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private Adventure awaits, so get me out of here~! (1x1 with Pastel Heart)

Samurai Equine

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@Pastel Heart

"AAHH!! AMBUSH!!" Trilby cries out with laughter as Pastel pounces him. He goes head first into the water. Big splash achieved!
But even as Trilby gets back out of the water, he gets sneaky, and retaliates~! He uses his magic to splash her from behind. "Hehehe~! Never start a water fight with a unicorn~"


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@Firefighter Equine

C-C-COMBO BREAKER! She wasn't ready for a literal flank attack.

"Aaa! Cheater cheater chicken dinner!" She protested as she splashed up and down in the water like shes shaking off some imaginary fire. She shakes her head, wet messy mane falling in her face. "Earth ponies have skills too!"

She winded her tail up before letting it go. It was a spinning water slinging machine! Extreme countermeasures require extreme solutions.

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby's eyes go wide before he feels himself getting hit with tidal waves of splashes! "Ah! Okay! Okay! Truce. Truce!" Trilby calls out before spitting out some water that got caught in his mouth.
He flops on his back and decides to float a bit. "Probably should have brought some beach games or something... Hey Pastel, have you ever been to a real beach before?"


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@Firefighter Equine

Pastel giggles. Today, she claimed this victory for herself.

Surprisingly, Pastel didn't swim well, instead opting for floaties as she crossed her hind legs, head resting on them as she idly floated, looking across the ocean.

"Well, Manehattan has a beach but I just never really went there. Funny how you can live somewhere all your life and just never go, huh? I always went to the public pool instead. It's got that aesthetic, you know? But this is really nice too!" She smiles and swims over to lean against Trilby.

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@Pastel Heart

"Heh, yeah. First time at a real beach, for both of us. Not bad for trip with a stranger, huh?" Trilby jokes before casually moving in to give Pastel a hug with one arm.

Trilby then remembers something. "I didn't bring any beach toys or anything... BUT! Before we leave this beach, I am going to make the biggest sand castle I can! ...Want to help me out?" Trilby offers, excited.


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@Firefighter Equine

Pastel nearly capsized herself as she shot up straight, grinning. "A real sandcastle!? Totally! Let's do it! Make it big enough and I'll even be the princess of it~" she giggled as she crawled out of the water, shaking herself like a cat. Her wet mane practically glittered in the sun as she smiled, waiting for Trilby.

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@Pastel Heart

"You read my mind!!" Trilby practically races out of the water with her. Taking out a bucket from his supplies, it isn't long before he's scooping up sand and building walls and towers.
Naturally, he shares the bucket with Pastel. "This is going to be the biggest sand castle EVER!" He declares, and he means it too! The rate Trilby is going, he might make a sand castle that is actually taller than a 1 story house!


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@Firefighter Equine

Pastel squeed with excitement. "If it's that big, I can really be the princess of it! You better not arrange any kidnappings, or I'll punish you and make you my maid~" She winked at Trilby as they got to work.

The exterior was looking a little familiar, the castle was looking a little... Hylian on her end. She was the biggest dork.

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@Pastel Heart

"Oh, I would never~ The only thing I would dare to steal is hearts." Trilby says with a flirty wink as he continues to help build the castle.

The minutes melt away. How long have they been at this? Half an hour? More? Doesn't matter... When they are done, it's glorious! It's got a moat, a draw bridge, many different stories, a little flag prop at the top, a figure head near the top, and all kinds of crazy details. "We did it!! It's SO HUGE!!! What do you think, princess? Is there another castle better than this?" Trilby crosses his arms, proud of their work.


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@Firefighter Equine

Pastel blushed. A sneak attack! She's been bamboozled!

"But if I'm the princess of hearts, I'm totally the target of any dashing rogue! Oh take me away on your airship~?" she swooned, smirking in a cute pose. That wasn't an airstrike, that was a nuclear strike.

But after more craftsmanship than any  sandcastle ever possibly, there it was. Bahamut couldn't knock down this castle! But maybe a wave could.

"The only thing better than this would be having a REAL castle! There's a new princess in town, Lady Twilight~!" Pastel proudly stood by the castle, flipping her mane.

"My mother plans something terrible, Trilly! Take me far away to the vast city of Lindhoof where I may request assistance from my uncle, but do not fall in love with me, as it my destiny to be queen somed--AAYY!?"

Her story reenactment was cut off. Much like Jaden knocked down by the wave at the beginning of Yu-Gi-Oh GX, a small wave comes in and soaks both her and the castle... amazingly, the castle and princess both survived, but was missing a piece. She spits out water, looking like a novelty fountain.

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@Pastel Heart

"I thought I was a dashing rogue..." Trilby says to himself, wondering.

Still he watches Pastel's show with delight. He is moments away from getting involved, when the tire brings in the water. Surprisingly, the castle is still there! Trilby inspects. "Wow. That moat worked! It took all the water so the castle could stand. Pastel, I think..." He is about to continue, until he notices Pastel got soaked. He tries not laugh. "Do not worry, princess. We both packed towels for this trip." Trilby reminds her. He escorts her over to the towels so they can both get cleaned up. "Thank you for a perfect day at the beach."


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@Firefighter Equine

Pastel broke out in laughter. This was the most fun she had in ages. She follows Trilby and grabs a towel, drying herself off roughly. Her mane was back to it's long messy self. Proof she doesn't do any grooming.

She smiled up at Trilby. "Ehehe, thank you, Trilly!" She hugged his leg happily. This adventure was totally awesome so far. "I had lotsa lotsa fun, and probably lots more to come! I'm glad we came... Maybe when we come here again someday that castle will still be here!"

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby smiles. He kneels down and hugs Pastel, snuggling her. "No, thank you for joining me, Pastel Love." Trilby says.

After he changes back into his regular clothes and collects his supplies, he gives Pastel a chance to change before they leave together. Magically, he collects the wood from earlier, and they teleport back to the camp sight.
It takes a few moments to set up the logs correctly and some places to sit, but by the time Trilby's got a campfire going, it's dark out. Trilby looks at Pastel, knowing she must be excited for this next part. "All right my newest and closest friend... This is moment you've been waiting for... It's SMORES time!!" Trilby whips out the smores kits.


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@Firefighter Equine

Pastel giggled, blushing. She couldn't quite get used to that name. Not that she was unhappy about it.

A spin dash into the beach house, and Pastel was back to her usual attire of... Well, nothing at all. She didn't have any fancy clothing to make her stand out Normally. Oh well.

Pastel leaps and latches onto his leg just before they teleport. Not of necessity, just because she could.

"Woo! Fast travel! I guess you could teleport anywhere, but that wouldn't be an adventure, huh?" She smiled, jumping off.

She did her best to help with setting up, though there wasnt much she could do that didnt involve carrying stuff. This filly had no survival skills. A few stumbles later, she was ready.

"WOO, SMORES!" She grinned and clapped like she was a live studio audience. "They need fire! Fire, fire~"

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@Pastel Heart

A weird way to travel, but Trilby wasn't going to stop her from holding onto his leg, if that's what she wanted to do. He just hopes it's not too bumpy with him walking around.

Honestly, Pastel's excitement is making Trilby excited too! He makes different piles for gram crackers and chocolate bars, leaving the marshmallows in a big open bag. Then, he puts a marshmallow on a metal rod. "The trick is, you want to rotate casually over the fire. Not too fast, not too slow, and gradually count to four." He shows her how it's done. "One~ Two~ Three~ Four~?" He checks the marshmallow. "A little more. One~ Two~ Three~ Four~!" He checks it again. "Perfect. You want it to be roasted to a golden brown on the outside." Trilby mushes it between some gram crackers and chocolate. "That's all there is to it. Some ponies try to roast their marshmallow black, but they usually just fall off the stick when that happens."

Now that he has demonstrated how it's done, he lets Pastel have the first smore. He also puts another marshmallow on the stick and gives it to her, that way he can get his own stick and start making his own smores. "...Oh, and try not eat them too fast. You'll burn your tongue." Trilby warns.

Edited by Firefighter Equine


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@Toshigami Equine

Pastel followed this technique carefully. Technique, as if it was incredibly complicated and delicate--but in her mind this was art.

She held the Sweetie Belle pondering reaction pose as she watched how he rotated the marshmallows. Her shiny pale pink fur reflecting the fire, she kind of looked like a marshmallow herself. Probably also just as flammable.

She nodded happily when it was done. "Neato! It's like a real s'more! Trilly epic brand smores! I uhh, burned toast once, it didnt taste good, so I'll pass on that~" she did her catlike laugh, taking the smore on the stick like it was some kind of medieval sword. "I will serve you well, m'lord~"

She takes a bite of the finished smore, and... "Woaahh, mega delish! Are you sure you didn't cheat~?" She giggled, swaying in her seat happily, before carefully churning her own marshmallow carefully. Just like Trilby did.

All in all, she didnt have to focus so hard but in her mind she was crafting a heroes blade in a smithy. Preferably with a cute tsundere assistant. Heck yeah.

...And it was done! She pulled it up. It was crisp and brown. Not bad for her first time. She looked at Trilby as if expecting praise. Eyes that said 'love and spoil me'.

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby giggles a little to himself, happy that Pastel enjoyed the smore he gave her. It's just a simple treat, and yet it's just who he is. He makes things for the sake of making others happy.

He puts a marshmallow on his own metal stick and starts to roast it. Noticing Pastel successfully made a smore, he pretends to bow and applauds. "All hail Pastel, master of Smore-making! I am not worthy~ I am not worthy~ I am not--" Sloorp. Plop. Trilby turns his head and sees his marshmallow has melted and fallen on the ground. "OH NO! I turned away too long~! Well, that's how the marshmallow melts..." Trilby puts his hoof over his heart and hums the funeral march.

"...Oh well, more where that came from!" Trilby shrugs and tries again. This time, he makes a perfect smore for himself, and he eats it. "Mmm~! ...We should tell ghost stories."


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@Toshigami Equine

Pastel was happy that she was being showered with praise, she smiled and blushed adorably...

...And that's when tragedy struck. She gasped as the smore fell to its death. "Alas, poor Marsh-kun!" She looked down, imitating an OTL pose, or in this case a OTT pose. She felt guilty, but was able to smile again when Trilby had another!

"Hurraayy! Was it yummy? Maybe we should make each others this time! Unleeess you got something else in mind?" She tilted her head and looked up at Trilby, tail swaying.

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby smirks.

He leaps up and walks around to the other end of the fire, standing upright. "There once was a pony feeling sad and lonely, but he couldn't understand why! There were plenty of ponies about. So he tried to talk to them, but no response. They all ignored him, one by one. It wasn't until he reached out to one of them that he realized the truth... He was a ghost this entire time!! Oooh~! He couldn't touch anything; his hoof would go right through it. He couldn't take to anypony, because they can't see ghosts~! Now it finally made sense why he feels so alone. Oh no~!! ...So he decided to find some other ghosts and make friends with them instead. And they all stayed together eternally ever after; the end!" Trilby claps, proud of himself. "Pretty good ghost story, am I right?"


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@Toshigami Equine

Pastel clapped. Despite how imaginative she was, she didnt seem scared for a second, but that may just be because of her personality. She clapped at the end, giggling. "That was great! Pretty happy ending for a ghost story though, don't you think? I got one for you~"

Pastel cleared her throat. Suddenly, her expression changed. She seemed serious, standing a right amount away from the fire to give her face an ominous lighting.

"There was once an ugly barna...  oh wait you've probably heard that one before. Ahem..." she cleared her throat again, meaning it this time as she spoke in a tone Trilby never heard before.

"I heard that a long time ago, in a city in Japone, that there was this pony that got into an accident. The accident left him with brain damage, and he saw all of his friends and family as horrible monsters. Except one pony... a ghostly like, small white pony with a beautiful green mane. He could see her clearly. In this world that reeked of rotting flesh and looked like an alien world, he could only see her~ they fell in love, spent every day together as the stallion tried to live his life. One day, she said to the stallion, 'I can make a pony like you so that you'll have friends.' So she used her magic. When she did, he went crazy! He slayed his family, and attacked her! The stallion protected her... And that's when he realized, the only reason she looked normal to him..."

She looked at Trilby, dead eyed. "...Was she was the monster hes been seeing everypony else as... But he loved her anyway. After delving into madness with his otherworldly marefriend, blood on his hooves... She released her races spores into the atmosphere. And the world ended..."

Pastel was almost on the verge of tears, as if she was enjoying the romance of the story.

"...They say that the world that came after that one... Is the Equestria we stand on right now!"  She hopped up on that last part.

...What kind of stories has this filly been reading?

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby is about to bow at the clapping, but a comment makes him stand in confusion. "...Happy ending? OH! You wanted a SCARY ghost story!" Trilby says, realizing the truth.

Noticing Pastel wants a turn, he sits down and lets her tell a story this time.
However, as the story twists and reaches his climax, Trilby cannot help but tilt his head. "Woah... Calling occupants of interplanetary craft..." He mumbles to himself. But then he notices the story is over. He sits up and claps. "Well that was amazing. Scary, unpredictable, and a little confusing, but it was still amazing." Trilby says. He gets up and goes over to the marshmallows and such, and proceeds to make a smore. "Tradition dictates that when you tell stories about ghosts and the undead, you must also leave a sacrifice so they don't come to consume you instead~" Trilby makes a smore, finds a spot far from the campfire, and leaves it on the ground. He says a little prayer before returning to the safety of the campfire.


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@Toshigami Equine

Pastel smiled happily. She didnt have the hard to tell him she totally ripped off a famous writer.

She followed Trilbys lead, also roasting a marshmallow and leaving it in a designated spot on the opposite end of where Trilby put his. As she does so, she puts her hooves together...

"Gods of darkness give me strength, true power shall set me free~" she glanced at Trilby, clearly trying to freak him out as she grinned and walked back to the fire..  And in doing so, something seemed to come up behind her and take it! Pastels eyes widened, making her 'kyaa!' like an anime character, rushing behind Trilby.

"Yowie wowie the gods of darkness are real!!"

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@Pastel Heart

Trilby is about to happily return to the campfire when they both hear a sound.

When Pastel takes cover, Trilby bravely stands to protect her. "Stay calm, Pastel. I've got this..." Trilby takes off his hat and activates his magic. His horn basically becomes flashlight, and he uses it to see if he can spot whatever creature is sneaking up on their campsite. "I really hope it's that friendly tiger from earlier..."


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@Pastel Heart 

Trilby just smiles when he sees the squirrel, turns off the magic, and escorts Pastel back to the campfire. "See? I told you that offering a sacrifice would pay off. Besides, we took the guy's home, the least we could do is let him have a smore." Trilby says, nodding happily. "I wonder how many other woodland creatures we'll befriend while we're out here..." Trilby says curiously.

Time passes. The two of them eat their fill, making sure not to eat TOO many. Wouldn't wanna get sick, right?
After the smores are devoured and the campfire extinguished, they enter the luxury tent together and get ready for bed. Trilby has his own sleeping bag, and since he bought some more supplies just for Pastel, she has a sleeping bag too! Trilby changes into his pajama jacket and his nightcap, hopping into his sleeping back and snuggling up to his pillow. "We sure did have a great first day, didn't we?"

Edited by Toshigami Equine


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