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open IC: Neighbors of Ponyville (1x1 with Skylight Scintillate)


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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia looked down over the town of Ponyville as they floated higher into the air above it. It was interesting that she could see all the angles of the sunlight as it cascaded through the buildings of Ponyville. She could also see the ponies of Ponyville walking about the town - and at this moment Lazulia sort of wished she had wings. It would be cool to fly around and do this on your own, without the need of a balloon to do it. Perhaps that's why Rainbow Dash was all very into this sort of thing. It was understandable.

After a few minutes, Lazulia would notice the hot air balloon passed up through some clouds. By this point it was difficult to see individual ponies down below on the ground. It was also when they were to start putting on their parachutes. Lazulia was very enamored with the view below that she forgot they were going to jump off of the balloon.

"If we all jump off, what will happen to the Balloon?" Lazulia asked as she prepared her parachute. 

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@Props Valroa 


On 2023-12-10 at 1:03 PM, Lazulia said:

"If we all jump off, what will happen to the Balloon?" Lazulia asked as she prepared her parachute. 

"Oh I'm not jumping off," Radiant Glider said, cutting off the fire and causing the hot air balloon to slow to a stop. "Once you all jump off I'll head back down in the balloon."

"Anyways, let's skydive!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. She abruptly stopped flapping her wings and pulled them tight over her body, causing her to plummet nearly straight down.

"Hey wait up!" Scootaloo gasped, jumping out of the hot air balloon after her. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Skylight followed soon afterwards.

"Chill, I'm not going to abandon you all," Rainbow Dash exclaimed, opening her wings briefly to let the other ponies fall to her height.

Skylight could feel the adrenaline pumping once she picked up speed. She could feel the wind flowing through her mane and fur, and it was exhilarating. There was something special about freefalling through the air. Perhaps it was the wind, perhaps it was the weightlessness, perhaps it was everypony screaming in excitment. Whatever it was, it was thrilling.

"So, how does it feel to skydive?" Rainbow Dash asked Lazulia, remaining as calm and collected as ever. 


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@Skylight Scintillate

When Lazulia was ready she would jump off the balloon's gondola along with the others. She was overwhelmed by what she was feeling. The feeling of falling through the air at a rapid rate of speed plus the view of Ponyville below them as they fell through the air - it was one like no other that she had ever experienced. So much so, that she was more in awe rather than anything else. Lazulia wasn't screaming in excitement or anything like that, more or less stunned by what she was feeling here. Lazulia would then notice Rainbow Dash was flying alongside her as she fell and she turned to her, "It's...I can't even begin to describe it..." Lazulia said, awestruck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Props Valroa 

“Cool!” Rainbow Dash replied.
“I know right?! This is so exciting! The feeling of the wind in your mane! The weightlessness!” Skylight shouted back over the wind. She watched Ponyville approach below as the sun rose.
Meanwhile, Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash were doing stunts together in the air. 

“Wow Scootaloo, you’re good! Do you go skydive with Rainbow Dash a lot?” Apple Bloom asked.

”Yeah she takes me all the time!” Scootaloo replied. 

As the ground approached, the group pulled their parachutes to slow their descent. Not long afterwards, the group landed softly on the ground.

”WOW, just wow,” Skylight exclaimed. “I know you take me skydiving several times before, but it never stops being wildly exciting!” Skylight remarked to Rainbow Dash. 

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@Skylight Scintillate

When Lazulia landed and pulled her parachute she would land gently onto the ground looking to Skylight and the others. It seemed that she had been stunned to the point to where she didn't have many words. Looking up at the sky she smiled and chuckled, "WOW! That's...just...quite something." she said, squinting really hard to see how high the balloon was above them. "I would have never been able to do something like that in the Crystal Empire..." she spoke.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Props Valroa 

"Well now you know what it's like! Isn't it so amazing?" Scootaloo asked, getting right up against Lazulia. Meanwhile, the rest of the group was busy unclipping their harnesses and parachutes. The hot air balloon that they jumped out of could be seen slowly descending above them. The group took a few minutes to recover, and when the hot air balloon landed, they handed the equipment back to Radiant Glider. 

"Alright, I gotta head off now. See ya Scootaloo. See ya everypony," Rainbow Dash remarked as she took off.

"So, what shall we do next?" Apple Bloom asked as she dusted herself off.

"Oh, oh, oh, what about going to the Carousel Boutique and looking into fashion or singing?" Sweetie Belle suggested. The group would turn to Lazulia to see her reply.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia would smirk slightly as the small orange pegasus walked right up to her and she gave her a gentle pat on the head. "Yes, it's quite amazing. Thank you for wanting to take me along." she spoke calmly as returned the equipment and waved to Rainbow Dash as she took off and left. Now she would look to Apple Bloom, "Fashion. Well, I would be quite curious about that." she spoke, interested to see what they had to say about it.

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@Props Valroa 

“Sure, let’s go then!” Sweetie Belle replied. She would lead the way towards Carousel Boutique and the others would follow.

When the group arrived, Sweetie Belle would open the door, causing the door chime to ring. 

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, unique, and magnific!” A white pony with a dark purple mane appeared from a room in the back. She immediately noticed Lazulia. “Oh you must be new here! My name is Rarity. How can I help you? May I interest you in a dress?” Rarity suggested.

”Uh actually, we’re here to try and help Lazulia find her cutie mark,” Sweetie Belle explained. 

“Ah I see, well the fashion industry is always looking for new talent. How can I help you with that, Lazulia?” Rarity asked Lazulia.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia follows the white filly towards Carousel Boutique. She'd stand there quietly and would view and equally white marshmallow colored mare open the door. These ponies looked like marshmallows, they were so white...maybe they were fluffy too? Rarity's voice snapped her out of her thoughts and looked up at Rarity's eyes. "Oh, uh, I would be interested in a dress. I've wore a few before, but, I am really trying to find my cutie mark." she spoke, her tail shyly covering her blank flank despite being an adult mare.

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@Props Valroa 

"Why, I'd love to help with that, but which activity best represents fashion?" Rarity pondered out loud for a few seconds. "Ooh idea! Why don't we try on a bunch of dresses and see if you like them?" Rarity exclaimed. "Right this way!" Rarity practically dragged the five ponies into the room where she worked. Compared to the shop out front, this room looked like a chaotic mess. Papers containing various sketches of designs were pinned all over the room, and mannequins were covered in cloth and various other clothing materials, demonstrating that Rarity was working on multiple designs simultaneously. 

Rarity pulled out a clothing rack and immediately started pulling pieces of clothing and levitating them next to Lazulia, trying to figure out what worked well on her. "Hmm, this blue would not work well at all! It would blend right in with the rest of your body! Hmm, this dress could work, but it's so last season..."

"Umm, Rarity, Maybe you should let Lazulia choose? You know, let her figure out what she likes and such?" Sweetie Belle suggested. 

"Oh! Well, I suppose that is right..." Rarity blushed. She put the dresses back on the rack and let Lazulia examine them to decide for herself.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia was pulled into the room by Rarity - the very blue Crystal Pony sort of shrunk up a bit as she was dragged so suddenly by her. If they had been listening carefully, Lazulia would have made an adorable "peep" sound, but when she was in the room she appeared to calm down a bit - looking at all the various supplies and designs that Rarity had worked with here. It was all very interesting to say the least. So much for her to take into mind. This was made even more apparent when Rarity took out the many pieces of clothing and levitated them around her as she was seeing what would look good on her.

"Y-yeah...I'm very blue!" Lazulia said, with a very prominent nervous blush on her blue cheeks. "Hehe, um, let's see..." the crystal mare spoke shyly as she started to look around the dresses. She would approach a vibrant green dress after looking at it for a bit. "Hmm maybe this would be interesting..." she said poking it like an innocent filly in a candy shop.

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@Props Valroa 

Rarity would levitate the dress that Lazulia pointed to over towards her, letting her put it on herself. She would then turn the mirror to let Lazulia examine herself while Rarity would step back to glance at Lazulia. "Hmm, yes, this could work, but it depends on what kinds of feelings you're trying to invoke..." Rarity pondered.

"Well? How does it make you feel?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Do you like this feeling?"

The rest of the CMCs and Skylight, not really being into fashion would wait patiently for Lazulia to see how she would respond. 

"Also, feel free to try the other fashion accessories here," Rarity encouraged. Scootaloo would immediately take note and grab some sunglasses to put on. She smiled at the reflection she saw in the mirror, which caused a slight giggle out of Apple Bloom.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia would look at herself in the mirror for a bit as she examined the green dress. She looked awkward, as if she's never really wore a dress quite like this one before. "It's interesting, dresses here don't have that crystalline sparkly texture I am used to. But it's a good kind of different." Lazulia said, running her blue hooves along it as she was feeling the material up a bit. "I notice most ponies don't normally wear anything around here, a dress like this seems like it would be good for occasions - but if I was walking around all the time here...perhaps I'd wear some boots or something?" Lazulia asked, looking about the room for any pairs of boots or hoofwear to put on. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Props Valroa 

"Sure!" Rarity replied, immediately pulling out a rack of various kinds of hoofwear. On the rack was everything from sandals to boots. "So what kind of color palate are you going for? What about shape? Are you looking for something more traditional or modern? What do you want your clothing to say about you?" Rarity would ask as she looked through various sets of clothing.

"Yeah, Rarity cares a lot about colors, shapes, and styles. One time, I saw her look at two identical skirts, and she said that one looked disgusting and the other looked fabulous..." Sweetie Belle said, exaggerating how Rarity acted in her reenactment. "Oh, and she's like You can tell so much from a pony based on how they dress..." Sweetie Belle would ramble.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo would be trying on more sunglasses with Apple Bloom giggling at the results. Skylight would be glancing at Lazulia, trying to figure out what Rarity saw in her. 

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia would go ahead and look at the various hoofwear and think of wearing sandals first, trying them on. She then would smirk slightly to Rarity to show that she liked them. They weren't as clunky as boots, but would allow her hooves to be kept clean. "I am not sure what clothing says about me, mom always wanted us to look Prim and Proper with style and tradition, so I'm thinking something more casual, to show I'm just a regular pony." Lazulia said with a happy smile on her face - giving Rarity some thought to work with. She looked over at Scootaloo and thought she was being cute there. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Props Valroa 

On 2/14/2024 at 11:41 AM, Lazulia said:

"I am not sure what clothing says about me, mom always wanted us to look Prim and Proper with style and tradition, so I'm thinking something more casual, to show I'm just a regular pony."

Apple Bloom would gesture to Lazulia to lean over before whispering in her ear “Uh, most ponies here don’t wear clothes casually. I mean, if you look around the boutique, almost everything here is really formal and fancy,” Apple Bloom explained. “Like, you’ve been around Ponyville for quite a while now. Most of the time, ponies don’t wear clothes…”

”Erh, yes,” Rarity explained, feeling awkward about the whole thing. “Most of what I do is pretty formal. However, if you’re into fashion, does all this make you feel inspired? Or creative? Like you’re in the mood to design and make clothes? Or maybe model fashion?” Rarity asked.

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@Skylight Scintillate

"Well, I never really knew that much about fashion or modeling that much, so I wouldn't say it makes me feel all that inspired, I mean, I can understand why it does to ponies who are into that thing...but maybe if there was some kind of event in town or some social gathering or something like that, I would say I might feel more interested in that." Lazulia said with a smilie and then looked to Apple Bloom's bow. "Well, you are wearing something. Wouldn't that be considered clothing?" Lazulia joked casually, giving Apple Bloom a gentle pat on the head. She couldn't help but find the bow to be cute. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Props Valroa 

On 2024-03-01 at 4:48 PM, Lazulia said:

"...but maybe if there was some kind of event in town or some social gathering or something like that, I would say I might feel more interested in that."

"Hmm, well Pinkie is always throwing some party or another, but nopony wears clothes there really. They're like casual parties, you know," Sweetie Belle explained, thinking out loud. "I guess it's like only the super formal events in Canterlot usually involve clothes, and Ponyville doesn't really do that..."

On 2024-03-01 at 4:48 PM, Lazulia said:

"Well, you are wearing something. Wouldn't that be considered clothing?"

"Well, I guess? I don't know, I don't really consider it clothing..." Apple Bloom shrugged as she adjusted her bow. 

By then, it seemed that Scootaloo felt finished trying on a bunch of different sunglasses. She turned to Lazulia. "So? What do you want to do now?"

If Lazulia didn't have anything she wanted to do, Sweetie Belle would suggest something. "I mean, we could also try singing. I love singing!"Sweetie Belle suggested. If Lazulia agreed, she would lead Lazulia upstairs to where she practiced her music. If not, the group would go with what Lazulia suggested.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia would reach over and try a pair of sunglasses, not realizing that she had them upside down. Looking over at the three fillies and Skylight, she would smile innocently. "How do I look with these?" she asked, not seeming to know much about sunglasses. It seemed like she was interested in wanting to keep that pair of them that she had. "Singing? We could certainly try something like that...how does it work exactly?" she would say as she would follow up the stairs with her upside down sunglasses on. She seemed to look over at Apple Bloom, seemingly fascinated by the bow on her head. 

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@Props Valroa 

On 2024-03-11 at 1:25 PM, Lazulia said:

Lazulia would reach over and try a pair of sunglasses, not realizing that she had them upside down. Looking over at the three fillies and Skylight, she would smile innocently. "How do I look with these?" she asked, not seeming to know much about sunglasses. It seemed like she was interested in wanting to keep that pair of them that she had.

Rarity would laugh nervously before using her magic to flip them right side up.

Skylight would glance at Lazulia up and down before replying, "I think it looks nice on you,"

On 2024-03-11 at 1:25 PM, Lazulia said:

"Singing? We could certainly try something like that...how does it work exactly?" she would say as she would follow up the stairs with her upside down sunglasses on. She seemed to look over at Apple Bloom, seemingly fascinated by the bow on her head. 

"It's simple. We do some warm-ups for our voices, and then we sing some songs! I have sheets so you can follow along," Sweetie Belle explained as she led the group into her music room. After warming up their voices with some voice exercises, the group would sing The Smile Song, Raise This Barn, and Hearts as Strong as Horses.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia giggles as Rarity would flip up the glasses the right way. "Oh! That is why there is a little notch there, its for my snout." Lazulia giggled a bit at that and would follow Sweetie Belle into her music room. Lazulia would follow along the best she could, and while she wasn't particularly good at it - she wasn't actually too bad at it. These songs would sound a little different with her added voice to them, but it seemed as though the blue crystal pony enjoyed spending time with the CMC and Skylight, as well as Rarity. Because of the angle she was standing in the room, the sunlight would reflect off her crystalline coat - illuminating the room with brilliant blue colored reflections. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Props Valroa 

"Well, what do you think? Do you like singing?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I know Skylight loves singing with us even though she claims that she's not that good at it."

The three fillies and Skylight giggled at that.

On 2024-03-17 at 6:21 PM, Props Valroa said:

Because of the angle she was standing in the room, the sunlight would reflect off her crystalline coat - illuminating the room with brilliant blue colored reflections. 

"Woah, that's so cool!" Scootaloo would remark. "How do you do that?"

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia looked to the fillies and Skylight and smiled nervously. "I don't think I am good at it - but it's also kinda fun at the same time?" she asked, as if trying to phrase her words correctly. Lazulia would then look at Scootaloo. "Oh! That's just what happens when a Crystal Pony sits in the right angle with the sun. Maybe it would be good for birthday parties or something..." she thought innocently.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Props Valroa 

On 2024-03-30 at 3:43 PM, Props Valroa said:

"I don't think I am good at it - but it's also kinda fun at the same time?"

"You see, that's the cool thing about discovering yourself and what you like. You can like things that you aren't good at," Sweetie Belle explained. "Like, somethings, I like making things and clothing like my sister Rarity, but I'm not that good at it."

"Oh yeah, remember the time Sweetie Belle made a costume with five legs?" Apple Bloom joked. The three crusaders and Skylight giggled.

On 2024-03-30 at 3:43 PM, Props Valroa said:

"Oh! That's just what happens when a Crystal Pony sits in the right angle with the sun. Maybe it would be good for birthday parties or something..."

"Woah, that's so cool. What other cool things can crystal ponies do?" Scootaloo would ask.

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@Skylight Scintillate

"Well, Crystal Ponies don't have blood and we are somehow literally made of crystal, but feel just the same as other types of ponies." Lazulia explained as she walked closer to them, smiling at their giggling. "When in close proximity to the Crystal Heart, our coats and bodies glow with the magic of the Crystal Heart - making our coat texture even more pronounced." she said with a happy smile to the three fillies and Skylight. 

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