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open Waking up in Ponyville


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"Okay, okay!" Cerulean said. She handed Pinkie Pie a small cloud, and flew up to get more. "NOM NOM NOM" she said, while eating the puffiness. "...NOM... Bleh! Too much candy!" She became aware of Bryon and Dash's conversation, and joined in. "Won't your family miss you? she asked.


Also known as KatTayle



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Fauny landed in the hot air balloon as it started into the air. "I didn't know there were hot air balloons in Equestria." she said, smiling to herself.


Fluttershy shyly looked at the grass, feeling bad that she had ever existed. She blamed herself for everything at time like this.


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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"It doesn't involve magic so I wouldn't know." She replied.

She turned to Twilight "Twi do you know what humans are?" She asked her.

(OOC "this pony that was being called 'Starbolt'" You know Starbolt has been in Ponyville for quite a while already, she already knows Rainbow Dash.)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Pinkie Pie happily ate the cotton candy cloud, licking off the chocolate milk that dripped from it. "Yum!" She ate a tunnel into the cotton candy and then popped out the top. Laughing, she dove back in and took another bite of the delicious puff.


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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((OOC: @Starbolt Oh, I forgot. Great....I thought Starbolt was a HOC.



Rainbow flew up, grabbed a chocolate cloud and started eating it while she was having the conversation. A little chocolate couldn't hurt.

Edited by Resolution
  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Thats true... Wait... If we defeat Discord, I might be able to use his magic to get my Family and Friends here! And I might be able to get the humans that want to go home to earth with Discord's power!

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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"Thats true... Wait... If we defeat Discord, I might be able to use his magic to get my Family and Friends here! And I might be able to get the humans that want to go home to earth with Discord's power!"


"Not a half bad idea! So, why are we wasting our time here, when we could be up there-" Rainbow pointed to Canterlot in the distance. "To get the Elements? I don't know about you guys, but i'm going!"

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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"Oh," Discere confusedly replied. "Do they have hot air balloons in your world?" he asked hoping stasr conversation and possibly drill more information about humans and their world out of her. "What do you do for fun in your world?"


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"I'm going too!" Byron said. "Come on everypony! Lets get the Elements of Harmony!"

And so the ponies continued to Canterlot, to find the elements, defeat Discord, and get the humans that wanted to back home!

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Sugar Rush trotted around town, admiring everything she could "Oooohhhh" "Ahhh" she said jokingly, she kept walking until something pushed her to the ground "Scoots, look at what ya'h did know" "Sorry Applebloom" She replied rolling her eyes "well Scootaloo you should of been more careful" "But I was careful!" "well it just weren't enough" they continued arguing until they realized the white mare was still in the ground "Umm, sorry Ms. ...umm" a yellow filly with a red mane started "Ah don't reckon' knowing ya'h, are ya'll new around here?" it didn't take Sugar long to recognize the filly, and the other two behind her "Hey! Ya'll must be the CutieMark Crusaders!" she said smiling "You know about us?" The white filly asked "Yeah" she said nodding her head wildly "I mean... Yeah!" she said nodding her head again "Well, My name is Sugar Rush, what are ya'll up to?" "Well we were gonna try and see if we could get our cutiemarks!" the orange one said "What does yer cutiemark stand for?" Sugar Rush's face shrunk as she tried to come up with an awesome backstory "Well, my cutiemark is umm.... Three water bombs, it's because I.... umm... am a Great Prankster, I made a huge prank for someponies, and I got my cutiemark" she smiled, and the CMC all grinned "Oooh, can ya'h tell us more Miss Rush?" Applebloom asked, she gulped and then took a deep sigh "Well, it all started when I was a little filly, heck, I think I was younger than ya'll, I was probably one of the worst fliers, in summer flight camp, one day I over heard someponies that were gonna prank my cabin while they slept, my cabin was probably one of the wimpiest ones, well not the wimpiest one just pretty wimpy" she said chuckling a little, as she continued making up a story "anyways, night was approaching, I could of easily left my cabin, and wait for the pranking to end, but I just couldn't do that, so I took a box from under my bed, and took out a packet of water bombs, it was gonna be pretty cool since I filled the water bombs with paint too, I climbed on top of the cabin and waited for those fillies to come, just as they were gonna open the door I jumped and started to throw the water bombs at every pony, and when I opened my eyes, a huge paint mess stood in front of me, and not only that but the fillies were pretty mad, they left to wash up, and I kept the pranking supplies for myself, my cutiemark appeared short after, but I was pretty happy to notice" She finished with a suspicious grin "that was awesome!" Scoots shouted "can you teach me to be a Prankster?" "Ooh me too!" "Me three!" "emm, some other day, I'm kinda busy right now, I spent a lot of time just telling ya'll this story" she said running off "Sweet Celestia that was close...."

  • Brohoof 1




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"There are hot air balloons in my world." Fauny replied. "For fun, I like to watch... well, for fun, in my world, I watch this show. Called My Little Pony..." She looked at her hooves. "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic..."


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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"Kay, kid, get on my back. I'm gonna sonic rainboom over there!" Rainbow said with a laugh.



Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Byron climbs onto Rainbow Dashes back. "I'm ready to go, Rainbow Dash!" Byron exclaimed. Byron looked towards the others and yelled "HEY! ANYONE ELSE RIDING THE SONIC RAINBOOM?" Byron yelled. "Room for one more!"

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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"My Little... Pony?" Then suddenly Discere realized something, If Fauny did in fact come from a different world... how would she have know about twilight sparkle when he asked her. Discere's brain stopped for a second... and then it clicked. "OF COURSE!" he exclaimed. "It all makes perfect sense," he began... "Your civilization of humans must be so far advanced in technology that you have discovered the ability to communicate and or observe neighboring dimensions by abusing flaws in the space matrix! By using the matrix your people were able to broadcast a signal that would view the light spectrum of our dimension, thus allowing you to watch and observe us!"... "Am I correct?"


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Starbolt saw that Rainbow Dash was carrying maximum load.

"Oh so how am I getting to Canterlot?" She asked.

(OOC Brb in a few minutes getting something to eat. And how will Starbolt and the others get to Canterlot?)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Fluttershy stood, still looking shyly at the ground. She looked at Rainbow Dash, then back at the ground. She felt responsible for everything that had happened, just because yesterday she hadn't greeted the new ponies. She looked up.


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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"Right. Alright, urk! Time to do this, baby! Hang on tight!" Rainbow started flying and shouted down to twilight,


"Teleport to Canterlot, if you can. If not, I'll come back for the rest!"


Rainbow flew up, high as she could diagnolly. She could easily do a Sonic Rainboom alone, but with others...it was going to be difficult. She started to accelerate, but she hadn't started going down yet.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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(( Well, i'm gonna do it this post, but I don't know if the others are being teleported. Rainbow and someone else suggested it.))


Rainbow got as high as she could, as prepared for the Rainboom. She told Pinkie and Byron on her back-


"Hold on as tight as you can!"


Rainbow flew down, tears swelling in her eyes, she was almost at maximum speed...but the weight of Pinkie and Byron was slowing her down.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Starbolt knew she couldn't teleport them that far, she was not skilled in teleportation yet.

"Twilight can you teleport us?" She ased the purple unicorn hoping that she could.

'If I try to teleport us who knows what would happen.' She thought.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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(Guys, if you really got nothing to say anymore, wait for other posts, The reason of the character limit is for others to expand their post to say more than just a simple sentence >.>)



Twilight Sparkle Teleported to Canterlot with Aj and Rarity, and all they had to do was wait for the rest "They're taking an awful amount of time, Twilight" said Rarity "Well they're gonna fly from wherever they are to Canterlot, and I'm not even sure how Pinkie is gonna get here..." "Maybe I should go help them"

Edited by CandleJack




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Suddenly Discere spotted Twilight and company from up in the hot air balloon. "Hey its twilight!" he yelled to Fauny. He tried to get the attention of the unicorn when suddenly his mind started to drift again..."twilight" Discere thought to himself. But before they could notice the balloon, they dissapeared in a bright flash!

Edited by TheBronyHeart


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"That's Twilight alright! And I think that's Rarity! And the others! Wait, but no Pinkie." Fauny looked at the sky, It seemed to be green. "What happened to the sky?" she asked to a cotton candy cloud. It didn't answer, but why should it?


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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Rainbow sped up, and her white barrier that signaled 'Reaching Max Speed' had appeared. She knew that if it bounced her back, Pinkie and Byron would go flying, and die. She felt it attempting to bounce her back, but she thrust through the barrier, creating a sonic rainboom. The explosion, from as far as Rainbow could see, stretched on for miles. It had no color, however. Discords doing, Rainbow thought. It was the most effort she put into something, and landed on the gates of Canterlot after a couple of seconds. Rainbow collapsed after she landed.

Edited by Resolution

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Fluttershy watched the Sonic Rainboom appear in the sky. "Sonic RAINBOOM! IT'S THE SECOND ONE I'VE SEEN IN MY LIFE!!!" She was excited. "Or maybe the fourth."


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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Cerulean looked up at the sky. There was a beautiful rainbow, stretched across the green sky. Rainbow Dash must have made it to Canterlot! "Great," she told herself, "Now how m I going to get there?"


((OOC: Rainbow Dash brought Pinkie and Bryon, Twilight teleported Applejack and Rarity, where are Cerulean and Starbolt?))


Also known as KatTayle



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