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private Taking Control: The Story of Mason AKA Youth Sonic (1x1 between Courageous Thunder Dash and UI Tails)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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" I just hate moody atmospheres. Plus Im trying to keep myself happy." Mason replied. He calmed down.

But before anything else happened, a blue Hedgehog that looked similar to Sonic, but with Purple eyes, crystal purple bracelets, and a phantom ruby on his chest appeared.

"Who are you?" Mason asked.


Phantom Sonic (1).png

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@UI Tails

Pinkie turned to see the odd looking hedgehog. "Uh-oh...uhm...that's not the Sonic I know..." Pinkie said as she slowly started to back away. Thundy and Chelsea got into defensive poses. Thundy looked at Chelsea and Chelsea looked at Thundy.

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The Hedgehog saw that he was being threatened, and replied, "Im an alternate Sonic from a different dimension, and Im here to challenge Mason the Youth Sonic to a battle."

"A different Sonic? from another world? Please. Ive beaten a stronger Solaris. with help of course." Mason said.

Tails was worried for both Mason and Pinkie for some reason.

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@UI Tails

Thundy and Chelsea relaxed, but still remained alert and attentive. "And what is the reason you challenge Mason? To test his strength?" Thundy asked. 

"Careful Mason...don't let your pride be your fall. I sense this Sonic is pretty strong, and you shouldn't underestimate him." Chelsea warned. 

"Chelsea's right Mason." Pinkie said. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mason froze as those words were said."Dont..underestimate him?" A black and yellow aura surrounded him. He was MAD. "Are you-" he cackled a bit- "are you calling me WEAK?"

Mason's Super Form went active, but...

"Oh no not his fleetway side!!!" Tails yelled. 

"You should have known better than to call me weak. I AM NOT WEAK!" Mason yelled.

"Mason calm down. For Pin-" Sonic said, but Phantom Sonic struck Mason so hard, he fell down in pain.

"I should have waited longer. I expect more soon." Phantom sonic then left



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@UI Tails

Thundy was abe to grab Phantom Sonic in a magic hold. "Now where do you think you're going? You think you could just hurt my friend like that get away?! Never!" Thundy yelled with a rage and slammed Phantom Sonic on the floor hard, five times and then looked him in eye. "Never hurt my friend again..." He warned, still holding Phantom Sonic in his magic hold. 

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22 minutes ago, Courageous Thunder Dash said:

@UI Tails

Thundy was abe to grab Phantom Sonic in a magic hold. "Now where do you think you're going? You think you could just hurt my friend like that get away?! Never!" Thundy yelled with a rage and slammed Phantom Sonic on the floor hard, five times and then looked him in eye. "Never hurt my friend again..." He warned, still holding Phantom Sonic in his magic hold. 

"Since when were you the boss of me?" Phantom ranted in her face. "i should just finish the boy now while I have the chance."

Mason was scared. "It wont work out..." he said to himself but it was loud enough where Pinkie heard.

"Oh crud," Tails said.

Sonic(not phantom) commented smartly,"He better not be thinking about going for 'Dashie'."

Mason froze. Sonic had crossed the line." I was fixing to take back what I said, Sonic, BUT NOW I FEEL LIKE ATTACKING YOUR BUTT!" Mason then went full fist fury on Sonic. "ILL REGRET DOING THIS BUT ITS WORTH IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!"

"Why couldnt Mason run it out?!?" Knuckles yelled.

Then to make Matters worse, he stooped attacking Pinkie couldnt control himself, and started going for Pinkie!

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@UI Tails

Chelsea blocked the way. Thundy flung Phantom Sonic away and landed a hard drain punch on Mason, taking all of his energy away. He then fired a large beam up in the sky with it. Pinkie was glad Chelsea was there to block Mason from hurting her. 

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10 minutes ago, Courageous Thunder Dash said:

@UI Tails

Chelsea blocked the way. Thundy flung Phantom Sonic away and landed a hard drain punch on Mason, taking all of his energy away. He then fired a large beam up in the sky with it. Pinkie was glad Chelsea was there to block Mason from hurting her. 

Tails was pretty upset that it had to happen, but understood it was for Masons safety."IF ONLY Sonic didnt start it up."

"Hey, same happened with you and Cosmo, Tails! dont even start!" Sonic shouted.

"You are one to talk since you attacked Amy!" Tails shouted back!

Knuckles had enough and yelled, "Enough!" then pushed Sonic and Tails backwards.

Mason barely was able to get up and threw a teleportation ring from his pocket.

"Im done. Sonic I want to go home." Mason cried.

Knuckles replied, "Ill take you home to mobius. Should have tried my plan anyway."


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@UI Tails

"But...you just arrived here..." Pinkie said with a sad tone. 

"Yea...you don't wanna upset Pinkie...I know it's a lot Mason." Chelsea said. 

"As for you two, you need to get your act together." Thundy said sternly to Sonic and Tails. 

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Mason knew how Pinkie would feel if he left. "Okay." He called back his ring. "For you Pinkie." He started crying. "Im sorry for almost hurting you Pinkie. I need to control myself better." then he turned to Sonic," Dont you Ever say Rainbow Dash's name like that. You know I tried that alternate world where you met her for you, and did it turn out great? No, because I ended up destroying that world-"

He stopped before something else could happen."Shoot, I forgot about our plan!" he went to where his backpack should have been, but when he looked...

"No...no, not my gift,"he said, seeing the melted rock and gold dripping from his remaining backpack material.

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"Thanks, Chelsea. I owe you one," Mason said with a smile, and put the ring in his pocket.

You know Mason, Its not going to be long before she knows you want to MARRY HER! the dark side of Mason told him.

So what? You cant prevent my love. Mason thought back.




"Stop it, stop it....STOP IT!!!!" Masons aura revealed what he was talking about. And in the midst he blacked out.

"Mason? KIDDO!" Knuckles yelled and ran over. "So he does like her that way? Heh, I knew his dark side would break him, besides, it IS true," Sonic darkly scoffed.

Tails knew Sonic wanted to Break his Spirit, so He pulled his plasma cannon out and shot Sonic." Say one more thing. Im tired of arguing period."

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@UI Tails

"Was that really necessary Tails? I don't think so. All of you seriously need to think before you speak...sheesh..." Chelsea said. 

"I agree. Can't we just have civil conversations for once?" Thundy asked. 

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1 minute ago, Courageous Thunder Dash said:

@UI Tails

"Was that really necessary Tails? I don't think so. All of you seriously need to think before you speak...sheesh..." Chelsea said. 

"I agree. Can't we just have civil conversations for once?" Thundy asked. 

"Wake up Mason! I cant give cpr yet..." Knuckles panicked

"ughhhh...Pinkie...I love you too much to even..." Mason got up. "...hurt you. And I am sorry for charging at you."

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@UI Tails

"It's okay. It's not your fault Mason, but you must learn to control that power of yours. It's really dangerous..." Pinkie said. 

"Pinkie's right Mason, you gotta get that power mastered before something does happen." Thundy stated. 

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  • 1 month later...

Mason nodded. "Where exactly?"

Sonic walked up."I hate to break it but I need to leave. Got issues in an alternate world i need to deal with."

"Okay Sonic, be safe!" The other 3 sonic friends(Knuckles, Tails, and Mason)

Tails said, "Lets GO!"

Mason laughed. "Hold your horse Tails! I dont know where we are even heading by train, at least specifically."

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@UI Tails

"There's a very open field I know. It's great for training. Follow me." Thundy said as he spread his wings out and took to the skies. Chelsea followed behind him. "Y'all comin'?" Thundy asked, turning to the others. Pinkie spun her tail around like a helicopter and took to the skies. 

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Tails spun his two tails up and followed the others, while Knuckle dug underground to follow.

But Mason was stretching a bit. Tails stopped and realized what he was preparing to do.

"Here we...GO!!!" Mason said as he took off with a stable Boost from Sonic Unleashed.

Knuckles poked out and said, "Ive seen better. ESPECIALLY Pinkie Pies 4th wall breakers..."

"HEY!!" Mason and Tails yelled.

Just when things were going good on the way to field, Mason heard a ring warp from 3 feet nearby. He looked that way, and he saw-

"AMY! If youre looking for Sonic-"Mason shouted.

OOC(I might need you to play Tails and Knuckles, okay?)

"OH, You think Sonic's on my mind, you sicko?!?" Amy yelled, looking like she got in a cat fight.

"Typically thats all you think about." Tails scoffed.

"No, Im here to solve an unsettled situation-Between you, Mr. Im So Heroic Man, and Pinkamena Diane Pie! You are coming with me Mason." Mason then got grabbed by the back of his neck.

"LET GO!!!!" Mason yelled, kicking her. But Amy swung at Mason's face with her Hammer. "Owie...OWWWW!" Mason was once again crying, immobilized by fear. Flashbacks of the same thing when he was with Amy in the past happened.

"Oh no! Pinkie, get Mason outta here!" Knuckles directed Pinkie in desperation to keep him safe.

""Youre NEXT, PIE." Amy said with a face of pure psychotic emotion.

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@UI Tails

Chelsea jumped into the air and kicked Amy right in the back. "How dare you treat my friend that, you're the stupid sicko!" Chelsea retorted. Pinkie backed away with tears welling in her eyes. Thundy growled at Amy, but knew that Chelsea took care of it. Chelsea grabbed Amy by the leg, essentially freeing Mason, and slammed her hard on the ground. 

(OOC: Chelsea stands up for her friends, so it would be nice to see how Amy reacts to this.)

Thundy went over to Mason. "So now what, we have this crazy lady who called you a sicko. What's her problem?" Thundy asked. 

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2 minutes ago, Courageous Thunder Dash said:

@UI Tails

Chelsea jumped into the air and kicked Amy right in the back. "How dare you treat my friend that, you're the stupid sicko!" Chelsea retorted. Pinkie backed away with tears welling in her eyes. Thundy growled at Amy, but knew that Chelsea took care of it. Chelsea grabbed Amy by the leg, essentially freeing Mason, and slammed her hard on the ground. 

(OOC: Chelsea stands up for her friends, so it would be nice to see how Amy reacts to this.)

Thundy went over to Mason. "So now what, we have this crazy lady who called you a sicko. What's her problem?" Thundy asked. 

"She was abusive...would threaten me every day when I messed up.(starts to cry) I did the most painful thing that saved me..I broke up with her myself."Mason was stuttering

"Crazy. You think Im...CRAZY?!?" Amy yelled so loud that anyone could hear her."Try hitting me again and SeE hOw CrAzY I Can Get."Her hammer then turned into a rocket jet metal Hammer, like King Dedede's Hammer

Jet Hammer - SmashWiki, the Super Smash Bros. wiki

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@UI Tails

Chelsea gathered some water energy and hurled a water ball at Amy's rocket hammer, putting it out and causing it to short circuit. Chelsea jumped up and dropkicked Amy right on the crown of her head, hard enough to knock someone out. "That should shut your mouth." Chelsea said. 

"Well you did the right thing Mason. No one deserves to be around a piece of trash like her." Thundy said. 

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"!!! Fine. You win for now, idi-"Amy said, but Tails just teleported her before anything else could be said.

"I despise her." Tails said like he was bored.

Mason got up, and dashed to a nearby flower field to get flowers for Pinkie before training, then came back with the most beautiful pink roses." Pinkie?" Mason called.

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