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private The new Digidestined


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Jayten's head was pounding, even more than it was before. He noticed everyone holding out their electronic devices, Jayten stood up from where he was slumped over under the tree. Jayten pulled out his device and noticed it looked significantly different from the others'. He noticed his leather box had came unhooked from his belt, he picked it up form the ground, something was glowing inside the box. Jayten opened the box and found the drawing of Sparklemon and Shojomon which was at this point glowing for some odd reason. Jayten saw that the side of his device was glowing also, the side with the slit on it. Jayten looked over and saw Sparklemon picking herself off of the ground. I hope this works Jayten thought.


For some reason it seemed natural, like he had done this before.

"Um... Digi... digimodify?" Jayten said as he swiped the drawing through his device.

Instantly Sparklemon was enveloped in a bright light, her form changing,

"Sparklemon digivolve to,,, Shojomon" Shojomon said as she grew and evolved.

The light died down to reveal a completely different digimon altogether. This one seemed almost humanlike, and she would have looked exactly like a human, if it wasn't for the fact that the whites of her eyes were actually black, and that she was no taller than two and a half feet tall. She had jet black hair, and a black two piece combat outfit. She was wearing a black bandana like mask over the bottom half of her face so you could not see her mouth or chin. She had what looked like a shuriken hair pin in her hair.

Jayten was awestruck.


"Are you going to just stand there staring, or are you going to give me a command?" Shojomon asked snidely.

Taken aback by the sudden change in her personality, Jayten was even more flabbergasted.

"Sp... sp... Sparklemon?" Jayten asked


"Um no, idiot, did you not hear me when I announced my name. I am Shojomon, the rookie evolved form of Sparklemon" Shojomon said as if it was common knowledge.

Jayten snapped out of his daze pretty quickly. " Sp.. I mean Shojomon, attack!" Jayten commanded.

"As you wish" Shojomon said as she took her sword bag off of her black katana...


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"Dont worry Axe We got this guy. Tsumemon digivolve to Keramon !!"

"Tsumemon what happened you changed!?" Axe couldnt beleive it he looked different.

"Im not Tsumemon anymore Im keramon now. 'Bug Blaster'!!!"

Keramon three balls of explosive energy at Kuwagamon who stumbled back dazed. "Hehehe"

Keramons laugh was more like a cackle as he attacked the bug Digimon.


See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"Demimeramon digivole to Candlemon!" was the only thing Alice heard from the enlighten fireball she called her Digimon partner, before he had transformed into some kind of living candle. Jumping into the fight, Candlemon jumped up towards Kuwagamon's face and shouted "Melted Wax!" and lots of wax sticks flew straight into the face of Kuwagamon, making it harder for him to see.


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Sakura looked over at Renamon. "Vixi... viximon" she struggled to say.


Renamon shock her head and smiled "It's Renamon. now" She said. She jumped in the air and shouted "Diamond storm" leaves formed around her arms and shot at Kuawagamon. Renamon watched as he stubbed backwards after all the hits "That's it just a bit more!" she shouted.

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"Demi- I mean Candlemon! Keep on, he is almost down!" Alice shouted to try to encourage Candlemon's attacks.

"Right on it! Flame bomber!" Candlemon shot a small flame towards Kuwagamon's already hurt eye.


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The light that hit Gummymon also transformed him. "Gummymon digivovle to....." Gummymon said has he grew limbs and bunny-like ears. "Terriermon!!" Terriermon says after the digivolution is complete. "Hmm not only are they made of data but they can transform. Interesting." Leon says seeing Gummymon's new form. "Leave the rest to me." Terriermon says. "Terrier Tornado!" Terriermon starts to spin his ears around and sends a tornado at Kuawagamon. Seeing he is weakened Terriermon attacks once more "Bunny Blast!!" Terriermon sends green shots from his mouth at Kuawagamon. "Just one last blow. Everyone attack together!" Terriermon tells the other Digimon.

Edited by Ponymon Trainer Red



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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"Bug Blaster !!" More energy shot from Keramons mouth and exploded against Kuwagamons exoskeleton he was startin to crack

and was becoming weaker."Lets go Keramon teach that bug a lesson !!" Axe shouted at his digimon partner.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Sakura looked on in shock "There really power house..." she said.


Renamon ran up to him, "Power paw" she said hitting him hard in the head. "That will sure give him a headache" she said laughing jumping away.


Kuwagamon took one last swipe at all of digimon before seeing it was out numbered.


Sakura watched as it flew away "that was... shocking"

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"hehehehe Man we sure showed him right Terriermon." Keramon asked the other Digimon.

"Keramon way to go !" Axe yelled to his partner. "Hey Axe do you think I could still sit in your hood ?"

Keramon asked jokingly. "Of course buddy you were amazing !" Axe was shocked at how the Digimon changed.

Suddenly he collapsed. The damage done to him when Kuwagamon had attcked was incredible.

"Axe your hurt bad dont try to stand." Axe sighed and slumped against a tree nearby.

"Your right I should take it easy." He used his jacket sleeve to clean some of the dirt and blood off and rested while

Keramon got some more fruit.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Alice ran over to Candlemon. "Amazing! Good job to you, and everyone else of course! But what happened to everyone?"


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"Boy now that was fun!!" Terriermon said ecstatically "Let's fight another"


"Oh no, no we are not going to fight another one of those bug...things." Leon says "Now care to explain this whole...ermm what did you call it?" Leon askes. "Digivolution?" Terriermon answers. "Yeah that. Are there other forms? Is there a time limit? Are there things you have to do before you Digi-whatever?" Terriermon stops Leon before he can ask another question "I don't know really. All I know is that we have a few different forms most of the time ending with the Mega level. We need energy to Digivovle so it's good we ate something before the battle. Food is always good." Terriermon explains.


As Leon, Terriermon, and the others celebrate there victory Crescemon watches from a nearby hilltop. "Hmm so these are the humans that the master was talking about. I will see to it that they never complete their mission" She says before dashing off.

Edited by Ponymon Trainer Red



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Sakura looked over at Terriemon "Is that true?" she said looking at Renamon.


Renamon nodded "Yes, but we couldn't of done it with out you" she told Sakura. She looked around "You humans are the key to are Digivolution and getting stronger"

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"Now crescemon you wait just a dang done minute here! uh huh. Im gonna be the one who stops those digidestined and The master Is gonna praise me. So why dont you just go along and play with your toys while I do the hard work." Etemon approached Crescemon

Being his usual arrogant self. Etemon was a monkey digimon and nobody liked him he was just a bully but a bully who served the master. He and Crescemon didnt get along Etemon wanted the masters praise so the fact that this Crescemon might be able to show him up was unacceptable.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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((You guys don't wait for others, I guess I will still rp my attack on kuwagamon))


Shojomon took off the sword bag that covered her katana, revealing a black dai katana. When she unsheathed the katana a release of energy occurred.


Shojomon jumped in the air and slashed a vertical slash as she yelled "Demon Claw" releasing a black slash of energy that rippled through the air and hit kuwagamon.

  • Brohoof 1


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Crescemon gave a small sigh. "Etemon the master told me to kill them." Crescemon says. "And I intend to do just that." She walked past Etemon "Oh and stop singing everything. I swear the only thing worse then your giant ego is your singing."



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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" I guess, with the giant bug attack and all, I did not get to properly introduce myself. My digipartner tells me my name is Jayten. And what are your names?" Jayten asked.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"I'm Alice and this is... Candlemon was it now?" Alice said while turning her head towards Jayten. "Seems everyone here come from the Summer Camp we were on, except for you.


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"My name is Keramon !" the blue digimon said with a grin. "IM a virus digimon named after Kera meaning cackle. the demented laughter." Keramon said smiling like a lunatic. Witch in fact he was.



"Crescemon you wont kill those kids as long as theres a song in my body uh-huh. And dont you think for a minute IM gonna let you tke those kids away I'll stop them and you'll just watch and learn." At that etemon left Crescemon on the hillside.



((OOC sorry guys I might be offline for a few days. Im goin out camping with my cousins so please dont advance in the story to much just pretend Im walking along with you guys lol))

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"This place is so pretty." Coral gasped in awe, looking up at the ravine over her head. "I didn't know this place is near our summer camp." Keeping her head above the water, she relaxed and thought about how she got here. One moment ago she was diving into the water, the next thing she saw was a portal made of light opened up beneath the water and sucked her in. When the current stopped, she held her breath and swam upward to reach the surface, ending up where she was now.


Her attention was brought back to reality when her blue flip-flops floated by. In a couple strokes, she reached them and stepped up to the riverside. The device-thingy, which fell from the sky and dropped into water, casuing her to jump into the sea at the first place, was shoved into her pocket. Too excited to worry, Coral bounced up the path leading up. "Ok, time to explore!", cheerfully she chuckled. If this was a dream, she never wanted to wake up.

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