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Discere overdelighted with the sauce, began devouring hay bacon, since no other ponies seemed interested in eating it... except byron, but he was busy. Although he was busy devouring bacon... he kept a close ear on the conversation.

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But then Discere got the memo.. and he quckly brainstormed for ideas. "How could I have forgotten, Byron makes his own special sauces all the time, and might I add he is quite good at it" "Byron you can stop acting so nervous... he just gets like that when people ask him about his sauce, because he deosn't like all the extra attention."

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Byron shook his head. "Discere, no, it's time people know who I really am." Byron said. "If we don't tell them, we'll be holding onto a huge secret for all eternity. Might as well tell them..." Byron looked down at the floor.

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"Just tell me the truth. I'm becoming annoyed. I'd like this to remain civil, but if I can't get a straight answer, we will have to leave." Lapis said, giving them both a hard look. Asteria deflated a bit. She wasn't ready to leave yet.

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Discere gasped! But then shook his head as well "Byron isn't from here," he began"Take a seat , Byron is actually not a pony, he is a member of a species known as Hummus. Apparently these creatures come from another dimension and they are so technologically advanced that they have developed the ability to bend the light spectrum of another dimension and view it in theirs by these machines called televisions. Apparently they have been observing our world and refer to us as MY LITTLEST PONIES. And Byron once observed us and somehow was transported here in his sleep one night... becoming a pony."

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Byron nodded slowly, as Discere told everyone his story. "It's all true..." Byron said. "Discere was the first pony I ever met in Equestria. He helped me. If it weren't for him, I would still be lost and confused. And for the record, I am not a hummus, that's actually a kind of dip in the HUMAN world."

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Lapis Lazuli stared blankly at Discere. This all sounded like nonsense to him. Sure, in his line of work, he'd experienced many strange things. But this was the strangest yet. "Uh huh." It was all he could do to not leave then and there. "This all sounds very interesting, but I'd really like to see some proof. You can't just claim things and expect ponies to believe you on the spot." Asteria tilted her head and sat quietly. This certainly sounded more like a story then anything real. She wasn't given to flights of fancy, and really tried to see some truth in what Discere was saying.

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Discere explained " I thought he was insane at first to... no offense Byron, But he has a superior knowledge of everyone in ponyville and knows evry event that has happened in Ponyville and Canterlot in the past year in great detail... from observing us!"


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"That still proves nothing. Do you have any solid evidence?" Lapis said, getting up. He began to head for the door, but turned around, expecting an answer. Asteria continued to sit where she was. The little unicorn looked towards her pseudo-brother. "Please come back and sit down. I'm sure that they aren't crazy. Right guys?" She turned to face each of them, Lapis included. The blue stallion conceded and sat back down. "Perhaps you have something you could show me? Maybe something from this 'human world'?" he said with measured patience.

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Byron nodded. "Follow me." Byron said. He lead them to his underground hidden house. There, on his desk, was a television. "If this is not proof enough..." Byron turned on the tv to some channel called "Hub", and there it was, a show about Equestria. "See?" Byron said.

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Lapis couldn't believe his eyes. This strange device was showing him Equestria. On the screen were many of the ponies he'd seen around Ponyville. "How does this thing work? Is this some form of magic?" he asked, very confused. This mysterious thing was showing him Winter Wrap Up, but it wasn't even fall yet. Could this device be able to show him the past? "Whoa! What is this thing? Hey, what else can this, um, 'TV' do?" Asteria hopped forward to get a closer look. It was the strangest thing she'd even witnessed.

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"It can show you many things, some of the human world." Byron said. Byron switched it to a reality TV show, where there was a "thing" standing on 2 legs with fingers, wearing clothes. "That's a human." Byron said. Byron turned to Lapiz. "Believe me now? Byron said.

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This certainly convinced Lapis. It was the closest thing to a real "Human" he'd probably see. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you. But, I'm a scholar and have to have solid evidence. Would you be willing to answer a few questions?" He looked around for a note pad and writing implement. Asteria, knowing exactly what the look on Lapis's face meant, immediately brought a pencil and clipboard from her saddle bag. "Ready when you are, 'boss'." she said playfully.

((OOC: Why do you two keep writing Lapiz? It's not spelt with a "z". Lapis Lazuli is an actual stone.))

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((OOC: Sorry. I play minecraft, and I keep thinking Lapis is with a Z :P))


"I'm happy to answer any questions you have to ask me." Byron said. Byron sat down on hit metal chair, and waited for the questions.

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"Wow I had actually forgotten about your multidimensional box "((OOC: sorry I was gone again... I was having a talking to with some moderaters)) Discere stepped ever so closely to the box... there on the screen was her, Twilight Sparkle, the amazing lavender unicorn.Discere's eyes were locked on her, Twilight had to be one of the most amazing ponies that he had ever met... she was smart, well read, and she even lived in a library!. Discere's thoughts drifted.

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"Yeah, I see you like Twilight Sparkle." Byron said. Byron turned to Lapis. "By the way, just saying, in the human world, there are some people who, er, write stories about other ponies in... well... very special relationships. So... Yeah..." Byron was getting awkward, wishing he didn't say that. Humans could be SICK.

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"Alright, let's start with a few simple questions. What is the human world like? What does your species consume? What form of government does your world implement?" the blue stallion began. These were just the first questions that came to mind. If there was any truth to what Byron said, then Lapis could write a compelling piece on "humans". He just needed to find some more proof first. Asteria looked towards the blank flank unicorn. "What do you mean by 'very special relationships'? Do you mean in a romantic way?" The little unicorn became interested. The idea of romance stories intrigued her. "Er, wait, do you mean humans write about us without our permission? Do they make up stuff?"

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Onyx had just finished checking in on all the guards when his head started to heart. "Dang it, forgot my medication this morning." He said to himself, he had been suffering from constant migraines and the doctor had him take pills that helped a take them down a notch, and they worked wonders for his head. "Guess im gonna have to go home and get it." He said while turning twords his home.

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"Ok, uhmm... The human world is full of war at the moment. Horrible. One of the reasons I never go back. My species consumes things related to your foods, like bacon. But yours is hay. So I made that 'sauce' to make anything in this world taste like it would in the human world. My world has many governments, from democracy to oligarchy." Byron replied. He then turned to Asteria. "Humans do write about ponies without permission, and yes, some sick people even write about ponies having, uhh, sexual relations." Byron said. "Anything else?"

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Discere was still sitting in front of the tv. His eyes glued to it like a child, he was currently watching The worst Night ever, and his face was expressionless... like a zombie. Was it wrong that he found entertainment from this? he questioned himself about everything moral related to this show.

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"You know, Discere, in my world, it's bad to just sit there in front of the TV. It is supposed to hurt your eyes or something..." Byron said. Byron decided to make lunch for his guests. "So, what you guys want for lunch? I don't have much pony food, but alot of Human world food."

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Asteria shrank back in disgust. "Um, maybe we shouldn't talk about it then. Why do humans do that? Don't they respect ponies? What if the ponies from their stories read about themselves and didn't like what they saw? This human world sounds awful...." she said in rapid succession. Lapis just continued his questioning. "What do you call your world? How did you get here? What do you mean by 'go back'?" He looked back at his assistant to make sure she was still taking notes. Despite her discomfort, the little unicorn hadn't stop writing. "Don't worry, I'm doing my job." she said, smiling cheerily. Asteria wasn't going to let some stupid 'humans' and their stories get her down.

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Byron answered from the kitchen. "We call our planet 'Earth'. I don't know how I got here, all I remember is a bright light, Celestia's voice, I forget what she said, and here I was. By go back, I meant that I had met Twilight, and she offered to send me back, but I declined. So, what do you want for lunch, you two?"

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"I'd like a CLT sandwich." Lapis replied, following Byron into his kitchen. "This is an odd home. How did you acquire it?" Asteria trailed right behind the elder pony. "I want grass cakes. Oh wait, you said you don't have any pony food. What DO you have?" she chirped.

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