Carbon 57 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 (edited) I had never really knew about Bronies at all, until I randomly came across the video on youtube "Teens react to My Little Pony". Having watched it deliver ridicule upon something I had never even heard of before, I knew that there must have been more to the fandom than what the video was representing. I sat down to watch the opening episodes to season one. It was from there that I could realise why people would watch the show. The animation was awesome, the characters deep and interesting, and the general humour was engaging and enjoyable. So, I sort of became a brony the day I found out about them, So I never really had a prior opinion. Edited July 26, 2012 by Carbon My Steam Profile Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshmallow 1,137 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 I thought they were just a bunch of weirdos... And even now I still believe that sometimes "There was me, that is Pinkie, and my three droogs, that is Rarity, Rainbow, and Fluttershy, and we sat in the Ponyville Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening." A Clockwork Pony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkazoid 3,493 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 I didn't know bronies existed, I didn't even know people watched the show, I watched it on my own, and after I found the bronies after looking at the episodes on youtube xD :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
000 206 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 At first I was confused and just ignored it but never made fun of the people. Then when I found out that my friend was a brony, I was like "Okay, this is no ordinary show" then i watched some episodes and then I slowly became one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Chaos~ 3,967 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 I admit, at first I thought it was maybe a little odd, but everything changed when the fire nation attacked But as you can all see, that thought quickly went away! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KPM 288 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 Annoying bastards with weird taste in shows. That's what I used to think. I was quite judgemental, I know. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KakeiTheWolf 652 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 I was a hater of it. Like most things I don't read up on. I thought bronies were fags. Well, I ended up a brony when I actually watched the show (I blame my old Skype group for this). Just like how I thought furries were sexual deviants, until I actually looked into the fandom (I blame Viscra for this). My Music: Now on tumblr at Youtube: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
--Eve-- 351 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 I actually didn't question why they liked the show t all, I just found it annoying how they were EVERYWHERE. So I sort of see why some people dislike us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-0-NULL-0- 22 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 (edited) I was listening to The Wisenheimers podcast, Yotom asked Max why he liked the show and I thought they were taking the piss, then, later, I was watching one of the pony.movs and in the sidebar was an icon that caught my eye, nothing special just what looked like one massive pony and one normal pony, I thought it was another spoof so I watched it, it was an extract from the first zecora episode, with Applebloom leaving Applejack on a leaf, after it was over I realised that it wasn't made by an amateur. I'd just watched My Little Pony. At first I thought it was just someone uploading a stupid little snippit of a kids show to roll people but as the day progressed I noticed more and more clips from the show, I was clicking from scene to scene, trying to work out some sort of overall plot, trying to work out the characters, trying to work out why kept looking for more, I still thought that these bits were just some really gems that some people had found in an otherwise terribly cleched children's show. Then I clicked a link without reading the title, thumbnail surfing, and was presented with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Season 1 Episode 1. The recording quality was shocking but I was drawn to it, getting sucked deeper and deeper into their world, then the episode ended and I was left just sitting there staring at my screen. I didn't know what had happened to me but I liked my little pony. I searched for another, and another and another, soon I'd caught up with the episode release, about halfway through season 2 but I couldn't handle the boredom that comes with waiting so I stopped tracking the episodes and started watching Adventure Time again instead. A few months later I found a picture in my documents, it was Pinkie Pie, happy as always, I remembered all the good times and I rushed back to youtube, looking for my wonderful ponies, I watched them all from where I left off basking in the warm feeling that I'd been missing so long. Nah, I'm just buckin' with ya, I showed Dom and he told me 'bout bronies Edited July 26, 2012 by Drewophobic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mcayon 24 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 I thought it was really weird because I thought it was still like it was in the 80's... but then I saw the episode of "Teens React" about MLP:FIM and I decided that I'd watch it and see if it was like that... and it wasn't... I was mind blown... Signature made by Cherrybomb. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AppleShy Sparkle 312 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 (edited) I didn't even know there was a new MLP series, until i saw this guy on TF2 named ''Fluttershy Commissioner'', and decided to search it on Steam. Then i saw this yellow-pink thing, and thought ''this must be one of those new incredibly popular series i don't know shit about''. Then one faithful day, as i was drifting across the plains of TF2 and Youtube, i found this: And then i found all these ''yay'' videos, and i decided to check the show out. 1 week later, i made my first post on this forum. EDIT: I just realized this post had nothing to do about what i thought about bronies beforehand. When watching all the parody videos of MLP and reading the video comments, most of them seemed like great guys. And then there were those people who just couldn't understand that they were being trolled by haters and simply saying ''0mg hatur, p0nies are aw3some!!!!'' without any actual motivation for the show being awesome. The other guys just seemed to have fun and be friendly towards eachother, and when someone asked something or made a mistake, they would make a polite correction, rather than ''omg f**king noob it's a burst-fire gun''. (Yeah, i'm looking at you, immature CoD kids) But anyway, i thought it seemed like a great community, and then i set off with courage in my heart to watch the first episode. *epic walking-into-sunset music* Edited July 26, 2012 by AppleShy Sparkle Better run, run, run, run, run. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quill The Pony. 175 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 I honestly didn't mind their interests. So, I let them be. I got curious and watched the show and enjoyed it. Now I'm a brony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Szmeszek 29 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 I had no idea what was going on with those ponies to the time mah friend told me JUST WATCH THIS and I liked it... so I had no idea that there is such an awesome fandom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Driz 1,552 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 I've been seeing the community increasing nonstop and I was a little confused, not sure if they were just a bunch of trolls or something. There was nothing much I could affirm before watching some episodes and getting to know the community better, so I finally decided to give it a try and I didn't regret it. Trinket | Helios | Lory Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kazuki Fuse 534 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 Flipping through channels one day, it was right when season 2 started, Return of Harmony part 2 was on, and I had briefly heard mention of MLP online (I had no idea the fanbase was so extensive though). Out of sheer boredom I left that channel on while I grabbed a sandwich. 5 minutes in I just recognized John deLancie's voice and was like "WTF is Q doing a voice on this show?" (although I actually only recognized the voice due to his appearance in season 2 of Breaking Bad.) So I watched it, actually had a few chuckles and it sparked enough interest that I wanted to see what happened in part 1. I enjoyed it so I decided to watch season 1. That was when I discovered bronies. I thought it was pretty awesome that there was this huge fanbase of art, music and fanfiction behind a show aimed at young girls. So I was pretty much a brony from the moment I started watching MLP. Eh? Nandatte? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ferret Girl 2,642 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 My friend Brad had invited me over to his house sometime in November of 2011, at the time I didnt know there was a new version of MLP And I had never heard the term Brony before. During a conversation of ours MLP somehow got brought up and he revealed to me that he liked it... Now I honestly thought that he was a little wierd at that moment, but I accepted it and shrugged it off because i was probably stranger than him even without mlp. However he kept trying to show me clips and pmvs of the show but I was resisting him. Eventually he got me to watch My little Pony with Censor beeps and the clip where fluttershy screams YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE ME!, and yeah they were kind of funny... when I went home I gave the show some thought and decided to watch it. Only one problem, I couldnt find episode 1 on youtube for some reason and had to start at episode 2 but still I bet you can guess what happened next! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apokatastasis 7 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 (edited) Didn't think anything of them really. I barely had any exposure to the fandom before I watched the show and liked it myself, though even before watching the show, I really thought nothing of it despite a certain curiosity as to what it was and why so many people apparently liked it. After I watched the first season I started delving into the community, and I was really bewildered as to why people got so into it, but I could say I understand it a lot better now, in my own way at any rate. There is something about it that clicks on a really deep level. I was actually introduced to this show through the Smile Song (which I loved from the first time I heard it) and Magic.MOV. Edited July 26, 2012 by apokatastasis I remember having very vivid ideas years ago about how the light that man wanted to shine across the universe has all but burned out. But truthfully, I suspect it's always been like this. Man just doesn't, and never will, have much light to shine to begin with. Yet still he builds his cities and empires, and ceaselessly seeks to gather more knowledge, perhaps in the delusion that he can make man's light burn a little brighter, desperate to find something of permanence, or perhaps something which might prove to him that mankind is a benefit to the Universe and to himself and that it is worth existing. But he will not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teh Boi 113 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 I used to be a hater like "them", but then I took a pony to the heart. (Don't kill me, I hate that meme too, but I had to, don't you understand?) 1 Signature goes here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeverNeverland 1,940 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 I didn't even know what a brony was at the time before I became one. I just saw My Little Brony, then I thought "...Jersey Shore guidos who watch MLP? What?", and kinda avoided that for a few days. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NostalgicPony 310 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 It never bothered me one bit, just like many other groups of people. It seems interesting though that people were into ponies though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Taco Horse 116 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 Honestly I used to think like other non-bronies and thought why the hay would guys watch a show for little girls. Then I gave the show an actual chance and here I am posting on a MLP messageboard and even dedicating a youtube channel to the brony community. Machine For Pigs - #6 l Abduction - #6 l Outlast - #8 l Clive Barker's Jericho - #11 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HunterTSN 1,444 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 (edited) I heard about the fanbase long before i even knew about the show, at first I thought it was weird but I didn't really mind, I actually thought it was cool people were doing it, anyway then I found out one of my best friends was one and she gave me a long list of good episodes to watch and I decided to give them a try, it hooked me immediately and ive been a brony since Edited July 26, 2012 by thesteampunkninja Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skar 324 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 I first thought it was just some weird thing the internet spawned, but I eventually winded up finding videos on YouTube. Although, I was still in the "Won't watch it cause I am manly" thought process, but that was just saying "I'm barely manly enough to be manly." So I finally watched an episode, jumping head first into the pilot. Then I found Equestria Daily. About a month later I came here and joined the family. Now I wear pony shirts and sing pony songs in public, and I have never felt more manly. It takes balls to wear fluttershy on your chest. 1 Sig made by Yours Truly. Want one of your own? PM Me! I've made some pretty awesome backgrounds. Check em' out! Check it out my first song! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheBeatlesPkmnFan42 33 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 I only knew of two, who I was watching on dA for other reasons. Before that, I didn't know about them. Di Gi Charat Fansite / Di Gi Charat Forums / Di Gi Charat Blog Puella Magi Madoka Magica Forum / Puffy AmiYumi Fansite Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unexard 50 July 26, 2012 Share July 26, 2012 My opinion stayed the same. Bronies are a bunch of over-reacting, over-exagerating, annoying kids who spam their shit everywhere thinking that it's THE ULTIMATE THING IN THE UNIVERSE and that everyone should know about it. They see references at their show where there is none and claim to be "something different" while they aren't. Like every fandom ever created in my book Yeah I know I'm an hypocrite I'm what once was, what now is and what shall be. Shall you be human, monster or god himself. If you threathen my childs, nothing will be left of you. I'm Unexard Iximarion! Master of this land. My name has no meaning but you'll remember it... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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