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open Silver School for Necromancy and Other Purities

Loud Opinion

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@Windy Breeze @Kujamih @Zoom Jetstream @Starforce

The stone pony then produced more trays of the requested food items.

"Don't wait for a check. Our food is free of charge!"

Once the serving was done, she returned to the front counter.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Kujamih @Starforce @Loud Opinion @Zoom Jetstream @abrony-mouse


The sundae was foreign to her eyes, nonetheless, Thamani accepts Void's gift of generosity “My sincere appreciation for your act of kindness and generosity"

It didn't take long before stone pony arrived with their order. She decided to ignore the feeling of finding to a statue odd before taking her food; making sure to thank the animated statue for his service. Before chowing down into her food, she would watch Spiral give her own thanks to the stone pony. Seeing Spiral's satisfaction made Thamani smile before finally eating her food, which is grass. The zebra did not make a moan of contempt, she just smiled and said “Just like at home. Very delicious”

Edited by Windy Breeze



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@Loud Opinion @Starforce @Kujamih @Windy Breeze @abrony-mouse

"Thanks," Monsoon said to Void and the stone pony simultaneously. She liked chocolate milkshakes, but she just preferred other drinks more. However, the chocolate milkshake Void offered her was surprisingly good, dare she say almost as good as her Visinada.

She couldn't help but to think about the statue that delivered them their food as she took a bite of her salad. However, that thought got pushed to the back of her mind when she noticed how fresh the Choriatiki salad was. In addition, the feta cheese was spot on. Ultimately, she decided that she wouldn't be able to figure out whether the stone statue would be illegal or not. However, there was probably a book in the Canterlot archives what would say so. If not, she could always ask one of the princesses.

Monsoon decided to move on to something else that was on her mind. In between bites, she spoke up. "So, what made you decide to come to this school?" she asked, as one of those general ice breaker questions. She had already figured out what she would say.

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@Loud Opinion @Starforce @Kujamih @Windy Breeze @abrony-mouse

Monsoon was kind of disappointed that her ice breaker question didn't create as much converse as she had hoped. However, after some moments of akward silence, it seemed like the conversation wasn't going to continue any further. However, it did seem like the others wern't going to ask her the same question. Monsoon finished her Choriatiki salad at around the same time the others finished their meals.

"Yeah, let's get going," she said. She looked over to Thamani to see what she would say.

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@Zoom Jetstream @Starforce @Kujamih @Loud Opinion @abrony-mouse


Monsoon didn't realize she hit a nerve in Thamani.

The zebra hung low, weighted by the thought of telling the others about her brother and his demise. While she did told Spiral subtlety about him, she immediately regret it. Comfort was found in the form of her food as she continue to eat. Her plate was almost empty when she heard Monsoon say...

4 hours ago, Dr. Clue said:

"Yeah, let's get going,"

She quickly finished the remains of her food but not in bad and disrespectful manner, taking a last sip of here later.

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@Windy Breeze @Kujamih @Zoom Jetstream @Starforce

"I hope the service was up to standard," Mr. Tongue did not wait for a response. Once everyone was accounted for, he strode down the steps, "We mustn't waste time. Their's an entire school's worth of ground to cover."

Without alumni, the laboratory wasn't worth showing off and the Olympic gym wasn't done yet, so he opted for the library.

Perhaps not the most impressive collection, but the presentation was certainly unique. At the center of the acropolis were spires of bookshelves. Simple creatures carefully strode upon the shelves without touching the delicate book spines. Their bodies were a basic black sphere of fuss attached to several long thin legs.

"Here are all the texts made public to first years," The headmaster said as he pointed to the spires. "Further up are texts reserved for higher grade students. These books are delicate, so students are not allowed to touch them directly. Instead, please leave that to the whips."

On cue, four of the dark fuzz-balls strode over to the students. Each of them held a badge with the symbol for brimstone engraved upon it. 

"Simply give it your badge and think of the subject you want to learn, and it will search for a text for you. Give it a try."

  • Brohoof 2

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Monsoon followed Mr. Tongue to the library. She looked around, noting all the books that could be seen. She also noticed quite a lot of books that were quite high up and out of reach here on the floor. She wondered if the whips would notice if she quietly flew up to the higher bookshelves and snuck a look at the titles. (Without touching the books, of course.) She would have to find a time when nopony was around in order to do it though. She also wondered if any of the books here would prove that the school was doing something illegal. However, she doubted that the whips would hand that kind of information over to a first year student like her.

Monsoon touched one of the whips badges and thought of a subject that she was interested in. She figured that this library probably had a copy of Twilight's (and friends) friendship journal. Then, she stepped back to see what the whip would do.

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@Zombie Breeze @Loud Opinion @Starforce @Zoom Jetstream

void would just follow them around, but this time she'd be more careful as she doesn't want to repeat the same stunts she did back then.

as light saw the others using the whips to get their books, Void would stare at the whips and back at the badges.

".... I don't know what book I want to read... I-im so sorry mister whips..."

Void said to the whips with a teary and apologetic tone.

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@Kujamih @Starforce @Zoom Jetstream @Loud Opinion


There is no doubt the strange black beings are done by magic, specifically necromancy. Thamani wondered how one can breathe without having noses, perhaps they don't need to. Things are getting fascinating as they go deeper into the school, curiosity began to multiply.

She pat Void on the shoulder. Her fragile behavior was starting to get a bit irratating, but Thamani knew better than raging at a fellow student, “I'll do the honors” gently pushing Void aside, she took of the badges. Then pondered what subject of topic she would choose. Thamani decided to go for one “Wonderbolt"

She had no idea what a wonderful was, only hearing the term when she and her siblings are staying at a beach resort in an island several years ago. During their stay, she heard the hotel manager's daughter was a Wonderbolt. That word caught her attention, and now for the first time, she will be able to understand using the badge.

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@Zombie Breeze @Loud Opinion

Void would observe Thamani with wonder, as she commands the whips.

" ooooohhh," Void said in awe.

She would then copy Thamani word per word and posture by posture, "wonderbolt!"

Now Void awaits with excitement, as she sees the whips in action, and looks at Thamani also with a smile.

She is like a little filly lost in a toy store, inside a school, that teaches necromancy....

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@Starforce @Zoom Jump-Scare @Kujamih @Zombie Breeze

When each badge was returned to the wisps, they ignored them and let the piece of metal fall to the ground. Silver took a moment to realize he had misspoken, "Sorry, you're supposed to keep the badge. I don't know why I told you to give them back. Well, anyway, don't try to pick up the book when they get it. Just let them open it up and hold it for you. So long as you hold the badge, they'll know when to flip the page and they'll be able to keep the book in view as you move through the school grounds."

Regardless, the wisps climbed up the spires of knowledge. Monsoon's wisp stopped at the base and pulled out a book at the very bottom. A deep purple cover wrapped around a mint-condition copy of the book of friendship. A golden horseshoe denoted that this was a later edition.

Thamani's wisp only went one shelf higher and pulled out a blue book, but instead of going directly to Thamani, it took a detour and strode to Mr. Tongue. His horn lit up for a subtle flash, and the wisp returned to Thamani with a copy of 'Heros Above: The complete dramatization of the Wonderbolts.'

Spiral Spell and Void's wisps took the same detour. Spiral Spell went to the third shelf, and Void strode to a rung far out of reach of a pony. Silver Tongue gave Sipral's book a hard look. He thought over whether or not he should allow access. Finally, he flashed his horn. Instead of returning to Spiral, however, it first put the book back on the shelf and returned with nothing. "Sorry. That book is a little advanced. I'll have to give you an abridged copy later," he explained.

Voids whisp only strode higher. Its legs slowed down to be more careful around the older texts. When the wisp finally made it to Silver, he raised an eyebrow. He was about to say something when a flash came from Void's flank.

The pile of dust was gone. Instead, a map and shovel was Void's new cutiemark. Silver had a look of understanding and approved the wisp.

In its delicate grasp was a book entitled: 'How We Dig: A Modern Manual on Excavation.'

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What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Loud Opinion @Starforce @Kujamih @Zoom Jump-Scare 


Thamani stared down at the badge she tried to give back to the wisp infront of her, dumbfounded and confused by it's lack of response until Silver gave them clear information: they actually have to keep the badge instead of giveng them back. Thamani's face reddened for a few moments before shaking off her embarrassment when she noticed her wisp shifts to one of the bookshelves. Following its movement, she would see it move it's way towards Silver, whose horn glowed for less than a second before the wisp finally went over to her.

'Heroes Above: The Complete Dramatization of the Wonderbolts'

Thamani to check on the others before satisfying her hunger for answers. She would realize Monsoon had already gotten her own book before her, before glancing at Spiral. Seeing Silver's hardened reaction to a book and not giving it to Spiral arose suspicious as to what the unicorn is thinking.

Looking at Void, Thamani had been wondering if she'll get the same book as her. The cutie mark on Void would prove her wrong, however, when it brought a book with different topic.

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@Loud Opinion

"....ooohhh" Void has a bit of a grasp on how the whisp works now.

as the books travel to them, once again Void's cutie mark has changed into a map and a shovel.

"GAAHHH!!!.... OH..... ohhh?.... I'm a treasure hunter now?" Void said in confusion.

 then the whisp gave her the book that she didn't even asked for.

".... I guess .....this is fate? ....am I supposed to discover something in this school?" Void said in a confused tone.

this would bug Void for a minute, but then she'd just accept what happened and just shrug it off and go with the flow of her faith. so she'd just opened the book and started to read.





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@Loud Opinion @Starforce @Kujamih @Windy Breeze @abrony-mouse

Monsoon was a bit surprised when the whip let the badge fall to the ground. She wondered why the headmaster couldn't remember how the badge system worked. Was this some kind of new system that they were using? Monsoon couldn't help but to get the impression that they were trying to hide something. Also, what would happen if someone messed up? There were a lot of questions Monsoon had about this badge system, and she wasn't even sure where to begin. 

Monsoon picked up the badge that dropped when one of the whips returned with the book Monsoon was looking for and opened it to the table of contents. Monsoon could smell that new book smell, and she wasn't even trying to smell it. In fact, from the sound of the pages, it sounded like this was the first time the book was touched. This made her wonder if such contemporary books needed to be treated in this special manner too. 

"Oh wow, there was a lot more in here than I thought... " Monsoon said as she scanned through the table of contents. Originally, she choose that book as a test to see what was available at the library, but during the wait, she figured that since she was probably going to be staying here at the school for quite a bit, some of the advice in the book might come in handy. Perhaps Void could learn something from Fluttershy.

Monsoon looked up to see Mr. Tongue judge the other books. Did Mr. Tongue seriously know how much Spiral Spell would understand? Or was he trying to hide something until he could determine how loyal the students might be? This kind of irritated Monsoon, but she tried her best not to show it. It seemed like this school was taking the whole information censorship thing really seriously. It appeared that trying to find information about this school was going to be harder than Monsoon thought. Also, who would judge the books when there were students in the library but the headmaster isn't? 

Monsoon looked over at Void and noticed that her cutie mark had changed. In addition, a book that she didn't ask for got brought to her. This once again ticked off her information censorship pet peeve. She wondered what it could meant though. Also, why does Void's cutie mark change? Monsoon knew better than to ask Void; she would just break down again. However, she was holding on to a badge. Maybe the library had a book that explained it? However, that didn't mean she was finished reading through the friendship journal. She wondered if there was a journal entry on whatever Mr. Tongue was doing, whatever it might be.

Edited by Zoom Jump-Scare
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@Zoom Jump-Scare @Starforce @Zombie Breeze @Kujamih

When Thamani got her book, the wisp automatically flipped nearly to the end of the book to a chapter dedicated to one called Windy Breeze and her race against a flock of crows that called themselves 'Legion'.

Monsoon's book first flipped to a chapter from Fluttershy, only to flip to Applejack's section when she focused on the headmaster.

Said headmaster gave a hard stare to Void, "Please do not damage school property."

As if snapping out of a spell, Silver Tongue softened to address Spiral, "Feel free to try again, but it will take some time for the wisp to catch up to you as we continue the tour."

This time, he waited for the other students to follow before he left the acropolis. "Robes will be given at the end. Until then, you'll have to hold your badge by hoof."

Edited by Loud Opinion
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What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Loud Opinion @Starforce @Kujamih @Zoom Jump-Scare


The book would uncover a lot of information about a member of the Wonderbolts, Windy Breeze. From humbly raised by an earth pony in a beach resort, to postponing her career to travel back to her real birthplace, now ruins of once a town named Hoovesshores with the accompany of a medium, Sorrow. Seeing an image of the mare, Thamani immediately recognized her as the beach resort manager's daughter, who of course is the mentioned earth pony guardian. Additionally, the book also tells Windy's biological family had died when she was only three years old. “What a tragic start. To find out your own bloodline erased from the world while you're atill just a little foal...” Thamani said, whispering to herself.

Hearing Spiral, question, Thamani would look up from the book, glancing at Silver Tongue.

Edited by Zombie Breeze
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Monsoon followed the others as they left the library. These whips certainly seemed like interesting characters. Were they going to follow them around as long as they were carrying the badge though?

Monsoon gave Void a concerned look. It seemed like Void was quite clumsy at times, and she wondered if it night cause problems down the line. 

She also couldn't help but to get the feeling that Mr. Tongue was hiding something from them. The way he acted, the way he answered questions, All of it just seemed very suspicious. However, she still had to figure out a way to ask questions without making herself look suspicious. She decided to have the whip close the book and followed Mr. Tongue as the group left the library.

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@Starforce @Kujamih @Zombie Breeze @Zoom Jump-Scare

Silver Tongue gave Thamani a knowing look. Had he overheard her?

The headmaster ignored Spiral's question of robes. The mare was almost certainly attempting to make small talk to garner favoritism. As an impartial steward, he would not engage with this sophistry.

Instead, he made way for the final stop: The dorms.

Dutifully, each wisp carried their book around for their respective master. They would try to stay a few paces ahead and to their side. This way, there would be no delay if they wished to read while moving.

However, before they got to the dorm, a great pit came into view on their right. The setting sun, obscured by the surrounding hills made it impossible to see what was inside.

"Do not let yourselves be distracted," Silver spoke, "the only thing you will find down there is disappointment."

Edited by Loud Opinion
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What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Loud Opinion

the hole attracted Void for some reason, like a moth to a flame. she herself could not understand her craving and it's allure to her. is there really only disappointment there? it might not be for her, right?

Voids eyes would be fixed in a trans to that pit.

" C-can I...we have a greater explanation about that pit headmaster?" Void sheepishly said.

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@Loud Opinion @Starforce @Kujamih @Zoom Jump-Scare


Thamani looks at the pit curious as to what purpose does it serve. Generally in Zebrica, pits are made by villagers to dig a well during the dry season. Her interest, however, died out when she heard Silver Tongue's statement. Still, any tongue can tell a lie, it can be possible he is just trying to hide something.


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A random pit to throw in ponies that they don't like? Check. Monsoon thought to herself. She peered over the edge like the others, but when she didn't see anything, she decided that she would just have to take Mr. Tongue's word for it. Monsoon hated that, where she had to take the word of somepony. She was the kind of pony that liked to prove things herself, but given that flying down there was probably a very terrible idea, she decided that now would not be the time to find out.

"Oh well," she said as she stepped away from the edge and back towards the group.

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@Zoom Jump-Scare @Starforce @Kujamih @Thunder Light

"That pit is connected to Tartarus. We have an understanding with the steward to lend us some of their souls to labor."

"These souls are as dull as they come. Now come, let us not give them more attention than they deserve."

The next destination was on the other side of the next hill.

The structure was a black-on-white wooden house. Several stories ended off in a set of intersecting, triangular roofs.

"The dorms," Silver introduced, "You'll find all the amenities on the ground floor. Sign-ups for classes are also there on the board."

"The rest of the School are either classrooms or under construction. Feel free to roam the grounds as you please. Our professors are open to questions and conversations. They'll be notified when you enter their classroom, so you can always meet them there."

Silver Tongue looked about done but tacked on a final statement, "A locked door is not a challenge. It's a warning."

  • Brohoof 3

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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