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Everything reaching the shire, Sakura started to look at the shrine. "well, this is pretty" she said. She turned round and looked at everyone, "So, this has nothing of use!" she complained.


Shurimon got up on the shrine and laughed. "Sure nothing here little miss" he said. "ninja star"


Sakura scream and renamon panicked. "I'll save you!" she said. Renamon start to glow the same golden colour, "renamon digivovle to" she said. Before she could finish she pushed into the mountian and the gold glow left her. "Or not...." she complained in pain.


Sakura ran over to Renamon, "Oh no! Are you alright?!" she asked.

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Shojomon leapt off of Jaytens back and her sword was drawn instantly. "Oh look a ninja poser, why dont you go back to the hidden leaf village the hole you crawled from you freak." Shojomon said. She jumped at Shurimon and slashed her sword downwards trying to cut shurimon in two...


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"Bug Blaster!!!" Keramon shot massive energy but Shurimon was too quick. "Axe get behind me..." Shurimon fought with Shojimon but even Shojimon was having a rough time. Or so it seems.



Etemon looked down at the fight. Shurimon had already eliminated The Renamon and Shojomon was next. "Oh boy I got this one now..." He said happily.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Shurimon threw hundreds of shuriken at shojo sending her flying, she hit the ground with a thud. When she didnt get up right away Jayten knew there was something wrong. He ran to her and knelt down next to her. "Shojomon! Are you okay" Jayten asked, shojo opened here eyes and started to get back up. "For a while now I have been nothing more than a punching bag... but... not.. today" She picked herself off of the ground, her sword was stuck in the boulder behind her, she just held out her hand and the sword reappeared in her hand. "SPARKLE SLASH" she said elctrocuting her sword, she jumped at Shurimon and hit him pointblank. Shurimon just laughed and grabbed Shojo by the throat trying to snap her neck. " ACK!" She let out a yelp of pain.


Jayten flew into a frenzy I need to do something, anything to help my partner. He remembered his cards and reached back to unclip his deckbox from his belt. He looked at the deckbox in his hand and noticed something inside it was glowing. He opened it up to see one card out of the hundreds he had literally glowing. He grabbed it and looked at it, it had a picture of a orangish data chip on it, and was titled 'digivolution'. His eyes lit up. This was it, the card from his dream. He unclipped his digivice from his belt and pointed his digivice upwards towards shojomon. "DIGIMODIFY" He said as he sliced the card through his digivice "DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE".


One moment Shurimon was holding shojo by the throat the next moment she was bathed in a golden light that made Shurimon release her "Shojomon digivolve to" Her skin, no, her top layer was ripped off revealing a network of data, another top layer reformed over the data revealing a new digimon "Neoshojomon". She was now about a foot taller than Jayten. She had some chrom metal armor on and a katana strapped to her back, Her mask now just covered her mouth, not her neck or her nose, and she had a pair of silver glasses on. Shurimon was awestruck. "Come on little birdy, lets dance" Said Neoshojomon

Edited by Bronynonymous


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"Man thats wicked cool..." Axe said under his breath. Keramon shook his head and said "Aw man I have never seen a digimon like her before!?" Keramon sat back but didnt attack. Neoshojomon had this.




((This is a good Hey digimon moment.))

  • Brohoof 1

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Renamon coughed, "Getting stopped half way like that takes alot out of you" she joked.


Sakura smiled, "Oh Renamon, you scared me!" She said.


Renamon got up with few marks all over her body, "Your not get rid of me that easy" She looked at Neoshojomon and smiled. She ran up to him, and jumped "DIAMON STORM" she shouted aiming for Shurimon. She hit making him drop Neoshojomon, as it was suprised attack. Renamon then getting hit again.


Renamon screamed in pain before a gold light came over her, and there stood Viximon. "I'm tired and hungery... is there anything to eat?" she asked.


Sakura ran over to her and picked up Viximon, "you ok?!" she asked. She turned to Neoshojomon, "Get him!" she shouted to her.

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"Renamon no! How dare you hit a girl!! even if Digimon dont have any specific gender... Wit no time to think, IM GONNA DEVOUR YOUR DATA DOWN TO THE LAST BINARY CODE!!!" Keramon jumped onto Shurimon and bit into its head. "Data eat!" he yelled suddenly his eyes turned white and a whole bunch of letters numbers and symbols filled them. "Shurimon yelled and slammed Keramon into a rock. Keramon fell of and hit the ground but before Axe could reach him Shurimon kicked Keramon and a purple light fell over the virus digimon. "Tsumemon its you?! What happened were you eating his code! and more importantly were you thinking again!?" Tsumemon sat up and growled. "Im no help like this and now everyone know I feed off data!" Shurimon looked mad so Axe ran over to Sakura and put Tsumemon down. "Come on jayten do something..."




Etemon laughed at how easily the Renamon and Keramon fell once the others fell he would swoop in and finish the kids..... Cresemon was gonna be so jealous!!

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Holy crap Jayten thought she looks so awesome. "NEOSHOJOMON! KICK HIS ASS!" Jayten shouted


"You dont intimidate me you bitch." Shurimon said, he grabbed his big shiriken off of his back, Shurimon did a 360 spin and released his large shuriken aiming directly at Neoshojomon. Neoshojomon had her hand on the hilt of her sheathed sword. The shuriken raced at her at an alarming speed but she didnt seem worried. It looked as if she barely had time to elevate the sword an inch from the sheath, the shuriken was surely going to slice Neoshojo to peices. But in an instant the star split into two pieces hitting the boulders behind her.

"WHAT!" Shurimon said astonished "NO ONE HAS EVER BROKEN ONE OF MY STARS"

"Yeah, well, there is a first time for everything" Neoshojomon said. She held her fists out and flames covered them "PYRO PALMS" She said as she punched in the direction of Shurimon, fire balls in the shape of fists shot out at Shurimon knocking him to the ground. He did not get back up.

She drew her sword "Do you want me to finish him partner" She asked Jayten

"Finish~" He wasnt sure what she meant and then realized "NO! He is defeated there is no need to kill him"

"As you wish" She sheathed her katana once more. And descended now standing right in front of Jayten. "You look wicked cool Shojo," Jayten said.

"I do dont I?" Neoshojomon said proud of herself. But it didnt last long because a bright light envoloped her and instantly she was shojomon again. She looked exausted but her eyes told Jayten that she was really happy, "Get on my back shojo" with no complaints she leapt up on his shoulders for her usual piggy back ride. Even with Shurimon down and out Jayten still felt an uneasiness as if they were being watched by an evil entity.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Etemon was furious. "GAWD DARNIT!!!! HOW DARE THAT THING HURT MY PRECIOUS SHURIMON!!!!" Etemon yelled for one of the Gazimon in his trailer to bring him a drink. The gazimon returned with a glass of lemonade. "YOU IDIOT I DONT WANT THIS!!!" He picked up the gazimon and hurled him over the cliffside. Throwing the drink soon after.



Axe thought he heard a small scream in the background... It almost sounded like a girlish squeel but it was probably another digimon. "Tsumemon you ate his data..." Tsumemon looked down and sighed. "Yes as Keramon I can eat data. But the bigger the digimon the longer it takes and Shurimon was so big... I only downloaded one lousy line of code..." Tsumemon laid down. and breathed heavy. "It was a thought only one word... a name actually... SkullSatamon. That was all it said." Tsumemon climbed into

Axes hood and said, "good night Im beat... Viximon are you... ok?" Tsumemon was spacing his words out at random places making him sound tired. Or maybe he was concerned for Viximon. Axe just laid down and stared at the sky. "Sakura... We have to find shelter the Digimon need to eat!" He said still looking at the sky.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Viximon was happly being cuddled by Sakura. But something worried her, she looked up at Sakura before looking at the rest. "I'm sorry guys, i wasn't any help at all" she complained. She jumped out of Sakuras arms and she started to walk away.


Sakura looked at viximon, "Viximon wait" she ran after her. She picked up Viximon and looked down. "hey, it's ok you did your best," she said. She went into her backpack. She got a bit of food she handed out to everyone.


Viximon refused it, Sakura looked at Viximon. "oh come on Viximon, it wasn't that bad" she looked at the small fox in her arms. Viximon still looked hurt, she started to tell her self she was no help to the group and they all hated her. Soon she took the food from Sakura, but said nothing.

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Tsumemon listened in to Viximon. "No way ... Im the one who got tossed she shouldnt be upset because she did her best. All I did was get beat up ... AGAIN." Tsumemon smashed his small head onto the rock and yelled in dismay. "WHY why do I have to be the virus why am I the only one!" Axe tried his best to add support by saying "Hey dont say that. Once you get back to Keramon you'll digivolve again into something cool. And then you can be as cool as the rest of them right?" Tsumemon shot back at Axe "NO Axe you dont understand! If Keramon digivolves more problems arise I dont know why I have to be a digimon partner I couldnt even help as Keramon... And the rest of the family will only cause problems..." Tsumemons eye was tearing up and he laid back down in the hood without another word. "Sakura do you have a plan? In case you havent noticed Shurimon isnt dead shes just knocked out!"

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Sakura looked up and panicked. "I guess we leave or head uo the mountain" she said.


Viximon looked at Tsumemon and jumped in the hood wtih him, she huggled next to him. "don't worry Tsumemon, your on the fight for good now" she said happily.


Sakura watched as Viximon jumped out of her arm, she blinked and looked up the mountain. "Well let's go i guess" she said started to walk off.

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Tsumemon blushed and tried to hide the bump where the rock hit his head. "Man since when did my hood become your hang out spot Tsumemon. I thnk Sakuras right we'd better head up that mountain its our only option..."

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Shawn followed behind the others, fiddling with his digivice. "Hey sorry for not helping in the battle earlier. I would have Helped but Shawn seemed troubled by something." Dorumon told Sakura as he looked back at Shawn.

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"Oh hey Shawn... Were having a hood party and every digimon is invited!!" Axe sighed and said "You know what I said earlier at camp about having my jacket? I take it all back..." Tsumemon laughed and said "Sorry Axe but even you cant stop the hood party."

Axe sighed and mumbled, "Drop you off a cliff..."

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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the hidden leaf village


(I see what you did there~)


"Would I be able to come with you to the human world too, Alice?" Candlemon asked with his head tilted.

"Of course, you would be an amazing Halloween decoration" Alice said with a blink.

"Hey, that's not nice!"

"Haha, I was just kidding, of course you can come with, I'd love too. But that is if we ever get back..."


When the group arrived at the shrine, Alice couldn't help but watch the shrine with awe, she had always been interested and fascinated by this... sacred kind of places, and this gave her a special kind of feeling. Though it didn't last long before the Shurimon appeared. "S/he looks like someone pulled out of a comic book!" Alice remarked while running to take cover behind some of the stone pillars outside the shrine, Candlemon right behind here. "What's a comic book?" "Nevermind."


Candlemon realized Alice had safely taken cover, and ran towards the fighting scene to try and help, though he ended up knocked out in the blink of an eye. "Candlemon!" Alice shouted, running towards him to get him away from the fight. "I'm sorry... I'm not so strong..." "Don't worry, you tried and that is all that matters."


The fight was over quickly after Shoujomon evolved, and Alice carried the hurt Candlemon while walking behind the others towards the mountains. Rather sad that she couldn't explore the shrine more.

"You don't need to carry me you know..." Candlemon said in an attempt of being, well strong.

"Hehe, I know, but I have seen you struggel with jumping after us."

"Oh you're so funny..." Candlemon said with an sarcastic tone, but didn't complain about being carried.


Signature made by me, screenshot as base

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Viximon started tickling Tsumemon and heard what axe said. She bonked him on the head, "foxs have good hearing you know!" she joked. She looked over at Candlemon and waved paw.


Sakura looked at how Viximon was, she blinked. "Why isn't she this happy and easy going as Renamon" she said to her self.


Viximon turned to Sakura and laughed. "What did i just say about foxs hearing!" she said laughing.

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"Why are you so worried about your other digivolutions anywhere Tsumemon. All the others have been fine why not you?"

Tsumemon laughed and said. "You clearly dont know any infermon... or Chrysalimon for that matter you'll see why my family can be a handful Axe." Tsumemon looked around the mountain and said "Hey miss Sakura why do we have to go up the hill?"

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Sakura looked at Tsumemon "I guess, because this seems the best way to see where we are" she said. She looked at the top of the hill, "I mean, it cant' be all forest and beach right?"


Viximon jumped out of Viximons hood and jumped on Sakuras sholders. "Yeah, if Sakura says it will do it" she said putting her tiny paw in the air. She looked around, "I mean if you want"

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IlShawn looked up the mountain and hesitated. "What's wrong Shawn?" Dorumon asked. Shawn looked around and pulled Dorumon away. "I don't want to leave," Shawn whispered to him. "But won't you miss your friends," Dorumon asked.


Shawn just shook his head and walked back to the others.

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Jayten followed the others still proud of shojomon and her transformation. "I wonder what her ultra and mega levels will look like" Again not sure how he knew what ultra and mega levels where but this time he didnt question it.

Edited by Bronynonymous


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"I still don't understand. Do Digimon get a new personality when they Digivolve? Viximon is just so doffrent from Renemon." Leon says.

"Hey im the same." Gargomon says. "Not really. Your a bit obsessive over those pants." Leon points out. "Bu-but I like my pants...."



"Humph I've waited long enough." Cresemon says as she aims Ice Arrow at the destined.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Shojomon jumped off of Jayten's shoulders and sniffed the air, she started growling as if she sensed an evil presence, " What is it shojomon?" Jayten asked sdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfsdfasdfsdf


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"Im fine with goin up the mountain because I have a ride but my driver is another story..." Axe laughed and said "Tsumemon im fine im just worried about wether or not this place is just forest and beach." Axe said he hadnt seen abything different yet.


Etemon spotted cresemon. "Go ahead but these guys are tough... If I couldnt stop them no way you can..." Thats what he said but in his mind he thought. Please dont let her stop them...


Tsumemon noticed shojomons reaction and grew tense. I have to digivolve... Im no help like this...

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Viximon looked out to where all the other digimon looking out.


Sakura followed her gaze, "where we all looking guys?" she asked.


Viximon growled showing fox like teeth, [/i] why did you pick now de-digivovle she thought to her self. She looked around but she was ready.

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