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private The new Digidestined


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Renamon had already started walking down the beach. "Yes, and i suggest we keep moving before it comes back" she said.


Sakura looked over at Jayten, "Well this world must keep food for digimon, so there should be berries around" she said.

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"A lot of Digimon have been going bad lately" Terriermon explains. "It may have something to do with whoever is behind all this he's corrupting their data and controlling them....somehow."


"Oh yay more gaint bugs perhaps? Or maybe a dinosaur? Wait if you say Digimon are being corrupted then how do we know any of you aren't?" Leon says accusing all the partners like they may be spies or something. "Calm down Leon. If we were corrupted then we would be colored black rather then our normal colors." Terriermon says.

Edited by Ponymon Trainer Red



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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"A giant bug attacked you? Mm, I didn't see it." Hoping nobody got hurt, Coral started to trot after Sakura. Even though she had never saw what destruction the 'bad' Digimon had done, she felt bad for it. "Well, they can't all be that bad, right? If somebody corrupted their data, we can do the same by fixing it for them. " Hesitantly she suggested, feeling at ease to be near the beach. "But I don't know how to do it though. I am not very good with computers. How about you guys? "

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"I'm ok with computers." Leon says. "But these creatures and this whole world is beyond anything me, or anyone else for that matter, could handle." Leon says. "I guess we'll just have to fight them"


"Maybe your Digivices could help." Terriermon adds. "But theirs something that you need, the crests. We were told you all would get a crest that would help you save the Digital World. But I don't know where they are so we'll have to look for them." Terriermon explains.

Edited by Ponymon Trainer Red



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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"Really? Does it mean we can fix them by using the crest?" Coral started to walk backwalk, watching prints of her flipflops left on the sand. Then she paused for a second and murmured out of wonder in a light voice. "Oh, my god. I can't believe I am inside a computer world now. This place is prettier than any place I have seen before."

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"Crests and evil digimon do not mean anything if we are dead from heat exhaustion or food deprivation, and I kind of doubt that just any berry hanging from a bush is going to be good eats. The last thing we need is someone getting sick because they ate the wrong thing. I don't quite know how I know this but we need at least two liters of water a day. And if we were to say, hike in a desert, we would need a gallon of water a day. But if someone were to eat the wrong berry and get diarrhea, they would be expelling most water put into their bodies, and would require a greater amount of water to keep hydrated. We need to make sure we stay healthy or this is all for nothing. " Jayten said

"Ugh, careful and cautious is not my style. Cant we just beat down baddies and take names" Shojomon said, still piggy back riding on jay's shoulder

"I don't know how a digimon's body works but I assume they require food and water too, no?" Jayten asked

"Yeah yeah, but that is the boring part." Shojomon said with a humph.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Alice stood silent in the corner of the group listening to the others presenting each other and discussion what to do next. She could feel the haunting feeling of being on the "outside" of everyone else creep up on her, but she tried to shake it of.

"Something wrong, Alice?" Candlemon said, looking up at his partner. "You've been so quiet."

"Oh, no I'm okay."

"If you say so I guess..."


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Renamon looked over at Dorumon. "What horrible manners" she said. She looked at Dorumon, "I before to eat to get my strength" she said.


Sakura looked at Renamon, "You sure, one to speak you mind" she said. She looked over at Alice "you sure ok?" she asked.


Renamon smiled "Oh but Sakura, i get most of my personalty traits from you, how you treated me from Viximon to now made my personalty" she said.

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"I sure hope that is not true for all digimon, id like to think I am less abrasive then Shojo" Jayten said

"I am offended, I am not abrasive, I like to think of my self as assertive" Shojo retorted.

Jayten looked over his shoulder and slightly upwards to see shojomon's offended expression. Since her black mask covers the bottom half of her face he couldn't tell if her lips were pursed but her eyes were narrowed and her eyebrows at an angle.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Alice still stood in the corner of the group, waiting for anyone deciding where they should head to. She was never that good at taking command, even though she tried for time to time. Candlemon made some worried glances towards her from time to time.


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Hoping that the Digidevice was waterproof, Coral tapped on its screen to see if the red dot would appear again. Nada. "Mm, could it be because I don't even have a Digimon yet? That's because I haven't drew he or her out yet. " Just when she was about to pick up a stick and drew sketches on the sand, her stomach growled. Blushing, she looked at the others dauntingly. "Uh, if we are in Digimon's world. Does that mean we have to eat data, too? What does it taste like? "

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Sakura blushed and shrugged. "Erm... well, i have no idea!" She sighed. She looked at renamon and smiled "Can you get us some food?" She asked nicely.


Renamon nodded and jumped off faster then Sakura could see her. She came back with a few berries and some leaves. "These things are all good to eat" She said smiling. She started to eat as Sakura sat down next to her.

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"Wow, they look really good." Coral's eye shone at the sight of berries, while her mouth watered. "Can I have some, Renamon?" Taking a seat next to Renamon, she wondered if her Digimon would take after her, too, or act in a friendly manner, like the nice chats Jayten and Shojomon always seem to be having. Mm, is Shojo angry? Leaning forward, she looked up to try to guess the expression veiled under the ninja's mask. "Hey, Shojomon, Renamon got some berries for all of us. Let's eat together. " Coral called out, her intention of seeing the Digimon unveiled the mask was all written on her face.

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"Hmm... I will only eat if Jayten eats." Shojomon said.

"Well I am kinda hungry" Jayten said with a famished expression. "Alright lets eat then"

Jayten sat down next to Cora and shojomon hopped off of Jayten's shoulders. He helped himself to the berries, and handed some to shojomon actually curious himself to see her take off her mask. Shojomon grabbed some berries, she lifted her hand up to her mask and pushed a berry up to where her mouth would be under her mask, the berry disappeared, after which shojomon made a chewing motion with her jaw. "That was not half bad, its not like I am grateful or anything" Said shojomon.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Renamon blinked and watched as it happened. She smiled and tilted her head. "I wouldn't expect, anything more" she laughed. Soon her ears picked up, "There's something coming" Renamon stood up and walked over to Sakura.


Sakura looked at Renamon with fear in her eyes. Sakura shock the fear and looked at all her friends.


Tuskmon was flattening everything in his path, he made a massive roar before breaking through the trees


(( Posted Image here's his attacks if you want to use them in your next post:

Slamming Tusk (Panzer Knuckle): Slams his tusks into enemies.

Horn Buster (Horn Driver): Fires a laser beam from his horns.))


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Following Shojomon's motion in taking the berry to her face, Coral lifted her chin, strained her neck, and almost fell down on her front when the berry mysteriously dissapeared or simply passed through the mask. "It's like a magical mask." Coral, watching Shojomon in amazement with her jaw dropped, spoke her thoughts out.


If I want a Digimon as my partner, what will he or she looked like? The stick in her hand trailed and left dents in the sand, outlining an image with quick, definite strokes. "Ok, I think this is what my Digimon will look like." Coral announced happily. In front of her laid a sketch of what looked like an eggplant with pointy ears, round fish-gaze eyes, and four legs.

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"Um... I don't want to disappoint you, but I am not sure that simply drawing the digimon in the ground creates them" Jayten said, and then seeing the disappointment in her face said "Oh but I am sure you will find your partner soon enough, you have your digivice, so its just a matter of time" Jayten reassured.


Then he heard the roar, it sent a shiver up his spine. Shojomon instantly got to her feet, with a vehement exp<b></b>ression. Before Jayten knew it, Shojomon had taken the sword bag off her sword and unsheathed it releasing a thick aura of energy. "Jayten, get behind me," Shojomon said as if she were bigger than Jayten. "Oh, okay." Jayten said stepping behind Shojomon.

Edited by Bronynonymous


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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((OOC: Do you mean a sheath? ))


"Eh? It does not? But you said-" Coral's words were cut off by a thundering roar. When the green dinosaur ran right at their way, she didn't know how to react besides putting up a blank face, her pupils dialted out of focus. It's a dinosaur. It's a living dinosaur! Quickly her fascination was thrown back at each of its quaking footstep. "It looks hungry... can dInosaur eat berries and leaves?" Wondering if they could make a peace offering with the food they had, she snapped out of her trance. "Wait, Shojomon. Where are you going? You will get hurt if you fight it." Standing next to Shojomon, Coral noticed something for the first time and paused. "Actually, you look really cute with the sword."

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"I think I can take it." Terriermon says as Tuskmon came closer to the group. "Terriermon your a bunny...thing and that's a dinosuar. You have no chance." Leon said. Terriermon just ignored him and glided towards Tuskmon. "Bunny Bla-AHHG!!" Just as he was about to attack Tuskmon uses Slamming Tusk and knocks Terriermon into a nearby tree rendering him unconscious. "TERRIERMON!!" Leon yells as he runs to Terriermon's aid "I told you he was too strong. But do you listen? No." As this is going on Tuskmon notices Renamon and Sakura and starts running towards them roaring.

Edited by Ponymon Trainer Red



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Sakura froze in place. "R...Renamon, i can't move" she said.


Renamon looked at Sakura and grabbed her jumped out the way, before getting hit in the back with his attack Horn Buster. She winced and turned around, and stood up. Jumping in the air she shouted "Diamond storm" yet again the leaves formed in front of her and hurtled towards Tuskmon. Before Renamon fell to the floor, she looked over at him. "... it did nothing, whats worst it sounds like he's laughing."


Sakura ran over to Renamon and fell to her knees. "Are... are you ok?" she asked. "I...I'm sorry i couldn't move this is all my fault" she told Renamon.


((Giving you all chance to attack this time! Because like a bad DM i forgot V_V ))

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"Shojomon, do your best, I don't want to see you get hurt." Jayten said.

"Right!" Shojo confirmed. She ran as fast as she could at tuskmon, she jumped holding the sword out to her side yelling "Sparkle slash" Her sword ignited with electricity in an instant she vanished and reappeared behind tuskmon. At first it seemed like nothing happened, but after three seconds of frozen silence, tuskmon's tip of his right horn fell off, cut cleanly. Also a light laceration appeared on his hide, too superficial to damage him. Tuskmon seemed livid, his roar so load it made Jayten dizzy. Tuskmon used his tail to wrap around shojomon. The tail wrapping around shojomon seemed to tighten every second. "Ack!" Shojomon let out a cry and dropped her sword. Tuskmon used his tail to throw shojomon at the nearest tree, she hit the tree at such a high speed that it left a impact crater in the thick trunk. Tuskmon was not done then, he then pointed his remaining intact tusk and yelled "HORN BUSTER!" shooting a beam of energy into shojomon. She was alive, but just barely. Her unconscious body slumped under the tree. Jayten thought Tuskmon was done, but Tuskmon pointed his tusk towards Shojomon's KO'd body. He started to run towards shojomon.

"NO! SHOJOMON" Jayten cried out as he ran in front of shojo to protect her, he spread his hands out as if to block the massive monster charging in his direction...


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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