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private The Early Days


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"What the hell is going on?!" Maryanne shouted. She looked at the ponies still in the tavern for answers but heard none. She asked again, in a rage, "What is going on!!!?"

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Ruby had went to check what Decan was shouting about, seeing the commotion in the room, Ruby quickly came to the conclusion that a thief had been there. Half flying, half running down the stairs, Ruby said exhausted. "I...I t-think the Alicorn has been visited by a thief"


Signature made by me, screenshot as base

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Codax stopped, and turned to Cloud. "Then that leaves us about three options. One, I go back with you, and turn myself in. That's not going to happen, though, bringing us to number two. You come with me, and live a different life. That's not going to happen either. We're now at number three. You leave me be, save what dignity you have, and go back with Lockhart, and he'll be more than happy to help you clear you name." Edited by Parties like Pinkie


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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[The first part of the post is a bit... OP, but the second will fix it. OK?]


"Hmmm... You say there's only three options." with a single beat of her wings she lifted herself off the ground and bucked the wall to her right launching herself against the pony and knocking it to the ground.


She used the confusion she had generated to pull his sword out of it's sheath and point it's tip at the pony rising from the ground. "It seams we're back to option number two!" she smirked, but the proud expression on her face didn't last.


"What's going on?" she said, suddenly noticing that the stunt she had performed had increased the stream of blood now running down her foreleg. "You... You don't move over there" she said breathing heavily, everything was blurry now.


Her legs failed to support the weight of her body making her sit on her haunches, using the sword to support her weight. She launched a pleading look at the pony standing next to her "Please! Help me" she managed to say before collapsing in the pool of blood forming under her.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Codax watched as the pony collapsed, unconscious. "You should have listened the first time I told you to stop chasing me." He said, simply, picking up his sword, and putting it back into it's sheathe.


He began to walk away, but after his third step, stopped, and looked back. <I can't just leave her, I'm not a murderer!>


Codax walked back to Cloud, and tore a piece of fabric from his armor. He used the fabric to tightly wrap the wound in the pegasus' hoof, securing it with an even tighter knot. He then lifted her up, and swung her over his back, so that her front legs were on his left side, and her back legs on his right, and began to run, heading towards his Guild.

Edited by Parties like Pinkie


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Everything felt like it was moving for the pegasus. The steady clopping of hooves slowly came to her mind as she opened her eyes she understood she was being carried by Codax, she noticed the constraint attached to the previously bleeding hoof. "It's really nice you fixed me up.", her voice was week.


A shiver ran down her spine. "It's pretty cold out here" she said before passing out for a second time.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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<I've got to hurry.> Codax thought, picking up the pace a bit. The Guild was only a couple hours away now, and he hoped to be there long before Cloud's life would be at risk.


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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(dominating people in in free-for-all)

Lockhart went back to the the tavern, Spitting curses as went. He had lost Codax. And Storm. Now he had to actually look for them. He grabbed his remaining things and left, looking for them.


(formerly giigman)

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MaryAnne was speechless. She retreated back behind the bar and grabbed a large mug of her famous ale for herself and started drinking from it. "Ruby..." she called.

Edited by Artemisia
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"I am going to go and try to prop the bookshelf back up." Decan turned around and started walking up the stairs.




(I wont really be able to post to often for the next few days and if I do they will be small, sorry about that)

Edited by Flame Dancer

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Codax continued running, his muscles straining as the Guild came into view. "Jeremiah! Open the gate!" He called, not slowing down.


"Boss, is that you?" came the reply, from the guard tower.


"No, it's the fucking Easter Pony!" Codax yelled back. "Just open the damned gate!"


The slightly rusty looking gate began to open, widening faster than one would've guessed. Codax never slowed down as he bolted through the just wide enough space, the doors quickly slamming shut behind him. He soon collapsed, however, gasping for air, his legs burning from the long sprint back. His vision slowly started to blur, and he quickly blurted out "Save Cloud.... Being chased.... Bounty hunter...."


Codax blacked out.

Edited by Parties like Pinkie


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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The sound of leaves rustling in the wind and sunlight coming through a window woke Storm Cloud. She felt lazy and after an attempt at opening her eyes she left them closed to keep the morning sun away from her.


She grunted and after some long seconds tried to rub her eyes, as she tried to move her right hoof the pain in it woke up too causing her to cringe and opt for the left one. Just few inches away from her face she found her hoof halting in midair and something pulling back. Her hoof was connected to the bed with a thick piece of cord.


After moving her face towards the hoof to rub her eyes she left them open and looked over her shoulder through the empty room and to the closed door. "There was no need to bind me to the bed!" she yelled letting her head drop back onto the bed.


Although Storm Cloud felt very weak she made an attempt to get off the bed and to stand beside it. Everything was moving around her and her legs were too weak to support her. After a minute she needed to stand steady on her hooves the rest of her body slowly started waking up and she started realizing in what a bad shape she was.


Her mane was an absolute mess, her hoof had a new bandage, her whole left side was encrusted with her own blood. "I should stop playing hero" she said to herself and then focused back on the still closed door "Hey! I need a bathroom!"


After a few futile attempts and pulling against the string that reduced her freedom to the bed and a few steps to it's left she decided to sit down on her haunches and to gaze out of the window. If it wasn't for her being tied to a bed she would love it, big trees surrounded the wooden buildings in which she was trapped. It seems this thieves are true night owls, it must be eleven an there is still not a single one on the streets

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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"Just checking to make sure you are all right Ruby. Where do you think that Storm and the stallion went? Do you think they are all right?" She asked and gestured for Ruby to sit down. "I don't think it's save here anymore. These are difficult times for Equestria, and this isn't the life your parents wanted for you...seeing all of this happen." She sighed. "I better go check the upper floors for damage then we can look for Storm Cloud." And she left to go inspect the damage and the room the mysterious stallion left behind.

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When Decan entered the room he took of his cloak and placed it on a small coffee table in the center of the room then walked over to the bookshelf and taking a deep breath began to lift it back onto the wall, the books that had not already fallen off of the shelf dropped onto the floor, when the shelf was almost all the way up Decan exhaled and with one last heave he pushed it right side up.

rubbing his hooves he heard someone coming up the stairs and saw MaryAnne walk into the little room, " I managed to prop the shelf back up, I just hope none of these books were ruined," he said looking at the pile of books on the floor.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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"Well Decan, the spine on that one is shot but I think the rest will be alright. Ruby would be so dissapointed if the rest were ruined. She will probably be dissapointed that this one was." She used her horn to pick up some of the books up and began placing them on the shelf. "What else may have been damaged?"

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" Do you want me to try to fix it ? I have never fixed a book before but I assume it wouldn't be too difficult," He said as he picked up the book.


"all it would need is a new spine which I could probably make out of some old leather I have in my cart, It wouldn't be good as new but it would be better than having it slowly fall apart. Said Decan turning the book around in his hooves.

"And I dont see anything else that's ruined maybe that floor board where the edge of the shelf landed.



(I will be gone for a couple days but if Decan is needed than someone feel free to play as him, just don't kill him or anything hahaha)

Edited by Flame Dancer

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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(Sorry, I was busy, but I'm back now!)

Twinkie Pie whispered randomly as she set some cloth on her workroom table. Entering the front room, the dusty corner of the wall caught her attention. She dusted it, and found a picture. The picture was a faint grayish-brown. The dust had ruined it, nobody could tell what it was, ever.


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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Chancy was walking down the hall, her patient sheet in front of her, giving off a magenta glow. As she neared the door to the room Storm Cloud was in, she heard her call out "I need a bathroom!" She grabbed the bucket outside her room, and walked in.


"You're finally awake," Chancy said, a slight irritation in her voice, "good." She set the bucket of water down in Cloud's reach, saying "There's a rag inside, use it to wash, but make sure you stand over the drain. Don't want you causing any more messes."


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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The clicking noise of the lock embedded in the door behind her drew Storm Cloud's attention. A unicorn with a bucket entered the room and placed it close to her feet. Storm Cloud studied the contents of the metallic container, she was dirty and thirsty, but the water in front of her was either mixed with soap or really dirty.


A mixed feeling of rage and panic started building up in Storm's chest, her body was in a horrible shape, her freedom limited to a few feet radius and everything she got was a bucket with water she wouldn't use to water her crops. After being dumbfounded for a few seconds she exploded, yelling and grabbing the bucket to throw it across the room, failing to hit the unicorn and make it slam into a wall, the contents of it spilling all across the room.


"Buck you!" she cried out, her eyes wet and her voice shaky. "Let me out of here! NOW!" she barked and resumed pulling at the string hoping it would give in. After a few failed attempts she sat on the now wet wooden floor "Please!" - "Please! I beg you! Let me out of here"


She gave a pleading look to the unicorn standing across the room.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Chancy let off a slight smirk as the bucket hit the wall beside her, the contents spilling everywhere, soaking the floor and walls alike. She walked up to Storm, stopping a foot away from her. "You think that string is tied around your leg because we don't want you leaving? That string is there for your own good. It's to make sure that you don't move around too much and reopen your wound. This is a hospital, not a prison."


She turned to leave the room, but stopped at the doorway. "Besides, Boss is the only one that can make the decision to let you go, and he's in no condition to do anything right now. I don't even know why he risked his life for your sorry flank. In fact, if it were up to me, you'd never have entered this room in the first place, so I suggest you show even a little gratitude at what we've done for you."


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Storm Cloud was speachless, the unicorn did not even seem to react. She was just laughing at her and trying to explain why they had tied Storm to her bed.


She made another attempt at pulling at the string, just to painfully notice that her coat had suffered under the pressure of the cord and the skin under it was deep red. She started to flail her hooves at the pony just few feet away, as the pony started to leave Storm jumped on the bed and automatically wanted to help herself with her wings.


The pain in her left wing as it spread and some of the feathers pasted together with her blood were torn out painfully. With a yelp she landed on the bed to continue cursing at the pony standing in the door. "Thank you for everything you - Thank you for attaching me to a bed and leaving me alone in here!"


She wanted to jum at the other mare's face and buck her so hard she'd lose as many blood as she had lost. And due to her dizzy and excited state didn't completely understand her and cried at the the unicorn across the room "Who is your boss and why is he not enough of a stallion to face me?" a tone of mockery clearly in her voice - "Does he really need to sent his little lover to hand me a bucket of dirty water?"


She was now breathing heavily, the dry blood on her coat itching at every single breath. She could hear her heartbeat, it was unregular and she could feel the trembling in her legs threatening to collapse every second.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Chancy stopped once more. She turned back at Storm with a look of bewilderment on her face. "You say you don't know who Boss is, when he was the one who carried you all the way here. He's passed out, close to death, because of you, which is why he's in no condition to do anything at the moment." She turned back towards the door. "He'll probably come to you first when he recovers. Until then, try to be a good little mare, okay?"


Chancy walked out of the room and closed the door, walking towards her next patient.


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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"He is your boss?" she replied sitting down on the bed. Her expression suddenly empty, realizing what had happened, she looked down at her hoof. He wanted to kill me, but didn't want to let me die.


The sound of the door hitting the frame knocked Storm out of her trail of thought. She yelled at the door - "Hey! You can't leave me here alone" - she was frustrated. She knew the string was stronger than her, and she knew the unfriendly mare wouldn't come back in a while and she was thirsty and covered in her own blood.


She got off the bed and towards the window and slammed her bandaged hoof into the glass. She cringed in pain as it connected with the cold glass surface, the shards landing on the floor and on the outside. Maybe somepony heard it or it's secured with some kind of magic alarm, so I'll need to hurry.


Picking up one of the bigger pieces of glass she started rubbing the edges of the home-made knife against the string. The process was slow though, she struggled to hold the material securely and the effect on the cord was low, but she was positive it was only a matter of minutes until she'd be free of the rope and to go wherever she wanted.


She was panicking, sweat running down her face. Every few seconds she shot a glance at the door just in case somepony would come in. Her thoughts were racing It was an accident, I was jumping on the bed and hit the window - No! - Go back! I've got a piece of ... glass - No, even the nurse wouldn't be afraid of that - You won't get me alive! - I'm sure she is just waiting for me to do THAT her own voice said at an incredible speed inside her mind.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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