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open Faster Than Light (Check OOC before joining)

Illiad Easle

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@Starforce Glimmer


None of the crew members were close enough to hear them, so they could speak openly.



The voice grew a bit smug, "Indeed, you don't know what you're dealing with. It's surprising though how quickly you lot were cowed, some of your number walk into a trap and suddenly the rest don't want to fight? You wouldn't last a day against the rebels."

The voice was a bit more intrigued at the offer of trade, "Perhaps, I've yet to see anything of value you could possibly offer us in exchange, but perhaps we could be surprised. Speaking of the crown, you seem to fear what your ruler would do, if they are so powerful as to make you fearful, why are they not here in your place?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Starforce Glimmer


Once Sweetie had finished relaying the info to the Captain he nodded, "Best if we return this Stern first, the rest will likely be model captives and keep the risk of fighting to a minimum." A voice spoke up from the Captain's wrist, "Captain, the guards are getting a bit... uppity. Permission to destroy one of their vehicles?"

"Denied, might be creatures inside, a sand dune should be impressive enough."

The Captain turned his attention to Sweetie, "Perhaps this might tempt you, were you to come with us, you'd need to go to the academy, where you'd learn just about everything you could want to know about what we know. If you do well, and your friends come along, upon graduation you would receive your own ship, and be free to do with it what you like. Do share that offer with your friends."



The smugness didn't fade, if anything it got more condescending, "You seem to forget who holds the chips here." One of the ship's weapons began to glow brighter, a hum filling the air before a massive burst of energy lanced out, unbelievably fast, to obliterate a nearby sand dune, hot sand falling all around the area, the dune now a shallow glassy crater. "We aren't in any danger here."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Starforce Glimmer


The captain sighed, seemingly disappointed more in himself than in Sweetie, "Regrettable, but understandable. You're young, and this is a major event in your life, no doubt you'd be more comfortable with your own kind. You've always been free to leave, just hold your [hoof] up to the door and it will let you through. Just don't let the captives out, you can head out the other side or the front without issue."

He turned to look at the screens, "If you change your mind before we leave, we'd be glad to have you still."



Afterglow received a letter soon after, "Unacceptable. We will be reevaluating your position in the guard once this situation is resolved, we need a captain skilled in both combat and diplomacy, and thou art apparently inept at both. We will be arriving shortly to assess the situation personally."

Their search for materials and a specialist should also be returning at that point.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Starforce Glimmer


The captain turned slowly back to face Sweetie, a look of confusion as well as a bit of intrigue. "You surprise me, with proper training you could prove to be a very shrewd negotiator or diplomat, a better one than [the slug] at least." He sighed, "You ought to understand, as fortified and armed as we are, we are the cornered animal here, out of our native element, injured, surrounded by the unknown, lashing out in fear. But you're right, no doubt those out there are just as scared of us, we're just as foreign to you as you are to us."

He got the notification that the materials had arrived, and spoke into his wrist, "I'll take over the negotiations from here [the slug], you've done enough damage already. You need to update the translator with the expert anyway so we can get the rest of what we need."

He went over to the mic, and motioned for Sweetie to join him, "Once we have the expert we'll be able to tell them the rest of the materials we need, we couldn't tell them earlier because you don't know what they are or what they're called. I think you'd be good at negotiating the trade."


The voice that spoke was different than the voice he had heard before, this one was confident, but agreeable, none of the smugness nor superiority that the other had had. "Bring the materials and the expert to the front, we'll bring the exchange captive there and open the door for you. We'll lower the shield so you can get through." 

True enough the shield turned off to allow them to enter.


"Stern Steel, you're being released. Approach the door, all others stand away."

Once they complied the door would open to reveal the mantis, who would motion for Stern to leave the room, directing them to walk in front, the path revealed by the doors opening for them and closing behind them. If they cooperated they'd exit the ship without issue at the front to receive the expert and the raw materials.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Starforce Glimmer


The mantis would lead the expert over and up to the bridge where the Captain and Sweetie Belle were, "Here's their expert, she's not cute like the small ones." The mantis waved at Sweetie when she said that, before heading off.

The captain turned to nod at the expert, then looked over at Sweetie Belle, "She won't be able to understand me or the crew directly, so we'll need you to mediate, the translator should update now that we can glean her knowledge for what resources we couldn't ask for earlier. If she doesn't know of them... we'll have to assume they're unobtainable and try to work around them."

He'd turn to the expert, anticipating that Sweetie would relay the message as best as she could, "Greetings, hopefully you'll have the information we seek. In order to get ourselves off this planet we need a few things that Sweetie here doesn't know about or didn't know the words for. You may feel something strange, which Sweetie described as like a sponge, let us know if it becomes too uncomfortable or painful."

He'd give her a moment to pass the message along, then would list out the materials slowly, the words coming to Sweetie after a short delay. Things like titanium, gold, powerful magnet metals, and the like until they reached the final item, the translation becoming: Some sort of crystal capable of extreme resonance.

Once the list of advanced materials was relayed he concluded, "Once we have these things we will release the rest of the captives. You may go and relay the list."



The voice spoke again, "We're sending the expert out with a list of the rest of the materials we need, in exchange we'll release the remaining captives."


Meanwhile, Princess Luna arrived, flanked by a pair of her thestral guards, "Captain, Enlighten us of the situation, fully."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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The Captain looked thoughtful, "The one we had was torn off the ship when we made our way down. It is likely some part of it could be found along the path we took, hopefully not having crashed into anything important. If you could find a shard of it you could use that to find another with similar properties. If you're unsure if it's correct, you can bring it back for the crew to verify."



She listened to Afterglow's summary of events, but it was clear she wasn't satisfied. She looked over to where Stern was being held when Afterglow mentioned that he had been released, "Perhaps this hasn't been a complete waste."

She went over to Stern, "Tell us, what didst thou see within the alien craft? Wert thou harmed?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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The captain shrugged, "It was experimental when we got it, so I can't tell you much more about it, it may not even work as intended, but it was supposed to allow for faster than light communication, something we hadn't been capable of before."

(The guards could understand that as an accidental admission that the aliens cannot call for reinforcements at the moment.)



Princess Luna's expression grew more grave, "Truly? Sweetie Belle? The one who was confirmed dead?" She'd look towards the captain for confirmation, "If this is indeed the case, then the situation is far more dire than we had supposed, these creatures are either powerful necromancers, or can somehow replace a pony, potentially bend them to their will..." She turned to the Captain, "In either case, we cannot trust that any creature emerging from that vessel has not been affected, any who come in contact may emerge enthralled. Though, this matter of a second Sweetie Belle troubles us greatly. Art thou absolutely certain that the filly is dead?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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The captain looked thoughtful ,then spoke softly into his wrist, waiting for an answer before speaking again, "By our calculations, we could narrow it down to a cone no larger than a hectare in surface area. If you can provide us a map of the area we'd be happy to point out the exact area it might have fell as well as perhaps narrow that field further, but we'd need some of the materials we've asked for to repair our scanning systems."



Princess Luna did not look convinced, though she also didn't seem too upset at being dismissed by Stern, "We know of no manner by which a being can be healed and leave a dead body, save for truly abominable magics and sciences. We shudder to think what else these aliens might be capable of if they have sunk to such depths of depravity." She looked sidelong at the device Afterglow offered, "How didst thou acquire such a device? Was it scanned before thou used it? Or art thou too also potentially bewitched by these creatures?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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The captain looked slightly incredulous, "Alchemy? Like, turn things into other things?" He shook his head, "We don't have anything like that. We could rearrange things, provided they're organic or made of metal, but we can't do anything with crystal."

He took the map and held it up to get a good look at it, before drawing out some lines and circling some areas, "Here's the possible area where it would have landed, and the most probable places. I wish you luck in your search."



Princess Luna sighed, "Apologies Captain, we ought not to have spoken so harshly. Still, we must see this filly for ourselves, see if there is anything to fear, and perhaps better understand the situation we find ourselves in." She looked at the device but declined to pick it up, "Have any others entered the ship and emerged?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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The captain only gave the papers a cursory glance before setting them aside, "Thank you, perhaps this will prove useful to us. Good luck on your hunt."

Once she and her guards left the captain sighed, slumping down in his chair, "Are all of your kind so... " he couldn't seem to find the word, "Like that? You and your friends don't seem like that, you three are curious, hopeful, brave, exactly what the galaxy is lacking right now, but she was so..." He shrugged, "Good work though, I'm impressed."



The smug voice was who responded, "We aren't a [expletive] tour service! We were gracious enough to allow those extra guards that we did not invite aboard. No. You may not come aboard, your ruler may no-" There was a pause, the voice shifted in tone dramatically, "You and your ruler may come aboard, alone."

Luna took notice of Scootaloo and was surprised, "What art thou doing here? This is a dangerous place for a pony so young as thou."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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The Captain listened as Sweetie spoke, "Rigid! That's the word. She and all of your kind out there are rigid, set in their view of the world and what they will and won't accept. You and your friends are flexible, open to new ideas, is that a consequence of receiving this mark? That you lose a sense of wonder and desire?"

He sighed, "The sooner we can get off this planet and back to the Federation, the better."



Princess Luna listened with a raised eyebrow to Scootaloo's explanation, turning to the captain, "So there are potentially five ponies on the ship, three guards and two fillies. Unless they prove especially hostile there is nothing to gain from being hostile towards them, they don't appear to have any means of moving their vessel. If this ship is in any way comparable to our airships, it was designed for maneuverability, the apparent weapons all face forward, if we move to the back of the ship, we should be mostly out of any danger from their weapons. Maybe then we'll have a more favorable bargaining position." 

She turned her attention back to Scootaloo, "Art thou certain of this? Wast anything... different about Sweetie Belle after these creatures healed her?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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The captain listened more or less to Sweetie's explanation of the guards and their reactions, but his interest was far more piqued by her questions, turning to face her, "Well, there's quite a few names involved in answering your question, so I'll try and give you the meanings of the names rather than the names themselves. You are correct, each member of the crew is from a different planet, the Federation is a collection of many different worlds unified for peace in the galaxy. I am from a planet called Fertile Earth, which is a prosperous farm world. The grey clay one is from a planet that just has a numerical designation, I think #2113 or something like that. The name of their kind roughly translates to Engineer, as that is what their kind is best at. The green one, whose kind's name roughly translates to Energetic One, on account of the fact that they give off energy like living batteries, I don't know where he's from exactly. The mantis, whose kind's name is exactly that, mantis, her name roughly translates to Beautiful Warrior, she was a slave that we rescued, she doesn't know where or what her home world was called. The slug, similarly named, is from a planet known as Wonderful Swamp, since his kind likes humid places most. Finally, the sharp metal one's kind's name roughly translates to Metal-Born, we don't know much about them, they were considered a myth for centuries until we started running into them. His name is Translator."



Princess Luna nodded, "As do we, it is tragic that our first contact with outsiders should occur on such unequal terms. We can hope that our hospitality overshadows our compulsion to violence. Then we may hope for more even discourse in the future, and not an invasion."

She turned her attention back to Scootaloo, "That is worrisome, did she seem to act or appear any different than thou remembrest? Or art thou certain that she is the same pony she was before?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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The captain smiled, "I'm glad you like it, I'm rather fond of it myself. As to joining the Federation... that's certainly a possibility, and partly why I've been so interested in bringing you and your friends with us when we leave. The Federation discourages contact with civilizations and planets that haven't discovered FTL travel for themselves. However, they do allow the occasional civilization and planet to be 'uplifted' to that level when certain conditions are met. We'd take you, teach you all that we know, proving that your kind is capable of understanding the technology, then send you back to teach the rest of your kind."



On 2021-06-20 at 11:34 PM, Starforce said:

"She is the same pony she just is smarter for some reason. I don't understand what happened!"

Princess Luna nodded, "We fear that none of us understands fully what happened, perhaps looking inside will yield insight."

She turned to the guard captain, "If that is agreeable to the creatures aboard, We would like to see for ourselves what they have aboard, it will hopefully disprove our darker suspicions."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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The Captain nodded, "Uplifting is exactly what we're offering, specifically to you and your friends as, despite everything that's happened, you're still open to the idea. It will take time to get approval to open trade negotiations in any case, so why not open the negotiations with you three as examples of everything the Federation can provide? Still, that's all irrelevant if we don't get off the planet, or worse... if the Rebels find us here before the Federation does."

The engineer and the metal-born helped Applebloom put the last panel back into place, a large collection of thruster components sitting behind them ready to be installed outside the ship, the engineer spoke up, "All the components are acquired, Translator can convert the raw materials we were given into the rest of the parts. We need simply hook up these thrusters to the outside, and we will be one step closer to leaving." The engineer bowed to Applebloom, "You have been an excellent apprentice so far. If you choose to specialize in repairs as I have you will certainly go far."

With that they would start to lug the components outside to the front of the ship, Applebloom had received a jumpsuit like Sweetie Belle's by this point to keep the oil and other machine fluids from staining her coat, so she looked like a proper member of the crew with her toolbelt included.



"I see you're already at the back of the ship, come in through the wing access." The door opened for them on the left wing, opposite from where the rogue guards were being held. Princess Luna would follow the guards into the ship, stooping to get through the door given her height was apparently higher than the vessel had been designed for.

Once Luna and Afterglow were inside the doors closed suddenly behind them, securely locking.


7 hours ago, Starforce said:

If it was found, they would head back.

Sure enough they would find a few fragments of what was no doubt the crystal that had been spoken of, it was almost transcendent in it's quality and craftsmanship, if the shards were anything to go off of. At first glance it appeared to be some sort of quartz, but if Arch Stone looked closer she'd find that it wasn't quartz at all, but rather Berlinite, and a rather large quantity of it.



The Captain's talk with Sweetie Belle was cut off by the door closing and securely locking them in.

Over the comms, but not directed at anyone in particular, the slug spoke, "Their ruler is now in our custody, along with the so called captain of their so called guard. Imbeciles of the highest calibre to be so easily fooled."

The captain responded, "Slug, I did not authorize thi-"

"Silence! It's high time someone more qualified was the Captain here Pilot. It's pathetic you'd waste your time trying to 'uplift' these savages, barely evolved from the animals they truly are. Unlike every other creature on this ship they descend from Prey, they are not fit to join the Federation. They are hardly fit to be sold as pets or oddities."

"Warrior! Translator! Execute the traitor."

Everyone in the area would hear a harsh humming as an antenna extended from the ship, then everyone felt a strong weight pressing on their mind to obey the slug. "No. Execute the Pilot, then the young."


Princess Luna extended some sort of shield over Afterglow that shielded him from most of the effects, but the rest of the guards were overcome with the murderous intent imposed on them.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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(I originally intended that all would be affected in the area, but I agree that having a mix of affected and unaffected would be more interesting. Let's say only those within a few meters of the shield are affected, and of those only unicorns are overcome by the force given only Sweetie Belle was researched of the CMC, Sweetie herself being the exception as a member of the crew.)

The Bridge

22 hours ago, Starforce said:

"...Rebels. That is what they are....t-they must have gotten onto your ship here! T-he rebels must be the ones with opposite goals! They want to kill us! We have to do something! You can probably I dunno...close all the doors on the ship so they can't get to us! Please, we must do something! Send a warning to the guards outside, or escape!"

The captain sighed and shook his head, pulling what was likely a weapon out from his coat as he turned to face the door, "No, not rebels. Rebels would have shot down from above, done their best to destroy the ship and move on. This is just a classic mutiny, that greedy [expletive] slug has been nothing but trouble since we picked him up. It's time he was dealt with, permanently." He went over to the door controls and started tinkering with them, "The mind control system works in five minute bursts, we'll need to move fast once it wears off to get to a safer location, Warrior should be able to keep us safe until we can get to the slug and deal with him."


The Front

22 hours ago, Starforce said:

"If anythin' mah big sister taught me is that with hard work comes great results! Our repairs here ain't gonna take no more time at all if we keep it up."

Standing at the front of the ship they'd be able to see the effects of the mind control system being fired off, all the nearby unicorn guards entering a murderous rampage, some attacking the shield and others attacking their comrades. If they got too far away from the ship they stumbled about in a dazed state for a few moments before seemingly coming to their senses, falling back into the rage if they got too close to the ship again. Engineer was quick to scoop up Applebloom and bring her back into the ship as the slug gave his traitorous speech, locking the door behind them as he got her to the weapons room where Warrior the mantis was anxiously adjusting the targeting systems to account for the sudden increase in hostiles.

"What do we do? Should we fire on them? I can't reach the Captain on the comms."

The Engineer shook his head, "Hold. Only shoot if they try to breach the doors, best if we repel them at the door."


Port Holding

The unicorns would not hold back in their attacks, but in their rage filled state they were unable to use most of their training, reduced effectively to rabid animals in their strikes rather than highly trained guards.

Luna would move with the shield over to the door that led deeper into the ship and started to cut it open with her impressive magic.


Starboard Holding

Unlike the other guards, the unicorns here were not affected, perhaps since they had already been disarmed the slug didn't consider them useful?

They were able to make good progress on the door, if they cut along the seam the door would eventually shunt open once the locking mechanism had been defeated.

The next room appeared very active, at least according to the amount of activity on the screens. A timer seemed to be counting down on one of them, but they were unable to make heads or tails of the symbols themselves, meaning it was near impossible to tell how long was left on the timer. A door sat to their right and straight ahead. Straight led to the Port side of the ship, right led to the front.



(See The Front)


  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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The Bridge

As the Captain worked on the controls he answered over his shoulder, "Slugs are innately telepathic, and he was in charge of the sensors and communications systems, so it made sense to put him in charge of the mind control array as well. We had the module installed as convincing your enemies to surrender or at least to not fight is much easier when they have no other choice. In our previous mission, time was of the essence, the Rebels would win if we didn't get to our destination with all due speed."

With that the door slid open, revealing the empty engine room, "Engineer and Translator must have taken Applebloom somewhere else, hopefully safe."


The Captain moved to the door on the left, heading to the Starboard side, "The mind control system is on the other side of this door, if we break that he won't be able to control everyone anymore."



The mantis would come over to Applebloom and do her best to comfort her, "Don't worry little one, I'll make sure none of them hurt you." She'd then head over to the door, when the affected ponies attacked, she'd be ready for them.


Port Holding

The door slid open once Luna had done enough damage, allowing her and the guard Captain to pass into the next room, a mirror image to the one found by the guards in the Starboard Holding. A door heading towards the front was on their left, even more fortified than the previous doors, another in front of them heading towards the Starboard side had the same level of security as they one they had passed through. "What say thee Captain? Which door should we choose?"


Starboard Holding

(Assuming they chose the door in front of them, heading Port, rather than the door to their right heading to the front)

The door was just as securely locked as the door they had just gotten through, though they could hear some muffled words on the other side of that door, it sounded like one of the aliens.



After enough attacks the shield failed, allowing the affected unicorns to approach the ship en-masse 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 2021-06-24 at 8:48 PM, Starforce said:

"Well that makes sense but have you ever thought that it could be used against you?" 

The Captain shrugged, "Well, he can't use it to control any of the crew, and I never figured anyone would try to take over the ship. Regardless, it seemed like a far better alternative to this outcome, and it is thanks to it that you're alive right now."

On 2021-06-24 at 8:48 PM, Starforce said:

"I feel like we are going into a trap, he would likely know what our plan is, since it seems simple enough. It feels too easy to just open that door and fix our solution. Is there a way to make sure we aren't being lead on into a trap here?"

The Captain started working on the door controls, "He most likely locked himself up in either the Comms, Doors, or the mind control room. So we'll either fight him now, or remove his method of controlling everyone to flush us out. It may well be a trap, but there's not exactly an alternative here."



Engineer responded, "The slug decided to try and overthrow the Captain, I calculated that this was an eventuality, but overestimated his intelligence. He should have waited until he could get the ship in orbit."


Port Holding

On 2021-06-24 at 8:48 PM, Starforce said:

I am surprised the traitor slug didn't attempt attacking us directly

Luna went over to the indicated door and began to cut through it, taking much longer than the previous one. "We're far more valuable alive than dead Captain, I don't believe we were the intended targets of the guards' madness."


Starboard Holding

The door didn't have any obvious mechanical lock, so traditional lockpicks would be useless on it. They wouldn't be cutting long before the door opened of it's own accord under the Captain's efforts, revealing the Captain and Sweetie Belle to the captured guards.

The Captain immediately put himself between Sweetie and them and pointed his weapon at them, but didn't immediately attack unless they attacked first.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Engineering/Starboard Holding

The Captain pointed his weapon at the guard that moved forward, gesturing for all of them to back up, he spoke over his shoulder to Sweetie, "Tell them to back up, and sit against the wall in the room behind them. I don't want to shoot them if I don't have to, but if they don't listen to you I'll have to assume they're being controlled, guarding the system so I can't disable it."



On 2021-06-26 at 6:45 PM, Starforce said:

"If yah calculated that before it began, then why didn't ya do anything about it before it happened?"

Engineer cocked his head, "It isn't my place to act in such a way. My calculations alone do not prove guilt, only possibilities. The Federation has determined that one must commit a crime before they can be considered guilty. One cannot be punished for something they might or are likely to do, only things they have already done."

On 2021-06-26 at 6:45 PM, Starforce said:

 "I learned somethin' important, it is better to be proactive rather than reactive." 

Engineer nodded, "I didn't simply wait of course, I sabotaged the Mind Control station so that your kind could not be effectively controlled. Had I not, the guards outside would no doubt already have breached our defenses."


Port Holding

It didn't take much longer for Luna to get the door open, revealing the Slug furiously interacting with the terminal. It spoke directly into their minds, "Earlier than expected. But not ruiningly so. You won't kill me I don't think, your society is too primitive for that. You'll no doubt try and capture me so I can be put to some sort of trial? Giving me ample time to escape or control the guards in the process. I bet you couldn't kill me anyway, Clearly too strong for you no doubt."

As if to punctuate that, the slug pulled a weapon and began firing on the pair, aiming most of his shots at Luna, all while the controlled guards came up behind them, starting to act more cohesively as they drew closer to the slug.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Starboard Holding

The Captain wasn't sure if he fully trusted the guards' actions, keeping his weapon trained on them as he made his way over to the console, "What are they saying? Are they cooperating?"

After a few moments pressing buttons on the console the Captain grew increasingly frustrated before taking a step back and opening fire on the console, then each of the surrounding panels until everything that had previously held a display was now damaged into non-functionality. "That should take care of that. Now let's get you over to Warrior. Tell them not to follow us."

He'd head over to the other door out of the room and start messing with the panel like he had in the previous rooms.



Engineer chuckled, "You'd get along well with Warrior. No, we will stay here, he can't leave without the thrusters we haven't installed, and he can't use the weapons while we're here keeping them from firing. I've got a feeling the Captain is on his way here now, and will likely take care of the Slug for us, if the ponies do not."



As the Mind Control system had been destroyed, the antenna that broadcast the signal retracted back into the ship. After about five minutes the controlled unicorns would briefly fall unconcious before returning, groggily, to their previous mental state.


Port Holding

Except for the unicorns close enough to the slug to be controlled by him directly, they got stronger the closer they got to the slug, "I could make them kill each other you know. If one survives they'd remember everything, they all will, that must be so-"

The slug was cut off as Luna's magic crushed him flat, the controlled unicorns in the room immediately falling unconscious like the ones outside. She sighed before moving on to the next door, "Take care of the guards, we aren't done yet."


  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Starboard Holding

As the captain worked on the panel he spoke over his shoulder, "What's that one doing, that their eyes are flashing? Is that normal for your kind?"

Not much longer he had the door open, and he was quick to close it behind him and Sweetie Belle, "Even with the mind control off, they're close enough that the Slug could control them directly. Can't risk them getting too close."


With that he moved on to the next door. The room they were in had large cannisters on the walls, and a number of symbols that Sweetie somehow recognized, the cannisters were filled with highly flammable concentrated oxygen.



Engineer nodded, "Warrior is in charge of the weapons, she is the mantis who brought you and your friends aboard, and is also a capable fighter."

In response to asking that the repairs wouldn't be for nothing Engineer nodded again, "I'm confident that the Captain will prevail. The Slug has a history of being short sighted, likely hasn't planned this far ahead."


Port Holding

Princess Luna shook her head, "Given the supposed resurrection of Sweetie Belle, we can't be sure that even death is permanent on this vessel. The slug practically asked us to kill them, so I think it likely that is not the last we've seen of it."

She hept working on the door, which was proving more stubborn than the last one.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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The captain seemed confused by Sweetie's question, until he looked around and saw where they were, "Ah, we aren't going to do anything with the oxygen, we're just passing through."

With just a few more tweaks he got the door open. -> Cloning



18 hours ago, Starforce said:

we better have a plan to counter the slug and whoever is working with him, don't ya think?

Engineer shook his head. "The chances of the Captain failing are astronomical. There is no need to waste time considering an impossible outcome."

18 hours ago, Starforce said:

"See anyone out there?"

The mantis looked over, then shook her head, "Not yet, they were banging on the door earlier, but they stopped before they got through. Still, not going to step away until we're sure that it isn't a trick. Don't worry about Engineer, his kind don't have much of an imagination, I do have a plan if the Captain fails, though it is mostly running away from the ship and starting a new life out on those sand dunes. You can come with if you want."


Port Holding

They could hear a bit of a commotion on the other side of the door before Luna finally got it open. -> Cloning



Oxygen-> When the door opened for the Captain and Sweetie they saw the Slug messing with the medical instruments, a number of Sweetie Belle clones around him, "Pilot, I didn't expect you to make it this far."

"I didn't think you'd stoop to breaking galactic treaties."

The slug shrugged, "Not that the federation will hear of it."

With a wave of an eye-stalk the Sweetie Clones started to attack the Captain, who started firing on the clones, most of them falling after one or two shots, being reduced to ash in the process

Port Holding-> That is the scene that Princess Luna and the guard captain were greeted with, the Captain killing the last Sweetie Belle clone they could see, before opening fire on the Slug.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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The Captain would push the real Sweetie back into oxygen to keep her safe saying softly "Stay" before entering the cloning room again and closing the door behind him.

The slug proved rather nimble, avoiding the guard captain's stabs is if he knew where the attacks would be before they arrived.

The Captain stepped in between the slug and the guard captain, motioning with his weapon for the captain to back off.

The slug looked sarcastic, "My hero."

The captain spoke over his shoulder, "Shut it, you'll get what you deserve soon enough."

The captain then noticed that the guard captain had the translator, he adjusted something on his wrist so the guard captain could understand, "Back off, I'll take it from here."



Warrior chuckled, "I'm sure I'd be fine on my own, I've plenty of experience being thought of as a monster, but I appreciate the offer."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Once Luna and the guard captain had backed up sufficiently, which was to say back through the door, the captain adjusted something on his wrist, when he spoke again it wasn't broadcast through any of the translators, so it wasn't understood by any who could hear, but the Captain kept the weapon trained on the slug while interacting with the console in the room, before removing a vial from the strange machine.

The slug tried to attack the Captain then, and was shot dead. Followed with the captain setting the vial down before shooting it as well, shattering it and scattering the liquid contents.

He took a deep breath before adjusting his wrist again, this time talking so all the crew could hear, "The traitor has been dealt with. I'm ending the lockdown, back to your stations."

He adjusted his wrist again, this time when he spoke the guard captain could understand, "Apologies. Now that that situation is taken care of, and we find ourselves on more equal footing, we should negotiate."

He leaned heavily against the wall adjacent to the corpse of the slug, which was dissolving before their eyes as tiny machines, like metal ants, reclaimed the raw materials and carried them away.



On 2021-07-01 at 6:58 PM, Starforce said:

Monster? Well, yer anything but! I think most ponies would be scared of ya as everyone hasn't seen ya before and ah I don't know if there are creatures like ya here.

Warrior smiled weakly, "If only everyone saw the same way you did... still, the title isn't wholly undeserved. My kind are warriors by nature, and have done some monstrous things in the past, including the fact that we are often pirates and slavers, and have no qualms with consuming the flesh of other sentient creatures that we defeat in combat."

On 2021-07-01 at 6:58 PM, Starforce said:

"Are we just sittin' in here waiting for trouble to come or what?" 

Warrior was about to respond when the Captain's announcement came over the recently liberated ship, she visibly relaxed as the shielding on the doors retracted. "I guess not anymore. I'm going to make sure the Captain is alright. You can come if you like, Engineer can man the weapons in the mean time."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 2021-07-04 at 12:18 AM, Starforce said:

So for that, good riddance.

The Captain shook his head, "It is wrong to speak ill of the dead. We all will die one day, and so it is better to respect all than to accuse those who cannot defend themselves."

On 2021-07-04 at 12:18 AM, Starforce said:

Your technology would be something I am definitely interested in, because there are are a lot of ponies here on this world who are in desperate need of care that we cannot give simply because we are not advanced enough.

The Captain shook his head again, "That is not something I can offer at this time. What you saw as demonstrated by the late Comms Officer was a gross misuse of the technology, and for such transgressions of galactic treaties he was executed. By those same treaties I am required to limit as much as possible my affect on your civilization. Giving you such technology could drastically alter the course of your society's evolution. This is what I can offer, and I assure you it is very generous: The three young of your kind we rescued, we would like to take them with us back to the Federation. Over the course of a few galactic rotations, which I calculate as a half dozen seasonal cycles on this planet, they will be taught everything they can be about what the Federation knows. If they successfully meet all the academy's expectations, at the end of their training they will be given their own ship loaded with the technology and information they have been trained to use, and given permission to return here and distribute it as they see fit. This process is called Uplifting, it is a rare honor to have it offered."

The captain sighed, "All I can offer as an alternative, is that we leave quietly, allow you to keep whatever you've collected so far, and mark your system to be evaluated every so often until you meet the requirements for First Contact. Given what we've seen, that could take several hundred seasonal cycles."

Princess Luna looked over at the guard Captain, "What sayest he? Thou hast the only method of communication with him. Is the filly Sweetie Belle safe?"



On 2021-07-04 at 12:18 AM, Starforce said:

Ah' hope ya won't be eatin' anyone anytime soon...haha.

Warrior smiled slightly, "Not if they're as cute as you and your friends, you're all too cute to fight, much less eat. Besides, the ship produces more than enough food to keep me satiated."

After passing through a few chambers they entered the cloning bay where the Captains and Princess Luna were standing.


Cloning Again

"Captain," Warrior said, such that only Applebloom and the Captain could hear, "Are you alright? Who are these ponies?" She went over to share an affectionate nuzzle of sorts.

"I'm fine, just tired. These are representatives of the ponies... apparently. I'm seeing if they'll allow us to Uplift the small ones you rescued."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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(I should clarify, Warrior nuzzled the Captain, not Applebloom)

17 hours ago, Starforce said:

"It is not up to me to decide the lives of these fillies.

Princess Luna looked less sure, "If this offer is to be believed... it would be in the best interest of all Equis to do anything in our power to encourage this to happen." She spoke softly to the guard captain, "While cooperation is preferred, we may need to explore alternative methods to ensure the fillies are able to participate. The fillies themselves should be easy enough to convince, our sister should be able to convince the families."

17 hours ago, Starforce said:

But like I said, the Uplifting Process you speak of is not up to me to decide."

The Captain nodded, "I hardly expected so, more so as the governing body you had the right to deny them, but I appreciate that you are unwilling to obligate them."

17 hours ago, Starforce said:

"Another thing, are the fillies safe? I know one of them is with my guards outside. But are the two others in good condition?"

The Captain nodded, "Of course. Were it not for my Weapons Officer's decisive rescue they would all three be dead out there. They are all safe, though I should note, the white one suffered fatal injuries from the creature's venom, we used our technology to save her life, but given we only had an incomplete template of her kind we were unable to restore her exactly the same. By our Medical Officer's opinion, her physical body is a bit more matured now than it was, which is to be expected as we used scans of the ponies outside to complete the template, no doubt they are fully grown. Despite this, she has shown no abnormality."

The Captain spoke into his wrist, speaking directly to Sweetie "You can come in now, it is safe."

The Captain turned his attention back to the guard Captain and Princess Luna, "Now that we have your permission... what process is required further before we can prep the fillies for departure? On our end all we need is their consent, but I assume you need more information on your end. There is plenty of time, once we get the remaining materials we'll release the remaining guards in our custody, then it will be a few hours before we are ready to attempt to depart."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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