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Ask Titanium White!


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Hi! It's been a long time since I've done one of these, so feel free to ask me (Titanium White) anything!
Maybe a little backstory to get things going!

Well, I'm Titanium White, a pony from a small town not unlike the now quite famous Ponyville.
I'm an artist, and I dream of designing something that is shown in the prestigious Canterlot galleries! Though I haven't quite reached that dream yet, I will keep working hard until I accomplish my goal!
Whenever I make something, I use my artist name "Cool Hue" as apparently "Titanium White" is too aggressive of a name... But I'm happy with either.

I think that's a good introduction! I look forward to meeting you!
Oh, I almost forgot to include an image of myself! Here you go:


Edited by Wizard
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[Animated banner by Rethajni] My Art page My twitter

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Hi there miss White, always nice to meet another artist, might I ask what medium you use for your art?

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Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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3 hours ago, Victoria Everglade said:

Hi there miss White, always nice to meet another artist, might I ask what medium you use for your art?


Hello and welcome! Sorry the stall is such a mess right now, I'm still getting some pieces ready.
I mostly use paint! It's difficult for an earth pony like me, but I learned a way I could paint with almost as much accuracy as a unicorn! I use my own hair, usually my tail! I keep it groomed in a way that it acts like a brush, I can hold it between my hooves or swish it over the canvas!

I suppose it's a mix between traditional paint, and body art!

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39 minutes ago, Moonlight Wane said:

Hello, Titanium. :BrightMacContent: When did you discover that you can use your hair to paint? Have you ever tried using your hooves?

Hi there! Well, it's actually tied into when I got my cutiemark, I knew I wanted to paint, but nothing I tried was working, I wasn't dexterous with my hooves, and I was struggling to use my mouth like some of the other ponies could. I was in art class when I looked up and saw this sign that said we couldn't make any mess, I stared at it, frozen in place as I knew what I wanted to do.

Something had awoken in me, and as I dumped paint over myself and used my tail as a brush, I was overcome with this desire to paint! When I was caught, the teacher was about to tell me off when they noticed I had my cutiemark, it was my destiny to paint!

Titanium white origin story 1.png

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Chatterbox asks.gif Good day Miss Titanium! Im a journalist from Canterlot Times Newspaper! I would like an interview with you!


First and foremost,I would like to mention I like your art and I admire your talent, I was wondering has been a particular painting that was very challenging for you?

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47 minutes ago, Rethajni said:

Chatterbox asks.gif Good day Miss Titanium! Im a journalist from Canterlot Times Newspaper! I would like an interview with you!


First and foremost,I would like to mention I like your art and I admire your talent, I was wondering has been a particular painting that was very challenging for you?

*Gasp* A journalist? From CANTERLOT?!?! Pleasure to meet you! And thank you, you are too kind.

When it comes to recent challenges, I did enter a recent art competition, but the pose, the angle, everything was tricky to get right. If I'm completely honest, I should have redrawn it, but it's been submitted now! It is of the famous wonderbolt Rainbow Dash clearing the skies.

Titanium white AMA.png

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Chatterbox Attracted.gif Whoa...! That is indeed talent! Im very impressed!


Chatterbox Blushes.gif I have just a tiny bit question if you don't mind, I was wondering What is your main source of inspiration? Do you have a philosophy that you cannot express in words so you use paintings? Maybe a song or perhaps something you want to express in general?

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4 hours ago, Rethajni said:

Chatterbox Attracted.gif Whoa...! That is indeed talent! Im very impressed!


Chatterbox Blushes.gif I have just a tiny bit question if you don't mind, I was wondering What is your main source of inspiration? Do you have a philosophy that you cannot express in words so you use paintings? Maybe a song or perhaps something you want to express in general?


*Titanium stands there staring into space for what seems to be a while, just as the silence starts becoming awkward, she speaks*

I have no idea.
I... I just feel like I need to. I paint because I want to, I will sometimes look for inspiration if it's a specific piece, like if I'm painting a racing scene, I will look at races for inspiration. But as for what inspires me in general... I guess it's just instinct.

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7 hours ago, Nitobit said:

Do you have any hobbies other than painting?:fluttershy:

It's funny you mention that, I used to really like magic. I realise that's a strange thing for an earth pony to say, I can't use real magic of course... But the other day this travelling blue unicorn arrived in my town and performed this really interesting type of magic, it didn't seem to require any real magic, it was all spectacle, performance, and looked extremely fun!

I plan on asking her to show me a few things, I only hope her caravan is still here in the morning!


5 hours ago, Props Valroa said:

Does Titanium White like hugs and cuddles?

...Is that an offer? Because I expect dinner first.


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Oh, I have a pegasus friend who also likes magic! I'm sure you two would be great friends! And I hope the unicorn can teach you some tricks. I would love to see them! :squee:

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On 2024-03-23 at 2:08 PM, Nitobit said:

Oh, I have a pegasus friend who also likes magic! I'm sure you two would be great friends! And I hope the unicorn can teach you some tricks. I would love to see them! :squee:

Sorry for the late reply! I missed the notification! :scoots:
I'd be happy to meet them! And I did have a good chat with the unicorn, she kept calling herself "great and powerful" but I haven't noticed any powerful magic being used yet. :arethosehands: She did offer to show me a few tricks though, I used to be able to juggle ages ago :PIPPIPHURRAY:


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Hello Miss White! I hope you will stop by sometime for a cup of coffee. We both seem to like it, I understand.

Just a quick question, I wonder how you keep your tail clean, I mean with all the painting, is it even possible to get it clean?

On 2024-03-20 at 8:09 PM, Props Valroa said:

Does Titanium White like hugs and cuddles?

On 2024-03-21 at 1:24 AM, Wizard said:

...Is that an offer? Because I expect dinner first.


A wise choice my dear, you have to be careful and proud.

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 MLP Fan since ~ G3 Avatar credit: AW, Signature credit: The Batfang, Tiwake.

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On 2024-03-26 at 12:50 PM, Princess Celestia said:


Hello Miss White! I hope you will stop by sometime for a cup of coffee. We both seem to like it, I understand.

Just a quick question, I wonder how you keep your tail clean, I mean with all the painting, is it even possible to get it clean?

A wise choice my dear, you have to be careful and proud.

I would absolutely love a cup, Princess! I'm sure there's plenty for us to discuss, perhaps about how my art could look if it were held in the Canterlot art gallery? :oh_golly:

But that is for another day! :mlp_smug: You wanted to know how I get paint out of my tail and mane? Well I have a little secret... Olive oil! It sounds crazy, but it really works! Let me explain, you apply a generous amount of olive oil to the affected area of your hair, and massage it in gently. Allow the oil to sit for 15-20 minutes, then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water. After that, I use my usual hair care products to keep my mane soft and shiny! :devious:


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16 hours ago, Wizard said:

I would absolutely love a cup, Princess! I'm sure there's plenty for us to discuss, perhaps about how my art could look if it were held in the Canterlot art gallery? :oh_golly:

But that is for another day! :mlp_smug: You wanted to know how I get paint out of my tail and mane? Well I have a little secret... Olive oil! It sounds crazy, but it really works! Let me explain, you apply a generous amount of olive oil to the affected area of your hair, and massage it in gently. Allow the oil to sit for 15-20 minutes, then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water. After that, I use my usual hair care products to keep my mane soft and shiny! :devious:



Oh, sorry to interrupt your bath time. Not my intention, we both blushes then *giggle*


The Canterlot Gallery? I'm open to discuss that of course, you do have a very special gift, truly a talent of class.

Oil dissolves oil, so using olive oil must mean you paint in oil then? High royal class, to say the least my dear.

Olive oil is something I use myself, or I get it delivered so to speak. Fur care is an extensive chapter for a Princess, luckily I have it scheduled and get professional help. Would have trouble remembering everything myself that they use, but olive oil in particular is a royal requirement.


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 MLP Fan since ~ G3 Avatar credit: AW, Signature credit: The Batfang, Tiwake.

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17 hours ago, Wizard said:

I would absolutely love a cup, Princess! I'm sure there's plenty for us to discuss, perhaps about how my art could look if it were held in the Canterlot art gallery? :oh_golly:

But that is for another day! :mlp_smug: You wanted to know how I get paint out of my tail and mane? Well I have a little secret... Olive oil! It sounds crazy, but it really works! Let me explain, you apply a generous amount of olive oil to the affected area of your hair, and massage it in gently. Allow the oil to sit for 15-20 minutes, then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water. After that, I use my usual hair care products to keep my mane soft and shiny! :devious:


Chatterbox Blushes.gif *looks at you taking a bath* heh heh err.... can I ask you a question? You like cold baths or hot baths?

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On 2024-03-29 at 8:57 PM, Princess Celestia said:


Oh, sorry to interrupt your bath time. Not my intention, we both blushes then *giggle*


The Canterlot Gallery? I'm open to discuss that of course, you do have a very special gift, truly a talent of class.

Oil dissolves oil, so using olive oil must mean you paint in oil then? High royal class, to say the least my dear.

Olive oil is something I use myself, or I get it delivered so to speak. Fur care is an extensive chapter for a Princess, luckily I have it scheduled and get professional help. Would have trouble remembering everything myself that they use, but olive oil in particular is a royal requirement.


Oh it's quite alright! Sometimes the best way to explain is with a demonstration! Hehe :mlp_laugh:

And yes I do use oil paints! Very astute of you, Princess! Though I should expect as much from you! I thank you for your kind words, ah how I'd love to get a spa treatment one day, maybe once I have a stable income hahaha!

I have been saving quite a large canvas for something special, perhaps it should be a portrait of you, my Princess! The main piece to hang in the gallery, perhaps? :mlp_smug:


On 2024-03-29 at 9:07 PM, Rethajni said:

Chatterbox Blushes.gif *looks at you taking a bath* heh heh err.... can I ask you a question? You like cold baths or hot baths?



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What kind of things do you like to draw?

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14 hours ago, ComanderZhabikKlavik said:

What kind of things do you like to draw?

Well I mostly do portraits! To capture the inner beauty of the subject, to show their true selves through art is what I strive for!

I just finished a piece I'm going to give to @Princess Celestia But you can have the first look~



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Is this the place :ooh: .

Wow! So many .... comic panels for every question you answer :wau: ! I'm impressed you can draw so magnificently so often so quickly :proud: .


(Though I guess I was wrong :orly: )

Can you sing :yay: ? Or play an instrument? I tried to play guitar but... it's so hard with hooves :stressed:!



(drawn by MonsoonVisions/Ezzy on here).

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Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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How often do you draw? And where do you like to draw?

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Heya Titanium, I have nothing to ask, I would just like to say that you and specially the spirit behind you in real world are awesome, you do a amazing work of art and it's really good that people recognize it and that makes you excited to continue making more beautiful pieces even post by post, keep going and never give up, reach to the realm of god ponies world :eager:

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"Stand quiet like the Sky, and Move faster than Lightning"

Follower of the ultimate power, spirit, divine dreams and wishes of the Heavenly Angels of Stars (Starys), Husband of Mary Stary, Angel of Power and Spirit.

Dragon Ball fan since 2009, Hyped for Dragon Ball 40th Anniversary 2024, Daima, New Manga Saga & Sparking ZERO! :eager: / Making Arts for Free! :o



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