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open Waking up in Ponyville


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Twilight woke up with a huge yawn, she had over-slept since yesterday she was trying out her new spells, she jumped out of bed, quickly making it back up with her telekinesis "That's better" she said humming to herself, she trotted downstairs, Spike was wearing his apron and making her breakfast "Morning Twi" he said flipping the cooking pan "care for some flapjacks? I got some new Maple syrup this morning, and it's Delicious!" he said kissing the tips of his fingers and closing his eyes proudly "Sure Spike, but I have a busy schedule" "Don't ya'h worry Twi, they'll be done faster than you can say Snicker-doodle" "...snicker-doo-" a plate of flapjacks appeared in front of her, a grinning spike stood, there "care for some Orange Juice?" "Sure Spike" Twilight said cutting her pancakes and picking them up with her telekinesis, just as a glass of cold orange juice landed in front of her "Fresh squeezed" he added going back upstairs, she rolled her eyes playfully, as she finished her breakfast, she wen't outside of the library taking a scroll with her "Let's see first thing is fi-" she stopped as she covered her ears hearing a loud shout "who was that?" she asked herself, she noticed how her telekinesis stopped making the scroll land on a small puddle in the ground, she sighed "just great" she said continuing walking

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You know what, I'm sorry. This RP is too crowded for my liking :S I can barely follow whats going on. I'm out, you can delete my OP if you want.


God dang minimum character count! Dum de dum dummmm....

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Pinkie Pie grinned. She looked at the white pony. "What's your name?" she asked.


Fauny smiled, watching the two other ponies.


Fluttershy stepped off the path from her cottage and arrived in Ponyville, finding two new ponies and Pinkie Pie.

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Cerulean sits down by the statue, and waits for a reply (Hint,hint!)


((OOC: Bye Eljordo!))


She notices something strange on the statue, and starts to pick at it with her hoof. It was purple and crusty.


((Also, I'm pretty much done RPing today. If you encounter me in your roleplay, I will respond tomorrow)).

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Fluttershy approached the two new ponies slowly.


Pinkie Pie saw Fluttershy. She waved.


Fauny turned her head to see Fluttershy. Turning her head back, Fauny decided to explore Ponyville. She wondered where to visit first.

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Byron said "Funny thing is, I was looking for her too! Do you know where she is?" Byron asked "I just needed to ask her about how I ended up here in Equestr-" Byron stopped himself. "Focus Byron, Focus," Byron whispered to himself. "So, anyways, have you seen her?"

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((OOC: Okay, I guess I'm back. For now.))


Cerulean thought for a while. "No, not really... you see, I don't really know my way around here. You probably won't believe me, but I've never been to Equestria before-" She stopped herself. What if this pony thought she was weird? :I probably shouldn't tell anypony I'm a human: she thought. "By the way, do you know any place nearby that would let me stay for the night?"



((Okay, NOW I'm done. ))

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Discere searched for the pony that had made the ear deafening yell, but to no aveil. After realizing that it was getting late, Discere unhappily trotted off towards his cottage. However, the origin of that "WAKE UP!" was weighing hevily on his curiousity. He was deterimined to find this pony and then inquire how it was physically possible to yell at that volume. He let out a large yawn and quietly mumbled to himself "It can wait untill tomorrow though..."


((OOC: I am done for the night.))

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Fauny looked at the sky. "It's getting dark, but I have nowhere to stay..." She sighed. "I just hope it doesn't rai-" Fauny felt a few drops of rain. God, no she thought, trying to duck for cover as the rain slowly became stronger.


"It's dark already?" With rain trickling against her mane, Fluttershy turned around abruptly and head to her cottage near the forest.

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Discere's pace quickened... it was raining. He stopped suddenly when he saw a light blue pony sitting there in the rain with an amusing look on her face. He approached the pony and asked "Hey, why are you just sitting here? You're getting soaked."

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Discere raised an eyebrow "what in the hay is a human" he thought to himself. This pony was obviously sick from sitting in the rain. "hey" he asked " Do you want to stay at my cottage for tonight and get out of this rain?" " If we go then maybe you can tell me more about your "human" problem."

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Discere and the light blue pony walked towards his cottage to retire for the night. Discere stole a glance at her. He found it quite odd that today he saw two ponies that he had nevere seen nor heard of in ponyville, in fact Discere did not even know this poor mare's name. He would have to ask her after they both warmed up inside and got some rest.


(( OOC: okay, now i am really done for today))

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Starbolt walked into Ponyville, heading to the library to return a book she borrowed the other day.

'Something feels wrong today. It feels like there was just an intense surge of magic.' She thought as she neared Twilight Sparkle's library.

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Twilight noticed that the scroll was pretty much useless now that it was soaking wet, she sighed ad walked towards the library, only t spot another pony "oh, hello there Starbolt" she said smiling "what brings you here?" She asked opening the library door

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"Oh I'm just here to return this book. Also did you feel a surge of magical enery awhile ago, like a really powerful spell was cast." She said as she handed the book titled 'Basic teleportation for fillies' back to Twilight.

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Twilight took the book "a surge of magic?" Twilight asked tapping her chin "I don't know anything about that....." she said levitating the book to it's proper shelf as she walked inside the library


Sugar Rush blew her wet mane out of her face she needed to find a place to sleep but where? She couldn't fly because she didn't know how to, and asking a pony if she can sleep there will be pretty weird, she sighed and walked around town, it was now empty until something caught her attention, a light could be seen through an open door, from the looks of it, it was Twilight's Library, she sighed again "Might as well" she slowly walked towards the library

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Starbolt walked in the library.

"Anything you need help with Twilight?" Asked Starbolt as she entered the library attempting to be friendly.

She heared hoof steps behind her, she turned around and saw a white pegasus with a pink and blue mane.

"Hello, I haven't seen you before. What's your name?" She said.

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Great. It was getting dark, and now it was starting to rain. Byron frantically searches around for shelter, but sees nothing more than a large tree. Then it hits him. "Thats the library!" Byron says. Just as he was about to open the door, he feels a sudden surge of... magic? He then goes unconscious, and falls right through the door, accidentally breaking it in two.

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Starbolt saw a navy blue unicorn fall through the door.

"Are you okay?" She asked, but she noticed he was unconscious.

Starbolt picked him up and brought him inside. "Twilight somepony just fell through the door." Said Starbolt putting Bryon on a bench.

Starbolt noticed she has never seen this pony before also. 'Another new pony? What's going on?' She thought.

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Byron moans, slowly opening his eyes. He notices that he is surrounded by other ponies. One is easily recognizable as... "Twilight?" Byron says weakly. "What's going on? Why am I in Equestria?" Byron slowly stood up.

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Starbolt looked at the new pony examining him, his question was strange.

'Why would he ask "Why am I in Equestria?" that's a bizarre question.' Thought Starbolt.

"Hi, are you alright? You fell through the door." Asked Starbolt concerned about the blue pony.

Starbolt levitates a glass of water and hands it to him. "Here drink this." She offered.

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Rainbow watched as ponies filled out. Great, now ponies were ignoring her awesomeness. But one question remained-what the f*** were all of these ponies doing here? Rainbow had one way to find out-Twilight!


Rainbow dashed toward the Libaray to see the door split in two. Great. Oh, BONUS! It was raining and dark, Rainbow could never find her way out of this storm! She walked in and squeezed out her tail and mane. Then she saw a new pony and Starbolt, y'know, that pony that hangs around in Ponyville. She walked up to Starbolt, and began to ask her a question.


"Sup Bolt? Well, mind if I chill here for the night?" Rainbow asked, and then added something else in because a new pony was right in front of her, getting water. "And who in the name of celestia is that guy? And where's Twilight?"

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