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Classic melody, classic solos, classic lyrics, all around classic song. 9.5/10 Only due to the fact that classic rock isn't one of my favorite genres.



The analysis is a might'bit awkward, so I'll post an analysis/translation my good friend David (WiponCat on the forums) wrote out.


Also, this is a freestyle; in comparison to others, this is pretty nice.






DN = David's Notes


Okej, så här är det

Okay, It's like this


Man kan fråga sig vad som är värre

one can ask himself what's worse


Att 5% har blitt nazister i Sverige

that 5% has become nazis in sweden


Medan gemene man bara talar om vädret

while the average man(DN: 'gemene man' is the average sweed, as in comparison to Average Joe) only talks about the weather


Fram med gevären, nämen

Get out the rifles, *expression of realization, surprised*


50% procent röstar alliansen för arbetaren

50%'s voting for the alliance (DN: blue block, liberal parties) for the working man


Hoppas du har fina levervärden

Hope you have good liver-values


Och ring fan inte mig om du blir sjukskriven

And don't (f*cking) call me if you get put on the sick-list (DN: unable to work)


Skattebetalarna betalar fritidsgårdar och föreläsningssalar

The taxpayers pay Youth Recreation Centers and lecture rooms


Ställ frågan, om Jimmy får besvara blir nog Dawit Isaaks kvar i Asmara

ask the question, if Jimmy (DN: Reffering to Jimmy Åkesson) is to answer Dawit Isaaks probably remains in Asmara


Som om det inte hänt, borde skickat airforcet för länge sen

as if it never happened, should have sent the air force long ago


Om nu ändå hans namn bara varit svenskt

If his name only would have been swedish


Hade Calle Bildt fått hem honom med ett SMS

Calle(DN: Nick for Carl) Bildt would have retrieved him with a text(DN: The eng. abbreviation SMS is used in Sweden, it's for Short Message Service)


Pasta, sojakorv, 2 ägg, 6 minuter klockan 12

Pasta, Soy sausage, 2 eggs, 6 minutes 12 o' clock


I övrigt är jag precis som vanligt folk

otherwise I'm just like normal people


Och pryder bara mina väggar med äkta konst

and only adorn my walls with real art








Fredagskväll, kommer hem, en veckans jobb

Friday night, coming home, a week of work


Men nu har jag ju inte nått vanligt jobb

But now I don't have any regular job


Och köper bara vinflaskor med skruvkork

And only buys wine bottles with bottle caps(DN: the cheaper sort, that is)


Korka upp o-o-o

Open up and


Hit the road Jack


Stabila förhållande ti-till Prozac

Stable relationships to Prozac


Blandar mig en kaffetår med konjak

Blend myself a coffee tear with Konjak


Och knappar på TV:n lagom till Conan O' Brien, Barbaren

And zap on the TV just in time for Conan O' Brien, The barbarian


Ibland är det ner, berg och dalbana

Sometimes It's down, Rollercoaster


Ibland tummen upp, sjukvård, Obama

Sometimes It's thumbs up, health care, Obama


Känner mig Torsten Flinck, nynnar Zap Mama

Feeling Torsten Flinck, humming Zap Mama


Glider ner för gatan

Sliding down the street


Hör hur jag pratar

hear how I talk


Pappa, är det han? Jo, det kan det vara

Dad, is it him? That it can be


Boxer Robert förklädd till Sinatra, flyger till månen aldrig tillbaka

Boxer Robert (DN: Guy in animated commercial for equivalence to TIVO) disguised as Sinatra, fly to the moon, never back


Tillbaka, tillbaka till framtiden

Back, back to the future


Så före min tid att du blir efterbliven

So before my time that you become retarded


Så oldskool att jag avlider

So oldskool that I decease


Så offbeat att jag avbryter

So offbeat that I cancel


Edited by Moosefullaeggs




Physical Health: 6/10
Mental Health: -0.527/e


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Oh it's THAT song. The chorus is kinda catchy, but the rest of the song was kinda meh to me.



The video is kinda nsfw... well not really, I mean it's just fruits but.. oh well you'll see

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7/10, I never really cared for Linkin Park's sound but I suppose its a fairly decent song

And now for a different type of music..


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