In the distance, Global could hear a faint series of sobs. She trotted towards the source of the sound until the sobs became more clear. When she could see an equine figure in the distance, she called out to it.

“AppleJack? AppleJack!” she cried. “Is that you over there?”

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A warmth surrounded global. This was definately Applejack's spirit. She was still sobbing. "Help..." Was all Applejack could say. One could assume wherever Applejack's hat was, that was where her ashes were. 

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