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open IC: Neighbors of Ponyville (1x1 with Skylight Scintillate)


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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia walked followed the crowd back to Sugarcube corner. She could very much tell how popular Sugarcube corner was because it seemed like everyone around here talked about it and praised it very highly. When they entered, she'd observe how Pinkie gave brohooves and hugs to each of them - including herself. Lazulia didn't really know how to reciprocate such a gesture, but gave a brohoof to Pinkie the best that she could.

Lazulia would blush upon Pinkie looking at her cutie mark and she'd follow her way into the bakery's kitchen. She'd let them all flip through the pages and decide what they wanted to bake, with Lazulia scrambling in her mind trying to think of something. When it was her turn, she started to look.

"Uhhh...uuhh....let's see...let's see..." she spoke, flipping through the pages. There was nothing here she really felt like she was able to cook - looking for something easy and simple. She settled on chocolate chip cookies.

"I'll make some cookies..." she nervously smiled.

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@Props Valroa 

On 2023-10-13 at 11:56 PM, Lazulia said:

"I'll make some cookies..." she nervously smiled.

"Nice choice!" Pinkie Pie replied. The group spread out to each bake their own pastries, and it soon became clear that each pony had their own style for baking. Skylight and Sweetie Belle measured all the ingredients very precisely using their unicorn magic. Meanwhile, Apple Bloom seemed to be trying to find the exact right type of apples for pastry, Scootaloo seemed to be just winging the measurements, and Pinkie Pie was baking in a way that could only be described as Pinkie Pie. 

"You know, I'm not really into all the fancy schmancy stuff Rarity is into, but these desserts from Canterlot are really good!" Sweetie Belle remarked as she baked. "That's why I decided to make some macarons."

"Yeah, I also like those fancy desserts from Canterlot. I think macarons are quite cool, but I heard recently, they are obsessed with the idea of pastries made with in-season fruits," Skylight replied. "That's why I'm making peach and plum cobbler. I heard it's really popular in Canterlot right now. Plus, I tried one that Pinkie Pie made yesterday and it was really good so I want to try making it."

"Oh really?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Scootaloo, do you measure your ingredients?" Apple Bloom asked once she returned with the specific variety of apples. 

"Nah, I just wing it. I mean, just look at Pinkie Pie," Scootaloo replied. The group turned to look over to Pinkie Pie, who was staring intensely at her mix before remarking,

"Hmm, needs more sugar," and pouring another cup of sugar into the mixing bowl. 

"And what were you doing staring at the barrels of apples for so long?" Scootaloo asked.

"Well certain apples work best for certain pastries," Apple Bloom replied, setting the apples down on the table dramatically and beginning her baking process. The CMCs all looked at each other before bursting out laughing.  

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia would find a spot to bake that was near to where the CMC were. From anyone looking in her direction - she could be seen carefully studying the ingredients and measurements as much as possible. It was clear that she had no experience doing this, and was probably more nervous than any of them were. 

"You guys uh, certainly seem to know what you are doing." said Lazulia with a sheepish grin as she had gotten the measurements down in her head of what she needed. She started to get the various ingredients and following the directions, a lot of hesitation was clear in her voice. She didn't want to make something nobody would enjoy, after all. After a few minutes of preparation, she would start mixing the ingredients for the cookies. "I've never baked my own food before, but its good to start now since I'm living on my own, you know?"

So far, so good. She seemed to do that much without messing it up. After the mixing was done she could hear the three fillies laughing. Lazulia couldn't help but giggle at that as she started to put the cookies into the oven.

"Let's hope this goes well..." said Lazulia with a nervous giggle.  

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@Props Valroa 

19 minutes ago, Lazulia said:

"I've never baked my own food before, but its good to start now since I'm living on my own, you know?"

"Yes, I do believe that knowing how to bake is an important skill that everypony should know," Skylight replied as she sliced and removed the pits from the peaches and plums.

21 minutes ago, Lazulia said:

"Let's hope this goes well..." said Lazulia with a nervous giggle.  

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do fine!" Pinkie Pie remarked.

This casual conversation continued for a while, even after everything was in the oven. It appeared that every pony here had quite a lot to talk about baking, and it didn't feel like long before the pastries were ready.

"Alright, here they are!" Pinkie Pie dramatically pulled all the pastries out of the oven. It seemed somewhere along the way, Pinkie Pie also baked a pineapple upside-down cake? Everypony was focused on Scootaloo reacting to the taste of her muffins. It seemed that she was complaining that they were too dry and kind of dense. Sweetie Belle suspected that she didn't put enough baking powder and put too much flour. Pinkie Pie used this opportunity to show Lazulia her chocolate chip cookies before anypony else could see.

"Well? What do you think of them?" Pinkie Pie asked.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia's cookies were cooked fairly well for the first time. Lazulia sniffed the air and giggled, blushing gently. "I...actually did something right for once! They look really good..." she said as she gave a happy bounce that was something more befitting of a filly rather than an adult mare such as herself. "Maybe we could all share each other's pastries here?" she suggested as she looked at the muffins Scootaloo was tasting and the upside-down pineapple cake. 

Lazulia would move over to the kitchen table and take out her cookies and place them on a large plate - collecting them neatly so the others could try her cookies. She was eager to try the other foods that were cooked if the others were willing to let her try. 

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@Props Valroa 

18 hours ago, Lazulia said:

"Maybe we could all share each other's pastries here?" she suggested as she looked at the muffins Scootaloo was tasting and the upside-down pineapple cake. 

"Yeah let's do that," Pinkie Pie suggested. Everypony grabbed some of Skylight's peach and plum cobbler, Sweetie Belle's macarons, Apple Bloom's rose cupcake made from apple slices, Scootaloo's blueberry muffins, and Pinkie Pie's funfetti and pineapple upside-down cake.

"Mmm, these cookies good!" Skylight remarked. "Most of them quite good."

"Except for the muffins," Apple Bloom noted, which got an eye-roll from Scootaloo. Everypony tried each other's pastries, and it seemed that they all quite enjoyed them.

"So, do you have a baking cutie mark yet?" Pinkie Pie asked, glancing at Lazulia. 

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia would start eating each of the other's foods. It was all very good to her, though something about the muffins she could tell wasn't quite right. Was still good now. Lazulia was happy and blushing that they all liked her cookies, it made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside to feel that others enjoyed what she was making. Lazulia looked to Pinkie - as if she had forgotten about her cutie mark. "Oh, I don't think so..." she said and looked down at her blank flank with a bit of a small frown on her face. She looked to Skylight and the others, "It means a lot to me you all enjoyed what I made for the first time." she spoke with innocent warmth in her tone. 

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@Props Valroa 

On 2023-10-18 at 4:20 PM, Lazulia said:

Lazulia looked to Pinkie - as if she had forgotten about her cutie mark. "Oh, I don't think so..." she said and looked down at her blank flank with a bit of a small frown on her face.

"Hmm, if it isn't baking, maybe it's something similar like making candy?" Scootaloo suggested.

"The only thing is Twist says her sister Bonbon is busy today, so if you want to try making candy with Bonbon, we'll have to schedule it for another day," Apple Bloom added.

"Well? What do you want to try next?" Scootaloo asked.

If Lazulia took too long to reply, Sweetie Belle would add, "We could try dress-making or modeling with Rarity..."

On 2023-10-18 at 4:20 PM, Lazulia said:

She looked to Skylight and the others, "It means a lot to me you all enjoyed what I made for the first time." she spoke with innocent warmth in her tone. 

"Well that's the nice thing about trying everything. Even if you don't find your cutie mark, you still find things you are good at or like doing," Apple Bloom replied. "Also, your cookies are quite good."

It was at that moment Pinkie Pie decided to spontaneously start singing "Try Everything."

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@Skylight Scintillate


"Hmm, if it isn't baking, maybe it's something similar like making candy?" Scootaloo suggested.

"The only thing is Twist says her sister Bonbon is busy today, so if you want to try making candy with Bonbon, we'll have to schedule it for another day," Apple Bloom added.

"Well? What do you want to try next?" Scootaloo asked.

If Lazulia took too long to reply, Sweetie Belle would add, "We could try dress-making or modeling with Rarity..."


Lazulia would look to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "We can do making candy with Bon Bon tomorrow or some other time, but if you wanted we could try dress-making. I am not sure what else to do...you uh, seem to be the most knowledgable at trying everything." Lazulia said with a kind gentle smile.


"Well that's the nice thing about trying everything. Even if you don't find your cutie mark, you still find things you are good at or like doing," Apple Bloom replied. "Also, your cookies are quite good."

It was at that moment Pinkie Pie decided to spontaneously start singing "Try Everything."

Lazulia nodded to Applebloom and would ask, "Do um, do ponies around here get cutie marks when they are adults or does it happen when they are younger...? Is it weird that I haven't gotten mine yet, and why do you think I don't have it?" she asked in a curious manner as she walked closer, looking down at the yellow filly.

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@Props Valroa 

11 hours ago, Lazulia said:

Lazulia nodded to Applebloom and would ask, "Do um, do ponies around here get cutie marks when they are adults or does it happen when they are younger...? Is it weird that I haven't gotten mine yet, and why do you think I don't have it?" she asked in a curious manner as she walked closer, looking down at the yellow filly.

The three fillies glanced nervously at Lazulia before huddling together and whispering. "Should we tell her?" "Well, I think we have to since she asked..." "Would it make her give up though?" "I don't know, I think she already kind of knows..." "Does she think it's different around here?"

The trio turned back to face Lazulia. "Well, you definitely are the oldest pony that we've seen without a cutie mark, but that doesn't mean we can't help you get one. In fact, we were a bit late in getting our cutie marks, but look at us now, going around helping everypony else with their cutie marks," Apple Bloom explained. Despite Lazulia being taller than them, the three fillies still tried to put a reassuring hoof on Lazulia.

"As for why you don't have a cutie mark, we're not really sure. However, it seems like you haven't found your special purpose in life yet. Maybe the Crystal Empire doesn't have your special thing or something," Sweetie Belle thought out loud. "But don't you worry, We tried at least a thousand different things trying to find our cutie marks, and we're willing to do it again if it means you'll get yours!"

11 hours ago, Lazulia said:

Lazulia would look to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "We can do making candy with Bon Bon tomorrow or some other time, but if you wanted we could try dress-making. I am not sure what else to do...you uh, seem to be the most knowledgable at trying everything." Lazulia said with a kind gentle smile.

"Hmm, it sounds like you don't *really* want do dress-making. So what *do* you want to do?" Scootaloo asked, leaning towards Lazulia.

"We could try singing!-" "Or farming!-" "Or sky diving!-" "Or fashion-modeling!-" "Or scuba diving!-" "Or taking care of animals!-" "Or making music!-" "Or making art!-" "Or doing stunt tricks!-" "Or ziplining!-" "Or mountain climbing!-" "Or manticore taiming!-" "Or delivering mail!-" "Or running a business!-" "Or being a geologist!-" "Or being a reviewer!-" "Or being a show pony!-" "Or being a nurse!-" "Or being a teacher!-" "Or being a spa pony!-" "Or being The Mysterious Mare Do Well!" The CMCs threw around ideas before abruptly stopping when somepony suggested The Mysterious Mare Do Well. They glanced at each other confused while Pinkie Pie *innocently* whistled in the background.

"What? I didn't say anything..." Pinkie Pie dismissed when the three fillies turned to stare at Pinkie.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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@Skylight Scintillate


The three fillies glanced nervously at Lazulia before huddling together and whispering. "Should we tell her?" "Well, I think we have to since she asked..." "Would it make her give up though?" "I don't know, I think she already kind of knows..." "Does she think it's different around here?"

The trio turned back to face Lazulia. "Well, you definitely are the oldest pony that we've seen without a cutie mark, but that doesn't mean we can't help you get one. In fact, we were a bit late in getting our cutie marks, but look at us now, going around helping everypony else with their cutie marks," Apple Bloom explained. Despite Lazulia being taller than them, the three fillies still tried to put a reassuring hoof on Lazulia.

"As for why you don't have a cutie mark, we're not really sure. However, it seems like you haven't found your special purpose in life yet. Maybe the Crystal Empire doesn't have your special thing or something," Sweetie Belle thought out loud. "But don't you worry, We tried at least a thousand different things trying to find our cutie marks, and we're willing to do it again if it means you'll get yours!"

Lazulia looked down at the three fillies as they put their hooves on her. They could feel that Lazulia was a soft mare - she was very pretty to look at with a lighter blue color to that coat of her. She looked down at them with sad, distant eyes.

"It means a lot to me...when I have nothing to really give in return that you would all still be willing to help me." she shut her eyes and looked away from them for a moment as if recalling painful memories. "I feel as if I should tell you why I am here to begin with. I ran away from my mother, who is the leader of house Onyx in the Crystal Empire..." Lazulia would reach into her saddlebag and pull out a Pamphlet. On the front of the Pamphlet was a royal logo of sorts - that of house Onyx.



"My mother never really...c-cared for me...all she ever wanted me to be was her successor for the house - with the goal of me taking her place when she gets too old to do anything. She isolated me, every friend I wanted to make, every place I wanted to go - she just took it all away from me...and told me that I was stronger alone - just like how she was, when her parents took everything away from her..." Lazulia would flip open the pamphlet, showing an intimidating dark grey crystal stallion flanked by a green mare. The two ponies looked very intimidating, with a yellow and brown mare in the center - which was Lazulia's mother, with the two in the back evidently being her grandparents.

"I-I will do whatever it takes to never go back there. I don't want to be a Princess or whatever my mother wants me to be. I just want to be a regular pony, just like you..." Lazulia said and started to sniffle a bit.



"Hmm, it sounds like you don't *really* want do dress-making. So what *do* you want to do?" Scootaloo asked, leaning towards Lazulia.

"We could try singing!-" "Or farming!-" "Or sky diving!-" "Or fashion-modeling!-" "Or scuba diving!-" "Or taking care of animals!-" "Or making music!-" "Or making art!-" "Or doing stunt tricks!-" "Or ziplining!-" "Or mountain climbing!-" "Or manticore taiming!-" "Or delivering mail!-" "Or running a business!-" "Or being a geologist!-" "Or being a reviewer!-" "Or being a show pony!-" "Or being a nurse!-" "Or being a teacher!-" "Or being a spa pony!-" "Or being The Mysterious Mare Do Well!" The CMCs threw around ideas before abruptly stopping when somepony suggested The Mysterious Mare Do Well. They glanced at each other confused while Pinkie Pie *innocently* whistled in the background.

"What? I didn't say anything..." Pinkie Pie dismissed when the three fillies turned to stare at Pinkie.

Lazulia would think about all those ideas, there were so many ideas she could do that could keep her in Ponyville forever. Which is what she wanted to try to do. When Scootaloo asked Lazulia what she wanted to do, Lazulia started to cry profusely and collapsed onto the ground, curling up into a small blue ball.

"I don't know what I want to do...nobody's ever really asked me that. Just...just please don't tell anyone why I am here, because my mother's out there looking for me. I am afraid that if she finds me, she'll take me away from the one hope I had at discovering who I really want to be...instead of a hollow shell up there with mighty power but no love in her heart..." Lazulia spoke, referencing her mother.

Lazulia was shaking as she sobbed. "I don't want to be a ruler, I don't want to lead...I never wanted to be like my mother! All I ever wanted was for her to understand that I am not her...and never will be...but that's not good enough for her. I'm not good enough..." Lazulia said quietly. 

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@Props Valroa 

6 hours ago, Lazulia said:

"It means a lot to me...when I have nothing to really give in return that you would all still be willing to help me." she shut her eyes and looked away from them for a moment as if recalling painful memories. 

"Well that's what our cutie marks are for! When you have a special talent, you don't do something because you expect something in return; You do it because you can. And that is why as long as you're willing to try, we're willing to help," Sweetie Belle explained, and the other two fillies nodded in agreement.

6 hours ago, Lazulia said:

"I feel as if I should tell you why I am here to begin with. I ran away from my mother, who is the leader of house Onyx in the Crystal Empire..." Lazulia would reach into her saddlebag and pull out a Pamphlet. On the front of the Pamphlet was a royal logo of sorts - that of house Onyx.

"My mother never really...c-cared for me...all she ever wanted me to be was her successor for the house - with the goal of me taking her place when she gets too old to do anything. She isolated me, every friend I wanted to make, every place I wanted to go - she just took it all away from me...and told me that I was stronger alone - just like how she was, when her parents took everything away from her..." Lazulia would flip open the pamphlet, showing an intimidating dark grey crystal stallion flanked by a green mare. The two ponies looked very intimidating, with a yellow and brown mare in the center - which was Lazulia's mother, with the two in the back evidently being her grandparents.

"I-I will do whatever it takes to never go back there. I don't want to be a Princess or whatever my mother wants me to be. I just want to be a regular pony, just like you..." Lazulia said and started to sniffle a bit.

Lazulia would think about all those ideas, there were so many ideas she could do that could keep her in Ponyville forever. Which is what she wanted to try to do. When Scootaloo asked Lazulia what she wanted to do, Lazulia started to cry profusely and collapsed onto the ground, curling up into a small blue ball.

"I don't know what I want to do...nobody's ever really asked me that. Just...just please don't tell anyone why I am here, because my mother's out there looking for me. I am afraid that if she finds me, she'll take me away from the one hope I had at discovering who I really want to be...instead of a hollow shell up there with mighty power but no love in her heart..." Lazulia spoke, referencing her mother.

Lazulia was shaking as she sobbed. "I don't want to be a ruler, I don't want to lead...I never wanted to be like my mother! All I ever wanted was for her to understand that I am not her...and never will be...but that's not good enough for her. I'm not good enough..." Lazulia said quietly. 

The other five ponies crowded around to glance at the pamphlet. However, their mood significantly dampened the more Lazulia explained her situation. By the time she finished, it looked like everypony was about to burst into tears. "That's horrible..." Skylight sniffled. 

"I don't know what I'd do without you all!" Pinkie Pie burst into tears as she hugged the rest of the group really tightly. The next few minutes were filled with various ponies crying and sobbing about how much they appreciate each other and how they would miss each other if they couldn't see each other. 

Once the group was finished crying, Pinkie Pie would put a reassuring hoof on Lazulia while wiping the rest of the tears from her eyes. "Don't worry, we'll help you fit right in," she reassured. 

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia would smile gently to Pinkie Pie and she would hug her tightly while also pulling the CMC and Skylight into the hug. Lazulia smiled happily to them as they could all feel how soft and warm Lazulia's light blue coat was. "Thank you so much...I will feel happy and safe here, I know that...because I have friends like you." she said with innocent, happy eyes. Lazulia would nuzzle Skylight too, feeling safe with her friends here. "I'm willing to do anything for you all, for helping me out here..." 

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@Props Valroa 

13 hours ago, Lazulia said:

Lazulia would smile gently to Pinkie Pie and she would hug her tightly while also pulling the CMC and Skylight into the hug. Lazulia smiled happily to them as they could all feel how soft and warm Lazulia's light blue coat was. "Thank you so much...I will feel happy and safe here, I know that...because I have friends like you." she said with innocent, happy eyes. Lazulia would nuzzle Skylight too, feeling safe with her friends here. "I'm willing to do anything for you all, for helping me out here..." 

"Don't worry, I got your back," Skylight replied, hugging Lazulia in response.

"Anyways, should we get back to Cutie Mark Crusading?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Well then, if we go to Rarity's now, she'll ask too many awkward questions about why it looked like we were crying earlier..." Sweetie Belle explained.

"I know! Why don't we go to Fluttershy's cottage and care for some animals? I'm sure she'll understand," Scootaloo suggested. If Lazulia didn't have anything else to say, Pinkie Pie would say her goodbyes, and the CMCs would lead Lazulia towards Fluttershy's cottage on the edge of the Everfree Forest.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia would say goodbye to Pinkie Pie for now. It was likely soon they'd see each other again. Lazulia was curious about Fluttershy's cottage, and it would be interesting to see what kind of animals that were outside of the Crystal Empire. "Yeah, let's go, let's see the animals." Lazulia said with a small grin on her face. She looked to Skylight with a nod and looked at her cutie mark, "How did you get your cutie mark, Skylight?" she asked, as they made their way to Fluttershy's cottage. 

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@Props Valroa 

15 hours ago, Lazulia said:

"How did you get your cutie mark, Skylight?" she asked, as they made their way to Fluttershy's cottage. 

"Oh I was experimenting around with different kinds of magic that would make daily tasks significantly easier. For example, taking notes or recording things with magic. I think the specific event that did it for me was when I figured out how to use magic to do mathematical functions... However, I'm all over the place..." Skylight explained. 

Soon enough, the crowd arrived at Fluttershy's cottage. Skylight could tell that they were on the right track as they approached due to the large number of animals wandering about, and soon enough, they rounded a corner and Fluttershy's cottage was in sight. Apple Bloom went up to the door and knocked. This was followed by several loud animal noises inside before Fluttershy opened the door.

"Oh hello there," Fluttershy said, glancing at the cutie mark crusaders and Skylight. Then she noticed Lazulia. "Oh, um, hi," she whispered, almost shrinking behind the door and ears flopping as she rubbed a leg with her hoof nervously. Skylight and the Cutie Mark Crusaders went over to hug Fluttershy, and she returned this hug. However, this was when she noticed everypony's puffy eyes. "Oh dear, are you all ok? Who or what made you cry?" Fluttershy asked, her caring nature coming out as she held Skylight's hoof.

"Umm, I think it be best Lazulia explain..." Apple Bloom said, gesturing to Lazulia.

"Oh," Fluttershy replied. While it appeared that she still felt a bit nervous about Lazulia, she invited the group into her cottage and encouraged them to sit down. Apple Bloom went over and whispered to Lazulia "It's ok, you can tell her everything. She's the element of kindness for a reason."

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia nodded to Skylight, assuming that she just got her cutie mark because she was so all over the place and was bound to get something eventually. It made sense. Try enough things, and you will get your cutie mark. At least that is the best guess Lazulia had for how getting cutie marks worked.

As they approached the cottage, Lazulia could see the large amount of animals around the place - it was a bit intimidating to see all these animals here. How did they all get along, despite being so different? It was a good question she would have for Fluttershy.

Lazulia would stay quiet until Fluttershy opened the door, letting the CMC introduce Lazulia to Fluttershy. Lazulia walks in and looks around the cottage - looking very nervous at what she was seeing. Lots of animals, but it felt oddly...cozy? If that made sense, which it didn't. Doesn't change the fact that Lazulia felt cozy here. Looking to Fluttershy, she would speak - "I um, I moved to Ponyville to escape my abusive mother...and to find my cutie mark." she spoke, showing Fluttershy her lack of a cutie mark. "I told them about it and um, we cried." Lazulia spoke awkwardly. 

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@Props Valroa 

22 hours ago, Lazulia said:

Looking to Fluttershy, she would speak - "I um, I moved to Ponyville to escape my abusive mother...and to find my cutie mark." she spoke, showing Fluttershy her lack of a cutie mark. "I told them about it and um, we cried." Lazulia spoke awkwardly. 

"Oh dear, that is very sad. It's important to understand that your feelings are valid. Would you like to talk about it? I can brew some tea and offer some advice," Fluttershy offered. A bunny walked up and looked clearly annoyed at what Fluttershy was proposing. He started tapping his paw on the floor impatiently, waiting for Fluttershy's attention. 

"Actually, we're here to help Lazulia find her cutie mark. We want to try taking care of animals," Scootaloo said.

"Well if you don't feel comfortable talking about it, you all could help me give the animals a bath. I think Angel bunny is expecting his massage," Fluttershy suggested. The CMCs immediately ran off and returned with tubs of water and soap to do the baths.

"Alright, who's first?" Apple Bloom asked, glancing around at the animals.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia noticed Fluttershy's bunny looking annoyed at Fluttershy's proposal - which caused Lazulia to look away. "It's fine...maybe later we can talk about it..." Lazulia said, as the CMC would get the rubs of water to do the baths. "I've never um, bathed any animals before but I can certainly try to help." Lazulia said as she stood up, looking for a rag to grab so she could help to wash up the animals. 

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@Props Valroa 

On 2023-10-23 at 11:47 PM, Lazulia said:

"I've never um, bathed any animals before but I can certainly try to help." Lazulia said as she stood up, looking for a rag to grab so she could help to wash up the animals. 

"Sure, just wash them like you would wash yourself, but be gentle; they can be quite shy," Fluttershy explained.

Skylight and the cutie mark crusaders would do their part in convincing the animals to get into the bath before getting them wet, lathering them up, washing them, and they drying them off. It seemed that most of the animals, while shocked at first by the CMCs' antics, calmed down, and the three fillies were able to wash them mostly without problem. The only real problem was getting quite wet in the process. Skylight preferred to use her levitation magic to wash the animals. On the other hoof, it seemed that the bunny from earlier was being quite fussy about his bath, which Fluttershy reluctantly agreed to make accommodations for. 

"So, what do you think? Do you like helping animals?" Apple Bloom asked, covered in suds. 

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia would be very gentle in calling over the animals - she would manage to get an Otter, a few birds and the big giant bear. She was quite surprised at the Bear's presence, but would spend a lot of time washing his back. As she was washing the bear, they could hear the bear's enjoyment of her washing his back - indicating he was very happy with what she was doing. After that she would gently wash the birds, being careful to not hurt them. The otter was last, and she would be gentle with the otter, making sure to lather him up with suds and clean him up real good. Lazulia did a good job with the animals, and at the end of it - she had a large bubble beard.

"Oh, I loved it. They are so nice and they are very well behaved." Lazulia said with fondness in her eyes. 

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@Props Valroa 

Skylight also washed some animals, mostly a group of bunnies. However, she quite enjoyed snuggling up against Fluttershy while she helped wash the animals, and how Fluttershy draped a wing over Skylight as they washed the animals. Skylight was quite surprised that Lazulia helped wash a bear, but then again,  that bear probably was Harry, who is known for being quite friendly. The bunnies all seemed to enjoy being washed using Skylight's magic, and they squeaked their content once Skylight was finished drying them off. On the other hoof, it seemed like the bunny that Fluttershy was trying to give a bath was giving Fluttershy quite a hard time, with his aggressive squeaks and gestures. 

"Wow, these bunnies are such angels to work with," Skylight remarked.

"Ironic how the bunny that's actually named Angel is the exact opposite of that..." Scootaloo remarked, shaking off the suds on her body.

"Well, sometimes all you need to do is to share a little love and kindness, and they are glad to share it back," Fluttershy remarked.

"Just like you. You're always so kind to everypony, especially your friends, and that's what I love about you," Skylight said, nuzzling Fluttershy and causing her to blush from receiving such affection. "Platonically, of course," Skylight added.

However, it seemed like the bunny that Fluttershy was bathing was having none of it. He squeaked angrily, which caused Fluttershy to gasp. "Look here, Mister, don't you dare say that about my friends! I give you plenty of attention, so you need to stop whining every time I share affection with my friends!" Fluttershy snapped. The bunny's ears flopped before he grumbled something.

"Woah, I did not expect that to happen..." Sweetie Belle noted.

"I can be assertive when I need to be," Fluttershy replied.

"Well then, do you see yourself working with animals as your talent? Or should we try something else now?" Apple Bloom asked.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia would look over at Skylight and Fluttershy as they nuzzled and snuggled each other as they were washing the animals. Lazulia clearly noticed this - it seemed like Skylight was able to have physical affection with her friends. This made Lazulia blush a bit. In her thoughts, she really wanted to do the same. To feel someone's warmth against her would be something she always wanted to feel. Because of the way Lazulia was raised, she very rarely - if ever had any physical affection. It was something she craved dearly. As looked more at Skylight, she thought she would make a nice pillow. Skylight was soft, blue, fluffy...and with a gentle yawn Lazulia began to shut her eyes and almost fell asleep standing up.

The angry squeaks of Fluttershy's rabbit caused her to open her eyes and resume her normal stance. Perhaps the CMC or Skylight would have noticed Lazulia standing there for a few moments with her eyelids closed, a soft expression across her face. It seemed like Fluttershy had one grumpy bunny that was, which made Lazulia chuckle a bit.

Looking to Apple Bloom she would shrug, "Well, cleaning the animals is very nice. I mean, I enjoy it here...but..." Lazulia looked to her cutie mark. "No cutie mark evidently." she said, tapping her hooves together nervously. "Hehe..." Lazulia couldn't help but giggle at the thought of her snuggling Skylight like Fluttershy was doing. 

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@Props Valroa 

Skylight noticed Lazulia glancing at her snuggling and blushed. While she considered Lazulia friendly, she still felt a bit self-conscious about her display of physical affection in front of ponies she didn't know really well. It seemed that Fluttershy was feeling the same thing, given that she was also blushing up a storm. Both Skylight and Fluttershy took a step back and glanced at Lazulia.

"Oh come on!" Sweetie Belle shouted, which Scootaloo quickly covered up.

"Skylight is very self-conscious about others watching her physical affection," Scootaloo explained. 

4 hours ago, Lazulia said:

Looking to Apple Bloom she would shrug, "Well, cleaning the animals is very nice. I mean, I enjoy it here...but..." Lazulia looked to her cutie mark. "No cutie mark evidently." she said, tapping her hooves together nervously. "Hehe..." Lazulia couldn't help but giggle at the thought of her snuggling Skylight like Fluttershy was doing. 

"I see. I suppose we'll have to try something else..." Apple Bloom said. "Want to try canoeing?"

The CMCs all gave Lazulia a strange glance when she giggled unexpectedly.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia chuckled lightly at Sweetie Belle's reaction but understood that Skylight and Fluttershy would feel a bit embarrassed about them seeing Lazulia notice them when they nuzzled each other. It was a little awkward, but Lazulia found it to be cute. "Alrighty, let's go canoeing. Whatever that is. I don't know what it is." Lazulia commented. Canoes weren't something that existed in the Crystal Empire because it was all frozen over so there were no navigable areas with canoes - so she was never in the know of what they were. 

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