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(sorry. I know I said after Christmas, but I must confess, I didn't even think about EoN until yesterday. The reason I didn't post yesterday was because I was planning some major back story for Garth and Legacy, as well as the next a lot of stuff that will happen with Garth/Nightshade's little story that's still playing out.)




(The group walked on for a bit.)



Rigel was walking behind Gesboiath, lost in thought. I sure hope all the enemies aren't made of metal. All I have is glass, and that won't do shit to metal. He looked to the ground and levitated a small chunk of metal. He studied it closely, and then tried to shape it. He concentrated, trying to break through the barrier of trauma and horrible memories that prevented him from shaping anything but glass. c'mon, c'mon..."


He concentrated as hard as he could. A small dent appeared in the side of the metal piece before his concentration broke and it fell to the ground. He panted from the effort and stumbled. He lay on the ground for a few seconds, and as he looked up, he saw a strange looking bird. that thing is flying strangely...


He got up quickly and looked closer. It seemed to be made of a mix of metal and organic parts. It let out a piercing cry and dive-bombed straight at Rigel. With his injured legs, he wasn't able to dodge in time, and the metal birds talons dug into his side. He yelled as he fell to the ground. The bird took to the air again and began to circle the group, who were now alert to the danger. As Rigels vision faded, he saw more birds join the flock, until there were about 10, just circling the party, shrieking horribly. Rigel fell unconscious. 


(in case anyone, particularly linguz, since his character knows about this realm, the birds are called shrikes. They have metal skeletons, but organic muscles and brains. They don't have feathers except for the wings, and those are made of thin, strong metal.)




Far away, Garth woke up to find himself in a dark room. He tried to get up, but he was too weak to stand and fell back down. Heavy manacles were clasped over his legs and neck. He felt a strange sensation on his chest, and rubbed a claw over it. There was a small latch of bare skin there, with a strangely shaped scar on it. It didn't hurt, so he decided to figure it out later.  He crawled forward until he met a smooth, solid stone wall. He slowly got up and leaned against it for support. As his eyes began to clear, he looked around his cell. It was too dark to make out much detail, but he could tell it was a small, windowless room. It had a door which looked like metal, with a small, bared window in it. He heard a noise on the other side. A sort of clicking sound, like plastic tapping on stone. A strange voice came from the other side of the door. It sounded male, but had an odd tone to it. Whatever was on the other side of the door, he doubted it was a normal equestrian species. 


"awake, are we? Ooh, the master will be delighted. I know just what he'll say" the voice laughed and adopted a crude, hissing imitation of a drazul. "good job with that rune, Skitter. Make sure you keep him healthy." he laughed again and returned to his normal voice. "He wants you alive and well. He says he wants to talk to you, Garth. And he says he wants you to be healthy enough to think." the voice began to whisper. "between you and me, the master doesn't like talking to idiots." he tapped the door a few times, and the clinking sent waves of pain through garths head. "well, goodbye then."


Skitter walked away, or rather, climbed away, as he didn't seem to make a distinction between floor and wall. All 8 of his long, black legs used both horizontal and vertical surfaces interchangeably, and Skitter seemed to derive great joy from switching from wall to floor, and even ceiling, as he walked down the corridor. 


Skitter was an Arach, a race rarely seen in Equestria. He had the body of a large spider, except for the head, which was replaced by the torso of a vaguely humanoid creature. His hands were 5 fingered claws made of the same, chitinous material as his legs, but they were much sharper. His bulbous lower abdomen was black with a few dark green markings, and ended in his pointed spinnerets, used for making webs. Over all, he was a bit shorter than the average pony, but his legs could carry him faster than the average pony, and over nearly any type of terrain. His claws were viscous weapons, and his sticky silk could stop all but the strongest creatures in their tracks. Like all Arachs, he was deathly afraid of fire, and disliked bright light. 


He entered Anarchy's chamber and bowed as deep as he could, which wasn't much, seeing as his body normally wasn't more than a foot or two of the ground anyway. 


Anarchy spoke distractedly. "yes, Skitter?"


"the griffon is awake, master. Skitter kept him alive for you, and now he is awake."


Anarchy seemed to drop his current thoughts and smiled. "good job, skitter. Keep him healthy. I have... plans... for him."


Skitter bowed again and left the room. 



(I thought I'd try a different way of introducing a new character. how did you like it?)




An RP post. I type the longer ones in notepad and then copypaste them to the site because my browser likes to randomly refresh the page, which clears text fields (i post from an itouch). also, it let's me take my time to write if I'm busy and only have a few minutes here and there.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Steam quotes are another common theme for my clipboard.


7:10 PM - Conor: what kinda forum is this?

7:10 PM - zoop: http://mlpforums.com/user/101-zoop/ : D

7:11 PM - Conor: ....

7:11 PM - Conor: no

7:11 PM - zoop: yesssss

7:11 PM - Conor: ....

7:11 PM - Conor: is this a troll

7:12 PM - Conor: wtf are you a member on my little pony forums for

  • Brohoof 2
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"I switched my magic from the area around me detection to actual sight, so I don't know where we're going so lead the way. Is the disguise good, by the way?"


(From a RP forum. I copy paste the entire thing when it doesn't get sent from my phone, or I don't think it gets sent, because the Internet went stupid.)

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▄▄▄▄▄██████████████▀ spread the fail whale



^deviantART signature, LOL

3DS friend code: Luigi495 - 3523-2558-5396

Send me a message if you add me.l

don't click this link...

Pinkie Pie is best pony.

------The pen may be mightier, but the sword still hurts like hell.------

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Let's have a look.


Dubstep developed from Garage, (predominately 2-step), carried over the threshold by both Drum & Bass and Breakbeat, which in turn stemmed from the Jungle family, which owes the majority of its roots to Jamaican Reggae. Bearing these broad ranging links in mind, the DnB vs. Dubstep argument, to me at least, is seemingly a bit shallow.


Hah, just your typical music debate which everyone's sick of hearing. :P


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A GENERAL OUTLINE of the agreed upon terms:

Political Outline:

The signators hereby agree that;

- The unified states will abide under democratic republic, consisting of a judicial, legislative and executive branch;

- The judicial branch is hereby made up of the county courts, the territory courts and the head court;

- The legislative branch is hereby made up of local community town house voting stations*, a territory government consisting of a democratically elected territory council, and a council elected territory governor, the parliament, consisting of members based on county population, the upper parliament, of which ten per territory are elected, and two heads of parliament, all elected by the people.

*Town house voting stations are, by legal definition approved of by the Georgia-Carolina meeting of 2016, “A county voting house in which local, concerned citizens actively participate in local government by voting on budgets, local projects and local laws, and any other legal issue that is contained to the county in question. County courts can overturn any town house ruling. Furthermore, if the head court decides a county is breaking national law or endangering its people, it may overturn or modify a decision as it sees fit. Territory councils have no power over county townhouses.”

-The executive branch hereby consists of a Prime Minister and Vice-Minister, elected directly by the people, the Minister’s Cabinet, appointed by the Prime Minister with approval from the upper parliament, and all federal agencies directly owned by the government, which are established through permission from the parliament and upper parliament.

- Terms are as stand: 6 years for count judges, 8 years for territory judges and 12 years for head judges; 2 for territory county councilman, 4 for territory governor, 2 for parliament, 3 for upper parliament, 3 for heads of parliament, 4 for the Prime Minister and Vice-Minister and their respective cabinets.

- Furthermore, the people have enacted term limits. A man, woman, goat or any other democratically elected organism may serve as follows: 4 terms as county judge, 2 terms as territory judge, 1 term as head judge, 4 terms for territory councilman, 2 terms as territory governor, 4 terms as parliament, 2 terms as upper parliament, 1 term has head of parliament, and 2 terms as Prime Minister and Vice-Minister.

- Political parties are hereby banned by the courts of Carolina and Georgia. As Greenville County spokesman Harold Cheve says, “Political parties server no purpose but to limit free thinking and divide the people of our nation. To permanently uphold our integrity, honor and unity, we must abolish political parties and incriminate those who attempt to create such wicked destroyers of kingdoms.”

- To provide fair election choices, corporations, individuals and non-government organizations are hereby banned from donating to any candidate. To add, candidates cannot use their personal monetary gains to fund their political campaign. Any candidate found attempting this will be permanently eliminated and banned from any public office, banned from townhouses and be charged with treason in the head courts. Furthermore, to avoid corruption, the government will provide all election footage and do full interviews with candidates. In this sense, the media cannot destroy a candidate’s career with false images. THESE RULES DO NOT APPLY FOR COUNTY LEVEL COURTS. For courts beyond district levels, the government will set a sum of $5,000 for each territory judge running and $50,000 for each head judge, adjusted for inflation. For territory councilman, a sum of $10,000 will be given, for territory governor, a sum of $45,000 will be given. For parliament, a sum of $15,000 will be given. For upper parliament, a sum of $30,000 will be granted. For Prime-Minister and Vice-Minister Candidates, a sum of $100,000 will be granted. To cope with these costs, the a 15% tax will be placed on the salaries of government members until it is fully paid back. The donations are negotiable for lower prices. The people will vote on a later to be set number of candidates to run as to avoid the government handing away too much in cash. Stealing government supplied election funds is treason.

- Salaries are as chosen: $50,000 for territory judge, $150,000 as head judge, $55,000 as territory councilman, $115,000 as territory governor, $85,000 as parliament member, $125,000 as upper parliament member, $150,000 as head of parliament, $200,000 $190,000 as Vice-Minister, $200,000 $190,000 for each member of cabinet, and $250,000 $240,000 for Prime-Minister. Prices adjusted for inflation. These are negotiable

- All members of government receive free healthcare, social security and retirement benefits.

- Parliament may remove the Prime-Minister, Vice-Minister or any Head Judge. The Prime-Minister may overturn Parliament’s actions. The Head Court may nullify any of the executive or legislative decisions.

Economic Issues:

The economic issues of this country are up to constant debate, and the constitution will not support any view.

Social Issues:

- Slavery is permanently banned.

- A person may not be denied public service based on race, gender, nationality, religion, military status, age, sexual orientation or disability. Private companies and services may, while discouraged, cater to whom they please, on the other hand, with the restriction being they must have access and accommodate the disabled.

- It is unlawful for a government agency to terminate or to hire based on race, gender, nationality, religion, military status, age, sexual orientation or disability. Private services and companies are also prohibited from denying a job or terminating a job based on race, gender, nationality, religion, military status, age, sexual orientation or disability.

- It is up to the counties territories to decide on local marriage age.

- It is up to the counties territories to decide on local marriage rights.

- It is up to the counties territories to decide on local drug legalization.

- It is up to the counties territories to decide on local abortion legalization.

- A person has the right to freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, freedom to protest and organize, freedom to bear arms, freedom from jurisdiction for religion or sexual orientation, freedom against unreasonable or unwarranted searches and seizures, freedom to courts, freedom to trial by jury, and freedom from cruel punishments and bails.

- Alcohol is banned. It is up to the territories to decide on alcohol legalization.

- The government cannot censor the internet, magazines, news reports, television, literature, video games or music unless said item is breaking international law or is considered obscene beyond reasonable measures.

- All citizens have a duty to quarter soldiers in time of need.

- Any issues not mentioned here are up for debate in government.

As the constitution stands today, each member from each county will be given one (1) vote, to nullify or approve the constitution. If the majority (60%) of the counties in a territory approve the constitution, it is thereby enacted in that state. If the majority (60%) of the counties in a territory nullify the constitution, the state is thereby booted from the union unless 2/3 states vote to nullify the constitution. In that case, the constitution will be revised.



enjoy a wall of text


For explanation, I'm a member of a nation rp where people roleplay as fictional nations. It's quite fun, and I wrote this as a sort of government outline for my nation. >nerd

Edited by Fizzydog


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