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private A Cultural Exchange (1x1 with Skylight Scintillate)

Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle 

"Well you see, while we are self-sufficient, Thorax is kind of concerned about how little we interact with the ponies, and be believes that it's important that we interact with them to learn about friendship and such. You see, before he started ruling the hive, he was friends with the Elements of Harmony, and now that he is a ruler, he doesn't have time for that, but he thinks that changelings need to continue to interact with ponies, just, in a more positive way, which is what I suppose this hive is doing," Larynx explained.

"Oh, that reminds me! Thorax recently suggested building a 'Theatre of Feelings' in the hive. The idea being that since both the performers and the audience are reformed changelings, the scriptwriters can use the fact that both groups would be coning their emotions and taking in each others emotions simultaneously to write interesting musicals. All the changelings in the hive love the idea, and I'm sure if you are looking for some nervous embarrassment, the scriptwriters could throw something together if we go visit later," Larynx joked, laughing nervously.

Larynx wasn't sure how to react to Queen Sleipnir's family history with Queen Gelatine, so he didn't say anything and let the complicated mix of feelings flowing through him to do the talking for him. He had a feeling that with the way Queen Sleipnir observed him, he wouldn't need to say anything anyways.

"What else? Well, I guess Chrysalis never taught a lot of things that changelings here seem to know. For example, Chrysalis' methods weren't exactly effective at cultivating emotions, so we didn't exactly have any emotions left over to store, which is why I guess we never learned how to store emotions. Also, Chrysalis preferred to have changelings impersonate other ponies to get some love for quick, so none of us exactly figured out who we are and what we like and such. Like, I think I like singing, but I'm not sure... We want to figure out who we are and such... Anyways, that's a bit more about how our hive is running currently, which is why our hive seems to constantly have identity crises and we seem to be going nowhere," Larynx explained.

"How does The Queens' Council work? And what kinds of guidelines do they have? And how to changelings refer to each other? Because I have noticed that Siren refers to you as her mother so does that mean all the changelings here are your daughters? but you also refer to the other queens like they are family too, so how exactly does this relation work? Also, how do hives and changelings in these hives interact with each other? I get the feeling that changelings frequently visit each others' hives, but why? And if they are familiar with changelings from other hives, why do the changelings here keep staring at me? And are there any significant differences for having twice the, well, everything?" Larynx asked.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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@Skylight Scintillate

Queen Sleipnir listened with mild interest to what Larynx had to say, only looking slightly disappointed when Larynx didn't have any further questions in regards to herself after she described how her unique form came to be. Still though, she was quick to answer the follow up questions that he did have.

On 2022-09-06 at 7:47 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

How does The Queens' Council work? And what kinds of guidelines do they have?

"While the Queens' Council doesn't incorporate all of the hives, it serves as a sort of cooperation between the hives that are part of it. We meet every century or so all together, unless something major happens to necessitate an earlier meeting, like the Canterlot incident. We discuss the issues our hives face in regards to sustainability, inter-hive cooperation, and interactions with the ponies, to see if one hive can help another or if we need to change our governing policies. I won't bore you by listing out all of our guidelines, but the important ones include that our changelings will assist any changeling in need, inasmuch as that assistance does not put themself at risk of injury or discovery. Changelings from hives in the council are free to travel between the hives in the council, and are entitled to food, shelter, and aid inasmuch as the hive is able to provide. The Council also decided on the process by which a pony could be allowed to know about us, or for a changeling to gain permission to reveal themselves to a pony, or to bring a pony into the hive. Siren has performed the process before, and she can explain it to you later if you're interested. In the case of conflict between changelings of different hives the matter will be resolved by changelings or the queen of a third hive agreed on by the queens of the hives involved in the conflict. The Council also governs how, and to what extent, we influence the local area around us, but the minutia of that is likely far from something you're interested in."

On 2022-09-06 at 7:47 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

And how to changelings refer to each other?

"Those formed in the same cocoon often refer to each other as siblings, using gendered terms based on their predisposition. Those from separate cocoons but the same hive often refer to each other as cousins. Changelings from different hives whose queens share a close connection often refer to each other by second cousin or greater depending on the distance of the Queens' relationship. Queens express their relationships differently, given we are so much less common, and always predisposed feminine, two queens are sisters if they have the same mother, cousins if their mothers were sisters, etc. just like pony relationships."

On 2022-09-06 at 7:47 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

does that mean all the changelings here are your daughters?

"And sons and other, depending on their predisposition and/or selection, but yes. Every changeling here with the hive's coloration is my offspring, and I am their mother. Those with the different colorations are visiting from other hives."

On 2022-09-06 at 7:47 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

I get the feeling that changelings frequently visit each others' hives, but why?

"Well, each hive has a different chosen emotion of preference, and most places in Equestria and beyond aren't limited to just producing one or two emotions. So the visiting changelings cultivate and gather up the emotions we don't care as much about to keep the overall emotional climate balanced. To give an example, imagine you owned a large farm capable of growing many different crops in certain areas, but only cared about one crop. You could either just grow the one crop and leave the rest of the land empty, or you could let another farmer use the land you weren't going to use to grow another crop. In exchange the other farmer lets you grow your crop in their land. In the end both farms are more productive than if each farmer had stuck to their own land."

On 2022-09-06 at 7:47 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

And if they are familiar with changelings from other hives, why do the changelings here keep staring at me?

"Two reasons, first off you give off emotional energy like a pony, which automatically makes you stand out in a hive environment. Whenever a pony is brought in everyone wants to see who it is anyway. Second, you don't look like the other changelings, and most changelings here have never seen a 'reformed' changeling before. They are simply curious, I'm sure they'll grow used to you with time."

On 2022-09-06 at 7:47 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

And are there any significant differences for having twice the, well, everything?" Larynx asked.

She smirked when he finally did ask about her body, "Not as much as you might assume, I did have them from birth after all so I've grown quite accustomed to them, The extra wings don't provide much advantage in flight, nor the extra legs in speed, but they do allow me to move with much more stability and grace. The second horn though is quite useful, allowing me to cast two spells simultaneously or one spell with greater focus and accuracy. But in terms of being a queen it doesn't really affect my ability to perform my duties."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

"Ah, yeah I was wondering about how how the changelings interact with the ponies... I suppose that makes sense. Well I don't really have anymore questions, soo..." Larynx said. He got the feeling that Queen Sleipnir didn't really have any more questions to ask Larynx, but he wasn't exactly sure what was the proper way to end a conversation with royalty, so he glanced at Siren nervously. Usually, if Chrysalis ever talked to him, she shouted "What are you waiting for!? Go!" at the end.



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@Skylight Scintillate

Queen Sleipnir nodded, "Very well, I hope you enjoy the rest of your time here in my hive. I look forward to interacting with your king in the future, if there's anything I can do to make your stay here more comfortable, don't hesitate to ask."

With that Siren stood from her chair and bowed politely before heading to the door, waiting for Larynx to follow before leaving, heading back to the elevator, "Well, that went well. I've never seen her so... personable, before. Then again I never had an opportunity or need to interact with her in such a private environment before, so maybe she's just like that in private? How does she compare to Chrysalis or Thorax?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

"Well, er, um, you too, "Larynx stammered as he left with Siren.

As they headed back towards the elevator, Larynx thought a bit about Siren's question. "Well, Chrysalis and Thorax are like polar opposites here. Chrysalis is like the least personable changeling I had ever met, and that's saying something given that changelings from our hive weren't exactly personable to changelings from other cocoons before our reformation. Basically, she gave out orders and she expected every changeling to carry them out to the letter and she yelled at them if they didn't."

"Meanwhile, Thorax is the exact opposite. After the reformation, he has been going around trying to get to know each changeling on a personal level. And he much rather prefers being casual, so changelings in the hive usually refer to him as Thorax, but he has referred to as everything from Prince Thorax to The Green Bug. He doesn't particularly care. Finally, he goes out of his way to be as nice as possible to his hive members," Larynx replied.

"Though, I also have a question for you. Queen Sleipnir mentioned something about the council having a process for revealing changlings to ponies. Could you talk a bit about that?" Larynx asked.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Siren listened closely as Larynx explained the differences between Chrysalis and Thorax as compared to her own Queen, and they were already in the elevator heading back up to Siren's room when he asked his question, "Yeah, so the process dictates that we not endanger the hive by revealing ourselves, so the pony who would be revealed to, or who would become a 'friend of the hive' has to pass a series of tests without knowing that they're being tested, so as to gauge their honest reactions."

"First, the subject of changelings is broached casually, for instance by asking their opinion of changelings. If their response is not hostile nor too fearful we move to the next step, where they are followed by a few disguised changelings to evaluate their day-to-day life, make sure that they aren't involved with known enemies of the hive or ponies openly hostile towards changelings. If they pass that, they are then asked if they would like to meet a changeling, one who is not their current relation, so as to maintain some distance if things go wrong. If they are positive there then the meeting takes place in an area removed from the hive itself, here it is a cozy motel near the port, where the first changeling, the other changeling, and the potential friend will meet. They will talk openly for a bit to gauge reactions, then the new changeling will reveal, ready to bug out if they need to, and the pony's reaction is gauged again."

"If they maintain a positive reaction they will be sworn to secrecy about the encounter, and followed for another period under close surveillance to see if they don't tell anyone what they saw. If they can keep it up they will then be brought up for official consideration as a friend and approved or rejected by the Queen, taking council from those close to the pony in question. If accepted then the first changeling will be allowed to bring the new friend into the hive to learn about changelings directly."

She shrugged as the elevator arrived at her floor, "There's a lot of paperwork involved, so I've only gone through it once, for a fellow singer I wanted to try duetting with. But she couldn't keep her mouth shut after the reveal meeting, so she didn't get to progress in the process."

With that they were back at her apartment, and she flopped down on a seat by the couch, "Well, personally I'm beat. You ready to call it a night?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

"Huh, well that's interesting because Chrysalis would never let a pony know about us changelings. And Thorax, being her exact opposite, said that as reformed changelings, we shouldn't be afraid to just be ourselves around our pony friends. This usually means dilly dallying on over to Ponyville in his undisguised reformed form at any opportunity possible to spend time with the elements of harmony. However, all the reformed changelings in the hive seem to be going in the exact opposite direction with this, and now, they are terrified of hanging out with ponies," Larynx pondered out loud.

Once Larynx entered Siren's apartment, he almost immediately collapsed on the couch. "Yeah, I'm exhausted. Let's continue with this tomorrow morning," Larynx replied as he adjusted his blanket and tried to fall asleep.

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@Skylight Scintillate

28 minutes ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

However, all the reformed changelings in the hive seem to be going in the exact opposite direction with this, and now, they are terrified of hanging out with ponies," Larynx pondered out loud.

Siren nodded at that, "I can understand that, I know I feel somewhat exposed when not disguised. I know of many changelings who still keep their disguises on even among ponies they've revealed to, it's part of the attachment one forms with their chosen ponysona. I think it will be especially difficult for them if they've always been taught to fear ponies."

38 minutes ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Yeah, I'm exhausted. Let's continue with this tomorrow morning,"

She nodded again, "Sounds good, I'll see you in the morning then."

She would head off to her bedroom, turning the light off behind her. In the dark this place felt very much like a hive, with no natural light despite how high up they were.

In the morning Siren would enter the room quietly so as not to disturb Larynx unless he was already awake when she came out, if he were still asleep she'd wait quietly until he did wake up. At which point she'd ask, "Good morning, did you sleep well?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx felt like he fell asleep immediately after Siren turned off the lights. He also felt like he hadn't slept that well in quite a while, desipte the fact that he was in someplace new. He supposed it was because of how exhausted he was from the whole day. 

Larynx woke up just before Siren entered the room. He stretched a bit before turning to face Siren.

"Oh hello. Yes, I did sleep quite well. It felt surprisingly comfortable. And you?" he asked as he got up from the couch. He would wait for Siren's reply before heading to the bathroom to freshen up.

"So, are we heading to the school, then to the doctor today?" Larynx asked after he exited the bathroom.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Siren shrugged, "About as well as usual, nothing special, but I'm glad to hear you slept well."

In regards to his question she looked up at a clock on the wall, "Well, yeah, we should be able to get to the school before they start for the day, which should give us plenty of time to talk with some of the teachers first and figure out what it would benefit you most to learn. Visiting Doc can happen at any point today so we'll see how you're feeling after school."

She turned herself towards the door, "If you're ready to go then?"

As they traveled down in the elevator siren decided to fill Larynx in on a few extra details about schooling, "So, school for changelings typically is determined by your predispositions, which tend to be the same or similar among changelings from the same cocoon, so those sibling groups tend to go to the same classes. The classes themselves are a mix of things all changelings need to know, like how to disguise, how to use basic magic, how to fly, and how to detect and collect emotions, as well as classes tailored to predispositions like how to be a pegasus or a unicorn, how to be a stallion or a mare, how to be a cultivator, harvester, or scout, stuff like that, and finally there are specialized classes for talents and careers. While most changelings' first public disguises will be fillies and colts to go through school, they'll typically have a cutie mark picked out based on these specialized classes before they leave the hive for the first time."

"All that to say, do you have an idea as to what your predispositions might be? Like, of all the disguises and ponysonas you've done, which have felt the most natural to you?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx followed Siren out of her room and into the elevator. 

"Yeah that sounds like a plan. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on most of those things. I suppose it would make sense to take a look at how to be a cultivator, harvester, or scout given that we didn't have these roles in my hive. I also suppose the specialized classes for talents and careers would make sense, so that way I can stop having an identity crisis over what I think I'm good or bad at," Larynx explained.

"Predispositions... Well I find this hard to admit, but even though I'm male, I feel like being a young mare or filly comes more natural to me. It's very weird... Is this just me? Anyways, I have been an earth pony, a unicorn, a pegasus, and a crystal pony. I do have a slight preference towards unicorns, but I'm pretty indifferent in general when it comes to pony species. I actually quite liked being Lyra Heartstrings, Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and Moon Dancer. It was interesting to be able to look into the different kinds of magic each unicorn specialized in," Larynx said.

He looked around the elevator, almost afraid that someone else would be eavesdropping before leaning in and whispering to Siren. "I also really liked being Sweetie Belle. She has a talent for singing and I liked that. Also, as a young filly, she just bonded with other fillies and she could get away with so much crusading for her cutie mark. I was able to do some of those activities and they were among some of the most fun I had." Larynx made sure to really work up those embarrassing details to blush up a storm. He knew that embarrassment was a rare emotion to collect and he trusted Siren not to tell any changeling. For Larynx, embarrassment was like a spicy pepper: a hot burning feeling all over one's face. In addition, he could add embarrassing himself on purpose to collect the emotion as another thing he did on the exchange.

He let the embarrassment sink in before calming down and turning to Siren. "What about you?" he asked.

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@Skylight Scintillate

On 2022-09-13 at 9:12 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

but even though I'm male, I feel like being a young mare or filly comes more natural to me.

Siren raised an eyebrow at that comment, "I don't think that's weird, well... the way you phrase it is weird. Most changelings when they assign themselves a gender it comes from their predisposition. In your case it sounds like you perhaps were told you were predisposed male but find more familiarity with female? It isn't uncommon for some members of a cocoon to not share all of the same predispositions."

Siren said this since, biologically speaking, changelings were essentially genderless. With the exception of the queen they were unable to reproduce, and any changeling could just as easily pose as either gender in all cases. For changelings, gender was more of a mental consideration than a physical one, and only had the concept to better integrate themselves with the ponies.

(We discussed in a message that maybe the reformed changelings do have biological genders now, but we can ignore that topic if you don't want to explore it.)

On 2022-09-13 at 9:12 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

I do have a slight preference towards unicorns, but I'm pretty indifferent in general when it comes to pony species. I actually quite liked being Lyra Heartstrings, Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and Moon Dancer. It was interesting to be able to look into the different kinds of magic each unicorn specialized in," Larynx said.

She nodded at that, "That does sound like a magical predisposition, most changelings not predisposed unicorn can't keep up a unicorn disguise for long before their lack of magical ability makes those around them suspicious. If you went longer than a week or two as each of those unicorns then I think that's evidence enough."

On 2022-09-13 at 9:12 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"I also really liked being Sweetie Belle. She has a talent for singing and I liked that. Also, as a young filly, she just bonded with other fillies and she could get away with so much crusading for her cutie mark. I was able to do some of those activities and they were among some of the most fun I had." Larynx made sure to really work up those embarrassing details to blush up a storm. He knew that embarrassment was a rare emotion to collect and he trusted Siren not to tell any changeling. For Larynx, embarrassment was like a spicy pepper: a hot burning feeling all over one's face. In addition, he could add embarrassing himself on purpose to collect the emotion as another thing he did on the exchange.

She giggled at that, though it was clear she didn't think less of him for it. "It doesn't surprise me, it sounds like you didn't have the typical experience as a foalling, so the ability to relive it, or live it for the first time in your case, was no doubt enjoyable."


On 2022-09-13 at 9:12 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

turning to Siren. "What about you?" he asked.

She looked surprised at that question, "Well, I'm predisposed female unicorn, and I rather enjoy it, I don't think there's much more to say about it. I've always been the pony I am now, so I don't have as much experience with variety as you do. It's fair to say that our experiences are not comparable."


With that the door opened to let them out at the main changeling plaza level, and Siren headed towards a large stairway leading deeper down, "Come on, the younger changelings are kept lower down, to keep them safe if anything were to happen to the building above, and to minimize risk of them sneaking out early."

Deeper in the hive the tunnels were a bit rougher, it was clear that these tunnels were especially old, perhaps from when the hive was first built, it was also quiet, the bustle of the central plaza just a faint din as they wound downwards. eventually she stepped through an exit from the tunnels into a side chamber decorated like an office space, the changeling at the desk looked just like a pony teacher might, she raised an eyebrow at the intrusion, "Can I help you?"

Siren nodded, "I hope so Principle Kvasir, I'm sure you've heard from Mimur about the visitor to the hive?" She motioned to Larynx, "Well this is him, and we were hoping he could see what it's like to be taught as a changeling would be growing up, as he didn't get to when he grew up."

Kvasir looked Larynx over, "Yes he did mention that, I suppose we could have something arranged, it's good that you came before classes started. Does he know his predispositions?"

"Well, he seems to be predisposed unicorn, but he's not entirely sure about gender. He's also unsure about a specialization or talent."

She nodded again, getting up from behind the desk, "We can work with that." She turned her attention more directly at Larynx, adopting a kind and caring expression like he had seen on Cheerilee's face when he was Sweetie Belle, "It's good to meet you, my name is Principle Kvasir, but you can call me miss K if you want. What's your name? Have you ever been in a school before?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

4 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Siren raised an eyebrow at that comment, "I don't think that's weird, well... the way you phrase it is weird. Most changelings when they assign themselves a gender it comes from their predisposition. In your case it sounds like you perhaps were told you were predisposed male but find more familiarity with female? It isn't uncommon for some members of a cocoon to not share all of the same predispositions."

"I don't know. Maybe I'm male. Maybe I'm female. I just know that before the reformation, Every changeling and Chrysalis said I'm male, so I just assumed I'm male. However, after the reformation, all the changelings are having identity crises about their gender. Some identify as agender. Some identify as bigender. Genderfluid, genderqueer, nonbinary, omnigender, polygender, pangender, transgender... There's a whole list of genders..." Larynx rambled in the elevator.

4 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

She nodded again, getting up from behind the desk, "We can work with that." She turned her attention more directly at Larynx, adopting a kind and caring expression like he had seen on Cheerilee's face when he was Sweetie Belle, "It's good to meet you, my name is Principle Kvasir, but you can call me miss K if you want. What's your name? Have you ever been in a school before?"

"Hello Miss K, I'm Larynx. I have been to a pony school a few times, but not a changeling school. They don't exactly have those at my hive..." Larynx replied, rubbing one of his legs with another nervously.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Kvasir nodded at that, "Nothing to worry about there, the only difference between Pony school and Changeling school is the subjects. Both of them are focused on teaching young creatures how to be their best selves. Now, I'm told you're already trained in disguise right? You've spent a good deal of time with Siren by now, why don't you give me your best impression of her. Don't worry, I won't be judging you, it is just to give me an idea as to where you are and where we can help you."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx had a pretty good grasp of what Siren looked like. He transformed into her pony form first and did his best to imitate her expressions and copy some of the things he remembered hearing Siren say. 

"Right out of the gate huh? Let's get you settled then we'll figure out where you want to start. If you've got questions feel free to ask as we walk,"

"I do enjoy laying out in the sun yes, I like feeling warm like that where the water is cool,"

Then Larynx copied Siren's changeling form.

"So yeah, the gel is made of a mix of mineral water fresh from a spring, and changeling goo,"

"So how was that?" Larynx asked as he transformed back to his reformed changeling self. "I don't think I got what you said perfectly, but I think that it gives off the right impression."

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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@Skylight Scintillate

Siren looked impressed, but Kvasir looked more critical. "You did good overall, you have a strong eye for detail at least in terms of the broad strokes. I'm sure any casual acquaintance of Siren's would be fooled, but there were some flaws, flaws that stem from not knowing her inside and out, which is a fundamental flaw when copying a pony: Without extensive interrogation and study you'll never get everything right. That's why we advise creating a unique identity, you can't get something wrong when you yourself decide what is right."

She shook her head, "But I digress, I see we don't have to teach you how to transform or adjust your voice. So we can move you straight into evaluating your predispositions. You've expressed a leaning towards Unicorn, right? Have you tried being any other type? Or does this lean simply come from familiarity?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

"Well, yeah, I have a slight leaning towards Unicorn. I have tried the other types, including Earth Pony, Pegasus, and Crystal Pony. For earth ponies and pegasi, well I can't seem to hit very strong or run or fly for the long durations necessary. In fact, there was a time where I had to disguise as an farm pony and a wonderbolt respectively and I just couldn't keep up with what was demanded. I'm actually surprised that nopony suspected anything was up until I left. Like, I get that not every earth pony is a farmer nor every pegasus a wonderbolt, and I feel like I would do those jobs along with the jobs the crystal ponies do just fine, but I have a hunch I have a talent in unicorn magic," Larynx explained.

"Like, I actually quite liked being Lyra Heartstrings, Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and Moon Dancer. It was interesting to be able to look into the different kinds of magic each unicorn specialized in, and I felt like I picked up on their magical skills pretty quickly," Larynx said, demonstrating the magical talents of Lyra Heartstrings, Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and Moon Dancer respectively.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Kvasir nodded again, "That sounds like a reasonable predisposition to me, and it sounds like you have a lot of experience in infiltration, so perhaps you have a predisposition towards being a scout? But it sounds like you don't have much experience with cultivating or harvesting, so we can still test for that."

She was silent for a bit, as though thinking about something, then nodded again, "Yes, I think that will work out well. We'll start by having you be part of a class going over creating identities, as it sounds like you don't really have a personal ponysona yet, at least not one that you've had time to really think about, then we'll put you through the classes on specialization to see which one resonates best with you to then give you some more training. If that's alright with you of course?"

She'd wait for Larynx to confirm, then she'd lead the way, with Siren following behind, through a few tunnels to reach the section of the hive where the rest of the school was, a number of smaller changelings going every which way, they didn't pay quite as much attention to Larynx as the more adult changelings above, but a few did turn to look as they passed. Their group went into a small classroom arranged similarly to a pony school, through there was a bit more space between the desks. A few young changelings were already in their seats while an adult changeling, the teacher presumably, sat at their desk at the front.

The teacher turned as they entered, "Principle Kvasir, is everything alright?"

Kvasir nodded, "Yes, well enough anyway, This here is Larynx," she motioned to him, "They'll be shadowing your class today as part of a cultural exchange with Siren here. He's from the remnants of the prideful queen's hive, and was never taught to make an identity for themselves."

The teacher looked surprised, "Really? Well, I'm happy to help a fellow -ling," He looked around the room before turning back to Larynx, "Well, I've got an open seat right up in the front, or over in the back corner, which do you prefer?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx nodded along. "Yeah that sounds alright," he replied.

As Larynx walked along the corridors of the school, he noticed that the younger changelings didn't seem to stare at him as much as the adult changelings. He found this quite intriguing, given that it sounded like the younger changelings were more likely to be curious about things that seemed out of ordinary. 

Once the group arrived in the classroom, Larynx took a look around. It looked quite similar to the pony schools that Larynx had been in. When the teacher asked him where he would like to sit, Larynx glanced around. it seemed that there weren't many options left. Larynx would have preferred to sit in the middle, but that didn't seem like an option.

"Well, I would prefer to sit in the front, but I wouldn't want to block any changeling's view..." Larynx said, trailing off as something clicked in his mind. "Oh yeah! I'm a changeling!"

White flames wrapped his body as Larynx transformed into a smaller version of his reformed changeling self. "And I was wondering how I was going to fit in these desks!" Larynx laughed nervously as he sat down at the desk in front. "So we're going to meet up after school, right?" Larynx turned to ask Siren.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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@Skylight Scintillate

Siren looked surprised by Larynx's question, "Oh, um, I guess that works, sure, if you don't want me to join you through the day I can go do other things in the meantime." If Larynx didn't stop her she'd leave him alone, otherwise she'd stick around to accompany him.

In either case the rest of the students would file in soon after, most of them taking notice of him as he sat in the front, but none of them said anything, save for the changeling who sat next to him, who looked confused, "Are you from another hive? You don't look like the rest of us, but I didn't think other hives sent out changelings young enough to be in school. Did something happen? Or-"

He was cut off by the teacher, "Settle down all, we've a busy day ahead of us. As you've all probably noticed we have a new student with us today, their name is Larynx, they're here as part of a cultural exchange to see how we do things here, so I expect all of you to be on your best behavior and help them to feel welcome here in Hive Sleipnir." He looked over at Larynx, "You don't have to, but would you like to introduce yourself to everyone and share a bit about where you're from?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

“Wait, that’s not what I meant... I just thought that... You know what? Forget what I said earlier. I’m not going to ask you to leave if you want to stay, so go with whatever you’re feeling,” Larynx replied. 

When the teacher asked if Larynx would like to introduce himself, Larynx agreed to and walked up to the front of the classroom. “Uh, hello everyling! My name is Larynx and I’m from, em, Thorax’s hive. Our hive loves to, em, share love... And I came here to learn about the culture of Manehatten and Hive Sleipnir along with discovering who I am and what I like,” Larynx explained. He decided to avoid he details on Chrysalis and let the teacher explain if necessary as to avoid scaring the other students. If no changeling asked any questions, he would sit back down.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Siren elected to remain after Larynx's retraction, taking a seat at the back of the classroom to stay out of the way of the teacher and the students.

After Larynx introduced himself there were a few questions, one changeling asked "Where is Hive Thorax?" Another asked "Is Love your hive's preferred emotion? Like how our hive prefers Awe?" While a final one asked, "Why do you look so different from the rest of us?"


  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

“Oh em, Hive Thorax is close to Ponyville, Canterlot and Cloudsdale, however, the hive isn’t in any of those towns. It’s out on it’s own. Also, it went through a leadership change recently, so you all might know it by Hive Chrysalis. Yes, love is the hive’s preferred emotion. My hive looks different because we found a way to create and share love between changelings,” Larynx explained.

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@Skylight Scintillate

There wasn't much recognition among the changelings in the class in regards to the names he used, and many turned towards the teacher for clarification, "So our hive is under Manehatten on the west coast of Equestria, Ponyville, Canterlot, and Cloudsdale are all central Equestrian cities, though Cloudsdale, being a cloud city, often moves around the continent. That would put Larynx's hive near to the Whitetail hive."

The teacher did not elaborate on Hive Chrysalis.

There weren't any more questions so Larynx was directed to take his seat again, "Alright then, lets continue our lesson from yesterday. We were starting to talk about what the ponies call cutie marks, what they mean to ponies, and how to properly choose one that fits you. Often, the best disguise is made with the mark first, and the rest second."

"For ponies, a mark serves as a symbol of self-actualization, something that defines who they are as individuals, something that gives their life meaning and purpose. They do not always represent talents or achievement, and can be something abstract. The same mark can mean something different to two ponies, so just because two ponies share a mark does not mean they have the same talents, goals, or aspirations."

"Now, I'm going to pass you a list of common marks, and I'd like you to work in pairs discussing what you think the mark might mean to the pony who has it. Loke, we'll have you work with Larynx if that's alright?"

The changeling sitting next to Larynx nodded, "That's fine."

As the teacher passed out the marks he continued, "While we work through these, I want you all to think about what sort of mark you want to have one day."

Larynx and Loke were passed a page that had four marks on it: a baseball, a shield, a musical note, and a quill.

"If you need help getting started, think of something superficial first, then start looking deeper."


Loke held the paper so that Larynx could see it, "So, for something superficial at least, the baseball could just mean that they're good at baseball, the shield that they're in the guard, the note that they like music, and the quill that they like writing. Do you have ideas as to something deeper for any of these?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx examined the four cutie marks carefully.

”Let’s see, I suppose the baseball could mean they are on a baseball team, or they play baseball recreationally, or they just like baseball... The shield would lean most towards a guard, but I think there are other jobs involving defense that could work too, like police or something... A music note could mean a singer or musician or songwriter or other job in the music industry or somepony who just really likes music. Finally a feather could mean a writer or author or that one one pony that runs a store that specializes in selling feathers... It could also be related to flying if it is on a Pegasus... I can’t really think of anything deeper than that,” Larynx said.

”I think that the music note stands out the most to me, because I think I like singing. What about you?” Larynx asked.

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