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open IC: Neighbors of Ponyville (1x1 with Skylight Scintillate)


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@Props Valroa 

4 hours ago, Lazulia said:

"Alrighty, let's go canoeing. Whatever that is. I don't know what it is." Lazulia commented. Canoes weren't something that existed in the Crystal Empire because it was all frozen over so there were no navigable areas with canoes - so she was never in the know of what they were. 

"You've never heard of canoeing before? Huh," Apple Bloom thought out loud. "Well uh, there are some canoes by Camp Friendship. We can use those!"

Apple Bloom lead the way towards a traditional-looking camp in the woods. The camp was situated on the shore of a lake, and there were some canoes lying in the sand. The cutie mark crusaders flipped one of them over and put it into the water. The canoe did rock significantly as each pony got in, but soon enough, everypony was in and had an oar in hoof.

"So what did you do exactly in the Crystal Empire?" Scootaloo asked Lazulia.

"I don't know if asking that is such a good idea..." Sweetie Belle replied.

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@Skylight Scintillate

"Alright, show me what a canoe is. Lead the way." Lazulia said to the CMC, feeling more comfortable with them at this point. She followed them towards the camp calmly. Even though she was the only adult in this situation, she felt as if the CMC seemed reasonably mature enough to do things on their own. At least that was somewhat of the impression that she had of them. It seemedl ike they were allowed to just go wherever they wanted. As they approached the camp in the woods she would see the shore of the lake, and the canoes lying in the sand. Lazulia seemed very interested by this.

"Wow, I've never really seen a body of water this big before...usually we don't have these because the Crystal Empire is all frozen." she said, watching them flip over the canoe. "Oh, that's what a canoe is...a small personal boat." she said with a smile that would fade as Scootaloo asked her about what she did. "W-well uh, I just tried to stay out of my mother's ire. But I would read in my spare time, and explore around places...I know where everything is there." she said, her small smile returning.

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@Props Valroa 

The Cutie Mark Crusaders all showed Lazulia how to paddle, and soon enough, they found themselves in the middle of the lake. The weather was just about perfect for a day of canoeing, being warm and sunny with the slightest breeze, which made the whole excursion rather pleasant despite how exhausting the paddling was. 

Soon the CMCs were discussing how they ran Camp Friendship and provided a ton of different activities for fillies and colts looking for their cutie marks. 

"So what do you think? How's canoeing?" Apple Bloom asked.

On 2023-10-29 at 1:43 PM, Lazulia said:

"Wow, I've never really seen a body of water this big before...usually we don't have these because the Crystal Empire is all frozen." she said, watching them flip over the canoe. "Oh, that's what a canoe is...a small personal boat." she said with a smile that would fade as Scootaloo asked her about what she did. "W-well uh, I just tried to stay out of my mother's ire. But I would read in my spare time, and explore around places...I know where everything is there." she said, her small smile returning.

"Ooh, so you know your way around that place and all the secret places and such? That's pretty cool!" Scootaloo remarked. "Although it sounds kind of miserable there if it's cold all the time..."

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia would help the CMCs paddle along on the raft and when they were out in the lake Lazulia smiled with innocent wonder in her eyes as she looked at how they were on the water. It was very peaceful and quiet. Lazulia would sit there and let the rest of them talk amongst themselves. 


"So what do you think? How's canoeing?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I love it, thank you so much for giving me all these wonderful ideas." Lazulia said with a happy tone in her voice, as she enjoyed sitting out there on the lake with the CMC. She wagged her tail ever so slightly.


"Ooh, so you know your way around that place and all the secret places and such? That's pretty cool!" Scootaloo remarked. "Although it sounds kind of miserable there if it's cold all the time..."

"Yup. I know where all the hiding spots are, even my mother doesn't know where they are." she smirked, "It is cold and snowy all year round but if you live your whole life there like I have, it's completely normal to you. Being out on a lake like this feels like a hot summer day to me, because I've never really been out on a body of water that wasn't frozen."

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@Props Valroa 

On 2023-10-31 at 3:30 PM, Lazulia said:

"Yup. I know where all the hiding spots are, even my mother doesn't know where they are." she smirked, "It is cold and snowy all year round but if you live your whole life there like I have, it's completely normal to you. Being out on a lake like this feels like a hot summer day to me, because I've never really been out on a body of water that wasn't frozen."

"And not be able to try any summer activities? That sounds awful!" Apple Bloom replied. "Hey what if you never discovered your cutie mark because it's something that could only be done in the summer?" Apple Bloom asked. 

On 2023-10-31 at 3:30 PM, Lazulia said:

Lazulia would help the CMCs paddle along on the raft and when they were out in the lake Lazulia smiled with innocent wonder in her eyes as she looked at how they were on the water. It was very peaceful and quiet. Lazulia would sit there and let the rest of them talk amongst themselves. 

"I love it, thank you so much for giving me all these wonderful ideas." Lazulia said with a happy tone in her voice, as she enjoyed sitting out there on the lake with the CMC. She wagged her tail ever so slightly.

"Yeah, this is nice," Scootaloo remarked. 

"Hey, it's what we do," Apple Bloom replied.

"Wait, has anypony seen Skylight? She's not in the canoe with us," Sweetie Belle noted. 

"Yeah, where is she?" the other two crusaders echoed.

"Right over here!"

The crusaders glanced over the side of the canoe to see. Skylight's head sticking out of the water next to the canoe. Right next to her was Sandbar, also sticking his head out of the water. Both ponies had donned scuba diving suits and were treading water next to the canoe.

"I ran into my friend Sandbar on the beach over there, and we decided to do some scuba diving. We saw you all drifting out here in the canoe, so we decided to swim up and say hi. I hope we aren't interrupting anything," Skylight remarked. 

"Dude, you guys should join us! The water's like, so refreshing right now," Sandbar exclaimed.

"Well, we have our scuba diving suits on the shore, but do we have one that fits Lazulia?" Apple Bloom pondered.

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@Skylight Scintillate


"And not be able to try any summer activities? That sounds awful!" Apple Bloom replied. "Hey what if you never discovered your cutie mark because it's something that could only be done in the summer?" Apple Bloom asked. 

Lazulia scratched the back of her head slightly nervously. "Well, there is no summer in the Crystal Empire...so I am not sure how getting a cutie mark in a summer activity would work." she spoke to Apple Bloom. "Well, not summer in how you call it here. The warmest parts of the year is when the clouds go away, but the snow remains for the most part. It does melt, but not all the way."


"Yeah, this is nice," Scootaloo remarked. 

"Hey, it's what we do," Apple Bloom replied.

"Wait, has anypony seen Skylight? She's not in the canoe with us," Sweetie Belle noted. 

"Yeah, where is she?" the other two crusaders echoed.

"Right over here!"

The crusaders glanced over the side of the canoe to see. Skylight's head sticking out of the water next to the canoe. Right next to her was Sandbar, also sticking his head out of the water. Both ponies had donned scuba diving suits and were treading water next to the canoe.

"I ran into my friend Sandbar on the beach over there, and we decided to do some scuba diving. We saw you all drifting out here in the canoe, so we decided to swim up and say hi. I hope we aren't interrupting anything," Skylight remarked. 

"Dude, you guys should join us! The water's like, so refreshing right now," Sandbar exclaimed.

"Well, we have our scuba diving suits on the shore, but do we have one that fits Lazulia?" Apple Bloom pondered.

Lazulia looked to the CMC. "Oh, where did she go? I wonder where she went." Lazulia spoke, she seemingly didn't notice Skylight wasn't with them until now. She started to worry slightly about Skylight, but then would notice her in the water. She could see Sandbar, a stallion that she had not seen previously. Lazulia looked at them with a slightly confused expression.

"I don't know if I can um, "join you". I can't swim." Lazulia admitted, looking at the rest of the group with a nervous expression - hoping she wouldn't be dissapointing them. "I never learned how to swim" Lazulia would also add. 

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@Props Valroa 

On 2023-11-03 at 12:37 PM, Lazulia said:

Lazulia scratched the back of her head slightly nervously. "Well, there is no summer in the Crystal Empire...so I am not sure how getting a cutie mark in a summer activity would work." she spoke to Apple Bloom. "Well, not summer in how you call it here. The warmest parts of the year is when the clouds go away, but the snow remains for the most part. It does melt, but not all the way."

"I mean, like, what if your cutie mark is something that can only be done in hot weather, like making and selling ice cream, or surfing, or something?" Apple Bloom asked. "Well, I suppose that's why we're trying things like these now."

On 2023-11-03 at 12:37 PM, Lazulia said:

"I don't know if I can um, "join you". I can't swim." Lazulia admitted, looking at the rest of the group with a nervous expression - hoping she wouldn't be dissapointing them. "I never learned how to swim" Lazulia would also add. 

"Wait, you guys took her on a canoe, but she can't swim? That's a safety problem!" Sandbar exclaimed, glancing at the CMCs in shock. 

"Well, I guess that's why we're all wearing life jackets?" Scootaloo laughed nervously.

"Hey, I understand why you wouldn't know how to swim, but if you want to do activities on the water, it's important to at least know the basics. Come on, let's get back to shore, and I can teach you," Sandbar offered. He would start swimming towards the shore and gesture the CMCs to follow.

Once on the shore, the CMCs would give Lazulia a swimsuit, and everypony would take turns showing and explaining simple swimming techniques to Lazulia just off the beach where the water was shallow.

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@Skylight Scintillate


"I mean, like, what if your cutie mark is something that can only be done in hot weather, like making and selling ice cream, or surfing, or something?" Apple Bloom asked. "Well, I suppose that's why we're trying things like these now."

Lazulia would look to Apple Bloom. "Anything is possible, I suppose. You know, before the Empire vanished - and before Sombra - I didn't even know what Equestria was for the most part..." she said, looking down into Apple Bloom's eyes with contemplation.


"Wait, you guys took her on a canoe, but she can't swim? That's a safety problem!" Sandbar exclaimed, glancing at the CMCs in shock. 

"Well, I guess that's why we're all wearing life jackets?" Scootaloo laughed nervously.

"Hey, I understand why you wouldn't know how to swim, but if you want to do activities on the water, it's important to at least know the basics. Come on, let's get back to shore, and I can teach you," Sandbar offered. He would start swimming towards the shore and gesture the CMCs to follow.

Once on the shore, the CMCs would give Lazulia a swimsuit, and everypony would take turns showing and explaining simple swimming techniques to Lazulia just off the beach where the water was shallow.

Lazulia would look to Sandbar and slowly nod to him. As she rowed along with the CMC, following Sandbar - they might notice that she looked out into the water with sad distant eyes. Lazulia was a very blue mare. Almost as blue as the water. "Maybe the reason the water is blue, is because it is very sad...just like me..." Lazulia spoke quietly to herself, though the CMC would have been easily able to overhear her. She was glad she was doing this, though, something felt missing. 

Regardless, Lazulia would follow to the shore and slip the swimsuit on. She stood there a bit awkwardly, having never been used to wearing something like that. Lazulia slipped into the water, letting it cascade off her body. She gave them a look of astonishment. "Wow...I've never felt anything like it..." she said, almost losing her breathe at the feeling of being in the water. Lazulia would continue to do various swimming techniques with the CMC, "I mean, I've been in pools before but nothing deep that required swimming..." she spoke, they can hear the innocent awe in her voice. 

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@Props Valroa 

On 2023-11-05 at 12:39 AM, Lazulia said:

Lazulia would look to Apple Bloom. "Anything is possible, I suppose. You know, before the Empire vanished - and before Sombra - I didn't even know what Equestria was for the most part..." she said, looking down into Apple Bloom's eyes with contemplation.

"Well you're learning about Equestria right now!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "It's a place where all ponies can live together in harmony, no matter who they are or what abilities they have! There are so many different cities in Equestria, and they each have something that makes that place unique. Like, Canterlot is our capital, and it's so fancy. That's why my sister Rarity is obcessed with it all the time. And then we have..."

On 2023-11-05 at 12:39 AM, Lazulia said:

Lazulia would look to Sandbar and slowly nod to him. As she rowed along with the CMC, following Sandbar - they might notice that she looked out into the water with sad distant eyes. Lazulia was a very blue mare. Almost as blue as the water. "Maybe the reason the water is blue, is because it is very sad...just like me..." Lazulia spoke quietly to herself, though the CMC would have been easily able to overhear her. She was glad she was doing this, though, something felt missing. 

"I don't think it's sad. I think that the water is very mysterious with how dark blue it is..." Apple Bloom responded leaning over the side of the canoe to stare into the lake.

"Well I don't think it's that mysterious once you dive under the surface. It's actually quite cool," Sandbar responded. 

On 2023-11-05 at 12:39 AM, Lazulia said:

Regardless, Lazulia would follow to the shore and slip the swimsuit on. She stood there a bit awkwardly, having never been used to wearing something like that. Lazulia slipped into the water, letting it cascade off her body. She gave them a look of astonishment. "Wow...I've never felt anything like it..." she said, almost losing her breathe at the feeling of being in the water. Lazulia would continue to do various swimming techniques with the CMC, "I mean, I've been in pools before but nothing deep that required swimming..." she spoke, they can hear the innocent awe in her voice. 

"I know, right? It's so refreshing. Nothing's quite like taking a dip in the lake to get that energy flowing. Now that you know how to swim, you are able to do activities on the water more safely," Sandbar replied, glancing at the CMCs and causing them to blush. 

"Yeah we should have asked if you knew how to swim before taking you on the canoe," Sweetie Belle confessed. "We forgot."

"What do you think about learning how to swim? You seem to quite like it. Can you describe why?" Skylight asked, treading water in her scuba diving suit next to Sandbar.

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@Skylight Scintillate


"Well you're learning about Equestria right now!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "It's a place where all ponies can live together in harmony, no matter who they are or what abilities they have! There are so many different cities in Equestria, and they each have something that makes that place unique. Like, Canterlot is our capital, and it's so fancy. That's why my sister Rarity is obcessed with it all the time. And then we have..."

"This is what I have been waiting for to find, and that's why I...ran away so I could find a better place to be." Lazulia said with a small smile as she looked into Sweetie Belle's eyes. "I decided to move to Ponyville because I heard that's where the action happens and it's a nice small town - and not a huge city like where I came from." Lazulia added.


"I don't think it's sad. I think that the water is very mysterious with how dark blue it is..." Apple Bloom responded leaning over the side of the canoe to stare into the lake.

"Well I don't think it's that mysterious once you dive under the surface. It's actually quite cool," Sandbar responded. 

Lazulia would look up at Apple Bloom from the water as she was in the water beside the canoe. "Yeah it is kinda cool...quite literally." she said, enjoying the temperature of the water as well. Lazulia really blended in well because of how blue she was. Looking up at them with her grey eyes.


"I know, right? It's so refreshing. Nothing's quite like taking a dip in the lake to get that energy flowing. Now that you know how to swim, you are able to do activities on the water more safely," Sandbar replied, glancing at the CMCs and causing them to blush. 

"Yeah we should have asked if you knew how to swim before taking you on the canoe," Sweetie Belle confessed. "We forgot."

"What do you think about learning how to swim? You seem to quite like it. Can you describe why?" Skylight asked, treading water in her scuba diving suit next to Sandbar.

Lazulia would blush slightly at Sweetie Belle's comment there. "Oh its alright, I wouldn't expect anyone to know I didn't know how to swim." she said and moved around a bit in the water, enjoying the way it felt. Lazulia would then look over to Skylight who was wearing her scuba suit, "It's something I haven't experienced before, it feels really interesting."

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@Props Valroa 

10 hours ago, Lazulia said:

"This is what I have been waiting for to find, and that's why I...ran away so I could find a better place to be." Lazulia said with a small smile as she looked into Sweetie Belle's eyes. "I decided to move to Ponyville because I heard that's where the action happens and it's a nice small town - and not a huge city like where I came from." Lazulia added.

"Hmm, yeah small towns are nice too. You get to know everypony quite well. It sounds like you don't like large crowds or interacting with a lot of ponies?" Sweetie Belle pulled out the big scroll of potential cutie mark ideas again to cross out some entries.

10 hours ago, Lazulia said:

Lazulia would look up at Apple Bloom from the water as she was in the water beside the canoe. "Yeah it is kinda cool...quite literally." she said, enjoying the temperature of the water as well. Lazulia really blended in well because of how blue she was. Looking up at them with her grey eyes.

Lazulia would blush slightly at Sweetie Belle's comment there. "Oh its alright, I wouldn't expect anyone to know I didn't know how to swim." she said and moved around a bit in the water, enjoying the way it felt. Lazulia would then look over to Skylight who was wearing her scuba suit, "It's something I haven't experienced before, it feels really interesting."

"Yeah, swimming is cool, dude. And you get to do so many things on the water, like surfing and scuba diving. The water, it surrounds you, and you can feel it on you as you move," Sandbar described as he casually swam back and forth in front of Lazulia. 

After teaching Lazulia swimming for a bit, everypony decided that they were quite tired and that they should take a break. They climbed onto the shore, rested on the sand, and drank some juice Sandbar offered. 

"Phew, all this canoeing and swimming is exhausting!"Scootaloo remakred.

"Sandbar, are you always here?" Apple Bloom asked. 

"Yeah dude, the beach, the water, teh waves, are just so me. Surfing these waves or scuba diving in this lake makes me feel so alive, you know," Sandbar replied, lying in the sand, enjoying the sun and sipping his juice. "What about you, Lazulia? What do you think of this lake?"

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@Skylight Scintillate


"Hmm, yeah small towns are nice too. You get to know everypony quite well. It sounds like you don't like large crowds or interacting with a lot of ponies?" Sweetie Belle pulled out the big scroll of potential cutie mark ideas again to cross out some entries.

"No I don't - for the reason being that there would be more chance that my mother would find out where I am and come here, to try to take me away..." Lazulia said, her brow furrowing slightly at that idea as if it was something she was very worried about.


"Yeah, swimming is cool, dude. And you get to do so many things on the water, like surfing and scuba diving. The water, it surrounds you, and you can feel it on you as you move," Sandbar described as he casually swam back and forth in front of Lazulia. 

After teaching Lazulia swimming for a bit, everypony decided that they were quite tired and that they should take a break. They climbed onto the shore, rested on the sand, and drank some juice Sandbar offered. 

"Phew, all this canoeing and swimming is exhausting!"Scootaloo remakred.

"Sandbar, are you always here?" Apple Bloom asked. 

"Yeah dude, the beach, the water, teh waves, are just so me. Surfing these waves or scuba diving in this lake makes me feel so alive, you know," Sandbar replied, lying in the sand, enjoying the sun and sipping his juice. "What about you, Lazulia? What do you think of this lake?"

After swimming around for a bit, Lazulia would also have gotten a bit tired from swimming. she'd climb back onto the sand and shake off her coat - water flinging everywhere from her coat. Her crystal coat shimmered slightly with the sunlight, giving quite a beautiful display in the Sunlight, then she'd walk over to where Sandbar and where the others were laying. She'd look to the juice as if she wanted some, but didn't ask out of fear that she would be intruding.

"It's a great lake, I mean, it's the only lake I've ever been to so I guess you can say I think it's the best one." Lazulia said, giggling a bit.

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@Props Valroa 

On 2023-11-10 at 7:24 PM, Lazulia said:

"No I don't - for the reason being that there would be more chance that my mother would find out where I am and come here, to try to take me away..." Lazulia said, her brow furrowing slightly at that idea as if it was something she was very worried about.

"I see," Sweetie Belle replied as she crossed out some entries on the list. "Well then, we'll switch some activities so you avoid large crowds."

On 2023-11-10 at 7:24 PM, Lazulia said:

@Skylight Scintillate

"No I don't - for the reason being that there would be more chance that my mother would find out where I am and come here, to try to take me away..." Lazulia said, her brow furrowing slightly at that idea as if it was something she was very worried about.

After swimming around for a bit, Lazulia would also have gotten a bit tired from swimming. she'd climb back onto the sand and shake off her coat - water flinging everywhere from her coat. Her crystal coat shimmered slightly with the sunlight, giving quite a beautiful display in the Sunlight, then she'd walk over to where Sandbar and where the others were laying. She'd look to the juice as if she wanted some, but didn't ask out of fear that she would be intruding.

"It's a great lake, I mean, it's the only lake I've ever been to so I guess you can say I think it's the best one." Lazulia said, giggling a bit.

Sandbar would notice Lazulia looking at the juice and offers her some.

"I mean, it is a really nice lake," Skylight replied, which everypony else agreed with. For several minutes, they just say their in silence, watching the lake and the forest around it while sipping their juice. That was when a rainbow-maned pegasus mare abruptly landed next to Scootaloo.

"Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo exclaimed, hugging Rainbow Dash's leg. 

"Hey squirt!" Rainbow Dash replied brohoofing everypony. "What's up?"

"We're helping somepony new find her cutie mark!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Cool!" Rainbow Dash replied. She turned to Lazulia.

"Hey there, I'm Rainbow Dash! Equestria's fastest Wonderbolt!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

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@Skylight Scintillate


Sandbar would notice Lazulia looking at the juice and offers her some.

"I mean, it is a really nice lake," Skylight replied, which everypony else agreed with. For several minutes, they just say their in silence, watching the lake and the forest around it while sipping their juice. That was when a rainbow-maned pegasus mare abruptly landed next to Scootaloo.

"Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo exclaimed, hugging Rainbow Dash's leg. 

"Hey squirt!" Rainbow Dash replied brohoofing everypony. "What's up?"

"We're helping somepony new find her cutie mark!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Cool!" Rainbow Dash replied. She turned to Lazulia.

"Hey there, I'm Rainbow Dash! Equestria's fastest Wonderbolt!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Lazulia would relax and look out into the waves of the lake. It was peaceful, and she enjoyed the taste of the juice. She was starting to really relax and calm down, looking out into the waves. No more did the water seem sad to her - it felt content, and calm. Just like how she was currently feeling. Lazulia was about to shut her eyes and almost fall asleep when she saw a pegasus suddenly land next to them.

This startled Lazulia somewhat, who jumped up suddenly from the sudden shock of the Pegasus landing right next to them. Though it was no real cause for concern, as it seemed like she already knew Scootaloo. 

Lazulia would look to Rainbow Dash and do an awkward hoof wave in greeting. "Oh uh, I'm Lazulia. It's nice to meet you." she said, and looked to Rainbow Dash, "What's a wonderbolt?" she asked, tilting her head to the side slightly. 

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@Props Valroa 

"Wait, you've never heard of the Wonderbolts!? They're only the coolest, most awesome elite flyers in all of Equestria! When the citizens of Equestria call for help, we answer! And we perform for crowds of hundreds!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, flying stunts over the lake. 

"Uuuhh, she's not from here," Scootaloo explained. 

The rest of the CMCs nodded. "Yeah, and she's missing her cutie mark too, so we're trying to help her find it,"

Sandbar, who was suntanning, turned to look at this commotion, and Skylight paused drinking her juice.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia blushed a little at Rainbow Dash, "Y-yeah I don't know anything about flying. The Crystal Empire doesn't really have Pegasi? There are Crystal Pegasi but they are very very rare - I've never seen one with my own eyes before." Lazulia said, wondering what Rainbow Dash would think about that. "Maybe there are some in the other Crystal Pony nations that everyone at home talks about."

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@Props Valroa 

"Hey, I can't fly either," Scootaloo admitted.

"Huh, now that you mention it, I don't think I have seen any crystal pegasi in the Crystal Empire. And I haven't heard of other crystal nations either. That is strange..." Rainbow Dash pondered. 

"So, Rainbow Dash, you're available to go skydiving with us tomorrow, right?" Scootaloo asked Rainbow Dash.

"Yup! I should be available right after I finish the weather duty! Anyways, I gotta go now!" Rainbow Dash replied before taking off. The rest of the group stayed around to watch the sunset over the lake and listen to the gentle sound of waves crashing. 

"Meet us at Sugarcube Corner tomorrow at sunrise for some skydiving?" Apple Bloom asked Lazulia.

On 2023-11-18 at 12:25 PM, Lazulia said:

Lazulia blushed a little at Rainbow Dash, "Y-yeah I don't know anything about flying. The Crystal Empire doesn't really have Pegasi? There are Crystal Pegasi but they are very very rare - I've never seen one with my own eyes before." Lazulia said, wondering what Rainbow Dash would think about that. "Maybe there are some in the other Crystal Pony nations that everyone at home talks about."

"Uuh, what do you mean other crystal nations?" Skylight asked.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia didn't have much to say to Rainbow Dash as it seemed like she was in a hurry. Rainbow Dash seemed like an odd, over-confident and prismatic mare. Not that Lazulia was judging her, it was just the impression that she left. The idea of pegasi flying around was something that Lazulia never really thought about as there weren't really any when she was growing up.

Lazulia then looks to Apple Bloom with a puzzled expression. "Skydiving? What is that?" Lazulia asked her, as there weren't any Pegasi in the Crystal Empire - the idea of flight or flight related activities was something that never really crossed her mind.

Then to Skylight's question, she would proceed to answer. "You don't know about them? Well, the Empire used to be huge, covering over the whole map of Northern Equestria..." Lazulia said and pulled out a book from her saddlebag and flipped to a page, detailing a map showing the Crystal Empire taking up the entire North of the continent, stretching from sea to sea. "Then after the Capital vanished, there were many who were loyal to King Sombra, and the Empire itself collapsed. Many Crystal Ponies who agreed with his views would exile themselves all the way to the far Northwest of the world, forming the three sister nations of Laziomare, Franzington, and Carisle...the three of them aren't really about King Sombra anymore, and just want to do their own thing - but still desire to see the Crystal Empire re-united as one." she said, flipping to another page that showed the modern map with the three nations on the map as well.

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@Props Valroa 

On 2023-11-20 at 7:51 PM, Lazulia said:

Lazulia then looks to Apple Bloom with a puzzled expression. "Skydiving? What is that?" Lazulia asked her, as there weren't any Pegasi in the Crystal Empire - the idea of flight or flight related activities was something that never really crossed her mind.

"Oh my gosh, it's so cool! It's when you jump out of a hot air balloon and fall to the ground very quickly! Then at the last minute, you pull your parachute and softly land! And there's the wind in your mane! It's so awesome!" Scootaloo described, gesturing wildly with every action.

On 2023-11-20 at 7:51 PM, Lazulia said:

Then to Skylight's question, she would proceed to answer. "You don't know about them? Well, the Empire used to be huge, covering over the whole map of Northern Equestria..." Lazulia said and pulled out a book from her saddlebag and flipped to a page, detailing a map showing the Crystal Empire taking up the entire North of the continent, stretching from sea to sea. "Then after the Capital vanished, there were many who were loyal to King Sombra, and the Empire itself collapsed. Many Crystal Ponies who agreed with his views would exile themselves all the way to the far Northwest of the world, forming the three sister nations of Laziomare, Franzington, and Carisle...the three of them aren't really about King Sombra anymore, and just want to do their own thing - but still desire to see the Crystal Empire re-united as one." she said, flipping to another page that showed the modern map with the three nations on the map as well.

"Woah, Miss Cheerilee never showed this in her geography class! Everything looks so different!" Sweetie Belle remarked, glancing all over the maps. 

"Huh, I never heard about this history of the Crystal Empire before. This is quite fascinating..." Skylight pondered. If Lazulia had nothing else to say, the group would head home, then meet up at Sugarcube Corner to do sky diving the next morning.

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@Skylight Scintillate


"Oh my gosh, it's so cool! It's when you jump out of a hot air balloon and fall to the ground very quickly! Then at the last minute, you pull your parachute and softly land! And there's the wind in your mane! It's so awesome!" Scootaloo described, gesturing wildly with every action.

Lazulia looked to Scootaloo with a slightly bewildered, but oddly curious expression. "...That sounds exciting. We can do that - just uh...gotta make sure the parachutes are safe of course." Lazulia said, finding herself very nervous at the sound of that - but if these fillies could do it, so could her.


"Woah, Miss Cheerilee never showed this in her geography class! Everything looks so different!" Sweetie Belle remarked, glancing all over the maps. 

"Huh, I never heard about this history of the Crystal Empire before. This is quite fascinating..." Skylight pondered. If Lazulia had nothing else to say, the group would head home, then meet up at Sugarcube Corner to do sky diving the next morning.

Lazulia looked to them closely. "Well, you've never heard of it because Equestria likes keeping it's secrets..." she said to Skylight and Lazulia thoughtfully. "My mother always told me something, about Equestria, is that it is designed in such a way that ponies live comfortable lives - without knowing much about the world..." she thought further, but didn't know where else to go with that line of thought.

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@Props Valroa 

The next day, just before sunrise, the CMCs were already waiting at Sugarcube Corner. As soon as Lazulia and Skylight showed up, they would rush the pair over to a hot air balloon, where they prepared for the skydive. A mare could be seen preparing the hot air balloon for the accent, but Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh my gosh, are you excited? I'm so excited! I love skydiving!" Scootaloo exclaimed, jumping up and down while buzzing her wings.

"Come on, we have to prepare," Apple Bloom replied as she loaded the basket with the equipment needed before climbing in herself.

"Say, where's Rainbow Dash," Sweetie Belle asked.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia would awaken from her bed and get ready for the day. It had been a few days of living in Ponyville and she felt rather excited at the prospect of having something new to do in town. She'd eventually show up in the morning shortly after sunrise and see the large hot air balloon. Her innocent eyes looked at it's impressive size with a sense of astonishment. "That looks...so cool. It's so big." Lazulia said, looking to the CMC and greeting them. "Are we ready to go?" she asked.

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@Props Valroa 

"Yup, we got everything!" Apple Bloom replied, sticking her head out from the basket.

"Except Rainbow Dash..." Scootaloo moped. It was at that moment Rainbow Dash nearly plowed into Lazulia.

"I'm here! I'm here!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, skidding to a stop. She threw her things into the basket, but opted to hover next to it instead of climbing in.

"Yay, you made it!" Scootaloo lept up to hug Rainbow Dash. 

"Well then, let's go! It's not going to be a sunrise skydive if we wait much longer!" Radiant Glider, the hot air balloon pony exclaimed, climbing in with the rest of the ponies.

Soon enough, the hot air balloon was rising over Ponyville. There was a slight dawn dew in the air, and it felt refreshing.

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@Skylight Scintillate

Lazulia would jump suddenly as Rainbow Dash almost ran into her, she made a cute little "Eeep" sound and was shaking a little bit, but would compose herself to get into the basket along with the others, she would look to Rainbow Dash curiously, wondering why she didn't get in the hot air balloon. Lazulia stood and looked out at Ponyville as the balloon rose higher into the air. "This is already the highest I've ever been." she spoke, not even 30 seconds after the Balloon took off the ground. She almost seemed like a filly who was seeing something for the first time - and she was.

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@Props Valroa 

For Skylight, while this wasn't the first time skydiving, it didn't feel any less exciting. There was something magical about gradually floating into the air and the way Ponyville looked different from above as the sunrise cast long shadows over the town buildings. She could see many of the townponies gradually waking up and going about their day. With this view, she could almost understand why some pegasi (like Rainbow Dash) would be obsessed with flying. 

"You're not going to join us in the basket?" Sweetie Belle asked Rainbow Dash, who was flying next to the basket as it gradually gained altitude.

"Nah, it doesn't feel right to just sit around. I start to feel sleepy or antsy when I do," Rainbow Dash replied. After several minutes, the hot air balloon started to pass some clouds, and Skylight could barely make out the ponies on the ground without the help of magic. That was when the rest of the ponies strapped on their parachutes, and Rainbow Dash grabbed her things from the basket.

"You ready?" Apple Bloom asked Skylight and Lazulia.

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