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What do you think of Celestia, and how do you think did she became a princess?


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So...celestia, for some a beloved ruler, for other a ruthless dictator who sold her own soul to the evil gods.


What do you think of Celestia?


How does her government work?

How long has she been alive? Is she immortal?

Is she a god?

Is she the ruler of the world or only ponykind?

What is her relationship to the other races?

What's her relationship with Discord?



There are those and many other questions about her.

Frankly I think that she is a freak that defeated Discord and became a ruthless ruler once in the power, then after eons of being a ruler, she became a good princess.


Why do I think so?



In the episode in which they have that play about how unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies came to work together, Celestia wasn't the ruler of equestria or of any other race and the world was a little chaotic (I mean freezing because you're an ass? What logic is behind for that to work?) so I can assume that Discord was in charge, or that not even Discord existed yet. Whatever the thing is that Celestia had to take the power from Discord, who took it from some other being or who "unified" the land under his iron fist, before she became the one in charge and apparently a demi-god.


I have to mention also that in the episode (the one about the play) there was no mention of a unicorm pegasus race anywhere. There were only the earth ponies, the unicorn and the pegasi, there was no royal family or "half breeds" like Celestia, Luna and Cadenza are. So I'm assuming that that race (unicorn pegasi) is the result of a interratial relationship between a unicorn and a pegasus (a relationship between one of the before mentioned races and an earth pony wouldn't result in anything strange. That's assuming that unicorns give birth to unicorns and pegasi to pegasi (which I'm starting to doubt since Miss cake gave birth to a unicorn and a pegasi while she was a common earth pony. If it were so that any race can birth any race it would make their society really weird.

Or it would mean that the government or society approves massive swinger parties.



I also think that Celestia could be a being created with the only purpose of defeating Discord and ruling the three races. What again, would make her the puppet of a greater organization pulling the strings from behind.


There's also the possibility that she was born daughter of one of the three races and although being shunned for being what she is, learnd the feeling of pain and suffering and bravely decided to free ponykind from the clutches of an evil being who was plaguing the land. (I don't like this one though...too disney.)


Based on this I can say that:

A) Celestia's birth was unnatural.

B) She wasn't a born the ruler of equestria.


After clearing that out I must explain why I call her a ruthless ruler.

All rulers are ruthless at some point. Rulers are there to protect their people (in theory) and some times it's pretty wise to wage war or to banish other races to their certain death.

She had to deal with beasts and other races like the changelings after Discord was gone.

I'm sure that at first she didn't doubt to do battle whenever enemies appeared. But after hundreds or thousand of years of being a ruler she learnd how to do things better and avoid certain choices.



What do you think tough?

Please tell me. I must know!

Spike and rarity?Deerpy hooves and dr whooves?Discord and Celestia? Fridge yeah!

Go here to read my fanfic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23346-windgale-last-subordinate-of-discord-i-changed-the-name/

If you want to see the art I made for it: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23426-art-for-my-fanfic/

Go here if you want to see my MLP related art: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23012-fan-artkindameh/

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How does her government work? No idea

How long has she been alive? My guess would be about 3,000 - 4,000-ish years

Is she immortal? No

Is she a god? Something of one, but not completely

Is she the ruler of the world or only ponykind? Ponykind

What is her relationship to the other races? No idea

What's her relationship with Discord? Archenemies until Celestia defeated Discord




My opinions are in bold.

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My opinions are in bold.


Ok. I respect all your answers, but I must say...how come she has lived for so long?

You say it yourself, 3000-4000-ish. No normal pony (in the mlp universe) lives that long.

How come she and Luna live for so long?

Is cadenza also going to live that long?

Spike and rarity?Deerpy hooves and dr whooves?Discord and Celestia? Fridge yeah!

Go here to read my fanfic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23346-windgale-last-subordinate-of-discord-i-changed-the-name/

If you want to see the art I made for it: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23426-art-for-my-fanfic/

Go here if you want to see my MLP related art: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23012-fan-artkindameh/

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What do you think of Celestia? i never understood why see has all the power (i was made clear the the unicorns could raise the sun and moon) so why must it only be done by an alacorn i thing she was only made Princess because she stopped a real God)


How does her government work? its a chain of hirearchy she make the rule and desisions and its passed down to the mayor of each city.

How long has she been alive? well its clear that she is well over 1000 years old other then that i hve no idea

Is she immortal? not sure she may be using a youth spell

Is she a god? NO

Is she the ruler of the world or only ponykind? shes the ruler Equestria which may just be a country

What is her relationship to the other races? well we've only every seen 2 griffons

What's her relationship with Discord? She encased him in stone i dont thing there on good terms


TaDa! Edited by PonyEcho

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That...answers all my questions.


Well, that was unexpected....I thought it would takes us weeks to come to a conclusion but apparently this wasn't the case.

Thanks guys.

Spike and rarity?Deerpy hooves and dr whooves?Discord and Celestia? Fridge yeah!

Go here to read my fanfic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23346-windgale-last-subordinate-of-discord-i-changed-the-name/

If you want to see the art I made for it: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23426-art-for-my-fanfic/

Go here if you want to see my MLP related art: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23012-fan-artkindameh/

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How does her government work? A monarchy, but the greatest possible monarchy you could ever dream of, because she takes the opinions and thoughts of her people into account.

How long has she been alive? Is she immortal? Thousands of years, 2,000 or 3,000 I'd say. She was young, maybe tweens or teens with Luna back a thousands years ago, so that's where my estimate is based from.

Is she a god? No, she is not a deity or god. Lauren Faust has said this herself.

Is she the ruler of the world or only ponykind? Only ponykind. Dragons and many other species are outside her rule.

What is her relationship to the other races? To beings like the dragons, she's just like the other ponies, lame and not worth thought. She's simply 'Queen Lameo' as Gilda would put it. So I assume to other races, she's just a monarch, who may or may not be respected due to her being the one to raise the sun and whatnot.

What's her relationship with Discord? They knew eachother in the past somehow, past the brief fight they had that resulted in him being imprisoned. How that is changes between fan.


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Nopony insults the Princess!

Posted Image


What do you think of Celestia?



She's a benign and loving member of a diarchy, (like a monarchy but two rulers) the elder and by far wiser of the diarchy, who cares deeply for the well-being of her subjects, more than anything else.



She's a tyrant and a troll.


I see absolutely no reason to think of her as a tyrant. If anything, I see her as a figure that would voluntarily stand down if her subjects rose against her. Luna isn't quiet as wise and/or mature, but if she's learned her lesson from the Nightmare Moon incident, then she'd probably follow her sister's lead.


But anyways, let me handle this:


Reasons why she's a troll/tyrant:


* She troll'd Twili by sending only two tickets, knowing she had five friends and Spike.


Response: Lauren Faust herself said that Celestia was wise enough to orchestrate events so that the new Element-bearers, the mane 6, defeated Nightmare Moon, even after Celestia herself had gone missing (Sent to the sun? Her re-appearance in S1E2, immediately after NMM's defeat, I may note, seems to imply she came from the sun!). If Celestia is capable of that, it is not at all a stretch to assume she could guess what would happen in "Ticket Master". She put a strain on their new, delicate friendships, but in the end they ended up learning from the strain, becoming better friends, and becoming more wise, and thus more capable. Not to mention, it created another letter that later gave Twili the necessary renewed will to defeat Discord.


In short, she did it on purpose to strengthen their friendships, and the powerful magic that protects Equestria, the Elements.


* She troll'd the cakes with the tea.


Response: This didn't seem to be a troll so much as she was trying to play around with them to lower the tensions. They were nervous about having a diarch eat at the bakery, so she relieved some of that with humor. It wasn't mean or anything. It was nice.


* She troll'd Fluttershy with her phoenix


Response: Same as first.



Okay, now the Tyrant part:


All rulers are ruthless at some point. Rulers are there to protect their people (in theory) and some times it's pretty wise to wage war or to banish other races to their certain death.


If it's not canon I'm not even going to take it seriously. But she did wage war with the changelings, to protect her people. I already had quiet a moral discourse on that in this link: http://mlpforums.com...od/page__st__40


She had to deal with beasts and other races like the changelings after Discord was gone.

Linked above.


As for other races,

She was showing loyalty to her own people. That's commendable. Seeing as Griffons, mules, and even a dragon live in Equestria, it looks like she even gave them the option of living in her Utopian society.


I'm sure that at first she didn't doubt to do battle whenever enemies appeared. But after hundreds or thousand of years of being a ruler she learnd how to do things better and avoid certain choices.

Learning doesn't make her ruthless.

Or as Pinkie would say; "She's not ruthless! Silly."

For RD's response, see the top of this post :P






How does her government work?

A wise, loving, benign monarchy, the absolute best form of government possible. She's almost like a god, and may even be one.


How long has she been alive? Is she immortal?

At least more than a thousand years, since that's how long Luna's been imprisoned. And she's either very lucky, smart, or immortal to have survived that long.


Is she a god?

What are you defining as a "god"? I'd call a god a perfect being. And Celestia actually seems pretty close to that.

Is she omnipotent? (Season 2 finale spoiler)

She got defeated by Chrysalis, so apparently not.


Is she omnicient? She's pretty darn smart, I love how Kyronea called her a "chessmaster" in his mane 6 psychoanalysis'. But she doesn't seem to be omnicient, and if she is, she doesn't let it show.


Is she the ruler of the world or only ponykind?

Canon: She's the ruler of Equestria.

Since "Equestria" has the root word of "Equine", and other sapients like dragons and griffons exist, she's probably only the ruler of one kingdom. Whatever the case, the dragons in "Dragon Quest" definitely weren't her subjects, yet they were sapient, so I'd say she's certainly only the ruler of ponykind one kingdom (Which kingdom accepts griffons, dragons, mules, and any other species with open arms as equals, so I can't really say "ponykind").


What is her relationship to the other races?

Rainbow Dash and Gilda went to the same flight camp. So it looks pretty open and good, unless the other species came over in the past and the kingdoms they come from are now hostile.


We know they're at least in an open state of war with the Changelings, after an attack that dwarfs the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. And still they didn't pursue the changelings. (Though to be fair, while the U.S. can destroy Japan's old government after WWII, what could they do with the Changelings? Enslave them? It's a bit different when you're fighting a different species, and not just a government.)


And the dragons have no respect for Equines. At least their adolescents, don't.


Honestly, I'd like to see Celestia humble them a little, though she's far too kind for that.


What's her relationship with Discord?

Arch nemesis. She wants harmony, he wants disharmony. She wants the well-being of Equestria, he wants to sadistically toy with and torment them for his own amusement. Watch what he does to Twilight, and try to tell me he's not evil.


This is the Canon Celestia

Posted Image

(Improved version of this screenshot. Thus canon. Original source: http://www.ponyderivative.com/images/group/?twilight-celestia-hug Desktop version: http://ponyderivativ...a-hug-1680x1050 )

Edited by EASA - Matt
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If Princess Celestia was a tyrant wouldn't she want an Aztec like society wheres she demands Pony sacrifices in order to make her happy enough to raise and lower the sun to give live to the world? And in general enjoy the suffering of all Pony kind and inflect unimaginable cruelty on them for fun, like slowly torturing them to death and eating young children Ponies because she finds them tasty?


And wouldn't she live in a land like that of Mordor in a dark black evil castle floating in mid air above a lake of lava instead of Canterlot?

Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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Ok. I respect all your answers, but I must say...how come she has lived for so long?

You say it yourself, 3000-4000-ish. No normal pony (in the mlp universe) lives that long. I did say that I think she is something of a god (although not completely). That's what I think.

How come she and Luna live for so long? See above.

Is cadenza also going to live that long? No.


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