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Samurai Equine

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@Toshigami Equine

“Snow Leopard.” Silver repeats. “I remember hearing you mention that name before. You never really explained much about him, only that he was very dangerous, and you hoped he never returned.” He turns to face his friend. “So, with you saying our meeting is inevitable, what’s the best thing to do now? Should we try to find him ourselves so that fewer ponies’ lives are at stake? Or is he the sort of creature you don’t find, but rather he finds you?”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"Oh, sorry Silver-san. I didn't mean to leave any information out. I just didn't think you'd be interesting in hearing it." Samurai says. "It's more of a he-finds-you situation; and it's never a good time when he does." Denki explains. "...I suppose I know a place where we can talk about it, and get a bite to eat if anyone is hungry." Ryugane offers.


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@Toshigami Equine

“Well, I’m certainly interested in hearing about it now!” Silver smiles. “Not to worry, my friend. If this Snow Leopard is some creature nopony likes around here then I don’t blame you for not wanting to talk about him.” He turns to Ryugane. “Sounds good, I could use something to eat. Lead the way!”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Ryugane leads the way.

Moments later, they are in a different part of his region. They are at a smokehouse grill next to an industrial complex that makes goods out of metal and other such materials. Denki and Mizuko don't seem super comfortable. "Did we have to go to one of the warmest locations in this region?" Denki asks. "Yeah. Hate to agree with stuffy-pants here, but he has a point. I doubt any origami shinobi would be hanging around here." Mizuko says. "Exactly. The neighboring factories use fire, molten lava, furnisses, and many other similar resources to use or melt down materials. None of those shinobi would risk being here, it would destroy them. Which means we can talk freely without fear of being spied on. ... That, and this restaurant has some of the best food I've ever had." Ryugane explains.


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@Toshigami Equine

Silver follows along until the group reach their destination, a smokehouse grill off in a different part of Ryugane’s region. He nods in agreement with Ryugane’s explanation, heading to a place that the shinobi would not like is the best chance they have at not having them snooping around while they tried to talk. They head inside and sit down; Silver idly browses the menu while waiting for a staff member to arrive.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Ryugane notices Silver being quiet, then turns to Samurai. "I think he's waiting for that explanation you owe him." He says. "Oh, hai. Wagatta. I've had many victories and many success stories as a samurai. I've studied and struggled until I mastered fire magic. Battle tactics came naturally for me... But when I was first starting out, I had one major failure that I haven't been able to live down. There was a white leopard that magical powers over snow and ice, but he could barely control it. His name was Snow Leopard. When I met him, he was having trouble making friends. If citizens weren't scared of his ferocious looks, they stayed away because they didn't want to get frost bite. In time, he let the heart break and the rejection get to him, until not even my friendship was enough validation. I had promised to help him, and because I couldn't change the hearts of other citizens, he started to blame me for being an outcast. In fact, he started to blame the whole world..." Samurai says.

He takes a deep breath as drinks are served. "It was fine when he was just blaming me. However, he disappeared for a while. And when he re-emerged, he had used the dark arts to modify himself. He also began to rally an army. Origami shinobi, dangerous beasts, dark magic, and more... Any dangerous or forbidden resources that the world had rejected, Snow Leopard was gathering all of it and using it against us. He became a threat not just to me, but to Japone as well."


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@Toshigami Equine

Silver listens intently as his friend recounts his past with Snow Leopard. “Wow, well that’s rather unfortunate that he felt he needed to go down that path.” He shakes his head as he takes a drink. “I can relate quite a bit to his situation, honestly. When I left my village and started exploring Equestria, some ponies I encountered were… less than friendly towards me. They hadn’t seen a kirin before and didn’t know what to think. Some ponies were curious, but others were afraid, and that fear made them hostile. It’s too bad he let these bad experiences harden his heart, but we all have our own choices to make in life.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"That is terrible. I've learned that no one should have to go through that, especially not alone. ...Are you thinking of joining sides with Snow Leopard?" Denki asks Silver, concerned yet slightly on edge. "The beast might not like the way we do things around here, but make no mistake, he's fully committed to evil now." Mizuko says. "The way he amasses dark magic and other resources, the many times he has started battles that nearly brought Japone to war... He doesn't just care about changing the world. He wants to get rid of everything in his way. As much as I like fighting and sparring, even I know senseless violence when I see it." Ryugane says.

Samurai doesn't say much. He looks lost in thought.

Edited by Toshigami Equine


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@Toshigami Equine

“Oh, no, I could never do that. I can relate to how I feel, but I don’t have any sympathy for how he chose to act. I can’t support that. I have been treated poorly by ponies in the past, but I still choose to be kind and helpful towards others anyway. Hearing what you’ve all said about him, the destruction he’s caused, his use of dark magic… this is not something I want to be a part of.”

He then notices Samurai seems a bit distracted by something. “Hey, Samurai? You look like something’s on your mind. Are you having thoughts about the memories you shared together?” He asks.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Ryugane and Mizuko seem relieved that Silver says that. And to his surprise, Denki scoots closer to where Silver is sitting and gives him a hug. A genuine hug! He isn't trying too hard or missing the point; he's just giving a genuine hug. He even pats Silver on the back and nods, happily relieved. "Good to hear you say so, Silver-san."

Before Mizuko can say anything, she notices Silver's concern for Samurai. "He's going to say it again..." Mizuko says. And on que, Samurai speaks. "Snow Leopard is my responsibility. I was the one that reached out to him and promised him a better life. I'm the one who failed him. If anypony has to defeat him..." Samurai starts. "It's going to be me." Samurai and Mizuko say in unison, proving that this is not the first time Samurai has said this. "Yeah, you keep saying that, but I still doubt you will. Hate to say it, but in times of war, we are stronger together. And Snow Leopard's ice powers? The exact opposite of your fire powers, Samurai. It's amazing how many battles ended in a tie between the two of you." Mizuko says.

Edited by Toshigami Equine


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@Toshigami Equine

Although surprised, Silver returns the hug from Denki. “See, that’s how hugs are supposed to work. You just do what comes naturally. I’m happy you can understand this.” He remarks before turning his attention back to Samurai. “My friend, you did not fail him. You did your best to give him a better life and it was up to him to decide what to do with that chance. Mizuko is right, we’re much stronger working together. I think with the group we have assembled here, this will be the best chance we have at defeating Snow Leopard. He’s out there looking for me it seems, so I now also share in the responsibility to take him out.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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As Denki pulls away from the hug, Silver's words make him snap to a realization. "What? I did it right?! But, I was just thankful you weren't going to be evil. I just-- I did it right without thinking about it?" Denki examines his own hooves and starts to mumble to himself, shocked that he did it instinctually rather than on purpose.

Samurai looks at Silver and his fellow samurai, and gives a soft smile. "Kind words, but I wouldn't want to volunteer anypony else to help me fight this dangerous battle. Especially not one who isn't a soldier. Besides, it's not that I want to defeat him. I still want to believe that maybe somewhere down in there, he is still a good soul that can be reached. I'll only defeat him if there is no other choice." Samurai clarifies. "That's still much too naïve. He's a menace that should be put down. Still, I've seen this play out many times. Snow Leopard always seeks you out first when he chooses to attack. I wonder how many chances you're going to give him before it's too late..." Ryugane says. "...As many chances as I'd give all of you, if any of you were to lose your way." Samurai says, as pure as can be. It annoys Ryugane and Mizuko. Seems they don't have a good come back for that one.


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@Toshigami Equine

Silver nods as he watches Denki process this new information. “Yep, and that’s the entire point. You just do what comes naturally and nothing else.”

“Oh, but you’re not volunteering anyone else.” He states, turning his attention back to the others. “We are willing to help you. I can understand not wanting to defeat him, and ok, sure, but we still need to find him and confront him. At the very least. There’re too many innocent lives at stake, we must do something.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Denki is still beside himself. "The first thing we need to do is make sure there's no more origami shinobi lurking about." Samurai says.

Before anyone can say anything further, the waiter finally arrives. "May I have your orders, please?" The waiter asks. "5 of your best pizzas and 5 of your best drinks . Trust me, they're the best here. Even a foreigner would be able to find one topping they like." Ryugane says. The waiter nods and goes off. "If we're going hunting, then should we split up?" Mizuko asks. "Won't be necessary. I've all ready got a plan to draw them out." Ryugane says. Mizuko relaxes. "That's good. I can get back to my region after this."


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@Toshigami Equine

Silver is about to respond when the waiter arrives. He doesn’t get to put in an order, though. Ryugane orders enough pizza for all of them instead. “Well, I’m certainly not going to complain about pizza.” Silver says with a smile. “Oooo, well let’s hear it, then! What plans do you have for drawing out the origami shinobi?” He asks intently.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Toshigami Equine

Silver hesitates a bit before responding. “…No, no I haven’t. I’m not much of a fighter. I’m an adventurer. I only fight when necessary. I’m guessing you want to use a tournament to bait them out, and I’m also guessing that you’ll want me to be a part of it. Well, you know these things way better than I do, so if you think that’ll work…” He trails off, not sounding entirely thrilled, but also realizing they didn’t have much of a choice.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"Now hold a minute, Ryugane-san. You're not seriously imply..." Samurai begins, but Ryugane holds up a hoof. "Relax. The fight is a front, just like Silver said. A show to lure them out. If Snow Leopard really is after Silver, then he won't let him get hurt that easy. Not if he still wants to enlist Silver." Ryugane explains. "But you said two birds with one stone. What else are you trying to accomplish?" Denki asks. Ryugane just smirks and looks at Silver. "...Of course. Silver-san, he wants to spar with you. It won't be a serious fight, but he still wants to test your abilities. He does this with everypony." Samurai explains. "You never know the true mettle of anyone until you know what they're willing to fight for. And ever since I've meet you Silver, it's all I've wanted to do."


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@Toshigami Equine

Silver blinks a couple times. He looks to Samurai and then back to Ryugane, in somewhat disbelief. “I see. Well, as I mentioned, I’m not much of a fighter. I’m not sure if you are aware, but kirin fire magic is emotion-based. It only gets triggered in situations where I feel threatened, or in moments of extreme anger or sadness. I can see that this fight between us is important to you, but if you’re wanting to ‘test my abilities’ as you say, I’m not sure I’ll have much to show you. I’ll do it, but I just felt like you should know a bit more about us before you fight one.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"That just makes me more excited to do this!" Ryugane says. "Don't worry, my friend. Just humor him. If I feel like the fight is becoming too much, I'll personally step in." Samurai says.

About that time, the waiter returns with the food.
First the drinks. Each one is a bright color, and a gradient. Might be some kind of fruit-flavored drink. Each one is different, too. One drink is blue fading into purple, another is green fading into blue, another is orange fading into pink, etc.
Next is the pizzas, and all five are unique. Each with a different topping that Silver has probably never seen before. One of the pizzas has mayo, among other things. Another has teriyaki sauce. One pizza doesn't even have cheese. They all have their own veggies, of course. One has imitation chicken, another has imitation prosciutto, and so on. "Go on, everyone. It's buffet style." Ryugane says. He starts to get a slice from each pizza, and so do the others.


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@Toshigami Equine

Much to Silver’s disappointment, his little ‘speech’ he gave about kirin only seemed to make Ryugane even more interested in fighting him than before. But he won’t have much time to think about that, for the pizza and drinks are brought out and everypony starts digging in. Silver selects the blue drink without having any real idea of what’s in it or what it’ll taste like and chooses one slice of each type of pizza so he can try them all. Some of the toppings here he indeed has not seen before, but others he has recalled seeing in his travels around Equestria. Each type of pizza he tries tastes amazing, easily finishing his first slices and going back for more.



Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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And so, the meal commences. For a moment, it is peaceful. Denki and Mizuko bring to condiments to put on the pizza, in case Silver wants to give it a try. It's hard to say which gets finished first, the drinks or the pizza. However, the meal soon comes to an end. Even when everyone is full, there is still enough food left over for some of them to have carry-out.

Later, after having paid, Mizuko is the first to leave. "I'm gonna sit out the fake fight this time and head home. Hey Silver, if you beat Ryugane in the fight, you're welcome to visit my region any time. Just be prepared. There's a lot of rivers and streams in my region." Mizuko explains before exiting the restaurant. "I'll stick around. I'll play the part of the referee." Denki says. "And I'll play the part of Silver-san's coach. I can at least try to give him some pointers while we set up this elaborate show." Samurai says.


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@Toshigami Equine

Silver grabs a bit of food for later and exits the restaurant with everypony else. “Ok, well it was nice to see you again, Mizuko. Farewell, and I’ll keep that in mind.” He smiles before turning his attention back to the others. “Thank you, Samurai, I appreciate the help. Like I said, I’m not much of a fighter, so this will be… interesting, to say the least. In any case, I suppose we should get going now to wherever it is that we’re headed. The origami shinobi are still out there somewhere.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Everyone agrees, and off they go.

Moments later, a few miles away from the nearest metal factory, an octagon-shaped arena has been constructed. Ryugane was able to pull some strings and have this all set up.

At the same time, Samurai is doing his best to coach Silver. "All right, there isn't much time, so my best advice is simply this... Remember that everything and everyone has a weakness to exploit. If you can find a way to turn Ryugane's strength into a weakness, then the victory is all yours! He'll probably rely on mele attacks for the most part, but he can also be a heavy-weight hitter. If you can't out strength him, then redirect that strength against him. Go for blind spots, and do anything you can to either trip him or get him off balance. Understand?" Samurai asks.

When the arena is done being assembled, a construction worker steps up onto it and speaks into a megaphone. "On behalf of the Kitogawa Metalworks Factory, welcome to the Chugoku Fighting Tournament! Fighting for the title of champion, the two finalists are samurai warrior Ryugane and Silver Slate the kirin." The construction worker leaves the arena after that announcement, and Denki takes his place. "As per usual, there will be some standard rules of fair sportsmanship. The first, there will be no weapons, tools, or chemicals allowed; natural abilities only! The second, there are to be no fatal blows. The third, no fainting or passing out. And final rule, once the fight begins, neither of the fighters are allowed to step outside of the ring. If any of the fighters fail to follow these rules, they will be disqualified. The winner is decided when one of the fighters faints, lands outside of the ring, or admits defeat. I will be judging this tournament to make sure the rules are followed at all times." Denki explains.

Edited by Toshigami Equine


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@Toshigami Equine

The friends arrive at the arena, the place appearing to have been purpose-built for the occasion. Hopefully this would work, and it would draw the origami shinobi out. Silver certainly didn’t want to go through all this for nothing. He attempted to process all the information being given to him as they neared closer to the ring. “Ummm, sure, I guess?” Silver responds in an uncertain tone. “I’m an adventurer, I rely on agility and resourcefulness to escape hostile situations. If I get cornered, I basically have to hope that I can complete my nirik transformation. This is why I just avoid fighting in general. Relying on your emotions is a fool’s errand, and I’m going to take a guess that it goes against everything you were taught as a samurai.”  

“Wait, so fainting is not allowed, but one of the winning conditions is fainting? I don’t understand that.” Silver asks after Denki is finished speaking.  


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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