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Samurai Equine

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@Samurai Equine

“I don’t believe Samurai is aware of us liking to eat gems. I haven’t told him, so if he knows, perhaps he learned of it in some sort of book he read or maybe somepony else told him in the past.” Silver thought aloud. “And Ayla, I was expecting the same reaction you’re talking about. But like Fukami said, in Japonese culture, kirin are more like celebrities than anything. Speaking of Samurai, do you suppose we should wake him up now, Fukami?” He asked.  

“Good to know!” Ayla replied, happy to hear that Japone was accepting of kirin. “I should be welcomed, then, that’ll be a nice change.” She smiled.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Samurai Equine

(OOC: So sorry for taking so long to reply, my friend :( )

“Yep, I’ll definitely let him know. I’ll get the fire going.” Silver said with a smile, moving the barrier out of the way.

He floated a few logs over with his magic and produced a flame.

“Alright, there we go, that should be good to go for a while.” He says, returning to the others, and waits for Samurai to wake up.

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(It's okay, my friend. :rarity: I'm just glad you remembered. I figured you must have been busy or something. :hug_day:)

Samurai is seen leaning in Charlotte's direction as he sleeps, almost snuggling with her. Fukami walks up to him first and nudges his shoulder. "Samurai-san, wake up." Fukami says. "...they deserve better?" Samurai says sleepily as he comes out of his nap, sitting upright. "What happened? Did I miss the tour? Don't tell me I fell asleep at the museum..." Samurai says as he collects himself, fearing he may have been really rude just now. "Don't worry about. I don't think anyone here cares. Besides, we brought you something." Fukami explains.


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@Samurai Equine

Charlotte giggles a bit as Samurai wakes up. “It’s ok, Samurai! We thought it’d be best to let you rest for a bit, considering everything you went through earlier.”

“There’s no problem, my friend.” Silver smiles. “Like my sister said, you’ve more than deserved a rest. Fukami and I have been having some interesting discussions, and I didn’t want to continue without you.”

Whenever Samurai is ready to continue, Silver will motion for them to head back to the roped-off section where the original part of the building was. He quickly gives the same explanation as he did to Fukami earlier about this being the house that the first kirin built.  


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Samurai sees the flame that Silver has brought over. "...Is that for me?" He asks. When the flame is lowered to him, Samurai tries to use his magic. When at first it doesn't seem to work, Samurai lowers his horn into the flame and concentrates. In a few quick seconds, the horn magically absorbs all the fire, no burns at all.

Once it's gone, Samurai leaps up and off the bench. "Ah~! So much more refreshing! Granted, absorbing flames like this isn't quite the same as letting my magic recharge naturally, but this really helps when I'm running on empty." Samurai says, taking a moment to stretch. He is now ready to follow Silver anywhere, but Fukami gives Silver a look, letting him know it's time to tell Samurai what they talked about earlier.


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@Samurai Equine

“That’s fascinating how you absorb fire like that and get reenergized by it.” Silver remarks, returning Fukami’s look with a silent nod. “Ok, here’s something I bet you didn’t know about us kirin. One of the traits we inherited from dragons is their love of gems, and by that, I mean eating them. It would only be occasionally, they’re far too difficult to obtain, and I don’t think our digestive system is designed to consume large quantities of them. It is one of the lesser-known facts about kirin.” He explained.

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Samurai nods as he listens to Silver explain. At first, he doesn't think too much of it, until the reality sets in. "Oh no! I didn't know kirins could eat gems. Silver-san, if I had known, I would have made sure you had plenty of gems to choose from while you were in Japone. I hope eating other foods has not put your health at risk. We have more than enough gems whenever you need them."


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@Samurai Equine

Silver smiles kindly. “No, no, don’t worry, my friend. There was nothing wrong with the food I had back in Japone, quite the opposite, actually. Gems are more of an occasional treat for kirin. Like I said, I’m not sure what sort of effect that would have on our digestive systems and I can’t say I’m in any hurry to find out. Really, the profound lack of information we have on our origins prevents us from better understanding what we’re capable of. That reminds me, one of the other things I talked to Fukami about, is there theoretically should be a place in Japone where our founder would have rested before continuing on to the jungle. I don’t suppose you’ve ever heard of anypony having knowledge of anything like that, have you, Samurai?” He asked.

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Samurai bows, understanding Silver's diet a little better now. He mulls over what Silver has to say. "We have a picture of the founder here in this museum. The background gives a clue to where they could have been in Japone. Perhaps if we can make a copy, we can use that to begin the investigation." Fukami explains. "...There's at least two other samurai we can ask about this. If we have a geological clue to go by, then Mizuko or Gotaro might be better suited for the job. However, since this might be tied to Japone's founding history as well, we might need to go all the way to the top and ask the Shogun about it. He'd want to be updated on such a big investigation, and he might be able to help us out the fastest." Samurai finishes explaining with a nod.


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@Samurai Equine

“You want to get the shogun involved?” Silver’s eyes went wide for a moment. “Sometimes I forget who you know, my friend. I suppose it’s not such a tall order for you. If you think this issue is something worthy of such attention, then I will do my best to help everypony involved. If either of you are capable of making a copy of this photo, starting an investigation into this is something I’m very interested in. I just wish I had more information to give you.” He admitted.

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Samurai smiles and nods. "This could change the history books for both of our cultures. It's only natural that the Shogun should hear about it too. As for this picture...." Samurai walks over to the image of the founder. He thinks about it, then claps his hooves and make his kuroko appear. He points at the image. "Copy spell, please." Seems one of the kuroko is a unicorn. He examines the image from top to bottom, doing everything shy of actually touching it. Then, he uses his magic to create a duplicate and hand it over to Samurai with a nod. Samurai takes it, and the kurokos vanish just as fast. "Now let's see... A copy is never as perfect as the original. It can get close, but there is always an imperfection, even if it's slight." Samurai explains before he examines the copy. "...The copy is SLIGHTLY desaturated, by about 1 or 2%. However, to the untrained eye, these two images are identical. Wouldn't you agree?"


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@Samurai Equine

Charlotte and Ayla blink and look at each other with surprised expressions as Samurai’s kuroko appears out of nowhere and performs the copy spell.

Silver picks up the photo with his magic and inspects it carefully. After a few moments of examination, he comes to the same decision as Samurai.

“I do notice a slight difference in the copies.” He observes. "But, I definitely don’t think that somepony would notice it if they hadn’t seen the original in the first place. For our purposes here, this will work fine.” Silver smiles as he puts the copy back on the table and the original back in the photo frame. “Now then, between Fukami wanting to show Ayla around Japone, and this new mission we have to potentially uncover more about the past of the kirin, I think we should head back to Japone first thing tomorrow morning! Of course, we won’t leave until you get your special tool from the blacksmith, my friend.”

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Samurai is surprised. "Is it all ready getting late? I didn't realize time had flown by that fast." Samurai rubs the back of his head. "Hopefully, there is also time to do one last fun thing, if we're not traveling to Japone tonight. Silver-san seemed really interested in us putting on a show. Maybe a concert of some kind?" Fukami reminds them of that. "Still volunteering me for that, Fukami-san?" Samurai says with a smirk and and raised eyebrow. "Oh come now, my comrade. I know you'd be happy to do something like that, regardless." Fukami says with a giggle and a wave.


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@Samurai Equine

Silver smiles. “You guys are really set on doing that show. I guess I can’t really blame you, it is an important part of kirin culture. We’ll head to the theatre, and we can discuss what you’d like to do there.”

A short walk later and they’re all standing in front of the theatre stage.

“So, what were you two interested in performing?” Silver asks his samurai friends. “I heard something about a concert, that’s always a good time. It’s not what the folks are used to around here, usually it’s a play or something like that. But that’s ok, we can give them something new to experience. I know Ayla will be on board for some singing.”

“Uh hu!” She replies enthusiastically. “It’s literally my job. I’m… a bit a of rockstar. I may or may not have a band that I travel with. We’re on break right now so I decided to come back to the village for a bit.” She explained. “Hopefully you don’t mind, Fukami.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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It doesn't take too long to get there.

"I hope it's not too late for this... Wouldn't want to bother any kirins if everyone is winding down about now." Samurai remarks as he looks around the theater, setting things up. "Well, the most we can do is play a Japonies song or two. But I think I speak for both Samurai and myself when I say, we'd really love to hear some kirin music too. So if you have a song to sing, you're more than welcome to jam with us, Ayla-chan." Fukami explains with a wink at the end.


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@Samurai Equine

“Oh, I wouldn’t really know what kirin music is.” Ayla admits. “I’m definitely the wrong kirin to be asking about things like that. But if you do want to hear the sort of music that I perform, hmm, Silver, think we could do that duet we practiced the last time I was here?”

“Definitely.” He replied with a smile. “I think I’ll need a few minutes to go over the lyrics with you, though. Would either of you mind going first?” He asks his samurai friends.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"If it comes from either of you, then it's kirin music to us, no matter what you play. Karma works in strange ways." Fukami explains. "Yeah, we can go first, but we might need some help. Hope you don't mind." Samurai explains before summoning his kuroko once more. Fukami joins him on stage. They could use their own instruments from Japone, but they want to honor the Kirin village. So instead, they will use the instruments all ready available at the theater.

A little later, after some rough practicing, Samurai takes to the front of the stage. He is wearing a white leather jacket. Fukami is in the back, wearing a summer happi and a headband. "Hello Kirin Village!" Samurai calls out as he speaks into the microphone. "Ware wa Niponjin da! We are Japonies! And we are here to sing for you. This song is called Zoku. That means Tribe." With a nod, the concert begins.

Fukami begins pounding on a drum while blowing a whistle to keep the rhythm of the beat. As the kurokos play musical instruments as accompaniment, Samurai takes the lead on vocals. Fukami later provides back up vocals where necessary.




Ole! Ole! Oretachi... Ole! Ole! Jounetsu.
Ole! Ole! Samurai. Ole! Ole! Niponejin.

Ole! Ole! We are... Ole! Ole! Passionate.
Ole! Ole! We're samurai. Ole! Ole! We're Japonies.

Ole! Ole! Oretachi. Ole! Ole! Jounetsu.
Ole! Ole! Samurai. Ole! Ole! Niponejin.
Ole! Ole! Taiyou no ko. Ole! Ole! Tomodachi.
Ole! Ole! Suki na hito. Ole! Ole! Hitori ja nai.

Ole! Ole! Ore! Ore! Mou!!
Ole! Ole! Ore! Ore! Mou!!

Ole! Ole! We are... Ole! Ole! Passionate.
Ole! Ole! We're samurai. Ole! Ole! We're Japonies.
Ole! Ole! We're children of the sun. Ole! Ole! We're friends.
Ole! Ole! We're loved. Ole! Ole! We're not alone.

Ole! Ole! Me! Me! I am!!
Ole! Ole! Me! Me! I am!!

Atsumare kouma yo hokoritakaki hi no maru no shita ni
Tatakae kouma yo hokoritakaki "zoku" no akashi

Come together, ponies; beneath the proud flag of our land
Fight on, ponies; as proof of our proud "tribe"

Tousan wakatteru otoko to wa atsuku tsuyoku mamoru tame umareta n darou
Kaasan wakatteru ai su to wa shinji machi yurusu koto to wakachi au koto
Nakama yo ore wa iku ichido kiri mouretsu ni ikite mitai to omowanai ka
Koibito yo jinsei wa sayonara dake sa
Get up and go!! Guts on GOAL!!

Mom understands that males were born in order to passionately protect with strength
Dad understands that love is believing, waiting, forgiving; and sharing all of that
My friends, here I go! Don't you believe that we're only brought into this life once?
My girlfriend, life is full of so many sad goodbyes, and so...
Get up and go!! Guts on GOAL!!


Ore tachi wa matteru, kimi ni mo todokeba ii
Ore tachi ga matteru, saigo no tokken
Yume miru koto dake sore shika dekinai
Yume mite yarou ja nai inochi wo kakeyou ja nai

Hitori de umarete shinu toki mo hitori
Sore nara naosara omae to ikitai
Mijime mo majime mo ijime mo kejime mo
Chikyuu no matataki kujikenu kagayaki


We're waiting, if only we could reach you
We're waiting, it's the last rite
We're dreaming, that's all we can do
We're not idly dreaming, we're not wasting our lives

We're only given one chance at life
If that's the case, I want to live my life with you
Misery, honesty, persecution, and distinction
This flicker of a world will not be broken, it will sparkle


Ole! Ole! Ore! Ore! Mou!!
Ole! Ole! Ore! Ore! Mou!!



Ole! Ole! Me! Me! I am!!
Ole! Ole! Me! Me! I am!!

"OLE! Thank you, Kirin Village!" Samurai declares as the song comes to an end.


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@Samurai Oni

The two began their song, and for a while, it was just the three kirin watching. As the song went on, several other kirin from the village took note of the performance and joined them. The song was quite lively and everypony present looked to be enjoying it. Once they finished, the entire crowd applauded and cheered for samurai’s performance.

“Amazing job, my friends!” Silver exclaimed, coming up on stage after they finished. “I’m glad you shared that with us, your culture has such lovely performances and you’re very passionate about them.”

“Yes, I agree with Silver, your showponyship is quite lovely. I don’t think that’s something that can be ‘learned’, you either have it or you don’t, and you both definitely have it.” Ayla says happily. “Was there something else either of you wanted to play for us? If not, then I guess Silver and I will go next.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Samurai bows and turns away from the mic for now. "Well that's where you're wrong. We did earn it. Through lessons, practice, and sheer fighting spirit!" Samurai explains with pride. "He's right, but I am glad we brought fourth a crowd. Are you ready to go next or do you need more time?" Fukami asks. "If you're ready to go, I can introduce you both to the crowd. We could even help out musically, if you want. We're pretty good at following somepony else's lead." Samurai says.


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@Samurai Oni

Ayla looks to Silver who gives her a silent nod. “Very well, we’ll go next. Umm, about you following along, my music is nothing like yours at all. It’s…” She struggles for a moment to explain herself.

“You remember the song I sung when we did karaoke back in Japone?” Silver asked. “It’s like that, but unique in its own way, of course.”    

“If you feel you’re up to the challenge then, by all means, you’re free to join us.” Ayla comments playfully.

If the samurai wish to join in, Ayla will take her place just to the left of center stage and Silver will stand at the right, both waiting for their introduction. As she waits, Ayla uses her magic to summon her special purple microphone, which appears before her from seemingly out of nowhere.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"Well, we are very versatile. We can play any genre without pulling focus. But we won't take away your show. The last thing we'll ever do is slow you down." Fukami explains before letting them have the stage.

Samurai nods. "Knock 'em dead, you awesome rebels without a cause." Samurai says with a nod and an encouraging hoof pump. He then goes back to the mic. "And now everyone, it is with great honor we welcome to the stage a pair of real rock stars. Give it up for Ayla and Silver!" Samurai says before backing away to let them shine.


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@Samurai Oni

“Thank you, Samurai!” She replies, returning Samurai’s hoofbump before stepping forward. “Hey there, everypony! We got a hard-hitting number here for ya. Everypony up! Let’s continue the celebration.”




Ayla and Silver waste no time and get right into it, them both delivering amazing vocal performances. The samurai and the kurokos can try to fill in as best as they can, but the two kirin continue to the end regardless. After their song, the two step back as the crowd applauds and cheers for their performance.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Fukami and Samurai barely need to do anything. Silver and Ayla got this after all. They applaud for their friends as well, thought it probably gets lost among the sea of applause. Just to make sure, the two of them bow to their friends before Samurai takes the mic. "Thank you, Kirin Village! Arigato~! We hope you enjoyed this short concert. Goodnight!" And that's it. There's no more music. ...Not unless the crowd asks for an encore? Otherwise, Samurai and Fukami are willing to move on.


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@Samurai Oni

The two kirin bow and thank everypony for coming out. The crowd dissipates soon after, seems these kirin aren’t a huge fan of partying or staying up late.

“Looks like that’s the end of the concert.” Silver commented. “That’s fine, I quite enjoyed performing and witnessing the song our samurai friends did. Perhaps we should get some sleep now? We can check in with the blacksmith in the morning before we head off. We do have a guest house in the village, which you’re both more than welcome to use.” He offers.  

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