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Why Fluttershy is my favourite of the mane six


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I love all of the mane six, I think they each bring something great to the table but if I had to choose my favourite out of all of them I would pick Fluttershy. Here’s why!

  1. When all of Rarity’s friends were super demanding about getting their dress perfect Fluttershy was the only one who said please. 
  2. She reformed Discord. 
  3. She and Rainbow Dash are the most important ponies out of the mane six due to creating the sonic rainboom that brought them all together. 
  4. She is so freaking adorable.
  5. She loves nature and animals.
  6. Her design is really pretty.
  7. Her element is kindness, something we should all strive to be.
  8. She was initially very shy but learned to come out of her shell more with the help of her friends.
  9. Her and Discord are the best MLP ship. Change my mind!
  10. When Discord corrupted the mane six she was the hardest to corrupt. He literally had to force her instead of manipulating her like he did with the others.
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