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private A Cultural Exchange (1x1 with Skylight Scintillate)

Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx pondered quietly for a moment reflecting on what Clypeus said. With this context, Chrysalis' actions started to make a bit more sense: The hive was desperate for love, but Chrysalis refused to ask for help because of her pride. Though a few things Clypeus said confused Larynx. "Uh, what do you mean spring died? What is it? And what is this source that the ponies of Canterlot won't let us use?" Larynx asked.

All this reflection made Larynx feel pretty bad for Clypeus. He could feel love swelling up inside of himself, but it was bittersweet. if Clypeus let him, he would try to hug him while offering some of the bittersweet love. "Well, I don't think anything I say will make Chrysalis return and get the help she needs, but Thorax and all the changelings at the hive are really nice and loving now. And I'm sure they would love for you to visit or return, given that you have never stopped caring for changelings when they are injured or sick. So maybe you could come visit the hive now if it doesn't bring back too many bad memories for you? Plus, there are quite a few bored changelings there that I'm sure would be interested in learning more about what it means to be reformed biologically," Larynx offered. 

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@Skylight Scintillate

16 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

Though a few things Clypeus said confused Larynx. "Uh, what do you mean spring died? What is it? And what is this source that the ponies of Canterlot won't let us use?" Larynx asked.

Doc raised an eyebrow, "Oh? The mineral water spring, that we used to make the emotion gel. I guess that died before your time. The source is where the water came from, the ponies put down a pipe to the source and diverted all the water to their city, so the hive didn't have any."

Doc would not allow Larynx to hug him, he had to maintain at least some professionalism after all, but Layrnx would feel some of the love within him being drawn away by Doc.

16 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Well, I don't think anything I say will make Chrysalis return and get the help she needs, but Thorax and all the changelings at the hive are really nice and loving now. And I'm sure they would love for you to visit or return, given that you have never stopped caring for changelings when they are injured or sick. So maybe you could come visit the hive now if it doesn't bring back too many bad memories for you? Plus, there are quite a few bored changelings there that I'm sure would be interested in learning more about what it means to be reformed biologically,"

Doc sighed, "Maybe, but I have a responsibility to this hive now. They took me in when I was left behind, it wouldn't be right to abandon them. But maybe I could go with the teachers that Queen Sleipnir plans to send, to serve as a medical instructor of sorts. We'll see. In regards to those willing to be studied, it would be better if they came here, we have more equipment here than I assume you have over there."


That said, Doc finished up his notes, "I'm sorry I couldn't give you a more thorough diagnosis, but I think what I have revealed is enough to answer at least some of the questions you have about yourself?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx backed off nervously when Clypeus didn't let him hug him. He wasn't sure how to mention the hot springs that the hive currently sat on top of, so he didn't say anything. He also wasn't really sure what to say about the other things that Clypeus said, so he stayed quiet. "Er yeah, thanks for answering some of my questions. Just wondering, have you ever tried sharing love with friends? Or being friends with other changelings and sharing love with them? And how you were always very dedicated to helping other changelings with their injuries? And how the changelings from the hive really appreciate you for what you did?" Larynx asked, not to subtly trying to hint at how the rest of the changelings in his hive ended up reforming. He still wasn't exactly sure what was so special about what happened that caused them to reform, but it sounded like something that the elements of harmony said to the changelings. He had a feeling that based on how Clypeus replied, he wasn't one that would reform easily, but Larynx was still curious to see if he could make it happen. 

If the other two didn't have anything else to say, Larynx would say goodbye to Clypeus and leave.

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@Skylight Scintillate

On 2022-10-21 at 10:04 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Just wondering, have you ever tried sharing love with friends? Or being friends with other changelings and sharing love with them? And how you were always very dedicated to helping other changelings with their injuries? And how the changelings from the hive really appreciate you for what you did?

Doc raised an eyebrow at Larynx as he spoke, clearly not understanding his meaning, "I'm not sure what you mean. The changelings here don't much like love, so there's not much point in sharing outside of the little bits I give as a treat to the foallings, and I do have friends here, mostly other medical staff that appreciate my unique perspective on things. And I'm sure the changelings here appreciate my help, they let me stay here after all and keep me well fed."

Maybe he just had to have been there to understand. At the very least, it would give him some insight as to what exactly happened. Maybe if he met with Thorax?

On 2022-10-21 at 10:04 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

If the other two didn't have anything else to say, Larynx would say goodbye to Clypeus and leave.

Siren led the way out of the medical area back to the central area, "So, that was the school and the visit to the doctor, and it sounds like you might have gained more questions than answers, although it seems like more of a case of having learned about new things to have questions about, rather than the answers confusing you." She shook her head, "Sorry, trying to summarize for myself, we've certainly done a lot today already. Do you have a burning question you want answered first? Or is there a particular place you wanted to see next?"

Siren had previously mentioned the nursery and the remembrance as possible places they could see, but if Larynx had a particular question, she could take them somewhere else for the answer.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx nodded. While a tiny part of him was hoping that something would happen, he knew that it wasn't likely that Clypeus would realize and change from what he said. Larynx still hoped that maybe when Clypeus would visit Thorax's hive and meet the other reformed changelings along with Thorax, he might realize it. 

As the two walked back to the central area of the hive, Larynx pondered over what he learned so far. "Yeah I feel like I learned a lot about myself here. Like, I now have a general idea of my interests, and Clypeus confirmed that us reformed changelings are more 'pony' than other changelings," Larynx explained as he walked. 

"Er, yeah, I do have a question. Since one of my interests is singing, could I, erm, sing with you sometime? Or try doing what you do as a singer to see if it is right for me?" Larynx asked, blushing slightly. "I mean, that's not really a burning question, just something I'm curious about. Let's go visit the nursery."

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@Skylight Scintillate

Siren smiled at hearing how Larynx found the previous experiences informative, though she was surprised when Larynx asked if he could sing with her, "You want to sing with me? You haven't even heard me sing yet." She looked thoughtful, "Well, I have a performance tonight, so you could see what my style is like there, and then tomorrow we could go back to that café we went to yesterday and you can try for yourself at their open mic. But if you want to do something more private that could be easily arranged and done whenever."

On 2022-10-24 at 9:25 AM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Let's go visit the nursery.

Siren nodded at that, leading the way back to the warehouse, then to the gel pit, then down a side passage from the gel pit to an equally warm room. The nursery was a circular room lined with a ring of cocoons with enough space between for changelings to pass between them easily, which several did pushing carts filled with charged gel, which they brought over to the cocoons that glowed dimly, transferring the energy from the gel into the cocoon until it glowed as bright as the ones around it. "I'm not the most well versed on how it all works," Siren spoke with a bit of reverence, like she was afraid of waking the foallings in the cocoons, "But each cocoon holds up to 20 new changelings. Not all of them survive, and the more in the cocoon increases the risk of some dying, so when the hive isn't trying to expand they only put 5 to 10 in a cocoon. The cocoons are filled with emotion gel, which serves to hold the energy that powers their gestation. The emotions that go into the cocoon and the mix determine their predispositions and which emotions they'll prefer, so that's why most changelings in a hive prefer the same emotions, sort of a self-sustaining cycle. It takes a few months for a cocoon to reach the point where the foallings inside are ready to live outside."

The room was large enough to hold a lot more cocoons than were currently there, and there was evidence that there used to be more cocoons from the residue on the ceiling and floor.

In the center of the room there was a cocoon that looked different from the others. It was empty, and the walls on it were much thicker than the walls for the other cocoons, it was also better secured to the ceiling and floor than the others.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

"Oh, yeah..." Larynx said, blushing when he realized that he didn't actually hear Siren sing before. "I guess it's just that I got so focused on the fact that I might have a talent in music like you I forgot that even if we have talents in music, they might not work well together, but I hope we do."

Larynx followed Siren down to the nursery. It was pretty warm and humid like the gel pit. The nursery and the cocoons looked pretty similar to the ones that were in Thorax's hive. Larynx watched as the hive workers transferred the emotion gel into the cocoons. That was when he noticed the cocoon in the middle of the room. "Hey what's up with that cocoon? It looks different from the others." Larynx asked, whispering to Siren.


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@Princess Skylight

On 2022-10-26 at 7:16 AM, Princess Skylight said:

"I guess it's just that I got so focused on the fact that I might have a talent in music like you I forgot that even if we have talents in music, they might not work well together, but I hope we do."

She chuckled at that, "No need to worry, I'm sure it will be fine. But you're quite right, there are a lot of different ways to express a musical talent, so even if you're not very good at the type of music I do, doesn't mean that you aren't good at singing. Speaking of, what sort of music have you done previously? Or is there a kind you like but haven't tried to do yet?"


On 2022-10-26 at 7:16 AM, Princess Skylight said:

"Hey what's up with that cocoon? It looks different from the others." Larynx asked, whispering to Siren.

She looked over at what Larynx was pointing at then nodded, "Ah, that's a Queen Cocoon. Specifically the one that Queen Mariposa came from. Unlike other changelings, a Queen has to be incubated by themselves, for a much longer period, and with a lot more energy. So they have to make the cocoon thicker and sturdier to handle it. Since it takes a lot of resources even to just make the cocoon, unless the hive needs the material back they tend to leave it built in case another queen is needed rather then remove it. Plus it is nice to see and remember even now that Queen Mariposa has gone off and formed her own hive in Zebrica."

There was another exit to the nursery, which from the sounds they could tell led back to the school, so Siren would lead the way back towards the way they came, stopping by the entryway first, "Any other questions? Or should we look for a space to try out some music?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

9 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"No need to worry, I'm sure it will be fine. But you're quite right, there are a lot of different ways to express a musical talent, so even if you're not very good at the type of music I do, doesn't mean that you aren't good at singing. Speaking of, what sort of music have you done previously? Or is there a kind you like but haven't tried to do yet?"

"Well the changelings that went out of the hive brought a lot of pop music to share, so I have been singing a lot of that. I know that there are other types of music but I haven't really had a chance to listen to them yet because it is harder for the hive to get them," Larynx explained. "Although I quite like singing pop music. Sometimes when no changeling is around, I hum the latest hits. What about you? what music do you sing?" Larynx asked.

9 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Any other questions? Or should we look for a space to try out some music?"

"Oh that makes sense. I don't recall seeing one of those cocoons at Chrysalis' hive. However, other than that and the fact that they use use emotion gel to feed the changelings instead of, well, regurgitating it doesn't seem the most accurate, but you get the point. Anyways, I don't have any further questions, so yeah, let's go find a place to sing," Larynx said before following Siren back the way they came.


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@Princess Skylight

On 2022-10-27 at 8:49 PM, Princess Skylight said:

What about you? what music do you sing?" Larynx asked.

Siren nodded at Larynx's comments, "Well, I try and sing my own music mostly. When you're a performer it's not so easy to sing other ponies' music without them getting mad. But I do have a few songs written by other changeling artists that they let me cover without issue. My music is mostly solo vocalist, occasionally with string backing like a harp. Many ponies have described my style as haunting, yet beautiful."

On 2022-10-27 at 8:49 PM, Princess Skylight said:

Larynx said before following Siren back the way they came.

Siren shrugged, "I didn't think your hive would be in the position to make a new queen, so it doesn't surprise me that you hadn't seen one before."

She led the way towards the opposite end of the hive from the school, they could hear the faint sounds of music of all kinds as they traveled through the winding tunnel. The walls here were all lined with noise dampening material, otherwise the sound would likely fill the entire hive. Eventually they found an empty room that was set up like a small café, similar to the one they had gone to the previous day. "They try and make the practice areas similar to where you would perform, both to practice how your music sounds in different environments, as well as to practice performing in public before actually going in public. But for now it'll just be the two of us."

She thought for a moment as she looked at the stage, before motioning for Larynx to go ahead, "Why don't you go first? I won't judge you of course, and it will help me to know how I might help you improve."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx nodded at Siren's replies. "Yeah well I make my own songs too. I don't plan on singing other pony's songs in front of ponies, because that would be really awkward. Although to let you in on a secret, Thorax's hive finds it really funny when I copy pop songs as that singer. I don't know why, but it's a thing... Wow, there are a lot of singers here," Larynx noted as they walked by the rooms. Larynx followed Siren into one of the rooms.

"Yeah I can go first. Is this on? Ok, here's the rough draft of an original song I wrote." Larynx said.

"I wanna dance, even if I keep on falling down, down, down..." Larynx sang, dancing across the stage while levitating the microphone. Despite his speaking voice already being quite high for a male changeling, his singing voice was comparable to a filly's.  "...down down down. Ponies just say yes..." Larynx finished, bowing slightly at the end.

"Ok, so how was it?" Larynx asked.

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@Princess Skylight

On 2022-11-01 at 9:43 PM, Princess Skylight said:

Wow, there are a lot of singers here

"Not just singers, but musical artists of all kinds."

On 2022-11-01 at 9:43 PM, Princess Skylight said:

"Ok, so how was it?" Larynx asked.

Siren clapped politely once Larynx finished. "It was short, but a good song. Are you planning for your song to just be you singing alone? Or did you have plans for music to accompany you? Also, I noticed your singing voice is very high, are you comfortable leaning in to that more? Or do you want to try and pull it back down?"

She looked thoughtful for a moment more, "And, in regards to the song, is it just something you came up with? Or is there a deeper connection or meaning to it? I don't want to be hard on it if it's really something special to you."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx blushed slightly as he stepped off the stage. Despite singing to others plenty of times, he still found it kind of strange when they clapped for him.

"Auh thanks. To be honest, I didn't really think about the other instruments. However, I could see how we could try working with the other musical artists we passed by in the hall. I haven't really thought that far yet. I mostly just wrote songs and sang them. As for my pitch, well I have kind of gotten used to it, and I think it matches the songs I sing. This pitch feels genuine, you know," Larynx explained.

"Oh, the song does have meaning. The idea is that changelings should express themselves and their feelings more freely. In addition, the idea is that changelings should remain optimistic even when they fail in these rapidly changing times. A lot of my original songs try to capture the my feelings and experiences as a reformed changeling trying to figure out where I fit in the hive and the pony world. However, I would be interested in hearing your feedback," Larynx said. 

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@Skylight Scintillate

Siren nodded, looking contemplative as she listened to Larynx's deeper description of the song. "Well, I'm sure there'll be other musically inclined changelings in your hive. Maybe you could form a traveling band like HexComb? Then you could show ponies all around the world about reformed changelings. Just a thought. Per the song itself, if you keep it just your voice I might not repeat words too much, it gets repetitive especially with a monosyllabic word like 'down', you can easily add 'falling' again in the middle to break it up, or before the last 'down', up to you."

She nodded, more to herself that to Larynx, "Alright, my turn I suppose."

(I'm not so creative when it comes to songs. This one is strongly based on "How you survived the war" by The Weepies)

She took a steadying breath once on the stage, then started singing:

You never change your mind... once it's made up.
Unless it's to crawl back cowardly

Is that the way, you want it?
Your back up to the wall
And put your hooves up,
It's a holdup,
You give up,
like every time before.
That is how... you survived the war...

Her eyes were closed the whole time, she only opened them at the end, turning towards Larynx, "So, what do you think? I know it might not be exactly your style..."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx reflected on Siren's opinions. "Yeah that makes sense. There actually are quite a lot of changelings that play instruments in my hive. I don't know why I never thought of that. Well, I actually sing with some of the other singers a lot actually... Anyways, for the down down down part, I'm not quite sure... " Larynx said.

He was quite surprised when Larynx started singing, and he ended up staring at her wide eyed and mouth open. "Well, I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't that. It was... unique. I mena, it is interesting, but I can't tell if our styles will go well together," Larynx explained.

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@Princess Skylight

16 hours ago, Princess Skylight said:

Anyways, for the down down down part, I'm not quite sure... " Larynx said.

She shrugged, "It was just a thought. If you think it feels right then that's all that matters."

16 hours ago, Princess Skylight said:

but I can't tell if our styles will go well together," Larynx explained.

She smiled at his reaction, a little disappointed that he didn't clap for her, but she didn't dwell on it. "Ah, not to worry then. I didn't think our styles would mesh well anyway, I am more of a solo vocalist after all."

She was silent for a moment, "Well, did you want to do more singing? Or would you rather move on to something else?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

"Huh yeah, they might not go well together..." Larynx said, glancing off into the distance during the awkward silence that followed.

"Yeah maybe we should do something else. Like maybe we could take a look at the Cultivator and Harvester doing their jobs and see how they differ? Like I feel like I'm still kind of confused why they need to be split into two different jobs. Oh, or maybe we could figure out how to learn about more advanced magic? Or we could take a look at another part of the city... Wait a second," Larynx said.

He started humming a song and then singing it: "You could not believe your eyes, as one thousand changeling flies, lit up the sky as we all reformed..."

When he finished singing, he said, "You know, your song tickled the back of my mind just then, and I realized that I actually do write and sing some songs that sound kind of similar... At least, I think they sound similar. Sorry for spontaneously singing; and being all over the place. I tend to do that from time to time.." Larynx said.

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@Princess Skylight

On 2022-11-09 at 8:40 PM, Princess Skylight said:

I tend to do that from time to time.." Larynx said

She smiled at that, shaking her head, "No need to apologize, that's what this space is for after all. As to your question about Cultivators vs Harvesters, often it takes time for ponies to fully experience the emotion that we want to collect, or the emotion is fleeting such that it would be difficult for one to invoke the emotion while also collecting it. Having them be separate jobs allows those cultivating emotions to focus on their cultivation, and the harvesters can collect the energy without drawing attention to themselves, or once enough time has passed for the emotion to fully develop. Plus, while a cultivator is typically only trained to invoke one kind of emotion, a harvester can collect any kind of emotion."

She spoke as she led the way back out of the music area, taking notice of the clock in the center of the central chamber, "Ah, it's later than I thought. Then again, we did spend a good amount of time at school. If you still feel like singing, we could go back to that café I showed you, the crowd is a bit tougher in the evening, but I think you've got the skills to impress them. If you're up to it of course."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx pondered Siren's explanation for separating the Cultivator and Harvester jobs. He tried to remember what it was like trying to cultivate and harvest emotions simultaneously back before the reformation, though details were blurry. "Huh, I suppose that makes sense why they would separate out the roles. Yeah I was thinking about going back to that cafe. Maybe I could see both the roles working there... Anyways, I feel confident that my singing is good enough to please the crowds," Larynx said as he followed Siren back to the central chamber.

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@Princess Skylight

Siren nodded, "Well, confidence is good, and I'll be there to support you even if the crowd doesn't."

She'd don her normal disguise as they entered the elevator, this time getting out at the lobby to head for the café. It was a bit more crowded than the last time they had come, there was a board by the door for them to sign up for the open mic, and unfortunately there was only one slot left, but he would still have an hour to prepare before that time, assuming he was still confident enough to commit to it.

While they waited, they'd be able to take a seat at one of the tables and order some food, just like the previous time.

The other performers were pretty good.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

“Thanks,” Larynx said. Despite being pretty confident about his singing skills, he was still a bit nervous given that he had never sung to a crowd of ponies before. There was a slight doubt in the back of his mind the he might not be good enough for the audience, but he brushed that thought aside.

In the elevator, Larynx used what he had learned from the class earlier today to refine the cutie mark of his disguise. He opted for a microphone symbol in front of a heart surrounded by a few musical notes. 

Upon looking at the sign up list, the doubt would resurface, but he decided to sign up before he could chicken out. 

After signing up Larynx would take a seat with Siren. He was impressed by the other performers and applauded when they finished, but Larynx believed that he was about as good as them. He would end up ordering whatever the waiter recommended, and while they ate, Larynx would comment about how he felt a mixture of nervousness and confidence.

Once it was Larynx’s turn, he would go up onto stage and sing the two songs that he sang to Siren. He would also sing some of his other original songs depending on how much time he was allocated. 

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@Princess Skylight

On 2022-11-15 at 3:41 PM, Princess Skylight said:

In the elevator, Larynx used what he had learned from the class earlier today to refine the cutie mark of his disguise. He opted for a microphone symbol in front of a heart surrounded by a few musical notes. 

Siren noticed the change and nodded, "I think it suits you, good job."

On 2022-11-15 at 3:41 PM, Princess Skylight said:

Larynx would comment about how he felt a mixture of nervousness and confidence.

Siren would smile with a caring expression, "Yeah, I know how that feels. Even after dozens of performances I still feel that way some times." She chuckled, "Although, I think I felt much more nervous than confident on my first time, so you have that going for you."


Larynx would have enough time to get through one extra song, and he could feel as he sang how his song affected the emotions in the room. If he paid attention, he could also detect that two of the waiters were siphoning off some of the emotions as they moved around the tables. Likely those were the harvesters Siren had mentioned earlier. Taking advantage of the attention on Larynx to work undetected.

At the end of his set the audience applauded with comperable enthusiasm to the other performances. While he may not have been the best performance so far, he was far from the worst. And it seemed that the crowd had at least enjoyed it. Siren was among those applauding, and was smiling when he returned to their table, "You did very well! Especially for your first time."

She looked towards the stage as the next performer got ready, "You want to see the rest of the performances tonight? Or do you want to head back now?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Larynx blushed significantly as he walked off stage. The attention he got felt new. It felt exciting. And tasted like a mix of sugar and caffeine. It was way too late to be having caffeine.

"Wow, just wow," Larynx said as he sat down next to Siren after his songs. "I'm not sure what to say. I guess I really do have a talent in singing. Thank you so much for supporting me, Siren," Larynx said. He could feel the love form inside his body, and instinctively, he tried to share some of it with Siren. "And sure, I don't mind staying for the rest of the performers. I think they are also pretty good," Larynx said to Siren.

"Hey waiter, an ice cream cone please!" Larynx said, specifically waving over one of the changeling waiters in disguise. 

When Larynx got his ice cream cone, he would give toast to Siren and start licking the ice cream cone.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Siren only took a little of the love that Larynx offered, likely because she wasn't attuned to love as the changelings from Chrysalis had been, and taking too much would make her sick.

They would be able to enjoy the rest of the performances together, heading out as the café closed, "So, I hope you enjoyed your time here, I know you probably didn't get to see everything you wanted to, but you can always come back later, after the exchange is done, and I am looking forward to seeing what it's like in your home."

She shed her disguise once they were in the elevator, "Besides, my queen would likely prefer if someone saw the state of your hive before we sent over the teachers. Make sure it's not a trap and all that. Not that I think it's a trap of course, it's just important to be careful, you know?"

(You can go ahead and control now, indicating how they leave the city and all that.)

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Before Larynx knew it, it was time for Siren to visit Larynx's hive. Once they returned back to Siren's room, Larynx explained what they will need. "So I'm pretty sure Thorax's hive will be able to provide most things you might need. In fact, I think the hive will be able to satisfy your emotional hunger too. You just need convince a changeling to feel awe and then convince them to share their feelings," Larynx joked. "However, if you aren't comfortable with that, you should probably bring a few jars of awe. The hive got the toiletries situation sorted out before I left so you shouldn't need anything else. If there's anything you want to bring, feel free to bring that though," Larynx explained as he packed the few things he brought. "So we're going to take the train to the town closest to the hive tomorrow. There is a bit of a walk after that because Chrysalis really didn't want ponies to discover it... Say, do you know if Clypeus will be joining us? And any questions?" Larynx asked.


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