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New Pegas, A Fallout: New Vegas inspired RP

Illiad Easle

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@GeneralDirection @Props Valroa @14Fan @StrawberryMilk Simp @Jesse Terrence

OOC Link: https://mlpforums.com/topic/200519-new-pegas-a-fallout-new-vegas-inspired-rp/


War, we thought we knew what it meant.

When the spawn of Tartarus ravaged Equis, and the world was covered in antimagical and thaumatological fallout, those who survived did so underground in Equestrian Stables or Trojan Vaults. When they opened, their inhabitants set out across the ruins of the old world to build new societies, establish villages, form herds. As decades passed, what had been the southern Mild West and San Palomino Desert united beneath the flag of the New Lunar Republic, dedicated to the principles of the old Trojan Empire, being democracy and common rule. As the republic grew, so too did it's needs. Scouts spread north, seeking territory and resources among the ruins and wastes of the San Palomino Desert and Southern Equestria. They returned with tales of a city untouched by the forces who had ravaged the world, and a great access point to an untapped ley-line. The NLR mobilized its forces, sending them to occupy and develop this access point.

But to the east, another nation had risen, under a different flag, a vast army of slaves, forged from the conquest of 86 herds, Discord's Legion.

Four years have passed since the NLR held the access point, barely, against the Legion's onslaught, driving them back to their stronghold in the Midnight Castle. To the west they wait, gaining strength with each passing week.

From the north now comes another force. Scouts, claiming to be from the Solar Empire, have been seen by the NLR, and captured by the Legion. The Empire claims that it is the rightful heir to Equestria, and by extension the access point and the city.

Throughout it all, New Pegas has remained open for business, under the control of its mysterious overseer, Grey Mane, the casino heads, and his army of recivilized herds and minotaur golems.



Nebel and his sister Nightfall grew up in Stable 21. Compared to the tales of the experiments performed in other Stables, the residents considered themselves lucky that they had only been subject to a system where everyone was considered equal, and all disputes were decided by gambling. Stable 21 was situated near the center of the New Pegas Strip, it had been five years since the Casino Heads, who collaboratively run the strip and the city above, offered a proposition to the stable residents: Leave the stable to work and live in the city above. The stable residents had been divided on this issue, and so it was decided by gambling, and luck favored those in favor of the heads' proposition.

Most of the lower residential levels of the Stable were filled in to discourage those not in favor from remaining, many of them moving to other settlements outside the strip. Some residential areas remained intact to serve as a motel, as well as to allow the families with younger foals to retain stability until they were ready to move out.

Today, the casino heads sent down a new proposition, they had a job they needed completing, and given the size of the reward those still in the stable decided to let the wheel decide who would accept it, the lot landing on Nebel, who was now approaching the Top Suits, one of the four major casinos, to receive more information on the job.

Nebel had never spent much time outside the Stable before, and the strip was crowded with more ponies and creatures than he had ever seen in one place before. The sun was high and the heat was bearable, if only barely, it was a far cry from his air conditioned room in the stable.

Entering the Top Suits he was immediately led to Mr. House, the owner of the Top Suits and one of the casino heads, 's office. Mr. House was an old albino thestral who wore sunglasses even in the dimly lit and sparcely decorated room. "So, you're the one they sent? I would have preferred someone a bit more experienced, but I'm not going to argue with your Stable's customs." He passed over a paper, "This is for your eyes only. One of our couriers was ambushed, they were carrying something very important and we think it was an inside job. We need you to try and figure out who did it, and if at all possible recover the package. If you figure out who did it you'll get your promised reward, plus a bonus if you manage to bring them in dead or alive. There is a further bonus if you can recover the package."

The paper itself listed what Mr. House had said, plus some details about the courier, a female earth pony called Red, and that the courier was likely ambushed between Prime and Sweetwater to the north east of New Pegas.

That being said, Mr. House nodded, "Any questions?"


@Props Valroa

When the first reports of war came in, and scrying spells indicated that total destruction was inevitable, Empress Cadenza, little more than a puppet ruler under Equestria at that point, went against her Equestrian orders and moved to save her citizens, freezing the whole city under a thick layer of enchanted ice to preserve everyone until the war ended. However, the antimagical weapons, while they failed to destroy the city, caused the enchantment to weaken and fail, turning the enchanted ice to normal ice in patches and killing those frozen within.

Hundreds of years later, a research expedition from the floating city called the Æther started to thaw out sections of the city in the hopes of recovering artifacts and technology lost to time. They found Carnelian adequately preserved by a small amount of the remaining enchantment, and were able to revive her. They were not in the business of taking on refugees though, so once it became clear that she had nothing to offer them in terms of information they took her with them as far as New Pegas, and gave her an objective as well as a small amount of supplies.

Standing at the gate of the former airport that they had established a base in under the cover of the floating cloud city, one of the Æther scientists told her, "I'm sorry we don't have the resources to keep you, but I tell you what, the records we've found indicate that a disk of pure minostralium, engraved with some especially advanced runes, was supposed to be delivered to Las Pegasus from Canterlot but never arrived. If you were to recover it and bring it back, I'm sure they'd be willing to let you stay."

The surrounding area was barren, the remains of a nearby town lay to the south, and she knew that the rail line connecting Las Pegasus to Canterlot was to the East.



The Stable that Empire Jack grew up in had been taken over by the Solar Empire before he was born, so he never learned about nor experienced the experiment the stable was intended for. Growing up under the Solar Empire he was taught that his lineage, being descended from the element of honesty Applejack, made him special, superior to those who did not share his lineage. As such he was trained to be a scout and chosen to be part of their expedition to the southern reaches of Equestria with the goal of restoring order to the wasteland.

The Solar Empire had set up a forward base where the Canterlot-Las Pegasus rail line passed through the mountains into the valley, a defensible position on the pass, and it was from there that Empire and his trainer were sent out to scout the area, seeking in particular a courier they had been tailing, suspecting that the package they carried held something valuable to the SE.

Their expedition would quickly go awry, as Empire's trainer would go missing while Empire was doing some areal reconnaissance. He would land to find signs of a struggle, and the dead body of an earth pony dressed in the garb of Discord's legion.

To be honest, Empire had never really liked his trainer, they had only recently met and he didn't even know his name. Ambushes were common out here so it wasn't like command would think twice about him returning and saying his trainer had been ambushed and he was lucky to get away.

He could head back to the outpost and report it, or just radio it in, or he could try and find where the legion had taken his trainer. There was a trail of blood that led towards the city in the distance.


@StrawberryMilk Simp

Kuya woke up in a cell, stone walls and iron bars surrounding him, with no indication as to how he had gotten there. Once he started to stir a pair of guards arrived, holding him still with magic to bring him out of his cell, winding through the castle dungeons until he was brought to some sort of throne room where a light grey unicorn stallion with what looked like a gold plated horn sat, "Ah, there he is. It took quite a lot of effort to bring you here you know? What remains to see is if it was worth it. Release him."

Kuya was dropped from the magic, the unicorn continued, "I am Sawbones, chosen by Discord to purge this land of the weak, and should you chose to help me accomplish this goal, you will be rewarded with power beyond your comprehension."

He leaned forward in his seat, "Do we have a deal?"

The throne room had no shortage of guards, all of them wielding sharp weapons of various kinds, and all of them in peak physical condition.


@Jesse Terrence

Red woke up with a splitting headache, she couldn't remember much about the previous night, but as she focused she remembered glimpses. A unicorn stallion in a checkered suit, a gryphon and a diamond dog, the unicorn was blabbing something about luck. He took the package she was supposed to deliver, then BANG.

As she started to rise from the bed a voice called out, "Woah, easy there, you've been out cold a couple-a days now. Was starting to think you wouldn't make it." As her vision focused she saw the elderly earth pony stallion approach, "I had to go rooten around in your noggin there to get all the bits of bullet out. I think I got them all, but can you say something? How about a name?"

He pulled over a mirror for Red to examine herself, if she looked at her forehead there was a scar, right where her horn would be if she were a unicorn, but it was faint, a testament to the doctor's skill.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

He would look around and head count and analyze his surroundings. Yup they're too many to count and to handle.

"Well it looks like saying no isn't the right answer here so thats a yes for me. No point in dying i always say."

He shrugged.

" About this power? Power is such a vague word. Wealth is power, knowledge is power. Muscle is power. Influence is power. So whats this power?" He asked.

Edited by StrawberryMilk Simp
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@Illiad Easle 
Empire, being the pony he is, followed the trail. But stopped to think about what could happen if it was a trap. But he was trained. He followed it for some time until eventually he decided to radio in what was going on. But to his inconvenience his radio was dead. And he didn’t know how to fix it

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@Illiad Easle

The midday sun beat down on Nebel as he walked along the strip. He had the unfortunate luck of having a dark grey coat, which only amplified the effects of the desert heat. What was a vault dweller doing out in the middle of New Pegas? Currently, Nebel didn’t really know. All he knew was that Mr. House had a job that needed to be done, and the lot had fallen on him to do it.

Once he arrived in Mr. Houses’ office, Nebel stood quietly as he absorbed the information he was being given while reading the piece of paper.

“This sounds rather… dangerous.” He responded after Mr. House finished speaking. “If somepony was ambushed, then this package is indeed very important. No doubt this pony is armed and expecting a fight, if I am to go up against them, I will need some sort of weapon of my own. Will one be provided for me?” He asks.

All the while, the fearful words and expressions of his younger sisters replayed over and over in his mind once they learned the news. Nightfall Horizon, the older of the two, was adamant about coming along, but there was no way he could allow that. If anything happened to her, he could never forgive himself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Props Valroa

(Extra Backstory Info)

During her admittedly short time on the Æther, Carnelian had been able to learn a bit about its history. According to the researchers who had been willing to answer her questions, the Æther was the result of an unprecedented secret collaboration between the researchers at Deep Science and the academics of Celestia's School to save the best and brightest of both cultures, resulting in a culture founded on the pursuit of knowledge above all else. At the present its director was known only as U.


On 2023-08-14 at 5:32 PM, Carnelian Clout said:

"So I am supposed to find this disk, despite having no real clue where it is...?" she narrowed her eyes. "I'll find it myself..." she muttered as she walked away, towards the east. Really at this point, she had no clue what she was doing or what her goals were beyond finding this disk. 

The scientist shrugged, "Well, you're not supposed to do anything. It's just an option, I hope you survive in any case."

Carnelian had been given a set of lightweight metal armor that was a prototype for some armor the Æther was working on. It offered good protection, but was a bit uncomfortable. They had also given her an old prototype laser rifle of Trojan design with some ammunition. The scientist had snuck her some surgomancy packs that were about to expire and would have been destroyed anyway, but were still perfectly good if not quite as potent as fresh ones, and she was able to gather some long metal rods from the ruined buildings of the airport that would serve as good throwing spears in a pinch. They had also given her a device that she could wear on her head and pull down to partially cover one eye that would display information about the area like where she was, map locations that she had marked, and where marked enemies were, as well as if it detected a concentration of thaumatological or antimagical residue nearby.


Traveling east, the terrain was barren for a distance. After some travel she'd see a small amount of smoke to the north, and a trail as though some large craft had crashed, to the south she'd see what looked like a farm, but the farm house itself was nothing more than a charred husk. Further east there was a fence with faded signs saying "Academic Research Area, Keep Out." There were plenty of gaps in the fence.


@StrawberryMilk Simp

Sawbones smiled, "I see, you are a higher caliber of pony than usual. In short, the power I offer is the power to change the world. In a sense it is all of the things that you mentioned. Whatever it is that you need to change the world, the Legion can provide. This power can only be wielded by those who are already powerful, or it would crush them. So it remains to be seen if you are strong enough to receive it."

His horn flashed and the doors behind Kuya opened, "Cursor Lucullus will fill you in and ensure that you are properly equipped before sending you off. If you return victorious you will be rewarded. You will not return otherwise."

An earth pony stallion approached from the open doorway, "Follow, there is much to discus and little time."


If Kuya followed he would first be fitted with some proper armor in the style he was familiar with, given a machete and some binoculars then shown a map of the local area. "We are here," He pointed to an island in the west. "Our scouts report that the Solar Empire dogs are seeking a golden relic here." He pointed to a marked line headed north/south on the east side of the map. "Your mission is to retrieve it first, and kill any of the weak who stand in your way."



(Extra Backstory Info)

The Solar Empire, as Empire had been taught growing up, had survived and thrived after the world ended through the efforts of one Princess Solaris, who rose to power after Celestia and Luna fell, and who kept the sun and moon moving ever since. These responsibilities kept her from moving around, so all of her edicts were passed through her loyal council, who were the only creatures to ever see her, though her likeness was distributed throughout the Empire.

She and the founders of the Solar Empire had survived in a Stable at the base of Canterlot Mountain, while the nobility of former Equestria had taken refuge in a Stable in Canterlot, which had been destroyed when Canterlot fell from its mountain.


Empire was able to follow the trail downhill until he could see some sort of building in the distance. It looked like it was inhabited by some locals of the rougher variety. From what he had been told in training, many locals would attach Solar Empire citizens on sight, and he ought to be cautious. 

Still, with the spell launcher he had been issued he could attack from above, maybe take them out without being seen, or try to sneak closer.



(Extra Backstory Info)

Those who grew up in New Pegas knew that the central city was controlled by the four Heads. House, the albino thestral, managed the business and economics of the city, Host, an earth pony, was the public face, managing public appearances and events, Fortis & Potens, a pair of dragons, were the muscle, managing security for the city, and the fourth head, known only as the Cloud, who was never seen, managed logistics. Nothing entered or left the city in terms of good or creatures without the Cloud's stamp of approval.

Outside the city walls things were a bit less secure, plenty of creatures gathered for the protection of being nearby, but often fought amongst themselves for the resources and territory available outside. One group, made of the remnants of a changeling hive, actively worked to stabilize things outside the city, but often were little more than a small field hospital due to lack of supplies. Members often snuck into the city to ask for donations before being chased back out by city security.


On 2023-08-16 at 10:56 PM, Nebel said:

“This sounds rather… dangerous.” He responded after Mr. House finished speaking. “If somepony was ambushed, then this package is indeed very important. No doubt this pony is armed and expecting a fight, if I am to go up against them, I will need some sort of weapon of my own. Will one be provided for me?” He asks.

House nodded, "Again, you are not expected to fight this individual. We only need to know who it was. The rest is extra and will be compensated. We do have some equipment you can use, but the cost of it will come out of your reward."

Nebel was given the items listed in the ooc, priced at cost, so it wasn't like he could get it anywhere else for cheaper.

Once he was supplied, House continued, "Now, you best get moving, the longer you wait, the more likely the attacker is to escape."


If he didn't have anything else to ask, he would be escorted back out of the casino. As he had grown up in a Stable he had been given a hoof mounted computer that served as a map, as well as indicating the levels of dangerous contaminants in the local area. His map had been marked with the location of the settlements Prime and Sweetwater to the East, where they believed the Courier had been ambushed.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

He made sure the armor fitted to him was light and moves well with his body. Hed make some nimble movements to see if the armor would hinder him.

He'd play with the sword and easily controll the machete.

He would look at the map and plan his course.

" Seeing a map wont help if i dont know the proper distance of.... This places.

Can you chart me a course where i can rest? Villages i should head to and places i should be cautious? And if it is far... I think I'd need a lighter weapon than this. Do you have short swords?  Or any enchanted weapons? Daggers that can pierce through armor? Seeing that you are a powerful group... Surely you can spare some good weapons and food, right cursor lucollus? Did i say that right? Is it alright i call you by that name?" He asked the earth pony

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@Illiad Easle

Yes, but I wasn’t born yesterday, my target is not the only danger out there. The wilderness is infinitely more dangerous. Nebel thought to himself. House would provide him with equipment either way, which he gladly accepted. He would select a spell launcher, an armoured jumpsuit, four repair kits, and three surgomancy packs.

“Yes, understood. No further questions from me.” Nebel replies with a curt nod, before being escorted out of the casino.

With his direction set, and his supplies in his saddlebag, Nebel made his way through the city. Inside the walls, things were secure, so he could gallop along without worry. He would soon reach the gates and looked back for a few moments before proceeding forward. He had no idea what he may encounter out here, having never left the city before. He understood the seriousness of this mission, he may never come back to Stable 21. The unicorn did his best to push these thoughts out of his mind and focus on the task at hoof.

He would only make a few steps forward before a rustling sound caught his attention. His ears swiveled towards the source of the noise, a smaller creature attempting to hide behind some bushes a short distance from the road. He cautiously approached it, weapon at the ready, despite not really having any idea of how to use it. He slowly peeked behind it and was both relieved and annoyed by what he found behind it: his sister, Nightfall.

“What are you doing out here, Nightfall?” He asked in a low voice. “This is no place for a young filly. Do you have any idea how dangerous it is out here?”  

A pair of dark red eyes looked back at him. “Do you?” She countered.

Nebel closed his eyes and sighed. “You know what I have to do. You know the way our stable works, everything is decided through games of chance. It so happened that this time, I wasn’t so lucky. Now I have to go try and hunt somepony down. Or some creature, I suppose, I don’t really know. But that’s not the point, the point is you shouldn’t be here.”

“How far did you think you were gonna get without these?” Nightfall moved out of the bush to reveal a holstered talon gun, a canteen, and her own saddlebag, which she opened to reveal some food and binoculars inside.

“I would’ve figured something out.” He replied. “I’ve read lots of books about surviving in the wilderness. It won’t be easy, but I’m confident I…”

Nightfall rolled her eyes. “You, Middy, and your books. Books don’t tell you how to deal with the real world. Books are only useful if everything goes to plan.”

Nebel gave her an unimpressed look. “You’re twelve years old and you’re trying to lecture me on what the real world is like? What do you know about how the world works?”

“More than you.” She said softly. “I can count on one hoof how many times you’ve been outside of the stable. You need me. I’m not going anywhere.”

Nebel frowned, knowing how stubborn Nightfall was. She would argue with him into the night if that’s what it took. “I’m not approving of you coming with me, but if you insist on doing so, please be more careful. I heard you over here in this bush. You’re best to stick to the main road, anyway, it’s safer.” He explained as he led the way. “The further you go off the path, the greater your chance of tangling with some wild beast.”

Nightfall nodded her head in agreement. “Got it. So where are we headed?”

“House told me that the attacker was last seen somewhere between Primm and Sweetwater, so we should head in that direction and start looking for clues. Maybe ask around and see if anypony has knowledge of what happened.” Nebel answered, his response lacking confidence.

Nightfall sensed this, but given the situation, for once, didn’t have an argument to come back with.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Props Valroa

The trail of the wreckage led between some nearby hills, which meant that she could climb the hill to stay partially out of sight rather than just following the trail.

Once she got close enough she'd be able to see that the smoke wasn't from the crashed craft, but rather from a recently lit fire pit. There was a craft crashed there, and the markings looked vaguely equestrian with the sun motif, but it looked like it had been crashed there for some time.

It looked like a pony had taken refuge in the craft, and was currently stoking the fire, a number of damaged and broken golems around them. They were too far off to tell what allegiance they might hold, but their garb looked rough.

Carnelian had not been noticed yet.


@StrawberryMilk Simp

On 2023-08-25 at 4:51 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" Seeing a map wont help if i dont know the proper distance of.... This places.

Can you chart me a course where i can rest? Villages i should head to and places i should be cautious? And if it is far... I think I'd need a lighter weapon than this. Do you have short swords?  Or any enchanted weapons? Daggers that can pierce through armor? Seeing that you are a powerful group... Surely you can spare some good weapons and food, right cursor lucollus? Did i say that right? Is it alright i call you by that name?" He asked the earth pony

The Cursor sighed, clearly not impressed. "A strong warrior can make due with anything at their disposal. If we have to hold your hoof at every turn you're hardly fit for the Legion. We will give you better equipment if you manage to prove yourself, and no sooner. In regards to the territory..."

Lucollus quickly explained the scale and orientation of the map, then explained that while the Legion controlled a great deal of territory between the Gates and here, they were presently cut off to the west, and only kept this stronghold secured through a portal they had erected prior to being cut off. That being said, there were a few camps on the opposite shore that were safe, as well as roving bands of Legionnaires that he could turn to for aid. Beyond that, he would be on his own.

If He didn't have any other questions, the Cursor would lead him out of the fort to a dock, where he would float the pair across the bay to one of the camps that he had mentioned previously.

His map indicated that his goal was to the east, to the north east he could see what looked like a floating cloud city, and to the south east he could see the lights of what was likely a distant city. He could talk to those in the camp, and he would find them a bit more amicable than the Cursor had been.



On 2023-08-27 at 4:05 PM, GeneralDirection said:

He would only make a few steps forward before a rustling sound caught his attention. His ears swiveled towards the source of the noise, a smaller creature attempting to hide behind some bushes a short distance from the road. He cautiously approached it, weapon at the ready, despite not really having any idea of how to use it. He slowly peeked behind it and was both relieved and annoyed by what he found behind it: his sister, Nightfall.

Exiting the city walls the terrain was much rougher. The golem guards that patrolled looked more worn than the ones inside the walls, and the weapons they carried looked more deadly than the ones inside as well. These golems didn't pay the pair any attention as they left.

They would also be able to see some ponies and other creatures patrolling outside the walls, dressed in the sandy uniform of the NLR, they had seen some of them off duty at the casinos and other attractions inside the city. But neither Nebel nor Nightfall had learned much about them or their country yet.

Prime and Sweetwater were both to the North of the city, and Prime had a train station, so they'd be able to follow the rail line there simple enough.

They wouldn't be traveling for long before a fight would break out ahead of them, a group of roughly dressed creatures attacking some of the NLR soldiers from some nearby ruins, and the NLR soldiers fighting back. It wouldn't be safe to continue their path, so they could either help fight, or try and sneak around the fighting.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Empire made an attempt at sneaking closer to get a better look at the building and found a bush just big enough to hide him from sight and he got a clear shot of the building

”I don’t know who lives here but I don’t think they’re friendly”

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2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Cursor sighed, clearly not impressed. "A strong warrior can make due with anything at their disposal. If we have to hold your hoof at every turn you're hardly fit for the Legion. We will give you better equipment if you manage to prove yourself, and no sooner. In regards to the territory..."

"......" kuya judgingly stared at him.


" im just trying to be a quote unquote SMART warrior, WHICH you should be impressed. A strong warrior would just waste your resources and end up just dying out there. Which i guess the reason you got cut off." He pointed at the map

" im guessing they made a pincer maneuver? Well whatever they did it worked, thats for sure. I guess your strong warriors wasnt cut out for it? Maybe i am what you need in this, a Smart Warrior?" He bragged. But would check once in a while to see if he ended up pissing off the general. He's goal was to impress and not a beheading.

As per the weapon.

" can i have 4 daggers instead? Its small and lighter anyway. But if you guys are short on equipment, then im okay with my bare hooves. Just to prove to you that not only am i a smart warrior... im strong too."

3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

where he would float the pair across the bay

(.... im with someone?.... I'll just wait until he she communicate with kuya then.)

2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

His map indicated that his goal was to the east, to the north east he could see what looked like a floating cloud city, and to the south east he could see the lights of what was likely a distant city. He could talk to those in the camp, and he would find them a bit more amicable than the Cursor had been.

Judging by what he sees. It's much more easier to reach the distant city rather than the one floating above, for ha can't fly.

He prepares for the travel and tried to gain info from the ones who are camping.

" hello fellow travelers!"

He would try and ask about the two cities on the east, Casually.

Simple stuff like: how's your travel? What's it like there? Had any troubles in it? 

In return he'd give some stories and tales too in exchange, you know, to lighten things up and have a bit of fun. Lowering ones guard would make it easier to extract information, and would usually get more valuable info. And who knows? He might end up having a few friends here and there.

If all goes well and nothing too important to take note off, he'd prepare for his travel and leave at a time where its suited for traveling the desert.(probably at night where its not hot i guess? Depending on what info he gets.)

@Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle

Taking a moment to get his bearings, Nebel would notice that a rail line ran from here to Primm, so they could follow that for the majority of their journey and have little issue. Well, as little as they could expect for being out in the wilderness. A short time later, the two would encounter some NLR guards fighting off some sort of creatures attempting to attack them.

“Get down!” Nebel whispered to his sister, hiding behind a nearby rock. He didn’t want either of them to be noticed by the creatures, nor taking hits from any stray bullets. Of course, they recognized the NLR soldiers from back home, but the creatures, neither of them had a clue what they were. The sound of Nightfall’s voice would interrupt his thoughts.

“Maybe we could help them.” His sister suggested, peaking out from behind the rock for a moment. “We have guns, and we have cover. We can provide support for the soldiers.”

“I thought we were trying to be safe and survive. Now here you are trying to get us killed already.” Nebel replied, exasperated.

Nightfall rolled her eyes. “Sounds a whole lot like BORING to me.” She countered. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t intend to sit idly by and just let them be attacked by the monsters.” She peered back out from behind the rock and attempted to take some shots at the creatures.

Nebel opened his mouth to argue but found nothing came out. The vigilante in him couldn’t argue with a statement like that. He would also pull out his own weapon and attempt some shots at the fiends attacking the NLR soldiers.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Props Valroa

Despite her efforts to remain unseen, she didn't fully escape the notice of the pony sitting by the fire, who turned, weapon drawn, and started to look for her, "Who's there? Show yourself!" The pony seemed to just have a knife on them, which they held in their hoof. They were heading generally in Carnelian's direction, and would find her soon if she didn't manage to distract them. She could also shoot first and enter combat directly.

(Combat/avoiding detection will be dealt with in the OOC)


@StrawberryMilk Simp

On 2023-09-04 at 4:23 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

(.... im with someone?.... I'll just wait until he she communicate with kuya then.)

(I meant you and the Cursor)

Those at the camp were members of the legion, but they were less uptight about things than the Cursor was. Per his questions they would relate that their recent raid had gone well, and they had gathered some supplies from some Solar Empire Scouts. They even had a prisoner that they would be bringing up to the castle soon, motioning to a nearby tent.

Per the cities, they would comment, "That cloud city just showed up the other day, we haven't been able to get close to it or their base on the ground, so we're just observing for now. They seem to bolster their weakness with strange magics and inventions."

"That city over there is New Pegas, a blight on the land and a place where the weak prey on the strong. It will please Discord greatly to see it destroyed. The NLR are defending it though, along with many minotaur golems. It isn't safe to go there undisguised."

On 2023-09-04 at 4:23 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

If all goes well and nothing too important to take note off, he'd prepare for his travel and leave at a time where its suited for traveling the desert.(probably at night where its not hot i guess? Depending on what info he gets.)

Due to all the magical damage that the war had caused, the seasons didn't really ever change in the San Palomino Desert, it was stuck in a perpetual fall, so it wasn't ever too hot to travel in the day nor too cold to travel at night.

If he asked some of the camp to join him, only one of them, a younger one by the looks of it, would agree to follow him.



On 2023-09-09 at 1:19 PM, GeneralDirection said:

but the creatures,

Those attacking the guards were the regular sort of creatures they'd seen before, at least in terms of species, though they were mostly composed of diamond dogs and gryphons instead of the predominantly equine composition inside the city. They were rather roughly dressed though, their armor clearly made of whatever scrap they could piece together to get some form of protection. As ill equipped as they were, their numbers seemed to give them some advantage over the NLR guards.

On 2023-09-09 at 1:19 PM, GeneralDirection said:

He would also pull out his own weapon and attempt some shots at the fiends attacking the NLR soldiers.

At least until the two ponies joined the fight to help the NLR soldiers.

As the two were inexperienced with fighting, they weren't able to do more than get some stray hits in, but it was enough distraction for the NLR soldiers to turn the tide and force the raiders to retreat, the raiders only having lost two of their party, and the soldiers only being injured as a result.

Once the soldiers were sure that the raiders were gone they came over to where Nightfall and Nebel were taking cover, the leader of the trio speaking up, "Thanks for the assist, you two alright? This really isn't the sort of place to go out if you're not prepared."



The bushes in this area weren't all that great to hide behind, as many didn't have much in the way of foliage. The bush he was behind wouldn't hide him well for long, especially with one of the rough looking ponies patrolling the building. If Empire didn't do something soon, he would get spotted.

(Combat/evading detection in the OOC)

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"Wow! Surely with that you'd be handsomely rewarded right? What did you capture? A royalty? A high ranking officer? Someone influential i bet." Kuya casually talked.


As per him seeing someone would want to join. He'd probably interview the person first.

" i can see your determination. And am quite impressed. But we got to know each other well first to work properly as a team."

He then present his hoof for a shake.

" my names Kuya, and yours?"

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@Illiad Easle

As much as Nightfall liked to talk herself up, she wasn’t particularly effective in combat. Nebel wasn’t much help, either. At best, the pair put in a couple shots here and there. But the important thing was that they helped create a distraction, which bought the NLR soldiers some time to work the enemies down until they retreated.

“Well, we’re as ok as we can be, I guess.” Nebel replied to the leader.

He wasn’t sure how much information he should disclose about their mission, but on the other hoof, some transparency may yield them some additional support. He looked to Nightfall for a moment, who just shrugged in response.

“We’re on a mission. We’re from Las Pegas. I’ve been instructed to locate and identify an individual. They had a package that was important to the pony who gave me the task, so they would like it if I could bring it back to them as well. They were last seen heading in the direction of Primm and Sweetwater, so that’s where we’re headed.” He explained.


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  • 2 weeks later...

@Props Valroa

Moving out of cover proved to be less effective at intimidating the ruffian than she had hoped, getting scratched by the knife they threw as they fled, revealing that they were simply a distraction for an ambush. She manages to hit the ruffian with a few shots as she moves to the cover of the downed aircraft to regroup.

Inside the downed craft was a bit cramped, mostly filled with junk and three worn beds, seeming to correspond to the three ruffians now outside.

"Come on out! We'll be taking your stuff even if we have to peel it off of you."

Despite the confidence, they weren't approaching the craft, taking partial cover behind the damaged golems, giving Carnelian some good lines on them without exposing herself too much.


@StrawberryMilk Simp

On 2023-09-13 at 12:46 AM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

"Wow! Surely with that you'd be handsomely rewarded right? What did you capture? A royalty? A high ranking officer? Someone influential i bet." Kuya casually talked.

They snorted at that, "You think they send anyone important on patrols? No, this is just a scout. We're not holding him for ransom, just information, and when we're done, a warning."


On 2023-09-13 at 12:46 AM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" my names Kuya, and yours?"

The younger stallion would grip his hoof firmly, showing a surprising amount of strength for his young frame, "Otho."

Otho would wait to see what else Kuya had to say, it seemed clear from his demeanor that he was quiet out of respect.



The soldier that had been talking to them raised an eyebrow, "A missing package you say? I can't say I've heard anything about that, but I have heard that the rail line between here and Sweet Water is a bit..."

"Absolutely covered in dragons and faux-licorns." Another soldier interjected.

The first one shrugged, "Best if you took an alternate route. That's a pip-colt you've got there right? Here, I'll point something out on your map."

If Nebel allowed, the soldier would pull up the map and point out a smaller path to either side of the rail line, one shorter and one longer. The shorter one went through the canyons to the east, and the longer one went around the mountain to the west.

"The canyon path likely has some hostile wildlife, as well as reported Talons activity, but it's shorter. The longer path is safer, as it uses major roads, but again is longer."

"If you're fast or quiet enough, you could try running along the railway, it's the shortest but most dangerous route."

(I can give more information in OOC once you pick a direction or alternative action.)



Empire sneaked closer, partially hiding behind a bush to get a better look at who he was dealing with, a sickly looking earth pony stallion with a faint purple glow wielding some sort of ranged weapon.

His position is not very well hidden, and he will be spotted soon if he doesn't move.

  • Brohoof 1
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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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9 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

They snorted at that, "You think they send anyone important on patrols? No, this is just a scout. We're not holding him for ransom, just information, and when we're done, a warning."

"..... wait... that's it? I thought our side where ruthless warriors... i was expecting slavery as minimum punishment here." ( are these guys not the same faction as i?)

9 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

The younger stallion would grip his hoof firmly, showing a surprising amount of strength for his young frame, "Otho."

Otho would wait to see what else Kuya had to say, it seemed clear from his demeanor that he was quiet out of respect.

" nice Grip ya got there!" He gave a wife smile.

" so, what made you want to join me? Surely a young stallion such as you has a goal? I might be willing to help you with that. You also want power?"

@Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle

Nebel nodded in agreement, celebrating internally that they were able to get more information from the soldiers. He took note of the different routes they suggested on his pip-colt.  

 “I think our best bet would be to stick to the main road going around the mountains.” Nebel decided after hearing his options. “Though it may be the longest option, the relative safety that it provides is worth the longer travel time.”

“I’m pretty sure I could handle the railway, I’m stealthy enough, and we’d get there quicker.” Nightfall argued.

Nebel shook his head. “Need I remind you of how you barely hit anything during this encounter? Even if you hit them, that small gun of yours would barely scratch the likes of a dragon.”

“You also hardly hit anything with yours.”

“I never claimed to be a good markspony, just good at surviving.” He remarked, ending the argument.

He returned his attention to the soldiers. “Thank you for your assistance. We’ll be taking the main road as I suggested. Unless there was something else, we’ll be on our way now.”

  • Brohoof 1


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Props Valroa

Unfortunately, Carnelian's unfamiliarity with her weapon made it difficult for her to hit her targets, especially when trying to focus on their small weak points, only managing to hit one of them, but luckily it seemed to convince that one to retreat.

The other two seemed a bit more determined, one of them getting a lucky shot on her that hit her in the whither. Luckily the armor she had been given wasn't entirely useless, as while she'd be sore for a bit afterwards, and it was dented at the joint reducing her flexibility, she'd be able to walk it off, assuming she made it out of this fight.

(Continue fight in OOC. If you want to just keep firing I can play that out, but if you want to change your strategy we can do that in the OOC)


@StrawberryMilk Simp

On 2023-09-26 at 4:30 AM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

"..... wait... that's it? I thought our side where ruthless warriors... i was expecting slavery as minimum punishment here." ( are these guys not the same faction as i?)

They looked surprised at that, "Slavery? There is no strength in being served by the weak. No, he will be killed, and his corpse displayed as a warning to the other weak ones."

(They are the same faction, but they are not a 1-1 mapping to Ceaser's Legion. Discord's Legion values Strength and Self Sufficiency.)

On 2023-09-26 at 4:30 AM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" so, what made you want to join me? Surely a young stallion such as you has a goal? I might be willing to help you with that. You also want power?"

Otho nodded, "In the Legion, one proves themselves by learning from those stronger than them. I hope to train under you so that one day I might best and surpass you." He pointed to the other two that Kuya had been speaking to before, "Those two gained power through subtlety and subterfuge. Stealth is not my strong suite, so I am stifled by their tutelage. You seem strong in a more traditional sense, hopefully one I can learn from."



The soldiers nodded, "Be safe out there." Before returning to their patrol route, heading back towards their camp.

Following the indicated direction to where they would be able to get onto the main road, they passed in front of the NLR base, the large deep blue banners hanging proudly from the walls of what had once been an airship docking station, before the war. The NLR banner bore a passing resemblance to the old Trojan banner, a crescent moon replacing the stars that once represented the central cities of the old Empire.

Neither Nebel nor Nightfall had had much exposure to Trojan or NLR history, having grown up in an Equestrian Stable and the NLR soldiers that came to stay in the motel weren't much for teaching young ponies about politics. So they didn't know much else about the significance of the banner or its symbolism.

Continuing on, they would pass the ruins of the outskirts of Las Pegasus, homes and small businesses that had been destroyed decades ago, and had been picked over dozens of times by scavengers. Many of them now homes for the strange and often hostile wildlife that had arisen.

After about an hour, if they didn't stop to see if they could find any missed salvage in the buildings, they would arrive at the main road, where a small trading post had been erected to sell food and water as well as a few wares to the travelers. There were a few different caravans stopped there that they could trade with, if they had brought money with them or were willing to trade some of what they had on them.

(We can do trades in the OOC if you want.)

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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3 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

They looked surprised at that, "Slavery? There is no strength in being served by the weak. No, he will be killed, and his corpse displayed as a warning to the other weak ones."

" hmmm ... might i suggest that you make the scout think he escaped? Then we follow him back to their base.... we get more from that right?" He schemed.


5 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

Otho nodded, "In the Legion, one proves themselves by learning from those stronger than them. I hope to train under you so that one day I might best and surpass you." He pointed to the other two that Kuya had been speaking to before, "Those two gained power through subtlety and subterfuge. Stealth is not my strong suite, so I am stifled by their tutelage. You seem strong in a more traditional sense, hopefully one I can learn from."

" strength huh... not good with stealth... i see...." he ponders.

Strength... what is it?... to me is no weakness....

even if you can lift a boulder 10 times your weight.... you are still weak.

for someone who cant even lift a blade but 10 times smarter than you can easily outsmart and beat you. Keep that in mind young one.

You are correct that i am strong in the traditional sense. But i still practice and learn the cunning ways of the assassin. Learn the ways of a wizard... so in that.... i learn how to defeat them.

Hence.... no weakness...

Tell me... if a simple mage would just lift you up.... you are already dead if you have no means to brake from its magical grasp."

" come with me. But not only in strength... but wisdom."

He puts out a hoof to shake the hands of Otho.

@Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle

Nebel nodded and thanked them again before they parted ways.

The two unicorns passed an NLR base. Aside from noting its existence, they didn’t really know much about it or the NLR itself. Later, they passed some ruins of houses that has been destroyed long ago. Nebel contemplated checking them out for anything of value, but due to the time-sensitive nature of their task, he felt it was best to keep moving. This would also give them a better chance of not being attacked by any creature who happened to be hiding in the old buildings.

Of course, Nightfall would make a comment about how Nebel was a wuss, and how she could take on anything that might be hiding out in the ruins. Nebel paid little attention to her boasting.  He had a job to do, and nothing was going to get in the way of that.

Later, they came across a trading camp. Unfortunately, neither of them had any money, nor anything of any notable value. The few supplies they had, they couldn’t afford to trade, as they needed them. Thanks to Nightfall, they had water and food, so they would be ok for a while.

“You’re not walking by this place too, are you?” Nightfall asked with an unimpressed look.

Nebel sighed. “We don’t have anything to trade. Unless you have more secrets hiding in your saddlebag…”

Nightfall facehooved. “No, you’re completely missing the point. Did you not see what happened the last time we talked to anypony? We got intel.” She wandered over to one of the stalls.

“Nightfall…” Nebel stopped himself, knowing there wasn’t anything he could do to change her mind, and followed her along.

“Hey there!” The unicorn filly looked up at the pony looking after the stand. “We’re looking for somepony who may have possibly passed through the area a few days ago. Are you willing to share if I give you some more details?” She asked.   

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Props Valroa

Carnelian tried to steady her aim, but even then these ruffians were not making it easy for her to kill them. Only doing glancing blows at best, and she was starting to exhaust her ammo supply.
Looking to make an escape she dug through the junk and discovered a second exit, unused as it faced the edge of the crash site, and thus the wall of the crater only about a width away. She was able to use this to her advantage though, climbing up the narrow gap to take cover on top of the craft, giving her a better view of the area.

She could now look down on her enemies, and could shoot them completely ignoring their cover from this angle. It seemed like they still thought she was in the craft, but were growing suspicious that no shots had been returned in a while, "What, run out of ammo already?"

One of them looked like they were about to leave their cover to investigate the craft closer.

From up here Carnelian could get to the top of the crash site crater easily, and sneak away undetected circling back to the west, where she had come from, to the east, where the academic test site was, or around behind the ruffians towards the ruined farmhouse she had seen earlier.


@StrawberryMilk Simp

On 2023-10-03 at 9:14 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" hmmm ... might i suggest that you make the scout think he escaped? Then we follow him back to their base.... we get more from that right?" He schemed.

They raised opposing eyebrows, before sharing a look. The two shook their heads before one turned back towards Kuya while the other turned towards the tent. The one looking at Kuya commented, "Perhaps you should leave this to us, the professionals, and you simply focus on your task." The other would then turn to follow the first, heading towards the tent where the captive was kept.


On 2023-10-03 at 9:14 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

Tell me... if a simple mage would just lift you up.... you are already dead if you have no means to brake from its magical grasp."

Otho nodded, "Yes, that is what the poultice of weakness is for." He looked in his bags, and pulled out a small pouch filled with a fine glowing purple dust. "You throw it at magic users, and it disables their magic. They can't grasp it, and once it's inside them they are easily dispatched."

He stowed it back away. "Those two taught me that it can be added to food and drink as a poison, but I was never stealthy enough to pull it off in practice. Some of the stronger ones in the Legion have this melded into their armor, protecting them from being lifted as you said, as well as from other magic."

(Since you just shook his hoof, it would be weird to shake it again.)

Otho looks off into the distance, "I think I would learn better seeing your strength in action, rather than theory. Shall we be off?"



On 2023-10-09 at 8:39 PM, Nebel said:

“Hey there!” The unicorn filly looked up at the pony looking after the stand. “We’re looking for somepony who may have possibly passed through the area a few days ago. Are you willing to share if I give you some more details?” She asked.   

Rather than a pony, a diamond dog popped up behind the counter when she approached, they cocked their head when asked a question. "Many a pony has come through here, though I can't say I pay too much attention to all of them. Not too many make a habit of passing through, and those that do pass through here often are the caravans and the soldiers, and they seldom stop here." The shrugged, "But maybe I did notice them, if there was something distinctive about them?"

(We can go back and forth in the OOC, so you don't have to wait so long to make progress through a dialogue tree.)

  • Brohoof 1
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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

They raised opposing eyebrows, before sharing a look. The two shook their heads before one turned back towards Kuya while the other turned towards the tent. The one looking at Kuya commented, "Perhaps you should leave this to us, the professionals, and you simply focus on your task." The other would then turn to follow the first, heading towards the tent where the captive was kept

 Curiosity peaked, he'd try to look inside the tent and see for himself whats really up. But if the ones guarding the tent was heavily and properly guarded he wont bother risking more suspicion on him.

1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

Otho nodded, "Yes, that is what the poultice of weakness is for." He looked in his bags, and pulled out a small pouch filled with a fine glowing purple dust. "You throw it at magic users, and it disables their magic. They can't grasp it, and once it's inside them they are easily dispatched."

He stowed it back away. "Those two taught me that it can be added to food and drink as a poison, but I was never stealthy enough to pull it off in practice. Some of the stronger ones in the Legion have this melded into their armor, protecting them from being lifted as you said, as well as from other magic."

(Since you just shook his hoof, it would be weird to shake it again.)

Otho looks off into the distance, "I think I would learn better seeing your strength in action, rather than theory. Shall we be off?"

" If you're ready then im ready. Lets go!"

He picked up his stuff with ease and lead the way to the next destination.

He looked at the map and headed to their  nearest destination towards their goal.

( i forgot what im suppose to do or get.)

@Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle

Nightfall looks back up at her brother for help. He sighs but recognizes the value of getting more information on the pony they were looking for.

 “We’re looking for a female earth pony that goes by the name of Red. She was headed northeast towards Sweetwater and Primm. She was ambushed somewhere in between there, and we’ve been tasked to find the pony responsible.” He explains to the diamond dog.


The diamond dog looked thoughtful, "Red... Reeeed..." They looked over their shoulder, "Hey Lobo, do we know a pony named Red?"

With a sigh a much larger diamond dog sat up, "Ummm..." he scratched his head, "Wasit that pony what does deliveries? Da special ones?"

The first diamond dog looked thoughtful, then nodded, "Yeah I think that's right." They turned back towards the ponies, "Haven't seen them in a while though, they only passed through when they had something to deliver, usually to the Armers whose set up shop underneath the bridge." They pointed to a nearby railway bridge with a cart set up in the shade beneath it. "But that makes sense if you're out looking for them. Prime has an office for the Pony Express, maybe someone there knows something more?"

They shrugged, "You have any leads on why they might have been ambushed? Or who might have been after them?"

Nebel makes a mental note to visit the Pony Express in Primm. “It’s as you say, she was a courier. I was not told what she was transporting, but clearly it was very important, whatever it was. I also was not told who ambushed her, that is what I am trying to figure out. Very well, thank you for the information, we shall be on our way now. Come on, Nightfall, let's go."

Once they left the trading camp, Nebel stopped and checked to ensure they were going the correct way.

"So, us stopping to ask those diamond dogs was helpful, wasn't it?" Nightfall asked with a bit of a smug grin.

"Yes, yes, they gave us a lead to explore about the Pony Express. I will admit that, in this case, it was helpful asking for information. But not everypony you ask out there is going to be so helpful. Some ponies have malicious intent and we could end up in grave danger." Nebel explains.

"You worry too much." Nightfall stated.

"You don't worry enough."

The two siblings continued on their way. Nebel would take great care to make sure they stuck to the main road in spite of all Nightfall's meandering.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Props Valroa

Carnelian was able to get around the ruffians and distance herself from the situation.

As carnelian approached the farmhouse, she saw that it had been burned down not long ago, the roof was gone, so it wouldn't provide much shelter. There were a pair of barns nearby, though they too were in a sorry state, and seemed to be occupied by what looked like cows, only... different. They were clearly malnourished for one thing, which was understandable given the lack of food growing in the area, and they didn't seem to have that intelligence that the cows in Equestria had had. 

If she investigated the burned farmhouse, she'd find a pair of graves just outside, and the charred corpse of what looked like a pony.

If she looked around more closely, she'd be able to find some pages that had survived the fire, seemingly from a journal.


The sequence of events was unclear, but it seemed like the diary owner had been a younger pony, whose parents had gone to a nearby town, Searchlight, for supplies, but hadn't returned after some time.

The pony had gone to look for them, and found that the town was infested with Spawn. They recovered their parents' bodies and buried them.

They pony seemed to think that the cows planned to take over the farm now that their parents were dead, so they decided to burn the place down.


@StrawberryMilk Simp

Following the road to the East, They would soon approach the ruins of a town called Searchlight, Otho would stop Kuya before they got too close, "Careful, this is Searchlight, it used to be a city for the NLR, their furthest north one, before some other members of the Legion managed to detonate an old Anti-magic bomb in the city." He would point to the glowing purple dust blowing about, "You don't want to breathe too much of that stuff in, it can cut off your magic completely, but if you can collect it you can make poultice of weakness from it."

There was some movement inside the city, shambling things moving about the buildings, "Also, a bunch of Spawn moved in. We might want to go around it, rather than through it."



As they headed north, they passed signs for Stable 11 and Boulder City, the former seemed to point to a cave opening, and the latter to the ruins of a city, though there was evidence of creatures living there and some structures still standing.

The would also pass the remains of what looked like a military convoy, symbols on it indicated it was Equestrian, pre-war. It seemed to have been headed towards the Stable before it was abandoned. They could see that some of the containers in there appeared intact, but were locked. They would have to try and pick them open if they wanted to see what was inside.

Further south, they passed a dried lake, in the middle of the lake there seemed to be a colony of giant ants, there were a few large ants presently fighting some wild feral dogs over some sort of carcass.

They would eventually encounter a service station building, it seemed to have some rougher types living out of it. If they weren't careful sneaking around it, they would be spotted and attacked.

In the distance, to the south west, there was a large tower-like structure, it seemed to glow like it was charged with magic.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

Following the road to the East, They would soon approach the ruins of a town called Searchlight, Otho would stop Kuya before they got too close, "Careful, this is Searchlight, it used to be a city for the NLR, their furthest north one, before some other members of the Legion managed to detonate an old Anti-magic bomb in the city." He would point to the glowing purple dust blowing about, "You don't want to breathe too much of that stuff in, it can cut off your magic completely, but if you can collect it you can make poultice of weakness

" i see.... Hmm."  He ponders.

" well i am an earthpony... We do have a bit of magic but i wonder how that'll affect me?" Kuya has a strong body and barely focuses on his earth pony magic side, and more on brute strength.

Would it just weaken his strength or make him completely useless?

"Otho, i said we need to be smart as well correct? One way is to learn, your weaknesses of yours and others. And also how to use that weakness."

He then approaches the purple mist and tried to grab it with a cloth as much as possible.

Then he proceeds to inhale the mist in small quantities.

" observe on what happens to me okay Otho. Learn from my mistakes."


If nothing major changes.

1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

There was some movement inside the city, shambling things moving about the buildings, "Also, a bunch of Spawn moved in. We might want to go around it, rather than through it."

" quite wise you are. We should do that. But we should make the radius of going around as small as possible. We dont want to take long on going around. Also id like to at least fight one of them... You know? For experience. How many can i fight off. Know their weakness. Their pattern and movements. How they think. And also can you handle fighting it?"

@Illiad Easle

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