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Chapter 5 Episode discussion


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Guys, use this to talk about Make Your Mark Chapter 5 and probably what you think based on the story timeline, is the next chapter really going to be the last with it's special just like FiM Season Finale (Season 9)


How are you all by the way my lovely people, friends, ponies - everyone 🥰🥰🥰

  • Brohoof 2
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I think it was the best chapter everything considered. The animation looks pleasant at this point and the story is pretty interesting. 

Misty had so much development it really puts everyone else to shame, she was clearly the main focus of the chapter. Opaline did very little so far, I thought her power from last chapter will mean more but apparently not, at least it seems that in the last episode she is actually doing something and has a plan going forward. I'm interested in what they will do with Posey, she had more focus in the last 2 episodes than she did after C1 combined by a country mile, good to see that she did not change much :P

Sunny still needs more development though, she barely got anything since chapter 2. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Yeah, I would love to see more Sunny in the future of new chapters - I would really be so disappointed to the whole Hasbro if they shutdown (end) MYM series very early. I don't want MYM to be the first and most shortest my little pony CGI generation in the history of my little pony development


And just as I said more times earlier on most places - Misty changed herself and she's officially a part of the mane 6


Just like we had mane 6 for G4, now we have for G5 - now it will have more sense to even see how every friendship magical element has been reborned in them and they are chosen one to protect Equestria and keep the magic of friendship to continue to grow (if they don't shutdown MYM earlier just like we had many informations about that)


Sunny Starscout is in G5 actually what Twilight Sparkle was in G4 (including it's role for Equestria in that time)

Pipp Petals is in G5 actually what Rarity was in G4 (including it's role for Equestria in that time)

Zipp Storm is in G5 actually what Rainbow Dash was in G4 (including it's role for Equestria in that time)

Izzy Moonbow is in G5 actually what Linkie Pie was in G4 (including it's role for Equestria in that time)

Hitch Trailblazer is in G5 actually what Fluttershy was in G4 (including it's role for Equestria in that time)

Misty Brightdawn is in G5 actually what Applejack was in G4 (including it's role for Equestria in that time) with some little modifications but as all other friendship elements are in the revolution of G5, their role always gets some changes but the base of those elements are from G4

And the last to not forget,

Sparky is in G5 actually what Spike was in G4 (including it's role for Equestria in that time)


That's my theory that was confirmed a long time ago and it's still valid



Of course I'm expecting more actions after this chapter that finally developed mane 6 as much it should be to be prepared for the battles with Opaline



So after all if Hasbro do what most people think they will do due to their reactions to the MYM, all this could end very soon before the MYM becomes the real story and maybe even more potential to be the main series



I hope they will not hurt us 🙏



There are still so much to explain but to not keep this comment more longer, I decided for others to thing and they will find the answers - it's very logical + MYM is more beautiful and more modern and for adults too than TYT 👀 (don't ask why) - and it's also longer 🥰🥰🥰

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They are really starting to find their stride with the animation.  It would be a great pity, if after getting this far that they just dump MYM after chapter six.  There was an, interesting ride from chapter 1 to here in animation, but it's getting there.  As for the chapter overall?  I enjoyed the episodes, as a whole. I like Misty, but Sweet Celestia, did the focus on her push the other 5 to back seats, and Sunny was already in the back seat from the other chapters!  The episodes were wholesome, I had my laughs, we made it with zero fart jokes, and I can admit it, I shed some liquid pride at the conclusion of episode 3 and 4.  I really want to say it's the best chapter yet, but well I leave a rant below if anypony wants to read it.  It is among the best chapters, and two great episodes high on my list.

And did we finally get our first real confirmed G4 descendant?  Elder Flower the great great great great great granddaughter of Moondancer?  Nice extra references to the stories of the Canterlot Wedding and Rarity's boutique. 


Alphabittle as Misty's dad.  Okay, like I said, they got the liquid pride from me.  However, once I recovered, something that has been a trickle of annoyance in the previous chapters has finally decided to release a flood on me.  We had this heartwarming reunion, it was amazing, we saw Misty's old home, got an episode of the two having to adjust to such a time gap, but I kept waiting.  And waiting and waiting for Misty to say two words.  "Where's mom?" 

It applies to all of them in this regard, in some form.  Sunny, no mom.  Hitch, no parents but maybe raised by Granma Figgy? Izzy, no parents at all.  Pipp and Zip, no father.  This one kinda bothers me the most.  We take many trips to Zephyr Heights Castle and there is truly not a single picture among the dozens of Queen Haven and the girls, but not one with the pony that fathered their beloved princesses?  I know, I know this is a common trope in children cartoons.  But really?  Not even a tiny bit for world building?  I just seems lazy.  G4 did it just fine.  The parents of the Mane Six were hardly in the show, most only appearing in a single episode, but we knew they existed.  We knew the Mane Six just didn't poof out of thin air.

This kinda lead to a second thought.  Is anypony in this G5 married?  Do we have any confirmed?  Maybe they moved away from marriage, which is fine, but what about couples?  Just Alphabittle and Queen Haven?  These seem like small things, but for me, it really chips away at the world building.

Last bit of rant.  Misty and Izzy are about the same age, likely.  Izzy has lived in Bridlewood all her life and we've seen it isn't the biggest place in Equestria.  Looks smaller than Ponyville really.  She wasn't part of a search party for a missing filly?  Or at least know about all the adults looking for Misty.  Or in all the times she's been to the Crystal Tea House... hasn't noticed a picture of Misty sitting on the back counter among all the other trophies?  Alphabittle really keep that much of a secret that he had a daughter, named Misty, from everypony in Bridlewood and Izzy never heard about it?

I don't blame the chapter as a whole, it is just receiving the rant from some built up annoyances with MYM.


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Just finished watching every episode and I can confidently say that this chapter wasn't as good as the last...but only slightly. Chapter 4, that was a hard one to top, and just like with Chapter 4, every episode was far above average to me. Of course, I loved all the development our favorite show stealer Misty got, world development's coming along good as always (at least to me), and every joke at least made me smile. It's such a shame this chapter's structure isn't like Chapter 4's, the main reason why it has a slightly less powerful smack to me, not having a special or a big finale episode to make me really feel that oomph. Like...you can't expect me to believe we only have three episodes and a special after this. This...doesn't feel like the coming end at all. 

I'll review things in more spoiler-y detail in a full review of every episode, but I will spoil something that I loved so much that I just have to say it now...


Opaline finally showing up in Maretime Bay is what SOLD this chapter! :coolandhip:

EDIT: That full review is up now. 


Edited by Misty Shadow
  • Brohoof 1


Comet's still best boi. <3

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In general I'd say that this chapter was solid. It wasn't as good as chapter 4, but it was still much more enjoyable than the disappointing first three chapters. One thing in particular that I noticed about chapter 5 was how much the animation has improved since chapter 1. Not only do the character models look less plastic and more like they did in the movie, but also the characters' movements are very smooth and well animated. Another aspect that has improved a lot since chapter 1 is the writing. While it's still not the level of G4s writing, there are some genuinely some funny and heartfelt moments in this show now, and the characters themselves actually have some personality. Now, my main complaint with this chapter is its length. While it's still three times the length of chapters 1 and 3, it feels a bit short when compared to the previous chapter. In addition to that, 4 of this season's 6 episodes are heavily focused around Misty. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big Misty fan, but I feel like there could've been more variety with these episodes. Still, I'm glad that this chapter is closer in quality to chapter 4 than to the first three chapters.

  • Brohoof 1

"Here we are, don't turn away now, We are the warriors that built this town" - Imagine Dragons

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Wow, sorry I'm so late to the party.  I've finally watched the first episode of Chapter 5, and...yeah, in some respects it's a huge improvement on what came before, though in others it highlights fundamental flaws with G5 that will likely never be fixed.  Still, credit where it is due, and G5 certainly needed a boost in quality so I'll take what I can get.  The songs aren't background pop at least, even though they're the same bubblegum pop as 90% of G5's OST, but at least the second one is almost on par with the least exciting EQG songs...almost.  The harmonies still need work, and G5 songs could do with some better lyrical composition.  I think the show is trying a bit too hard to instill the feels to cover for deficits in writing quality...but at least Misty makes the best subject for such a song, as she's clearly the most developed character so far.  I'm ok with her taking over from Zipp as mane pony.  

G5's team clearly doesn't understand what cutie marks are supposed to be, and boils it down to personality or things somepony is good at rather than destiny, but they still managed to make it work with half of the Mane Six's backstories, so...I guess they narrowly avoided an F in that category, which is...definitely better than I was expecting.  I do kind of like how cute the cutie mark event is, and totally understand how Misty feels being the oldest in a situation like that.  I'll just ignore that the writers clearly wanted an excuse to write Hitch out of most of the events, as they also had an excuse to write Sparky out of all of it, which makes the episode many times better IMHO.

Opaline is definitely one of the best things in this episode, with the whole fake-out of her not actually looking for Misty, then taking forever to finally notice Misty's absence, only to chalk it up to her being in her room for days on end and not actually caring.  Most of all though, I'm actually reasonably intrigued by where this chapter is going, with Misty wanting to play double-agent.  I know things are going to build up to a final confrontation with Opaline, but I don't know how they're going to get there as of yet, which is more mystery and intrigue than we've had so far.  All in all, not the worst start.  I wonder how long this chapter can go before disappointing me?  

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I don't know if I should do this episode by episode, but episode 2 still has me invested by virtue of having enough mystery and intrigue.  I'm not sure how I feel about G5 seemingly having no middle ground between nothing of note happening, and in-your-face plot, but as MYM is building up to its climax, I can excuse its clearly intense effort to try and hook me with flashy visuals and mysticism.  The Breezies are...fine, I guess.  Not a bad interpretation of them or their town IMHO.

I usually like that Zipp is hyperfocused on things that could be a danger to Equestria, especially since the majority of her friends...aren't.  However, here I think that quirk of her's is played up a little too much, to the point where she comes across as a real jerk.  Am I a jerk for preferring sick Sparky to healthy Sparky by virtue of him not getting up to shenanigans when he doesn't have the energy for it?  I guess Sparky really is still 90% of Hitch's character, but at least his intense focus on Sparky's well-being is warranted here.  I can't decide if Izzy is endearing here, or still annoying, or whether Sunny is still a cardboard cutout, or reasonably likeable for a change.  

All in all though...I was expecting to be let down by now, so things are going better than expected so far.  I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what happens next.  

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I'm going to go into a little more depth on the episodes of chapter 5.

Starting with the first episode, there were some funny moments in there, but I thought there were also some stupid things in there too. Cutie marks really just don't make sense in this generation, and this episode highlights that. They went from being based on talent to being whatever the writers feel like for each character. For instance, Pipp's, Zipp's, and Izzy's cutie marks make sense given each of their special talents, but then Sunny's and Hitch's don't really make sense. It's like they were trying to make them how they were in G4, but then missed a few key details in the process. The other big thing that irritates me about this episode is the random thunderstorm sub-plot. Going into this episode, I thought they were finally going to give pegasi their weather magic from G4. Why else would there be this sub-plot about a big storm in Zephyr Heights? Well, apparently that wasn't the case, and the writers just came up with some random thing to fill up the episode's runtime. Given how awesome pegasus weather magic was in G4, it's disappointing that they haven't brought it back into G5 yet.

Next I'm going to lump the two parts of Family Trees together. Overall they were solid episodes that lead to an interesting reveal (that was unfortunately spoiled for me beforehand). I think that the breezies were and interesting thing to bring back from G4, and they did it well for the most part. I just miss their accents from G4. Another thing is that the Island of Scaley looks very different from the Dragonlands of G4

The next episode was nice story that had a lot of development between Misty and Alphabittle. I don't really have much more to say about that part of the episode, but the sub-plot opened up a lot of questions as far as lore is concerned. Was Elderflower actually around before the ponies separated, or does she just have access to the memories of her ancestors? What about her mention of Moon Dancer? I haven't even got into the whole bat story. I wish Make Your Mark had more time to actually answer all these questions. 

"Mane Smellody" is an episode that exists. I like that Jazz Hooves got a lot of good screen-time in this episode, but other than that it's unnoteworthy. Also, it seems like every time Pipp interacts with the Bridlewood Forest something goes wrong.

Last, but definitely not least, is "Nightmare on Mane Street." This episode might be my favorite episode in the chapter for it's overall fun feel. Pipp trying to scare her friends back at the Crystal Brighthouse was funny to see, all the scenes with Jazz and Rocky were great, and Opaline's arrival in Maretime Bay was interesting. This was just a fun way to cap off the fifth chapter of Make Your Mark.

"Here we are, don't turn away now, We are the warriors that built this town" - Imagine Dragons

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Wow, a G5 episode that actually got me in the feels?  Not everything is perfect, such as the song not being quite as deep as it's trying to be, and the design of the empty dragon lands is a bit generic, but that moment when Misty met Alphabittle is heartfelt, and I'm even more intrigued by where this is all going.  I admit to having low expectations going in, but they're being exceeded so far.  G5 is still no FiM, but it's definitely improving.  

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Ok, wow, this chapter hasn't let me down yet!  This episode in particular is like a totally different show.  Where has this writing been all along?  Misty's time with Alphabittle reminds me somewhat of that Rarity and Sweetiebelle episode, but unlike many G5 episodes that go over similar story beats to G4 episodes, except not as well (and effectively make me wonder what the point of G5 is, if we already have a series that handled similar story beats and morals better), this episode actually manages to do things a bit differently, and maybe handles things even better than its G4 counterpart.  Such moments are rarer than a blue moon, but credit where it is due.  It helps that it's about two people who haven't seen each other in a long, long time reconnecting, and the daughter not only lacking memory of who she once was, but being a different filly now.  It makes sense that Misty can go live at the Rainbow Brighthouse with most of the others (I guess Hitch is still the odd colt out in that regard).  

This episode makes references to G4, but actually handles them in the way I wish all G4 references were, which is by directly mentioning names of either locations or ponies, but being just vague enough that it's unclear whether any of it is referring to what we're thinking of, or if it's just a case of the same names.  No more in-your-face, unambiguous G4 tie-ins, ok G5?  

All in all, here's an episode I actually have zero complaints about.  I guess even G5 can hit a home run at least once.  This has to be my favourite MYM episode at least!

Ok, there is one complaint, but it's less about the episode and more about the current state of G5.  Misty is now easily the best character, because she's the only one who's had a full arc, and has received nearly the same amount of character development.  It's basically the Misty show at this point, with the others along for the ride.  

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Apologies for hijacking this thread, but I do have to keep commenting, mostly because I fully expected this chapter to let me down by now, and turn back into the middling mixed-bag that everyone but me seems to be trying to make out to be better than it actually is, that chapters 1-4 have been.  As it stands though...chapter 5 continues to surprise me, in a good way.  This time around, we finally got something I've been wishing for from this series, for a long, long time!  Well, ok, we kind of did anyways, but I'll take it.  In any case, one thing (of many) that FiM will always have over G5 is that it can just star some ponies but not others and have an episode that focuses on one.  Ok, we did kind of get that earlier in MYM, but not only did the writing usually suck, but it had to tie into the overarching plot somehow. 

I think at least a good 80-90% of the reason why most of the G5 cast is underdeveloped is that they just can't have a 22 minute episode dedicated to them that doesn't tie into anything else.  G5 can have a more focused TYT episode, but that's a lot more limited in its storytelling capabilities, largely due to time constraints, so it really can't match what a 22 minute FiM episode gave us. 

Well, we finally got a one-off 22 minute episode...ok, we half got one, as only half of the episode is dedicated to Pipp's new hoof treatment, but I'll take it, as it's still a step forward from what we've had to date.  Technically it's more of a Jazz episode than a Pipp one, but it works.  The lesson is one done more than once in FiM, funny enough, usually involving Rarity, but here it's done differently enough, and done well to boot, which is more than I can usually say for G5 morals, if episodes even have one.  Here's yet another example of G5 being much closer to the kind of show I've been wanting it to be.  

Yes, there is plot stuff, though it actually manages to avoid feeling tacked-on or forced, and somehow doesn't detract from the Jazz/Pipp side of the episode.  It helps that the bulk of both sides of the episode are focused on just some of the cast, with a good half of the Mane Six not even showing up until the last third.  Plus, most of my favourite ponies are focused on here, highlighting just how irrelevant Hitch and Izzy are, while taking a break from this chapter being all about Misty.  Sunny being a cardboard cutout isn't terrible here, as she's pleasant enough, and her ability to be what she needs to be for the episode makes her a good companion to Zipp in her investigation.  Actually, I haven't had any real issues with Sunny all throughout this chapter, though maybe that's because she's great at taking a back seat to other ponies. 

Misty/Opaline and Hitch/Sparky show up just long enough to add intrigue to the ongoing plot while moving it along, while Izzy comes in at the end to finish up the hoof treatment arc.  It is extra apparent here that Sparky really is the bulk of Hitch's character at this point, though at least his Sheriff position and the benefits it bestows are acknowledged here.  It occurs to me that Bridlewood is to Izzy what Sparky is to Hitch, as her knowledge of Bridlewood are what keep her from just being a more annoying, poor-man's Pinkie, and it's clear that Bridlewood can be visited without Izzy...but her knowledge does come in handy sometimes.  

All in all, while I definitely prefer the more focused nature of a FiM episode, this particular G5 episode is much more focused than the norm for this particular series, and more in line with what I've been wanting.  It's just too bad that MYM is seemingly on its way out soon, so maybe it's too little too late.  However, I can at least acknowledge that chapter 5 has exceeded my expectations in more ways than one.  

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Ok...fourth post in a row (which breaks my usual rule of no more than three), but I might as well finish my thoughts.  The last episode is a bit more mixed than the previous three.  There are some good points, such as a good portion of it being another off-episode that's focused on a particular set of characters, and I do like that Opaline happens to show up on Nightmare Night, only to be met with cheers by unsuspecting ponies.  Overall, the episode doesn't feel too cluttered, which again, is unusual for G5 which seems to be "meanwhile, back at the ranch" the series.  Some of the overarching plot points are intriguing too.  Here's another example of a good moral, and one I think is actually handled better than a similar moment in FiM.  WTF is happening with me? I must be losing it.  With that said, the fillies in G5 are focused on pulling off the best Nightmare Night haunted tour that they can, and sure, they're too absorbed in their individual tasks to see how it all comes together, but it all makes sense, whereas with Castle Sweet Castle, it seemed like at least some of the Mane Six were off their rocker just for the sake of causing a conflict that needed to be resolved by the end of the episode.  Still, even a middling song like this one is arguably better than 99.99% of G5 music, so there is that: 

On the other hand, Chapter 5 Episode 5 of MYM also feels a lot more typical in other ways, to the point where I wish I was playing G5 trope bingo.  Opaline crashing an episode that otherwise didn't need to have anything to do with her?  Check.  Sparky being the deus ex machina for plot stuff?  Check.  Another holiday/festival episode?  Check.  A MYM episode following a similar story beat to a TYT episode?  Name dropping Twilight Sparkle?  Ugh, check.  Hitch being written out of the bulk of the episode?  Check.  Actually, sorry Hitch fans, but I have to admit that last one bothers me less and less, as the last two episodes didn't involve him very much, and seemed to be much more focused as a result.  In all fairness, Izzy being mostly absent last episode also really worked, and having the fillies all together in their part of the story probably played a big role in making this one feel more streamlined.  The parts with Jazz and Rocky also work well, and don't overstay their welcome.  

My big beef though is that, as usual, the episode needs to shoehorn in the overarching plot.  Also, as amusing as it is humour-wise, Opaline finally found a way to get to Maretime Bay, and it's just...anticlimactic.  Sure, Posey's cutie mark is stolen, and as she's one of my favourites, I do hope she eventually gets it back, but she also doesn't seem too put out by it, and Opaline doesn't take any others, so...meh, I guess?  Opaline is going for the dragon lands, who would have thought?  The map is of the location of the dragon lands.  Who would have thought?  I guess it's about time this series got back to being beyond predictable.  Also, another Nightmare Night episode?  Sure, this one is in MYM, but if both it and TYT are canon, then that means it has been a full year since the TYT episode.  Man, Opaline works slow.

I've also been doing some thinking, and while it initially seemed remarkable that the last couple episodes could cram more than one story beat in and not feel rushed, and still manage to carry out its arc and moral like a FiM episode, but I think I understand why that is.  Is it possible that the minor storylines in these episodes wouldn't work nearly as well if they had to completely fill a 22 minute episode?  They are simple in nature, and it is possible they would have gotten old by the time they concluded.  Perhaps carrying on the tradition of the episodes cutting away between different storylines is being used in a semi-pro way to mask how basic the stories really are?  Who knows, but I suppose if it works then I really shouldn't complain.  Still, maybe that is another point in FiM's favour.  

With all I've said though, as a whole Chapter 5 of MYM has greatly exceeded my expectations, and I am looking forward to the conclusion.  I suppose at the end of the day, that is the best I could have asked for.  

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

The family tree 2 part episode had me genuinely crying tears of joy when 


Alphabittle and Misty are reunited as Father and Daughter in the end


  • Brohoof 1


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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