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open Life in Ponyville


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When she saw the colt come back she quickly put her act together and looked the other way, with her chin stuck up. This pony obviously wouldn't help her, and she wasn't about to let him talk to her after flinging her like that.

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Sky seeing how she would be unresponsive, hugged her hoping that would help. Then went back to go inside with his head drooping low and his feelings full of guilt. Once he got back inside and got into his bed he said to himself.


"Why does my life always have to be so complicated?!"


"I came here for a normal life, not drama..."

Edited by Twilight Sky
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The three of them made it in time to see Sky hug a mysterious mare and go inside. "Excuse me, but what transpired here? We heard somepony scream." Lapis inquired, drawing close. Asteria went around to the mare. "Hello, who are you? I don't think I've seen you before. Are you new to town?" she said, always looking for a new friend.

Edited by Coeus
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Star light was absolutely offended... first he refuses to answer her questions, then he flings her, and then.... he HUGGED her! HOW DARE HE she thought to herself... only her special sompony was allowed to hug her.... that was... if she could find him.


Star light ignnored whatever it is these ponies asked her. She darted to where they wer standing and immediatly asked Where is the pony called Discere!?" She knew he was here somewhere, and she wasn't going to lose him again!

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Sky just sat under his covers staring out the windows. Not knowing what to think or say or do other than just lay there. He was quite lonely here but he at least hoped Clover was doing fine. He just laid there by himself thinking...

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Clover hid behind lapis, seeing how angry this pegasis is. She didn't like seeing people angry at all, so she simply waited for Lapis to calm her down, seeing as how intelligent he seemed she though it would be easier to wait.


"What is this pony's deal..."

Edited by Dashery Rain Bowington
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Lapis stood there, not rustled in the slightest. "Ma'am if you'd calm down, perhaps I could help you." Lapis drew a deep breath and spoke again. "You say you seek Discere? I know a pony by that name. If you'd come with us, I could show you to your quandary."

Edited by Coeus
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This pony spoke with a sincere yet dull tone and Starlight- wait......... 'Discere' she heard him say.

"Why thank you, that would be lovely." she said in a cool collected and regal sounding voice. She followed them and remained silent as they walked.

Edited by TheBronyHeart
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The party trudged on towards the northern section of the Everfree border in silence. Soon, they came upon Discere's cottage. Lapis went up to the door and knocked. "Discere, it is Lapis Lazuli. Are you home? The is somepony who says she knows you."

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Discere sighed... there was always something to prevent him from reading his books. He had always liked reading ever since he woke up in that hospital in Manehatten, books were always his favorite hobby. "Hang on a minute I'm coming." He approached the door and opened it to se Lapis, Asteria, sompony he had never seen before and- and...... a white pegasus with a blue mane, and crystaline blue eyes. ... The mare, from his dream/memory? wha-? Discere wore about him a look of confusion and he stared at the group.

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"Discere, why do you look surprised to see us? Did we come at a bad time?" Lapis said, returning his own look of confusion. "You know this pony, correct? I didn't get her name, but she says she knows you."
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Starlight took one glance at Discere ... yup, smae blue and green mane, same teal eyes. That was enough for her, She quickly approached the colt and slammed her hoof into his face. "HOW DARE YOU!" she screamed with astonishing volume. "YOU LYING PRICK!" "How could you leave like that!" she began to tear up again.
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This reaction surprised Lapis. Asteria went forward, trying to intervene. "Wait, wait! What happened between you two?" she look at the two of them, and saw confusion on Discere's face. He probably had no more idea than her about what was going on.

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Discere was holding his now bloodied face and asked "Okay!, just WHO ARE YOU!" he stood back up and noticed the now crying mare.... she hoofed him, and SHE was crying? What did he ever do to her he wondered. This mare, FROM HIS DREAM, was now here at his home?


Star Light stopped crying long enough to give Discere a dirty look and then shoved a piece of paper into his rib cage. She then stormed out of the cottage.

Discere , still confused, opened up the folded and old looking piece of paper.


It was barely legible, as if a non unicorn filly or foal had written it. It read:


I discere do promise to be the wife of star light when we are grown up. Then we will live together forever.

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"Well, just another day in Ponyville, huh?" Lapis said sarcastically. It was kind of funny, really. The day he left the sanctity of his little home was the day things began to change. He hadn't expected such odd things to happen in this small town. Yet, some strange things had supposedly happened here before, so it perhaps it wasn't that weird after all. "What does it say?" Asteria asked, trying to grab the note.
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Clover looked at the hospital, still wondering if Sky was feeling better


"Lapis, i'm gonna go check on Sky real quick... I'll meat you back at your house I guess when i'm done checking on him, if you aren't still her of course." She said as she started to head towards the hospital.


Clover trotted up th stairs of the hospital, and found Sky's room, she hadn't entered yet because she was thinking about what to say,after about 20 minutes, she entered and without checking if he was asleep or not, she said.


"Hey Sky are you feeling better??" She said almost surprisingly.

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Discere thought he was confused before... now he couldnt even speak. He handed the note to Asteria and plopped right down and began contemplating. If he had actually wrote that then he assumed it was a relic from before he lost his memory, and that they definitly knew eachother, the note seemed like something really close friends might have done when they were too young to know what they were even doing.

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Asteria read the note and looked at Discere. "You wrote this? Maybe that's why that mare was mad. It seems a little weird though. Did you write this when you were a foal?" Lapis Lazuli closed the door went up to the distraught earth pony. "Perhaps you could tell us a little bit about your background? That mare clearly knew you."

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Come to think about it, Discere had never told them about his life... they sat down for a long conversation.

He told them about how he woke up in a hospital with no memories, save the one. He told them about how he left manehatten to explore Equestria, and how he had met Zecora. he then told them about his move to ponyville and everything that had happened up utill he met them. ...... He stared at them expectantly.

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"That is certainly very interesting. I've never dealt with an amnesiac pony before. Although, I could try and guess at the cause. You probably had a traumatic experience, or more likely, physical trauma. What did the doctors tell you at the hospital?" Lapis asked after a moment of thinking. Asteria remained silent, a bit awestruck.
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"Yes it was a trumatic physical experiance that caused it, the doctors ,when I was brought in, said that I was lucky to be alive. But no one there knew who I was." "And like I said, after that I tried to find a life in the city, but I just couldn't... so I left"


((OOC: I will be eating dinner very soon and then I will probably go offline and play some super nintendo, YAY retro gaming!))

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"Well, the only link to your past would be this mare. I suggest you go out and find her. If you'll excuse me, I'd like to return home. I hope we can talk again later." Lapis replied, walking out the door. Asteria put the note down and left with her pseudo-brother. "Buh bye Discere, I hope you find out who you are." she said on the way out.
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Seeing as how the Colt still had not woken up, Clover decided to leave and head back to Lupis' house, she got about halfway there when she noticed Lupis and Asteria walking away from somepony's house, she joined up with them and was now getting impatient.


"Hey you two, now that all that has settled, could you please teach me about my powers now?" She asked eagerly

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"Of course he will! Lapis has some books and he's really smart too!" Asteria responded. "Alright then, we should hurry home then. The day has only just begun." Lapis said with mild enthusiasm. It was probably going to be hard work, but he was going to try. Edited by Coeus
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